#fast pounding
ceruleanbeats · 1 year
Heyy new to tumblr, but thought I’d start out with a fun audio. I plan on getting some better equipment soon for more fun content. Suggestions always welcome. Anyway this file starts out with some poppers and a wall sit. I change positions and do some breath-holds. Hope you enjoy and I can’t wait to post more 💕
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joelwindows7 · 2 years
@cardiomason shadow banned? Or they chose deactivated themselves?
Pls find last reblogs!
Edit, she / they back! See here
Next time bring Odysee with you okay? Ban bots are still buggy and spam bots are way smarter exploiting every patches.
Well it's possible that it wasn't spam ban. Chances are, a bunch of butholes convinced the AI moderator (mass flagging) that "you are not worthy of existence". Stuff like that.
Okay perhaps... they deactivate themselves, because.. oh pls..
I have posted this post URL to my website, here.
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emacrow · 5 months
The Watchtower found a enormous floating crystallized casket in space. Part 2.
The one idiot to accidentally open the casket was Francis whom just came to work and decided not to check the do not get near tape wrapped around the casket by Constantine who was too busy at the moment to explain why they shouldn't open it.
He wa so getting fired when one of the corpses slowly rose and stretched slowly, cracking a couple joints. It was the middle corpse that was a young boy, who rubbed his close eyes and opened them to reveal glowing lararus green eyes that was enrapturing Francis deeper and deeper as the light kept him staring deeper and deeper until...
Which seem like it was a mere 5 minutes, but unfortunately for Francis to unholy scream as his eyes, nose and ears literally bleed, his mind ruptured beyond belief as he saw the very end of what becomes of the living when they become dead.
Which alerted the justice league immediately to the laboratory section of the watchtower.
Only them to see Francis passed out on the floor, bleeding slowly from his face, and a corpse missing from the casket where the other two remains.
Batman immediately got everyone of on a man-corpse hunt around the watchtower base for 3 hours straight..
Only for Flash to speak through the comms..
"I found him. He in the kitchen." Flash spoke as he watch in slight horror and amazement as he watches this kid eating a enormous amount of unique combination of food mashed together like an unholy yet fascinating dish.
The kid looked much more ravenous then a man dying for thirst in the Gobi desert when flash found him first, literally raiding the fridge, eating every leftover and frozen food items as he almost got flash hand as well if it weren't for his extra fast reflex before getting an idea to distract the once corpse being with a large enough meal to keep him occupied.
Meanwhile danny only took a nice long vacation nap in his casket for a lil 10 days as a break from king work... which would've been about 100 years in another dimension before he gotten a not so good awakening and his dormant caveman reptilian brain went straight to hunt food instinct until his main consciousness wake up later.
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heartvideos20 · 3 months
Love how pronounced the pumping of her heart is.
Source: YouTube, yun77342800
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heartbkisses · 3 months
The pounding after doing a little squats 😍
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hgirl7768 · 3 months
Having some fun tonight 🫀✨
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hearthunter89 · 2 months
heartbeat video from different angles ;-)
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myraaqx · 9 months
My 200bpm heartbeat 💓
After 3,5 glass of wine, I did 35 seconds of intense squats. Somewhere in the middle of the file it is racing around 200bpm
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joelwindows7 · 1 year
Hmmm what's this?
Hmm interesting. We were told another cardiophilia content, yooo!!! Okay. And this again, supposedly be shared coz guess what? Many of them forgot to SEO for cardiophilia people, like me yeah!
Just so let you know, Jeffrey. What you did turns on all of us heartbeat lover. Didn't see that coming, and we like it!
Thancc.. hold on... @brightenight , for the URL, yess. Cool and good.
Oh, that was a concept video. He was working on Skylanders fan movie some sort.
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bbxoxalli · 4 months
random sketches J4F
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heartvideos20 · 3 months
Absolutely in love with the way she describes the beating of her own heart.
Source: YouTube, Moon Blitz ASMR
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heartbinary · 4 months
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Finally the reveal! What do you think? I also did a lil animation (I used one of my own heart sounds)
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heartbeat-eras · 4 months
And She Keeps Getting Faster...
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So I recorded this one a few weeks ago but haven't felt very connected to my little lady recently. Finally drew the motivation to edit this gem. I thought we hit 197,beating the last record by 1.. but a look back over the Pulseoid (which I sometimes will stream her rate to a couple of people) shows she's maxed out at 198.
198!! that's 3.3 beats a second! 3 1/3 strong contractions pushing blood to the rest of my body where needed from the sprint she just endured.
Listen to her strong pounding and my lungs gasping for precious oxygen as they work in tandem to deal with the stress I have given them and listen to when they both come together and recover beautifully.
I tried just after this to get her to go over 200 but she was too tired and didn't make it past the 180's. When I get to editing that I will post it too.
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hgirl7768 · 4 months
Some caffeinated beats ✨
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hearthunter89 · 2 months
It's night and it's still terribly hot outside. My heart beats like a hammer inside my sweat covered chest after intense workout. He resonates throughout my whole body. It will be hard to fall asleep tonight.
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myraaqx · 11 months
My fast heartbeat, skipping some beats!❤️🩺
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