curiousbubblybeetle · 4 months
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For @feathersketchcreations 🖤💖✨
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aviatrix-ash · 2 years
sorry about all the ✈︎ again
i just really like ✈︎ :)
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realhonestsimple-blog · 8 months
Amazing Creatures
Elephants Elephants are one of my favorite animals, too. I still have my stuffed elephant named Potsy that I’ve had since I was about five years old. I kept him on my bed with me until I was around 13. Although he’s packed in the shed with other belongings currently, I’ll never part with him. Elephants are intelligent, emotional, maternal creatures – all traits that have been used to describe…
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catmask · 2 years
motorcycle and guitar are some of my favoriteanimals for their love and loyalty to mankind
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firstpres · 2 years
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Fun Fact: Marmots are large ground squirrels. They spend most of their time underground and are excellent tunnel makers.  The longest tunnel discovered so far is 370 feet long!     Most impressive fact: The marmot has the honor of being the only animal that has a US holiday named after it, Groundhog Day!    48,081 pounds of food given away for the week of September 19-23, 2022.     #Marmot #FoodDistribution #FavoriteAnimal (at South Hayward Parish) https://www.instagram.com/p/CjDxg3VJMaS/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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honeyedheartss · 2 years
oakland pre-show recap
- Dan said he felt like he was sullying the room with his presence (really ornate theatre)
- favorite kpop group is Shinee
-his bias is Taemin (most talented person in the entire universe)
- someone worked at a dog rescue center and needed name ideasand he said "Susan 3" and told them to keep the numbers going after
- favorite and least favorite parts of his old branding he said the Llama hats were a miss, not his favorite animal anymore but he still likes them
-went on a raccoon tangent because they ARE his favoriteanimal and he was so excited to see one in person and he thinks they're relatable
- his favorite part of his old branding was the tshirt with the eclipse on it!
-he needs to go back to YWGTTN a lot for help and has annotated his own book to help him out with contextand assistance when he is working through something
- current fave anime is Jujutsu Kaisen
>he said Demon Slayer was also very good
- he was asked where he was on 9/11 and he said "really?" in the MOST disappointed voiceand said he was 11 in primary school
- "what do you do to your hair to shape your curls" he laughed reading the question and said he wakes up like this
- Steve is his favorite stranger things character and S3 is his favorite season
-favorite piece of merch he's ever released is the WAD leather jacket and he said he doesn't feel worthy to be wearing it or to have made such a piece of art
- he thinks gay sex is disgusting, horrible, and no one should do it, an affront to the eyes of the Lord
@/vulturethera [on twitter] drew this and wrote "peepee" and he ripped up the card
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- can you rawr for us? he tore that card up too
- most awkward experience on the tour so far was when someone asked him where he was on 9/11
- someone asked how he felt knowing he wouldn't be forgotten for a long time and he asked if we thought he was going to eventually be forgotten
-favorite holiday song is "what's this" from nightmare before Christmas
- favorite star wars episode is Revenge of the Sith and everyone booed him
- favorite part of the tour was when someone asked him where he was 9/11
-when asked 'what is next for Dan' he just made jokes about dying on tour from falling down the stairs, the Australian heat, and the freezing cold
- laughed at the question "what are you hopeful for for the future" and told us to watch the show
-favorite movie he's watched on the road is Shrek and he did a show of hands for favorite Shrek movies and Shrek 2 won and Shrek 4 got a single clap in the silence
- British people DO declare emergency when they see a rainbow but only bc they're really homophobic
- was asked about the queen dying and he discussed starting the show and getting a push notification that she was being lowered into the ground in Cardiff
- zero advice for people feeling lost in their twenties. fastest Nope of the show.
