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Malec's son
Has anyone ever thought that Malec and Isbeth's is alive??
Hear me out OK? We know Alastir was Malec's wolven and they had some emotional bond. So what if this kid now 400 years old more or less is alive and with his family. Maybe Atlantia doesn't have any records of his existence but he may exist.
I don't know it's just a theory my mum and I just came up with
Tell me what you think about it
#Fbba#visions of flesh and blood#from blood and ash#kingdom of flesh and fire#the crown of gilded bones#the war of two queens#a shadow in the ember#a light in the flame#a fire in the flesh#twotq#akofaf#asoaab#asite#ALITF#ACOGB#AFITF
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[]} Log-date: 16//10//XXXX {[]
-- --..-- / .-- …. -.-- / .. … / - …. . / - .-. .- -.-. -.- . .-. / .. -.. .-.. . ..--..
Vg unf orra frireny zbaguf fvapr Gheaba'f qvfnccrnenapr naq gurer unf orra ab fvtaf bs uvz fvapr gur frpgbe dhnenagvar. Fvapr gung qnl V unir sbhaq n gerngzrag cngu sbe gur gnvag, vg nccrnef gb unir jbexrq nqrdhngryl ba pyvpxba ohg jr jvyy frr vs ur erpbiref gubebhtuyl. Pheeragyl ur vf ba uvf friragu jrrx bs zbgbe nrebovpf juvpu fubhyq pbapyhqr fbba. V unq gb rkcry gur ragvergl bs gur syhvq sebz uvf flfgrzf ol vawrpgvat na nagv-shatny fbyhgvba vagb uvf ulqenhyvpf juvpu genccrq vg va uvf guebng naq guebhtu n grafr frffvba bs anhfrn zrqvpngvba ur jnf noyr gb ibzvg vg hc, v qvq unir gb fpna uvf obql ragveryl naq znxr fher uvf betnaf jrer abg gbb qnzntrq ohg guvatf frrz gb or ehaavat ng na bcrenoyr fgnaqneq.
…. .. --. …. . … - / .--. .-. --- -… .- -… .. .-.. .. - -.-- / .. … / - …. .- - / .. - / …. .- … / -… . . -. / -.. . - .- -.-. …. . -.. .-.-.-
Rirelguvat vf fgnoyr. Rirelguvat vf frpher. Jul zhfg zl yvsr or cynthrq jvgu fhpu zvfsbeghar, gubfr jub ner vaibyirq va zl yvsr unir snyyra ba ebhtu greenva fb jul. Jul zhfg jr fybt guebhtu gur fnzr beqrnyf gvzr naq ntnva. Yhpxvyl sbe zl pbyyrnthrf, gurl ner oyvaq gb gur ghezbvy gung guerngraf hf. Nyy V unir gb qb vf svk vg rvgure orsber vg unccraf be orsber vg cynthrf gurz gbb. Arireguryrff, gur gvzr sbe vagebfcrpgvba vf bire.
…. -- -- --..-- / .. .----. .-.. .-.. / --. --- / .. -. ..-. --- .-. -- / -.-. ..- .--. .. -.. / .- … / - …. .- - / .. … / .-- …. . .-. . / - …. . / - .-. .- -.-. -.- . .-. / .. … / -.-. ..- .-. .-. . -. - .-.. -.-- .-.-.- / - …. . -.-- / -.-. --- ..- .-.. -.. -. .----. - / …. .- …- . / --. --- -. . / ..-. .- .-. .-.-.-
Gur bgure gbc-ungf unir abgvprq fbzr hafpehchybhf punenpgref fgnyxvat gur fgerrgf sbe cerl, gurer unir orra ab fhpu fvtugvatf nebhaq zl yvggyr unira ohg V unir znqr gur arprffnel qrnyf gb dhryy gur nakvrgl bs zl jbexref naq crezvggrq fnsr uneobhe sbe gurve eryngvirf naq pbzcnavbaf whfg va pnfr fbzrguvat unccraf gb tb njel. Yrg hf ubcr gung gur punenpgref ner rnfl gb qvfcbfr bs nf guvf vf abg gur evtug gvzr sbe snyfr nynezf naq nzovgvbhf gevpxfgref.
