#fear in the night 1972
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birdkeeperklink · 1 month ago
Spoilers because I'm angry ranting ahead: Just thinking about Fear in the Night again and how casually it's mentioned that Michael lost his arm
in a fire that happened out of nowhere because he grabbed the fire can to put it out and it just happened to have an accelerant in it instead of water, which no one would do accidentally, so Molly totally set the fire and put that in the fire can to try to kill him and killed innocent students instead, so she's already a murderer and on her second attempt to kill her intended victim by the time we meet her.
Like she somehow thought her convoluted scheme to seduce Robert and trick Peggy into killing him in what she would think is self-defence would go completely unnoticed by Michael just because she assumed he was too traumatised to put any of the first incident together even though it's incredibly obvious the fire can thing would never happen by mistake. I hate that bitch, lol.
Not that Robert is blameless, obviously. He's just as bad or worse. But the movie never elaborates on the fire and her very likely being behind it, and it just enrages me that she got away with killing those boys and leaving Michael with the guilt of not being able to save them for so long. She didn't suffer enough, tbh, her death was too quick, it should've been her shooting Robert. But then, maybe Michael wouldn't have had the heart to hang Molly, even knowing all she'd done, so I suppose it was for the best, for his sake.
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papsiguesss · 3 months ago
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He’s still stuck in my head so I drew a portrait of Michael ☺️
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creepynostalgy · 7 hours ago
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Joan Colllins in Fear In The Night (1972)
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haveyouseenthishorrormovie · 6 months ago
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SUMMARY: A young woman recovering from a nervous breakdown moves with her husband to a boys' school, and finds herself being terrorized by a mysterious one-armed man, but nobody believes her.
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abs0luteb4stard · 4 months ago
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moviesandmania · 1 year ago
FEAR IN THE NIGHT (1972) Reviews of the Hammer psychological thriller
Fear in the Night is a 1972 British psychological horror thriller film produced and directed by Jimmy Sangster from a screenplay co-written with Michael Syston. The Hammer Film production stars Judy Geeson (10 Rillington Place, Inseminoid), Joan Collins (Tales from the Crypt), Ralph Bates and Peter Cushing. Fear in the Night was the last of three features directed by Hammer screenwriter/producer…
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autolenaphilia · 1 year ago
Blu-ray DRM is really devilish. I use a program called makemkv to rip them, because there is no other way to play them on my laptop, and there are no legit linux options for blu-ray playback, you have to crack the drm to play them. The easiest solution is makemkv to rip the movies into files, it works out of the box.
But if the level of drm (aacs) on a particular blu-ray is higher than what Makemkv can handle, the disk will update the firmware on your drive to revoke access to makemkv, so it can't access any blu-rays.
"One famous “feature” of AACS is a so-called host revocation. It was designed to ensure that only “approved” software can use your drive. Every Blu-ray disc contains a file that has a list of host keys known to be used by "unauthorized" software. This list has a version number. The moment you insert the disc into your drive, the drive checks if the list is newer than the one it knows about, and if it is, the drive re-flashes itself (updates firmware)."
And that happened to me. It was a blu-ray of the 1972 Hammer horror movie Fear in the Night that did it. The one program that works with my blu-ray player now couldn't access any discs, including ones it had ripped before. And there are absolutely zero linux programs that are authorized to playback blu-ray discs.
I had to flash my drive's firmware to allow something called libredrive, which allows direct access to files and bypasses the aacs drm firmware.
And that was quite the journey. I had makemkv installed as a flatpak via my distro's software manager. and I needed to use the command line. Flatpaks are a great packaging format. but they are primarily for gui apps. So i had to build makemkv from source. And then I had to figure out the commandline for the firmware flashing tool included with makemkv, which was hard because the instructions linked flat out lie. There is no "flash" command for sdftools, there is only "rawflash", you have to read the thread carefully to find that out. This page helped. I had to download new patched libredrive firmware.