>he did say that your 20s are for figuring out how to adult and as a "recently in their 20s person" you'll be lucky to be alive by the end of them
- Got Milk? he has oat milk, he's disappointed that you can only get large containers of it in the US bc in the UK u can buy tiny serving size containers. AND HE DRANK OAT MILK THAT HAD BEEN IN THE FRIDGE FOR MORE THAN 2 MONTHS
someone wrote "when the function got Hennessey" and Dan referenced This Photo
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- he simply Doesn't get over imposter syndrome when it comes to being capable of success
- someone drew him a dinosaur saying "no". he said it looked grumpy and "same"
-favorite kpop girl group is 2NE1 but right now it's LUNA
- talked about Phil killing the houseplants and dragged him for his houseplant care sponsored video
- spotify wrapped top 5:
- Polyphia
-Vince Staples
-FKA Twigs
-Ludovico Einaudi
- he is ashamed of his top genre being lo-fi hip-hop but he puts it on when he's working or doing house chores
- least favorite part of tour is WHEN PEOPLE ASK HIM STUPID FUCKING QUESTIONS (he did yell this in response to the question)
- if he had to eat dicks on pizza would he rather they were sliced like pepperoni or ground like sausage? he said that was horrible horrible question. pepperoni
-why are you British? "I'm sorry"
- someone folded him an origami heart and a crane and he ripped them up because they didn't have questions inside them
- black and orange is because they did black and red for II, black and yellow for TATINOF, and black and green is weird and the other colors are too happy, so now he's stuck having grindr themed merch
-rabbits won in rabbits vs cockatiels and he proudly told us about Phil's childhood rabbit that pooped "perfectly spherical poops"
- someone had been watching him since 4th grade and he told us thats why we're all mentally ill queers
- VPMO is the next video on his schedule and will be out "this weekend" [although we were all unsure if he knew it was Friday today]
- he is an INFJ which is the Jesus and Hitler personality type
- he watched one episode of OFMD and he and Phil agreed to not watch anymore until they can watch it together
- most cringe thing on his spotify was lo-fi beats
- he asked what hashtags he should use for the doomed pre show photo and i said 9/11 and he yelled at me <3
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midnightcs · 2 months
hi whats your favoriteanimal
i like black cats 🐈‍⬛ 🐈‍⬛🐈‍⬛
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virtualgirladvance · 1 year
if(hasPet){ std::cout<<pet.name<<" "<<pet.type<<std::endl; } else{ std::cout<<favoriteAnimal<<std::endl; }
Nemo kitty
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jaysunakestor · 2 years
English to Furbish to toki pona ““dictionary””
today, i learned that Furbish is actually kinda a language?? after reading this post by @favoriteanimal and skimming this wiki page, i naturally decided to try to translate all the Furbish words and phrases into my beloved toki pona. oh boy was it a journey!
overall, i feel like toki pona is a much more flexible + efficient little language in comparison to Furbish. the main issue that irked me was the amount of unnecessary variations of the same concept, but made into 3 or more words! (i think this may just be the toki ponist in me.) i’m also not certain, but it seems like Furbish may be a relex?? someone please let me know, if ya know!
however, Furbish still succeeds in what (i believe) it sets out to do: to be a very cute, baby-sounding language that can be used to express many interactions between pet + owner / baby + guardian.
please note:
i was quite tired + made this in the span of about 3 hours!
i am not a toki pona expert and have little experience with Furbies
toki pona is best expressed in context and sometimes requires multiple sentences to convey an idea, so many of these don’t work well to be translated as abstract concepts.
i used some non-standard words (both non-pu and non-ku suli)
if i’ve made any mistakes, please kindly correct me! if you think a phrase could be better expressed a different way, feel free to share!
