#fd: eternals
arrthurpendragon · 1 year
btw when I was looking for the title of Hannah Gates' fic (I remembered it had something to do with Beauty and the Beast but couldn't remember exactly), I noticed your masterlist says you have an Eternals OC and wondered if you felt like sharing more about them?
Umm . . . I know their names! haha. Laehan (Poppy Drayton) is paired with Druig. Unri (Lesley-Ann Brandt) is paired with Ikaris. And I was thinking of finding another lovely lady to be paired with Sersi. And it looks like I didn't take any notes when I was on my Eternals rewatches! :(
. . . so I don't have much more! lol.
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that-demigirl · 1 year
This is one I haven’t introduced yet but now is better than never
Full Name
Nicknames, If Any
Hogwarts House
One of my few Gryffindor OCs
Cisgender Female
Bisexual and Polyamorous
A Song I Associate With Them
Young God by Halsey
3 Important Relationships
Druig and Makkari - Her partners. They have a love that has lasted centuries
Sersi - Closest confidant. These two have always been super close and Hekate goes to her whenever she has an issue
Ikaris - Brother turned Enemy. When Ikaris turned against their family it hurt Hekate more than anything she’s lived through
2 Fears
Her family falling apart
Not being strong enough to protect her family
1 Element of their backstory
Hekate used to be a close advisor to Ajak and would often have plans ran through her before they were executed
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eddysocs · 2 years
Eternity Whitmire Masterlist
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None yet
None yet
None yet
Incorrect Quotes
None yet
Intro Aesthetic
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None yet
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bearlytolerant · 4 months
Evil God Theory part 2
Hello again. I posted about my theory on the tentacled character coming out of the veil in the gameplay trailer in a part one post. Now I’m going to talk about the second figure with the elf ears.
I think our other friend could be Falon’Din. I will be honest, my confidence in the evil god on the right being Falon’Din isn’t as great as my first post but he’s still my first pick and here’s why:
This was a phrase said by an unfamiliar voice in the very short trailer (:33) we got on Dragon Age Day:
“All the world will soon share the peace and comfort of my reign.”
Falon’Din was the god who guided people into Uthenera (a peaceful sleep) but solas says this about him:
I do not believe they sing songs about Falon’Din’s vanity. It is said Falon’Din’s appetite for adulation was so great, he began wars to amass more worshippers. The blood of those who wouldn’t bow low filled lakes as wide as oceans. Mythal rallied the gods, once the shadow of Falon’Din’s hunger stretched across her own people. It was almost too late.
Imagine a god who ushers people into eternal sleep being a bloodthirsty conquerer. He would probably think his reign was comforting and peaceful if everyone is dead.
Also it’s understandable if you don’t necessarily believe Solas. This codex is pretty interesting too though:
The People swore their lives to Falon'Din
Who mastered the dark that lies.
Whose shadows hunger
Whose faithful sing
Whose wings of death surround him
Thick as night.

Lethanavir, master-scryer, be our guide, 
Through shapeless worlds and airless skies.
—Song to Falon'Din, found in the Temple of Mythal, author unknown
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Reusing this lovely picture from before but highlighting the background in red because it looks like the world could be experiencing an eclipse. A very nice and literal representation of someone associated with darkness and shadows and night being able to cloak the whole world in darkness.
Now onto some other Falon’Din things. The shape on this figure’s head most closely resembles shapes associated with Falon’Din as pictured with the owl constellation Tenebrium. I’ll just put what the wiki says here:
Falon’Din’s sacred animal is an owl. It is either his companion or his manifestation and simultaneously a messenger of Andruil. The constellation Tenebrium, called “shadow” in the common parlance and depicting an owl, may have been associated with him before it became associated with the old god of night, Lusacan. Falon’Din himself is sometimes depicted as a cloaked and hooded pointing figure.
A comparison of the figures headpiece and horn-like appendages(?) behind the shoulders and the constellation association:
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Now onto some outfit comparisons.
