#nina chase
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stefanmikaleson1864 · 5 months ago
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ttinyedits · 11 months ago
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So what do you think, can we just cut down on the pillows like 20%?
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zillace · 1 year ago
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Nina Chase ( for @ttinycourageous )
FBI International — 2.16 Immenient Threat
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spencelle-secret · 4 months ago
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fbi in a nutshell
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cowboybuckleys · 1 year ago
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ninaslvr · 1 month ago
Cam, Nina and Maggie icons🎐🗝️
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· Pinterest : jamieskellett
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thena0315 · 4 months ago
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laurens-german · 2 years ago
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"If there’s a problem and you have to choose, your priority should be Nina." Nina Chase and Stuart Scola in FBI (2018—)
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masoncarr2244 · 3 months ago
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heavymetal-lovers · 4 months ago
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stefanmikaleson1864 · 2 years ago
A little thing about Hope
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Requested by the lovely @sabrinajenre96​
The reader is an FBI agent like scott (she's Rémi scott 'daughter) they are married and working a case with the other units like the triple crossover I got inspired by that 😂. While working to stop a threat and after what happened to Nina, the reader gets chosen for an Undercover job with her father and scola but refuse because it's too risky and later on everyone discovers that she's pregnant and she can't put herself into a dangerous position after Nina's almost losing her life. Let's give them an happy ending. After the case it's done where everyone is together and remi being a proud granddad and scott being thrilled being a father even if he has his trauma because of his mother abandonment.
A/N So this is going to be like the crossover !! With the next chapter about Italy then one about New york !! I know this one may seem a little boring but i’m just trying to get an introduction going !! 
P.S. If you like my work please comment like and reblog it means a lot to see interactions on my work !!! 
Y/N’s Pov 
When you woke up this morning it was unusually quiet in the house. You didn’t hear Scott moving around like he usually does. He always would wake up before you. He would make coffee and take Tank out. 
Before you were even pregnant you always were a heavy sleeper. Always waiting until the last possible second to get up. But now that you were carrying a whole human it was so much worse than it was before. 
This morning the sun was hitting you in the face and Tank was stretched out enjoying the heat from the sun. You really didn’t want to get up now. But suddenly your phone went off and you groaned loudly .
You reached over and grabbed it and it was your dad Remy calling you.  When you saw it was him you quickly answered it 
“Hey dad what’s up” You asked 
“Can I just call to check in on my 2 favoriate people in the world.” Remy said 
“You can but Tank is sleeping and Scott is at work so sorry you missed them” You said smiling in the phone. 
You heard him laughing to 
“Awe well damn i guess i’ll have to call back then” He said 
“Mmm i guess because other than your stuck with me” You said laughing. 
“I guess that will do for know how’s the baby doing” Remy asked 
“It’s all good we just went for our 24 week check up and their fine” You said 
“I know he’s doing good he takes after me” Remy said 
“Good try dad but you know were not finding out the gender we want it to be a surprise” You said.
“I know I know thought i would for sure trick you up that time” Remy said 
“I’m to smart for that” You said laughing 
“Well you did get that from me. And listen I love you all okay but I just got to work we got a big case i’ll call you later” Remy said 
“Okay I love you to” You said. 
You hung up the phone and smiled. You really did miss your dad a lot. He was a single dad so the two of you were really close. 
Looking at the time you realized you legit had to go. You rolled out of bed heaving yourself up. Tank immediately got up and followed you. 
You walked down the hallway and into the kitchen and was surprised to see no sign of Scott. 
You thought it was strange but figured it was something to do with work. Being the boss he had a different set of possibilities he had to focus on. 
So you walked to the bathroom and got into the shower. The warm water was rolling down your body and it felt soo good. 
You took a few minutes extra and just laid down and enjoyed it. You then washed your hair and body and got out. 
After you began your usual routine of getting ready for the day. Being pregnant made it a little more harder but you powered through it.
Then you went into the kitchen and made yourself breakfast for the day. You were always so hungry in the morning. 
Tank ate his breakfast too sitting right next to you. After you were done you grabbed your stuff and then headed out. 
You and Tank walked out to your car and then made the journey into work. You liked to blast your music the whole way.
Tank stuck his head out the window and he enjoyed every minute of it. 
After about 15 minutes you made it to work. You got your stuff and you and Tank headed inside. 
You walked in and looked around for Scott but still didn’t see him. So you made your way up to the Pen and saw him walking out his office. He had a worried look on his face.
