#fc rook
flare-queen · 5 months
Joseph Seed/Deputy - One of Us
had been wanting to make this for a couple months now, finally finished it. With Joseph and Deputy their relationship is complicated, definitely a lot of work and trust issues especially being enemies being stuck in a bunker.
I don't own anything everything belongs to their rightful owners!
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felassanis · 2 years
My first time playing Far Cry 5 last year I did like IMMEDIATELY latch onto John. Like his character was so intriguing in both tragedy and fucked uppness that I gobbled that man up like he's Sunday dinner.
The problem is that the game ever so slightly pushes the player to complete his region first. And because I wanted to experience every moment I could squeeze out of John I did his region with speed. And of course when you complete his region...
You kill him.
I expected it. But that strange emptiness came upon me anyway. I just felt bad for him (he's horrible and violent) but I still felt bad knowing his backstory.
But then I had the REST of the game to do and lemme tell you. Loving John and doing his region FIRST gave me some fucking strange moments.
Like driving through the Whitetail mountains and immediately stopping the truck and just staring into nothingness when "Oh John" comes on the radio. A usually up beat song pulling goddamn tears from my Deputy as she sits alone in the car.
Feeling a bit GUILTY when I finally got around to destroying the YES sign and wishing I hadn't done it because it would've been some sort of reminder of John always.
Listening to Joseph's phone call in Seed ranch and just OUCH. "I want to see you die an old man, John" and "your sin will take a new form"
And then. I did every region. Killed Jacob. Killed Faith. And Joseph....fucking Joseph has the audacity to say
"John was wrong about your sin"
And I just remember audibly saying "Don't u dare say his fucking name" because I just kept thinking this fucker is the reason John got WORSE. How he used John to expand the cult. How HE UTILISED John's desire to gain his approval to USE HIM. And I mean I was loving it! I was getting so worked up like "how DARE u say my crazy husbands name 😤 "
Anyway yeah. Farcry 5 still haunts me. I've not known peace since I played it
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chazz-anova · 1 year
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Deputy Veronica Rook
The rage roils under my skin like holy fire, seeking to burn me down till only my ashes are left
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baberahamlinkin · 1 year
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✨Surprise bitch, betcha thought you'd seen the last of me✨
Happy late (I think?) creation anniversary to the very subject of this account waaaay back in 2018, my far cry 5 oc Aless.
I can kind of actually draw now too <33
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jacobseedvaas35 · 2 years
John Seed’s final goodbye:
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general-kalani · 11 months
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"One that looks like your ex-boyfriend over there. Y'sure you can do it? Do you have the balls to hit him in the face? Go on then."
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c3m3t4ry · 2 years
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he knows his soul is damned
for what god would love such a wicked, awful man
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direwombat · 2 years
the funniest scene in ch 5 of fragile creatures is rook (a cop) hot wiring a truck in front of a sixteen year old boy and then looking at him dead in the eye and saying “this is illegal. do. not. do. this”
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bolyde · 8 hours
Unfortunate: one of my favorite actresses casted in ma.rvel slop
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little-elf-wanders · 3 months
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A face shape/hair/skintone change for Effie that suits her a little more - her hair is supposed to be super long but realistically they won't give us that in game, so maybe a bun or ponytail style would fit her more, provided they let the hair still be... like this. I realised she's a little more like Wednesday facial wise too as my initial thought of her was based off a book character I'm writing.
She's more blue in the book and has horns that sprouted out her scalp due to her magic usage, as well as a stoic apathetic expression, so some imagination could have her hair styled up into something to mimic the horns. (buns or something adjacent) But I know I need to be realistic about her skin tone specifically.
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Pure unapologetic Effie vibes, regardless.
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visionsofcarnality · 3 months
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Aemond Targaryen x Daemyra’s Daughter!fc
Ptolemaea: To betray a guest that has been invited into your home.
a/n: The original concept for this came from @ellijg who dmed me this concept and i added my own little details to it. The original concept was Daemon and Rhaenyra’s daughter was best friends with Aemond during childhood and the daughter was at Rook’s Rest which triggered Aemond to think about when he killed her brother Lucerys. Obviously spoilers for both Fire and Blood and HOTD 204 are below. This short story deals with violence, grief, betrayal, and more than one stabbing.
