#fc6 dlc spoilers
lulu2992 · 2 years
Hi! I had a question. In multiple audios and even in game, there’s a pattern that John is fixated on pain and even women’s pain (Joey, Mary May, and the young woman he mentioned in the collapse that he killed after a night out because of anger) and even he was being a big creep when Mary May saw him for the first time (she was 16-17 wasn’t she), “eyeing her like a piece of meat”. If you can believe the ages given to us, he’s clearly much older than Mary May, and the cults been there for 9-10 years, she’d have to be minor.
My question is, why do you think the fandom and people dismiss his violent urges toward women and he was fixated on minor but still demonize Joseph when John was clearly unhinged on his own?
Sorry if its all wordy and all over the place, I just love your takes and respect your thoughts!
Hi! And thank you very much for your appreciation :)
We know John has a fixation with pain because of the “freeing” experience he explains he had when he was young, and he hurts people for this reason, but I really don’t think he enjoys inflicting it on women specifically. It’s probably a coincidence that Hudson is a woman and was sent to him instead of Jacob or Faith. The game never suggests that he would have treated Pratt or Burke differently if they had been placed in his “care” instead.
Someone in Far Cry 5 says John is “obsessed with the people in Fall’s End, and with Mary May in particular”, but nothing clearly indicates it’s because she’s a woman. The way I see it, it’s because the Resistance is strong in Fall’s End and Mary May is one of its “three biggest pillars”, as John himself wrote. Evidence shows he’s also “obsessed” with Jerome and Nick for the same reason: they keep resisting and fighting back. Mary May is stubborn, refuses to sell her business to Eden’s Gate, continues to serve alcohol, and essentially keeps saying “no” to John, so I think that explains why he has taken an interest in her. By the way, during the Deputy’s Atonement, even though Mary May is there, John mostly focuses on hurting Nick and Jerome instead, so it doesn’t look like he prefers torturing women to me.
And we’re not sure how old Mary May is, actually. The only official age we have for her is revealed in Far Cry Absolution: 30 years old. I know the Wiki says she was born in 1993 (so 25 years old in 2018) but I think that sounds young… For what it’s worth, Tasya Teles, who played Mary May in Far Cry 5, was born in 1985. And in the novel, John is said to be about 40, which makes much more sense, mathematically speaking, than his age on the Wiki (32 years old). When the Deputy arrives in Hope County, Eden’s Gate has been there for at least 9 years (since August 2009), so if John visited the Spread Eagle in 2009 and the age provided in Absolution is accurate, Mary May was about 21 at the time.
As for the woman John supposedly murdered before Joseph found him… like every new piece of information “revealed” in the Far Cry 6 Season Pass, I think it should be taken with a huge grain of salt. The incident was never mentioned anywhere else before, and while there’s no denying that John is capable of violence and murder, I don’t think him losing control and killing someone while he was working as a lawyer makes sense. According to The Book of Joseph, John Duncan’s anger was strong but it was also “suppressed”, so I doubt he would have physically assaulted anyone at that time. He was “full of rage” but apparently never let it out when he was still “society’s very model of success”.
So I don’t think the fandom ignores that John enjoys making women suffer, thought 16-year-old Mary May looked sexy, and murdered one of his lovers out of anger because these “facts” are all conjectures in the first place! If many people never mention those things about him, I think it’s simply because they know they’re not really canon and mostly come from the fan-created Wiki (which was also used as a source of information by Collapse’s writers). It’s undeniably canon that John is violent and obsessed with pain, but it’s not that he likes to inflict it on women specifically or that he committed murder as John Duncan, and Mary May being only 25 was never officially confirmed, either…
It’s true, however, that people tend to demonize Joseph more than his siblings and blame him for the bad things they do. He’s not innocent, of course, but John, Jacob, and Faith already had a lot of personal issues before they became his Heralds, and I disagree with those who say that they would have been better off without him. Things would have been different, yes, and maybe the cult wouldn’t have existed, but I don’t think their lives would have been better. In my opinion, they would all just have died sooner (and in poorer mental health)… In John’s case, considering he was on a self-destructive path and desperately trying to fill the void inside him, I believe he would have let “John Duncan” consume him completely and ended up drowning in his excesses.
So I agree with you when you say that John already was “unhinged on his own”, in a way, and that Joseph is often blamed for everything, even what he didn’t do. However, I wouldn’t say that the fandom dismisses the other things you mentioned because they’re not facts, just fan theories and interpretations not everybody likes or agrees with.