He looked up and saw you and walked straight over to you. He wrapped his arms around your belly and pulled you in tight. 
“Hey good morning sorry we got a big one and I didn’t wanna wake you” Scott said 
“It’s okay I figured that much what’s going on” You asked 
“ A Diplomat’s daughter and family was killed on her wedding day he was the only surviror” He said 
“Damn that’s horrible is he American or what’s going on” You asked. 
“He is not but we think he is planning revenge and it’s connecting back to New York” he said 
“That is a lot so what we have to look into something that may happen” You asked 
You both heard footsteps coming up which meant Vo and Raines were also arriving. Scott un wrapped his arms around you and you walked over to your desk and sat down. 
He stood in front of your desk with his arms folded in .
“Hey guys good morning” Raines said 
“Good morning” Everyone Vo said 
“Good morning” You and Scott both said. 
They sat there stuff down and after a few minutes Scott started presenting to everyone. 
“Hey guys listen up we got a big one a diplomat’s daughter and family was killed on her wedding day due to a bomb. I’ve been coordinating with New york because we think the diplomat is planning revenge in NYC” Scott said. 
“So is anyone  coming down to help” Vo asked 
“Yeah and how do we even know there planning something” Raines chimined in 
“That would be because we have intel from a CI that there is going to be a huge bomb attack we been tracking them down for the past 2 weeks” A familiar voice chimed out
Everyone turned their heads and Jubal Valentine and a blonde hair girl who was also pregnant walked inside. 
We all got up and walked over to them to greet them. But we were also shocked as hell that they were here all the way in Budapest. 
“Jubal Valentine my man what are you doing here” Scott asked smiling hugging Jubal. 
Jubal dropped his bag and hugged him back 
“Were here to help we been working this case to well Nina here caught it to. So it makes more sense to come down here in person over the phone” Jubal said. 
“Well we surely appreciate and can use the help” Scott said. 
“Yeah of course and everyone this is Nina she works with us and she is truly an amazing agent and a badass” Jubal said 
“Well welcome and it’s really nice to meet you” You said walking over and giving her a hug
“Oh and congrats” You said winking at her. 
“Thank you so much and congrats to you” She said 
“Thank you” You said 
You walked over and hugged Jubal 
“Hey it’s been a minute how are you” You asked 
“Good nice seeing you” Jubal said. 
“You to” You said 
After all the introductions you gave Jubal and Nina some space to work. 
They sat there stuff down and then Jubal got up and started presenting to everyone. 
“So 2 weeks ago Nina came to us with a case apparently a CI said the russians were planning a huge bomb. And attacks in New York” Jubal said 
“How do we trust this information” You asked. 
“Because the CI was directly linked to a higher up and we have Scola under to trying to gather more information. What he was able to learn was there are some people in Italy working with them” Nina said.
“We tracked them to Italy right where according to some intel we got is where the Diplomat was last scene” NIna said 
“So it looks like were going to Italy” Raines said
“Yes we are when we go Nina and Y/N I want to stay in the office for obvious reasons me and Jubal and Raines and Vo wil be boots on the ground” Scott said 
“What plan are we working with i mean we got the intel but what will we even be doing” You asked.
“Right so the intel we got was that the diplomat was involved with James Delcua, a businessman  in Italy with strong political ties. Last week James wired 100 thousand Us dollars to a unknown account” Nina said 
“Okay” You said still confused as to where this was going 
“Look I’m not being mean but there is just a lot of talk about intel and not an actual case” You said.
Raines looked at you and nodded. 
“Yeah I agree I mean what the hell are we even going to Italy for” Raines asked. 
“Were going and talk to this James guy then we know about some underground rings run by the russians. We figure we break those up someone will be willing to go turn” Jubal said 
“Hell of a gamble” Vo said 
“Yeah but right now this is the best lead we got we got to italy and try to” Jubal said 
“I was thinking Jubal goes in as a handler see what he can get and Vo and Raines will work the Diplomat see if there is anything going on” Scott said 
“Y/N and NIna will work in office doing surveillance, leaving no stone unturned any dirt on why this diplomat sent so much money to. Looking into these rings to who’s involved and who’s most likely to flip” Scott said. 
“Okay we got a plan let’s go” Jubal said 
“What about Smitty” Vo asked 
“She’s already gonna meet us there she had some other stuff to attended to but she’s on the nex flight out like us” Scott said. 
“So where does the dog go” Nina asked 
“He’ll go with us we fly private one of the many perks of the fly team” You said. 
“Awesome good to know” Nina said. 
