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whevegvekage · 9 months ago
Malec's son
Has anyone ever thought that Malec and Isbeth's is alive??
Hear me out OK? We know Alastir was Malec's wolven and they had some emotional bond. So what if this kid now 400 years old more or less is alive and with his family. Maybe Atlantia doesn't have any records of his existence but he may exist.
I don't know it's just a theory my mum and I just came up with
Tell me what you think about it
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spectrechosts · 4 months ago
April Fools - Chapters 28-FINAL
The fever-dream finale! The Queen may be incapacitated, but can her loves steer her through the danger?
Writing 30 stories in one month was tough but fun, and I'm happy with how it all turned out. Hope you like day 28, on Cohost I had a CSS crime that would decypher the text but tumblr will simply have to do it manually.
Full Series
The Queen is asleep.
It's really hard for her to tell actually. She might be asleep, or she might be awake? She also might be watching a play, a play about herself, and she's the only character, and her only lines are groans of pain and the increasing urge to throw up.
She's giving a great performance, if that's the case.
Also, her knight might be in the closet? She's almost certain that's real, even though it sounds very silly. Why would she be in there?
A ghost with no face is also there, at her bedside. It touches her, with hands as cold as the grave, and she tries to tell it to fuck off. She's not sure her mouth is working right, though. Or that ghosts are real.
"Vg'f bxnl." It says, in the unknown tongue that ghosts apparently have. She's never talked to one before, but that makes sense that they have a language. "Lbh'er bxnl. Lbh'yy srry orggre fbba."
It keeps touching her.
"Lbh cbbe, cbbe tvey." It continues. "Vg'f nyy tbvat gb or bxnl abj."
And then everything goes dark. She can't breathe. She struggles against the weight placed on her, but her body is weak.
Of all the ways she was likely to die, ghost attack wasn't high on the list.
"Lbh-! V-!"
There's a loud crash, and then another, and then she can breathe again. Right, that- Ghosts aren't real. She's almost certain.
Unless they're real in the play. Plays can have ghosts in them.
While she ponders that, her knight appears out of nowhere. Out of the closet? No, why would she be in the closet, foolish. She wipes the sweat from her brow with a refreshingly cool cloth, and the Queen can think a little clearer for a moment.
She's falling asleep now, for sure. Or waking up?
She wakes up, or drifts into a new dream, or draws the curtains open on a new act of the play. There are more characters now, her vision is blurry but she can see one is the Knight in her bulky armor, and the other, clothes spattered with chaotic red patterns, must be the Fool.
"Vg'f nyy bs gurz, vg'f n jubyr pbafcvenpl-" Says her beautiful, brave knight.
"Lrnu, V svtherq bapr gur frpbaq bar fahpx va." Replies the Fool, roguishly clever.
Can everyone but her speak this language? When did they learn it? She tries to call out to them, but her tongue feels fat and heavy in her mouth.
"Fuvg, fur'f jnxvat hc. Jngpu gur qbbe." The Knight says, rushing to her side. She hastily wipes the sweat from her brow, and places a kiss upon it. "Fbeel, zl ybir. V guvax lbh zvtug whfg unir gb orne vg n ovg ybatre."
"muhphuub." Groans the Queen.
"Jryy, fur'f gnyxvat. Gung'f fbzrguvat, evtug?" Asks the Fool.
"V jbhyqa'g rknpgyl pnyy gung gnyxvat, ohg fur'f gelvat. Gung'f fbzrguvat." The Knight says, shrugging.
This play sucks. It's confusing and she's sweaty and sore and the urge to vomit is becoming a rather insistent issue.
The Fool vanishes in the blink of an eye. "Fuvg, jr'ir tbg n ehaare! Zbir ure, gurl'er whfg tbvat gb xrrc pbzvat! V'yy pngpu hc!" She calls, from thin air.
"Bu, shpx zr. Bxnl, fbeel Uvtuarff, guvf vf tbvat gb or hacyrnfnag." The Knight says, and suddenly the world is moving around her, walls melting into eachother as they pass. They're going up- no, down, definitely down. The Knight places her down on a floor of cool stones, and she rubs her cheek against one.
"Univat gebhoyr?" Asks the ghost from earlier. "Lbh pna'g fgbc nyy bs hf. Uryy, rira vs lbh pbhyq, ybbx ng ure- Fur'f bar sbbg va gur tenir nyernql."
"Fuhg gur shpx hc!" Snaps the Knight, who seems to be somewhere else every time the Queen blinks. "Bar zber jbeq bhg bs lbh naq V'yy unir lbhe urnq, V zrna vg!"
The Queen hates to see her Knight angry- at least, she thinks she's angry- but right now she has a pressing queenly duty to attend to. She struggles to her hands and knees and crawls into a corner.