Other notes: Ptolemaea is also a good song to listen to during this.
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"Do you think Aegon and Helaena will be happy?" She asked him? turning her violet eyes to try and find his. "Married?"
"I hope so..." Aemond murmured softly, running his fingers over the softly carved wings of a wooden dragon toy they'd stolen from the King's chambers. "But I think not."
Alysanne frowned softly, turning her head back to the sky where they could just spot Sunfyre and Dreamfyre circling the city. Not quite touching, just observing each other. Each a spectator to the other's solitude. Even in her young mind she wondered if the beautiful beasts were mimicking their riders. Caution reigning over curiosity.
"Pray to the Seven..." She settled deeper into the grass, trying to push the thoughts of unhappy partnerships behind. "I hope I will never marry."
"I will marry you." He countered, causing her head to snap back in his direction, mouth open to protest before he continued. "You can live on Dragonstone, I'll stay in the keep. No one will ever be able to make you do anything."
"Except you." She hedged, clearly looking for the catch in this vow.
"I could never command you." He scoffed, a faint smile leaving his lips. "Zaldrīzes dohaeriros iksos daor."
(A dragon is not a slave)
She matched his smile with her own, laughing softly. "We could be free."
"We could be free." He conceded, watching his niece instead of the clouds when she told him one looked almost like the dragon she'd claimed. The she dragon once ridden by the Queen she was named after; Silverwing.
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Alysanne screamed in pure horror when Vhagar's teeth closed around Meleys' neck, crunching disturbingly. She felt a sob tear from her throat as the dragon stopped fighting and finally fell limp, hurtling towards the earth at the speed only a creature the size of a dragon could achieve. Even from her distance she could just see the arms of her beloved Cousin Rhaenys, lifted by the rush of the fall like she was surrendering to her fate.
The explosion from the impact of Meleys' body on the ground shook the castle she was circling and a pained wail left her. One that Silverwing matched, trilling a sound that onlookers would describe in the history books as despair.
There was no time for grief, not as Alysanne, still with tears in her eyes, saw Vhagar circle back around and turn towards the castle of Rook's Rest. She pushed aside the image of Rhaenys falling through the blue sky and focused on what was in front of her. Meleys had blown a passage through the wall of the Keep, one the footsoldiers were now running through. If her faction were to stand even a small chance, she had to distract Vhagar to let Rhaenyra's soldiers close in behind them.
"Dohaeragon, Silverwing." She sobbed into the Dragon's large neck. "Īlon līs jikagon va." She encouraged her, fastening the straps holding her to her saddle even tighter until the skin around her armored hips felt pinched. "Nābēmagon, Gēlenka Tīkun."
(Dohaeragon: Serve/Serve me. Īlon līs jikagon va: We must go on. Nābēmagon Gēlenka Tikun: Attack, Silver Wing.)
Silverwing chirped a high, almost musical, roar and obeyed. The she dragon violently whipped her light wings against the air current below them, launching her and her rider higher. They were now almost level with Vhagar and Aemond.
Aemond twisted in his saddle at the sound of Silverwing's call, eye widening in dread. "No," He shook his head, willing Alysanne to turn her mount away from the battle. "Stubborn girl..." The words were followed by a soft curse as Vhagar inevitably circled to face Silverwing. "No! Vhagar, no!" He cried, yanking uselessly on the reigns.
"Vhagar, no!" The sound of bone crunching could be heard even above the thick rain as Vhagar's mouth closed around Arrax's body... Around Lucerys.
"Vhagar, stop! Not her!" He screamed. "Not her! Dohaeragon, Vhagar. Rybagon issa!" Vhagar paid him no mind, raising her mighty neck to deliver a killing blow to the smaller dragon.