And finally i figured out the command I needed ""sdftool -d [drive name] rawflash main,enc -i [new firmware file name].bin. And now I can use my blu-ray drive again. It's now libredrive.
So much work to finally be able to use the drive I paid for, and the blu-ray discs I also paid for. I'm not running some major piracy operation, I just want to be able to watch movies I legally own on my laptop. And drm stopped me, and I had to break it.
This is why DRM is so bad, and anyone who uses it deserves all the piracy they are trying to stop with it. It's scummy to take someone's money and then interfere with their ability to use the copy of the products they own and paid for. It's such atrocious treatment of the customer that anyone who does it deserves to have their stuff pirated.
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spaceofentropy · 2 months ago
My Stranger Things Fics
... divided by ship and then in chronological order from older to more recent.
No ship
What doesn't kill you makes you a monster - 6165 words; rated M; HEED THE TAGS!; body horror and angst as Steve turns into a half-demobat after all those demobat bites.
Harringrove (Billy/Steve)
Amok - 1927 words; rated T; modern AU where Billy and HoH!Steve stumble upon Billy's mom years later, by chance, in a mall. Angst and messy feelings galore.
Come close - 2965 words; rated T; a meet ugly (you'll see) in a cyberpunk AU.
I just came to say... - 3807 words; rated T; modern AU with hard of hearing Steve's meet cute with Billy in the club!
What doesn't kill you might become your friend - 29005 words; rated E; angst and monsterfucking in the woods. AKA "the one in which werewolf!Billy catches one glimpse of demobat!Steve and goes ABSOLUTELY WOULD!" Starts where 'What doesn't kill you makes you a monster' ends.
In all the worst way - 3443 words; rated G; secret romantic Billy's meet cute with his new hot neighbor.
An affinity for dead things - 67605 words; rated E; necromancer!Steve steals Billy's body from his tomb after Starcourt to resurrect his crush, as one does. Try graverobbing today! It's fun for all the family!
Birthday Boy - 1972 words; rated T; Frat boys Harringrove? Frat boys Harringrove!
A Pirate's Life For Me - 848 words; rated G; a quick prelude to a Princess Bride AU.
Time travel is real - 38738 words; rated E (for blood, not smut); an AU about time travel, pining, and the constant fear of screwing up. Aka: the fix-it fic in which I make everything worse before it gets better.
Flesh for Fantasy - 32474 words; rated E; angsty AU full of pining in which if you Fantasize about someone, that person feels it on their skin. Someone has been Fantasizing about Steve, but they're not sexual Fantasies, just the softest, most restrained touches ever.
As You Wish - 28677 words; rated M; my Princess Bride AU.
The paths of winter - ONGOING; rated E (for some violence); a D&D-esque AU where prince Billy is on a mission for his father and there's an annoying paladin named Steve escorting him to his destination.
Mantras for Maladjusted Mammals - 3395 words; rated G; soulmates, fratboys, and waking up after some bad decisions the night before.
I'm hungry like a wolf - 4141 words; rated T; werewolf AU!
Mungrove (Billy/Eddie)
In plain sight - 4782 words: rated T; Billy vows he won't have fun during the school trip at some science museum. He's not even supposed to be here today!
Free fall - 9250 words: rated M; Mungrove! In space!
Metalsandwich (Billy/Eddie/Steve)
Of soulmates and colors - 78235 words; rated E; very angsty soulmates AU where the world goes into color thanks to your soulmate, but it's more complicated than that, and Upside Down shit abounds. Also, Munson twins!
The hawk, the wolf, and the mouse - 7246 words; rated T; Ladyhawke, but make it gay and with a polycule as the endgame.
Munver/Tigerfreak (Eddie/Jason)
Unscripted - 22889 words; rated E; a no Upside Down AU in which Jason broke his arm and Eddie is helping him with stuff. Enemies to fuckbuddies to lovers with a lot of internalized homophobia.
Wish I Had An Angel - 4473 words; rated E; HEED THE TAGS!; PWP and monsterfucking and a lot of blasphemy all rolled into one weird burrito of altar sex.
