ominous1ty · 1 year
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some pokemon doodles :)
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ominous1ty · 2 years
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Just let me send Eddie and Billy home to the lost boys. Plz.
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ominous1ty · 2 years
billy hargrove | when it all falls down i don’t usually share my videos on main, perhaps a reblog from my editing account here and there but this? i needed to. i’ve edited billy before but i had never truly delved into the nuances of his character in my previous ones. so, when s4 dropped i started to feel this need to edit a more character focused one, no effects, no fancy song… just him, his every flaw, his every shade.
i’d be lying if i said i’m not a bit scared of posting it given the current online climate but we all have to be a little brave sometimes, i suppose. 
 i hold this video very dearly to my heart, i’ve tried my absolute best to do justice to billy’s character. i hope everyone that watches enjoys it and thank you if you do 💕
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ominous1ty · 2 years
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“The world is indeed full of peril, and in it there are many dark places; but still there is much that is fair, and though in all lands love is now mingled with grief, it grows perhaps the greater.” ― J.R.R. Tolkien, The Fellowship of the Ring
For the most part Eddie isn’t into reading novels and Billy isn’t into “nerdy shit”, but they both enjoy reading high fantasy literature together. <3
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ominous1ty · 2 years
(㇏(•̀ᵥᵥ•́)ノ) Initiation's over... It’s time to join the club!
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The Lost Boys (1987) | Dir. Joel Schumacher 
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ominous1ty · 2 years
My thoughts exactly  😎
i love how we all took one look at eddie and collectively went
the 5th lost boy!!
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ominous1ty · 2 years
Don’t mind me. Just thinking about my favorite vampire boys again. Fuck🦇
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“…it’s time to join the club.“
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ominous1ty · 2 years
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I wish everyone had gotten to know him. Really know him. Because they would’ve loved him. They would’ve loved him. Even in the end, he never stopped being Eddie. Despite everything. I never even saw him get mad. He could’ve run. He could’ve saved himself. But he fought and died to protect this town. This town that… hated him. He isn’t just innocent… He’s a hero.
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ominous1ty · 3 years
This is just *chef's kiss*
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False Prophet
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ominous1ty · 3 years
Information on the Seeds from FC6′s DLC, Joseph: Collapse.
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Here's a list of information provided from the DLC that I’ve noted based on the Seed family. I’ll try to make this as unbiased as possible, as in I won’t be commenting on any of these. I’ll just be writing down things of note that the DLC provided us. Spoilers ahead. 
John Seed - Alongside side his struggles with addiction, John also struggles with violent urges. We now know at some point, while being under the influence, he had a massive argument with an unnamed girl. (John describes this girl as someone who provided him with drugs, alcohol and her body, but also as someone who made him very angry.) During a fit of rage, John kills this girl. - Joseph finds John sometime around these events. John is scared that the authorities will find out what he has done, and Joseph offers him a means to escape by telling John to join him. Joseph also tells John that they will find a way to control his more violent urges. - Joseph often expresses how frustrated he is with John during the course of the DLC, saying how he had tried to save John over and over again, yet John still always ended up caving into his urges and desires.  
Jacob Seed - Jacob suffers from some form of ptsd and/or depression. This is evidently clear when we see Jacob having a breakdown and almost committing suicide before being stopped by Joseph. (This scene happens during one of the visions the voice provides Joseph to try and convince him ‘what would have happened’ if his family had survived the collapse) - Joseph constantly refers to Jacob as his protector. Often referring to how Jacob would protect Joseph and John from their abusive father when they were kids. - Jacob takes the initiative to fight back against their father (mentions using his own father’s gun to do so), against Joseph’s pleas not to. Joseph knows that they’ll be torn apart by the system if this happens, but Jacob ends up going through with it anyway, as he would rather have his brothers safe. - There’s also a recording of Joseph finding Jacob after their years of being apart. Jacob cries and he explains to Joseph how no one wants him and how he has no purpose anymore after serving his time in the war. Joseph tells him to join him, how he has always been strong, how they can be a family once again, and how he can give him a new purpose. Jacob notes that Joseph may be crazier than him, but he goes along with it regardless.  
Faith Seed - We now know that the original Faith was Joseph’s wife, who we previously had known to have died from a car accident on the way to visit a friend. (That friend being named Sarah.) - The creation of ‘Faith’ was a means for Joseph to continue to live by his wife’s side after her death.  - Rachel Jessop only agrees to be Faith because she is promised a way to escape her demons through the use of the Bliss. - The previous replacement Faiths are confirmed to have been ‘dealt with’ as they strayed away from Joseph’s side. (It is still never out right stated what exactly happened to these Faiths.) - Joseph states that he loves Rachel (it’s up to interpretation whether you view this as a love for a sibling or something more than that), even though he only really expresses this love for her when she embraces the facade of being Faith. In fact (based on one of the visions the voice provides to Joseph of ‘what could have been’ if his family had survived the collapse), when Rachel refers to herself as Rachel and tries to throw away her title of Faith, Joseph gets so upset with her that he almost hits her.
Joseph Seed - The DLC takes place in Joseph’s mind so we can now see that, for Joseph, the voice is in fact real. He truly believes he is talking to ‘God’.  - From what I’ve gathered, Joseph’s wife was pregnant when the accident happened. This means that not only was Joseph’s daughter in the accident but that she wasn’t even born yet. This ties in with what Joseph said in the first game about his daughter being so small, frail and weak. And why she is never named. The voice tells Joseph to end her suffering, implying that she is dying anyway, and we get a scene in the DLC of Joseph sobbing over the body of his daughter.   - Joseph truly blames himself for the death of his family and never had the intention of using them for personal gain. Joseph confesses to being blinded by the duty bestowed upon him by ‘God’, and for the majority of the DLC Joseph is actually arguing/ disagreeing with the voice. In the end, all Joseph wanted was to live in a new world, free of corruption, with his family. This is especially evident when Joseph questions himself if it is even worth living in the new world if he doesn’t have anyone to share it with. (The voice dissuades these thoughts as it tells Joseph that he won’t be alone. That he will have an enemy turned ally by his side. Referring to the deputy.)
These are but only some of the things I took notice of in the DLC. Please feel free to share any of your thoughts or things you found in the game. I’d love to hear what you all think.
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ominous1ty · 3 years
FC6's Joseph: Collapse DLC Secret Ending
A lot of heartbreaking scenes happen within this DLC. This secret ending gives us a glimpse of what Joseph’s life was like before the death of his wife, Faith. 
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ominous1ty · 3 years
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Perdóname, Padre, porque he pecado. - by Ominousity           Dani Rojas x Bembé Alvarez
Forgive me, Father, for I have sinned.
Dani Rojas finds himself on his knees, in the house of the holy, worshipping something other than God.
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ominous1ty · 3 years
You can actually get the leucistic version of Peaches if you purchase the vice pack for the game. Their name is Champagne :)
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Boom Boom is lookin’ an awful lot like my boi Boomer 😏
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ominous1ty · 3 years
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Boom Boom is lookin’ an awful lot like my boi Boomer 😏
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ominous1ty · 4 years
Anyone else reminded of H.H. Holmes? That one serial killer that built an elaborate building with apartments and ya know... hidden soundproof torture rooms and hallways that led nowhere. Just me?
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ominous1ty · 4 years
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Happy international women’s day!
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ominous1ty · 4 years
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Greg announced an upcoming Far Cry comic!!! Will definitely be getting my hands on this! 😍
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