From Vir Dirthara: Duel of a Hundred Years
The pages of this book—memory?—show a narrow plateau on top of a mountain, Two armored figures—one in gold, one in black—are fighting in the snow. Steel flickers so fast the air hums. Blood dots the ground. They do not stop for breath. The one in black makes no sound as a blade parts his throat.
"Mythal, in her wisdom, interceded in an argument between Elgar'nan and Falon'Din. With clever words, she convinced them to settle their grievance through a battle of their champions. Elgar'nan and Falon'Din agreed, and set their champions against each other rather than declare war among the gods. May those knights long be remembered, and Mythal's wisdom be praised."
The codex does not say which champion was which when fighting but we could assume Elgar’nan’s was dressed in gold (big E and all his sun/light symbolism), while FD’s champion is probably the one dressed in black. While the main cloak/robe seems to be black (refer to the pic after the statue), there’s also a lot of gold so again, not real strong evidence but it could be something. Also the sleeves match up decently with the Falon’Din statue sleeves.
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I did notice too that this outfit seems to match up in some ways with Falon’Din’s outfit in the mosaic. Where the clothes in the mosaic are belted together, it seems this character has the same style but I can’t be certain because the lighting doesn’t help.
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I also included an old dao picture of a statue because the shoulder piece in that statue plus the way the figure stands near the end of the gameplay trailer reminded me a lot of that particular statue. So I put them side by side so you can have a look for yourself.
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All that to say, my theory on the second one isn’t as strong and I don’t feel like I have enough evidence yet to be super confident but this is my best guess.
Also if we think about the two that Mythal has had to humble it was Andruil and Falon’Din. Mythal had to take Andruil’s voidy toys away. Falon’Din got too blood thirsty and was forced to go into timeout when Mythal went to Dad Elgar’nan about him and he lost the duel. Plus there’s some connection with his symbol being an owl and the owl being a messenger for Andruil. So it would be fun to see this little duo be our boss fight baddies.
Again, if you read this far, thank you!
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yourlocaltreesimp · 10 months
That which you live by
For the lovely @litrllyvoid
here’s your FD.
It’s kinda sad, but oh well
partially cannon to ACU 👀
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
You truly were something. An enigma. A shoot of in this tree of life not dissimilar to any other branch. And yet, you were original all the same.
Many years he’s watched this plane, many years he’s watched over the people of Termina. Something between apathy and adoration, he’d like to think. No god made to kill could truly care for their prey, and yet he protects the people of Termina just as much as he was intended to kill them. He was supposed to remain alone in this hell, bound to an unmoving and inanimate form for all of eternity. But small hands grasped at what remained of his being, a child who’s spirit seemed too old for his body, someone who’s already lived so many lifetimes. There was one other spirit that followed him, a hauntingly beautiful being of both destruction and protection all the same. Your face was smudged like charcoal, blocked out. How ironic, he thought, that the parts of himself he was missing he could find in you. In your strength and reliability as you guided this child of many lifetimes to the edge of his fate. And that was supposed to be it, in some cruel way. The child freed and the deity left alone again. It’s how it was supposed to be. That’s what he was expecting, at least. Hylia was cruel like that, to taunt him with freedom and care to snatch it away. But no. He followed the boy, and vowed to protect him in your absence. And the boy grew strong, the child you’d once treated like your son now grown. The deity followed as Link travelled onto his third journey to maintaining balance, now with others sharing his spirit. It was then that he looked back to you for guidance. And all he could bring himself to do now was protect them all. You fought so hard to protect the once young boy’s spirit, you’d have fought for them too.
But there’s a new addition to his group. One who shares your spirit and blinding light. One who fought tooth and nail in every battle to ensure the chain was safe. One who looked at him and his blank expression with such softness and understanding. He feels guilty, comparing them to you, wonderful you that he’s only lived to impress. But when he looks and sees your face, he can only help but wonder if that’s the face that was stolen from you upon your first meeting. Because only a face so beautiful could be yours.
