#farmer namjoon
Wild Flower (들꽃놀이)
Hana was mated to the Alpha of her dreams. He was everything to her. Then the war came. Uprooting her whole life, Hana moved to Mercy to marry an Alpha who had recently lost his Omega. Becoming the mother of a newborn and pregnant with her own, Hana moving out west was only the beginning.
Namjoon was stressed. Losing his Omega to a sickness. Not being able to take care of his pup. Being offered a marriage and mating with an Omega in a similar situation, Namjoon too it.
Life together was a second chance, as free as wildflowers.
Word Count: 2405
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After two days' travel, Hana welcomed the train station at Salvation, a few hours trip from Mercy. The station was relatively new, fully equipped with a tearoom, a lady's lounge and four station hands that were well dressed. Salvation had better facilities then Darie, where her journey started, but not as good as her stop in the city. 
Though stepping off the train, carry bag clutched in one hand, the other making sure she didn’t fall, Hana was just glad to be on solid ground. The smoke of the train filled her lungs, coughing into a handkerchief, Hana tried to look through the small buildup of people. She was searching for Yuri, Evander’s omega sister, who was expecting Hanson the 11 o’clock train from the city. 
“Hana Thompson?”
Turning at the sweet voice, Hana was met by a beautifully tall omega, smelling of fresh baked goods and syrup. This was obviously Yuri. She and Evander shared the same dark hair, the same dark eyes, the same half smile he always gave her when he was listening to her speak. 
“Mrs. Kang?”
“Please, call me Yuri.” She moved towards Hana, taking her slim hand into her warm one. “We are sisters, even if…”
Both of them seemed to swallow around a lump in their throats, nodding in acknowledgment of what it was that tied them together. Instead, Yuri turned and had someone fetch her trunk and load it into the carriage waiting for them. Still standing on the platform, Yuri smiled at Hana, both of them smiling through shared tears. 
“Mr. Kim is waiting for us at the church.” Yuri took Hana’s arm, both of them walking through the station and towards the carriages. “I thought it better for his pup to stay indoors until you travel home.”
With a nod of understanding, Hana was helped into the carriage by Yuri’s footman, who had strapped her trunk to the back, bowing slightly before Yuri was perched next to her. It was an uneventful little town, from the carriage window at least, Hana had seemed to stumble upon. The carriage jerking as they took off, leaving the edge of town and moving slowly down the Main Street of Salvation. 
Though small, it was lively and packed with store fronts and smiling people, pups running around and their parents laughing fondly at their antics. Hana could make out the church, a tall white building, a large gold cross on top, situated in the middle of town. She thought they were headed there, so it was a surprise to Hana when they came to a stop a few buildings before the church, Yuri taking her hand happily. 
“I couldn’t be there for you and Evan… and it’s one of my biggest regrets.” Yuri smiled sadly, her sweet scent souring a little. “But I can be here for you now. Would you allow me to buy you a dress to marry Mr. Kim in?”
Hana thought of refusing, the words on the top of her tongue, instead; “Thank you, Yuri. I would truly appreciate it.”
Yuri gave a squeal of excitement, wrapping her thin arms around Hana before both of them were out of the carriage and bounding towards a dress shop. Hana couldn’t help smiling at Yuri’s obvious excitement, causing warmth to spread through her at her sister's affection for her. She may be marrying another alpha, but that doesn’t mean she’d lose all of Evander, Hana may get to keep more of her alpha. 
“I had come ahead and talked to the seamstress; she should have something for you.” Yuri stage whispered as she opened the door. 
“Ah, Mrs. Kang,” a short woman with graying hair and glasses on the tip of her nose didn’t bother to look up, obviously having scented them. “I’ve just finished your order, would you like to come, and see?”
“Thank you, Mrs. Singer.” Moving through the shop, Hana admired all the fine silks and intricate lace material, resisting the urge to reach out and run her fingers over them. “This is Hana. My sister.”
“It’s a pleasure to make your acquaintance, Mrs. Singer.” Hana smiled politely at the elderly omega. 
“The pleasure is all mine, dear.” Mrs. Singer finally looked up, assessing Hana. “Yes, the measurements weren’t too far off, I’d say I have to take it in barely an inch.”
Hana was soon whisked away and out of her travel clothes, which she had folded neatly into a small pile, and was dressed in a beautiful off-white satin dress. It was beautiful, and Mrs. Singer had been right, she’d only needed to take it in an inch before Yuri sat her on a chair in front of a large vanity. The omega worked on her hair, making sure Hana was ready, her salty sea breeze scent seemed to be producing more of the sweet milk at the omegas care. 
“There.” Yuri pinned the veil into Hana’s hair. “Perfect.”
“Thank you.”
“You don’t have to thank me.” The slim omega smiled warmly. “We’re family.” The two omegas stayed like that for a moment, Yuri’s warm hands sitting on Hana’s shoulders, before they both took a deep breath. “Are you ready?”
“As I’ll ever be.”
Yuri helped Hana to stand, fussing over her dress as they waved at Mrs. Singer, going back out onto the street, but not towards the carriage that waited for them; “We’ll walk from here.”
Hana nodded and took Yuri’s arm, pushing her shoulders back, feeling everyone in town's eyes turning towards them as they walked from the dress shop to the church. A few people stopped them, speaking to them both, congratulating Hana on the obvious wedding about to take place and speaking with Yuri. Though Hana’s attention was on the three tall men that stood outside of the church, talking amongst themselves while watching Hana and Yuri. 