(Rybagon issa: hear me.)
On Silverwing, Alysanne watched the great beast move like a fanged glacier, the slow speed somehow making her movement all the more intimidating. She swallowed her fear, closing her eyes for half a moment and letting herself remember Rhaenys. Her death could not be in vain. She would not lose this battle.
"Come on, girl." She called harshly, gripping the reins tight. "We can take them." Silverwing answered lightly and beat her wings harder, launching them higher.
"No..." The sight of Arrax's wing tumbling to the dark water like a maple tree seed. Spinning and circling as it still spewed the steaming blood of the young dragon. He wondered absently how much of the blood on Arrax's scales was his... and how much was Lucerys'.
The ride back to King's Landing was numb. Even the cold rain and the pain in his hands from his grip on Vhagar's leads couldn't shake him from his stupor.
Vhagar roared with a sound that was more felt than heard, but there was no mistaking the answering melodic call of Silverwing as she met the larger beast without fear. Aemond pulled Vhagar back with all his might, crying out with the effort of trying to turn such a massive beast away from the woman he may have once called his wife.
It was barely enough, Vhagar finally banked with a roar of outrage, but not before Silverwing made impact with the larger she dragon's hind leg, slicing savagely through to the bone. Vhagar moaned in anger and writhed in the air, shaking the reflective dragon off. Alysanne and Silverwing hung on, bravely tearing chunks from Vhagar's flesh until the jade queen twisted in a slow death roll and brought her tail up towards her leg, smacking savagely into the side of Silverwing and sending her flying.
Aemond watched in horror as his nightmares became reality. The flashing of Silverwing's light scales as she spun out of control looked all too similar to the way Arrax had spiraled as bits of him fell to the ocean. He could just barely see Alysanne, clutching her dragon's neck like she was attempting to comfort her even in the free fall. Even though she would surely die should the impact come for them both.
Silverwing crashed into the trees below them, knocking more than a few of them down with her momentum, a shrill, ululating whistle of pain rising above the screams and clanging of steel.
"Down, Vhagar, land." He instructed without emotion, letting Vhagar carry them both to the ground near where Silverwing had made impact.
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Alysanne nearly screamed in effort, trying to pull the clasp of her strap from the saddle as it had become crushed during the fall, the metal loop closing entirely on the latch of her riding lead. When it was made clear the metal wouldn't budge she huffed and drew her dagger, slicing clean through the crafted leather. No sooner was she free than she was sliding down Simverwing's back to rush towards her head, checking the dragon over for injuries.
"Oh, my girl." She crooned, pressing her forehead to Silverwing's nose with a soft sob. "I thought we were lost." Silverwing purred against her rider, the sound carrying a soft whistle with it.
"Alysanne!" The harsh shout of her name had the hairs on the back of her neck rising, followed by the crunching of leaves and twigs under hurried feet.
"Ssh..." She soothed her mount with a soft kiss to her face. "It's okay." Silverwing rustled nervously but obeyed with a soft chuff that blew smoke up through Alysanne's silver-gold hair, joining the smoke and soot that already covered her rider.
"Alys!" Aemond called the nickname he'd used for her when they were children, clearing the last of the branches to reveal Silverwing on her side, laying calmly among the destruction caused by her fall. Weary, but alive. There was no sign of Alysanne.
Or so he thought. A primal yell came from his flank and he turned just in time to catch Alysanne's sword arm as she swung a dagger over his head. His hand just stopped the impact of the blade a finger's length from his good eye, and they locked in a stare. Alysanne was covered in soot and smoke, smeared by the tears running down her face and looking in her eyes. Though the tears were not betrayed by her expression, her mouth and brow twisted in fervent wrath.
"Alys-" He started, trying to wrestle her arm down and away from him. Before he could finish she suddenly dropped the dagger and caught it with her other hand, driving it towards his side. He had just enough time to sidestep her so that the blade met him in the thigh instead of the gut where she had intended.