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Vermeil Adoration
Fierce Deity x Implied Deity Reader (can be Linked Universe or not) Drabble
Me, working on Act IIII and Act V of the LU Fairy Tale Collection: Alright so if we do this with slightly more sleep on us and figure a few things out for First I think it should be good to go-
Also Me: *remembers that because of the nature of the Fairy Tale Collection FD will be missing, is immediately assaulted with an idea, sighs, opening up a new WIP* You know what I'll come back to that, I can't not write for him if he's going to be left out.
For the FD Simps/lovers plus myself as I work on the Fairytale Collection, want to post two chapters at once and also crosspost on Ao3 plus life's been busy, apologies for the delay.
You were created from the breath of life itself.
You are the divinity found in the howling of winds cutting through the woods, the snarling of lightning down to the earth, attempting to touch something it may not have and scorch it so deeply new growth would flourish in a maddened frenzy, the sunlight kissing the ice tenderly though it may never do more than bring the crystalizing to shine, tears dripping knowingly from it's cold gaze as the water turns to rain, watering the land in it's unknowable grief in the closest way it could ever touch the sun in the sky. The joyful sound of wolves singing the moon's beauty with their howls, the birds merrily carrying the melody ever onwards so the sun may also partake of it, gleeful frolicking of fawns and foals discovering the world that the Golden Three left in their wake, the symphony of every animal and nature itself at it's finest.
You look at life itself and find divinity in everything.
So by the nature Farore so lovingly made sure you'd have, one would think you and the one hylians, hyruleans and beasts had dubbed 'The Fierce Deity' would never be able to coexist.
You've heard the one's watched over by your sister in divinity, ever watchful time herself with her diamond wings and gaze who pierced to the end of eternity itself with Nayru's patience whisper in primal terror and avarice drenched loathing about him to the trees in every corner of the land, heard beasts under the watch of death and rot himself curse his name to the winds and rain with as much ferocity and fury induced fear as the restless whispers of those denied existence, your brother in eternity with his shell of obsidian and the flames of Din's desire of consumption ever burning in his gaze daring not cross where the ivory and jade forged spirit passed. And of the horror and wonderment of your wild beings as they've hissed and howled and growled and screeched to the flowers and stones of nature.
A man like the hunt itself, divine without the vermeil breath of the primordial ones. The unrelenting slash of the blizzard gales in winter against any unfortunate to stand in their way, leaving the cold emptiness and silence behind, stealing the air from the lungs of living beings like the ocean for those unfortunate enough to fall with no sign of land. An ivory specter of death whom seemingly clawed himself from the void, an harbinger for the End with seemingly no rhyme or reason for those who he set his sights into, either to devour their divinity for himself or favor or bless.
A being like that should have been anathema to all you are and stand for. Or at least it's what anyone, including your divine sister and brother would reason.
Which is why you couldn't help but find it slightly comedic that the so called 'awful beast', capable of enacting such violence to consume divinity on a whim if tested. Was so very careful with you, head laid upon your lap in a rare moment of rest as you carefully weaved flowers into a crown.
You were curious, awfully so, like the foxes who roamed your woods in search of amusement and play, you just couldn't help yourself. You knew he was coming, how could you not, when the primal fear of living things echoed in the back of your mind, warning you as it warned animals of a bigger predator in the food chain? But you didn't run. Not in the face of narrowed, calculating pale eyes and alabaster hair and the scent of iron in the air, thick and old you couldn't mistake it for anything but blood and the marrow deep certainty of a lonsdaleite persistence.
Maybe you should of, in hindsight.
Instead you just blinked with evergreen curiosity, fascination bleeding from your lips before you could even think of stopping yourself, head tilted.
"My. Rumors are certainly exaggerated, you're beautiful."
The memory of his bewildered, flustered caution makes you smile a bit, as everything in between flowed naturally like spring petals on a breeze. You feel an armored hand on your cheek, so, so soft and careful, as if you were as fragile as a flower, and a calm, relaxed rumble of tourmaline lazy curiosity and aquamarine fondness, "Anything on your mind, my breath?"
You couldn't help your chuckle, emerald fondness running around the mosaic of your divinity as you gently run your hand through starlit hair, nuzzling the hand on your cheek and hoping to convey even half the warmth he gave you, "Reminiscing, worry not. Rest a bit more before you must go." You hear him sigh as you place the flower crown on his head, as pale as his hair, but as delicate as your sister in divinity's wings, threaded pthalo like the flame of his existence.