As they got closer, Hana realized the three men were in fact omegas, each one as strikingly beautiful as the next, sending her soft smiles. The tallest of the three smiled wide and boxy, reaching for a pup who was running carefree around the church garden, chasing another pup. Another spoke to another pup, obviously the omegas pup and a few years older from the running pups, both of them with the same full lips and eye for detail at their beautiful clothing. The third omega was the shortest of the group and holding his protruding belly, having completely foregone anything too formal to wear over his large bump, though still smiling wide, eyes half-moons. 
“Mrs. Kang, hello.” The shortest omega finally spoke as they approached, the running pups stopping to stare wide eyed at Hana. “And you must be Mrs. Thompson?”
“Mr. Min, it’s wonderful to see you again.” Yuri smiled politely. “Hana, this is Mr. Min, Mr. Kim and Mr. Kim.”
“We are friends of Namjoon’s. We live out in Mercy as well.” One of the Mr. Kim’s offered a blinding smile. 
“Yes, we are a tight knit community out in the middle of nowhere,” Mr. Min rubbed at his belly. “We look forward to welcoming you into that community.”
“Thank you.” Was all Hana could say. 
“Well let us not stand around gossiping, making our alphas wait any longer.” Yuri laughed a little along with everyone. “We have a wedding to attend.”
The omegas rounded up the pups, who were all still staring up at Hana in wide eye admiration, ushering them along to their alphas. One of the Mr. Kim’s stayed behind with Hana and Yuri, speaking softly to his elder pup with a loving smile. They watched the pup run off, skirt pulled up slightly, so she didn’t step on it, only to return a few moments later with flowers.
“Go on.” Mr. Kim nodded encouragingly.
“Mrs. Thompson,” The pup shuffled towards Hana, who smiled softly at the nervous pup. “Papa and I thought you’d look beautiful with these. They are from our garden.”
“They are rather beautiful.” Hana only smiled wider at the pup’s own wider smile. “Thank you very much.”
“I wrapped it myself.” She spoke with a little more pride in her words. “Papa let me pick out the ribbons, and I made it all by myself.”
“Did you? Well this is one of the most beautifully wrapped bouquets I’ve ever seen.”
A blush rose on the pup’s ears and neck, handing Hana the rustic and beautiful bouquet, before moving back to stand next to her Papa. Hana watched as the omega leaned down to whisper to his pup, obviously telling her how proud he was before she was off inside the church. The tall omega stood a little straight, smiling thankfully towards Hana, stepping a little closer towards the two omegas.
“Thank you, Mrs. Thompson, for accepting her gift.”
“Of course, Mr. Kim.”
“She was nervous about giving it to you.” Mr. Kim looked back into the church. “When she heard that her Uncle Joon was being remarried, she prayed to every goddess that you would enjoy flowers.”
Hana brushed her fingers through the soft petals with a longing smile; “I love flowers. I had a garden back in Darie that I always loved.”
“She will be excited to hear about that.”
“Jinnie. Mrs. Thompson, Mrs. Kang,” Mr. Min called from the church doors. “We’re ready for you now.”
Those words seem to make time go faster. Hana was walking through the church, down the aisle and standing next to Mr. Kim, who stood tall and commanding as any alpha she had ever met before. He was pleasantly handsome, and smelled strongly of a forest after the rain, except for the slight hint of peaches she could smell.
It took no time at all before Hana was, once again, married. Though this time, somehow to her own amazement, she was also a mother and a mother-to-be. 
Signing the marriage certificate with Mr. Kim, Hana took his offered arm as they exited the church, being joined by the rest of their party. Hana was soon introduced to everyone, though she wasn’t able to retain much of the information thrusted at her. Not when her new alpha was giving a small bundle, smelling like the sweetest peaches, and wide awake as they stared at their alpha father. Their party had all turned away, obviously giving them some form of privacy, as Hana and Mr. Kim finally gave introductions.
“Hana, please.” She spoke softly after the alpha called her by her first married name. “We are married and are to be mated at some point. It only seems fitting to use my maiden name.”
“Namjoon.” The alpha’s voice was deep and dreamlike, just as his stare at his pup. “And this is Maya. Named for her mother.”
“It's a beautiful name.” Hana looked down towards the pup, who seemed to be reaching towards her. “You have been blessed with a beautiful pup.”
“Would you like to hold her?” Namjoon offered the pup towards her.
With a determined nod, Namjoon placed the pup in Hana’s arms, who sighed happily to be in the arms of an omega. She had obviously been passed around each omega’s arms, no doubt having spent time in Mr. Min’s arms longest, as his milky scent was strongest. Maya yawned, stretching her small hands, before nestling against Hana’s chest, effectively falling asleep in the omega's arms.
“I guess she’s comfortable.” Namjoon couldn’t help laughing in disbelief. “I haven’t been able to get her to sleep so easily.”
“I have no doubt you have done everything you could have.”
Namjoon gave a small smile, Hana noticing dimples as he did, before they were interrupted by Yuri, offering them a meal before they were to be off. They made it to a cafe, which had been closed for the day as per Yuri’s request, for their party to file in and take the seats provided. Maya slept atop Hana, even as she tried to eat, though she gave up after a while, so as not to wake the sleeping pup who was obviously tired. It caused Namjoon to offer to help her, lifting food to her mouth, never letting her linger on anything too long, merely swallowing before he had another sandwich ready for her. 
