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farflung-expectations · 6 years ago
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Adventure day! We love waterfalls. #brewsterriver #smugglersnotch #optoutside #hiking #hikingadventures #playtogetherstaytogether #fatventures #unlikelyhikers #40weekspregnant (at Brewster River Gorge) https://www.instagram.com/p/Bz-7BVKn4_o/?igshid=hea4dr08nw8o
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healthforpositivebodies · 7 years ago
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Fatventure Mag is a new magazine that aims to celebrate the joy of physical activity, without the weight-based stigma. They’re raising money on Kickstarter for their first issue now! 
“Fatventure Mag is a printed and digital magazine focusing on active lifestyles beyond the boundaries of weight-loss culture. We’re shining the spotlight on work by fat-identified women and non-binary writers and artists who love spending time outdoors, communing with nature, and being active, no matter what "fitness culture" has to say about it.”
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unearthlychildren · 7 years ago
Hey so uh
I don’t post a lot of personal stuff—so hi! It’s me, one of many resident blogs on this godforsaken site!
ANYHOO, for those who don’t know me personally—I am a writer, and a plus size lady, and recently pitched an essay to the new lit mag Fatventure Magazine. It’s a magazine devoted to fat ladies and non binary folks who like being active, but don’t participate in toxic weight loss culture. And the pitch was accepted!!! Which is rad!! I’ll be writing about hiking and the weight dynamic in my family—it’s very split along the lines of economic status.
Since it’s the magazine’s first issue, they’re running a Kickstarter to fund the publication and pay the contributors. I’ve never been paid for my writing before, and I sure would like to. You don’t have to, but please consider donating—there aren’t enough publications like this, and larger kids deserve to be able to see themselves in writing. The Kickstarter ends on my birthday, and it’d be the best present in the world to see this happen.
Lots of love for y’all!!❤️
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rapeculturerealities · 5 years ago
I have always been fat, though it took me until my mid-twenties to not just accept that fact, but begin to embrace it. Like many of the contributing writers and artists in editor Angie Manfredi‘s fat-positive anthology, The (Other) F Word: A Celebration of the Fat & Fabulous, I rarely saw positive fat representation in the media I consumed. I certainly didn’t find or experience fat community; it was par for the course to be mocked and belittled for my weight all through elementary, middle, and high school — even in college, I was hyper-aware of taking up “too much” space, especially in those tiny desks that always squished my stomach and made it hard to breathe.
Had this incredible anthology been available to me as a kid, I have no doubt that it would have changed my entire life. I admit, I’m biased: several members of the extended Fatventure Mag family are involved in this anthology, including two of our contributing artists, Jiji Knight and Shelby Bergen. But that’s not the only reason this anthology feels so radical. As Manfredi puts it in her introduction:
“[T]here’s another moment more and more fat people are getting to experience: the first moment they realize there’s nothing wrong with being fat.”
Much of The (Other) F Word deals with fatphobia in its various forms: social, medical, pop-cultural, et al. Alex Gino writes about body sovereignty as both a fat and trans person; Jana Schmieding writes about growing up as a fat, Indigenous girl who experienced hatred for her body at her mostly white school and then got to embrace it in powwows with her family and Native community; Sarah Hollowell and Adrianne Russell write letters to their younger selves recounting all they have learned as fat adults; Miguel M. Morales enumerates upon fatness in nature through several poems and an incredible list of “50 Tips from a Fat and Fabulous Elder”; Hillary Monahan examines why and how fat bodies are used as cheap shots in horror films; Evette Dionne examines the roots of the fat acceptance movement and how it has progressed in the present; Bruce Sturgell writes about failing to find, and then creating a community of people like him, including indelible resources that mainstream fashion doesn’t seem keen to create or sell. This is just a smattering of the incredible work featured in this book, which is overall very uplifting, affirming, and warm.
So many stories about fat bodies are about the ways in which they experience violence, or how they are humorous, or how they are grotesque — sometimes all at once. Although several of the writers in this anthology do tackle those topics, often through a first-person lens, each of them offers an antidote to these experiences; repeatedly, the reader is told that they are fabulous, that they are competent, and that they can do whatever the hell they want in the body they have right now. Diet culture is a scourge; don’t listen to the people who tell you to change the size of your body, no matter who they are and no matter what reasons they cite.