Spellcasting & Spitroasting - 21567 words; rated E; a D&D-esque AU. A spell gone wrong, one Jason, five Eddies, a lot of porn. HEED THE TAGS!
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vermutandherring · 1 year ago
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"Robert the Bruce, King of Scotland" is a poem by the Ukrainian writer Lesya Ukrainka, written in 1893. When creating the poem, the writer notes facts that can't be found in the works of other writers (such as Walter Scott or Robert Burns) and somewhat intersperses certain historical facts to give the work a more heroic sound. Thus, highlighting the struggle of the Scottish people for their independence, Lesya Ukrainka draws a parallel with the Ukrainian people, who also suffer from oppression (at that time by the Russian Empire).
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And perhaps I would never have paid attention to this work if it were not for the linocut of the Ukrainian graphic artist Heorhiy Malakov. I saw this very work in my childhood at my grandparents' country house. Looking at me from the wall of a half-darkened room, wrapped in the smell of dampness, this knight, unknown to me at the time, frightened me considerably (the glint on the lying glove always reminded me of a blade instead of a finger). It's interesting to watch how our childhood fears dissipate over time.
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Night hike. Illustration for W. Scott's novel Quentin Durward, 1972.
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Malakov was very fond of the theme of chivalry and piracy, often depicting courtly scenes, feasts, entertainment and various funny skits. He also made illustrations for Giovanni Boccaccio's Decameron, in the characters of which he reflected not only the cheerful mood of the stories themselves, but also his own life-loving nature.
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Selling barrel. Based on the Decameron by J. Boccaccio, 1966.
I spent insane amount of time photoshopping cover picture, but the colors are still weird e_e
Game: The Sims 4 CC credits:
Horse: Knight Set by @objuct, reins are photoshopped.
Knight: Chainmail Coif by @simmiev2 | Generic City Guard Armor by @notsooldmadcatlady | Sherri Cape by MSSIMS | Shoulder pads from FF XIV Innocence set by plazasims
P.S. My inner 'designer' died on that cover picture.
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kwebtv · 6 months ago
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TV Guide - September 19 - 25, 1964
Fall Preview:  1964 - 1965 Shows
12 O'Clock High  (September 18, 1964 – January 13, 1967)
ABC Scope  (November 11, 1964 – March 2, 1968)
The Addams Family  (September 18, 1964 – April 8, 1966)
Bewitched  (September 17, 1964 – March 25, 1972)
The Bing Crosby Show  (September 14, 1964 – April 19, 1965)
Broadside  (September 20, 1964 – May 2, 1965)
F.D.R.  (January 8, 1965 - July 23, 1965)
Jonny Quest  (September 18, 1964 – March 11, 1965)
The King Family Show  (January 23, 1965 – September 10, 1969)
Mickey  (September 16, 1964 – January 13, 1965)
No Time for Sergeants  (September 14, 1964 – May 3, 1965)
Peyton Place  (September 15, 1964 – June 2, 1969)
Shindig!  (September 16, 1964 – January 8, 1966)
The Tycoon  (September 15, 1964 – April 27, 1965)
Valentine's Day  (September 18, 1964 – May 7, 1965)
Voyage to the Bottom of the Sea  (September 14, 1964 – March 31, 1968)
Wendy and Me  (September 14, 1964 – May 24, 1965)
The Baileys of Balboa  (September 24, 1964 – April 1, 1965)
The Cara Williams Show  (September 23, 1964 – April 21, 1965)
The Celebrity Game (April 6, 1964 - September 13, 1964 / April 8, 1965 - September 9, 1965)
The Entertainers  (September 25, 1964 –March 27, 1965)
Fanfare (June 19, 1965 - September 11, 1965)
For the People  (January 31 – May 9, 1965)
Gilligan's Island   (September 26, 1964 – April 17, 1967)
Gomer Pyle, U.S.M.C.  (September 25, 1964 – May 2, 1969)
Many Happy Returns  (September 21, 1964 – April 12, 1965)
Mr. Broadway  (September 26 – December 26, 1964)
The Munsters  (September 24, 1964 – May 12, 1966)
My Living Doll  (September 27, 1964 – March 17, 1965)