“Before we leave,” Namjoon spoke quietly to Hana, both of them watching their guest laugh and speak loudly. “Would you like to change? It’s a rather long journey and I’d rather you were comfortable.”
“Yes, thank you.” Hana looked down towards the sleeping pup, taking the shawl from her shoulders and scenting it. “Wrap her in this, I’m sure she’ll stay calmer with it.”
Namjoon looked touched, nodding as he took the shawl and then opened his arms for the pup; “Would you like help getting out of that dress?” Before Hana answered, Namjoon was waving Mr. Kim over. “Jin, would you mind helping Hana change for the trip home?”
“Of course,” The omega smiled. “Were your things still on Mrs. Kang’s carriage?”
“Yes, I’ll have Yuri come with us, if you don’t mind?” With an affirmation, Hana gestured for Yuri, who smiled and came towards them, Hana standing and reaching for the bouquet, setting it before Namjoon. “Hold onto this please. I want to keep it.”
Namjoon merely nodded, Hana missing the softening look of Seokjin as the three omegas left the cafe to help Hana change. It was easy enough, the three omegas taking a change room in the dress shop, Hana dressing back in her travel clothing and having the wedding dress packed safely. Hana waited as Seokjin called for a few of the alphas to move her trunk and dress to Namjoon’s cart, her carry bag being placed into the back as well. Hana gave Yuri a long hug, promising that once she was settled, she’d invite Yuri out for tea, or she’d come into town if she were allowed. 
One of the Alpha’s helped Hana into the back of the cart, Namjoon lifting Maya into her arms once she was settled into the back. Hana was only mildly surprised when Mr. Min was helped into the cart, clutching his stomach as he sat next to her, along with Mr. Kim and the two pups that had been playing. Once they were all comfortable, Hana saw three alpha sit in the front, Namjoon took the reins, a smaller alpha to his left and a female alpha to his right, and they were off. 
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namkookficrec · 2 years
under the cabbage leaf
by feraljk (7k, complete, 4/4 G)
tags: bunny hybrid jungkook // magical realism // mushroom farmer namjoon // minor vhope // zero angst zero conflict who needs it // kim namjoon is whipped // cute jungkook // jungkook is good at feelings // namjoon is good at feelings
namjoon loved his life - far removed from the bustle of the city, tucked away in his little country cottage, surrounded his gardens of vegetables of mushrooms, kept company by the animals who had found their way to him, one way or another. he had a favorite companion in the bunny he had found months ago under a cabbage leaf, who stayed even after his hurt paw had heeled.
but then, suddenly - sunflower was gone, and a boy was in his place.
or: hybrid jungkook is turned into bunny jungkook and then back into hybrid jungkook and hybrid jungkook and human namjoon fall in love.
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solecize · 7 months
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  ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ  𝐓𝐇𝐄 𝐅𝐀𝐑𝐌𝐇𝐎𝐔𝐒𝐄 | 𝐣𝐮𝐧𝐠𝐤𝐨𝐨𝐤 𝐱 𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫
𝐒𝐔𝐌𝐌𝐀𝐑𝐘: every summer on your grandpa's farm was real-life magic to your younger self, who left a piece of her heart in amber valley when the years went on and the town became nothing but a faint childhood memory. soon enough, you become rocked by his death and realize the dead end in your bustling city world. this leads to you making an abrupt decision.
despite knowing nothing but designer purses and the corporate ladder, you uproot your entire life to take over your grandfather's old farm in the town you were desperately trying to remember - alongside a familiar face from your youth that permanently finds his way into your heart.
𝐏𝐀𝐈𝐑𝐈𝐍𝐆: jungkook/reader 𝐓𝐀𝐆𝐒. inspired heavily by stardew valley, friends to lovers, childhood friends, cowboy jungkook, small town alternate universe, slice of life, grief, growing up, mutual pining 𝐖𝐎𝐑𝐃 𝐂𝐎𝐔𝐍𝐓. 5k 𝐍𝐎𝐓𝐄𝐒. n/a
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part two: the caretaker and the sister   ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ   ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ   ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ previous. next. masterlist
iv. the caretaker
“gonna be real, i’m sure you know why we’re looking at you funny.” jungkook was blunt, but you had to give him kudos for it.
  “oh, why is that?” you replied dryly, 
  the way you had narrowed it down for your parents seemed more simple in your head when you rehearsed it a dozen times over before having each individual sit-down. the property was just going to rot and go to waste. it’s what grandpa would have wanted. so many sweet words intertwined with one another, but not once did you mention your perpetual unhappiness.
  explaining it to two people who were essentially strangers should have been easier, but something told you that the look jungkook was giving you hinted that he knew there was more of a story than that. on the other hand, namjoon, who was still confused by the entire conversation somehow, either didn’t care to ask or knew it wasn’t his place to press. 
  by his sympathetic glance towards your dirty duffel bag, it seemed to be the latter. he slowly came to the ground from his horse and gave you one of those sweet smiles that only a gentleman from the countryside could give. it was the same one your grandpa and jungkook had.
  namjoon gestured down the road. “need a ride into town?”
your eyebrows furrowed in confusion when namjoon said “ride” and then your eyes fell on the beautiful stallion that he had a gentle hand on. oh. somehow, the idea made you stomach drop and you were shocked to find that.
