ritadcsc · 5 months
Orar é como encontrar um oásis em meio ao barulho do mundo e banhar-se em suas águas puras, secretamente.
Andréa Faulhaber em Volte ao lar... antes que termine o dia, p. 27
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mentaltimetraveller · 2 years
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Gritli Faulhaber Militant Joy (20), 2020 Oil on canvas 66.9 x 86.6 in
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arutai · 1 year
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Luciana Faulhaber by Caitlin Fisher
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chrisnaustin · 2 years
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If only I were she!
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donmaking · 9 months
Krefelder Lauf-Cup: Odendahl souverän, Doppelsieg bei den Herren
Hannah Odendahl hat mit ihrem Sieg beim Silvesterlauf über die 4100 Meter souverän den Krefelder Lauf-Cup gewonnen. Lediglich Maja Fischer hätte ihr den dritten Erfolg in Serie noch streitig machen können, sie kam aufgrund der großen Konkurrenz im Forstwald aber als Sechste nicht in die Punkteränge. Hannah Odendahl ist zum dritten Mal in Folge Siegerin des Krefelder Lauf-Cups. Odendahl kommt…
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pintoras · 2 years
Public domain 2023
Some women painters whose work falls into the public domain in 2023:
Anna Mary Richards Brewster (American, 1870-1952)
Ethel Carrick (English/Australian, 1872-1952)
Mathilde Du Monceau (De Bergendael) (Belgian, 1877-1952)
Lydia Field Emmet (American, 1866-1952)
Hermine Faulhaber (Austrian, 1884 -1952)
Stefanie Glax (Slovenian, 1876-1952)
Ulrika Gyllenhammar (Swedish, 1878-1952)
Laura Coombs Hills (American, 1859-1952)
Stanislawa De Karlowska (Polish, 1876-1952)
Esther Kjerner (Swedish, 1873-1952)
Kathryn Woodman Leighton (American, 1876-1952)
Elsa Ström-Ciacelli (1876-1952)
Feel free to add more if you know any! And happy 2023 to all :)
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Verabschiedung Philipp Faulhaber
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trainsinanime · 2 years
Motor Replacement
Time for another model railroad project! The victim this time is this little Kato N-gauge tram:
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Kato just calls these DUEWAG tram and reissues them every now and then with different liveries (this one features Cologne). Technically, they’re Aufbau- or Verbandwagen, two types that were built by a number of companies in post-war Germany, sometimes on the basis of older vehicles, sometimes new. Kato’s model is relatively cheap and based around their two-axle chassis that is also used in their pocket line trains, and it’s okay at best. No flywheel, old motor, just two wheels for power pickup, you can’t really expect much here.
Recently, Kato introduced a completely redesigned version of this chassis, with a tiny coreless motor with a flywheel. The difference is night and day: These new trains run perfectly even at low speed and are incredibly quiet and smooth. Kato sells replacement chassis, and if you have any pocket line train from them, you should really consider buying it, even if DCC installation is a big hassle there.
Sadly they don’t sell a tram version of the replacement chassis yet (they do sell exactly one tram with the new chassis), and since all the plastic parts were completely redesigned, you can’t fit the new mechanics into the old chassis.
So I decided to convert this to a coreless motor myself. A coreless motor is a DC electric motor where the spinning part does not contain an iron core, which decreases weight and undesirable magnetic effects. They used to be very expensive to manufacture, and you could only find them in the most expensive model trains, or in super-expensive conversion kits. A motor by brands such as Faulhaber or Maxon can easily cost 50-100€.
But these days, you can also find really cheap tiny coreless motors for like 20€ or less. I’m certain they’re not as good as the brand name ones, but they’re much more attractive. I bought mine from micromotor.eu (via a big green retailer), but there are plenty of other sites available as well.
Here’s the old motor, surrounded by the new motor, shaft extension/adapter and worm gears:
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There’s notably no flywheel here; the tiniest motor they sell with shafts on both end, like the original, is the 0816D, which stands for 8 mm diameter, 16 mm length (both approximately) and dual outputs, and that makes it as long as the original. There’s no space for a flywheel, sadly.