-- --..-- / .--. --- .-- . .-. / --- ..-. ..-. .-.-.-
Vg'f orra n gbhtu srj zbaguf. Nqqba, fvtavat bss.
.- … / -.-- --- ..- / .-- .. … …. --..-- / .- -.. -.. --- -. .-.-.-
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sloppy joe
he & man (he-man, respectively)
puppy codes beneath the cut!
sloppy joe
209E9=FF0C378;6;E.4433.AEE200F8362E2DC00bFBAFb5D8:822970o0l13p^51CF8^98EA00D9;32A1E7714F6E28086=14b92803Cp12F710:a32:DC1;2^<F80aaaa::a1e727DA=19=a^c78<5ca03;7:AFE;8F16ea6F:7cCF08P<F11FC;0821F24BA;FF0FF;^52330FFU8C2F^A:^J:FPec1P200400c=^01A75S8^o192 28y08A11ad22CaaF:c8FF0075;0a482cDCAa:3bFa4A746A8^YBFCe0^0aC72CFF07fF3FF4
crunk & chunk
5AE;Ce76F104068F90a17aj9a&910=0F5DF6Fgn0FD6B3:u78^b0F0:90c08t Ca1Fb110CFE8D5a97Fd96053CB8:078C7<8da02C30068:a:3<:C:832a:;F4a<5a3bb6D;67;:8CA7Cb=2^4FF9::;401FF^7a1c5b:B3:3C5bC60cF1A:55FC75^F134cFA1b1F^CPPP3^uFkB30UF7hCn40;2a1^F55.B^8440E02 1011^3kr<:F7F^F3CFn5810D5FEF8F88FaB1DFFFYc8F40a2475C0FE=^943A160a620.08Ee<6C1
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“I am not easily breakable..You’re safe, you can tell the truth..”
“..Please let me reach you.. We can talk face to face.. It might help you..”
-Cul-.. Valem
ubzr fbba.
pna'g gnyx.
nyy uhegf.
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Finished Nightmare Kart, again, now that it's out on Steam. After having playing the 1.0 version on Itch (because the game was stuck in hell on Steam for a while), I wanted to play it again on Steam since it's using the most up-to-date build (and, let's be honest, I'm a little tired of having to manually grab updates to shove onto my Steam Deck lmao).
I can say that it's a fairly solid racing game, it's not terribly difficult (Maybe it's because I just finished Master Mode on Dr. Robotnik's Ring Racers and this feels tame in comparison, lol. I dunno.) and while there are quite a few rough edges (particularly on Pocket Dream Course where I lose speeds by bumping into hills sometimes), I'd say it's definitely worth a look.
However, I will say, there is ONE part in particular that really, really sucks and kind of stands out from the rest of the game. I'm just gonna ROT13 this next paragraph:
Gur svany obff vgfrys jnf svar, ubjrire, gur eha hc gb gur svany obff jnf abg terng. Vg jnf rira yrff terng va rneyvre irefvbaf fvapr lbh unq gb fvg guebhtu gur yratgul "LBH QVRQ" frdhrapr rirelgvzr lbh sryy bss naq, oryvrir zr, lbh JVYY snyy bss. Vs vg'f abg orpnhfr bs gur fcrrq, vg'f orpnhfr bs n ahzore bs guvatf:
Lbh uvg gur fvqr bs gur cyngsbez
Lbh qvqa'g ernpg dhvpxyl rabhtu gb obbfg naq fynfu bss gur cyngsbez naq abj lbh pna'g ernpu gur arkg bar.
Lbh ybfr nyy ubevmbagny zbzraghz nf fbba nf lbh uvg na rarzl naq fb ba.
Ntnva, nsgre pynjvat cnfg gung cneg (gunax lbh Evat Enpref sbe genvavat zr va qrnyvat jvgu jrveq (nppvqragny be bgurejvfr yznb) yriry qrfvta), gur erfg bs gur obff jnf zhpu zber cyngnoyr. Vg'f whfg gur eha-hc gung sryg gur jbefg naq nofbyhgryl fgbbq bhg gb zr.