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general-kalani · 3 months
literally a line in the FC6 DLC:
"Vanity... A sin I have tried to reject"
(This line pops up when you go afk in a safehouse or at least it popped up while I was doing smth on phone while I was in a safehouse)
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teronsrickman · 2 years
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Again I draw how father and son are hugging, but this time the father does not have a gun behind his back, THANK YOU (a reference to the fact that I drew a moment from the ending of FarCry6)
Before the spoilers I will write a "SPOILER", before that the text without spoilers
AAAAAAAAA I.. I have already spammed the entire offtop in VK and Twitter with emotions! I've never cried over a game so much in my life. Even over the last part of GoW, even over those games that I also immensely love. But the most important thing is that I have never cried SO much with happiness in my life. Not from grief, not from pain or fear. But from happiness and love. I've never experienced anything like this so much. My great respect to Santa Monica Studio.
Usually, when I like the game so much, I roll up a write of pages of criticism, (yes, you saw how I reviewed FarCry6 and the DLC for it), but here I surprisingly have nothing to say. With the exception of comments about the overload and prolongation of the game by events and too frequent monotonous battles. But these are just remarks, and not so weighty disadvantages that I drop the game. We have already joked with friends about some similar parallels between GoW and FC6, from dictatorship and uprisings, to character relationships, and agreed that GoW is an example of how it was necessary to build emotional cutscenes and the plot as a whole in FC6. Ubisoft, please learn. And of course it's a pity for the cut-out content with Sinmara. Thanks to her, Atreus could again evoke controversial feelings, show himself from an interesting side, and Kratos' words about the heart would play stronger. It would be possible to shorten any quests like collecting pear or going for the moon and thanks to this dont cut-out Sinmara, but we have what we have. After all, GoW is one of the most powerful, in my opinion, in terms of the concept and its artistic interpretation, the game. Scandinavian mythology is a very popular topic, but the way developers adapt it, intertwine the plot and gameplay, make incredible designs and environments, bright characters is priceless in the gaming industry.
And that's all I could say about criticism. And if I start to remember and look for all the little things, including replicas that I liked so much, then I really will roll 20 pages again, but I don't need it... So if you want to see how I yelled from certain points, they are in the twitter @TeronsCock and maybe I will still draw something. Moreover, I am already bursting with headcannons as I returned to Midgard 4 years later, not without the help of Heath or Tobeas, as always, and again went all this way and emotions with characters that I already missed from the last time. Well, this time my friends are with me, who can even nullify Kratos' patience :)
Another note - I've also never cried in my life from the fact that the character just stayed alive I had previously jumped with happiness and screamed like hell when Vaas turned out to be alive, when Pagan did not die in the end. But that's exactly CRYING so hard, this is the first time.. Literally since 2018, I've been waiting for Kratos to die, all the characters have been waiting and afraid, and we're with them, and in the end I'm just.... AAAAAAA I haven't seen such a happy ending even in a Disney movie ..... I just love these characters and the game
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thepowerofyes · 9 months
you guys ever play the FC6 Collapse DLC ? Spoilers ahead
"Don't you get it ? You're gonna be taken away, you won't have brothers anymore !"
"What ? No ! No ! I was just trying to make him stop ! I just wanted him to stop !"
John did not deserve this shit bruh he just needed some love and everybody took advantage of him to the point where he doesn't even have an IDEA on how to be a normal person anymore
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ominous1ty · 3 years
FC6's Joseph: Collapse DLC Secret Ending
A lot of heartbreaking scenes happen within this DLC. This secret ending gives us a glimpse of what Joseph’s life was like before the death of his wife, Faith. 
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closecry · 3 years
Pastor Jerome, at church in front of his congregation: haha hey guys! I thought this would be nice :) I invited a new person to come and speak, his name is Joseph and he has told me all about how he loves God :) so! here he is guys!! I think this will be fun :)
Joseph, the minute that he gets his chance to speak: THE END IS N E A R. GOD HAS CALLED FOR THE END OF THE WORLD AND HE WHISPERED IN MY EAR THE PROPHE-
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sharkys-disco-stick · 3 years
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caseum · 3 years
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had to get a dramatic pic of the most problematic bunch of siblings
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returnofdedsec · 3 years
Far cry 5 dlc like you have done everything that i have wanted. Joseph having to face the things hes done. His predatory relationship with his followers and family. And i was surprised at just how BIG a part of his story faith was like damn !!!!!!!!!!!!! And then they added in jerome and i was like !!!!!!! OK !!!!!! OK UBISOFT I GET IT !!!!!!!!!!!!!
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godswrcth · 3 years
josiah getting ready to blow that joseph statue up again:
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aulephant · 3 years
I’m just saying that given the fact there were multiple citra and jason themed enemies in vaas’ dlc 
I cannot wait to see multiple versions of mohan running amok in pagan’s mind like a flock of rabid geese
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lulu2992 · 2 years
When they say it “redefined the series”, they really mean it!
