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passionwillow · 1 day ago
I need him biblically. This tall ass gorgeous hunk of a man.
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OA Zidan — FBI 7.02
credit to ameliaszillace on twitter if used
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g0ldenh0ur · 11 months ago
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Alrighty fellow FBI fans, my inbox is officially open for one-shot requests! Send in prompts with your preferred rating, and I'll bring your ideas to life ✨
Pairing: Maggie x OA | Word Count: ~2-3k | Rating: Any (G to E)
- Check out my work here if you're interested in completed fics -
1. Company
OA visits Maggie in the hospital as she recovers from sarin exposure post-4x18. [Rated G].
Prompt by @omaradombell and @hjlbsw77
2. Familiar
Maggie and OA meet Detectives Traci Nash and Sam Swarek. [Rated: T].
Prompt by @aethermint
3. Hurt
An extended version of the scene in 4x09 where Maggie is struck in the vest. In this story, we explore OA's perspective of the shooting. Later, Maggie realizes she's more hurt than expected once the adrenaline starts to wear off. [Rated: G].
Prompt by @like-you-it-makes-no-sense
4. Flashes of the Past
A new perspective on Maggie's return to work in 5x07. OA sees right through her when she freezes on the job. Later, he and Maggie share a moment in the stairwell. [Rated: G].
Prompt by @like-you-it-makes-no-sense
5. See Me [Part 1]
Maggie moves to New York at the start of a new school year. She quickly befriends OA, who has been living in an ongoing nightmare. They form a connection that no force on earth can break. [Rated: T].
Prompt by anonymous on ao3
6. See Me [Part 2]
Maggie and OA prepare for the winter formal. A series of flashbacks show how their relationship grew so strong. Later, he picks her up for the dance, and they have an unforgettable night together. Years in the future, Maggie reflects on the past.
[Rated: G].
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laurens-german · 2 years ago
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"If there’s a problem and you have to choose, your priority should be Nina." Nina Chase and Stuart Scola in FBI (2018—)
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starcrossedsongs · 1 year ago
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I've waxed poetic about this scene on Twitter, but I figured I'd do it here, too!
(Screenshots are my own, gifs are from here, by the lovely Dana)
I'm gonna quickly preface this by saying that I have zero idea if Zillace will be more than friends this season or beyond. They're my #1 ship right now, but either way, I just can't articulate enough how much I love this moment.
Katherine talked here about how when she and Zeeko play these kinds of scenes, their own experiences as the two POC leads on the show informs it. And I love that, because it's so apparent in the way that Tiff and OA interact.
This isn't an anti-Maggie or anti-Scola post, but their dismissal of OA taking offense to the suspect being assumed Middle-Eastern ticked me off. But, even with that, I noticed this:
First, OA is just...incredibly annoyed, which is super valid.
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But even while that's happening, you know who's focused on him? Tiff. It's like they're having a silent conversation, with the real one to come minutes later once they get in the house.
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Even as Maggie walks ahead, they're maintaining that eye contact. If you watch the scene in real time, it reminds me a lot of 5x04, when OA snapped at the agent who made a (distasteful) "joke" about the case. Then and here, Tiff was essentially laser-focused on OA the entire time, non-verbally seeing if he's good (and in the case of 5x04, both verbally and physically).
Which makes the 6x01 scene all the more special.
It's so short—honestly, if you blink or were looking at your phone, you might miss it. But Tiff opens up the door once she and OA are near each other and out of earshot from their partners—"So much for the guy being Middle-Eastern."
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Look at OA's expression here. It's almost like he's bracing himself, the way his sentence trails off. Not that Tiff would say anything remotely like the SWAT leader, Maggie, or Scola did—but to me, it just looks like he's a guy who's tired of the assumptions and treads lightly sometimes when things like this happen.
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Alright, so let's break this down. Tiff's response is immediate—yeah, I know. Because she does. Yes, she and OA look different, but they've each had to see up close and personal what having skin color like theirs means in situations like this. You're always a target. A suspect. Even if you didn't do anything.
The little shake of her head as she looks back down—sort of like, "it's a shame" type of thing.
But, then the "trust me" is what gets me. Because (first of all, Tiff, he does, with his life) she's seeing the opposite side of it: how Black people are often accused without warning just because of what we look like. And it's there—the innate understanding that she's communicating with him in that moment. She knows that after what happened outside, he's seeking reassurance that he's not overreacting, that he has a right to be annoyed, and with five words, Tiffany told him, you weren't wrong.
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And OA freaking sighs after she says it. You can see it in his face, the relief at the fact that she gets it. Gets him. In five words, Tiffany understands. Perhaps more than anyone ever has.
Y'all see his eyes? The way they flit over her face for a second or two—relishing the fact that, okay, this is someone I don't have to tiptoe around. I can say exactly how I feel and know they won't judge me or have some preconceived notion. They listen, they hear me, and they don't try to understand. They simply do.