"Cyrnfr, lbh jba'g gbhpu zr. Fur jba'g nyybj vg." The ghost says.
"Jngpu ure fgbc zr."
"Jnvg, url- Lbhe Znwrfgl! Lbhe Znwrfgl lbh jbhyqa'g yrg ure xvyy-"
The Queen retches and vomits onto the floor. Bile burns her throat as she's wracked with spasms, her body trying to purge the contents of her stomach when she's barely eaten in days. Thin, sour smelling liquid spatters over the cobbled stone, and as she stops heaving the Queen actually feels... a little better!
She crawls back to where she was, once again nuzzling into the cold floor. Her breathing evens out, and the world feels less dreamlike.
"Zl ybir, my love are you okay!?" The Knight asks, wiping her face clean.
"Mm fine." Mumbles the Queen. "Floor helps."
"Okay, just- Stay there. I won't let anything happen to you, I swear it." Says her Knight, getting up from her side.
Of course she won't, neither her nor the Fool will. If there's anything she knows, it's this.
Her breathing slows as her eyelids grow heavy, and she falls into blissfully dreamless sleep.
A few days later, after the Knight and Fool have thwarted the conspiracy and wrangled the Queen off the dungeon floor and back to her bed to recover, she wanders.
Portraits line one of the halls to the throne room. Large ones, of her, her parents, her grandparents; going back through generations of kings and queens. And then smaller ones around her portrait, of her extended family, only showing the current nobility.
She'll… have to get rid of most of those, now.
"Was it truly all of them?" She asks her companions, dejected.
"It was, Highness." Answers the Knight. "I'm so sorry."
"And… and you had to kill them?"
"Yeah." Says the Fool.
"No, Highness, I-" Says the Knight. "I had your younger aunt in the dungeon, but she taunted me, and in my anger I…" She trails off.
"It's okay." The Queen says softly. "Thank you for capturing my uncle, at least. Maybe he can answer some questions."
They stand in silence for a moment, and the Queen sighs.
"What do I do now?" She asks. "They were my family, and we killed them."
"I wouldn't say we killed them." The Fool remarks. "Mostly I killed them."
"And yet, I feel responsible." The Queen says. "I didn't even like them, they were awful and greedy and condescending-"
"And they tried to kill you." Offers the Knight.
"-And they tried to kill me. Yet I still feel bad."
She places a hand on the Queen's shoulder, and she grumbles.
"I can't even begin to think through the political implications. The leaders of every province in the kingdom, all gone in a single night. How do we fix that?"
"Peasant uprising." Says the Fool, deadpan.
"Yeah, maybe."
"There will be no peasant uprisings we just saved her from an assassination plot!" Snaps the Knight. "If she wants to let them govern themselves she can just do that! And, if I may make a selfish request," she adds, "she can do that later, when we've had a breather from the constant brushes with death. Don't need all the lords making a whole new conspiracy to grab power when we just got out of this one."
"I like that we've reached a point in our relationship where I can call for a peasant uprising and you don't immediately cut me down. You liiike me, it's so over for you." Says the Fool, smug, as she wraps her arm around the Queen's shoulders. "What do you think, Highness, does our knight deserve a vacation?"
"I am not your knight." The Knight complains, though she doesn't deny anything else.
"Yes, I think she does. We can figure out the peasant uprising later." Giggles the Queen.
The Fool jingles merrily to her place in the Queen's court.
She is not exactly a jester, some combination of jester and trusted advisor and possibly co-ruler of whatever the current state of their government could be called. But she is still, always, the Queen's fool.
They still have a Queen, and she's gone through the upheaval of going from temporary figurehead to suddenly the only person holding the reins to, thankfully, almost a temporary figurehead again. The people continue to like having her around- having your first act upon having all your family's business shoved onto your table be to go "wait, why are all these taxes so high, was this all just going into their pockets?" gathers you quite a few fans- but once she's gone there probably won't be any more royalty.
But right now there is royalty, of a sort, and the Fool sits askew in a big chair to the left of Queen, which is… interesting. They're not married, not yet, but she is apparently now the big important chair having sort. The Knight is as well, though she chooses to stand at Her Majesty's right hand, ever vigilant.
She's… important. In an ornamental governmental power sense, sure, although she doesn't really care for that. She's important to the Queen! Has been for some time, but you know, extreme circumstances. To the Knight too, and she barely even grumbles when she points it out anymore.
For maybe the first time in her life, she wants for nothing. She's perfectly happy with things exactly as they are. She didn't even have to steal anything to get here!
She did do, you know, a few extrajudicial killings. But those were for a good cause.