To fit the motor into the train, I designed an adapter that would give it the right size, and then 3D printed it (not myself, I use Shapeways for that).
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I stole that idea from micromotor.eu, which sell kits with such adapters for many different types of trains, but sadly not this one (yet). The motor is glued into the adapter with superglue, through the hole in the adapter. It needs to be wired up manually, but since I’m running DCC, that’s literally no change; I just added some longer leads here.
And here it’s in the chassis:
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So, how does it all work? Well, I’d show you, but apparently I can’t insert a video in the middle of a post and I’m not changing the post type now and loosing all formatting. What I can tell you is that it runs at all, which makes me happy.
The downside is that I don’t have the relative positioning between the cogs on the wheels and the worm gears perfect, so the result is that it can be loud at times (and that is after putting a lot of cardboard shims in there). Also, the lack of flywheel is really noticeable. Power pickup remains as poor as ever, and the tram remains very sensitive to dirt on the track.
Overall, the result is… pretty much useless, actually; it was a lot of effort to get back to about the same behaviour as before. On the other hand, I had fun and learned things, so it isn’t all bleak. But still, I cannot recommend you try this yourself.
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germanpostwarmodern · 2 years
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Sometimes it seems that the further up north you go in Germany the less monographs and comprehensive architectural studies are available, especially with regards to church architecture of the 20th century. One striking example of a neglected North German architect is the work of Theo(dor) Burlage (1894-1971), a TH Stuttgart graduate and a key protagonist of modern church architecture in Northern Germany. Between the mid-1920s and the late 1960s Burlage realized more than 30 Catholic churches in a predominantly Protestant part of Germany and actively contributed to the development of modern church architecture. This contribution also is the focal point of Anja Becker-Chouati’s study „Sakralbauten zwischen Tradition und Moderne - Entwürfe und Bauten des Architekten Theodor Burlage“, recently published by Schnell & Steiner, which offers foundational research on the architect’s church designs: based on a comprehensive inventory of all of Burlage’s churches the author maps the influence the contemporary discourse had on his work and vice versa. Burlage really internalized the sermon Munich archbishop Michael Faulhaber delivered on new year’s eve 1929 in which he addressed Christian art and the necessity of it to “…speak the language of its time.” Feeling reassured by this sermon Burlage probably felt even more confident about the significance of his Bonifatius church in Leipzig, a round central-plan church completed in 1930. Rounded ground plan forms also connect his early and late works: cut short by the ascent of the Nazis and the conservative immediate postwar years Burlage only by the mid-1950s started to rekindle central and rounded plans. In the meantime he had solely designed longitudinal plans and slowly moved from freestanding campaniles to integrated and less dominant solutions. But with the churches St Hedwig in Bremen, St Pius in Marl and St Ansgar in Twist, all completed during the 1960s, Burlage again introduced circular elements into his late work that drew on his early work and gave it an equally innovative character. Anja Becker-Chouati’s monograph finally provides an in-depth analysis of Theo Burlage’s church designs, very readable and comprehensively connected with the contemporary liturgical and architectural discourse.
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ritadcsc · 5 months
Enxugadas com o braço ou na manga das blusas, nossas lágrimas são recolhidas por Deus (Salmo 56:8).
Andréa Faulhaber em Volte ao lar... antes que termine o dia, p. 25
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jessecmckeown · 11 months
Whence Fabulous Faulhaber?
should I promise not to make this a habit?
Dear Mr. Haran, I'm grateful to you and correspondent Eischen (and Conway) for putting the name of Faulhaber on a calculation which heretofore I'd only known quoted, without attribution, by Heinrich Dörrie in Triumf der Mathematik---(which I've only read in translation). However, I'm most frustrated that neither Dörrie nor Eischen give any satisfying motivation for why the postulate should work.