"... Must I? I was late this time, it's only proper I redeem myself for making you wait." He questions, reluctant and guilty in equal measure, fondness blooms over your lungs as you poke his nose, smiling bright, if dim as you answer him, "I'd dare not attempt to deny you your nature, I do not know what you hunt, what you're searching for. But it would be cruel to chain you."
The man many had dubbed 'Fierce Deity' nuzzles into your hand, nestling in close like a wolf over catch, you catch the hints of a frown on his face, "It's hardly chaining when I wish to stay, is it?"
Your breath almost is trapped in your lungs, but you shake yourself out of it, chuckling as you brush your lips over his markings, crimson affection as the carmine and lapis lazuli of his Hunt. The cheek of this man, for that's what you all are in the end, divinity or not, "Maybe not, though for all you rest here with me you still itch to run and hunt. Do you not, my dear warrior?"
The silence is only broken by the whispers of the leaves of the woods carried by the wind and the curious chirping of birds, his unwavering moonlit gaze giving away nothing. And it tells you enough.
You smile, brushing your noses together, spring breeze playful and sun warm, "If you're that worried, then just come back earlier, if you can. I'll have something new for you to look at, and I'll always wait. We have time."
In a flash, you find your positions reversed, your back and hair to the flowers and your wonderful, ever mischievous hunter above you, you yelp and you can't help but laugh before the sound is stolen by his lips. And he cradles your cheeky gently, so very kindly, and when he leans back he looks at you as if you're the first glimpse of water for a man in the desert, or the way a wolf longingly looks at the moon, and it cracks the phosphophylite of your soul and fills it with the gilded gold of emerald love, "... Thank you. I will not keep you waiting long again. I shall remain for now, though. The call can wait."
I love you. I want to stay with you.
"I know." Your hands gently thread through his hair, gleeful as you notice the rare curve of a smile as his cap lays abandoned in the glass, but your flower crown remains, "Be safe, when you do go. I'd be lovely if something happened."
I love you too.
He shakes his head, giving you an unimpressed look, "I cannot be harmed in any way that matters."
You fondly roll your eyes, pressing your index and middle finger to your lips, then touching it lightly against his own, he all but freezes. You refuse to allow him to distract you with admittedly charming affection, and you take the opportunity to tug him into your arms, shifting your positions so you can utilize him as a pillow, safer than you ever felt in your many eons of existence, more comfortable than the stars painting the canvas of the sky with their dance, "Promise me you'll be safe, and you can claim what's yours once you're back. For now I tire of your stubbornness."
You feel his chest rumble, maybe a laugh, maybe a purr or a growl, but he holds you close, steady and lovelier than even the world the goddesses created. "As you wish, my dearest blossom."
You both fall asleep to the songs of nature, you know he'll hunt again, you know he'll be gone soon like late night mist. But for now, a promise for an eternity of this, like how the mortals speak of, is enough.
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jtl-fics · 5 months
also dealers choice p&q
4-24-24 WIP Wednesday | Fluent Freshman (FD)
He really didn’t mind the extra practice figuring that since his whole college career depended on being kind of good at Exy he should work hard to make sure he was kind of good at Exy. He’s still shocked that his high school coach had sent his reel out for consideration to D1 schools. 
Still, running the same drill 6 times was approaching a bit too much.
He only managed to avoid running it for a 7th time when Ollie had spoken up and asked what had been so bad about Smith’s 6th attempt. It was only then that Kevin seemed to realize that he had called Smith before. Kevin, indignant, had asked Smith why he hadn’t said anything and Smith only shrugged and said he figured he just still needed to improve something for Kevin to give him a pass.
Kevin had merely looked at him for what felt like an eternity before Captain Neil called for Smith to come over and do agility drills.
