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branmarion · 4 years ago
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Have a lovely day everyone❤ www.branmarion.com #motherhoodrising #baby #baby2021 #babyactivities #fatherhoodfridays #toddlerlunch #baby #toddlerfun #babyabs #motherhoodalive #fatherhoodgoals #fatherhoodisdope #fatherhood101 #fatherhoodislife #toddler #toddlermommy #fatherhood #toddlerfood #toddleractivities #motherhoodintheraw #motherhoodinspired #motherhoodlife #prilaga #fatherhoodisthebesthood #toddlerboy #toddlerfashion #motherhood #motherhoodsimplified #fatherhoodrocks #motherhoodmoments #babyaccessories (at Saint Anne's Park) https://www.instagram.com/p/CNorOPWF7ie/?igshid=18frtow1p2brq
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daycarehero · 6 years ago
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The younger we train them, the more naturally they will feel this list as a part of there lives. #parentingbook #parentingtheshitoutoflife #honestlymothering #mothering #fatherhood101 #toddlers #kidsapproved #threeyearsold #terribletwos #workingmom #sahmlife #daycaremom #austinmoms #lamoms #seattlemoms #manhattankids #kindergarteners #prekmom #preschoolerlife #daycarelife #daycarebabies #parentingjourney #parentingishard #daddingit #earlychildhood #earlyyearslearning #sincechildhood #raisingdaughters #raisingchildren #raisingsons Credit: listed on image. (at San Jose, California) https://www.instagram.com/p/B05H9yFB738/?igshid=1it5mu9u2qdfx
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indianangelluv · 6 years ago
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Happy Fathers Day!! To all the fathers. Letting you know that you are honored not just today but everyday. #mscasheenaparker #father #fatherhood101 #fatherhood (at Dearborn, Michigan) https://www.instagram.com/p/Byx-vQbAvzM/?igshid=19xt305zz7zta
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therealafrikantruth · 8 years ago
#fatherhood101 #babahoodmatter
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gfigusa · 6 years ago
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When junior finds yet another unsuitable you..... . . . . . . . . . This is a playing card from one of our new personalized card games. They make great gifts and you can buy them at www.GoForItGames.com . . . . . . . . . . . . . #stockingstuffer #stockingstuffers #stockingstuffersideas #stockingstufferideas #secretsantagifts #secretsanta🎅 #secretsanta2018 #mom #moms #familylife #motherhood #motherhoodunplugged #motherhoodmoments #motherhoodunfiltered #fatherhoodunplugged #fatherhoodrocks #fatherhood101 #momlife #momliferocks #momlifebelike #momlifeisthebestlife #momlife💕 #momlifebestlife #momlife❤️ #momlife101 #momliferules #momlife😍 #momblogger #mombloggers #momlifeblogger https://www.instagram.com/p/BpxQCD6h8iG/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=11sf36bx0c4so
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luckysouljah-blog · 6 years ago
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I love my boy !! #fatherhood #dadlife #family #love #dad #father #fatherhoodislit #fatherandson #fatherhoodlooksgoodonyou #fathersmatter #proudfather #parenting #prouddad #fatherhoodrocks #fatherdaughter #betterdads #iamdad #daddybuilders #everydayisfathersday #dadisntanoun #fatherhoodislife #swaggerdad #daywithdaddy #fatherhoodrising #parenthood #fatherhoodunplugged #fatherhoodmatters #fatheranddaughter #fatherhoodchallenge #fatherhood101 https://www.instagram.com/p/BvfrzzYDsVY/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=mcsvyylyj362
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jacob5157mia2007 · 4 years ago
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Best Part of my day #fatherhood #fatherhoodrocks #FatherhoodIsLit #fatherhoodunplugged #fatherhoodchallenge #fatherhoodrising #fatherhoodphotography #fatherhoodwithoutfear #Fatherhoodmatters #fatherhoodmoments #FatherHoodOverEverything #fatherhoodproject #fatherhoodfriday #fatherhoodcrisis #fatherhoodmelbourne #FatherhoodPractice #FatherHoodRich #fatherhoodisgreat #FatherhoodRules #fatherhoodspeakers #fatherhoodspeaks #fatherhoodthroughinstagram #Fatherhood101 (at Miami, Florida) https://www.instagram.com/p/CImKi1qrABJ/?igshid=v4oav9acah2o
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melissakoren · 6 years ago