"You!" She wailed, the sound almost animalistic. "Kinslayer! Traitorous, two-faced villain!" Her words cut him deep and he felt his face fall as he beheld the ferocity and rage she threw at his feet.
"Alys, stop!" He shouted, grabbing both her flailing arms and twisting her wrist until she cried out and dropped the dagger. "Listen to me!" She did no such thing, kicking out with both legs to try and force him off her. The impact cleared the air from his lungs but only served to topple them both to the scorched forest floor, his body on top of hers. She writhed in his grip, growling like a harpy, but he was stronger and larger than she was , nailing her arms to the ground with both hands and sitting down harshly on her hips to keep her from squirming too much.
"Stop fighting me!" He roared into her face, and she only fought harder, drawing her own blood as she clenched her hands into fists, digging the nails into the meat of her palms with her effort.
"No!" She screamed in response, trying to bring her legs up to knee him in the back. "I will never stop fighting you! I will kick and scream and fight you until you either kill me or I kill you!" She sobbed, her fight losing some of its momentum as she cried.
"You killed them!" She wailed, choked sounds of grief leaving her as she continued to fight him. "You killed them both! Your kin!"
"It was an accident!" He matched her cries, feeling his own tears start to well. "What happened with Lucerys... I never meant for Vhagar to harm him!"
"He was three and ten!" She wept miserably, her arms and legs starting to slacken in his hold as he grief overcame her sadness. "He was a child, Aemond! A babe! Him and Arrax both!"
"And what of our children?" Some of his tears dropped to her face and she shook them off agitatedly. "Jaehaerys? Maelor, who will never forget how his mother wished him dead? Jaehaera, who lost her twin?"
"Rhaenyra had nothing to do with that!" She hissed through her tears. "It was Daemon who ordered your head be brought to him. He did not plan on your chambers being empty. You were too busy whoring to protect your own nephew!" Her voice rose through the sentence until she was screeching in his face again.
"Enough, woman!" He snapped, lifting her briefly to slam her back into the ground in an attempt to stop her from spewing more of his darkest regrets. "You think I wanted this? You think that I wanted my nephews dead?"
"Mayhaps not." She panted coldly, eyes icing over as she looked between the patch and his single purple eye. "But you wanted your brother dead." Aemond's blood ran cold. "I saw you. I saw you order Vhagar. You fired upon your own brother with no regard for his life. Your King! You were too blinded by your own hatred and ambition to stay loyal to your brother!"
He leaned into her space, so close their noses almost touched and he could smell the salt in the tears cutting through the soot on her cheeks. “That fire was for Meleys. Aegon was the idiot who held on and didn’t order Sunfyre away.”
At that, she did the unthinkable. She laughed at him.A disturbing, humorless laugh that made a chill run down his spine. “Your convolutions may be enough for your mother and your small council, but you cannot fool me Aemond.” She sneered, venom dripping from every word. “You never could.”
“Have you no memory of us as children?” He was grasping now, trying to find a way to pull her close as she only tried to get farther away. “What has become of those children?”
“You did this to us!” She cried, rage awakening anew. “It was your actions, not mine! Your ambition! Your anger! Your ceaseless vengeance and need for retribution!” Silverwing shifted uncomfortably at the sounds of her rider’s distress, but did not rise. “Your constant need to be feared and loved! You claim loneliness, did I not love you enough?” She was sobbing again. “Have I not given everything I could to you and your complexes? Was I not enough for you, Aemond? Or did you think that I could love you and fear you at once?” She finally stopped fighting him, laying lax against the soot-covered ground as he processed her deepest questions. “If I had loved you better would you have spared my brother?” She mewled through her tears. “If I had feared you the way you wanted Luke to fear Vhagar?”
Aemond did not answer, and another tear rolled down his face and he watched it land on her wobbling bottom lip. She looked away from him, arms shifting restlessly. “Even now…” She mused, sounding truly broken. “You cannot answer me.” She scoffed. “Nothing will ever be enough for you, Aemond. You ride the largest dragon, you claimed your vengeance on my little brother, you’ve now deposed your brother as King…” The expression she turned on him was nothing short of disgust edged with pity. “You will never be happy.” She sighed, “Never satisfied.”