You all grabbed your go bags that you already had. Everyone headed out and there was something in your gut that was telling you this was a mistake. 
I mean there wasn’t much to go on you know. Like going down and breaking some rings up and hoping they are gonna flip. People like this don’t usually turn on their higher ups. 
What if there was just something more going on that you weren’t aware of. 
Scott looked at you and he could see the worry in your face.
“Yeah I’m fine” You said smiling. 
You all made your way to the cars and to the airport. Everyone was just talking amongst each other. Scott was sitting next to you and he usually wasn’t one for PDA so he wasn’t holding your hand or anything. 
Tank on the other hand was laying all over you with his head sticking out the window. 
After about a half hour drive you made it to the airport. Everyone filed into the Jet and Nina and Jubal looked in awe of everything.
“I think i’m in the wrong team” NIna said 
“Yeah me to we lower class people had to fly coach” Jubal said laughing. 
“Yeah well they only hire the elite team to work here” Raines said
“Elite to who” Jubal said 
Everyone was laughing and making small talk with each other. You grabbed a window seat and Nina sat Across from you. 
“So how do you do it” Nina asked 
“What do you mean” You asked scrunching your eyebrows. 
“Working with the babies dad and traveling a lot” Nina asked 
“Oh” Was you started. 
“I’m sorry if that’s to personal” Nina asked flustering 
“No its okay it’s not how did you know about me and Scott” You asked 
“I see the way he looks at you and the rings” Nina said 
“I never noticed but yeah it’s hard he get’s overprotective a lot and even before the baby it got worse after but I’m thankful for him. I know someone always has my back and working with my husband  has it challenges but I wouldn’t trade it” You said 
“You work with the baby’s dad” You asked. 
“Yeah Scola the one undercover right now and I’m really worried,” Nina said 
“All you can do is pray and think positive things there is no point in worrying if you haven’t heard anything” You said 
“I guess your right it’s just complicated between us” Nina said 
“Listen i get that Scott is technically is my boss and in the beginning it was hard but we worked it out and now were really happy. I know it can happen for the two of you.” You said 
“Yeah I hope so” Nina said.
“I know it will” You said. 
The rest of the flight you two talked all baby stuff. She was having a boy and she was surprised to know you were waiting to know. 
The flight flew by and finally you all touched down in Italy. The butterflies were heavy but you just had to keep breathing. 
When everyone got out of the plane we all piled back into the car. Me and Nina and Jubal in one and Raines, Vo and Scott with tank in the other one. 
NIna kept looking at her phone. And i felt bad for her. i could see Scott I can’t imagine being so far away from him and being undercover. 
“Hey it’s going to be okay” You whispered to her 
“Yeah I know” Nina said. 
“So i forgot to ask Scott you don’t happen to know Remy Scott do you” Nina asked 
“Actually i do he’s my dad. He inspired me join the breau do you know him” You asked 
“I meant him a couple times when i was working under he said he had a daughter working in Budapest” Nina said smiling. 
“I can reach out to him I know he can find out what’s going on with Scola” You asked 
“No I’m good I don’t want to cause a big scene” Nina said 
The rest of the car ride was silent after that. The conversation just kind of fell everyone looking at the beautiful scenes. 
You finally made it to the American Diplomat office. Scott’s car was right behind. 
“Everyone ready” Jubal asked. 
“Yeah lets do it” You said. 
You all headed in and all eyes were on you guys. Which was nothing new. You found Smitty who was waiting for you all. 
“Were set up in here and welcome everyone let’s get started” Smiity said
“Let’s go” Scott said 
You all headed into the office and put your stuff down. You were setting up. and all you kept thinking was 
You were in good hands and it’s all going to be okay 
It’s all going to be okay was all you kept saying. I mean what is the worse that could happen ??
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ttinyedits · 11 months ago
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I hear they're like really cheap.
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zillace · 8 months ago
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Stuart Scola & Nina Chase
FBI — 6.09 Best Laid Plans
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renegadesstuff · 1 year ago
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Nina Chase x Kate Beckett 🔥🔥
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unknown1234 · 1 month ago
I tried writing some new stories for a couple I had never written for before over on Ao3! I’m hopeful I’ll write more Scolina stories in the future as I find the characters voices better 😊
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nerdyduckrants · 3 months ago
Hi, yes, more self promotion. I would LOVE at least some hearts or reblogs, because I understand it's a difficult time of year and you might wanna support a small artist but just can't afford to buy anything. Been there, done that plenty of times
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