On Broadway Tonight  (July 8, 1964 - March 12, 1965)
Our Private World  (May 5 – September 10, 1965)
The Reporter  (September 25 – December 18, 1964)
World War One  (September 22, 1964 - April 18, 1965)
90 Bristol Court  (October 5, 1964 - January 4, 1965)
Branded  (January 24, 1965 – September 4, 1966)
Cloak of Mystery  (May 11 - August 8, 1965)
Daniel Boone  (September 24, 1964 – May 7, 1970)
The Famous Adventures of Mr. Magoo  (September 19, 1964 – April 24, 1965)
Flipper  (September 19, 1964 – April 15, 1967)
Harris Against the World   (October 5, 1964 - January 4, 1965)
Hullabaloo  (January 12, 1965 – August 29, 1966)
International Showtime (September 15, 1961 - September 10, 1965)
Karen  (October 5, 1964 – April 19, 1965)
Kentucky Jones  (September 19, 1964 – April 10, 1965)
The Man from U.N.C.L.E.  (September 22, 1964 – January 15, 1968)
Moment of Fear (May 19 - September 15, 1964 /  25 May 25 - August 10, 1965)
NBC Wednesday Night at the Movies (September 16, 1964 - September 8, 1965)
Profiles in Courage   (November 8, 1964 – May 9, 1965)
The Rogues  (September 13, 1964 – April 18, 1965)
Tom, Dick and Mary  (October 5, 1964 - January 4, 1965)
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strugglingwriterwattpad · 2 years ago
Regulus Black Teaser
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Year one 1972-1973 11-12
“Stop staring regulus is very unbecoming! Filthy half-bloods” Regulus’ mother spoke with venom. The young first-year couldn’t help himself. the girl clutching onto her brother's arm was beautiful to him. baby cheeks flushed rose with nerves a light dusting of dents and scratches decorated her face very similar to her brother's own. He knew of the Lupins from Sirius over the summer. The older black had given his brother a full rundown of his friends. There was James Potter who couldn’t wait to be on the quidditch team, Peter Pettigrew wanted to be just like Sirius and James, and finally Remus Lupin a very intelligent boy with a love for chocolate. Sirus had mentioned that a younger lupin would also be joining Regulus’ year. But he failed to mention just how pretty she would be. Regulus quickly obeyed his mother feeling the burn of her angry stare towards him. “don’t even think about talking to her regulus black I will not have our blood tainted by their traitor.” She growled.
(Y/N) jade lupin followed her brother onto the train after a long farewell from her father. She wished her mother was there also, but the growing fear of the dark lord and his followers made it impossible for her to be safe on the platform. “what if I don’t make friends Remus?” she stuttered watching her brother take their cases and place them in the sturdy storage above their heads. “you’re worrying too much (Y/N). even if you don’t make friends for a bit, you have me. My friends know about me, so they’ll also be willing to help you.” She nodded her head slightly before a blur of silver caught her gaze. An open bar of muggle chocolate. “calm down and eat some.”  
Remus was a pale-faced pre-teen also covered in scars. His hair was light brown hair that, was already starting to go grey from his ‘illness’. Stress can do a lot to a witch or wizard. (Y/N) knew it was only a matter of time the silver jumped to her hair. “finally got away!” the siblings quickly locked eyes on the boy barging into the carriage like a herd of wildebeest. Sirius black. (y/N) could never deny Sirius was handsome. Dark luscious curls that just touched his shoulders with matching dark eyes filled with mischief. Next to tumble in was James potter. He was very similar to Sirius, James was a tall, thin boy with hazel eyes and untidy black hair that stuck up at the back. The final boy to enter the compartment was Peter Pettigrew. He was the largest of the group and the shortest with mousy brown hair and silver eyes. “well, well well this must be the little lupin we’ve heard so much about!” James seemed extremely ecstatic to meet (Y/N) shaking her hand hard. “it’s nice to meet you all.” she stuttered smiling brightly at their welcoming personalities. This was going to be a very interesting year indeed.
