#faye chamberlain
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hayleysmikaelson · 4 months ago
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THE SECRET CIRCLE S01E08 - Beneath THE ORIGINALS S02E02 - Alive And Kicking
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landonmikaelson · 6 months ago
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H2O: Just Add Water S01E03 | The Secret Circle S01E02
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witchesnet · 9 months ago
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we won't be moved by it
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forbescaroline · 1 year ago
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235 FAVORITE SHIPS OF ALL TIME (ranked by my followers) 106. faye chamberlain and diana meade - the secret circle
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fern-parallels · 3 months ago
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myloveoffandoms · 11 months ago
Female Characters that make me question my sexuality: P1
Katherine Pierce
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Tori Vega and Jade West
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Buffy Summers
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Izzy Lightwood
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Rikki Chadwick
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Faye Chamberline
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Clarke Griffin and Octavia Blake
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Dorcas and Prudence
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Allie Pressman
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Rue Bennett and Maddy Perez
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nohumanityhope · 11 months ago
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Faye Chamberlain
Diana Meade
The Secret Circle
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userlaylivia · 9 months ago
I forgot some more again so I'm gonna make a part 3 lmao like I forgot rachel green, monica gellar, raven reyes, octavia blake, prue halliwell, and etc so be warned lol it may not be as many as the last two though lol
tagging some people: @maya-matlin, @tudorgirl, @nessa007, @useragarfield, @makeyouminemp3
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pqiwendooooooo · 10 months ago
born to be phoebe tonkins insanely controversial younger girlfriend forced to study for exams
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nefertiris · 2 years ago
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faye chamberlain in every episode: 1.21 » prom. ↳ “being here with you is a lot more boring than i'd imagined.”
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thecrackshipdiaries · 1 year ago
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Phoebe Tonkin and Misha Collins
Requested: @julesblogs-stuff
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hayleysmikaelson · 1 year ago
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landonmikaelson · 5 months ago
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Faye Chamberlain in The Secret Circle 1.07
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disneymbti · 10 months ago
hey. can u do mbti + zodiac signs of the secret circle?
Faye Chamberlain, Diana Meade, Melissa Glaser, Cassie Blake, Nick Armstrong, Jake Armstrong, Adam Conant 🫶🏼
Hi there, Dinand! I really hope you like this a lot!
Faye Chamberlain's MBTI Type, Big Three, Enneagram Type and Moral Alignment
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MBTI Type: ESTP [The Entrepreneur]
ESTP types like being around large groups of people, whether they know them or not. They prefer being out in action to being at home by themselves.
They are very observant and detail-oriented people. They are practical and realistic, focusing on the here-and-now.
Entrepreneurs make decisions based in logic. They care more about following the truth than making other people happy.
They avoid schedules, preferring to make plans as they go. They are less aware of time and enjoy being adaptable.
Big Three: Pisces Sun, Aries Moon and Scorpio Rising
Pisces Sun: The planetary ruler for Pisces is Jupiter and Neptune, which gives Pisces Suns a sentimental, intuitive, imaginative, and dreamy nature. 
Aries Moon: Lunar Aries are known to be emotionally responsive and impulsive at times, as they lead with fiery passions over than logic or reason.
Scorpio Rising: Prone to turning heads, Scorpio ascendents ooze with magnetism and dynamism. They're not known to back away from a challenge. 
Enneagram Type: 8w7 [The Nonconformist]
Basic Fear: Eight with a seven wing fear being controlled by others. They dislike authority and prefer to work alone.
Basic Desire: Their basic desire is to remain in control of their own lives. They also want other people to be free, and are often advocates for those less able.
Nonconformists defend themselves by denying vulnerability. They don’t want to appear weak and therefore avoid situations that may leave them exposed or defenseless.
Moral Alignment: Chaotic Neutral [The Free Spirit]
Free from societal constraints, these characters prioritize their own freedom and make choices based on their whims.
Diana Meade's MBTI Type, Big Three, Enneagram Type and Moral Alignment
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MBTI Type: ESTJ [The Executive]
ESTJ types are very high energy. They’d rather spend their time with other people than alone.
They tend to pay more attention to the details of a situation. They make decisions based on what they see right now.
Executives base their decisions on what makes sense, rather than what feels right. They listen to their head, not their heart.
They are responsible and like to plan ahead. They hold themselves accountable by making lists and following set processes and rules.
Big Three: Aries Sun, Cancer Moon and Libra Rising
Aries Sun: The first sign of the zodiac, Aries is ruled by action planet Mars. When placed as the sun sign, the ram can motivate themselves to face on fears and blow past hesitation.
