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meilooruns-a-go-go · 2 years
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Image: Nathan One, Street lamp in #wroclaw
Author: Rob Withoff
Pretty sure I dated her in college. Though I don't think "date" was the right word, it was more that she'd come over to hang out and watch movies and stuff but more just wanted to sit in the chair in the corner and not be close to being touched.
When I'd make popcorn, I'd put it in a separate bowl for her. I started adding different things to the popcorn, like garlic, or pepper, or parmesan shake-cheese. I didn't let on that they were different.
One night, she finished her bowl, and asked me if there was any more. It was the cheese-and-butter combo. I made more, but I put it in a single bowl between us.
After that, I only made one bowl that we shared. We were very careful not to reach into the bowl at the same time, but after a while, we stopped watching, and while I had my hand in the bowl grabbing some more, she reached in and touched the back of my hand.
She jolted back like she had been shocked, and I tried to calm her, and let her know it was okay, that she could touch me, no harm, no foul.
I didn't see her for a couple of days, but she showed up at my door on evening with a box of Orville Redenbacher and some shake-cheese and a little plastic bottle of cinnamon.
I let her make the popcorn. She came out from the kitchen, and instead of sitting in her usual chair, she sat on the couch, putting the bowl between us.
The popcorn was pretty bad, way too much cinnamon. I choked it down, but I'm pretty sure she noticed that I wasn't as enthusiastic as she wanted me to be.
I didn't see her for several days after that.
One night, I got a knock at the door. I though she had come back, but when I opened the door, there was only a small paper bag. I brought it inside and opened it.
She had made a sculpture out of the bones of a small animal, or what I think must have been several small animals. I'd like to think that they were chicken bones, but some of them were definitely not, and I didn't wan to consider what they were.
It was beautiful, and elaborate, and baroque, but at the time I was kind of horrified and afraid of what she might do.
I threw it in the trash.
I never saw her again.
Once in a while, I'd find stray animal bones on my car, or in the mailbox. Still do, though I'm pretty sure now they're just random leavings from the critters that dig in the trash bins and need to hide to eat in comfort, and leave the rest.
She never told me her name.
It's a global FB link, that doesn't display properly, but I tested it.
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tayfuncatechnology · 2 years
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new BTS footage from santhipong sillapachai on facebook
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bloodhaven · 5 months
I'm sure you all remember my last donation post on like. monday? wellll I didn't know that my electric was gonna come out TODAY (its on autopay and it fucking changes each month) and it was $49.71, AND my credit card, that shouldnt have been paid until the 13th (also on autopay) came out today as well??? That one was $25 even, thats $74.71 overdrawn, plus we got hit by our uber & lyft subscriptions that ALSO shouldnt have come out until the NINTH. We are overdrawn by $101.53
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blacked out is names + account numbers, I only have $25 left from the prev donation post that has to go towards transportation as I have 3 doctors appointments next week & my wife has to be able to get to and from work using lyft/uber
I don't know if anything else will come out before payday (7th) but this is too much to cover, we NEED minimun $85 TODAY to stop from being hit with overdraft fees ($15 a day) but I'd like to shoot for at least $110 to ensure if any other bills come out we don't have to do this again. The money we have is strictly for transportation,we cannot use it for this.
paidpalled I do have other methods to donate (cashapp, venmo) but i would prefer to use paypal as its easiest, ask for the other methods if you need them !
If you can't donate PLEASE reblog!!
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gasstationpopcorn · 7 months
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every-tome · 10 months
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oscarcito · 9 months
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😿 -> 😼
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all-the-fish · 4 months
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(source - fb) (ČHMI fb post)
I used to have nightmares about tornadoes coming from the mountains where I grew up. It was easy to dismiss after I woke up, tornadoes basically didn't happen over there (only in murica tm) and they also don't like mountains, so the whole thing was nonsense. This is from today, from Valtířov, near Ústí nad Labem, a region surrounded by mountains, officially reported by Czech Hydrometeorological Institute as a tornado, so yeah. Thanks global warming for making my childhood dreams come true or something.