“Alys-“ He was cut off from finishing her name when he felt a sharp pain in his side, just below the crest of his hipbone. The only place on his body she could reach with her arms restrained against him. When he looked down he saw the hilt of Aegon’s dagger protruding from his doublet. She’d taken the dagger he plucked from the crater of Sunfyre and Aegon…
Aemond loosed his grip on her in shock, feeling blood pool under his clothes and soak his riding clothes. Alysanne scrambled from beneath him as he hitched to the side, catching himself on one hand and breathing heavily.
“Alysanne!” He called out, watching her hair fly behind her as she sprinted to Silverwing and deftly climbed onto her back, strapping herself into the saddle with quick, shaking hands. “Alysanne!” He repeated, louder now, desperation tinting his voice as he simultaneously tried to stem the bleeding from his side as well as from the dagger still lodged in his thigh.
She paid him no mind as she ordered Silverwing into the sky and the downwind from her mighty wings hit Aemond full force, knocking his weakening body to the ground on his back, helpless as he watched her fly away.
He watched her until Silverwing was just a reflective dot on the sky, and the last thing he heard was a knight shouting his title before he succumbed to sleep from the blood still flowing under him.
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flare-queen · 8 months
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In the Blissfield
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felassan · 3 months
Dragon Age: The Veilguard info compilation Post 5
[Part 1] [Part 2] [Part 3] [Part 4]
[There are also a series of 'lil snippets' posts where I was just chucking together bits and pieces that I saw at other times: one, two, three, four, five, six]
Post is under a cut due to length.
There is a lot of information coming out right now about DA:TV from many different sources. This post is just an effort to compile as much as I can in one place, in case that helps anyone. Sources for where the information came from have been included. Where I am linking to a social media user’s post, the person is either a dev, a Dragon Age community council member or other person who has had a sneak peek at and/or played the game. nb, this post is more of a ‘info that came out in snippets from articles and social media posts’ collection rather than a ‘regurgitating the information on the official website or writing out what happened in the trailer/gameplay reveal’ post. The post is broken down into headings on various topics. A few points are repeated under multiple headings where relevant. Where I am speculating without a source, I have clearly demarcated this. if you notice any mistakes in this post, please tell me.
For notes in here on community council things in particular, I recommend to listen to the vid directly, it's always better hearing things first-hand ^^
Character Creation
"The diverse body and gender options make it an industry leader by a signifcant margin" [source]
"BioWare was keen to highlight the hair strand technology that looked very similar to that seen in FIFA and EA FC, also made under EA's roof" [source]
"Fine tuning sliders that allowed for microscopic adjustments of nose angles, it was clear that a lot of options exist to get the smallest possible body parts exactly right" [source]
"There's no specific genital customisation to be oversold as CDPR did but, much like Saints Row, there is an option for bulge customisation" [source]
Pronoun choice, gender identity, body type, and voice choice are 4 separate options, not tied together [source]
Height is customised on a slider [source]
Size is customized on a triangle like in Saints Row: the 'points' are fat, slim and muscular [source]
The different lighting options are 4 different settings: clean, bright, dim, sunset [source]
In CC you can also try out what Rook looks like in their starting rags, in typical mid-game armor, and some level 50 gear (class appropriate for each one) [source]
There's a way for you to modify your character's look once the game has started if you want to make some tweaks [source: the official Discord]
You can be any class and choose any backstory/faction, any race, any gender [source]
Story and lore
On meeting Neve in the opening, if Rook chooses to say the positive dialogue option (I think this is the thumbs up one, "You rescued yourself, I see") they say something like, "It looks like you're doing pretty well by yourself huh?" [source]
According to someone who played the game at SGF, the game has a Mass Effect 2 Suicide Mission feel to it [source]
The Shadow Dragons are kind of an anti-Venatori faction, sort of. [source] A freedom force. [source]
The Mourn Watch are kind of like the police for the Grand Necropolis [source]
The Veil Jumpers are kind of like weird magical investigators, weird magical nerds [source]
The moment right after the gameplay video ends is 👀❗❗...? [source]
On the timeskip, the Community Council were told that they were going to make it about the same amount of time in-game as the amount of time that passed in real life from the time most people would have last played DA:I [source]