V qhaab ubj bar pbhyq znxr vg srry orggre, zvaq lbh. Znlor oybbq? Vg ernyyl qvq srry yvxr gur "QBA'G FYBJ QBJA" zrpunavp jnf n aba-vffhr pbzcnerq gb nyy gur snyyvat bss. Znlor znxr gur nggnpxf zber pbafvfgrag? Tvir gur fjbeq n ybatre yrnc? Nygubhtu gung jbhyq znlor xvaqn oernx gur svany svtug gbb… uzz, sbbq sbe gubhtug.
Anyway, long story short, Nightmare Kart good. Go get it on Steam. Go get it on Itch. Go get it on Itch and Steam.
Oh, right, I forgot. The game runs perfectly fine on Deck. Gamescope reports a Solid Sixty but the game looks like it slows down in places but gamescope isn't picking it up. Use that information as you will.
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Qrnerfg Gevfgna,
N fgenatr yrggre ernpurq zr gbqnl. N pvcure abg bs lbhe qrivfvat. V zvff bhe tnzrf. V zvff lbh.
Lbhef, Nyjnlf, Nheben
Zl rgreany ybir:
Xabj gung abguvat fubeg bs gur fhzzvg bs nyy crefhnfvbaf pbhyq pbaivapr zr gb cebybat gur pnyinel bs bhe qvfgnapr.
Zl qrfvtaf sbe gur jbeyq orne ab pbaarpgvba gb guvf uhag. V frrx sbe gur vzcbffvoyr, va zl frysvfu, ibenpvbhf terrq gb pbagrzcyngr vg zngrevnyvmrq nf haqlvat cebbs bs zl srryvatf sbe lbh. Abg bayl rira gur zbfg erznexnoyr nzbat zl raiblf jbhyq cebir vafhssvpvrag gb fhpprrq ohg, ng n zhpu zber shaqnzragny yriry, vg fubhyq or zr pbzcyrgvat guvf tbny.
Naq lrg V lrnea sbe lbh jvgu hadhrapunoyr arrq. Unir ab qbhog V'z guvaxvat bayl bs lbh. Unir ab qbhog jr jvyy nqq n zvyyraavhz bs ryngvba, tnzrf naq rnpu bgure gb gur cntrf bs bhe sberirezber sbe rirel frpbaq bs urnegfvpx frcnengvba.
Fbba. V obgu cnffvbangryl qrfver naq V cebzvfr lbh.
Gur gernfher V vagraq gb erghea gb lbh jvgu vf abg sngrq sbe zr ohg lbhe bja unaqf.
Nf sbe bgure havaivgrq unaqf ubcvat gb zrqqyr va bhe jnlf, jungrire obarf lbh qba'g srry va gur zbbq gb oernx sbe gur vagehfvir vafbyrapr, jr pna chyirevmr gbtrgure va gur qryvtugf bs bhe erhavba.
Vg vf lbh. Vg vf zr. Vg vf hf. Nyjnlf, Gevfgna
#Ladamedemartel#This is becoming quite suspenseful for me#Because I sincerely don't know if Tristan is going to get what he wants this time yet.#The laws of good writing dictate that I can't give it to him if I don't think it is possible.#And he is biting off a lot this time.