The great hall was everything Remus had described. The ceiling was filled with beautiful night sky stars twinkling down like it was real. Floating candles scattered around flickering brightly. The whole room was filled with students all watching the first years as they entered. “now when I call your name,” Professor McGonagall began, “I shall place the sorting hat on your head, and you shall be sorted into your houses.” (Y/N) could instantly tell the professor cared for her students her stern expression fought with her floaty voice of passion and upper-class education. “regulus black.” (Y/N) watched as a boy walked towards the stool almost nervous. Instantly she could tell he was a pureblood. The young boy stood as straight as a pencil nothing seemed imperfect. His curly hair was styled with no frizz or kinks, his face clean of freckles dirt or imperfections of any kind. The only thing she could see of any difference to purebloods was his eyes. They swirled with every natural colour possible. But something so bright and vibrant was clouded with a layer of grey mist an emotionless gaze. The boy sat gracefully on the stool as the sorting hat was placed on top of his head. “Slytherin!” the hat barely brushed his hard curls before screeching the ‘dark house’. (Y/N) watched as he walked towards the emerald, green table still no emotions. “(Y/N) Lupin!”
Regulus watched the girl from the train. He didn’t blink, he didn’t move. He finally got a better look at the tiny girl from the station. And he was captivated. He had never seen a child so small and dainty. She still had an amount of baby fat on her cheeks like an innocent chipmunk. Her hair was tied in a braid low to the neck with light wisps of baby hair framing her face. But her eyes were the best part of Regulus. In contrast to his murky eyes, hers with bright and full of wonder, like a kaleidoscope. “now here's a challenge!” the hat murmured cackling as the girl bit her pink lips. “so many traits for such a small child. The intelligence of a Ravenclaw, the bravery of a Gryffindor, the loyalty of a Hufflepuff…but the ambition that radiates from you girl. Better be Slytherin!”
The portion of the table Regulus sat on snickered and laughed as the small girl walked towards the table. She sat down slowly away from everyone out of fear. He couldn’t blame her. “look at the little duckling. She couldn’t hurt a fly.” Bellatrix snickered towards Lucius and Narcissa. “she's gonna be eaten alive. Filthy half-blood.” Regulus knew his first year was going to be very strange.
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papsiguesss · 3 months ago
Fear in the Night fix-it AU thoughts
Just wanted to share my ideas with those interested 🙂
So initially when watching the film, Michael really took my heart and I thought he was such an intriguing character… only for him to not get as much as screen time as I would have liked and his story to… not get the most satisfying ending. So we’re fixing that!
So the film ends with the police being called to the boarding school as Michael retreats back into his habits of playing pretend, right? In this AU, the police immediately spot Robert’s body hanging from the tree in front of the building, spot Michael who’s not 100% sound of mind and most likely hallucinating to some extent and after trying to get information out of him, they send Michael to an asylum, both because of his pretences of the school still being there and because they suspect him of murder.
(Michael does not give the police any useful information. In my head, all that happened that night is a blur to him that his mind is trying to suppress HARD. Because of his weak mental state and inability to explain himself, no one even considers that he only resorted to self defence.)
Confused as to what is going on, Michael finds himself completely breaking down in this new and unfamiliar environment, trying to find comfort in the past again but finding himself unable to do so. For extra whump ideas I imagined the asylum staff taking his left arm prosthetic from him because they deem him ‘violent’. He is just constantly reminded of his time at the hospital after the fire which just drives him into a panic more and more, but the people at the asylum just see him as a deranged murderer and don’t do anything to help him.