Rook's faction is also referenced outside of the intro segment of the game [source]
In the gameplay reveal video that we saw, some of the Evanuris statue assets at Solas' ritual site are doubled up in error, i.e. some of them have the wrong heads. This is not supposed to be the case, they are supposed to each have a different head (bear in mind this was an early build and isn't the final build of the game) [source]
Characters, companions, romance
Go [here] to see some DA:TV doodles of the characters that a dev drew this year and last year. :> the hidden doodle is a version of Rook, hidden as they have not yet shown any of the possible hairstyles for Rook outside of the gameplay reveal video. [source]
It is Lucanis who has the purple wings [source]
His name is pronounced "Loo-khan-ess Day-ah-MORT-ey" [source]
Lucanis is hands-down "the sole dumpster fire of the crew". Mary "wrote him specifically to be a bisexual disaster of a human. You're welcome." [source]
As a name 'Rook' is closer to 'Inquisitor' than 'Hawke' [source]
The Community Council highly requested there to be 4 voices for Rook. They kept bringing it up [source] (there are 4 voices for Rook)
The Solas face model has been tweaked "a hundred times" [source]
Gameplay, presentation, performance etc
Rook can jump [source: the official Discord]
Rook can sprint [source: the official Discord]
Warrior gameplay (or at least one build of this) involves doing the right parry timing to lead to a certain attack [source]
Warriors have a dropkick ability, enemies can be dropkicked off cliffs using this [source]
According to someone who played the game at SGF said that the game ran smoothly and didn't have any bugs [source]
Companions can have an ability that heals Rook even when they are not mages [source]
Sword and shield warrior's ranged skill is like, boomeranging their shield over there [source]
In terms of the 'the game isn't open world, it's mission-based' stuff, it could be likened to Trespasser in this regard [source]
The first time the Community Council played, they asked if there is a photomode. BioWare said no, and the Council were like 'aw that really sucks, we really wanted one'. The next time that they went to play it, BioWare introduced them to a dev and said "Okay, we have photo mode, all thanks to this guy". "So there is one particular dev we all need to be kissing the feet of" because he figured out photo mode. [source] [nb, more on the Photo Mode situation here]
The current build of the game is not the final build of the game. A few things are currently being vigorously worked on [source]
Someone who played the game at SGF was told that all of the choices and consequences were in the game, and that basically the team are just polishing things up right now [source]
The number of community members on the Community Council is in the double digits and they are from all walks of life. They don't have any contracts which say that they can only say positive things; they can be as negative as they want about DA media. Not every member of the council has said publicly that they were part of the group, there is nothing mandating them to do so [source]. They have not played the full game [source] and they tested it on consoles [source]. A lot of them ended up liking the gameplay [source]. They played some of the main story but they don't know how it ends. At one point they did three days of playtesting from like 9am-4pm daily. "I liked the quality, I liked what was going on, I was very invested. I did have some worries from the first playtest that were completely resolved in the second". "If you are someone who is into the story, I think we're safe, in the clear, I think we're okay. What I saw, I was really enjoying, I'm really excited about" [source]
The name change also surprised the community council. They aren't keen on the 'the'. There are a lot of things that they said to BioWare which, sometimes things just cannot change as it's too late. [source]
They did not see the finished game trailer before it released, and at that time it might have had a different song in it. They fed back that the version of the trailer that they saw was fine (what they saw was a bit different) [source]
BioWare have data on the percentage of people who used tactical view in DA:I and it's in the single digits [source]
Upkeep of the The Keep is a lot and it goes down like once a month. There have been times when it was down for weeks at a time [source]
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chazz-anova · 1 year
thank you love!! i'll do this for how veronica would feel about cal, since they would technically work together at the sheriffs office lmao
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repulsive / hideous / ugly / not attractive / unappealing / not unattractive / meh / no preference / ok / mildly attractive / nice looking / cute / adorable / attractive / pleasant on the eyes / good looking / hot / sexy / beautiful / gorgeous / hot damn / would tap that / perfect / godlike / holy fuck there are no words.
