#faux liberal
agentfascinateur · 1 month
When you consider who recently ran Public Safety in Canada, Ben-Gvir's inclusion is no surprise...
A far-right Israeli minister openly encouraging the alleged torture, abuse, rape and killing of Palestinian detainees remains listed as a “key international contact” on Public Safety Canada’s (PSC) website.
But Ben-Gvir was well known as a convicted racist and supporter of far-right terrorism long before PSC prepared the transition document. He was found guilty by an Israeli court for both offences in 2007, and was also a youth activist in the far-right “Kach” party, which PSC lists as a proscribed terrorist organization. Ben-Gvir’s criminal record was widely publicized at the time of his ministerial appointment in Netanyahu’s extreme right-wing government in late 2022.
Nothing honourable about Mr Blair. Or liberal.
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zvaigzdelasas · 1 year
American Unexceptionalism
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mysharona1987 · 1 year
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kaydub80 · 2 years
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The Orwellian doublespeak is off the charts.
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ex-foster · 3 months
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r0sensfw · 6 months
Hate to start some discourse but it’s becoming harder and harder to stay silent on my feelings regarding kink and fiction. I watched my sister isolate herself from the Mandela Catalogue fandom as they made her feel like shipping two characters was a hate crime against the creator. (I’m not looking for drama, just talking about fandom experience)
I’ve somehow become more insecure over what will get me harassed on the internet. One of those big things being my views on kink, fanfiction, and shipping.
I’ve been told all my life how I’ve been meant to feel
Man in the gimp suit is dangerous
Human pups, handcuffs, pegging, bondage, S&M are punchlines and shock value
Fanfiction is for stupid gross teen girls to fetishize gay men or for pathetic adults to project their worst fantasies onto
Shipping isn’t queer, it’s homophobic in fact
Who would ship two best friends, NOTHING IS SAFE!!!
I’ve been told, years and years and years how I should feel about sexuality, how I should feel about my own sexuality.
I’m creating my own space, one free of what my mom and the other neroutypical cishet adults told me my sexuality had to be!!
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mimikyufriend · 2 years
yeah if you thought the messaging of knives out and glass onion are just another example of capitalism co-opting and making anticapitalist ideology marketable then you definitely won't like poker face
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geezerwench · 2 years
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The "liberal media" is a Republican lie.
Oh, Fox "News." Banned in several countries for being extremist, white supremacist propaganda, and 'lost their NewsGuard certification of being “factually trustworthy” due to its FAKE NEWS!'
I used to watch Fox News a long time ago. Mostly Shepherd Smith, but even Bill O'Reilly. Then stuff started coming out about O'Reilly's "self-gratification" and sexual assaults, and I was done with that shit. I'm glad Shep Smith left.
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corbinite · 2 months
If a pundit who was good enough at crafting public perceptions wanted to they totally could use the shooting to damage trump's campaign. Like as it stands we're at "persecuted candidate bravely survives an attempt to remove him" but the shooter was a registered republican who had been driven left by trump's blatant evil. That narrative could be so so useful if democrats wanted to use it. But they won't because they're spineless. They'll never take that route, it would be too "uncivil", it'd be "taking advantage", and dems have already decided that their only response will be to make mournful tweets about how violence is never the solution and how we should still hold trump's life as sacred.
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murderousink23 · 10 months
12/01/2023 is World AIDS Day 🌎, Bifocals at the Monitor Liberation Day 💻👓🇺🇲, Day With(out) Art Day, National Eat a Red Apple Day 🍎🇺🇲, Rosa Parks Day 🇺🇲, Faux Fur Friday 🇺🇲, Fuel Poverty Awareness Day 🇬🇧
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progressivemillennial · 10 months
Experiments in Talking to Loved Ones About Watching Fox News
Someone close to me watches Fox News, and I've seen how it's made them dismissive, bitter, and resentful, hateful towards political enemies and the marginalized, and less well-informed. This really upset me. This person hasn't always been like this.
So I approached them about it and I told them that I value that they are a compassionate, kind, intelligent person and that I am worried that watching Fox News makes them less or all of those things, and I feel sad about it.
It was an effective approach. They eventually asked me what I knew about whether we could have a world government. They were genuinely concerned. I provided reassurance that we are not at risk of having a world government; just look around at all of the conflict in the world. It took incredible vulnerability and courage to ask me that. Trust was built through having that compassionate, patient, hard conversation.
If people you care for watch Fox News, don't give up on them. Keep trying to build a relationship with them and give them a safe space to talk about the world. With time, through empathy and listening and patience and providing new narratives to replace the reactionary programming they've been exposed to, we can make a difference in how the people we love see the world and how they show up in it.
Ultimately, we can't try to save people from Fox News or change them fundamentally, but we can help them live their values and be the beautiful people we know them to be, and no one becomes their best selves watching disingenuous, reactionary agit-prop.
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p-paradoxa · 5 months
that “worst Palestinian” blog is gone but there is a lot of liberal, faux-progressive genocide apologia for this site to reckon with. some of the most complicit users seem to be popular and leave their mark on tons of posts and influence the overall culture here. and this is absolutely just one indicator of how this site is very racist
everything from talking down to Palestinians about striking and boycotting, to flowery essays muddying Israel’s participation in genocide, to that one vile bingo card. all of it makes room for some anonymous freak to make a poll that entails harassing a user who is in an actual open-air concentration camp. and all of that dehumanizes people like him which manufactures consent for their death. real death, not some fucking fandom discourse
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sammygender · 1 year
in my mind roman’s definitely the most likely to be transphobic of the roy siblings (i can hear the words attack helicopter coming out of his mouth) but the dilemma is he’s also the only one who i could theoretically in an alternate universe picture as trans without changing a lot about him. so
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immaculatasknight · 1 year
Choice... of which orifice multinationals can violate
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why do i keep seeing people say "get help" in the exact same way everyone was saying "y'all need Jesus" back in hyper conservative groups in 2012
like did y'all never work to deinternalize this stuff or
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thearbourist · 2 years
Practical guide to impossible conversations | Peter Boghossian x Brain Bar
One of the curses that progressives that have gone awry (the woke) bring to the table is often the disregard of objective fact. For the faux-progressive sets, the more oppressive factors that you happen to bring to the situation makes your insights somehow more relevant and more important (‘truthier’) than someone who has experienced less oppression. So much of faux-progressive time is spent…
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