don't think of me as your handler. I'm not giving you many orders and micromanaging your life as a handler does. maybe more like a boss or superior works. anyways, meet us down in 46°26'19.3"N 30°39'12.6"E, I'll take us down to our safehouse of sorts. meet me there, we'll discuss everything. I'll be waiting for you.
what did you do to bell.
— hound. << @ask-hound >>
nothing he didn't deserve, hound.
don't worry about him. I'm going to reinvent him. make him better than he ever was before. he's only going to suffer for a little while. it's growing pains. orfvqrf, ur ybirf zr. V'ir tbg zl unaqf ba uvz, tbbq shpxvat yhpx trggvat gurz bss.
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you are a pathetic little thing, aren't you? I don't care if you follow me or not, just don't step on my package here. he's been doing well, and I don't want any interference. manipulation is the name of the game, hound. familiarize yourself with it. it's how you survive. it's nothing personal, I'm just saving you from a situation you don't want to be in. or, shouldn't want to be in. you want answers? you're one of few who might earn 'em.
what makes him better? nothing. he's just an easier target, and I like him more. you shouldn't envy him.
the migraine pills? have you ever heard of MK Ultra, hound? it's a mixture of drugs to essentially keep you placated, mindless, and a follower without a thought. getting off of them gives you decision and thought. most of all, it gives you freedom. some of which are deserving, some aren't. my judge is that you're better off with a mind of your own.
some people lie for power, others lie to keep a situation in control. inherently, it's for power. I am no liar, hound, don't be mistaken. as your dear Jason Hudson would say, it's simply an omission of fact. Bell is honest, in the best way his mind can be. let's just say, his mind is not one of fortitude, survival, or endurance. you are not something to be looked down upon, among the two of you. do not mistake what I am doing for Bell as a generous service because he's simply so "good". you're helpful where you are. maybe I'll offer you a seat up here if you help me with Bell, yeah? let's make a deal on that. you help me out with the dirty work, then you get to come up and be with us. sound fair?
what did you do to bell.
— hound. << @ask-hound >>
nothing he didn't deserve, hound.
don't worry about him. I'm going to reinvent him. make him better than he ever was before. he's only going to suffer for a little while. it's growing pains. orfvqrf, ur ybirf zr. V'ir tbg zl unaqf ba uvz, tbbq shpxvat yhpx trggvat gurz bss.
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what did you do to bell.
— hound. << @ask-hound >>
nothing he didn't deserve, hound.
don't worry about him. I'm going to reinvent him. make him better than he ever was before. he's only going to suffer for a little while. it's growing pains. orfvqrf, ur ybirf zr. V'ir tbg zl unaqf ba uvz, tbbq shpxvat yhpx trggvat gurz bss.
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что, черт возьми, ты с ним планируешь?
what am I planning with him? it really isn't too much your business, but I suppose at least someone deserves to know.
ur xabjf guvatf V arrq gb xabj. ur'f n tbbq fbyqvre naljnl. naq cyragl rnfl gb trg lbhe unaqf ba. V xarj uvz onpx va Crefrhf qnlf, naq vs gjb crbcyr pna trg gb uvz?
fb pna V.
V whfg arrq uvz va zl grnz. yvxr Nqyre arrqrq Oryy va uvf grnz. ohg vg'f zber crefbany. V jnf uvf sevraq bapr. naq V ybirq vg. ur'f n cngurgvp zrff naq rnfl gb shpx jvgu, naq V'q yvxr zl cynlguvat onpx vagb ZL unaqf. ur'f fb rnfl. whfg n srj cvyyf naq fbzr ybir-obzovat orunivbe, ur'f va zl unaqf pbzcyrgryl. V grne uvz sebz uvf pbagnpgf, ur'f zvar ragveryl.
ur'f orra trggvat gbb cbjreshy naljnl. ur qbrfa'g qrfreir gur pbagnpgf be unccvarff ur'f trggvat. nf zhpu nf V'z hfvat uvz, V'z nyfb cynaavat gb ehva jung ur unf nyernql. gung shpxre'f fzvyr vf cyrnfnag bayl vs lbh qba'g xabj uvz. V'ir nyernql ehvarq fbzr guvatf, V'z whfg ovgvat ng pbaarpgvbaf abj. vg'f jbexvat jvgu zvavzny fhpprff. thrff V'ir bireengrq ubj qrrc ur terj uvf ebbgf vagb gurfr crbcyr. ng yrnfg V'ir orra noyr gb trg vagb uvf urnq rabhtu gb fgbc uvz sebz gnyxvat gb gurz. V arrq uvz gb trg ba enqvb fvyrapr fbba.
bapr V'z qbar jvgu uvz? abobql jvyy rire jnag gb or arne uvz. V'z znxvat uvz vagb fbzrguvat arj; n cresrpg jrncba. Nqyre snvyrq gur svefg gvzr, ohg V jnf jngpuvat. V jnf yrneavat. naq abj? Oryy vf va zl unaqf, naq V'z tbvat gb svavfu jung Nqyre tnir hc ba naq snvyrq. Oryy qbrfa'g arrq gb or n crefba. fb V'z gnxvat gung njnl. ur'yy arire jnag gb yrnir hf bapr V'z qbar. naq sbe tbbq, ur'yy or jung Tbq pnyyrq qbja ba uvz gb or.