Cancer Moon: The emotions of Cancer Moons have no limits, restraints, or depths. This is a cosmic placement that often leads to sweetness, kindness, emotional awareness and responsibility. 
Libra Rising: Finding balance in life is essential for Libra risings, who prefer things to be even-keeled and civil.
Enneagram Type: 1w2 [The Activist]
Basic Fear: People who are type one with a two wing generally have a basic fear of being immoral and making impure choices. They avoid this by making a conscious effort to make ethical choices.
Basic Desire: They also have a natural desire to be upstanding and humane. They try to fight for the rights of those less fortunate and love being hands-on in making a difference by volunteering in their community.
Activists tend to respond to negativity by redirecting their emotions in order to gain a sense of control. In type ones with two wings, this may lead to sudden outbursts or breaking points, as they work through their emotions more externally.
Moral Alignment: Lawful Good [The Crusader]
These are characters who believe in truth, honor and order. They always strive to do the right thing, even at a great personal cost.
Melissa Glaser's MBTI Type, Big Three, Enneagram Type and Moral Alignment
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MBTI Type: ISFJ [The Defender]
ISFJ types need time alone to re-energize. They are self-sufficient and independent thinkers.
They are very observant and prefer to focus on the details of every situation. They listen to and follow past experience and present understandings.
Defenders prioritize the emotional needs of others. They make decisions based on what feels right, rather than what might make most logical sense.
They also prefer structure and organization, tending to follow rules and processes to an end goal. They are responsible and have a strong work ethic.
Big Three: Taurus Sun, Virgo Moon and Capricorn Rising
Taurus Sun:  The Bull tends to be drawn to a creative, indulgent lifestyle — and we wouldn’t expect anything less from a Venus ruled sign. They're also thought to have a stubborn, loyal and grounded personality.
Virgo Moon: Virgo Moons use their calm nature to gain deep clarity on matters, filtering questions through their kind, but reasonable, lens.
Capricorn Rising: Capricorn ascendants are known for their efforts and diligence when it comes to attaining success and prosperity. 
Enneagram Type: 6w5 [The Guardian]
Basic Fear: Sixes with five wings are afraid of losing their guidance and stability. This is often expressed through their skepticism of the world.
Basic Desire: They have a strong desire for security, which they tend to show by protecting themselves and others. They seek close and stable relationships.
Guardians tend to defend themselves by projecting their own feelings onto others, which can often enhance their distrust of the world.
Moral Alignment: Neutral Good [The Benevolent]
These characters seek to do good, but are flexible in how they achieve it, valuing both order and freedom.
Cassie Blake's MBTI Type, Big Three, Enneagram Type and Moral Alignment
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MBTI Type: ISFP [The Adventurer]
ISFP types need plenty of personal space. Though they enjoy building connections with people, they need alone time to think and recharge.
They are very observant, especially focusing on the details more than the overall view. They live in the present and tend to base decisions on what they can see right now.
Adventurers also prioritize emotion when making decisions. They prefer to follow what feels right.
They don’t like schedules, but instead prefer to keep their options open. They are adaptable, spontaneous, and like to challenge the need for strict rules.
Big Three: Aries Sun, Scorpio Moon and Taurus Rising
Aries Sun: The first sign of the zodiac, Aries is ruled by action planet Mars. When placed as the sun sign, the ram can motivate themselves to face on fears and blow past hesitation.
Scorpio Moon: Scorpio Moons are known for their brooding nature that exudes passion. Once you win them over, they are loyal and unconditional in matters of love.
Taurus Rising: Those with Taurus risings exude grace and sophistication, and handle business with a sweet disposition.
Enneagram Type: 9w8 [The Advisor]
Basic Fear: Nine wing eights are afraid of being separated from the world. They avoid this by preventing conflict; however, their eight wing also encourages them to be assertive, which can create an internal tension.
Basic Desire: Their basic desire is to be internally balanced. They seek to be at peace with themselves and others.
Advisors defend themselves by numbing their negative emotions through routine and repetitive patterns. They avoid facing their own internal struggles by distracting themselves in this way.
Moral Alignment: Lawful Neutral [The Judge]
These characters are all about order and organization. They strictly follow laws, regardless of whatever it leads to good or evil outcomes.
Nick Armstrong's MBTI Type, Big Three, Enneagram Type and Moral Alignment
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MBTI Type: ISTP [The Virtuoso]
Virtuosos are generally more reserved and prefer being alone. They are self-sufficient and independent thinkers.
They are very observant and focus on the details of a situation, trusting facts and making decisions based on the here-and-now.
