#fat yikes
dude Ronno is a fucking UNDERAGE DEER. get therapy.
Oh lord! My first ever anon hate? It’s only been two days! My aren’t I the lucky one.
Though tell me you didn’t read my rules without telling me you didn’t read my rules. That’s all I’m gonna say.
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Like.... y'all wrote a whole damn "article" just to tear apart some actor whose probably more successful and rich than you'll ever be... it's just...sad. and obviously this kind of shit is total garbage and annoying and blah, blah,blah... but I couldn't help but cry laughing at just how delusional and insane this kind of behavior is. LIKE, I'M CACKLING.
Look, whether you ship any of the characters or not, (and whether I do or not)... I would never spend so much time and ENERGY, harassing and going out of my way to shame an actor/actress "for getting in the way" of said ship.
It's truly the greatest display of loserdom I've seen in awhile...
(and sidenote, are we talking about the same Cas because....????)
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estellaestella · 3 months
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Loving the way everyone fell for Nicola Coughlan after so many celebs have had buccal fat removal surgery. She's 37 and plays a teenager 😁😍
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omgnoabsolutelynot · 1 month
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Fat Liberation Month day 4 - "Goth"
There should be more goth dudes.
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butwhatifidothis · 1 month
You don't want a certain fic to be influential in the fandom because of what you perceive as racist and sexist undertones and that's all well and good, so does that mean you'll start sporking The Savior King, The Master Tactician and the Queen of Liberation soon? That fic has been criticized for pushing a white savior complex, a careless use of languages for cultures that don't fit them (Almyrans speak Japanese), consistently portraying Byleth as a hysterical woman who can't handle things without her boyfriends saving her from herself, and colonialist vibes of the Nabateans (a pair of Nabatean siblings are implied to be the background of the Almyran religion, which is just the white supremacist Ancient Aliens conspiracy theory but with dragons instead of aliens).
The Savior King isn't influential at all. No one is declaring it as good as or better than canon, the author never says she's trying to keep to canon or that her work is *~meta~*, and I haven't heard of any of the shit you listed ever existing despite me being in dimiclaude circles and once being in claudeleth circles.
People right now this second are saying Byleth isn't part Nabatean despite the game literally actually factually directly saying they have a straight up blood connection to Sothis comparable to Rhea's and despite Sitri literally being made through Sothis' actual literal physical heart. Take a guess as to who else said that and has been saying it for years in his fic (and thus his meta since he treats his fic as meta). Teacher Theory, Faerghus Toxic Masculinity and Faerghus as a whole needing to be uprooted and destroyed completely, the entire Edelgrid ship as a concept, CF being about fighting fate, all that shit and more is in a shit ton of places in 3H fandom and they either start from Cap'n or were popularized by him.
Popular =/= influential.
Hope that helps <3
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cicadagaze · 9 days
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been thinking about whiskerclan again.... so i drew trixiestar and sushidapple <3
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So like when are we gonna grow up and learn to tell the audience that a character is rich and greedy without relying on fatphobia or antisemitic stereotypes?
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silverlulus · 5 days
Reminder that the hijacked zine is still up on tumblr, I do not know if it's still operating, they removed a fair amount of posts and are possibly trying to salvage the train wreck they caused.
If needs be in the coming months, I will look into trying to report this hjack and theft and more so after I stated that I wanted this whole cesspool that the ex mods created shut down.
If they created a new zine from scratch all together then this would not be a issue, but by keeping the whole thing still going despite a name change, I will keep treating this as theft and hold the rat and other ex mods accountable for causing the downfall and following the rat who used someone's passing as a excuse for their petty behaviour and ousted me as founder because the rat clearly lied a fair amount after I had tried to shut down this whole bomb site that was once a zine.
If the ex admins continue to refuse to be mature and act like a adult in this the yes, while it pains me to call out something I created, I will continue to fight to end the life support it's on, because this is wrong on many levels to keep something so sick going.
No one should have to put up with folks like that, there should be no place in fandom spaces for toxic people like that, and should not be allowed anything due to trashing and destroying what was supposed to be a love letter for the fandom.
I will not tolerate being backstabbed on this level nor seeing someone use someone's death as a meat shield for clout.
There is nothing to salvage from this nor anything to gain, accept that and go be snotty children elsewhere where no one can see or hear you.
Because I have no pity for them anymore, they made their bed, they can stay in it as far as I'm concerned.
You chose to fck around and this is the result of doing that, I may suffer with mental health issues, but I sure as hell ain't going to put up this circus now.
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ca-d · 2 months
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night 1 of blink 👽
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slamtarotime · 2 months
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Forgive me... Zanzibart... I was too weak-willed to slay them after all.
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winters-chiid · 1 year
Other than Konstrakta (Serbia) last year i genuinely don't remember a balkan country being highly rated ever ever, even if we become one of the fan favorites they (the EBU) would never allow us to become winners and host the ESC in any of the southeastern European countries
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jtavington · 1 year
So I started watching IBO and why oh why can't I have a series with the grit and political focus of this show that treats women, the disabled, and fat people like WFM.
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theinconveniencing · 8 months
omg i was gonna make a post about how i heard bf make a fat joke while him and stash suitemate are watching tv and i was like yikes oh my fucking god bc sarah suitemete just didn't say anything in response. and like ten minutes later here we are they're fighting about it. bc like. why would you make a fat joke when your girlfriend is insecure about her wight OH MY GOD SHE JUST HIT HIM WITH "would you say that to your mom? why would you say that to anybody" get his ass honestly.
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mutodaes · 10 months
I like being transparent so I figured I should mention: Facial tattoos are a very important amongst some of the cultures featured in Hematemesis, especially with Al'gellhi characters and water-based species. Each tattoo holds meaning, much like multiple real life cultures.
That said, I want to admit that I started this project when I was very uninformed (early High School) and I copied what I thought was "cool" from pretty biased media. Silvena (first image shown) reflected this, as his facial tattoos were pulled from very bad rip-offs of native american culture. I'm going to give my due diligence and remove his tattoos for the time being (along with editing any posts that contain them).
In the future I plan to be more careful with my portrayals because I want my art to welcome everyone, and I can't really do that if I steal from cultures with no accountability.
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purplejan · 2 years
i've seen a ton of comments saying luxx's nose looks bad/weird and asking why doesn't she contour it to look thinner,,, the second hand embarrasment i get from people saying that??
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self-made-cages · 1 year
I slept ok and woke up feeling much better, except now dwelling in the shock/embarrassment of full-on disassociating at dinner and disassembling/absolutely shredding a hamburger with my fingers before sort of then eating the patty like potato chips. My grand boss was like “so, um, do you have any other weird food habits we should know about?” 🫥🫥🫥
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