#fathers birthday wishes in hindi
onlinemittra · 11 months
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shayariwalii · 2 years
Birthday Status for Dad in Hindi: अपने पिताजी को उनके जन्मदिन के लिए बधाई और ढेर सारी शुभकामनाएं भेजें और उनके प्रति अपने प्यार को व्यक्त करें। एक पिता होने के साथ साथ वे आपके मार्गदर्शक भी हैं। आपके लिए उन्होंने अपना सारा जीवन न्योछावर कर दिया और अब यह सही समय है जब आप उन्हें बताएं की आप उनसे कितना प्यार करते हैं। उनका जन्मदिन आपके लिए एक खास मौका लेकर आया है। आज आप जो कुछ भी हैं, आपके पिताजी की वजह से ही हैं। अवश्य आप कुछ ऐसे जन्मदिन के सदेश खोज रहे होंगे जो आपकी भावनाओं को व्यक्त कर सकें। यहाँ आपको birthday wishes for dad, papa ke janmdin ki badhai प्राप्त होगी। तो लीजिये पेश है आपके पापा के लिए जन्मदिन की शुभकामनाएं।
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srbachchan · 9 months
DAY 5810
Jalsa, Mumbai Jan 13, 2024 Sat 9:57 PM
🪔 ,
January 14 .. birthday wishes to Ef Aum Sohum .. greetings of the day and the festive .. ✨🙏🏻🚩
I leave after this wish to be with the recap of the JPP game .. an unexpected win .. and such a joy ..🕺 ..
I also return from an announcement photo shoot for ISPL .. and more of that in a while ..
I return .. soon .. till then ..
Well ..
in a while ..
Jan 13/14, 2024 Sat/Sun 9:42 am
No I did not return in a while .. where I did return was the 🛌 .. just the elements of the 'nidra' overtook me and rather than fade out on the couch, chose to be horizontal ..
The ISPL , as has been promoted and delivered in adverts is well on its way to fructification and all the owners and the members that are involved , were needed to be in immortalised picture frames .. so yes , a photo cum meet shoot .. a very quick in and out between the evening hours .. with our friends and colleagues .. such a joy ..
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Akshay one of the owners .. and an explanation to him about the surgery on my hand ..
Hrithik had done his shoot and had just left, to another engagement and we here were getting ready for ours, with yet another favourite, from the South - Suriya .. aah such a delight to have met him again .. and my extreme pleasure of sharing with him how greatly I admired that film song of his, on the film about Father and Son ..
Its a moment we shared on KBC, when we were having the Olympic Hockey Goalie on the 'garam kursi' .. PR Sreejesh .. and the winning moment when he saved the goal and won the medal, the KBC edit cut back to his Father, watching the game at home, simply exulted with the success .. and the song from Suriya's film .. AAHHHHHH .. played it a 100 times over and over again .. such an emotional moment .. and Suriya .. what an expression during that scene .. ufff .. can never get over it ..
The emotion of the real Father and Son relation and the moment in the game was simply incredible ..
PR Sreejesh as a kid had wanted to play Hockey, but because of his condition of lesser means never had a hockey stick .. he asked his Father to get him one .. but his Father could not buy even a hockey stick, because of their financial issues - did not have the money to buy it ..
So .. on Sreejesh 's insistence and wanting to give the Son what he wanted, his Father sold the only asset the family possessed - their cow .. the cow is considered a most sacred possession in most Hindu homes .. but the Father sold it to buy a hockey stick for his Son .. and his Son proves to all the World, what he was able to achieve, an Olympic medal .. and what a moment for his Father .. and that background song plays .. goodness .. tears in the eyes .. and a quivering heart .. !!
So Suriya .. before me and I narrate what I went through during that KBC moment .. and Akshay listening on .. and now disclosing to me that he is doing the remake in Hindi of that film ..
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.. and the shoot for the pictures concludes with some fun and games
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a few solo too ..
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and the fun at another .. playing catch ..
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Done .. home , dinner and 😴 .. with pleasant achievement of the Son , Abhishek , who's Kabaddi team wins an important and very tough game in Jaipur, against an opponent that had never lost so far in the tournament .. 🕺🕺🕺
and the laughter of success, but at the music Studio ..
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And now to face the world again for another day
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oh dear 😍.. this one has been long and filled with the pictorial ability of a follow camera .. apologies ..
But ..
My love ❤️
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Amitabh Bachchan
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april-is · 5 months
April 25, 2024: from Moon for Aisha, Aracelis Girmay
from Moon for Aisha Aracelis Girmay
— for Kamilah Aisha Moon, with a line after Cornelius Eady’s ''Gratitude''
Dear Aisha, I mean to be writing you a birthday letter, though it’s not September, the winter already nearing, the bareness of trees, their weightlessness, their gestures — grace or grief. The windows of buildings all shining early, lit with light, & I am only ten & riding all of my horses home, still sisterless, wanting sisters.
You do not know me yet. In fact, we are years away from that life. But I am thankful for some inexplicable thing, let’s call it “freedom,” or “night,” the terror & glee of being outside late, after dark, my mother’s voice shouting for me beneath stars which, I learned in school, are suddenly not so different from the small salt of fathers, & gratitude for that, & for the red house of your mother’s blood, & then, you, all nearly grown, all long-legged laughter, already knowing all the songs & all the dances, not my friend, yet, but, somehow — Out There.