For bystanders still catching up, this postulate is that if one defines a sequence of numbers $B_k$ "by expanding" $$(B-1)^{k+1} = B^{k+1}$$ and transcribing exponents to subscripts... one finds that the differences $$ (n + B)^{k+1} - B^{k+1} $$ similarly treated are equal to cumulative power sums, $$(k+1) \sum_{j \leq n} j^k$$
So the calculation is doable. My Beef is Dilemmimorphic: Either the notational abuse of $(n + B)^k$ suggests that $B$ should be Some Kind Of Linear Operator, in which case what is it? Or else there's an Amazing Coincidence being Overlooked!
It's a comparative Triviality that the power sums $\sum_1^N n^k$ should be polynomials of $N$, and that the leading term be $\frac{1}{k+1} N^{k+1}$ , so indeed it is perfectly reasonable to consider coefficients $B_{k,j}$ defined by $$ \sum_1^N n^k = \frac{1}{k+1} \sum \binom{k+1}{j} B_{k,j} N^{k+1-j} $$ BUT WHY SHOULD WE ASSUME that in fact $B_{k,j}$ depends only on $j$? That's STAGE MAGIC, and the fact that indeed it somehow works does not explain "where it comes from" (Eischen's favourite phrase on the matter).
So, in my customary way of starting with the actual problem and throwing at it what seems to me the minimum of thought, let's first explicate that "comparative triviality": the sequence of polynomials $p_k(j) = \binom{j+k}{j}$ are integral generators for the Integral-valued polynomials, and are recursively definable as iterated cumulative sums of the constant polynomial $p_0 \equiv 1$: $$\binom{j+k+1}{j} = \binom{j+k}{j} + \binom{j+k}{j-1}$$. Hence, cumulative sums of any polynomial, written in the binomial basis, can be obtained just by incrementing: $$\sum_{j=1}^N \sum a_n p_n(j) = \sum a_n p_{n+1}(N)$$
Next, cumulative sums are themselves defined by induction: $"\sum_{j=1}^0" P(j) = 0$ and $\sum_{j=1}^{N+1} P(j) = P(N+1) + \sum_{j=1}^N P(j)$, or said differently, by the Difference equation $$ SP(N+1) - SP(N) = P(N+1).$$ In other words we are trying to solve the Difference Equations $$ S_k(N) - S_k(N-1) = N^k,$$ but in the basis of Monomials $N^j$ instead of Binomials $p_j(N)$.
The binomial theorem, $$ (x+y)^k = \sum \binom{k}{j} x^{k-j} y^j $$ makes the Taylor-MacLaurin formula a Theorem for polynomials $$ (x+y)^k = \sum y^j \frac{1}{j!} \frac{d^j}{dx^j} x^k $$ which is fruitfully abbreviated $$ P(x+y) = e^{y\\, d/dx} P(x) $$ the Backwards Difference, then, is similarly $$ P(x) - P(x-1) = (1 - e^{- d/dx}) P(x) $$
Shall we say, The kernel of the Backward Difference is reasonably well understood? The differential operator is the retract of the Integral operator $\int_0$, so the Taylor-MacLaurin formula provides us also a section for the Forward Difference operator, $$ 1-e^{-x} = \frac{d}{dx} + A\frac{d^2}{dx^2} $$ where, for now, the main point is that the unbounded-degree differential operator $A$ commutes with $d/dx$, so that, for example $$ (1 - e^{-d/dx}) \left(\int_0 \sim dx - A + A^2 \frac{d}{dx} - A^3\frac{d^2}{dx^2} + - \cdots \right) P(x) = P(x)$$
Of course, there are various paths to the power series, other than via expansion of the powers of $A$, but there is a (Laurent) power series $$ \frac{1}{1-e^{-t}} = \frac{1}{2}\coth(\frac{t}{2})+\frac{1}{2} = \frac{1}{t} + \sum \frac{B_j}{j!} t^{j-1} $$ where $B_j$ are the faBulous Bernoulli numbers.
