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nocternalrandomness · 1 year ago
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"Spirit of Freedom Under Tow"
The "Spirit of Freedom" is a flying exhibit commemorating the great Berlin Airlift of 1948-49. A genuine USAF Veteran of the Airlift (61st TCS Rhein Main), 317th TCS (Celle), (513th TCS Rhein Main), (313th TCS Fassberg) the "Spirit" itself is an important artifact from the airlift. Filled with Artifacts, photographs, and other Airlift related items, the "Spirit's" role is to travel the world educating people on this subject.
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ablinde · 7 years ago
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Gestern Abend war #Burgertime und was das bedeutet, sieht man auf diesem Foto. Am liebsten serviere ich einfach alle Zutaten und kümmere mich dann im Anschluss nur noch um das #Fleisch. So kann sich jeder Gast seinen persönlichen #Burger kreieren. -------------------------------------------- #summer #gutesessen #bbq #hamburger #fassberg #juli2018 #beefpatty #delicious #foodporn
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babkaioshka · 7 years ago
Impossible sunset
Impossible sunset by Colin R Leech
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usafphantom2 · 3 years ago
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Etienne du Plessis Following
Hawker Tempest II, Aug. 1945.
This Tempest belonging to 16 Sqn. saw service at Fassberg, Germany as part of the occupation forces after the end of hostilities.
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airmanisr · 5 years ago
Lockheed F-104G Starfighter Luftwaffe by fsll2 Via Flickr: Lockheed F-104G Luftwaffe JaBo34 shown in Penzing, Bavaria in September 1987 at the Air Show organized to commemorate the 30th anniversary of the local Luftwaffe Transport Wing LTG61 Full aircraft history from the site: www.916-starfighter.de construction number 683D-7175, model 683-10-19, built by Messerschmitt manufactured by South Group (ARGE-Süd); assembly start at Messerschmitt-Manching May 25, 1964 assembly in Fighter-Bomber version according contract lot 6; first flight July 30, 1964 coded KE+475 project "Diana" in Fighter-Bomber version (for JaboG 34) with installed Vulcan M61 20 mm machine gun camouflage scheme "Norm 62" according tech order TA-196; acceptance date October 27, 1964 by BABwMTT DD+127 JaboG 34 delivery date on January 11, 1965 22+92 Lizard camouflage scheme "Norm 83" on January 13, 1983; Techn Grp 11 "F-104 Kommando" on August 20, 1987 withdrawn from use and stored at LwSchleuse 11 on April 20, 1988 with 3.604 flight hours; struck off charge order January 13, 1989 BDRT reserve airframe at Fassberg AB on September 6, 1989 until 1994; last time seen at Fassberg on November 23, 1994 May 23, 1997 BDRT instructional airframe at Eggebek AB in Navy camouflage scheme; May 23, 1997 last noted display on pole at HQ building of MFlgFltl (Flottille der Marineflieger) at Kiel-Holtenau with fake serial "26+72" 20+92 was offered for sale (scrapping purpose) at the German federal VEBEG, but later it was withdrawn from sale and put in storage at Kiel-Holtenau with fake serial "26+72" stored on flightline of the heliport MFG5 at Kiel-Holtenau 2006, April 2008 last noted transported to Nordholz in September 2009, stored in the main hangar at the Naval AB; stored Nordholz AB outside September 2011 last noted
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rosesandtheuniverse · 6 years ago
... is the 70th anniversary of the air bridge. Pilots and the crews flew essential things to Berlin.. One of their air bases was in Fassberg, Niedersachsen, in Germany.
It's amazing to know that because I was born there, more or less.
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We should remember what those heroes did for those who needed help.
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musicalcuriosity · 7 years ago
Ok! The Newsboys Lodging House at 9 Duane Street! 
One of the odd things I will note is that Superintendent Heig and his wife are listed as “lodgers”-- there is nobody listed as head of the household. Also, he was born in Austria, fun fact. Occupations for both him and his wife are “teacher”. 
Heig and his wife had 5 kids, but I don’t see any of them listed. 
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There are about 87 people in the lodging house (Heig and his wife Augusta, 3 servants, an older gentlemen named John Askin who is an engineer and listed as lodger, and the other 81 are the boys). The oldest is 20, and the youngest is 12. 
There is a plethora of jobs listed for these boys. Various printers and machinists. Boys working in trades like barrel making and shoe making. A few older boys are drivers. 