In one version of our lives, it is November. Through a window I see one of our elders is a black eye of a woman, is a thinker, & magnificent. [...] It is always her birthday. She has always lived to tell a part of the story of the world, what happened here.
If not a moon, what can we bring this woman who walks ahead? For whom you were named, & whose name has been added to by you whose language crowns the dark field of what has been hushed, of what is beautiful & black, & blue.
Read the full poem here.
Written to the author's friend, poet Kamilah Aisha Moon, who died in 2021. Read one of her essays: It's Not The Load That Breaks You Down; It's The Way You Carry It.
More on friendship: + Ode to Friendship, Noor Hindi + from how many of us have them?, Danez Smith
Today in:
2023: Still Life with Nursing Bra, Keetje Kuipers 2022: A Small-Sized Mystery, Jane Hirshfield 2021: Prayer for My Unborn Niece or Nephew, Ross Gay 2020: Vigil, Phillis Levin 2019: Nights in the Neighborhood, Linda Gregg 2018: I Dreamed Again, Anne Michaels 2017: wishes for sons, Lucille Clifton 2016: Told You So, Keetje Kuipers 2015: Accident, Mass. Ave., Jill McDonough 2014: This Hour and What Is Dead, Li-Young Lee 2013: To Myself, Franz Wright 2012: Manet’s Olympia, Margaret Atwood 2011: Three Rivers, Alpay Ulku 2010: Ode to Hangover, Dean Young 2009: We become new, Marge Piercy 2008: The Only Animal, Franz Wright 2007: Dream Song 385, John Berryman 2006: The Quiet World, Jeffrey McDaniel 2005: Man and Wife, Robert Lowell
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Assorted thoughts on culture, generational trauma, racism, queerness and where they intersect for me
My family is from Bangladesh. Or they used to be. All of my great-grandparents were born there. At least 3 of my grandparents were born there as well. My mother travelled there on the back of trucks transporting hay. The town, practically the village, my father grew up in, is in Bangladesh.
There's this story my mother tells me. When I was around three years old, we were in a Bengali restaurant in New York and I was so happy to meet fellow Bengalis that I immediately started to speak Sylheti. They gave us a discount for that. called me Khuki and told my parents how nice it was to speak in the language of their home with someone once again.
Another time, another restaurant. This one is in London. I'm not three anymore. I don't speak Sylheti anymore either. They say I forgot because I had no one to speak it with. I don't even speak proper Bangla. It's now Bengali with a dash of Hindi. This time when we enter the restaurant, I don't approach the servers. They approach us and say how nice it is to find a fellow Bengali in the wild. We complain about how we're tired of white people food. My mother wishes she had macher jhol. The servers tell her to wait and bring out a plate of their own dinner. She cries as she eats it. Tears of joy and solidarity.
I'm twelve years old and for the first time, I decide to relearn my culture. I join a summer class, pencil in hand, ready to learn how to read and write all over again. I want to read my mother's magazines, the Feluda comics that she read out loud to me as a child. It paid off, but not in the way I expected, my mother fighting with my father, grabbing hold of my hand two days later as we boarded the aeroplane back to her father's house.
I'm 13 years old, on anti-depressants that I forgot to take some days, neurodivergence diagnosed, and learning more about myself each and every day. I come out as bisexual to my mom but do not tell her about my genderfluidity. Afraid of what she'll think when the daughter she always desired turns out to not be her daughter at all. We call my brother in Canada. He tells us about the people who shout slurs at him in the metro. We do not tell him that we are afraid that someday the slurs will turn into bullet wounds.
I'm fourteen years old, and my father's come to visit. It's his birthday so we travel to his parents' house. more than 4 hours away from ours. They greet us with barbed wire words on my grades, my brother's weight, my mother's inability to be a good wife. We smile through it all. I wonder how they can be so cruel. The people who cared for me when I was a child. The woman who named me now my worst enemy.
I'm fifteen years old now. My Bangla is clearer. Sharp vowels and clear consonants. It will never be rounded syllables of my childhood ever again. I learn of the Bengal partition in school. Learn how people killed each other in the name of freedom. I want to scream, "Amra shobai ek." We are all the same. We share the same culture, the same language but in different dialects, the same history. Stop killing, please. I'm tired of the violence and hatred, I say. This war started before I was born, will it continue after I'm dead as well?
I gathered the courage to google LGBTQ+ laws in Bangladesh today. And I realised something. I love my culture. I love my roots. I love this language, my ancestors, and every family member, even though sometimes I feel like there are too many to count. But I do not love what they have made of it. I saw the words splashed across the newspaper headlines, Anti - Queer laws still in place, Being gay is punishable with a life sentence in prison, a gay man is stoned to death in public and no one does anything to stop it. I do not cry. I've been doing nothing but crying for too long now.
Instead, I'm writing this. I'm writing this to tell everyone that it isn't over. I'm writing this to tell everyone that if I'd been born 413 km to the west exactly, I wouldn't be alive to write this post right now. I'm writing this because I am tired of our stories going untold, buried under layers of propaganda and zealotry. I'm writing this because people think my being Hindu, my being Indian, my being Bengali means that I cannot be queer.
Well sorry to prove you wrong. Because I'm still here. And I'm still kicking. And as long as I'm alive, I'm not going to stop. Neither will the thousands of others like me, telling their stories in a thousand different ways, fighting for their people in a thousand different ways.
So this one is for those still kicking.
We're Here
We're Queer
And we're ready to fucking fight.