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soncfseed · 3 years
kinda wondering if someone who worked on this joseph dlc was an evangelion fan....
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third impact type beat
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serenitysought · 3 years
it always did hurt my heart having to destroy the statue and now that we actually get to fix it? i’m happy . FIX THE STATUE . FIX MY SOUL. 
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silverapplestock · 3 years
every far cry 5 stan when the joseph dlc dropped
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ominous1ty · 3 years
Information on the Seeds from FC6′s DLC, Joseph: Collapse.
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Here's a list of information provided from the DLC that I’ve noted based on the Seed family. I’ll try to make this as unbiased as possible, as in I won’t be commenting on any of these. I’ll just be writing down things of note that the DLC provided us. Spoilers ahead. 
John Seed - Alongside side his struggles with addiction, John also struggles with violent urges. We now know at some point, while being under the influence, he had a massive argument with an unnamed girl. (John describes this girl as someone who provided him with drugs, alcohol and her body, but also as someone who made him very angry.) During a fit of rage, John kills this girl. - Joseph finds John sometime around these events. John is scared that the authorities will find out what he has done, and Joseph offers him a means to escape by telling John to join him. Joseph also tells John that they will find a way to control his more violent urges. - Joseph often expresses how frustrated he is with John during the course of the DLC, saying how he had tried to save John over and over again, yet John still always ended up caving into his urges and desires.  
Jacob Seed - Jacob suffers from some form of ptsd and/or depression. This is evidently clear when we see Jacob having a breakdown and almost committing suicide before being stopped by Joseph. (This scene happens during one of the visions the voice provides Joseph to try and convince him ‘what would have happened’ if his family had survived the collapse) - Joseph constantly refers to Jacob as his protector. Often referring to how Jacob would protect Joseph and John from their abusive father when they were kids. - Jacob takes the initiative to fight back against their father (mentions using his own father’s gun to do so), against Joseph’s pleas not to. Joseph knows that they’ll be torn apart by the system if this happens, but Jacob ends up going through with it anyway, as he would rather have his brothers safe. - There’s also a recording of Joseph finding Jacob after their years of being apart. Jacob cries and he explains to Joseph how no one wants him and how he has no purpose anymore after serving his time in the war. Joseph tells him to join him, how he has always been strong, how they can be a family once again, and how he can give him a new purpose. Jacob notes that Joseph may be crazier than him, but he goes along with it regardless.  
Faith Seed - We now know that the original Faith was Joseph’s wife, who we previously had known to have died from a car accident on the way to visit a friend. (That friend being named Sarah.) - The creation of ‘Faith’ was a means for Joseph to continue to live by his wife’s side after her death.  - Rachel Jessop only agrees to be Faith because she is promised a way to escape her demons through the use of the Bliss. - The previous replacement Faiths are confirmed to have been ‘dealt with’ as they strayed away from Joseph’s side. (It is still never out right stated what exactly happened to these Faiths.) - Joseph states that he loves Rachel (it’s up to interpretation whether you view this as a love for a sibling or something more than that), even though he only really expresses this love for her when she embraces the facade of being Faith. In fact (based on one of the visions the voice provides to Joseph of ‘what could have been’ if his family had survived the collapse), when Rachel refers to herself as Rachel and tries to throw away her title of Faith, Joseph gets so upset with her that he almost hits her.
Joseph Seed - The DLC takes place in Joseph’s mind so we can now see that, for Joseph, the voice is in fact real. He truly believes he is talking to ‘God’.  - From what I’ve gathered, Joseph’s wife was pregnant when the accident happened. This means that not only was Joseph’s daughter in the accident but that she wasn’t even born yet. This ties in with what Joseph said in the first game about his daughter being so small, frail and weak. And why she is never named. The voice tells Joseph to end her suffering, implying that she is dying anyway, and we get a scene in the DLC of Joseph sobbing over the body of his daughter.   - Joseph truly blames himself for the death of his family and never had the intention of using them for personal gain. Joseph confesses to being blinded by the duty bestowed upon him by ‘God’, and for the majority of the DLC Joseph is actually arguing/ disagreeing with the voice. In the end, all Joseph wanted was to live in a new world, free of corruption, with his family. This is especially evident when Joseph questions himself if it is even worth living in the new world if he doesn’t have anyone to share it with. (The voice dissuades these thoughts as it tells Joseph that he won’t be alone. That he will have an enemy turned ally by his side. Referring to the deputy.)
These are but only some of the things I took notice of in the DLC. Please feel free to share any of your thoughts or things you found in the game. I’d love to hear what you all think.
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