The newsboys listed are:
Louis Radin, 12
John Higgins, 16
Herry Neddleton, 15 
Wm (probably William) McInroy, 11
Benjamin Kossef, 17 (born in Russia)
Charles White, 17
Louis Fassberg, 15
Francis Germay, 18 (born in Ireland)
Jacob Chas, 17
Walter Mitnick, 15
Abe Groginskey, 18
Chas Bloomfield, 14
Most boys were born in New York, but I also note: Ohio, Pennsylvania, Connecticut, Maine, Austria, France, Russia, Virginia, Georgia, West Virginia, Germany, Ireland, England, Massachusetts, New Jersey, Missouri, and Iowa  (many of the parents were from Ireland, England, Germany, Russia, & Italy). 
I didn’t find any people of color at the Brooklyn lodging houses, but 5 at this one. They are:
Robert Anderson, 16, (can’t make out his job)
Leroy Oliver, 18, machinist
Wm (again, William) Campbell, 18, Factory Boy
William Howe, 17, messenger
Chas Jackson, 18, waiter
The lodging house took up about 2 pages (1 full page and about 3/4 of a second page), so i’ll just add the images below!
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satsangat · 4 years ago
Monday, September 7, 2020 – Astrotransits
After the trine to Uranus during the Pisces Full Moon, and as the Sun continues his travel in the sky, now the Moon makes her trine to the King of the Solar System, and he prepares to trine Jupiter in turn, forming a lose Grand Earth Trine. Infused with a dose of rebellion and other of surprise, the core of your spirit is ready to expand in vision and meaning. After being touched by the peculiar influence of Uranus, the Moon contributes to the easy flow of energy with an emotional curiosity and some non-conformist reactions, that help us get out of the rut. Generally speaking, September feels like a respite, or more accurately, the quiet before the storm. Mars is almost stationary, barely moving in the sky (from our Earth perception), getting ready to turn back. This makes his symbolism ever stronger. Plus considering the bump against Saturn, the Arian fiery impulsivity may charge straight ahead before even thinking what is doing. The background circumstances are such that this ‘ram’ (Mars in Aries) may probably break its horns against the wall (Saturn in Capricorn) rather than giving up, and for a good reason.
Mars will square Saturn within a 3º orb for a long time, even though the exact aspect will perfect September 29. That same day, Pluto is sitting on the degree of his January 12 conjunction with Saturn, and Saturn got to the exact degree of 25º Capricorn when he turns direct. These three factors make that day an explosive one when we may see great outburst of violence and cruelty that will aggravate circumstances well into the end of the year. From October to probably the end of February, things will get pretty messy. Possibilities are, the pandemic may become out of control, we may be back in lockdown, people may openly rebel and actively oppose to everything. Make sure you have a safe place to shelter, that you have enough food, water and medicine, in case you’re not able to come out of the house. If that is not enough, Mercury will be retrograde between October 14 and November 3, and square Saturn on November 4. This makes for problems/blocks with information, communications, transportation and making your voice heard. You may experience trouble with internet, with malfunctioning technological devices, the postal service, and all issues associated with Mercury.
You’d wish your bed would be high enough so you can hide under 😅. You know I love peace, and am against all kinds of violence. Therefore, my advice is to observe things in perspective. Does division/polarization actually help solve problems, or rather worsens them? There is a need to find a solution that benefits ALL, not just one country, one faction, one group, one sector of society. After all, wherever they are, human beings have all the same needs, no matter, their shape, size or color. So, before I go on and on, I just want to say that I still believe human beings are an intelligent species and have the ability to succeed at making sound decisions. I still believe that love and peace prevail in the end. So be it! I am the Cosmos, you are the Cosmos. #mercury_retrograde, #mars_station, #mars_square_saturn, Osani game, the game of love: 'I am because we are'. 
picture credit Susan Fassberg -Connecting the dotz
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rs13-elephants-racing · 5 years ago
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gefahren wird bei jedem Wetter.... (hier: Fliegerhorst Fassberg) https://www.instagram.com/p/CDZm1X_K2di/?igshid=56y9encu2xwf
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doomsdaywriter · 5 years ago
Since I’m a bit behind in my writing, I figured I’d share a few more pictures that are relevant to the theme:
It probably goes without saying that the National Museum of the United States Air Force has an exhibit on the Berlin Airlift.  This diagram shows how the planes managed their deliveries.
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From the National Museum of the United States Air Force’s exhibit on the Berlin Airlift: an illustration of how they kept the planes flying.
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Technical Sergeant John H. “Jake” Schuffert was an aircraft radio operator during the Berlin Airlift as well as a cartoonist for the Airlift Times, a newspaper published for Airlift Personnel.
Above: examples of “Jake’s” comics for the Airlift Times; in the last comic, Celle and Fassberg were air bases used during the Airlift.
If you’d like to learn more,  you can visit the National Museum of the United States Air Force Exhibit: Berlin: City Held Hostage (online exhibit)
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I took a trip today to the Mounds Cold War Discovery Center, in Miamisburg, Ohio.