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glaciiermonarch · 9 months
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❀ *◦ sen mitsuji. genderfluid. he/she/they. demiromantic homosexual. ⇝ hey, isn’t that takaharu mochizuki? i think that the thirty-five-year-old from adelaide, south australia, works as dj at the boom boom room, music producer & engineer, and drummer of vain rogues & the ghost orchestra; but outside of that people describe them as perpetual busyness to prevent the chance of an emotion occurring; a pristine but empty-feeling mansion with too many rooms; perfectly pouty lips pulling up in a smirk over a private joke; and a robin's egg blue drum kit with every possible bell and whistle on the market. i hear they are moody & distant, but they are also known to be cerebral & generous. consider giving them a visit at their home in winterwood estates and get to know why they’re called the ice queen.
➙ this character uses he/him, they/them, AND she/her pronouns freely! the writer will be using ALL of them, sometimes within the same paragraph, so please extend the same courtesy! ➙ taka is attracted to men and masc-presenting enbies and just calls themself gay!
full name: takaharu mochizuki ➙ this is in "western" order since taka grew up in english-speaking countries ➙ kanji: 望月 貴陽 (Mochizuki Takaharu)  望 (mochi) meaning "wish, desire" and 月 (tsuki) meaning "moon;” together meaning “full moon” 貴 (taka) meaning “precious” and 陽 (haru) meaning “sun”
nicknames: taka, taki, tako, haru, mochi-san, tsuki-san
dob: 17 august 1989
place of birth: adelaide, south australia, australia
languages: japanese (native); australian english (native); korean (advanced); german (advanced); arabic (advanced); hindi (strong); mandarin (strong); okinawan (some)
education: bachelor’s degree in philosophy and asian & middle eastern studies, duke university
strengths: educated; cerebral; generous; loyal; resolute; shrewd; creative; captivating; wise; patient
weaknesses: cold; moody; gloomy; judgmental; harsh; disconnected; distant; crass
hobbies: playing drums, guitar, piano, and clarinet; surfing; skateboarding; playing video games; smoking weed; napping; reading
likes: warm weather & beaches; fashion;
dislikes: messy people; uncreative people; children (friends' kids are an exception)
disabilities & health: major depression; chronic back and knee pain
even the silverest of spoons being in your mouth when you're born doesn't shield you from the unhappiness of life, but it does slap a bandage over a festering wound so you can ignore it a while longer. kenta mochizuki, a dermatologist originally from japan. beth mcnulty, general legal counsel for one of the biggest energy companies in all of australia. married a little later than either of their families would have liked, but in their defense, they were both busy being successful. and they barely slowed down long enough to have their only child, takaharu.
though of an ornery countenance since birth, taka was always still popular and favored because he was pretty and rich. clarinet lessons, piano lessons, drum lessons, surfing lessons, she was set up for success from the very beginning. her childhood memories are mostly accompanied by nannies and tutors, though her father, an earnest and excitable man, always made an effort to be present in his child's life, eager to see her succeed.
there was always a distance between taka and their mother, though; taka knows now that beth never wanted to be a parent. this attitude became clearly evident when she didn't show up to taka's tenth birthday dinner. it was soon revealed that she'd forgotten, and more of the truth came tumbling out: she shirked her parental duties for an affair. and this apparently had been going on for quite some time, seeing other men that weren't her heartbreakingly devoted husband.
a divorce ensued, and taka sided with his kind, loving father, who had also always made an effort to keep japanese culture alive in the home. when taka was barely into her teens, her father sat her down to tell her about a woman he'd met online, one he'd fallen in love with. the catch was that she lived in malibu. taka was given the choice to live with her mother or move to the united states with her father. she easily chose the latter.
lashonda rhimes, successful anesthesiologist to the stars, and kenta's second wife. she was a few years younger, though not egregiously so, but still childless. and she treated taka like her own child, which might have been externally brushed off by the surly teenager, but taka came to appreciate it. he was popular in his new home, with his accent and his money and his looks. being so intelligent, the transition to a new continent wasn't difficult at all, and he finished high school near the top of his class.
he didn't really have a plan for his life, and all his parents really wanted out of him was just for him to go to college. an acceptance to duke university was sweetened by some scholarships, and whatever those didn't cover was easily made up for by the wads of cash his family had. taka had started smoking weed not long after landing in the US, but she branched out into new drugs while in durham, north carolina, for college.
acid trips were unpleasant every time she tried dropping; and she didn't like injecting anything to leave marks behind on her pretty body. but she soon found a bad habit in cocaine. she would sniff a few lines, party for several hours, go home and do homework, go to class, and go to modeling shoots, and do it all over again. somehow, using sheer ambition probably, she finished college within 4 years, even with a double major and a couple semesters spent studying abroad.
bouncing around the US for a year or so; living with his aunt in japan for a couple years; and then landing in anchorage for the next adventure around 2016
these days, taka keep busy in any way she knows how: too long with her own thoughts can be dangerous and make her itch to return to her cocaine habit. but they've done a good job of staying clean. taka doesn't need to work for money—his mother sends him gobs of money to curry his favor, and his father and stepmother have nobody else to spoil—but he does work to stay busy, spinning tunes at the boom boom room; modeling for small indie publications and brands; and gaining some traction as a music producer.
with more money than one person should ever need, taka gives a lot of it away. there are a few charities she routinely makes generous donations to; but she also likes to take care of her friends. she'll buy her closest friends whatever they want, buy their groceries, offer to pay rent or even let them stay in her house, offer to pay their medical bills... seriously, what is one lonely person gonna do with all those digits in their bank account? besides, spending money is the only way she knows how to show love.