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The state pension fund in Florida made a bold move to align itself with the vision of US President-elect Donald Trump for a strategic Bitcoin reserve. Florida’s state officials announced that the pension fund will invest $1.85 billion worth of members’ contributions into Bitcoin to diversify its investment portfolio. Bitcoin Exposure The head of the Florida Blockchain Business Association (FBBA) announced that $1.85 billion of Florida’s pension fund is being considered for Bitcoin investment, a move backed by state leaders. FBBA president Samuel Armes said in a post that Florida will launch a “strategic Bitcoin reserve”, adding that the state has a great chance of creating the BTC reserve in the first quarter of next year. Armes believes that the Bitcoin investment would push through because of the pro-Bitcoin leaders such as the Speaker of the Florida House, Danny Perez, and Governor Ron DeSantis, saying that Perez “understands the technology very well” while DeSantis is among the most pro-Bitcoin governors in the United States. Florida is going to launch a strategic Bitcoin reserve, and here’s how we’re going to do it 👇 Florida has a very good chance of creating a strategic Bitcoin reserve this session, which starts in Q1 of 2025. Here’s what you need to know: The Speaker of the Florida House, Danny… pic.twitter.com/JJRNU1V7ZI — Samuel Armes (@samuelarmes) December 3, 2024 Pension Fund Goes Crypto Armes suggested that one way to build a Bitcoin reserve in Florida is by allowing the state pension fund to invest $1.85 billion in Bitcoin. “Leverage our $185.7B pension fund to allocate a small percentage to Bitcoin as a hedge against inflation,” Armes said in a post. The FBBA head explained that it would not be the first time that Florida will invest in digital assets using the pension fund because the state has already made investments in Bitcoin and crypto-related assets through this fund. Bitcoin is now trading at $99,835. Chart: TradingView He explained that the fourth largest pension fund in the United States can utilize 1% of its fund to establish a Bitcoin reserve, providing the retirement savings scheme an opportunity to diversify and get exposure to the growing cryptocurrency market. “The pension allocates its funds to hedge funds, and some of those hedge funds have bought various stocks in the Bitcoin space (miners, MSTR, Coinbase as examples) while also buying liquid tokens,” he added. $800 Million In Crypto Florida is not new in digital assets since it already has $800 million in crypto investments. Florida’s Chief Financial Officer Jimmy Patronis urged other pension funds to try investing their money into Bitcoin, adding the firstborn cryptocurrency to their state’s investment portfolio. “Crypto’s not going anywhere. It will continue expanding, and we’d be foolish not to harness its opportunities there,” Patronis said as he pointed out the need to prepare for the growth of digital currencies. However, some critics voiced concerns about the state’s Bitcoin investment plans, warning about crypto’s volatility. Charles Bobrinskoy of Ariel Investments argued that Bitcoin is a “momentum-driven bubble”, adding that it has an “unstable price” and does not have real value. Meanwhile, state officials defended the move believing that Bitcoin is a “good long-term investment” and a better option to safeguard against traditional financial risks. Featured image from Business Standard, chart from TradingView https://bitcoinist.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/12/a_54a2c7.avif 2024-12-09 01:30:23
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Florida Could Launch Strategic Bitcoin Reserve By Q1 2025
Florida is taking big steps toward adopting Bitcoin as part of its financial strategy. The state is planning to create a Bitcoin reserve, which could make Florida a leader in using cryptocurrency for growth and security. This plan is set to be discussed in the upcoming legislative session in early 2025.
What Is Florida’s Bitcoin Reserve Plan?
Samuel Armes, the President of the Florida Blockchain Business Association (FBBA), is leading this effort. He believes that Florida should invest a portion of its financial resources in Bitcoin. The state already has investments in cryptocurrency through its pension fund, showing its trust in blockchain technology’s future.
Key People Supporting the Plan:
Samuel Armes: Suggests using 1% of Florida’s $185.7 billion pension fund, which is $1.857 billion.
Jimmy Patronis, Florida’s Chief Financial Officer: Highlights Florida’s current $800 million in cryptocurrency investments.
Senator Cynthia Lummis: Praises Florida’s innovative approach.
Where Will the Money Come From?
Florida has two main sources to fund the Bitcoin reserve:
Pension Fund:
Total value: $185.7 billion.
Proposed investment: 1% ($1.857 billion).
Budget Surplus:
Fiscal Year 2024-25 surplus: $116.5 billion.
Proposed investment: 1% ($1.165 billion).
Florida’s well-managed finances and frequent budget surpluses make this plan feasible.
Why Bitcoin?
Bitcoin offers unique advantages as a financial asset:
Decentralization: Reduces risks tied to centralized financial systems.
Limited Supply: Protects against inflation and maintains value over time.
Growing Acceptance: Increasing institutional use makes Bitcoin more reliable.
Jimmy Patronis put it simply: “Crypto’s not going anywhere. It’s going to continue to expand, and we’d be foolish not to take advantage of it.”
What Happens Next?
The upcoming legislative session in early 2025 will determine if this plan moves forward. Supporters aim to:
Show how Bitcoin can grow Florida’s economy.