ISTP types favor logic and reason over emotional influences. They base their decisions on what makes sense.
They are also spontaneous and prefer keeping their options open. Virtuosos are often more adaptable and less aware of time.
Big Three: Virgo Sun, Leo Moon and Aries Rising
Virgo Sun: Governed by communication planet Mercury, Virgos are the thinkers of the zodiac. Virgos process information with diligence and use facts to solve problems. 
Leo Moon: Possessing a wellspring of inner warmth, Leo Moons are beyond generous. As an act of love, they’ll shine their light onto those they care about. 
Aries Rising: Aries ascendants are known as the go-getters of the zodiac. They don’t let anything stand in their way of achieving their personal goals.
Enneagram Type: 6w5 [The Guardian]
Basic Fear: Sixes with five wings are afraid of losing their guidance and stability. This is often expressed through their skepticism of the world.
Basic Desire: They have a strong desire for security, which they tend to show by protecting themselves and others. They seek close and stable relationships.
Guardians tend to defend themselves by projecting their own feelings onto others, which can often enhance their distrust of the world.
Moral Alignment: Chaotic Good [The Rebel]
These characters value freedom and kindness, often challenging laws and order to achieve just outcomes.
Jake Armstrong's MBTI Type, Big Three, Enneagram Type and Moral Alignment
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MBTI Type: ESTP [The Entrepreneur]
ESTP types like being around large groups of people, whether they know them or not. They prefer being out in action to being at home by themselves.
They are very observant and detail-oriented people. They are practical and realistic, focusing on the here-and-now.
Entrepreneurs make decisions based in logic. They care more about following the truth than making other people happy.
They avoid schedules, preferring to make plans as they go. They are less aware of time and enjoy being adaptable.
Big Three: Libra Sun, Scorpio Moon and Capricorn Rising
Libra Sun: Libra is ruled by the airy part of Venus, making them bon vivants, critical, and artistic — as well as forever stylish.
Scorpio Moon: Scorpio Moons are known for their brooding nature that exudes passion. Once you win them over, they are loyal and unconditional in matters of love.
Capricorn Rising: Capricorn ascendants are known for their efforts and diligence when it comes to attaining success and prosperity. 
Enneagram Type: 7w8 [The Opportunist]
Basic Fear: Seven with an eight wing fear being deprived. They want to pursue new opportunities and avoid being controlled by schedules.
Basic Desire: Their basic desire is to content and satisfied. They love experiencing the world by traveling and going to parties.
Opportunists defend themselves by justifying others’ negative actions and rationalizing away bad feelings.
Moral Alignment: Chaotic Evil [The Destroyer]
These characters value their own freedom and power, and will stop at nothing to achieve them, even if it means causing chaos and harm to others.
Adam Contant's MBTI Type, Big Three, Enneagram Type and Moral Alignment
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MBTI Type: INFJ [The Advocate]
Introverted INFJs exhaust quickly around people and recharge by spending time by themselves.
They tend to overlook small details and instead focus on the entire perspective. They love to see how everything connects together.
Advocates prioritize their emotions. They tend to base decisions on what they feel is right rather than what might be logically sound, making them very empathetic.
They are also very structured and organized. INFJs like to plan ahead and follow processes and schedules.
Big Three: Aquarius Sun, Capricorn Moon and Virgo Rising
Aquarius Sun: Aquarius is ruled by Saturn and Uranus, which makes them seek out unique ways to problem-solve and to approach life. They're known to be intellectual and innovative.
Capricorn Moon: The Capricorn Moon is reflective and contemplative, working to build a better foundation with those they care about.
Virgo Rising: Virgo ascendants are the fact-finders and checkers of the zodiac. They are fair-minded and slow to anger.
Enneagram Type: 4w3 [The Enthusiast]
Basic Fear: Four wing threes’ deepest fear is that they have no significance in the world. They tend to express this by frequently distinguishing themselves from the rest of the world.
Basic Desire: They desire uniqueness and personal identity. They long to be authentically different, which may lead them to intense bouts of creativity and self-expression.
Enthusiasts may defend themselves by unconsciously adapting characteristics of others to seem more authentic.
Moral Alignment: Lawful Good [The Crusader]
These are characters who believe in truth, honor and order. They always strive to do the right thing, even at a great personal cost.
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fayechambered · 7 months ago
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are you a good witch, or a bad witch?
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cultssss · 11 months ago
Cancelling the secret circle was one of the cw’s biggest stupidest mistakes ever. All of that content they could’ve made and they threw it all away… smh
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