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alleanut · 1 year
— Itachi Kobayashi
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TW: Death ⋆ Suicide
————————— I. INTRO
AGE: 1954 MENTAL AGE: 38 SPECIES: Azure Dragon GENDER: Male SEXUALITY: Unlabeled ETHNICITY: Japanese
—————— I.I Powers & Drawbacks
HYDROKINESIS: Ability to control, generate or absorb water and moisture ——— If he overuses his hydrokinesis, he gets greatly sick RESURRECTION: Ability to come back to life after being killed ——— The only way to actually not come back to life is if he takes his life with his own hands SPIRITUALITY: Ability to see and understand souls while also being able to summon a dragon from his own soul ——— It is very hard for him to use this ability, so when he does he's very exhausted after. Not only that but it's beyond complicated to control, so he has to genuinely focus, which leads to splitting head aches
-—————-————— I.II Personality
——— POSITIVE TRAITS Kind ⋆ Empathetic ⋆ Calm ⋆ Patient ⋆ Open-minded ——— NEGATIVE TRAITS Dishonest ⋆ Unpredictable ⋆ Self-reserved
-—————–———— I.III Appearance
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————————— II. EXTRA
PRONOUNS: He / Him NICKNAMES: Ita, Chi-Chi ( pseudonym ), Monsoon BIRTHDAY: February 29th ZODIAC SIGN: Pisces OCUPPATION: Psychologist LIKES: Books, Spending time with his loved ones, Nature DISLIKES: Dealing with William's aggressive outbursts, Crying, His long hair, Not being able to help someone LANGUAGES: Old and Modern Japanese & English, Chinese, Hindi, French, Russian, Arabic, German, Spanish, Serbian
————————————— III.I Family
MOTHER: Fuyuko Kobayashi FATHER: Onyx Kobayashi YOUNGER BROTHER: Aito Kobayashi YOUNGER SISTERS: Sitala Kobayashi, Laelynn Kobayashi EXTENDED FAMILY: The Henderson Family ( "foster" family )
——————————— III.II Romantic
OLD CRUSH: Himari Kim ???: Amelia Cinder
——————-————— III.III Platonic
SOULMATE: Frederick Henderson CLOSE FRIENDS: Greed Harrisburg, Allen Moore, William Isaac Henderson ROOMMATE: Hansuke Yaoyorozu ( "son" )
————————— VI. PAST
——————————— VI.I Childhood
Itachi was the eldest sibling out of everyone, Silata was after him, then Aito and Laelynn was the youngest. He grew up in a kind family, where everyone absolutely adored him. However, in his time, there was an organization of humans who was trying to eradicate creatures who were not human, especially azure dragons. The ironic thing was that the leader of the group was not human himself. His parents decided that if they wanted to keep anyone from their kind alive, they had to sacrifice themselves for their children. All of the four siblings were each given to a different empire, Itachi ended up in the vampire empire. That was the last time he ever saw his parents and he would end up not hearing a word from his family for decades
—————————— VI.II Teenhood
—————————— VI.III Adulthood
Itachi works daily. He pays his taxes and rent in due time, unlike someone else in his life...( It's William. ) When he needs a breather, he hangs out with his close friends, or goes somewhere with Hansuke for some quality father and son time. He is very satisfied with his life, he's kind to everyone and tries to help as much as he possibly can. It is a life he always wished for in all his years of living. However, he has a secret that he hasn't been able to share for almost a century now
LINKS: Picrew credits to やすばる Superpower Generator
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Introducing: Raj Kumar
[CISMALE, HE/HIM/HIS]. Hey, is that RAHUL KOHLI, no that is just RAJ KUMAR around Turtle Bay. I heard they are 40 years old, and their birthday is NOVEMBER 13th 1982. They rest their heads in the OCEANSIDE but they can mainly be found working as A DOCTOR. Some say they are SMART, FUNNY, CARING and can be BOSSY, RESERVED, COCKY. If they had a theme song it would be, MY WISH by RASCAL FLATTS. I hear they are LOCAL, either way Turtle Bay is home and welcomes you!
Full Name: Raj Bharat Kumar
Place of Birth: Mumbai, India
Mother: Nita Kumar Father: Bharat Kumar Siblings: N/A
Relationship Status: Single
Occupation: Doctor
Raj Bharat Kumar was born and spent most of his childhood in India. He grew up as the only child to two Hindi parents. When he was in high school his dad got offered a position as a professor in America, so the entire family moved to North Carolina to start their new life abroad. The change was a bit different to Raj at first, but he did adjust to his new life after a couple of months.
About two months after moving to the United States Raj met a classmate named Felicity who was tutoring him in American history because he had years of the subject to catch up on. The two of them started spending a lot of time together because she was one of the first friends he had made. Over time things started to change though, because Raj realized that he had feelings for her. During their Senior year he finally plucked up the nerve to ask her out and thankfully for him she had been feeling the same way.
The two of them continued dating throughout college as they ended up attending the same school. During this early college years he also took his American citizen test because by this point he was pretty determined to stay in the states and have a life with Felicity. Around the time Raj was considering proposing to her, he also got accepted into Stanford Med school which was a huge deal. The only problem was that Felicity wanted to attend a different graduate degree that was local. However she still encouraged him to follow his dreams and they decided to do long distance.