grating / irritating / frustrating / boring / confusing at best / awkward / unreasonable / psychotic / disturbing / interesting / engaging / affectionate / aggressive / ambitious / anxious / artistic / bad tempered / bossy / charismatic / appealing / unappealing / creative / courageous / dependable / unreliable / unpredictable / predictable / devious / devilish / dim / extroverted / introverted / egotistical / gregarious / fabulous / impulsive / intelligent / sympathetic / talkative / up beat / peaceful / calming / badass / flexible.
how likely they would have sex with them:
not if they were the last person on earth and the world was ending / fuck no! / never / no way / not likely / not sure / indifferent / I’m asexual / maybe / probably / it depends (v has committed enough crimes against mary may it's hard to say lmfao) / fairly likely / likely / yeah sure / yes (death wish Cal) / would tap that / hell yes / fuck yes! / wishing that could happen right now / as many times as possible / we are already having sex.
level of friendship:
never in a million years / worst of enemies / enemies / rivals / indifferent / neutral / acquaintance / friendly toward each other / casual friends / friends / good friends / best friends / fuck buddies / bosom buddies / practically the same person / would die for them / true friends / my only friend.
first impression of them:
i hate them so much / i don’t like them / i don’t trust them / they annoy me / they’re weird / I’m indifferent / meh / they seem alright / they’re growing on me / truce / I think I like them / I like them / I’m not sure if I trust them / I trust them / they’re cool / they’re genuine / I think we’re going to get along / I really like them / I think I’m in love / BUT oh fuck they’re hot / I love them.
current impression of them:
i hate them so much / i don’t like them / i don’t trust them / they annoy me / they’re weird / I’m indifferent / meh / they seem alright / they’re growing on me / truce / I think I like them / I like them / I’m not sure if I trust them / I trust them / they’re cool / they’re genuine / I think we’re going to get along / I really like them / I think I’m in love / oh fuck they’re hot / I love them.
send 🖤 and my character will answer how they feel about yours!
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lovinbarzal · 1 year
NATIONAL BF DAY | our song au
wyatt johnston x fem! barzal! reader
au masterlist | masterlist | fc: emily carey | a/n this completely based off the post i made about my bf lmaoooo but it's super short...sorry ! i do have their meeting chapter in the works as well as part two to greatest love story!
y/nbarzal has posted !
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liked by jpav, jackhughes, and others
i'm so FLIPPIN happy that we met when we did (even if it did cost me my favorite shirt). you are truly the best bf ever! you know exactly how to balance me out. i thought i was gonna end up alone with 40 cats (i'm allergic) but then i found you and i'm happy that the universe brought is together.
i love you to the moon, wyatt pookie johnston <3
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wyattjohnston_ awww my sugar 💞💞💞💞
wyattjohnston_ i love you to saturn, y/n sugar barzal<3
↳ y/nbarzal smooches for you💋💋💋
↳ jackhughes i just barfed in my mouth
↳ y/nhughes die
barzal97 aww (eww)
trevorzegras my kids✨
↳ y/nbarzal mama
↳ wyattjohnston_ mama
fanacc1 OMG MY OTP!!!!
quinnhughes_ ahh ok
↳ y/nbarzal kys
dallasstars rooks💚🌟
hateacc1 🤮
↳ fanacc2 go away😒
titobeauvi91 otp🙈🧍
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jacobseedvaas35 · 2 years
John Seed:
“You will confess. Every sin you’ve ever committed”
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“No matter how petty, no matter how small”
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“I will pull from you”
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“Then we will see if you’re worthy of Atonement”
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