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weaponized loon?
looks pretty cool. never seen a bird with proper gear. reminds of that one image of the tactical cat. tacti-cat, if you will?
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don't say I didn't warn you if you eventually get yourself killed by the same man you lie with. you lovers are all the same, and it's amusing.
I find it strange you still love that traitor.
But compromise your mission, I guess. He'll never stay loyal.
just some insight, ♜ .
Fuck off.
If you think I value a goddamn mission more than him, you can go fuck yourself right off.
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you can watch whatever you want, but you're not getting the answers you want. I don't care about whether you're fond of me or not, I've gotten what I needed anyway.
I’m gonna study you under a microscope little bro,,,what’s your deal…..👁️👁️
I'm not sure what you mean by any of that. I have no deal, and I believe I am perfectly as is. the only person who has a problem with me seems to be you.
keep me off of your watchlist.
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Bell, you're fine. it's just a routine medical checkup and some medication. everyone's on medication nowadays. maybe it's just some side effects. you're thinking too much about it.
let's go sit down, yeah? you don't need them. they hurt you, remember? everything will be fine.
This is what I wanted, right?
#just take these pills and lay down#we can talk this over#stop freaking out it's not doing you any good. I'm doing what's good for you.
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it absolutely is. this is all you could ever want. I've given you everything. be grateful for it.
This is what I wanted, right?
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I have no intent to cause harm. in fact, what I am doing is for the greater good. understand that. and don't trust me, then. my point still stands. stay the fuck away from Bell. I have enough balls to show my face, I just didn't know that was the current request of the people! don't consider yourself special just because your identity is easily traceable. and I will do what I need to. this is a necessary operation. you might even thank me later. this fucker's not going be a pain in your ass for much longer.
pantheon? no, no, no. I'm better than them. I'll be your friend as long as you don't keep stepping on a package I sincerely need.
I'm no loyalty test. even if I was, you would've succeeded. congratulations! my intent is not to control you, my eyes are on a different prize. your only relation is your- admittedly, questionable- friendship with Bell. the "good Bell", as you seem to call him.
just listen to me. I mean no harm to you, but I will do what I need to.
stop talking to the other Bell. for his own good, yeah?
you should understand, ♜ .
You rub me the wrong way, Rook. I still have to make this clear- I don't trust you. I don't WANT to trust you. I do believe you intend to harm me, or Good Bell, in some way, shape, or form.
I don't know what the fuck you're talking about. I can't trust you unless I know, and again- I do not WANT to know.
"Do what I need to do" Yeah, right. Bullshit. Replace need with want, and that's where you've got yourself. A want.
Least I have the balls to show my face, unlike you.
I deeply dislike you, and we've only interacted three times. That says something about one of us, at least.
I do not want to be your "friend." I do not want you as my "friend" either. Least of all do I NEED you as a friend.
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Bell. you know better than to be talking to Mason right now.
stop fucking talking to him. it's for your own good. you'll be happier. he's just trying to get into your head. you know that he'd know all about that shit. he was an accomplice, after all.
c'mon. I have some tea for you in the living room. you should be dealing with business that matters right about now, and we have things to talk about.
"if it all goes south, radio me. i'll keep my mouth shut about it." ( @a-mason )
What do you mean? Everything's great!.
Never been better, I won't need to call in. Did you know he remembers a lot of my life? I remember a lot about myself now, he told me a lot. Did you know that I was really good with rubix cubes once?
Anyways ... I need to be going now...
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fucking hell. just stop talking to Bell. I don't care about you being a traitor or whatever. spew me your life story when I actually give a shit.
not to get entangled in business I shouldn't dabble in,
but I reckon you should stay away from Bell. not the one who killed Adler and is a freak or whatnot; the one who survived.
he's done shit you can't imagine.
so. stay away from him, yeah?
just saying, ♜ .
"the kid? yeah, no shit. the kid's done some fucked up things, but who wouldn't if they got put in his situation."
m████ was not the right person to come to with this.
something was off with this message. m████ couldn't figure out what. if anything - he felt more inclined to keep bell close. but he'll keep that to himself, maybe keep a closer eye on the kid.
"thanks for stating the obvious. we'll keep in touch."
he did not want to speak to "rook" again - but he will if he must.
#I'm sick of dealing with this bullshit.#I'm trying to help and this is how you repay me?#at least he's easy.