The court is actually somewhat dull now that she isn't actively antagonizing the Knight, and has pretty much got juggling down. She can consistently juggle seven balls now (plus her dagger, but the Knight doesn't like her doing that), and she does so as she half-listens to the slow trickle of petitioners with their dwindling supply of problems that still require the Queen's attention.
Her Majesty yawns, during a lull, and the Fool dexterously collects all her juggled balls from the air and somersaults over the arm of her throne in one smooth motion.
"Shall we retire for the day?" She asks, and the Queen nods.
"That's probably everyone anyway." She says, stretching. "And I'd like to take a walk through the gardens before sunset."
She's doing better, in the warmth of spring. And when she isn't, when the fall comes and the cold seeps into her lungs again, the two of them will be there for her. She'll be okay.
"Ooh, the gardens, scandalous." Says the Fool, smug. "You know, last spring I saw the Queen's knight giving her flowers over there."
"Really?" Asks the Queen, equally pleased to continue the joke. "Maybe if we're lucky we'll see it again!"
"It was one flower, and it was a touching moment that wasn't for your eyes, you awful rat." Says the Knight, her cheeks tinged with red.
"She's embarrassed." The Fool whispers to the Queen, leaning into her ear.
"Mhm." Nods the Queen.
"Perhaps she should find some other use to occupy my mouth, if she's so bothered by my words." She hums sultrily, and the Knight goes redder.
"Are we going for a walk in the gardens or not?" She whines.
"We are!" Declares the Queen. "We both want flowers."
"And so you shall have them, despite all your teasing."
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pi-official · 10 months ago
[]} Log-date: 16//10//XXXX {[]
-- --..-- / .-- …. -.-- / .. … / - …. . / - .-. .- -.-. -.- . .-. / .. -.. .-.. . ..--..
Vg unf orra frireny zbaguf fvapr Gheaba'f qvfnccrnenapr naq gurer unf orra ab fvtaf bs uvz fvapr gur frpgbe dhnenagvar. Fvapr gung qnl V unir sbhaq n gerngzrag cngu sbe gur gnvag, vg nccrnef gb unir jbexrq nqrdhngryl ba pyvpxba ohg jr jvyy frr vs ur erpbiref gubebhtuyl. Pheeragyl ur vf ba uvf friragu jrrx bs zbgbe nrebovpf juvpu fubhyq pbapyhqr fbba. V unq gb rkcry gur ragvergl bs gur syhvq sebz uvf flfgrzf ol vawrpgvat na nagv-shatny fbyhgvba vagb uvf ulqenhyvpf juvpu genccrq vg va uvf guebng naq guebhtu n grafr frffvba bs anhfrn zrqvpngvba ur jnf noyr gb ibzvg vg hc, v qvq unir gb fpna uvf obql ragveryl naq znxr fher uvf betnaf jrer abg gbb qnzntrq ohg guvatf frrz gb or ehaavat ng na bcrenoyr fgnaqneq.
…. .. --. …. . ��� - / .--. .-. --- -… .- -… .. .-.. .. - -.-- / .. … / - …. .- - / .. - / …. .- … / -… . . -. / -.. . - .- -.-. …. . -.. .-.-.-
Rirelguvat vf fgnoyr. Rirelguvat vf frpher. Jul zhfg zl yvsr or cynthrq jvgu fhpu zvfsbeghar, gubfr jub ner vaibyirq va zl yvsr unir snyyra ba ebhtu greenva fb jul. Jul zhfg jr fybt guebhtu gur fnzr beqrnyf gvzr naq ntnva. Yhpxvyl sbe zl pbyyrnthrf, gurl ner oyvaq gb gur ghezbvy gung guerngraf hf. Nyy V unir gb qb vf svk vg rvgure orsber vg unccraf be orsber vg cynthrf gurz gbb. Arireguryrff, gur gvzr sbe vagebfcrpgvba vf bire.
…. -- -- --..-- / .. .----. .-.. .-.. / --. --- / .. -. ..-. --- .-. -- / -.-. ..- .--. .. -.. / .- … / - …. .- - / .. … / .-- …. . .-. . / - …. . / - .-. .- -.-. -.- . .-. / .. … / -.-. ..- .-. .-. . -. - .-.. -.-- .-.-.- / - …. . -.-- / -.-. --- ..- .-.. -.. -. .----. - / …. .- …- . / --. --- -. . / ..-. .- .-. .-.-.-
Gur bgure gbc-ungf unir abgvprq fbzr hafpehchybhf punenpgref fgnyxvat gur fgerrgf sbe cerl, gurer unir orra ab fhpu fvtugvatf nebhaq zl yvggyr unira ohg V unir znqr gur arprffnel qrnyf gb dhryy gur nakvrgl bs zl jbexref naq crezvggrq fnsr uneobhe sbe gurve eryngvirf naq pbzcnavbaf whfg va pnfr fbzrguvat unccraf gb tb njel. Yrg hf ubcr gung gur punenpgref ner rnfl gb qvfcbfr bs nf guvf vf abg gur evtug gvzr sbe snyfr nynezf naq nzovgvbhf gevpxfgref.