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protoindoeuropean · 8 months
ok so the slovenian government announced today it will participate in the ICJ proceedings against israeli occupation of gaza and the west bank, which is based on a december 2022 UN resolution and is thus separate from the SA genocide case {wiki page}
there have been calls for slovenia to intervene in the genocide case too, to which the minister of foreign affairs has said that "Slovenia supports the proceedings regarding the violations of the Genocide Convention both in the case of Ukraine and Palestine ...", but that it is not yet possible to intervene as the court has to first decide whether it has jurisdiction over the case or not (her statement of support is also not an official position of the country afaict) {x}. she said that the decision will be made at the governnent level {x} (i.e. she evaded the question, but the fact the she hasn't dismissed it is positive, and both the pm and the president as a rule follow her lead, not the other way around; not to mention that the left party, a coalition member, has been very vocal about how slovenia is not doing enough, how we should recognize the state of palestine, apply the bds measures etc., so that's a force pushing in that direction as well). the ambassador to the UN security council said that slovenia regards the case "with great interest" {x}
considering the fairly consistent discourse of slovenian foreign policy on the israel-palestine conflict and especially the expressed need for principled and consistent political positioning during the slovenian mandate in the UN security council, i am moderatly optimistic that it might actually intervene in the case
fajon can be quite frustrating, because you really have to comb through what she's saying to find anything of substance, but i have been surprised at times by her discourse in the past few months, for example when she said that if not the EU as a whole, then a smaller group of like-minded countries within the EU could jointly recognize the state of palestine "when the time is right" (– slovenian politicians have been waiting for the right time to recognize palestine for literally a decade, but in this context specifically fajon has said that the condition for that to happen is permanent ceasefire) {x}, or when she explitictly designated the attacks on schools and hospitals and critical infrastructure as severe violations of international humanitarian law – apparently she appeared on CNN a few days ago where she said that Israel was "definitely" in the breach of international humanitarian law {fb link to the video} {x}, which reportedly made israel angry, but she'd already said the same thing in the UN security council chambers a month ago {x}, so that wasn't new for them and she'd been saying that since november at least {x}. i was also really positively surprised when in the context of the exchange of hostages she designated the palestinian prisoners as political prisoners {x} (only in a podcast, but still)
ofc this is still far from ideal, much more decisive measures would be needed (cf. what the left party wants above) and they'd be more effective too, imho, but this is honestly more than i expected from a politician who, idk – i suspect! – wants to present our country as a potential mediator in the conflict and thus doesn't want to step on israel's toes too much, or at least wants to keep the image of a "reliable partner" with regards to the us, still, while going as far as possible in (what she thinks might be) toeing the line
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elven-child · 8 months
it's actually genuinely crazy that tmagp is already here when I still remember so VIVIDLY when rq first started posting those eye emojis and encoded "are you still listening?" messages and everyone who was still grieving from the end of tma 1.5 years earlier, me included, went
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ra-vio · 2 years
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kirby-the-gorb · 2 years
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plasma-packin-peep · 5 months
Do play flesh blood and concrete? Have you played flesh blood and concrete? Will you play flesh blood and concrete? When will you play flesh blood and concrete?
Genuinely if u like rpgmaker horror and want to play a game with beautiful art that will make you feel every emotion, Play Flesh Blood and Concrete. It's the first game in the genre that I would say could go toe to toe with Ib. And that is HIGH PRAISE from me. Like the highest I could give an rpgmaker style horror game. It can be downloaded or played in browser at the link above and it is amazing and incredible and I haven't stopped thinking about it since I played it in December last year. Play it 🫵
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dnpbeats · 3 months
ok i’m so sorry to bother you but i’ve been looking around EVERYWHERe & was wondering if you had a link to either the drive of dan’s deleted videos OR a link to the “story of tatinof” for free?
please & thank you 😔😔😔😔😔😔🙏🏽🙏🏽🙏🏽🙏🏽
no worries u aren't bothering me at all!! deleted vids can be found here, and if you wanna put on your pirate cosplay you can go here ;)
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ubersaur · 3 months
Everyone want a community to fit their needs and desires but no one wants to build it
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