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numbknee · 1 year
Why do you think Kyman gets so much hate? I can understand some things about what people don’t like about it but some of the things they say, the harassment is so out of pocket. Especially on Tik Tok! It is like a battle ground out there and they all will shoot you down immediately if you SAY anything. I just wanna love Kyman without it seeming like a punishment 😭😭
Dude I totally feel you. It's so much easier to live and let live so I don't understand how these ppl have the energy to be so aggressively hurtful all the time. This has been said before ad nauseum but for god's sake, it's JUST a fucking tv show. I'm too old for this shit.
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(longer explanation under the cut! like... extremely long lol I'm so sorry my thoughts about this have been building up for a while 😅)
I think the extremely aggressive kyman hate is a symptom of growing poor media literacy and the larger "purity culture" trend that's been present online for a while now. It's very reminiscent of American Evangelicalism or Puritanism, where members of the church have to follow a very specific set of rules for behaving and thinking and if you deviate from those rules in the slightest, you're shot down immediately by the community and shamed for being sinful and blasphemous, all to keep you on the "righteous path" and avoid burning in hell for eternity. This is why so many puritanical christians in the US hate themselves for doing what most of the world sees as normal behavior, and simultaneously force that self-hating worldview onto others to "save" them. (For example see this video by FD Signifier on youtube explaining how hardcore religious ppl/conservatives are doomed to be bad in bed because they see sex as "evil" when in reality it's a normal part of human behavior 😬 It's long but very good).
Though, it's important to note that ppl who think this way may not even be christian themselves, but the behavior is so pervasive in american culture that you absorb it even if you're not a puritanical christian. (for example, to quote Ian Danskin, athiests may think "I don't believe in god, but the god I don't believe in is Jehovah). Tons of the first generation of white USAmericans were exiled British puritans who were kicked out of their home country for essentially being self-righteous assholes and trying to force their shit worldview on everyone else lmao. And I think because so many online spaces are so USAmerican-centric, people from all over the world have started adopting that purity culture as well.
Now, South Park is extremely popular (duh). It's been around for decades so it has a ton of fans both old and new. Unfortunately a lot of new fans, especially young people, follow the show for very different reasons than the average normie/not-terminally-online viewer does. They take the characters out of their original context, use them like dolls to make their own stories and fan content, and ignore all the other blatantly controversial shit that's been going on in the show since day 1 (which is why so many exclusively make blasé creek fanworks imo). They want to keep their thoughts "pure" and only engage with content that's approved by the puritanical online community
It's extremely fitting but also sad that Cartman is the scapegoat for everything wrong with South Park, both in the show and in the real world. Either ppl don't want to acknowledge he exists, or ppl latch onto him and project all of that puritanical hatred toward him or anyone that likes his character. Hell, even I'M guilty of this kind of thinking before I watched the show and understood Cartman's character better.
Kyman in particular is a target BECAUSE it involves Cartman, but also because people boil it down to shipping a nazi with a jew which, at the surface level, seems horrible! But if you've ever actually WATCHED the goddamn show, you know that is an extremely reductive and inaccurate interpretation of their characters. It's horribly poor media literacy. These ppl CANNOT seem to comprehend that you can enjoy watching a character who's a "bad person" without condoning their actions, and that enjoying the shipping dynamic of such characters DOES NOT make you a bad person by proxy.
A huge role of fiction as media is to explore ideas that may be harmful in the real world in a safe way because... *gasp* it's imaginary!! It makes you think and experience emotions you may not have the opportunity for otherwise! However, in the eyes of puritans, the fact you're even thinking about something like that makes you a sinner. It's a thought crime, which is why they consider us mentally "sick" for shipping kyman. So, they send hate at the drop of a hat and publicly vilify kyman shippers to reinforce that behavior with each other, all to say "Hey look at me!!! I'm a Good Person! see how much of a Good Person I am??? I'm gonna go to HEAVEN, and YOU'RE going to HELL". Like I said before, it's not that they necessarily believe in heaven or hell, but that's the general root of the behavior. It's performative puritan dog-piling. Also, because they haven't even fucking watched the whole show, they conveniently ignore all the other horrible shit the show portrays because random kyman shippers online are easy targets while Matt & Trey are gajillionaires who are essentially un-cancellable for things they do on the show at this point because, to quote Trey: For anyone to go up and go "Did you see this thing on South Park? That was really offensive" someone's gonna be like "Dude shut up 😒 that's just South Park".