  “what’s wrong? we used to ride all the time when we were kids,” jungkook said, having read the expression formed on your face.
  one of the thing that your mom warned you about was that no one was going to take you seriously in the valley. your grandfather was a well seasoned farmer, as the property had been passed down for generations until your mom declined the responsiblity. and, of course, you grew up in the city and you definitely looked like it. there wasn’t another reason to add onto this obstacle.
  you shook your head. “i, uh, injured my ankle a week back. pilates.” a hollow chuckle that jungkook and namjoon overlooked and nodded in understanding. “so, it’s best if i don’t ride into town.”
  you weren’t sure why the idea of getting on a horse made you nervous. it had been many years, but there was a time where you rode more often than you walked on your own two legs. pushing the feelings away to deal with another time, there was a bigger issue at hand. the movers were likely going to make it to the farm before you were at this rate.
  “oh, no worries! stay put, we’ll come back for ya,” jungkook said, “shouldn’t take long. you’ll be okay waiting here?”
  you smiled and nodded, giving the two kind semi-strangers a thank you and off they went. 
  it was a relief that small-town hospitality was a thing. you hoped that would be the case, as you remembered amber valley to be a tight-knit community, as everyone knew each other. this left you to wonder who else you would be encountering in your new life here from your past. there weren’t too many kids your age growing up and you assumed that most of them would want to leave the valley like you did, given the lack of opportunitites. you wondered why jungkook and namjoon were still around.
  although you were just standing on the side of the road alone, you didn’t feel unsafe at all. after all, your grandpa would allow you and jungkook to roam around the town until late at night with no supervision when you were kids. there was not a single vehicle that passed by as you waited. if you hadn’t gotten namjoon’s attention as he was riding by, you were going to end up hitchhiking and probably in the wrong direction, too.
soon enough, you saw a car in the distance and you breathed a sigh of relief. a baby blue mustang, its age was apparent by the blaring roar of its engine and clank of its metal. coming to a stop, the windows rolled down and you gave a small wave.
  while jungkook sat at the passenger’s seat, there was a different face behind the steering wheel. another person around your age, you couldn’t recognize him by face, even calculating his smile that reached his eyes. however, when he opened his mouth, the man’s voice hit you like a truck.
  “hi, you’re - “
  “park jimin?” you gaped.
  the park family ran a generation spanning fishing business in amber valley and your mom was once high school sweethearts with jimin’s father. that’s why his mom was particularly snippy with you as a child and didn’t want you hanging around her son, feeding him ideas of how evil you apparently were - or so, that’s what the gossip from jungkook’s mom was. the three of you were baking cookies one day and jungkook wanted to drop some off to jimin. you went along and jimin called you a witch, so when you cried the entire walk back to jungkook’s house, his mom told you not to worry and that his mom was just a bit petty. ever since that day on until your last summer in amber valley, you declared jimin an enemy after realizing why he had done the same to you.
  jimin peered over, analyzing your face for a few seconds. beside him, you could see jungkook noticeably stifling a laugh. when the realization clocked in, jimin mirrored your slightly dropped jaw.
  he couldn’t help but laugh. “oh shit, you’re bunny.” there was no sense of resentment or snarkiness, which was surprising with your history - but, then again, this wide-eyed individual with the sweetest smile you’d ever seen was nothing like your childhood bully.
  “i remember one time you ripped all of my silly bandz. you were evil!” jimin exclaimed.
  once you got into the backseat, duffle bag nestled beside you, the atmosphere was actually quite lively. a beyonce album from the 2000s was shuffled in the background and although the road was bumpy and old, no one seemed to mind. you raised your eyebrows, trying to recall jimin’s anecdone.
  jungkook added in, “yup, you guys hated each other. i had to play peacemaker all the time.”
  “hmm…” you trailed off. “oh yeah. i think you had to physically hold me back from jimin a few times.”
  apparently, from “forcing” jungkook to eat mud and terrorizing jimin’s dinosaur silly bandz collection, you were a menace. thankfully, it was all fun and games, as the three of you exchanged giggles about being kids in the valley. slowly, piece by piece, you were grasping some memories that you didn’t even know were tucked away at the back of your mind.
  jungkook looked at you from the mirror. “you doing okay? we’ll be reaching the farm in a few minutes.”
  “where did namjoon run off to again? i was supposed to lend him something,” jimin said.
  “something about helping his dad with something, i dunno,” jungkook shrugged at jimin and then turned back to you. “he says good luck with moving in, by the way, and that he would have helped out if he could.”
  jimin sighed. “he’s always at the beck and call of mayor kim. poor guy just wants to get out of here.” you assumed he was talking about amber valley as a whole. 
  this made you a bit curious, thinking again why these young adults were sticking around the small town. the average demographic for the town was definitely on the older side, from what you saw at your grandfather’s funeral service. you ended up asking what both of them did and while you noticed jungkook go quiet, jimin piped in.
  “just helping my parents out with the family business, probably become the owner when they retire. i actually don’t mind it here and i could see myself staying here - “
  “ - that’s because you’ve never left your entire life,” jungkook interjected.