-- --..-- / .--. --- .-- . .-. / --- ..-. ..-. .-.-.-
Vg'f orra n gbhtu srj zbaguf. Nqqba, fvtavat bss.
.- … / -.-- --- ..- / .-- .. … …. --..-- / .- -.. -.. --- -. .-.-.-
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wobbledogz · 1 year ago
sloppy joe
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he & man (he-man, respectively)
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puppy codes beneath the cut!
sloppy joe
209E9=FF0C378;6;E.4433.AEE200F8362E2DC00bFBAFb5D8:822970o0l13p^51CF8^98EA00D9;32A1E7714F6E28086=14b92803Cp12F710:a32:DC1;2^<F80aaaa::a1e727DA=19=a^c78<5ca03;7:AFE;8F16ea6F:7cCF08P<F11FC;0821F24BA;FF0FF;^52330FFU8C2F^A:^J:FPec1P200400c=^01A75S8^o192 28y08A11ad22CaaF:c8FF0075;0a482cDCAa:3bFa4A746A8^YBFCe0^0aC72CFF07fF3FF4
crunk & chunk
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rosetintedchainsaw · 3 months ago
“I am not easily breakable..You’re safe, you can tell the truth..”
“..Please let me reach you.. We can talk face to face.. It might help you..”
-Cul-.. Valem
ubzr fbba.
pna'g gnyx.
nyy uhegf.
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kieuecaprie · 9 months ago
Finished Nightmare Kart, again, now that it's out on Steam. After having playing the 1.0 version on Itch (because the game was stuck in hell on Steam for a while), I wanted to play it again on Steam since it's using the most up-to-date build (and, let's be honest, I'm a little tired of having to manually grab updates to shove onto my Steam Deck lmao).
I can say that it's a fairly solid racing game, it's not terribly difficult (Maybe it's because I just finished Master Mode on Dr. Robotnik's Ring Racers and this feels tame in comparison, lol. I dunno.) and while there are quite a few rough edges (particularly on Pocket Dream Course where I lose speeds by bumping into hills sometimes), I'd say it's definitely worth a look.
However, I will say, there is ONE part in particular that really, really sucks and kind of stands out from the rest of the game. I'm just gonna ROT13 this next paragraph:
Gur svany obff vgfrys jnf svar, ubjrire, gur eha hc gb gur svany obff jnf abg terng. Vg jnf rira yrff terng va rneyvre irefvbaf fvapr lbh unq gb fvg guebhtu gur yratgul "LBH QVRQ" frdhrapr rirelgvzr lbh sryy bss naq, oryvrir zr, lbh JVYY snyy bss. Vs vg'f abg orpnhfr bs gur fcrrq, vg'f orpnhfr bs n ahzore bs guvatf:
Lbh uvg gur fvqr bs gur cyngsbez
Lbh qvqa'g ernpg dhvpxyl rabhtu gb obbfg naq fynfu bss gur cyngsbez naq abj lbh pna'g ernpu gur arkg bar.
Lbh ybfr nyy ubevmbagny zbzraghz nf fbba nf lbh uvg na rarzl naq fb ba.
Ntnva, nsgre pynjvat cnfg gung cneg (gunax lbh Evat Enpref sbe genvavat zr va qrnyvat jvgu jrveq (nppvqragny be bgurejvfr yznb) yriry qrfvta), gur erfg bs gur obff jnf zhpu zber cyngnoyr. Vg'f whfg gur eha-hc gung sryg gur jbefg naq nofbyhgryl fgbbq bhg gb zr.
V qhaab ubj bar pbhyq znxr vg srry orggre, zvaq lbh. Znlor oybbq? Vg ernyyl qvq srry yvxr gur "QBA'G FYBJ QBJA" zrpunavp jnf n aba-vffhr pbzcnerq gb nyy gur snyyvat bss. Znlor znxr gur nggnpxf zber pbafvfgrag? Tvir gur fjbeq n ybatre yrnc? Nygubhtu gung jbhyq znlor xvaqn oernx gur svany svtug gbb… uzz, sbbq sbe gubhtug.
Anyway, long story short, Nightmare Kart good. Go get it on Steam. Go get it on Itch. Go get it on Itch and Steam.
Oh, right, I forgot. The game runs perfectly fine on Deck. Gamescope reports a Solid Sixty but the game looks like it slows down in places but gamescope isn't picking it up. Use that information as you will.
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lordofthestrix · 2 years ago
Qrnerfg Gevfgna,
N fgenatr yrggre ernpurq zr gbqnl. N pvcure abg bs lbhe qrivfvat. V zvff bhe tnzrf. V zvff lbh.