This has already gotten way too long, but I'm so serious when I say that OA and Tiffany have the most unique dynamic on FBI. There's so much depth and realness, a shared life perspective, and if you see them like I do, tons of chemistry as well. I really hope S6 furthers their bond, because it's so near and dear to my heart.
Thank you for coming to my TEDTalk! :)
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neurodivergentseries · 1 year ago
So tonight we are getting adoptive mama maggie bell and rip Charlotte.... now going to manifest zibell as parents next.
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windshield91 · 9 months ago
I'll do one chicago crossovers rewatch. The earlier seasons weren't perfect but still are better than the later couple of seasons.
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passionwillow · 23 hours ago
Should I write about OA Zidan? 😗
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dgct2 · 2 years ago
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Dylan McDermott and Alexa Davalos as Remy Scott and Kristin Gaines in FBICBS 5x16 and FBIMostWanted 4x16 Imminent Threat II & III. 
I was delayed posting these photos since CBS waited 2 weeks before dropping the FBI Most Wanted photos. Glad to see that Kristin finally show up. I’m intrigued about her working with OA.  
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addictiedtocrimedrama · 2 years ago
The heck is going on with chatgptdemo.net and giving the characters of FBI unneeded trauma, the wrong position/title, and other suff about them wrong
So I went to find a free version of Chat GPT because I'm not downloading the app which I found in ChatGPT VN (chatgptdemo.net) and me and my friend (we were on a vid call with each other) decided to ask if a few questions about science and Philippine history where we were satisfied with the answers.
So we ended the vid call and I made a new chat for just crime drama shit (because why not) and I asked a question about my fav tv show of all time aka Criminal Minds: Beyond Borders (idc what others think it's a good show in my opinion) and another one about the 7th season of CSI: NY and the response was questionable since included stuff from earlier and later seasons (ie the f***ing blond b***h getting kidnaped, Mac proposing to said blond b***h [I'm a hardcore JAC shipper okay], Danny and Lindsay having Lucy, and etc.) which I just brushed off but oh was I wrong.
I then asked it about the characters of FBI and oh my gulay it did then s**t with departure episodes, cause of departure, positions/titles, and what they did before they joined the FBI all wrong and with a case where they gave the wrong name, another with the wrong actor, and one with a completely made up episode title and plot (the last two are from the same character). Character names will be found below the cut along with screen shots of the question I asked with the answer and my response to the answers they gave.
First "victim" was Dana Mosier
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Right position/title, right episode right episode of departure, but wrong reason. This feels like they changed the plot of the season 1 finale and changed it to what I could only explain as a mash up between the basis of the episode "Scorched Earth" and a horrible fanfiction idea where Dana dies instead of retiring.
But Dana's not the only one they f***ed up on; they f***ed up on all the main characters plus Nina, Mona, and Rina who are only included because why not and also out of curiosity.
Second "victim" was Ellen Solberg (aka the one episode/day SAC)
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They not only did they get her position/title wrong, but they also got her episode of departure and reason for departure wrong. First, she's also an SAC, second, she was ONLY in the pilot episode, and third she was only temporarily assigned there (or was she on a temporary assignment idk but I'm pretty sure it's the former).
Third "victim" was Rina Trenholm (aka the FBI's version of Linda Barnes)
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They got her position/title and episode of departure wrong but surprisingly they got the reason for departure right aka she got killed got though the cause of death is wrong. Rina was not a forensic analyst she was instead the ADIC which is a big difference that I will not go into. She also didn't exit the show during the episode "Legacy" (or the 15th ep in the 2nd if you need to know the season/ep it was) and mind you Rina wasn't even introduced in the show yet. her actual episode of departure was in the episode "Unfinished Business" though technically it was announced she died in the next episode "Fostered". Lastly her cause of death wasn't that a group on nationalists murdered her (though the murder part was correct) she was actually, and I quote her wiki page 'killed on order of Antonio Vargas'.
Fourth "victim" was Kristen Chazal.
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They got her position/title right (to some extent) though the season and reason for departure is wrong. Kristen was a FBI Special Agent in the second season though she was an analyst in the first. She also didn't leave in the second season but in between the second and third season and she didn't leave to take a job in the private sector but instead she transferred to the Dalas field office.
Fifth "victim" was Jubal Valentine
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Technically they got his position/title right though everything else is wrong. They're right to say he's an Agent though if we are to dive into the specifics he's an Assistant Special Agent in Charge or ASAC for short. They got the (ex) wife and kids' part though instead of a car accident that impacted him and his family it was him and Sam (his [ex] wife) got divorced and I'm 85% sure that at some point during the third season it was the fact that Tyler (one of his kids) had cancer (leukemia specifically) that was the 'problem'.