Enter Dr. James Grey (who’s based on Lee of course), one of the asylum’s newer psychiatrists who happens to hear Michael scream in his sleep while doing the rounds. He feels the need to help him and while it’s hard, they slowly but surely establish a connection and James start to help improve Michael’s conditions, such as taking over his case and seeing to his prosthetic being returned to him.
Eventually, James realises that what Michael needs is a stable life outside of confinement, as he believes it’s the only way his mental state will improve and he’ll be able to finally live a life that isn’t just hiding away in memories. By pulling a few favours he manages to get Michael over to a small cottage in the country where he can have a bit more of a ‘normal’ life, while James stays with him, initially only to take care of him as his physician.
They start to fall in love however, though Michael has some fears about this, seeing that his late wife tried to murder him. I imagine he secretly just feels like a burden to everyone around him once he realised that the ones that were taking care of him secretly hated him and I think he has some… lingering issues from all that, to say the least. I also imagine there are a lot of gaps in his memory and he would constantly try to retreat back into his habits of playing headmaster, and James would have to remind him that he’s ‘on break’. (I imagine James not bluntly breaking Michael’s illusion, instead working through it gently, considering his patient’s delicate mental state)
I also think that the reason Michael so heavily leans into playing pretend with his memories is that he did not really have anything to go to once the school closed down. It’s a boarding school so he has to be there basically all the time so… I imagine he does not really have contacts outside of the school. His wife is no more, so… he feels like he does not have much to live for outside of his role as headmaster. James of course resolves to show Michael that there is still so much left to live for in his life, and thanks to him Michael does realise that and slowly starts to build up his life again, this time with James by his side.
Anyways thanks for reading my infodump I hope it was enjoyable 😅
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marypickfords · 1 year ago
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A Warning to the Curious (Lawrence Gordon Clark, 1972) Unfriended: Dark Web (Stephen Susco, 2018)
“The template for the perfect scary story is pretty much set in stone, and it’s unlikely that any technological advancement is going to change that. The ghost tales devised by the Victorian writer M.R. James at the beginning of the 20th century will remain the bedrock for the genre as we know it. [...] [H]e alighted upon and would consistently return to a basic, endlessly reproducible scenario: an antiquarian or scholar, usually fusty, male, and set in his ways, comes into possession of a relic, manuscript or other object of mysterious provenance and great interest, and this item turns out in some way to be haunted and/or coveted by the being who once owned it. [...]
One of the few recent horror movies that gave me the particularly Jamesian pit-of-stomach dread that comes from peeking a little too far below the surface of our seemingly safe everyday existence is 2018’s Unfriended: Dark Web, Stephen Susco’s rigorously conceived sequel to the also impressive yet more predictably moralizing Unfriended (2014). It’s perhaps a film that few would upon first glance consider classical or elegantly shaped, yet Dark Web’s ruthless exploitation of contemporary fears—of losing one’s identity, of being found out, of making one wrong misstep that has everlasting consequences—are firmly rooted in the scary story template. In “Oh Whistle,” the young professor Perkins absconds with an ancient, hieroglyphic-laden whistle he discovers buried in the sand amongst the groynes of a coastal town in eastern England; he later makes the mistake of blowing it. In Unfriended: Dark Web, our ostensible hero Matias (Colin Woodell), pilfers a laptop from a coffee house’s lost and found; it’s not as magical as the strange artifact buried on a rocky shore, but it’s useful for his purposes, and, like Perkins, he definitely should have left it where found it.
As in the classic ghost story, the owners of the object are coming back to claim it—in this case black-hooded figures who might be real, but who appear as staticky, pixellated manifestations of otherworldly evil. Or perhaps underworldly evil: as the title implies, this thing goes deep, man, all the way down to the heavily encrypted world of darknet that has inspired countless contemporary urban legends, here envisioned as a journey to Hades by rowboat, animated with rudimentary, Atari-era graphics. As though they’ve been hit with a fatal computer virus, all of his friends—who have gathered in their respective spaces to partake of “game night”—also are, in a sense, infected by association. The film’s logic is like a less literal Ringu: as soon as one sees the horrifying images, there’s no way back. The excavations of the dark web are essentially files buried deep within our collective subconscious.”  — Michael Koresky, A Few Great Pumpkins XIV
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aletterinthenameofsanity · 5 months ago
Art References for Chapter 5 of undernearth the sunrise (show me where your love lies)
Yes, hi- surprise epilogue time!