Med School was extremely time consuming and eventually despite his and Felicity’s best efforts the two of them ended up calling it quits. Although they vowed to remain friends because they both felt like they had been through so much together and it would be hard not to be in each other’s lives at all.  Raj feels like part of him will always love her, but he felt he did the right thing by letting her go.
Raj continued to work his way through med school and he was close to the top of his class when he graduated. He was happy that he had achieved his goal, and was ready to start being able to help people. So instead of accepting a job at a top hospital like most people expected him to do he ended up getting a job at a smaller hospital where he would be able to have more of a connection with the people that he was treating.
Raj has been working as a doctor for some time now and he really does find himself enjoying it. Sure sometimes he is exhausted but she doesn’t regret the choices that he had made to get him to this point. He loves his job and he loves being able to help people every day. Some day he is hoping to start a family of his own.
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khudkikalam01 · 16 days
Heart Touching Happy Birthday Shayari in Hindi – Khudkikalam
Birthday is a special day which we celebrate with our loved ones. On this occasion, we express our heart's feelings to make them feel special. Happy Birthday Shayari in hindi is a great way to wish your friends, family or someone special from the heart.
Here we have brought some selected Happy Birthday Shayari for you which will make the birthday of your loved ones even more memorable.
Are you looking for birthday shayari for your sister, brother, Husband, wife, Girl friend, Boy friend, Father, Mother, Friend, then you have reached the right place, we have brought for your close one’s shayari collection that too in Hindi language, by downloading birthday shayari in Hindi, you can give many good wishes to your lovely one’s on her birthday.
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बहिन के लिए जन्मदिन शायरी:
बहन तेरे जन्मदिन पर ये दुआ है,
खुशियों से भरी रहे तेरी जिंदगी की राहें।
खुशियों की बरसात हो, गमों का कहीं नाम न हो,
ऐसी हर दुआ हम सदा तुझे देते हैं।
बड़े भाई के लिए जन्मदिन शायरी हिंदी में
तू भाई नहीं भगवान है ,
तू मेरा सपना तू मेरी जान है ||
 “ Happy Birthday Brother “
Happy Birthday Shayari For Husband in Hindi
करती हूं मैं हर पल दुआ रब से ,
ये प्यार कभी कम न हो हमारा ,
जन्मदिन पर मिले हजारों खुशियां,
साथ यूं ही जन्म-जन्म का हो ये हमारा || “हैप्पी बर्थडे हस्बेंड “
On the occasion of birthday, these Shayaris will not only express your feelings but will also make your relationships deeper. You can share these Shayaris through your messages, social media posts or cards.
You will always find a treasure of heart touching Shayaris on Khud Ki Kalam.
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benefits1986 · 8 months
Weird Q and A
What do you do when you get weird questions?
After trying out MatchaME around ina's sleepy town last weekend with Vici and my heavy pouch, dad told me: Matulin din pala 'yan noh? Naiwan mo ako. 'Di mo man lang ako nilingon. LOL. Sabi ko naman e tina-try ko siyang linungin pero 'di pa ako sanay kasi onting pihit lang kay MatchaME, medyo wonky talaga siya. Parang manibela lang ng Ecosport namin. LELS. Kidding aside, for the first time, may mga nakita akong folding bikers sa Los Banos then nakita ko rin silang dumaan sa labas ng bahay ng lola ko last weekend. Super liit ng gulong nung iba pero yes, natawid naman nila. Must be the sign na ituloy na ang padyak to San Pedro muna since mas onti ang ahon sa route na 'yun, I think. I spent time with my possibly new anak-anakan na ka-birthday ng bunso kong kapatid. UGH. May bagong salta na naman pero kasi, this baby girl is actually an odd ball in her fam. She's eight years old and siya 'yung almost ka-age nung bunso. She's also the one na mas malala pa tantrums sa akin nung bata ako pati sa kapatid ko. :p She loves pets and she's trying her luck in her new hamsters kasi nakain ng pusa 'yung last hamster niya. Let's call her T. Obviously, she has sepanx kasi dad niya always flies for work. T: 'Di ka matutulog dito? Why? May pasok ako ng Monday. Ikaw rin 'di ba? So, kahit matulog ako dito, 'di rin tayo makakapagkulitan. Balik din ako next time. T: When ka babalik? March most likely. T: Why March? Why not Feb? Aywaw. Feb pa nga pala. Sige. Balik akong Feb. Sorry na. LOL. T: Why is there dog years and human years? Why is Vici old na pero he looks like a puppy pa? Why is his eyes not black anymore? (Nahirapan akong sagutin 'to, honestly.) It's easier to take care of dogs if you know what their human years are. 'Di ba Vici looks like a puppy but he's a lolo na. 11 years may be young in human years, but in dog years, Vici is 77 na so he's likely to have eyes that are not black anymore. He might go blind some time sooner or later, too.
T: Is Vici gonna die? That's for sure, but we don't know when; so, we'd have to make the most of the time we have with him and the time he has for us, too. Okay?
T: Why do you have too many earrings? Because I'm bored and I'm not cool.
T: Why do you have many tattoos? Because I'm bored and I'm not cool.
T: You are cool and not boring. Hahahahaha. Okay. Sabi mo e.
Mhie, ang hirap sagutin ng mga tanong nito at times.