Sixth "victim" was Maggie Bell
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Yes, I specifically made the question about the serin gas incident. Everything about the first two 'paragraphs' where wrong. First the serin gas incident happened during the fourth season during the episode "Fear Nothing" and not in the first season during the episode "Exposed". Next the said incident didn't happen in the NYC subway station but in a lab of some sorts (didn't actually see the ep I only saw the trailer, okay?!). The third part though is most definitely correct since Maggie was able to make a full recovery and rejoin the team in the episode "Ready or Not".
Seventh "victim" was Mona Narari who is only on this list because I was curious
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They sure as heck got her position/title wrong since she's not even an analyst but is a US Attorney in the show. Her last/latest episode is also wrong along with why she 'left' the show. Her last/latest ep was not "Invisible" (she wasn't even introduced yet) but was actually "Charlotte's Web" and she hasn't been seen on the show since then. Either because she and OA (who's up next) broke up or something else though I'm pretty sure it's the latter.
Eighth "victim" was Omar Adom "OA" Zidan (and yes I just used his whole name because why not)
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I just asked who OA was in general since I couldn't think of anything that happened to his (probably because I'm very forgetful). They got his position/title right but the whole 'former US Marshal' this is completely cap... well at least the US Marshal part since he was a Army Ranger before he joined the FBI. Everything else seams to check out which means that so far his "bio" is the closest to canon.
Ninth "victim" was Nina Chase
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Before anyone kills me, what happened to Nina during the triple crossover event just popped into my head. Anyways they got her position/title, her surname, what happened to her, and the show that were part of the triple crossover wrong. For those who don't know Nina is a FBI Agent not an Analyst and her surname's not Garcia (that's the surname for three of my OCs) it's Chase. And before we address what happened to her during the triple crossover event, we need to address the fact that Law & Order: Special Victims Unit was NOT the third show in the crossover event but was actually FBI: International. With that out of the way we need to address what actually happened to Nina during the crossover the "answer" they gave me said she was abducted which didn't happen instead she was shot (which is kinda better but also worse at the same time).
Tenth "victim" was Stuart Scola
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They didn't even get his f***ing name since they basically took the name of another character and added his surname unto that name and (for some reason) made him a former Army Ranger and not a Wall Streeter (that's from his wiki page not me) but hey at least they got the FBI Special Agent part. Everything else seems right though.
Elevent "victim" was Tiffany Walace
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Got the name and position/title right but that's it. Tiff wasn't played by Kellan Lutz (he [yes they even got the gender of the 'actress' wrong] play Kenny Crosby in FBI: Most Wanted) but is played by Katherine Rineé Turner and she wasn't a former Army Intelligence officer (if that was the case then she and OA might have know each other) but a former NYPD officer instead.
Twelfth and final "victim" was Isobel Castille
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Before anyone asks yes, I specifically did that episode because I was curious. In the first pic where I used the ep title they got the season and plot wrong. It says second season and not fourth and it should have said something along the lines of a guy kill women in a position of power. In the second pic where this time I used the specific season and episode number they got the episode name wrong since they said the ep title is "All In" which doesn't even exist anywhere on the FBI/One Chicago wiki and the plot also seems to be non-existent on the FBI/One Chicago wiki as well. The last thing I want to say about Isobel is that can the woman get a break she's been through way too much pressure and stress.
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zillace · 5 months ago
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Tiffany Wallace & Stuart Scola
FBI — 7.01 Abandoned
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g0ldenh0ur · 9 months ago
A new perspective on Maggie's return to work in 5x07. OA sees right through her when she freezes on the job. Later, he and Maggie share a moment in the stairwell. [Rated: G].
Prompt by @like-you-it-makes-no-sense
A masterlist is up to date on my original post ✨
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laurens-german · 2 years ago
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scolina + cheek kisses FBI (2018—)
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captain-penguin2 · 2 years ago
Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: FBI (TV 2018), FBI: International (TV 2021) Rating: General Audiences Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings Relationships: Nina Chase/Stuart Scola Characters: Nina Chase (mentioned), Isobel Castille, Stuart Scola Additional Tags: Nina is shot in rome, based off of promo for the three show crossover event Summary:
Nina is shot and Scola is angry at Isobel for not telling him.
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ponytailofjustice · 10 days ago
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neurodivergentseries · 1 year ago
Bad days for us zibell shippers... actors just basically shut us down for good sigh
Now I have to find a new fixation.... or go back to my hannigram and TIVA roots so it seems. Zibell can't compare to them anyways but I FEEL the potential through the screen! Why can't the writers feel it too. Ngl since season 1 the show has gone downhill and character development is just either repetitive or all over the place or literally crumbs.
Anyways going to hop back on the Polin train adios amigos
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windshield91 · 7 months ago
I love seeing the actors in different roles. One Chicago needs to do one of the what-if episodes, let the actors play different roles.
FBI International
3x12& 13... Colin Donnell was a great guest star. The episodes can be watched only as a standalone. ep 13 is top rated, and there's a stunning view from Oslo.
Season 4... Jesse Lee Soffer seems excited to play Wes Mitchell in ew article.
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