Moonlit Night on the Dnieper, Arkhip Kuindzhi, 1880
“Let me get your old bones up on the roof, grandpa,” Monty says, flashing Edwin a smirk.
“You are three years younger than us, do not act like we are cradle snatchers,” Edwin says with a roll of the eyes even as he fixes his gaze on the door to the roof, a determined glint in his eyes that sparkles against the dark attic like Kuindzhi’s moon over the Dnieper river. He unbuttons his suit jacket and rolls back the cuffs on his button-up to whistles from both Monty and Charles. “God, why do I put up with you two?”
“Because you love us,” Charles says at the same time that Monty says, “Because we’re fantastic influences and you know it.”
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The Gates of Time Square, Chryssa, 1972
"The thing about going to England is that Monty kind of expected it to give him a new perspective on Edwin and Charles. To tell him more about the places that they grew up, the places that shaped them, the places that raised them.
And it has, in a lot of ways. It showed him the kind of people that they could have turned out to be but didn't. Because they were better than the world that they grew up in. Because they were more open-minded, because they were determined to become better people, because they have always been the brightest thing in every room they’re in, as neon bright as Chryssa’s tributes to the city that never sleeps."
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Symphony of the sixth blast furnace, Evgeny Sedukhin, 1979
"Nowadays, Charles isn’t as nervous about taking up space. About knowing his own worth. He could have gone up to Simon and told him exactly what he thought and not been afraid of the consequences. 
But Monty deserves a place to be brilliant, too. A place to take up space without fear. A place to be as explosively bright as that Sedukhin painting he showed them last month in his Modernism textbook, rambling on about light and values and the tenets of Soviet Realism."
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Young Woman in a Niche with a Parrot and Cage, Gerrit Dou, 1660-65
"Monty thinks about Esther and Tommy and that studio apartment that should have meant freedom but instead kept him trapped within his mother's arms with only the illusion of freedom. He was a bird able to leave its cage, but never able to fly away from its master, like one of the several copies Gerrit Dou made of his ladies and parrots and cages."
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Nocturne, James McNeill Whistler, 1870-77
"As they descend out of the clouds and onto a waking Atlanta, Georgia, where they'll transfer to their flight to London, Monty can’t help but think about Whistler’s Nocturne series, the grays and blue and golds, the early morning light bleeding into dark in the same way that Whistler’s nighttime scapes did."
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The Boulevard Montmartre at Night, Camille Pissarro, 1897
"Monty has taken to driving to the sports foundation’s tiny office at the local high school in order to pick up Charles after his own shifts at the museum, where Monty finally went full-time at the end of the summer, leading to him finally being able to quit his gas station job. He’s been so much more at ease since then, finally in his element, bright as the lanterns flickering in one of the Pissarro paintings that Monty loves so much."
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@deadboy-edwin @icecreambrownies @anonymousbooknerd-universe @ashildrs
@tragedy-machine @orpheusetude @jaysbraindump
@pappelsiin @itsbitmxdinhere @rexrevri @sweet-like-h0ney-lavender @saffirez
@the-ipre @sunnylemonss @days-light @agentearthling @helltechnicality
@sethlost @catboy-cabin @secretlyafiveheadeddragon @vyther15
@anything-thats-rock-and-roll @queen-of-hobgobblers @every-moment-a-different-sound
@nix-nihili @mellxncollie @tumblerislovetumblerislife @lemurafraidofthunder
@likemmmcookies @wr0temyway0ut @thelakeswillbreakourfall
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lonelyzarquon · 2 years ago
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Peter Cushing in Fear in the Night (1972)
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haveyouseenthishorrormovie · 6 months ago
Stats from Movies 1601-1700
Top 10 Movies - Highest Number of Votes
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Jaws (1975) had the most votes with 940 votes. The Last Winter (2006) had the least votes with 353 votes.