Address risks with strong regulations.
Educate lawmakers about Bitcoin’s potential.
Competing with Wyoming
Florida’s plan has sparked comparisons to Wyoming, another state known for blockchain innovation. Senator Cynthia Lummis called this “a race to the top” and welcomed the competition. Both states aim to lead in cryptocurrency adoption.
How This Could Impact Cryptocurrency
If Florida adopts a Bitcoin reserve, it could:
Inspire other states to follow.
Boost confidence in cryptocurrency investments.
Help Bitcoin become a standard financial asset.
Expert Help for Investors
Navigating cryptocurrency investments can be tricky. Manna Wealth Management’s Cryptocurrency Advisory Services provide expert guidance to help investors make informed decisions.
Florida’s Bitcoin reserve proposal shows the state’s commitment to innovation. By investing a small portion of its resources in Bitcoin, Florida could set an example for other states. As the legislative session approaches, many will be watching to see if this groundbreaking idea becomes a reality.
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V ubcr fbzrbar bgure guna zr cbfgf Vzcertanoyr Gevnatyr sebz ETT8 ba urer fbba
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God's theory
I was reading Miss Willa's book and I started thinking about the relationship between the Primals that were alive in Sera and Nyktos' timeline and Poppy and Cas' timeline.
First, isn't it strange that it's Theon and Lailah the ones that are asleep under the Pillars of Atlantia and not Attes and Kyn. Another thing is that when they're talking about the gods of war and concord and peace and revenge they talk about Theon and Lailah and not about Attes and Kyn. If they're talking about the ethernal god they talk about Rhahar and not about Veses.
So my theory is that Attes, Kyn, Embris, Maia, Keella, Hanan, Veses and Phanos die and the ones that ascend into Primals are Theon, Lailah, Penellaphe, Aios, Ione, Bele, Rhahar and Saion. Everything is in this order so that their things are the ones that were of the Primals. We know that Theon and Lailah were from Vathi so what if each of them were from the court these Primals were?
I don't know but I think it makes sense so I wanted to publish it.
#fbba#faf#sera x nyktos#sera mierel#seraphena mierel#seraktos#sera x ash#poppy balfour#poppycas#casteel da'neer#kieran contou#vonetta contou#emil da'lahr#emil x vonetta#naill la'crox#delano amicu#perri x delano#attes#kyn#kolis deserves to die#keella#akofaf#acogb#the war of two queens#twotq#asite#alitf#afitf
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Ab Ceboyrz. Guvf vf gur ynfg ohvyqvat fb V’z fher V’yy or gurer fbba O)
JUNZ! Bayl 5 zber zhaqnar jnerubhfrf yrsg! Guvf uhag’f nf tbbq nf qrsrngrq O)
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OK, after crying for a week, I'm going to analyze the 5 chapters
Casteel being a no. 1 husband ™. Sir is in so much pain but all he can think of is that his wife will be safe😭😭❤️❤️
Casteel wants revenge from Isbitch not becuz of what she did to him but what she did to Poppy. He can't get anymore perfect😭👌
Poppy being a badass Queen part 1👑✨
GUYS HER TONE BECAME SMOKY... LIKE CASTEEL. SOULMATE, sorry, I forgot they were heart mates (frantically reads the series again)
VONETTA AND EMIL SHIP IS SAILING. ❤️👌do we have a ship name for them? Vonil? Emetta?
The True Crown is definitely not the blood crown. I fear a plot twist.
#poppy balfour#casteel da'neer#fbba#fbaa 4#from blood and ash#the kingdom of flesh and fire#jennifer l armentrout#tcobg#the crown of gilded bones#the war of two queens#twotq#twotq spoilers#twotq teaser
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" A Munch" -Linografía #arte #artemexicano #art #mexicanart #grito #edvardmunch #munch #screem #linocut #linoleo #grabado #grabadoenlinóleo #grabadoenrelieve #FBBA #2017 https://www.instagram.com/p/BqBCjAHAaAj/?utm_medium=tumblr
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opinions on men?
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okay good god i hope this works. are you here now? are you normal again?
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