(above/up/high) oo = sewi / lon sewi
(affirmative) ee = lon
(again/another/more) koh-koh = kin
(and) koh = en
(ask) oh-too-mah = [toki pi wile] seme
(baby) bay-bee = kili mama / jan lili mama
(bad) boo-dah = ike
(be/to be) boh = lon / li (kind of, it’s complicated lol)
(beautiful/pretty) ee-kah = suwi lukin / pona lukin
(best) dee-mak = nanpa wan
(best fun/radical) dee-doo-ay = epiku
(big) dah = suli
(no!/big no) dah-boo = ala a
(big yes) dah-ee-tah = pona a / lon a
(birth/birthday) tee-toh = tenpo pi kama lon
(birthday) toh-toh = sike suno
(boring) koo-dah-way-loh = musi ala
(bottle) bah-bah = poki telo
(change) boo-tay = ante
(cloud) ay-loh-may-lah = ijo kon sewi
(come/coming) bye-bye-oo-bah = kama
(complete) toh = pini
(cute) doh-dee = suwi [lukin]
(dance) noh-lah = tawa musi
(delicious/tastes good) yumm-wah = pilin pi moku pona / moku li pona
(diamond) ay-koo = kiwen mani
(dizzy) ay-way = pilin nasa
(do) doo-dah = pali (i’m not sure of the context of this one, so it’s tricky)
(dog) bar-bar = soweli pona? / soweli jan pi nanpa wan? (i’ve always been bad at translating animal names)
(done) toh-dye = pini
(down) nah-bye = anpa
(dream) way-loo = sitelen lape
(dude) dee-doh = mije / jan o (not sure if this is referring to just “a guy” / or is meant to be like “bro”)
(face) kay-tay = sinpin
(feed/food) ah-tah = moku
(finally) oo-tah-toh-toh = tenpo li lon ni a (this one is tricky)
(friend/buddy) noo-lah = jan pona
(full) oo-loo = pilin pi moku mute
(fun) doo-ay = musi
(funny) doo-loo = musi
(game) doo-ay-loo-lah = musi
(game over) kah boo koo-dah = pini musi / musi li pini
(genius) dah-way = wawa lawa
(give) tah = pana
(go/bye/get out) bye-bye = o tawa pona / o tawa a (not sure if this is supposed to be aggressive or what 😅)
(good/okay) ee-day = pona
(good morning) dah-ay-loh-oo-tye = suno pona
(good night) dah-ay-loh-nah-bah = [o] lape pona
(happy) noo-loo = pilin pona
(have) ah-mah = jo
(health/healthy) koo-doh = sijelo pona / lawa pona (physical health / mental health)
(help) ah-noo = o pona! / o pona e mi! / pana e pona
(hey) hey = toki
(hide) woo-bye = weka lili
(high) oo-tah = sewi
(hmm?/huh?/when?/where?/yeah?/what?) doo? = seme
(home) lay-lah = tomo / tomo mi
(hug) may-lah = pilin pona suli kepeken luka (not sure on this one)
(humor/play/joke) loo = musi
(hungry/eat) ay-tay = pilin moku / moku
(interrogative) doo = seme / anu seme
(island) koo-wah = ma lili / ma lili lon telo suli
(joke) loo-loo = musi
(just kidding/not) kah-loo-loo = mi toki lon ala! / mi toki musi taso / lon ala!
(kiss) may-tah = pilin suwi kepeken uta
(life/nature/living things) tee = lon / ijo lon
(light) ay-loh/a-loh = suli ala (i believe this is supposed to refer to weight? if it’s referring to like a lightbulb, then “suno”)
(lightness) ay = suli ala
(like) toh-loo = ni li pona tawa mi / sina pona tawa mi / mi pona tawa sina anu seme? (this one really only works in a sentence)
(like/similar to/comparative) tay = sama
(listen) ay-ay-lee-koo = kute / o kute
(little/smallness) dee = lili
(live) boh-dah = lon
(log) tee-loh = palisa kasi
(look) ay-ay = lukin / o lukin
(love) may-may = olin
(love it) dah-may-may = ni li pona a tawa mi / ona li pona a tawa mi / ona li pona a tawa sina anu seme? (again only really works in a sentence)
(maybe) may-bee = ken la
(me/mine/myself/I) kah = mi
(money) moo-lah = mani
(monster) moh-moh = monsuta
(mountain) koh-dah = nena
(move) noh-bah = tawa
(music) ee-kah-lee-koo = kalama musi
(negative/no/stop) boo = ala / o pini
(no way/big no) dah-boo = ala a!
(noise) bah-boo = kalama
(now) nee-way = tenpo ni
(oh) oh = a
(oh my gosh/OMG) oh-kah-tee = wawa a! / a! / seme a?!
(ok) oh-kay = oke
(over) oo-bah = lon sewi
(party/party time) dah-no-lah = ma musi / tenpo musi
(path) bye-way = nasin
(pet) ah-may = luka suwi / mi luka suwi e sina
(play) loo-lay = musi
(please) doo-mah = sina pona e mi la mi pilin pona (idk if there’s really a good way to say “please” in tok, but here’s a sentence “if you help me, i’ll feel good”)
(pull) ah-loo = luka / pakala lili (depends on context)
(rain) wah-wee-tee = telo sewi
(receive) tah-tah = kama jo
(really?/seriously?) loo-loo-doo? = seme? / ni li lon anu seme?!