T is pretty much a creative critter which is still an arguable skill set, generally speaking. ;)
Dad naman egged me to watch Instant Father (?) as Netflix ranked it #2 sa feed niya. I gave in, so ayun na nga. Third time to watch niya with me para raw mas magets niya. LELS. Sabi ko, baka naman maluha na naman siya for the third time. Ayun, naluha nga. Was replying to some people in between. Medyo okay naman 'yung movie in general. Mabagal lang pacing for me. Lagi namang ganun mga PH films, so letting that bit go. I had to answer questions din while at it. D: Anak, ganun ba talaga aneurysm? It really depends e. It's like winning a lottery. You may be able to detect it, but addressing it is an entirely different topic. In the film, 'di naman nasabi 'yung extent niya, perhaps, para 'di overwhelming sa mga nanonood lalo 'yung naglalaba or nagluluto while watching.
D: Bakit 'yung kapitbahay natin, naoperahan and na-save? Ganun din talaga 'yun e. 50-50 chances lang talaga siya.
D: Akala ko 'yung tatay 'yung may sakit e. Sabay sila umiinom lagi ng gamot/vitamins. :D LOL. Saka 'yung make up nung anak, medyo pale ng slight. Maganda naman 'yung reveal pero may mga tanong pa rin ako. Let's not go there na lang. Ayokong basagin trip nung mga makers/creators.
D: Anak, dapat 'yung magulang ang mauna talaga. Puwede naman. Puwedeng hindi. Depends talaga, dad e. Circle of life. Lahat naman mamatay. Una-unahan lang talaga.
D: Nak, ako mauuna sa'yo 'di ba? Hahahahahaha. I will try my best para happy ka sa wish mo na 'yan. 'Wag ka mag-worry. Okay naman ako ngayon. :P
D: May puwede bang puntahan ang mga seniors na okay naman na ang buhay? Medyo malungkot mga nagaganap lately. 'Di na tumitigil. Okay naman na ako e. Okay na rin naman na kayo. Huy. May apo ka pang bago. Mag-bike muna kayo ng malala kaya ayusin mo tuhod at balakang mo. Itawid mo muna siya sa ilog at turuan mong lumangoy. Dalhin mo sa Batulao. Ilibot mo sa kung saan-saan.
D: Nak, puwede pa talaga akong magka-apo sa'yo, noh? Kahit dalawa lang. 1 boy, 1 girl. Daddddd, ano na naman 'yan? Dati, wish mo new apo. Ngayon, meron na. Bakit ako? Menopause na ako. Dami ko na nga white hair e.
D: Anong menopause? Sus. Lagi ka nga bumibili ng napkin e. 'Di na lang ako mag-napkin. Ganun na lang. 'Yung bahay-bata ko, akin lang 'to. LOL.
D: Pansin ko, close ka na sa kids ngayon. Since 3 years old because andyan e. Ayoko lang naman ng sanggol kasi baka mahulog ko or manggigil ako ng malala. LOL.
Nagkamustahan din kami nung 4th anak-anakan ko. Actually, kaya ako umuwi is because I wanna check on her irl. Spiral szn na naman as she's waiting for yet another results ng exam. Puro na lang exam.
B: Ate, paano 'pag hindi ako nakapasa? Mag-work ka then mag-try ka ulit. Ganun lang.
B: Ate, bakit kasi ito dream ko? Ewan ko rin sa'yo. Dream mo 'yan e. 'Di siya madali. First in the family. Kaya obviously, super pressure; but, just keep at it.
B: Ate, ang layo pa. Pero malayo na 'di ba? Dati, ayaw mo na. Tinigil mo na, pero andito ka na. Malayo pa nga, pero you're on track.
B: Ate, bakit kasi ang tagal? Ganito... ang balance sheet, 4 years ang need para maging qualified. Ngayon, kung ikaw ay may hawak na vital signs, tingin mo ba 4 years is enough? No 'di ba? Iba-iba lang ng timeline. Try mong magpa-consult sa doc na 4 years ang training. Tignan natin if may magpa-check up sa'yo.
B: Ate, paano mga kapatid ko? Bata pa sila. Bata ka pa rin naman. Pare-pareho lang kayo.
B: Puwede ba mag-work tapos mag-med? Puwede. Try mo. May offer ka naman 'di ba? Malapit pa sa house. Try mo para makita mo difference ng real world sa school life. Dali. Excited na ako.
B: Ate, bakit paulit-ulit na lang 'yung ganito kong feelings? Feelings are valid kahit ano pa 'yan. 'Di naman ako magsasawang ulit-ulitin since 2015 ba? :p Andito lang ako. Kaya diyan ka lang din. Kapit lungs. Tiwala lungs.
B: Ate, kaya ko ba? Depends. Minsan, yes. Minsan, no. Minsan, I don't know. Pero, for sure, kung kaya mo or 'di mo kaya, 100000% support ako, kami sa'yo kahit 'di halata most of the time.
B:Gusto ko na sa Manila. Okay. Sure ka ba? Open naman house ko lagi sa'yo. Punta ka lang. Pasundo kita. BGC tayo ulit para happy ka.
B: When ka Japan? Malapit na. Kaya gawin mo na tat design ko. LOL. Naiinip na ako.
B: 'Pag 'di ko naggawa tat design mo, oks lang ba? Oo naman. Gusto ko lang ma-wear art mo. Saka sakto kasi sa Jap ko nga papaggawa 'yan. Hihihihi. No pressure.
B: Gusto ko rin mag-Japan kaso 'di pa puwede. 'Di pa kaya. Makakapunta ka rin doon soon. ;) Just you wait. Ako nga 34 na ako nakapunta e. So ikaw, before 30, sure akong makakapunta ka na doon. Malay mo, next year na 'di ba? Tuloy mo lang hustle mo.