Geez man this got super fucking long lmao. But my advice is to please take care of yourself because, and this super cliché to say, but FUCK the haters dude 🖕🖕🖕 You're engaging with media that brings you joy and exploring interesting ideas with a community of awesome artists/writers/meta-analysts and more. This is supposed to be FUN!! Anyone who tries to take that away from you or shame you into stopping is a fucking immature, holier-than-thou asshole who needs to get a fucking life. The block button is your friend, so use it early and often. You have the power to curate your own online space, and you shouldn't subject yourself to dealing with these dickheads (this is a big reason why I don't have a tiktok lol)
Good luck dude, and keep on shipping kyman 😎🤘❤️💚
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desires-of-chain · 7 months
lmao when i read the "let them fuck in his temple", it made me imagine a week-long festival for FD to help him "gain his strength" via prayers and worship while in turns out that just made him more energetic. *eyebrow waggle.* Skip to the concubine/high priestess in the prayer room, on her knees and her praises coming out choked and gagged as Fierce Deity uses her throat, worshipping him so well, even when he pulls her onto his lap and pushes into her. Thrusting up into her, changing tactics to keep her off guard.
An entire fucking week.
The festival might have ended up being a festival of fertility as he keep filling that welcoming heat wrapped around his shaft, his large, warm hand caressing his little wife and most devout worshipper's belly. Maybe she'll carry his children, give him demigods for their army. She might complain about how taxing pregnancy and childbirth would be, especially the changes, and he agrees. But that issue is a mortal issue. Goddesses experience those things with barely any hassle, like the Goddess of Time and her neglected child/children. (Lana and Cia are oddities amongst demigods.)
Once she's finally a goddess and officially a wife in the eyes of the world, perhaps she'll indulge him. A choir of battle and steel, family and all things good and bad, hand in hand in the ever changing eternity and being each other's constant. A small army of children, maybe. (He could maybe wrangle a deal of "one child every 20 years" from her. That was a short time in eternity and she'd be used to being a human by considering 20 as a long time.) All is fair in love and war. It's always sweetest with someone by his side, surrounded by family.
Anyways, priests and people in general learn to stay away from the temple during the festival because the lewd noises between the god they worshipped and their highest authority regarding worship of him is...well. You know. And FD does not tolerate uninvited voyeurs. (Just ask nicely. Politely. Don't be a jerk.)
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^ reader getting ready during the festival | |
BUT YES! Literally the meaning of bed rocking and everybody in town can hear it dskjfadsfadf Idea of goddess turned reader descending with Fierce into the temple to "bless" the area or rather bless the festival with fertility all the while fucking in said temple. They kept going until the festival ends and reader is knocked up again.
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breannasfluff · 11 months
I love the implication that Time is something of an unknowable eldritch creature himself, even if he's not aware of it. Time flows differently around him. It twists and loops and snarls. His perception of time is both... off and uncannily precise compared to everyone else. Is it bcs he was raised in the Lost Woods, where the Kokiri are eternally children? Is it from using the Ocarina so much, particularly the untold number of time loops/splits he did to save Termina? Or is it just bcs "Time" is not native even in his current timeline, that when Zelda aren't him back to his childhood and shattered the original timeline, he is a walking paradox, alien even in "his" Hyrule? Who knows, I just love the implication
That's such a good point! He's Claimed by FD; he's not untouched, you know? Even if he wants to deny it...
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crazylittlejester · 3 months
Idk if you know about the moon palace story in Chinese mythos, but I think there's a few key points that's really intriguing:
1) there's a lady that ate some forbidden god pills and started floating, and floating, and floating. Until she floated all the way to the moon, and the emperor of the gods was like, well since you're already there might as well give you a palace to live in.
2) there's a rabbit up there that helps the moon lady in making medicine. Especially when she sneaks away to visit the earth.