  “and it’s great! except the dating pool is a bit shallow. gotta figure that out.” jimin’s pout made you laugh and made it feel even more bewildering that this was the little brat from your childhood.
  eventually, you all drove right past the path leading into the centre of town and made a sharp turn towards another dirt path that had a singular route to your grandfather’s property. the lively air of the conversation distracted you from the confrontation due, despite your hasty acceptance of your new role. the last two weeks had been a whirlwind and you grew anxious of what it would feel like to see your grandfather’s greatest pride and joy once again.
  it’d been almost half a year since your grandfather’s passing and you prepared yourself for extensive work on the farm. there were also floating questions about the property that you weren’t sure who to ask. the property was in your name and the transition to move happened in the blink of an eye. but, what about grandpa’s other possessions? the animals? the furniture?
  the moving truck was already parked out front and checking the time on your phone, you were relieved to see that you weren’t too late past the agreed arrival time. the three of you exited the car and you gave the two men a warm smile.
  “hey, thanks for the ride. i really appreciate it, i would’ve been toast without your guys’ help.”
  “it’s no problem at all! i think it’s really cool you’re taking over the farm, keeping it in the family,” jimin replied. “plus, we’ll probably be business partners. don’t worry, my days of being a pain in the ass are over.”
  the two of you laughed and exchanged a playful handshake. meanwhile, jungkook took out your duffel bag from the trunk for you and walked over. you thanked him and took the bag from him, quietly impressed by his quick chivalry. 
  jungkook smiled at you and you couldn’t help but smile just a little bit wider. “do you need help with anything, by the way?“
  “oh, no! trust me, you have definitely helped enough.” you waved him off. the neighbourly spirit was definitely strong in amber valley, but you already felt bad about having them fetch a whole car because the idea of you riding a horse was going to give you  a heart attack.
  “you sure?” jimin added.
  you said, “absolutely. the movers got most of it anyway.” you were slightly worried about exploring the property and looking at the state of it, but that was just the first task you had to take care of in your new role.
  “alright, cool. well, i hope to see you around! jungkook, you’re good?” jimin turned to the other male, who nodded. “nice. see ya then!” and just like that, jimin was off. a ray of sunshine, but seemed like the type who was always on his feet.
  you were confused why jungkook didn’t leave with jimin and then you remember he lived about a five minute walk away. that reminded you why the two of you seemed to never leave each other’s sides.
  “okay. you probably remember where everything is, but the chickens were fed this morning and - “ jungkook started and you were confused. what was he talking about?
  “wait, has someone been taking care of the farm?”
  you finally got a good look around the front and you realized everything looked. . .normal. it was exactly like how it looked in your memories, when your grandfather took meticulous care of the property. the grass was cut and emerald green, not missing a day of water. 
  your grandfather’s farmhouse had never gotten an renovation since being built and while it certainly showed, the age of the house accentuated a certain charm that only old houses gained over the years. the wrap-around porch was still in tact, despite its chipped paint. its unique bright red roof faded into a dirty maroon, losing remnants of what was your mother’s favourite colour, which your grandfather had customized the roof to match. the shrubbery around the house was overgrown, but didn’t look like it had been so for nearly half a year, indicating there was maintenance at some point between now and then.
  jungkook took a second to speak. “well, your mom was paying for basic maintenance every now and then. for the grass and stuff.”
  you didn’t know that, but you weren’t too surprised. after your grandpa died, there was really no talk about where his property was going to go. you didn’t know that he had left it to you, but you later found out that your mother was actually aware of this, but assumed you would be disinterested and didn’t say anything to you. 
  “i guess she thought i wouldn’t care about the property and took matters into her own hands,” you shrugged. “but, sorry, you said something about the chickens? and what about the fields?”
  he put his hands into his pockets. “well, you know before your grandpa passed i was helping him around the farm and stuff. i just. . .kind of continued even after.”
  you responded, “you’ve been taking care of the farm?”
  you weren’t sure how to feel. you were certainly shocked, having not understood how truly deep jungkook’s relationship with your grandfather ran. for him to come out to the farm and perform labour on his own accord, as well as the way jungkook spoke about him, there was a true sense of care involved. 
  “well, yeah. there was no one else to do it. your grandpa worked all his life to grow this place and i didn’t want any of it to go to waste. i wasn’t sure what the situation was with the property until you came today, but the animals had nowhere to go!” jungkook seemed genuinely exasperated by the situation. “don’t worry, it’s not like i’ve been profiting off of his animals. i’ve used everything just to back into taking care of the farm and it’s been just enough, since there aren’t any crops.”
  “jungkook. . .” you were left speechless. you couldn’t believe how golden of a heart this man really had to be keeping your grandfather’s memory alive, all behind the scenes and for no recognition.
  he just chuckled. “look, i’m not just glad someone is here now to get things up and running again, but the fact that it’s you. you’re the perfect person for this.”
  “am i?” you asked, looking down at the ground. you were about to fill some really big shoes and you knew it. those words of affirmation meant the world to you, suddenly feeling immense pressure on your back once actually seeing the farm in person for the first time in years.
  jungkook said, without missing a beat, “of course. you’re here because you care about your grandpa’s legacy and all the work he’s done, i can see it in your eyes. you’ll be a natural, don’t worry - i’m sure all the little things are gonna come back to you!” he was so confident and you couldn’t believe it. you could only try to hope he was right.
  “hey. . .” you began and couldn’t help but approach him. he seemed to share the same idea as you and opened his arms at the same time you did, enveloping you in a hug. neither one of you knew that the other had tears forming. “thank you, jungkook.”