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My dad has always been my hero.⁣ ⁣⁣ ⁣Here I am in 1980 stealing his sunglasses and using him as a couch.⁣ ⁣⁣ ⁣I’m a hardcore daddy’s little girl.⁣ ⁣⁣ ⁣The lessons he has taught me are immeasurable, but the greatest is how to love with patience and kindness.⁣ ⁣⁣ ⁣The value of unconditional love.⁣ ⁣⁣ ⁣That family has nothing to do with sharing DNA.⁣ ⁣⁣ ⁣He set the bar as to how to live a life filled with goodness.⁣ ⁣⁣ ⁣Thank you, daddy. Happy Father’s Day.⁣ ⁣•⁣ ⁣•⁣ ⁣•⁣ ⁣•⁣ ⁣•⁣ ⁣#fatheranddaughtertime #dads #fatherhood101 #mydaddy #familytime😍 #dadlifestyle #daughterslove #youngfathers #beautifulchildren #daddysgirl💕 #proudfathers #parenthoodmoments #fathersday #fatherdaughter #massachusetts #nh #melissakorenphotography #happyfathersday #happyfathersday2019 #thathat #cowboyhat #myfathermyhero #daddyslittlegirl #daddyslittlegirlforever #iloveyoudaddy #beagooddad⁣ ⁣⁣ ⁣ — view on Instagram http://bit.ly/2IKSup6
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daycarehero · 6 years ago
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Are you someone's favorite chair? 😃 Credit: @momisdrawing . . . . . . . . . . #momsheart #mybabies #momsjobisneverdone #dailymom #lovingchild #parentingbook #parentinglife #childlearning #childrensinterests #childrenlearning #momswhorock #dadsknowbest #fatherhood101 #motherhoodunpluged #motherhoodsimplified #childcaretips #childcarelife #workingmom #careerwoman #worklifebalanced #familylife #stressreliever #daycarekids #lamoms #lakids #seattlemoms #raleighmoms #bronxmoms #atxmoms (at San Jose, California) https://www.instagram.com/p/ByLSL0KhFZb/?igshid=eya5i0mwd3ez
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indianangelluv · 6 years ago
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You are the rock The foundation of the generations to come The voice of reason Understanding and the abilities hidden beneath the surface Yet they devalue you Partly honor you While in the same breath requiring more More than just your towering image Your provision And your guidance Requiring the very thing that they hate you for Bashing your strength While calling out your cowardly flaws Tainting the image in the eyes of the children That you would willingly lay your life down for While continuously painting the image of all things tragic Your voice The power of your purpose Rests in the children who never got to know you Longed for the image they will never see While walking through life aimlessly Lost within themselves Attempting to find the truth of what you are What you represent What you have always been Has been changed by a society that would rather see you broken Instead of the towering token Of a man that carries many names Of leadership through brokenness The perseverance after persecution The vision of your image Standing strong for the many children Who need you Love you And honor you Those searching for your voice As they walk down their path As they grow up to be women and men Mothers and fathers Who go through life honoring their fathers ~ Honor thy father~ #mscasheenaparker #thewritersbible #poem #fatherday #fathers #fatherhood #fatherhoodfraternity #fatherhood101 #fatherhoodisdope #dad #dads #honorthyfather #parents #parenting #daddieslove (at Westland, Michigan) https://www.instagram.com/p/Byx9qKXA9ZH/?igshid=bvm4vw36odh2
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therealafrikantruth · 8 years ago
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She said she wanna become a doctor... So I put doctor suit on her.. #babahoodmatter #fatherhood101
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luckysouljah-blog · 6 years ago
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#Luckysouljah #fatherhood #dadlife #family #love #dad #father #fatherhoodislit #fatherandson #fatherhoodlooksgoodonyou #fathersmatter #proudfather #parenting #prouddad #fatherhoodrocks #fatherdaughter #betterdads #iamdad #daddybuilders #everydayisfathersday #dadisntanoun #fatherhoodislife #swaggerdad #daywithdaddy #fatherhoodrising #parenthood #fatherhoodunplugged #fatherhoodmatters #fatheranddaughter #fatherhoodchallenge #fatherhood101 (at Berkeley Marina) https://www.instagram.com/p/BvfigujjSZg/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=2t1x5zeczoop
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tanqueraylocc · 9 years ago
Found this precious moment on a backup drive.. My daughter in 06, a day before her birthday! #fatherhood101
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indianangelluv · 6 years ago
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Celebrate the fathers in your life, honor them today and everyday. #mscasheenaparker #dollhousemom #father #fathersday #fathers #fatherhood #fatherhood101 (at Dearborn, Michigan) https://www.instagram.com/p/Byx3ucOBV99/?igshid=1b6g0c5oytd4p
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therealafrikantruth · 8 years ago
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