In any case, applied to simple powers, $$ \left( \int_0 \sim dx + \frac{1}{2} + \sum_{j=2}^{\infty} \frac{B_j}{j!} \frac{d^{j-1}}{dx^{j-1}} \right) x^k = \frac{1}{k+1} x^{k+1} + \sum_{j=1}^{k} \frac{k!}{j!(k-j+1)!} x^{k-j+1} B_j \\\\ {} = \frac{1}{k+1} \sum_{j=0}^{k} \binom{k+1}{j} B_j x^{k+1-j} $$ Finally, the power sum polynomials $S_k$ vanish both at zero (formally an empty sum) and at $-1$ (since $S_k(0) - S_k(-1) = 0^k$), so that in particular, $$ \sum_{j=0}^k \binom{k+1}{j} B_j (-1)^{k-j} = 0$$ THAT'S WHERE THIS IS COMING FROM.
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A herring swimming sweetly in the ether is conjured up as an image of rest and sleep in Cassiopeia's sleepless voice. Herrings live in shoals, they are often used in gastronomy, production of oil and fishmeal.
In literature, if it is red it means that a false foreshadowing has been inserted.
In Rosicrucianism, miraculous herrings communicated. Johann Faulhaber attempts to describe the significance of miraculous herrings in his "Vernünfftiger Creaturen Weissagungen" (1632), from the miraculous numbers of the books of Daniel and Revelation.
Um arenque nadando docemente no éter é evocado como uma imagem de descanso e sonho na voz insone de Cassiopeia. Arenques vivem em cardumes, são muito usados na gastronomia, produção de óleo e farinha de peixe.
Na literatura, se ele for vermelho significa que uma pista falsa foi plantada.
No rosacrucianismo, arenques milagrosos se comunicavam. Johann Faulhaber tenta descrever o significado de arenques milagrosos em seu "Vernünfftiger Creaturen Weissagungen" (1632), a partir dos números milagrosos dos livros de Daniel e Apocalipse.
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They swim in the northern Atlantic and Pacific oceans, such as in Newsom's imsonic verses.
Nadam no norte dos oceanos atlântico e pacífico, além dos versos insones de Newsom.
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This day in history
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#20yrsago Farber and Faulhaber’s argument for commons spectrum allocation https://memex.craphound.com/2003/03/01/farber-and-faulhabers-argument-for-commons-spectrum-allocation/
#20yrsago “Easement commons” isn’t enough https://memex.craphound.com/2003/03/01/easement-commons-isnt-enough/
#20yrsago Commons spectrum isn’t like a park! https://memex.craphound.com/2003/03/01/commons-spectrum-isnt-like-a-park/"
#20yrsago Moot court on property versus commons for spectrum allocation https://memex.craphound.com/2003/03/01/moot-court-on-property-versus-commons-for-spectrum-allocation/
#20yrsago The people’s First Amendment rights should not be auctioned off to media barons https://memex.craphound.com/2003/03/01/the-peoples-first-amendment-rights-should-not-be-auctioned-off-to-media-barons/
#10yrsago Impulse: At long last, a new Jumper novel from Steven Gould https://memex.craphound.com/2013/03/01/impulse-at-long-last-a-new-jumper-novel-from-steven-gould/
#5yrsago Adblock will cache popular Javascript libraries, meaning adblocked pages will be faster and less janky https://www.bleepingcomputer.com/news/software/adblock-adds-feature-to-cache-popular-javascript-libraries/
#1yrago How “hollowed” hotels are destroying worker rights: REITs aren’t just for money laundering https://pluralistic.net/2022/03/01/reit-modernization-act/#reit-makes-might
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trishcollins · 2 years
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Luciana Faulhaber gagged
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cosmicanger · 2 years
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Gritli Faulhaber
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ilmemcmi · 2 months
Micro Motor Market set to Adoption in Consumer Electronics, Automotive and Healthcare Industries
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The micro motor market comprises miniature precision electric motors that are widely used in various consumer electronics, industrial equipments and medical devices. These miniature motors which are approximately only a few millimeters in size find application in areas such as automotive window lifts, door locks, electric toys and models, computer peripherals, disk drives, robotic appliances, medical instruments, automation devices and many more. Their ability to produce motion with high torque and power in a small footprint gives them an edge over other motors. Growing utilization of micro motors in consumer electronics like smartphones, cameras, portable devices, smart appliances as well as increasing electrification trend across automotive and healthcare industries is driving the demand.