3) there's a giant bay tree on the moon, and a guard of the heavens is punished to cut the tree down(because he was distracted from his duties by the moon lady sneaking by). Except the tree is so large that he can't finish in one day, and whenever he stopped to rest the tree would grow back, so he is stuck chopping for eternity.
4) there's also a toad up there somewhere... (but I forgot their story)
Now the story is fascinating and all, but I just can't stop thinking about that poor guard. Like...
Tree? On the moon?
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Also, the crescent moon on FD's chest piece? Along with the golden Doritos?
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IDK, this is not a coherent thought at all, but I just can't stop thinking about them today... So I'll inflict it on you too! /j
i did Not know about that but this was really cool thank you for sharing :)
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stararise · 2 years
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eternal diva helicopter scene my beloved. their expressions im hrrsgheieieo;s;fd;hh;fs;ndf
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eddysocs · 2 years
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Introducing: Eternity Whitmire
Fandom: The Addams Family
Face Claim: Natasha Lyonne
Full Name: Eternity Lorraine Whitmire
Nickname/Alias/Pet Names: Ettie
Age: 33
Myers Briggs Type: ENFJ
Hogwarts House: Ravenclaw
Love Interests: Debbie Jellinsky, Morticia Addams
Occupation: Psychic
Collections: Candles
Style/Clothing: Black is her staple, but red, purple and dark blue also make their rotations throughout her wardrobe. Sleek and stylish with a touch of gothic elegance.
Signature Quote: "Your future is as you make it. I only see the most likely path."
Plot Summary: When Debbie begins to have doubts about Fester, (namely whether he’s even capable of dying), she hires an eccentric psychic recommended to her by Morticia. She’s skeptical at first, but when Eternity Whitmire offers to help expedite her scheme, she’s fully on board. But Eternity has a trick or two up her sleeve and plans on saving Fester and securing Debbie the money.
Forever Tag: @arrthurpendragon, @borg-queer, @foxesandmagic, @connietheecunning, @chickensarentcheap
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tartrhs · 10 days
editer h - tribal libet (triste? falso documental - al 100 chuquimamani-condori - engine soli city - ultraviolet  el frizian, codigo fn - puñ3tas mentales (FD edit) pablo chill-e - bastardo (FD edit)  aggro dr1ft trailer + floyymenor - pa la europa (FD edit) arpa criolla + junior h - como jordan versión arpa (FD edit) sage martens, m. sage, lieven martens - highway diner giorgio moroder - sosa/talk to frank shamanes crew - amor de luto (FD edit) nigga - quien no llora por amor (FD edit)  cantus in memoriam of our eternal love (charros de lumaco + arvo pärt FD live edit) 
set de canciones que toqué el 31.08.24 modo dolido e insano devocional collage sad loquerón ido de la mente
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conkreetmonkey · 1 year
Why I was banned from r/curatedtumblr: a very belated explanation/apology post
Before migrating here from Reddit, I used to be a regular participant in r/tumblr as a commenter, then r/curatedtumblr when r/tumblr became unusably bloated with repost bots, and the useless mods did nothing because Reddit's leadership system is dumb and broken. Hence the name, curated tumblr; an r/tumblr replacement that was actually moderated. All of the regulars, including me, migrated there, and now r/tumblr is like 90% karma-farming bots endlessly upvoting each other, presumably so the accounts can later be sold for advertising or political astroturfing purposes. Happens all the time.
I explain this because it's important to understand that a) I was a part of the community for quite a while, and b) r/curatedtumblr was heavily moderated, so as to avoid the mistakes of its predecessor. Fine and dandy.
I was a high schooler at the time, terminally online and working a shitty fast food job to save up for the PC I'm typing this on. Thus, I'd spend the days endlessly interacting with the people on r/curatedtumblr, and the evenings working at a Taco Bell, unable to use my phone until breaktime.
One day, I forget the exact context, but the subject of r/FDS came up, which for those of you who are unaware is a hive of femcels. Named as an acronym for Female Dating Strategy, the sub was infamously sexist towards men, going on about things like "high/low value males" and how men below 6' were inhuman scum and basically doing everything incels do but with the gender roles flipped. And just like incels, everyone there was unaware the real reason The sub featured a nauseating glittery pink colour scheme a la Claire's, and everybody there talked like a popular high school girl in a Nickelodeon movie, all "yaaaaaass queen" "you go girl!" and shit like that.