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I'm not sure you understand the gravity of my words, Mason.
just stay away from Bell. he's a detriment and a danger. you know, he's no ally of yours. just another one of those filthy Russian double agents. he's just like you were, except he's consciously compromising you. believe me here, cutting contact with him is the only way to keep yourself safe.
so stay away from him.
not to get entangled in business I shouldn't dabble in,
but I reckon you should stay away from Bell. not the one who killed Adler and is a freak or whatnot; the one who survived.
he's done shit you can't imagine.
so. stay away from him, yeah?
just saying, ♜ .
"the kid? yeah, no shit. the kid's done some fucked up things, but who wouldn't if they got put in his situation."
m████ was not the right person to come to with this.
something was off with this message. m████ couldn't figure out what. if anything - he felt more inclined to keep bell close. but he'll keep that to himself, maybe keep a closer eye on the kid.
"thanks for stating the obvious. we'll keep in touch."
he did not want to speak to "rook" again - but he will if he must.
#he's done things you can't excuse mason. don't just forgive him. realize his betrayal and wrongdoing. abandon that traitor.#he's just a mini perseus. trust me here. I know him better than anyone else.
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I’m gonna study you under a microscope little bro,,,what’s your deal…..👁️👁️
I'm not sure what you mean by any of that. I have no deal, and I believe I am perfectly as is. the only person who has a problem with me seems to be you.
keep me off of your watchlist.
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tsk. last time I checked, you're an agent for "whoever pays", not a civilian. I didn't actually mean policy fraternization. I was just poking fun at your... questionable relations with Woods. reckon he deserves better than someone who actively worked against him, hmm? who's to say you're not just using him for info?
doha kv fvb aopur hivba aoha?
last time I checked, fraternization wasn't allowed. but do what you want anyway, you're not meant to be alive.
with "love", ♜ .
"since when did that apply to 'civvies?' and when did it stop anyone in the fucking navy?"
he chuckled. being missing for well over a few years and dead to the government - he was as far from a soldier as he could ever be and as close to a civilian than he'd ever been in the past decades. and being free of the title of c█████ - of giving and receiving orders - he could do and be whatever he damn pleased.
he had woods and r█████ to thank for that revelation.
#it didn't stop the navy- yes- but that isn't my point. my point that this- whatever you're doing- is inherently disgusting.#even if it is love- i'm surprised woods let you get this far
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meet me here. reckon it's close enough to where you are, hm?
let's talk. I'll bring you a smoke, we can go find somewhere to walk and talk. maybe a cafe, get a drink, chat. like comrades. we've known eachother before, possibly I could jog your memory.
if it goes well, I already have somewhere we can go. better than this shithole.
stop freaking out, Bell. I'm a friend, not a foe. I'm only saying truths here.
they saved you so they can continue using you. they don't care about you. that, and obligation. you weren't saved because they cared or wanted you alive, you were saved because they HAD to.
I will make you freer than anyone else. I'm not Adler or Perseus, they stifled you and killed you. I will give you life.
you know what, you're right not to trust me immediately! maybe I came off a little too headstrong. let's meet up. we can talk about this. I assure you, I'm no danger. if I was, I would've done far worse than just contact you.
I will be expecting a response, ♜ .
No you are not. A "friend" wouldn't slander me to my face. ... Maybe you're right.
No. They saved me because they care. I know they care. I need them, and they need me. Mason and Woods care the world about me, they've helped me, hell, they check up on me! They do care about me. They had no obligation, they could've left me and I would've lived, they want me alive, they-- They have to. You have to be lying...
You have to be lying. You can't free me, I'm already free here... but.. maybe...
Fine. Let's meet up.
#i've always hated these solovetsky islands.#i don't understand how you can stand them bell#or: andrei?#bell-askblog
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the people call me Rook. I suppose some of us got off on the wrong foot, so I'll get it outright and say I have no hard feelings against anyone.
I feel like this account will make things easier.
I feel the need to clarify this: I am not affiliated with Perseus, the Pantheon, nor the CIA. I am not on anyone's side.
I have my own duties to tend to. talk to you all later.
sincerely, ♜ .
if you've ever got an account that signs off with "[words], ♜.", that's me.
english is not my first language.
do whatever you want in my inbox, I don't care. this is a black ops cw/6 roleplay account, but other cod rp accounts can interact as they wish. I'm not a writer, but I can sure as hell try my best. background info not provided, you guys can figure it out. ;)
heavily inspired by @bell-askblog and the others
everything said is in character. what I say I do not mean.
#black ops#cod bocw rp blog#call of duty oc#cod cold war#black ops cold war#bocw roleplay#cod bocw#call of duty black ops cold war#call of duty cold war#call of duty bocw#bocw#cod cw#cod#call of duty#call of duty black ops#pinned post#roleplay#rp blog#oc rp#oc rp acc#ask blog#cod rp#cod rp blog#rp account#roleplay account#roleplay blog#rp#rook
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