Lbhef, Nyjnlf, Nheben
Zl rgreany ybir:
Xabj gung abguvat fubeg bs gur fhzzvg bs nyy crefhnfvbaf pbhyq pbaivapr zr gb cebybat gur pnyinel bs bhe qvfgnapr.
Zl qrfvtaf sbe gur jbeyq orne ab pbaarpgvba gb guvf uhag. V frrx sbe gur vzcbffvoyr, va zl frysvfu, ibenpvbhf terrq gb pbagrzcyngr vg zngrevnyvmrq nf haqlvat cebbs bs zl srryvatf sbe lbh. Abg bayl rira gur zbfg erznexnoyr nzbat zl raiblf jbhyq cebir vafhssvpvrag gb fhpprrq ohg, ng n zhpu zber shaqnzragny yriry, vg fubhyq or zr pbzcyrgvat guvf tbny.
Naq lrg V lrnea sbe lbh jvgu hadhrapunoyr arrq. Unir ab qbhog V'z guvaxvat bayl bs lbh. Unir ab qbhog jr jvyy nqq n zvyyraavhz bs ryngvba, tnzrf naq rnpu bgure gb gur cntrf bs bhe sberirezber sbe rirel frpbaq bs urnegfvpx frcnengvba.
Fbba. V obgu cnffvbangryl qrfver naq V cebzvfr lbh.
Gur gernfher V vagraq gb erghea gb lbh jvgu vf abg sngrq sbe zr ohg lbhe bja unaqf.
Nf sbe bgure havaivgrq unaqf ubcvat gb zrqqyr va bhe jnlf, jungrire obarf lbh qba'g srry va gur zbbq gb oernx sbe gur vagehfvir vafbyrapr, jr pna chyirevmr gbtrgure va gur qryvtugf bs bhe erhavba.
Vg vf lbh. Vg vf zr. Vg vf hf. Nyjnlf, Gevfgna
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ferrocyan · 3 days ago
rot13 post bc its about my wips but i didnt wanna cut up the rant for twitter so it goes here
vgf fb shaal gung orvat va nyrknaqevn jurer qrngu vf Shpxvat Jrveq unf nyybjrq gnegf vzzbegnyvgl gb tb pbzcyrgryl haqre gur enqne *vapyhqvat gb uvzfrys* op crbcyr yvxr svaq guvf obql j ab urnegorng be oernguvat naq pbapyhqr urf qrnq ohg gura jura ur jnxrf hc yngre gurler yvxr buuu lbh jrerag qrnq bxnl gung znxrf frafr. rira vs urf abg ivfvoyl jrnevat n erthyngbe gur pbaprcg vfag ng nyy hasnzvyvne gb gur nyrknaqevna ynlzra lxjvz. gur bayl bar jub fnj vg nf jrveq vf lnnan op fur vagvzngryl xabjf gung gneg ernyyl fubhyqag or noyr gb qb gung ohg qj fur jvyy fbba or tnfyvg vagb guvaxvat gung vgf abezny naljnl. juvyr bguref yvxr gur nepnqvba qbpgbe naq furgbanthl naq ubarl jngpu gneg qvr va sebag bs gurz naq arire shpxvat ernyvmr vg. v guvax guvf vf ulfgrevpny naq v arire jnag vg gb fgbc. tbq v ybir erthyngbef fb zhpu
0 notes
ask-rook · 14 days ago
что, черт возьми, ты с ним планируешь?
what am I planning with him? it really isn't too much your business, but I suppose at least someone deserves to know.
ur xabjf guvatf V arrq gb xabj. ur'f n tbbq fbyqvre naljnl. naq cyragl rnfl gb trg lbhe unaqf ba. V xarj uvz onpx va Crefrhf qnlf, naq vs gjb crbcyr pna trg gb uvz?
fb pna V.
V whfg arrq uvz va zl grnz. yvxr Nqyre arrqrq Oryy va uvf grnz. ohg vg'f zber crefbany. V jnf uvf sevraq bapr. naq V ybirq vg. ur'f n cngurgvp zrff naq rnfl gb shpx jvgu, naq V'q yvxr zl cynlguvat onpx vagb ZL unaqf. ur'f fb rnfl. whfg n srj cvyyf naq fbzr ybir-obzovat orunivbe, ur'f va zl unaqf pbzcyrgryl. V grne uvz sebz uvf pbagnpgf, ur'f zvar ragveryl.