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And here’s its namesake: the Miamisburg Mound, the largest conical burial mound in Ohio. It was built by members of the Adena Culture, roughly between 1000 and 200 BCE
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Picture of the back of the Miamisburg Mound, showing the steps you can use to climb to the top; the Mounds Cold War Discovery Center is behind the Mound and across the street from it. 
Inside the discovery center, you can learn about the work that went on at Mound Laboratory from 1948-2003. Mound Laboratory was the first post-Manhattan Project site built by the Atomic Energy Commission. The site was intended to continue the Manhattan Project era work done in the Dayton area, including the polonium research done at the Runnymede Playhouse (which, unfortunately, was torn down decades ago and has since been converted into lots for private houses).  The work done at Mound Laboratory aided the US nuclear weapons program and the space race as well as research efforts into nuclear energy.
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Radithor water bottle from the 1920s.  It was snake-oil medical quackery. 
Another exhibit discussed the uses of radioactive materials in other products, such as the patent medicine above.
  Nuke Opera 2020: Pictures of History, Part Two Since I'm a bit behind in my writing, I figured I'd share a few more pictures that are relevant to the theme:
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ruhrtriennale-blog · 5 years ago
Dieses Wochenende im Third Space
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FREITAG, 20. September CABIN CREW NIGHT / Performance 21:30 Uhr mit: Meine Wunschdomain, You Are sowie Alexander Rütten und Jana Kerima Stolzer
Drei verschiedene Performances zeitgleich und nebeneinander drei Stunden lang – in der CABIN CREW NIGHT zeigen Künstler*innen aus Nordrhein-Westfalen ihre Arbeiten in den Kabinen des Third Space.
SAMSTAG, 21. September DIALOG AM SCHNEIDEBRETT / „Dinner-Party“ 20:00 Uhr mit: Nachwuchskünstler*innen der Jungen Triennale Mit Ohne Alles – das Nachwuchskünstler*innenkollektiv der Jungen Triennale – hat sich über ein Jahr lang mit dem Themenkomplex Macht auseinandergesetzt und berichtet im Dialog am Schneidebrett beim gemeinsamen Kochen über ihren Prozess. Wie lassen sich Machtstrukturen erfassen, untergraben, neu denken?
SONNTAG, 22. September NEW SPACE: Expedition Silberplanet / Sonntagslabor für Jung & Alt 15:00 Uhr mit: Antje Hemmer
Ein Raumschiff auf Expedition zum Planet Silber: Was wird die Astronaut*innen dort erwarten? Wie sehen die dortigen Lebensformen aus? Bei diesem Aktionskunst-Workshop ist Fantasie gefragt, denn viele Materialien warten, um Planet Silber erlebbar zu machen und die verborgenen Geheimnisse unseres Weltalls zu ergründen.
SONNTAG, 22. September WRITERS ROOM: Überbrückbare Differenzen? / Lesung 20.00 Uhr mit: Liat Fassberg, Arthur Romanowski, Tanja Šljivar, Marcus Peter Tesch
Vier Personen, vier Kontexte, ein Text. Wie hängen eine komplexe Realität und Autor*innenschaft zusammen, wie können verschiedene Perspektiven in einem Text verhandelt werden? Im WRITERS ROOM kommen vier Theaterautor*innen für ein Experiment zusammen: Miteinander entwickeln sie einen gemeinsamen Text, halten womöglich unüberbrückbare Differenzen aus und nutzen diese als Potenzial für einen künstlerischen Prozess.
 *Der Eintritt zu allen Veranstaltungen im Third Space ist kostenfrei.