So this sub comes up, and if memory serves we were shitting on it, or at least I was? Again, the context has been lost to memory, and since the sitewide search tools you used to be able to use to find multiple year old comments have all kicked the bucket, and the Reddit UI for finding old content is stupid and requires you to trudge through the entire histroy of a user chronologically until you find what you're looking for with no option to jump to the desired time period, I'm probably never going to be able to find it. I was making fun of the kind of shit they said on that sub, and I said something like "yass kween dump his low-value ass he only makes 800k a year ur worth more gurl," and then went to work.
Now, I didn't know it at the time, but as I worked, somebody saw the comment and thought I was mocking AAVE. They accused me of being a "4 Chan Nazi." Things kind of snowballed from there. Now, and this is embarassing and I've been hesitant to admit to it, but I'm here to explain and apologize, so:
when I was in high school, I did not know what AAVE meant.
I took offense to being accused of being a Nazi, and I forget what my reply was, but it was snarky towards the accuser, which made me look like a POS. Since I did not know what AAVE was, I did not refute the claim that I was making fun of it, and this made me look really, really bad to anybody who did.
I was then banned for this alleged racism. I looked up what AAVE was, realized I totally did look like a racist in that situation, but rather than fight the allegations, me, being an anxious teenager, instead eternally procrastinated on doing so, afraid of further anger directed at me.
It was a dumb choice to make, because now I'm afraid anybody on here from r/curatedtumblr who remembers those days might still think of me as "that guy who turned racist out of nowhere and then ran off." It's been eating at me for years, so I've decided it's time to rip the bandaid off and finally clear the air. I should have done this a very long time ago.
tl;dr, I made a string of bad decisions that made me look like a racist piece of shit. I could have easily undid this by immediately explaining the situation, but being an anxious, then-internet-inexperienced kid at the time, the sudden social rejection scared me, and I hid from the problem.
I'm sorry. It was a bad move. I never intended to mock AAVE, nor appear as if I was doing so. It's a valid English dialect, it's culturally important, and I respect it and those who speak in it. I apologize to anybody I may have offended by accidentally appearing to imply otherwise.
I hope anybody from those days who still remembers me can find it in their hearts to forgive me. Or they can choose not to, as is their right. I'm not here to beg for forgiveness, I'm here to finally explain things and put them to rest. This is what happened, I am sorry, and I hope you also see it as a poorly-handled misunderstanding and nothing more. I just needed to finally move on from this.
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tutuandscoot · 1 year
Pray for me, I just watched fix you (St. John’s final version) for the first time 🥲 Tessa reaching for Scott’s hand in the beginning not once, but twice?? 😭 Kill meeeee. Also if you look closely you can see him muttering to Tessa throughout the program, first right before he’s pulled away from her in the beginning, again after they stand up from the kneel hug and then finally in the Mahler ending pose. I wonder what he’s saying to her through all that 🥺 and the high five and them blowing a kiss to each other during viva la vida is the icing on top of the cake
Only three things (art) in my life have made me sob uncontrollably: 1. the series finale of The Americans, 2. the ‘one last time’ hug before their PYC FD, 3. and… Fix You at St Johns
The hands at the start thing….. can’t comment I don’t have enough tissues in my house rn
The other stuff.. honestly I have only watched it maybe 3 times and I think 2 of those were on mute bc the song Fix You means a lot to me personally for other reasons so when I found out it was VM’s last duet I’ve honestly since struggled to go on with life..
It’s been so long since I last watched it I honestly can’t recall all those other things and now knowing about them idk if I can ever watch it again bc I may never stop crying (I mean I know they would been talking but yeah I need to know what exactly).
I really don’t know how they even got through that final performance - especially since the whole piece was made up of some of their most iconic choreographic moments throughout their career
I once again state without a doubt dance and skating was their love language and this was not a final performance but a way of expressing eternal gratitude and love for everything they are to each other..
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