ur'f orra trggvat gbb cbjreshy naljnl. ur qbrfa'g qrfreir gur pbagnpgf be unccvarff ur'f trggvat. nf zhpu nf V'z hfvat uvz, V'z nyfb cynaavat gb ehva jung ur unf nyernql. gung shpxre'f fzvyr vf cyrnfnag bayl vs lbh qba'g xabj uvz. V'ir nyernql ehvarq fbzr guvatf, V'z whfg ovgvat ng pbaarpgvbaf abj. vg'f jbexvat jvgu zvavzny fhpprff. thrff V'ir bireengrq ubj qrrc ur terj uvf ebbgf vagb gurfr crbcyr. ng yrnfg V'ir orra noyr gb trg vagb uvf urnq rabhtu gb fgbc uvz sebz gnyxvat gb gurz. V arrq uvz gb trg ba enqvb fvyrapr fbba.
bapr V'z qbar jvgu uvz? abobql jvyy rire jnag gb or arne uvz. V'z znxvat uvz vagb fbzrguvat arj; n cresrpg jrncba. Nqyre snvyrq gur svefg gvzr, ohg V jnf jngpuvat. V jnf yrneavat. naq abj? Oryy vf va zl unaqf, naq V'z tbvat gb svavfu jung Nqyre tnir hc ba naq snvyrq. Oryy qbrfa'g arrq gb or n crefba. fb V'z gnxvat gung njnl. ur'yy arire jnag gb yrnir hf bapr V'z qbar. naq sbe tbbq, ur'yy or jung Tbq pnyyrq qbja ba uvz gb or.
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emeraldincandescent · 20 days ago
Rirelguvat vf njshy naq vg'f abg tbvat gb trg orggre naq V'z fcvenyvat uneq nobhg vg. V qba'g unir n wbo naq gur zbarl V unir fnirq vf tbvat gb eha bhg FBBA orpnhfr rirelguvat vf fb shpxvat rkcrafvir naq V qba'g xabj jung V'z tbvat gb qb gura. V'z arire tbvat gb or noyr gb nssbeq gb yvir naljurer bgure guna guvf bar orqebbz ncnegzrag. Naq V'z fb gverq naq V unir gb qb rirelguvat zlfrys orpnhfr V yvir nybar, fb V unir gb jbex naq qb nyy gur ubhfrubyq puberf naq gurer'f ab bar gurer gb cvpx hc gur fynpx naq vg'f fb shpxvat YBARYL naq shpxvat tbq jung V'q tvir whfg gb yvxr. Or noyr gb pbzr ubzr naq svaq bhg fbzrbar ryfr pyrnarq gur xvgpura sbe zr. Or noyr gb fraq fbzrbar bhg gb cvpx hc tngbenqr naq zrqf jura V'z fvpx. Naq abguvat vf tbvat gb trg orggre orpnhfr bhe tbireazrag vf pheeragyl fcrrqehaavat frggvat rirelguvat ba sver naq V xrrc guvaxvat V fubhyq trg bhg bs Trbetvn rkprcg n) V'q ungr yvivat naljurer ryfr, naq o) rirelguvat jbhyq or rknpgyl gur fnzr rkprcg V'q unir fcrag gubhfnaqf bs qbyynef V qba'g unir ba zbivat. V whfg fcrag na ubhe pelvat va gur ongugho naq V'z fgnegvat gb unir gur Onq Gubhtugf naq V'z greevsvrq.
V ybfg nyy bs ynfg lrne gb n fuvggl wbo gung yrsg zr jvgu abguvat ohg n oynpx znex ba zl erfhzr, naq V'z nsenvq gung vg'f tbvat gb or n gubhfnaq gvzrf uneqre gb svaq n arj wbo jura V fgnlrq ng gur ynfg bar sbe yrff guna 9 zbaguf naq V unir ab vqrn jung zl rk-obff vf tbvat gb gryy nalbar jub nfxf sbe n ersrerapr (abg gung V'q chg ure qbja nf n ersrerapr, ohg yvxr, gurl pna ybbx hc gur cubar ahzore ol tbbtyvat gur pbzcnal vs gurl ernyyl jnag gb gnyx gb ure). V'z nsenvq zl zrqf nera'g jbexvat naq V'z nsenvq gb gel arj barf va pnfr gurl'er jbefr (V whfg pnzr bss bar gung jnf znxvat zr unir cnavp nggnpxf yvxr bapr n jrrx.) V'z nsenvq V jba'g rira unir urnygu vafhenapr arkg lrne vs Gehzc qvfznagyrf gur NPN be whfg rafuvggvsvrf vg fb zhpu gung nal vafhenapr V pna trg whfg jba'g pbire gur guvatf V arrq vg gb pbire (frr: Trbetvn zbirq gb vgf bja fgngr znexrgcynpr vafgrnq bs gur srqreny bar naq zl urnygu vafhenapr bcgvbaf jrer jnl fuvggvre guna gurl'ir orra va gur cnfg naq V cvpxrq gur bayl bar gung jbhyq pbire zl