The global Micro Motor market size was valued at US$ 42.54 Billion in 2024 and is expected to reach US$ 67.01 Billion by 2031, grow at a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 6.7% from 2024 to 2031.
Major advantage of Micro Motor Market Demand lies in their compact size and weight which allows precise motion control for small components. Increase in disposable income and evolving consumer lifestyles is accelerating sales of smart home appliances and wearables that heavily rely on micro motors. Moreover, surge in demand for electric vehicles and rise in healthcare spending is propelling the micro motor market growth. Key Takeaways Key players operating in the micro motor market are Nidec Corporation, Bosch, Mabuchi Motor Co Ltd, Abb Ltd, Siemens Ag, Denso Corporation, Maxon Motor Ag, Mitsuba Corporation, Johnson Electric Holdings Limited, Brose Fahrzeugteile Gmbh & Co. Kg, Portescap, Allied Motion Technologies Inc., Arc Systems Inc., Constar Micromotor Co. Ltd., Bühler Motor GmbH, Fritz Faulhaber GmbH & Co. KG, Ebmpapst, Faulhaber Group, Chinabase Machinery (Hangzhou) Co. Ltd, Mini Motor. The micro motor market provides ample opportunities for players involved in manufacturing micro motors as well as for those supplying them to OEMs. Significant increase in production of consumer electronics and electric vehicles is expected to boost demand. Major players are expanding their global footprint through strategic partnerships and acquisitions of regional players. Nidec Corporation, being the global market leader, has operations spread across Asia Pacific, Americas, Europe and other regions. Similarly, other tier 1 players like Bosch and Johnson Electric are focusing on capacity expansion to leverage growing overseas demand. Market Drivers:
- Growing demand for home appliances, consumer electronics and wearable devices is a key driver as micro motors enable functions in these products. - Increasing electrification of automobiles for functions like power windows, mirrors is driving the automotive micro motor market growth. - Surging demand for sophisticated medical devices and rapid rise in healthcare spending worldwide is propelling the medical micro motors market. Market Restraints:
 - Higher costs associated with manufacturing of micro motors limits their use in low-cost applications. - Difficulties in heat dissipation and miniaturization pose technological challenges for development of products with enhanced functionality. - Volatility in raw material prices affects the motor manufacturing costs.
Segment Analysis The micro motor market can be segmented based on type into brushed and brushless. Among these, the brushless segment accounts for more than 60% share of the overall market. Brushless DC motors are more efficient than brushed DC motors as they do not face friction losses caused by the commutator and brushes. They also offer high torque, speed, and accuracy along with longer operational life as compared to brushed motors. Global Analysis Asia Pacific is currently the largest as well as the fastest growing regional market for micro motors. The region accounts for more than 45% share of the global market revenues. China is the leading manufacturer as well as consumer of micro motors in the world. Rapid industrialization and growing consumer electronics sector in countries such as China, Japan, South Korea, and India has been a major driver of demand growth. North America and Europe are other major markets, however, their growth is expected to be relatively slower during the forecast period.
Gets More Insights on, Micro Motor Market
About Author:
Vaagisha brings over three years of expertise as a content editor in the market research domain. Originally a creative writer, she discovered her passion for editing, combining her flair for writing with a meticulous eye for detail. Her ability to craft and refine compelling content makes her an invaluable asset in delivering polished and engaging write-ups.
(LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/vaagisha-singh-8080b91)
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