The 10 Most Watched Films by Percentage
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Jaws (1975) was the most watched film with 67.4% of voters out of 940 saying they had seen it. The World Is Full of Secrets (2018) had the least "Yes" votes with 0,2% of voters out of 420.
The 10 Least Watched Films by Percentage
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Leatherface (2017) was the least watched film with 66.6% of voters out of 515 saying they hadn’t seen it. Fired (2010) had the least "No" votes with 7,4% of voters out of 392.
The 10 Most Known Films by Percentage
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Jaws (1975) was the best known film, 0,3% of voters out of 940 saying they’d never heard of it.
The 10 Least Known Films by Percentage
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Fired (2010) was the least known film, 91.8% of voters out of 392 saying they’d never heard of it.
The movies part of the statistic count and their polls below the cut.
Headgame (2018) Loop Track (2023) Tarot (2024) Şeytan (1974) Broadcast Signal Intrusion (2021) The Guest (2014) Red Eye (2005) Picnic at Hanging Rock (1975) Yummy (2019) The Manor (2021)
Boys From County Hell (2020) Totally Killer (2023) I Saw the TV Glow (2024) Curse of the Werehuahua (2021) Alive (2018) Come To Daddy (2019) The Devil's Backbone (2001) Jaws (1975) High Tension (2003) Cape Fear (1991)
Below (2002) The Last Winter (2006) The 13th Warrior (1999) Run Sweetheart Run (2020) Meander (2020) Fired (2010) The Jack in the Box: Awakening (2022) Bed of the Dead (2016) The Vanishing (1988) The Eye (2002)
Mind-Ripper (1995) The Editor (2014) Thale (2012) Feed Me (2022) Organ (1996) The Severed Arm (1973) Night of the Demon (1957) ClownDoll (2019) The Quantum Terror (2022) The Furies (2019)
Captain Kronos: Vampire Hunter (1974) I Bought A Vampire Motorcycle (1990) Identity (2003) The Stepfather (1987) The Black Cat (1941) The Clown at Midnight (1999) Solomon Kane (2009) Season of the Witch (2011) The World Is Full of Secrets (2018) The Clown Murders (1976)
Bloody Harvest (1987) All Hallows Eve (2013) Slaughter High (1986) The Gingerdead Man (2005) I Am Not A Serial Killer (2016) The Good Neighbor (2016) Killjoy (2000) Last Summer (1969) Cry_Wolf (2005) Predator Island (2005)
The Other (1972) Leprechaun (1992) Be My Cat: A Film For Anne (2015) I'm Thinking of Ending Things (2020) Beyond Re-Animator (2003) Better Watch Out (2016) Urban Legends: Final Cut (2000) Human Lanterns (1982) The Mummy (1932) The Mummy (1959)
The Pyramid (2014) New Year's Evil (1980) Black Christmas (2006) The Seventh Curse (1986) The Mummy's Hand (1940) Never Hike Alone (2017) Legend of the Mummy (1998) President's Day (2010) The Curse of King Tut's Tomb (2006) Unfriended: Dark Web (2018)
Leatherface (2017) [REC]² (2009) The Mummy's Tomb (1942) The Mummy's Ghost (1944) Predator (1987) Halloween: Resurrection (2002) Carrie (2013) The Mean One (2022) Cronos (1993) Terror Train (1980)
Ancient Evil: Scream of the Mummy (2000) The Boxer's Omen (1983) Stepfather II: Make Room For Daddy (1989) The Curse of the Mummy's Tomb (1964) Halloween II (2009) Candyman: Farewell to the Flesh (1995) Candyman III: Day of the Dead (1999) The Cat (1992) The Mummy's Curse (1944) ThanksKilling (2007)
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