  “of course. maybe it’s actually best that i show you where everything is?”
  you agreed without hesitation. after making sure that the movers didn’t need anything from you, the two of you left to embark on a quick tour of the property and its different buildings. when you were little, everything on the farm seemed so big and far and the entire world seemed to be unimaginatively endless. now, as an adult, things seemed just as daunting with the new chapter in your life, despite things not looking as big and far. 
  after an hour or so, jungkook said his goodbye and the movers had long finished their job. now, with your grandfather’s farmhouse living room filled to the brim with cardboard boxes and wrapped up furniture, you knew there was a lot ahead of you. you made a cup of tea and before getting to anything, found yourself outside and sitting criss-cross on the steps to the front door, wondering what was to come next. 
  v. the sister
there was just one grocery store in town, about half a kilometre of a walk and wasn’t going to pose any trouble for your vehicle-less self. this was your first time going into town since moving in, having been cooped up and living off of ramen noodles since you lacked the energy to go grocery shopping. friday night, after finishing work for the day and unpacking the last of your boxes, you decided to put on your big girl pants and run some errands.
  the first few days on the farm were exhausting, to say the least. thankfully, because of jungkook’s help and your mother’s contributions to the property, it was a lot less work than you remembered. you performed many of the tasks naturally, having spent summers doing the same thing over and over again. this didn’t mean you weren’t tiring come the weekend and you just wanted your trip to be a quick in and out.
  with an hour to closing, the store was basically empty and this gave you a sense of relief. you walked in, wearing stained sweatpants that were far older than you were willing to admit and your hair held up into a messy updo by a claw clip. 
  after about ten minutes, you were in the cereal aisle and deciding on if you wanted to pick out the one with the best cartoon on the cover or the one with the best nutritional value. this is when you felt something tugging on your pant leg.
  “oh..? oh!”
  you jumped slightly when you saw it was a beagle with the cutest eyes you’d ever seen. noticing the dog lacked a leash or collar or any kind, you quickly put the cereal you had been inspecting back on the shelf and crouched down.
  you whispered, “who do we have here?” your own eyes softened, as you crouched down to pet the tiny animal. 
  from behind you, you hear the sound of spongy footsteps - almost like a squeak with each step. turning around, you were met with a little girl and realized the squeakiness was coming from her hot pink light up sneakers, the kind that only ever made noise on tiled flooring. with a leash that matched the colour of her shoes perfectly in hand, her distress visibly eased upon laying eyes on you and the dog.
  “oh, peanut! oppa is gonna be so mad at me,” she gasped, immediately enveloping the puppy into her arms and re-attached the leash. looking at her, she couldn’t have been more than ten years old.
  still crouched on the ground and meeting her at eye-level, you asked, “are you okay?”
  “sorry, yeah! it just looked like she needed a second, so i took it off.” her frown, despite how distraught she was, was adorable. “thank you, miss!”
  so much for the in and out. you didn’t mind, though, as peanut approached you again and jumped up, narrowly missing your face with an excitable lick. you giggled in a way you hadn’t in a while, petting the puppy. 
  soon enough, another round of frantic footsteps followed. you looked up and weren’t surprised to see a familiar face.
  “jiwon, how many times have i told you to keep peanut leashed when we’re inside the store?”
  honestly, it was to your luck that you ran into jungkook here. after he left you at the farm on your first day, you realized you didn’t get his contact information. you were definitely considering it as he gave you a quick tour of where everything you needed was, but the idea of asking a man for his number for any given reason made your stomach jump. thankfully you didn’t need immediate assistance, save for the various things that were just broken around the property, but it would have been useful.
  clad in a graphic muscle shirt depicting a band you didn’t recognize, you couldn’t help but admire the way his tattoos were exposed and adorned his arms. you had to snap out of it. he finally made eye contact you and raised his eyebrows ever so slightly.
  “y/n. how’s your first week gone?”
“oppa, why are you making your voice sound like that - “
  jungkook cleared his throat. “shut it, jiwon.” you thought you saw his ears turned pink, but he adjusted the baseball cap on his head and his hair fell down to cover them.
  you looked between the two of them, confused. who was this little girl? putting the thought at the back of your mind, you opened your mouth to answer his question when two other figures began to approach.
  “hey! there you guys are - we got the cake.”
  you’d never seen so many people wear cowboy hats in one place than amber valley and this individual was no exception. he was easily one of the most handsome men you had ever physically laid eyes on - what was with this town? and of course, blue jeans. the friend beside him was also incredibly good looking, but dressed more like your neighbour from your old apartment complex and stood out against the other people you’d seen in town. apple watch, expensive nike dunks and a hoodie from an instagram streetwear brand that recently blew up.
  “who’s this?” the first man asked and his gaze made you a little more frozen than you were willing to admit.
  jungkook replied, “this is y/n. she’s taking over the old farm, it was her grandpa’s.” 
  “oh, i’m sorry for your loss. welcome to amber valley, though. i’m taehyung,” he smiled and offered his hand, which you took. “i’m new, too. i moved here last year.”
  the other man also offered you his hand. “i’m yoongi. welcome to amber valley - good luck.”
  “i’m not new - wait what?” you looked at yoongi, confused. “what do you mean, good luck?”
  the other three began chuckling amongst themselves. yoongi only looked exasperated. you raised an eyebrow.
  jiwon cut in. “yoongi says he got tricked.”
  “tricked to come here,” taehyung said, in between his laughs. “he’s from the city, something about his realtor lying to him about what the town’s like before he moved here.”
  yoongi rolled his eyes. “it’s not a joke - i didn’t know i would be moving to the middle of nowhere!”
  you learned that yoongi was a computer programmer and lived at home, worked from home, and hated leaving his home. he stayed in amber valley because on the few occasions he was forced to go into the office, it was only a short drive to where his company’s headquarters were in the next town over. 