(rock - music) boo-koo = kalama musi kiwen (not meant to be literally— i’m describing rock music as kiwen/“hard”)
(rock - nature) koo = kiwen
(sad) boo-noo-loo = pilin ike / pilin laso
(scared) dah-boh-boh = pilin monsuta / monsuta
(sea) ee-wah = telo suli
(shake) koo-bah = tawa suli
(sing) wee-tee = kalama musi uta
(sleep) way-loh = lape
(so) doh = tan
(song) wah-tee = kalama musi
(sound) lee-koo = kalama
(stand) oo-boh = awen noka
(story) wee-loo = lipu musi
(sun) dah-ay-loh = suno
(sweet) nee-may = suwi
(tail) dee-tee-tah = linja monsi sijelo
(talk) noo-noo = toki
(tell) wee-tah = toki
(thank) dah-kah = toki lon te sina pona to
(thank you) dah-kah-oo-nye = sina pona / pona tawa sina
(that’s right) boh-ee-tay = ni li lon / lon
(thinking/mind) way = pilin / isipin / lawa
(tickle) nee-tye = pana e pilin musi
(time) toh-toh = tenpo
(touching/holding) ah = pilin / luka
(touch) tay-boo-koo = pilin / luka
(tree) tee-tah = kasi suli
(twinkle) tee-wee-lah = suno
(uh-huh) uh-huh = lon
(uh-oh) uh-oh = a ike
(uh-uh) uh-uh = ala
(uncle) oo-kah = jan sama mama / jan sama pi mama mi (not sure on this one)
(very) mee-mee = mute
(wassup?) doo-oo-tye? = sina pali seme? / seme li lon ni?
(water/rain) wah = telo
(where are you?) oo-nye-doo? = sina lon seme?
(whoa) whoa = a!
(wise/wisely) wah-lah = sona suli / kepeken sona suli
(wonder) way-nah = isipin / pilin
(worried) boh-bay = pilin monsuta lili
(yay) yay = pona a!
(yea!) wah! = lon a!
(yes) ee-tay = lon
(yippee) yippee = a! / musi a! / pona a!
(you) oo-nye / u-nye = sina
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akagami-no-rae · 2 years
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saxigenouscorviform · 2 years
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found out some important context for my d&d character last night
@dont-stop-her-now @favoriteanimal @spacecowboywhit @rainydayjournal
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maxinemunroeart · 2 years
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Next month on @patreon we will be kicking off our Alphabet Ocean Animal pin series. Starting with the letter 'A' we've got Axolotls. I wanted to talk a little bit about these darling little creatures. Axolotls are a unique species of salamander that does not undergo metamorphosis which means they keep their gills and remain aquatic into adult hood. They are native to Mexico but due to urban development, invasive species and water pollution, this has unfortunately caused them to classify as critically endangered. As of 2020 wild Axolotls hit near extinction with a population of 50-1000 adult individuals. Axolotls are an incredible species with the ability to regenerate their limbs, gills and even parts of their eyes. So with all of that said I want to let you know that I will be donating part of the profit from the pledges to the World wildlife foundation to help them hit their goal of money raised towards helping Axolotls. This will be for both the individual Axolotl pins (in the Alphabet series) as well as the Februaria Axolotls pin I have planned 💖 I am hoping to continue doing this for future pin profits as well to bring attention to endangered or protected species. If there's any animals you'd like attention brought to please mention it below and I'll add it to my list. https://support.worldwildlife.org/site/TR/FavoriteAnimal/Panda-Nation?px=12825498&pg=personal&fr_id=1913 https://www.instagram.com/p/ClUnGfyvH1B/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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usahanna · 1 year
no madoka magica no mob psycho no stone ocean what does a guy have to do to get merch of their #favoriteanimes in this god damned state
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dont-stop-her-now · 2 years
Have been tagged by @talkwiththeface so I must comply!
🎶✨when u get this u have to put 5 songs u actually listen to rn, publish. then, send this ask to 5 of your favorite followers (non-negotiable, positivity is cool) 🎶✨
"The Boy Who Swallowed A Star" - Joe Hisaishi
"Cast The Bells In Sand" - Caroline Shaw & Sō Percussion
Memory Pieces V.: "diet coke" - David Lang & Andrew Zolinsky
"King" - Florence + the Machine
"L'étang" - Noé Preszow
Tagging @spacecowboywhit @mygogglesdosomething @biscuit-tornado @favoriteanimal @saxigenouscorviform
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animemeetsculture · 6 months
Your Favorite Anime Genre Revealed? #shorts #anime #challenge
Your Favorite Anime Genre Revealed? #shorts #anime #challenge #challenge #animegenres #Shojo #Shonen #manga #favoriteanime #animefans #shareyourfavorites #fun #community #engagement #anime from Anime Meets Culture https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Opdj0EoFL5o
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firstpres · 2 years
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Top 3 hummingbird fun facts: 1) They are the only bird that can fly backwards. 2) They are the smallest migrating bird and they can travel as much as 500 miles nonstop! 3) A flock of hummingbirds can be referred to as a bouquet, a glittering, a hover, a shimmer, or a tune. 37,340 pounds of food given away for the week of September 12-16, 2022. #Hummingbird #FoodDistribution #FavoriteAnimal (at South Hayward Parish) https://www.instagram.com/p/Ci2zPj2JTzn/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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