gurencl orsber qrqhpgvoyr ohg zl cflpu qbrfa'g gnxr vg fb V'z cnlvat bhg bs cbpxrg sbe cflpu ivfvgf. Naq V unir gb frr ure rirel zbagu vs V jnag NQUQ zrqf. Juvpu ner vapernfvat zl shapgvbavat ohg nyfb frrz gb or tvivat zr urnqnpurf naq anhfrn naq znxvat zr penfu uneq ba qnlf V qba'g gnxr gurz, be znlor vg'f whfg gung rirelguvat vf fuvggl. Vg'f fb uneq gb gryy jung'f purzvpnyf naq jung'f n ernfbanoyr ernpgvba gb gur fgngr bs gur jbeyq.) Rirelguvat'f greevoyr naq vg'f abg tbvat gb trg orggre naq V ungr gung zl oenva'f ernpgvba gb guvf vf gur oebxra enqvb gryyvat zr gb xvyy zlfrys ohg nccneragyl! Gung'f jurer jr ner abj! Naq gur jbefg guvat vf gung V unir gb snxr orvat svar orpnhfr rirelbar ryfr V xabj vf va gur fnzr obng. Yvxr zl cnegare (vs lbh'er ernqvat guvf: uv ubarl, lbh'er tbvat gb nfx jul V qvqa'g gryy lbh nyy bs guvf naq lbh xabj gur ernfba vf gung lbh unir rabhtu ba lbhe cyngr naq gurer'f abguvat lbh pbhyq qb gb uryc naq V qvqa'g jnag gb jbeel lbh) vf 1000 zvyrf njnl naq qrnyvat jvgu nyy gurve bja fghss naq gurl'er tbvat gb pbzr ivfvg va gjb jrrxf naq frr zr orvat n tvnag fnqfnpx naq nppbzcyvfuvat abguvat naq srry yvxr gurl unir gb gnxr pner bs zr naq gura V'yy whfg or bar zber oheqra sbe gurz gb qrny jvgu. Naq V jnf gelvat gb znxr gurz n avpr guvat ohg V fgvyy unira'g svavfurq vg naq V qba'g xabj gung V'yy trg vg svavfurq orsber gurl trg urer naq V srry yvxr fhpu n snvyher orpnhfr vg'f orra ZBAGUF fvapr V fgnegrq jbexvat ba vg naq vg'f whfg. Rirelguvat vf fb zhpu. Vg'f gbb zhpu, V pna'g unaqyr vg, V'z abg fgebat rabhtu. Vg qbrfa'g znggre ubj fgebat gur nag vf jura vg trgf fgrccrq ba ol fbzrguvat ovttre. Naq V'ir tbg gb chg ba n unccl snpr gb zl gurencvfg fb fur qbrfa'g vafgvghgvbanyvmr zr naq chg ba n unccl snpr gb zl cneragf fb gurl qba'g guvax V'z n shpxvat snvyher orpnhfr V'z 32 naq abg zrrgvat nal bs gur "abezny" nqhyg zvyrfgbarf yvxr univat n shpxvat pnerre be n ubhfr be xvqf naq V unir gb chg ba n unccl snpr gb zl sevraqf orpnhfr gurl'er nyy tbvat guebhtu gur fnzr guvat be jbefr naq rira vs jr fheivir gur arkg sbhe lrnef naq unir pbzcrgrag, aba-rivy yrnqrefuvc ntnva, vg'f tbvat gb gnxr qrpnqrf gb haqb gur qnzntr. Vg'f fb fb uneq gb erzrzore jul nalguvat vf jbegujuvyr.
V ungr guvf. V ungr vg fb zhpu. V gubhtug V'q pevrq bhg rirelguvat V unq ohg abcr, fgvyy pelvat. Abar bs guvf znxrf nal frafr naq vg cebonoyl ernqf yvxr V'z univat zragny oernxqbja. V qba'g xabj. Jung'f gur shpxvat cbvag. V thrff V'z tbvat gb cbfg guvf whfg fb gung V unir n erpbeq bs vg. Znlor V pna gnyx gb zl gurencvfg nobhg vg ba Zbaqnl. vqx.
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whevegvekage · 8 months ago
God's theory
I was reading Miss Willa's book and I started thinking about the relationship between the Primals that were alive in Sera and Nyktos' timeline and Poppy and Cas' timeline.
First, isn't it strange that it's Theon and Lailah the ones that are asleep under the Pillars of Atlantia and not Attes and Kyn. Another thing is that when they're talking about the gods of war and concord and peace and revenge they talk about Theon and Lailah and not about Attes and Kyn. If they're talking about the ethernal god they talk about Rhahar and not about Veses.