  “i mean, it’s definitely different from the city. . .” you tried to offer, but yoongi waved it off. his friends were just amused and you could see the tiniest smile at that, so you assumed he wasn’t totally unhappy.
  meanwhile, taehyung proudly declared that he - wait for it - chose to move to amber valley. he was a novelist and moving to the town inspired the setting for the newest manuscript he was working on.
  “i love it here, it’s really peaceful,” he said.
  the last to be introduced was jiwon, whose appearance baffled you more and more when you looked at her. it was because she looked just like jungkook. and she was calling him oppa. you put two and two eventually.
  “my annoying little sister.” jungkook reached over, but jiwon instantly slapped his hand away from her head, as if on instinct. 
  there wasn’t too much surprise at the sibling you’d never met before, just a little bewildering to think a whole new human was made while you were gone from amber valley. after all, jungkook’s parents were relatively young, both the same age your own parents, who had you at nineteen. this explained two main things in your childhood, the first being why it was a no-hesitation decision for your parents to send you away to your grandfather’s care over the summer. free childcare was incredibly unreliable in the city and it was just easier for them.
  and, of course, like most kids from the valley, your mom grew up alongside jungkook’s parents. for that, it was encouraged and even expected for the two of you to eventually become friends. there was also a high level of trust because of this. out late biking with jungkook? oh, you’re with jungkook, it should be fine. left unsupervised on the fields? it’s okay, you and jungkook would look after each other.
  “it’s nice to meet you all. it’s a little weird that you have a little sister this grown now - has it really been that long since i left?” you shook your head.
  jungkook only laughed. “longest nine years of my life since this brat was born.”
  “your mom did always say she wanted a daughter,” you attempted to joke, but ceased when you saw the atmosphere explicitly shift. 
  taehyung and yoongi looked away, eyes darting anywhere but the current conversation. jiwon looked like she had just seen a ghost. on the other hand, jungkook’s expression went blank. what the hell did you do wrong?  
it was taehyung who broke the silence. “hey, jiwon. wanna go pick out a card for jin?” 
  jiwon nodded enthusiastically - a little too enthusiastic. she happily skipped away, giving peanut’s leash over to jungkook, and yoongi and taehyung both left with her. 
  “i’m so sorry, was it something i said?” you blurted to jungkook, as soon as the three were out of your line of sight. what a horrible first impression you must have just made.
  jungkook said, “ah, no, it’s nothing, really. . .there is something you should know, though.” he took a second, as if preparing himself. “you see, my mom and dad passed away six years ago.”
  the familiar feeling of grief struck you like a lightning bolt, causing your chest to drop and you blood to run cold. you thought you heard him wrong. six years ago? your grandpa never told you this - or maybe he did and it went in one ear and out the other. you couldn’t believe it, your body frozen and detached. 
  “hey, it’s okay, you couldn’t have known.” he reached over and placed a gentle hand on your shoulder, instantly calming you down at his touch. 
  you shook your head anyway. “i’m so sorry, jungkook.” you didn’t know what else to say.
  “really, it’s fine,” he broke out into a light chuckle. “it was an accident and it happened a long time ago. it’s just a bit hard on jiwon because she doesn’t really remember them.”
  “oh, i feel awful!”
  “it’s okay, y/n,” jungkook continued to assure you, while peanut just looked up at you with those big eyes.
  you still didn’t seem to find the words, as you mentally grasped at any remaining memories of jungkook’s parents. they were always around during the summer and were always so good to you. they cared for you like one of their own. jungkook’s mom always joked that you were the daughter she always wanted.
  jungkook decided to be the one to change the subject, even though you had lingering questions about his and jiwon’s situation. he told you the reason why the four of you were in the grocery store in the first place, talking your ear off about how excited he was for his friend’s birthday party tomorrow.
  “we’re throwing him a surprise party at the local pub - well, i guess it’s the only one in town,” he prattled and looked at his feet. “do you, uh, want to come? it’ll be a lot of fun.”
  you felt your cheeks turn hot. “oh, i really shouldn’t intrude - “ something about jungkook inviting you out to a social setting made you nervous like a school girl.
  “no! no, it’s no intrusion at all,” jungkook interjected, “trust me! there aren’t a lot of people our age in town and we’re all pretty close, so it’d be nice if you could meet everyone, too. jin is a really friendly person, he’ll want to meet you and make sure you’re fitting in well and everything.”
  you paused. “i don’t know. . .”
  “think about it!” he continued to insist, as he reached into his jeans and pulled out his phone from his back pocket. oh no. now, you were really frozen in place.
  what was it about the way jungkook made you so nervous? this was literally the little boy that used to cry if your beyblade was stronger than his. you couldn’t believe yourself.
  jungkook tapped on his phone a few time and then turned it around for you. “put in your contact. i’ll text you sometime tomorrow afternoon and see if you made your mind up?”
you did, in fact, give jeon jungkook your number. your hands were quivering ever so slightly when you did, but at least you didn’t have to be the one to ask. it gave you heavy relief that you didn’t have to be the one to text first either. but, then, you came to terms with the fact that you were certainly going to be checking your phone every two minutes for a text from the man in question. this was insane.