B: Okay ka lang ba? Hahahahaha. Next question please. Sa susunod ko na lang na uwi kasi limited time lang usap natin.
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onlinemittra · 11 months
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krsnaencore · 9 months
Expressing Love and Admiration: Birthday Wishes for Father in Hindi
Crafting heartfelt words for a father's birthday can sometimes be challenging. Not because we lack the emotions, but because expressing the enormity of our feelings becomes an uphill battle with words. To add a touch of linguistic warmth and profound depth, we often resort to different languages. This article focuses on creating the perfect birthday wish for father in Hindi (पिता को हिंदी में जन्मदिन की शुभकामनाएं), blending the emotion with words that echo the soul of this beautiful language, even while presenting it in English.
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The Unsung Hero: Recognizing Father's Impact
Saluting the first hero of our lives, a beautiful birthday message just in Hindi can imbibe strength and respect seamlessly. Consider this: "Dad, you are the truest and the most ideal hero in my life. Happy birthday!" In Hindi, this message conveys not just admiration for a father, but also his vital role in shaping the lives of his children. The wisdom and life-lessons imparted by a dad act as a guiding light, the effects of which are lifelong and profound.
Ideals and Values: The Ultimate Inheritance
When it comes to parents, particularly fathers, one impactful area is the inheritance of ideals and moral values. A "birthday wish for father in Hindi" can nicely encapsulate this sentiment. Expressing that the most precious inheritance is not material, but the moral ideals and values instilled in us, could be an extraordinary token of love. An example could be: "On your birthday, dad, I take pride in being your child. Your moral and ethical blueprint has been the greatest gift. Happy Birthday!"
A Pillar of Strength: Guiding Through Challenges
Fathers often lay the foundation to help us tackle life's challenges with strength and wisdom. A Hindi birthday message can highlight his role in shaping us into fearless, resilient, and independent individuals. "Dad, on this special day of your birthday, I long for your every day to be filled with blessings. Happy Birthday!" Translating this wish in Hindi brings an added feeling of warmth and close-knit bonding, an inherent characteristic of the language.
The Magic of Hindi: Transcending Boundaries
Though we are discussing birthday messages in Hindi, we are exploring them in English. It may seem paradoxical, but it beautifully demonstrates how emotions transcend the boundaries of language. The essence of the messages remains intact. A father's unconditional love, his selfless sacrifices, the respect his child has for him - these emotions get deeply interwoven into the Hindi words and translate universally, irrespective of the language we choose to express them in.
Wrapping Up
Creating a "birthday wish for father in Hindi" provides us with a unique opportunity to express our feelings with sincerity and depth. We can convey our gratitude, respect, and unwavering love for our father, allowing these emotions to take the forefront. Despite discussing these Hindi messages in English, their true essence remains unchanged - a testament to the power of love and admiration for our fathers that binds us all, transcending geographical, cultural, and linguistic barriers.
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srbachchan · 1 year
DAY 5605
Jalsa, Mumbai                   June 22,  2023                   Thu 11:25 PM    
🪔 .. June 23 .. birthday greetings to Ef Anish Morarji Tataria .. yo from your Ef Family 😁✌🏽 .. 
And .. to dear Ef Moses Sapir .. your wedding anniversary on June 23 .. our good wishes always ..
Birthday - EF - Anish Morarji Tataria Friday, 23 June .. and our wishes for this special day of yours .. love from the Ef family ..
Does it dawn .. dawn in the recognised morn of the day .. the day doth announce its presence .. or about its presence .. and the World of writing and writers hurriedly adopts the ‘dawn’ to their world .. 
‘ it be the dawn of a new world’ ..  they say .. or words to that effect .. effective , poetic and composite .. whether the dawn turns to the sun lit day or not irrespective .. or sets into another quiet unknown night for another dawn to re appear .. 
amusingly , when the film ‘DON’ was announced with me .. many in the world of Hindi cinema were quite unaware of the word don .. 
what they were familiar with was a product known as DAWN .. the  DAWN banyaan .. vests .. 
And the market was very skeptical and annoyed with the makers as to why a film title should be about undergarments .. !!
many still are .. 🤣
... but on another note .. Ef remembers Babuji and his translated auto biography and puts it all down .. I feel it deserves mention here :
And .. before Music Day ends .. I feel having the honor of sharing few words from Babuji about his journey with music from his autobiography .. but , then , indeed , every day is music day .. love .. ❤️🙏🏻
Quoting babuji : 🙏🏻
“ [...] ..
Pratap Narayan [my Father] was duly betrothed to the daughter of Munshi Ishwari Prasad, a resident of Katra Mohalla in Allahabad. Her name was Sursati, and she was to become my Mother. The name 'Sursati' is clearly derived from 'Saraswati', and when I felt the first stirrings of a desire to be a poet or writer, I derived much self-confidence from the fact that I was the son of the goddess of learning and of art and music.
[And in mentioning music] ..
