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Paul Cummings and I re-watched the Sean Penn comedy classic "Fast Times at Ridgemont High" for Glass House Reviews and we have many thoughts. Have you seen the movie?
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#happybirthday #nicolascage #actor #producer #FastTimesatRidgemontHigh #ValleyGirl #RumbleFish #TheCottonClub #PeggySueGotMarried #Moonstruck #RaisingArizona #GhostRider #KickAss #IntotheSpiderVerse #SpiderNoir #Pig #TheUnbearableWeightofMassiveTalent #Renfield #Longlegs
#happybirthday#nicolas cage#actor#producer#fast times at ridgemont high#valley girl#rumble fish#thecottonclub#peggysuegotmarried#moonstruck#raising arizona#ghost rider#kick ass#into the spider verse#spider noir#pig#the unbearable weight of massive talent#renfield#longlegs
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Hit 80s Movies from Universal Pictures
#retroclixs #nostalgia #classic #childhoodmemories #80s #movies #et #bluesbrothers #fasttimesatridgemonthigh #scarface #breakfastclub #outofafrica #dotherightthing
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Considering that this movie was about teens in the early Eighties, it’s weird that most of the soundtrack is by aging Seventies holdovers. Four different solo tracks from the Eagles alone—that’s equal to all the tracks here from 80s new wave acts combined. And the weirdest thing? The one song that most people associate with this movie now—The Cars’ “Moving In Stereo” from THAT scene—isn’t even on the soundtrack. No wonder it wound up as a cut-out in the remainder bin. Great cover though.
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Mike Damone’s 5 Point Plan #those80smemes #justasmalltownmeme #80s #ilovethe80s #80spopculture #mashup #80smashup #1980s #80stv #motu #80son8 #mastersoftheuniverse #filmation #beastman #popcultureart #popcultureartist #mashup #heman #mikedamone #mikedamones5pointplan #fasttimesatridgemonthigh #evillynn #80scartoons #80smovies #80sthrowback #fivepointplan #skeletor #damone https://www.instagram.com/p/CRiLtY7FQLm/?utm_medium=tumblr
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Awesome! Totally Awesome! Another hero on a trading card. #jeffspicoli #fasttimesatridgemonthigh #spicoli #fasttimes #vans #vansoldskool #checkerboardvans #slipons #80s #80smovies #seanpenn #surfing #surfer #retro #throwback #oldschool #classic #tradingcards #1982 #AmyHeckerling #cameroncrowe #learnitliveitloveit #awesome #totallyawesome #phoebecates #judgereinhold #california #movies #80scomedy #movieart https://www.instagram.com/p/CRcdDIOs1r8/?utm_medium=tumblr
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Jennifer Jason Leigh by Ellen von Unwerth for Interview magazine in 1996. #jenniferjasonleigh #ellenvonunwerth #interviewmagazine #singlewhitefemale #existenz #thehatefuleight #thewomaninthewindow #fasttimesatridgemonthigh https://www.instagram.com/p/CPN5k0lFE5J/?utm_medium=tumblr
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Movie trailer for the 1982 movie, FAST TIMES AT RIDGEMONT HIGH.
Classic 80's Americana.
MOVIE SYNOPSIS: A group of Southern California high school students are enjoying their most important subjects: sex, drugs, and rock n' roll.
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Happy birthday to the late great Vincent Schiavelli! Vincent passed away in 2005. He would’ve turned 72 today. Vincent left us a legacy of truly memorable performances on screen. It wasn’t just his unique appearance that stood out. He was a terrific actor as well, delivering great performances in movies like Fast Times At Ridgemont High, One Flew Over The Cuckoo’s Nest, & Ghost! What’s your favorite VS movie/role? ❤️📼❤️ • •• ••• #vincentschiavelli #actor #birthday #movie #vhs #vcr #videostore #twodollarlatefee #podcast #80spodcast #70s #80s #90s #ghost #fasttimesatridgemonthigh #batman #betteroffdead #oneflewoverthecuckoosnest #buckaroobanzai https://www.instagram.com/p/CHdFzFoF4hZ/?igshid=p0l10t6z1ls4
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Mr. Hand: "Just what do you think you're doing, Mr. Spicoli?" Spicoli: "Learnin' about Cuba and havin' some food." #fasttimesatridgemonthigh #jeffspicoli #80s #funko #funkopop #originalfunko #tfp_spotlight #f5p_shoutout #fhd_random #womenintoyphotography #sistersinplastic #BestOfTheUSA_Toys #instafunko #funkoshots #toys #toyphotography #funkofamily #toyartistry #funkolike https://www.instagram.com/p/CKHYsYSszJ0/?igshid=86pfiufxxe63
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#remembering #raywalston #actor #boothby #starfleetacademy #startrek #thenextgeneration #voyager #myfavoritemartian #popeye #SouthPacific #DamnYankees #TheApartment #KissMeStupid #PaintYourWagon #thesting #FastTimesatRidgemontHigh #touchedbyanangel #picketpences #startrek58
#remembering#ray walston#actor#boothby#starfleet academy#startrek#the next generation#voyager#my favorite martian#popeye#south pacific#damn yankees#the apartment#kissmestupid#paint your wagon#the sting#fastimesatridgemonthigh#touched by an angel#picketpences
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Know Your 80s!
28 Totally Awesome Comedy Movies from the 1980s!
1. Ghostbusters

2. The Blues Brothers

3. Three Amigos

4. Coming To America

5. National Lampoon’s Vacation

6. Funny Farm

7. License To Drive

8. Fast Times at Ridgemont High

9. Better Off Dead

10. Revenge of The Nerds

11. Dirty Rotten Scoundrels

12. Weird Science

13. This is Spinal Tap

14. Used Cars

15. Beetlejuice

16. Planes, Trains, and Automobiles

17. Weekend at Bernie’s

18. The ‘Burbs

19. Caddyshack

20. Trading Places

21. Raising Arizona

22. The Naked Gun

23. Spaceballs

24. Police Academy

25. The Great Outdoors

26. Stripes

27. Uncle Buck

28. Ferris Bueller’s Day Off
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Spicoli #pixelart #fasttimesatridgemonthigh #spicoli (at San Diego, California) https://www.instagram.com/p/CDNVBioDBRE/?igshid=8id82xs9y8ih
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