So my theory is that Attes, Kyn, Embris, Maia, Keella, Hanan, Veses and Phanos die and the ones that ascend into Primals are Theon, Lailah, Penellaphe, Aios, Ione, Bele, Rhahar and Saion. Everything is in this order so that their things are the ones that were of the Primals. We know that Theon and Lailah were from Vathi so what if each of them were from the court these Primals were?
I don't know but I think it makes sense so I wanted to publish it.
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mannawealthmanagement · 2 months ago
Florida Could Launch Strategic Bitcoin Reserve By Q1 2025
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Florida is taking big steps toward adopting Bitcoin as part of its financial strategy. The state is planning to create a Bitcoin reserve, which could make Florida a leader in using cryptocurrency for growth and security. This plan is set to be discussed in the upcoming legislative session in early 2025.
What Is Florida’s Bitcoin Reserve Plan?
Samuel Armes, the President of the Florida Blockchain Business Association (FBBA), is leading this effort. He believes that Florida should invest a portion of its financial resources in Bitcoin. The state already has investments in cryptocurrency through its pension fund, showing its trust in blockchain technology’s future.
Key People Supporting the Plan:
Samuel Armes: Suggests using 1% of Florida’s $185.7 billion pension fund, which is $1.857 billion.
Jimmy Patronis, Florida’s Chief Financial Officer: Highlights Florida’s current $800 million in cryptocurrency investments.
Senator Cynthia Lummis: Praises Florida’s innovative approach.
Where Will the Money Come From?
Florida has two main sources to fund the Bitcoin reserve:
Pension Fund:
Total value: $185.7 billion.
Proposed investment: 1% ($1.857 billion).
Budget Surplus:
Fiscal Year 2024-25 surplus: $116.5 billion.
Proposed investment: 1% ($1.165 billion).
Florida’s well-managed finances and frequent budget surpluses make this plan feasible.
Why Bitcoin?
Bitcoin offers unique advantages as a financial asset:
Decentralization: Reduces risks tied to centralized financial systems.
Limited Supply: Protects against inflation and maintains value over time.
Growing Acceptance: Increasing institutional use makes Bitcoin more reliable.
Jimmy Patronis put it simply: “Crypto’s not going anywhere. It’s going to continue to expand, and we’d be foolish not to take advantage of it.”
What Happens Next?
The upcoming legislative session in early 2025 will determine if this plan moves forward. Supporters aim to:
Show how Bitcoin can grow Florida’s economy.
Address risks with strong regulations.
Educate lawmakers about Bitcoin’s potential.
Competing with Wyoming
Florida’s plan has sparked comparisons to Wyoming, another state known for blockchain innovation. Senator Cynthia Lummis called this “a race to the top” and welcomed the competition. Both states aim to lead in cryptocurrency adoption.
How This Could Impact Cryptocurrency
If Florida adopts a Bitcoin reserve, it could:
Inspire other states to follow.
Boost confidence in cryptocurrency investments.
Help Bitcoin become a standard financial asset.
Expert Help for Investors
Navigating cryptocurrency investments can be tricky. Manna Wealth Management’s Cryptocurrency Advisory Services provide expert guidance to help investors make informed decisions.
Florida’s Bitcoin reserve proposal shows the state’s commitment to innovation. By investing a small portion of its resources in Bitcoin, Florida could set an example for other states. As the legislative session approaches, many will be watching to see if this groundbreaking idea becomes a reality.
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almightyrozenidiot · 1 year ago
V ubcr fbzrbar bgure guna zr cbfgf Vzcertanoyr Gevnatyr sebz ETT8 ba urer fbba
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samuelarmes · 2 years ago
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#fbba #samuelarmes #samarmes
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tread-octane · 6 months ago
Ab Ceboyrz. Guvf vf gur ynfg ohvyqvat fb V’z fher V’yy or gurer fbba O)
JUNZ! Bayl 5 zber zhaqnar jnerubhfrf yrsg! Guvf uhag’f nf tbbq nf qrsrngrq O)
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queenofmorningstar · 3 years ago
OK, after crying for a week, I'm going to analyze the 5 chapters
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Casteel being a no. 1 husband ™. Sir is in so much pain but all he can think of is that his wife will be safe😭😭❤️❤️
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Casteel wants revenge from Isbitch not becuz of what she did to him but what she did to Poppy. He can't get anymore perfect😭👌
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Poppy being a badass Queen part 1👑✨
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GUYS HER TONE BECAME SMOKY... LIKE CASTEEL. SOULMATE, sorry, I forgot they were heart mates (frantically reads the series again)
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VONETTA AND EMIL SHIP IS SAILING. ❤️👌do we have a ship name for them? Vonil? Emetta?
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The True Crown is definitely not the blood crown. I fear a plot twist.
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