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uss-edsall · 8 years ago
On April 1, one of West Berlin’s newspapers carried a banner headline announcing that the Airlift would no longer be needed, since the Americans had completed digging a tunnel between western Germany and the besieged city. It was a prank, but the faith that Americans could accomplish just about anything had taken hold. The Airlift was working without the pilots seeming to strain themselves. By the first week of the month, as spring broke through and the weather warmed after a long winter, they were playing touch football at the Celle Air Base while waiting for their planes to load. To Tunner, it was a problem, a sign the operation was going so smoothly that the pilots thought “they could rest on their laurels.” While getting a massage from a 200-pound German woman in the basement of the Schwarzer Bock Hotel, Tunner developed a solution. Tunner announced his plan to his top officers: over Easter weekend, the Airlift would make a one day all out effort to set a new record of 20 million pounds ferried in one day. Tunner would call it the “Easter Parade.” The idea was kept a secret until, at noon Friday, April 15, each base’s quotas were unveiled. The pilots let out gasps when they saw the goals. Over the next twenty-four hours, everyone on the Airlift worked with a single, common purpose; pilots, air traffic controllers, and mechanics all stayed up through the night. Even cooks were put to work loading coal. “It’s tons for Tunner” was the slogan of the men on the flight line. Every plane that could fly did fly. One pilot took off without an oil pressure reading. Another made four round trips with their cabin filled with billowing smoke from a busted hydraulic system. Tunner raced around Germany to personally oversee every part of the effort. He approached one pilot about to take off from Tempelhof and asked for a ride. With his flight jacket hiding his insignia, the General was not recognize by the pilot. “You’ll have to shake your tail and get aboard. We’re in a hurry,” he was told. Tunner grinned - and hustled onto the plane. When he arrived to inspect the Fassberg Air Base, Tunner was met by its commander, Colonel John Coulter, who bounded toward him with the news that the base was 10% ahead of its quota. "That’s fine,” said Tunner, deadpan. “Of course, it’s not up to what they are doing at Celle. They’re really on the ball over there.” Coulter crumpled and then rushed back to the flight line to speed up the loading even more. Tunner proceeded to the Celle Air Base and repeated the same act. In twenty four hours of the Easter Parade, on 1,398 flights, the Airlift transported more than 26 million pounds of coal and supplies. The coal alone was the equivalent of a freight train six hundred cars long. A plane landed in Berlin once every 63 seconds. At the four-nation Berlin Air Safety Center, the Russian air traffic monitor threw his hands up in the air. “Your planes are coming in and out too fast. I cannot keep track of them,” he yelled at the other three controllers as he stroked out of the room. Tunner had kept the parade secret from the other generals in Germany. Clay was at home for an Easter meal, about to tuck into a slice of fresh blueberry pie, when it dawned on him that the buzz of planes overhead was continuing without a single pause. He looked up from his plate and said, “You know, I think we’ve licked [the Soviet blockade].”
The Candy Bombers, by Andrei Cherny
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ablinde · 4 years ago
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"Upper Body" in 60 Sekunden -------------------------------------------- 1. 30min Rudern für die Holiday Challenge 2. 3 X 12r @ 90kg Lat & Row 3. 3 X 12r @ 65kg BenchP & 25kg BoS 4. 3 X 20r P2P + Tap & 2x17,5kg DB Deal 5. EMOM X 10 Shoulder Press max Reps -------------------------------------------- #immerfitimmerbock #ballern #crossfit #bodyweight #workout #fitnessmotivation #garagegym #homegym #strength #fitfamgermany #fassberg #dezember2020 #slamball #dumbbell #barbell (hier: Faßberg) https://www.instagram.com/p/CI-MhKdFEa2/?igshid=7hvux71sy1hi
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gocurrentcom · 4 years ago
Introducing Lateral Link’s Newest Team Members [Sponsored]
Introducing Lateral Link’s Newest Team Members [Sponsored]
Left to right, top to bottom: Melissa Cohen, Stephen Damato, Michelle Fassberg-Lush, Jennifer Lemberger, Megan Penrod, and Karen Wenzel.
In the world of Biglaw, things are getting better. Many law firms are reversing their Covid cuts, in whole or in part, and are expecting 2020 to be better than they expected (at least during the dark days of March).
As Zeughauser Group consultant Kent…
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fullaccessdetroit · 5 years ago
Grand Slam Drops Long Road Music Video
Grand Slam Drops Long Road Music Video
Per Grand Slam, “When we wrote this song, we wrote it about people dealing with illness, losing their loved ones and how they wouldn’t want their loved ones and family to suffer grief and be able to carry on in life and celebrate life, and the Long Road to arrive at peace.”
“When our friend and fellow guitar player Mikael Fassberg lost his life due to a cruel and devastating illness that took…
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airmanisr · 5 years ago
Messerschmitt Me262A-2a ‘112372 / yellow 4’
Messerschmitt Me262A-2a ‘112372 / yellow 4’ by Alan Wilson Via Flickr: There has been some doubt about the aircrafts true identity, but it has now generally been accepted that it is 112372, which was built in March 1945 and operated by JG7. Surrendered at Fassberg at the end of the war, it was ferried to Farnborough in June 1945. It was then allocated British military serial ‘VK893’. Several test flights were carried out between June and November 1945, after which it went on display at the RAF Cranwell station museum. It stayed there until 1960, when it moved to RAF Gaydon. During this time it was stripped and repainted, this being carried out supervised by Russ Snadden, who later rebuilt Bf109 ‘Black 6’ to fly. In 1972 it went in to store at RAF Finningley, moving to the Cosford museum in 1976 and then St Athan in 1985. In 1989 it returned to Cosford and remained on display there until 2003 when it went on permanent display in the Milestones of Flight Hall. RAF Museum, Hendon, London, UK. 22-3-2015
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