read more
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farflung-expectations · 6 years ago
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Happy due date Baby Z! Went for a little hike to try and convince baby that a beautiful world is waiting for them. #duedate #happyduedate #40weekspregnant #pregnant #hiking #hikingadventures #optoutside #thewoodsaremyhappyplace #fatventures #fatventurers #unlikelyhikers https://www.instagram.com/p/Bz8GFQwnbDb/?igshid=jm4qs32rgyil
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mouthybroadcast · 4 years ago
Ep 269 - Like Makeovers but With Mammograms
Ep 269 – Like Makeovers but With Mammograms
It’s episode 269 (nice), and Jennie and Lauren are both still full from their latest fatventures. Even in their bloated sates, the Broads serve a hot take on a new “feminist” movie, and provide PSAs on scheduling mammograms and hoarding tampons. Continue reading
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goodwitchyoga · 6 years ago
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“Try to be here now. Try to remember that our experience of reality shapes our reality- not necessarily the reality of people, places & things around us, like we can’t control what other people do, where we were born, how we were born, where we are- but how we interact with ourselves. It’s completely up to us.” - Me! I said that! In the very first issue of @fatventuremag 🎉💜🥳 I’m ridiculously excited to finally be able to share this AMAZING illustration made by @jijidraws to accompany the interview with me & tell you all that @fatventuremag is out in the world & YOU can get a copy!! 💯🔥💃🏽 Thank you @theverbalthing for chatting with me & making this amazing magazine a reality. It’s an honor & a privilege to be featured alongside so many badass babes being active & amazing without giving in to toxic weight loss & diet culture. #thisismyyogavibe 🙏🏽💕 PS! If you’re in NYC tonight swing by @bluestockingsnyc & pick up a copy at the Fatventure release party! Yay! https://www.instagram.com/p/BpuRFHfhu7Z/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1s46parbfx12w
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genderisover · 6 years ago
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HOLY WOW! Our friends over at @fatventuremag have decided to offer 25% of their proceeds to benefit If You Want It! Have you heard of Fatventure? If not, we suggest you popping over to their page immediately! ❤️❤️❤️ ... repost: 📢 SPECIAL ANNOUNCEMENT! 📢 Starting today, 25% of proceeds from #FatventureMag issue sales will be donated to @GenderIsOver, in support of our trans siblings-in-arms who are fighting for their basic human rights. Gender Is Over - If You Want It, LTD is a New York based 501(c)(3) organization that supports the fight for gender self-determination and body sovereignty through community building, retail sales, events and charitable giveaways. We agree whole-heartedly with their vision statement: "We envision a future wherein coercive gendering ceases to exist; a world where individuals of every gender feel self-determination and body sovereignty in both their expression and in their communities." To learn more, click the link in @fatventuremag’s bio! https://ift.tt/2JmACRe
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littleholmes · 7 years ago
Please support Fatventure Mag if you can!
This digital and print magazine needs your help to launch. If you want to read real stories from fat-identifying women and non-binary writers and see their beautiful artwork, then please support this effort. There’s so much in it for you if you support. Check out the kickstarter and give us the chance to do something incredible!
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tonitails · 6 years ago
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Come join our fatventures! Check out thechubscouts.com ! https://www.instagram.com/tonitails/p/BxZc8zoAEqv/?igshid=w6i4u2wppnb6
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galantalala · 8 years ago
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To zdjęcie jest dla mnie bardzo, bardzo ważne. Uświadamia mi, jak długą drogę przebyłam i ile pracy włożyłam w swój stosunek do własnego ciała. Kiedyś pierwszym co zauważyłabym na zdjęciu byłby brzuch. Bardzo, ale to bardzo nie lubiłam swojego brzucha. Kasowałam każde zdjęcie, na którym było go widać. Uprawiałam dietę za dietą, żeby się go pozbyć. Po każdej był smutniejszy i wisiał coraz niżej, a potem wracał. Większy i większy. Jaki jest teraz - każdy widzi. Teraz widzę na zdjęciu radochę. Piękną kobietę z pakietem doświadczeń i Panem Ośmiornicą pod pachą. I wiecie co? Nie mogę się doczekać urlopu! 🐙🐙🐙 Zdjęcie pochodzi z sesji dla @ewamichalak_official_lingerie #plussize #plussizefashion #plussizelingerie #plussizemodel #plussizeblogger #plussizebikini #plussizepinup #plussizebeauty #plussizeandproud #cialopozytywne #cialogotowenaplaze #beachbodyready #celebratemysize #flauntyourcurves #effyourbeautystandards #belly #bellycious #pmmlovemybody #curves #curvygirl #curvesarein #fat #fatventure #thick #thickgirlzrock #thunderthighs #bodypositive #bodyposi #selfloveclub #psblogger http://ift.tt/2siN4ul
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cosmomoore · 6 years ago
I saw they were trying to make a big viral marketing push, when the Kickstarter was launched I reached out to the Fatventure Mag (they are a little fanzine about being fun, fat, and active - I am so excited to get my copy) Twitter and they were nice enough to retweet. I keep thinking of who else I could reach out to do the same... 🤔
$36,926 pledged of $250,000 goal
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farflung-expectations · 6 years ago
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Obligatory “we went to a tall place with a view” selfie. #montroyal #montreal #optoutside #hiking #hikingadventures #fatventurers https://www.instagram.com/p/BwFV8sln5J7/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=172mlfocll2ed
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goodwitchyoga · 7 years ago
I just gave an interview to Fatventure Magazine for their first issue! 😍 ❤️Consider donating to this awesome zines Kickstarter campaign & then catch me in print this fall when it comes out!
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tonitails · 6 years ago
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Come join our fatventures at thechubscouts.com - Chub Scouts is family friendly, inclusive, and geared toward including fat bodies on adventures with friends and family. 💖 https://www.instagram.com/tonitails/p/BxMHZeiAMMf/?igshid=eeq9z5zpti4o
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