Professor Khushhalkar, was our music teacher, he was a Maharashtrian and a pupil of Pandit V.D. Pulaskar. His Hindi was of the Bombay variety, but when he taught us devotional songs, his pronunciation of every syllable was crystal-clear; he would make us do voice practice to the harmonium, then teach us bhajans such as Tulsi's Gaiye Ganapati Jagabandara, which I can still sing from memory today. He also showed us how to sing while picking out the notes on the harmonium: he would pump the bellows with one hand while the fingers of the other would run lightly over the keys, his own voice blending with that of the instrument in such a way as to achieve a sublime harmony of the inanimate with the animate: evoking a tingling emotional response. Professor Khushhalkar sowed the seeds of music in me, but regrettably I was never able to grow the plant that should have sprung from them. Still, my slight study of music was helpful in the reciting of poetry, and a little knowledge of tala helped me compose songs in the folk genre. I can also tap out a rhythm on a drum, but that was learnt from my mother and sisters. ” ~
Dr. Harivansh Rai Bachchan's Autobiography: In The Afternoon Of Time .. Chapter: Things to Forget, Things to Remember .. Pages: 56, 112 ..
.. and in time .. hopefully there shall an introduction to the music that this untrained novice who has had no musical training at all .. just been in the company of listening and present to the sounds of music that has remained with me .. and the legacy of Babuji , if nothing else shall prevail .. yet again .. 
In quiet love and affection to the Ef ..
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Amitabh Bachchan
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intolerancecare · 9 months
Today is the effing day that I was first brought to rehab. On my father's birthday!
A letter to the effing social climbing corporate hypocrites:
My sister vomiting. Reminds me of that effing gay guy Arjun. 1st guy who wraps his effing upper limbs around me while drunk just to say "Hindi Pwede" meaning "not allowed". I ask why? I mean why did he say so. I was so tipsy, dizzy. I DID NOT EFFING DO ANYTHING! He pulled me in that effing Rain's room! You want Karma Melojane? You are passing the karma to my family? What did you do? Hold the helm of my train? I drink but I don't flirt! Most criminals aren't drunk! And I won't get drunk with less than one glass. Even If I haven't drunk for years because my college friends were aspiring managers, Executive assistant while others went back home or abroad. I don't have friends in the neighbourhood and my family don't drink. Just the Estella's, my mothers. I don't like their fun. You are James just because you hosted an effing party at your place? We don't do karaoke. Sorry. Once somebody placed but nobody liked.
We'll have someone like your effing husband? No way! Just because my sister is as white as you? You are an effing leech like Arjun. I was at the wrong zone with you. You call me bunso (youngest sister) Monatus? why? To establish your higher disposition. My sister made it to first year med proper. You? I wish that your child will take what you just watched. She'll choose someone like Arjun? And Arjun's Child someone like you? I think I need a priest. I am more deserving for what you have. You want to pass that Karma to my family? They'll get a different one. We're not just talking about money here.
That effing Arjun is like the idiot guard from rehab. Both idiots who molests weak people. Like that Jerry!
F.I look like an effing old astringent lady from the markets. You're true look Melojane.
Heaven, where's retaliation?
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informativehorizon · 10 months
Amitabh Bachchan Gifts Juhu Bungalow Prateeksha To Daughter Shweta
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In a gesture of familial generosity, legendary Bollywood actor Amitabh Bachchan has officially handed over his iconic Juhu-based bungalow, Prateeksha, to his daughter, Shweta Bachchan. The transfer of ownership was formalized through a gift deed signed on November 8, accompanied by a payment of ₹50.65 lakh as stamp duty, according to a report by Money Control.
Prateeksha, nestled within the Vithal Nagar Cooperative Housing Society Ltd, spans across two plots with sizes measuring 890.47 sq m and 674 sq m, with a reported valuation of ₹50 crore, as per India Today. Situated merely a kilometer away from Amitabh Bachchan's residence, Jalsa, the bungalow holds a special place in the actor's heart.
Originally the first home purchased by Amitabh Bachchan, Prateeksha holds sentimental value as it was the residence where he lived with his parents, the renowned poet Harivansh Rai Bachchan and Teji Bachchan. Interestingly, the name 'Prateeksha' was bestowed upon the abode by the eminent poet himself.
During an episode of the 14th season of the quiz reality show 'Kaun Banega Crorepati,' Amitabh Bachchan shared the origin of the house's name, quoting a line from his father's poem that translates to, "This anticipation isn't for everyone but for someone special." Moreover, the bungalow holds significance as it was the venue for the marriage ceremony of Abhishek Bachchan and Aishwarya Rai Bachchan.
Amitabh Bachchan and his daughter Shweta Bachchan share an exceptional bond, evident from Shweta's heartfelt Instagram post on her father's 81st birthday, where she shared joyous pictures of them together, expressing, “Happy 81st Papa. Big shoes (and hugs) no one can ever manage to fill.”
Looking ahead, Amitabh Bachchan is set to grace the silver screen in the much-anticipated film 'Kalki 2898 - AD' alongside Prabhas and Deepika Padukone. Additionally, both Amitabh and Deepika will feature in the Hindi remake of 'The Intern.'
Capturing the essence of the celebratory moments during Amitabh Bachchan's birthday, Shweta Bachchan Nanda shared more pictures, expressing her wish that her father "may always be surrounded by love."
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blogynews · 1 year
"Sussanne Khan's Heartfelt Surprise for Rakesh Roshan's 74th Birthday Will Warm Your Soul | Hindi Movie News"
Veteran actor, director, and producer Rakesh Roshan celebrated his 74th birthday today. Sussanne Khan, the ex-wife of his son and actor Hrithik Roshan, took to Instagram to share a picture and extend her birthday wishes to her former father-in-law. In the caption, Sussanne wrote, “Happy happiest birthday dear papa… god bless you with a wonderful year ahead.” The photo features Sussanne posing…
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