𝐓𝐀𝐆 𝐋𝐈𝐒𝐓. @sstrongstyle @wobblewobble822@seokout @firelcrds
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keehomania · 2 months
successors (후계자) — kim namjoon (김남준)
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✧.* 18+
if you're born poor, that's not your fault. if you die poor, it's nobody's fault but yours. that was the way the world worked, and the only option was to live with it. whether you lived poor or lived rich, you lived with it. money was the essence of everything, it kept the world spinning. it was also the reason greed was the essence of man. all of the money mattered, even if it was a cent. it could buy anything in the world, except love.
the streets of busan bustled with life as you found yourself roaming the streets. it didn't feel like home, because it wasn't. your home or at least, what you made of it, resided on the outskirts of seoul. the poverty-stricken area that consisted of farmers and people with rich hearts, that was home. busan was thick with intensity, the sound of the night piercing your ears as you followed the coordinates your sister had sent you.
eunha was only a few years older than you, but she moved to busan the second she had the chance. she had found herself a boyfriend and, despite their recent break-up, she didn't regret the decision at all. the setting and environment itself had encouraged her to do better for herself, for her life. when she had first left, you hated her for it. you hated her for leaving you with your sick, mute mother, but you made peace with it. in the end, she was only looking to better herself and, now, she wanted you to play a role.
you knew she had struck gold as you reached the final address. truly, she had done well for herself. as you stood before the apartment door, you took a moment to admire the elegant building and the well-maintained surroundings. Tthe bustling city life outside faded into a peaceful anticipation as you approached her floor. eunha had clearly done well for herself, a stark contrast to the humble beginnings you both shared. the elevator ride up to the ninth floor felt like an eternity, your mind filled with memories of the two of you.
when you finally reached her apartment, you double-checked the number before knocking lightly. almost immediately, the door swung open, and she stood there with a wide smile. she looked radiant, her eyes sparkling with a mix of joy and relief at seeing you. without hesitation, she pulled you into a warm hug, engulfing you in her familiar, comforting scent. “(y/n), it’s so good to see you!” she exclaimed, her voice filled with genuine happiness. “come in, come in!”
you stepped inside, taking in the beautifully decorated interior. the apartment was spacious, modern, and filled with personal touches that screamed eunha. from the carefully selected furniture to the framed photographs of you both on various adventures, every corner of the space radiated her personality and hard work. “you’ve done really well for yourself,” you said, admiring the place. “i’m so proud of you.”
she beamed at your words, a mixture of pride and modesty in her expression. “thank you, (y/n). it hasn’t been easy, but it’s all starting to come together.” as you settled on the plush couch, she brought out a tray of snacks and tea, sitting down beside you. she looked at you with a curious glint in her eye.
“so, tell me everything about your journey here. how have you been?” she asked, pouring tea into delicate cups. you spent the next hour catching up, sharing stories and laughing over fond memories. eventually, the conversation shifted to her recent breakup. her expression turned a bit somber, but there was a determined look in her eyes.
“it’s been tough,” she admitted, stirring her tea absently. “but the heartbreak pushed me to focus on something bigger. i've started my own company, calling it hanbok group.” you raised your eyebrows in surprise, impressed by her ambition. “wow, that’s amazing, eunha. tell me more about it.”
her eyes lit up as she began to explain. “hanbok group is all about preserving and modernizing traditional korean clothing. i've been investing a lot of money into it, and it’s starting to gain traction. we’re not just selling hanboks; we’re creating a cultural movement, blending the old with the new.” you listened intently, absorbing her passion and determination. yet, a part of you felt a twinge of skepticism. “it sounds incredible. but are you sure this is the right move? starting a company is a huge risk, especially after what you’ve been through.”
she nodded, understanding your concern. “i know it’s risky, but i believe in this. i believe in preserving our culture and sharing it with the world. i just need a bit of support, and i'm confident it will work out.” seeing the fire in her eyes, you couldn’t help but feel a surge of admiration. despite your reservations, you wanted to support her in any way you could.
“alright,” you said with a small smile. “let’s discuss it more in the morning. i want to hear all about your plans and see how i can help.” her face lit up with gratitude. “thank you, (y/n). that means a lot to me.”
the night passed with more conversation and laughter, the bond between you and your sister feeling stronger than ever. as you prepared for bed in the cozy guest room, you couldn’t help but feel a sense of excitement for the days ahead. you couldn't help but notice the photo framed on the desk, just a few feet across the bed. it was a photo of eunha and her ex-boyfriend, the two of them on a beach. the sight of it practically made you shiver, an unsettling feeling engulfing you as you allowed yourself to fall asleep, just barely.
the next morning, you woke up to the comforting aroma of freshly washed sheets lingering in the air. however, as you groggily made your way to the kitchen, you noticed that eunha was nowhere to be found. you had assumed she had gone out to run some errands. feeling a bit more awake, you decided to venture out and find a cafe for your morning coffee. you grabbed your wallet and phone, then left the apartment, ready to explore the neighborhood.
after a short walk, you spotted a quaint cafe not too far from eunha’s apartment. the charming exterior and cozy ambiance drew you in. as you entered, you were immediately greeted by the rich scent of freshly brewed coffee and the soft hum of chatter. you made your way to the counter, scanning the menu. "these prices are insane," you muttered to yourself, shaking your head slightly. you paid no mind to your surroundings, entirely focused on the options before you.
just as you decided on your order and turned to move towards the counter, you bumped into someone. you stumbled back, eyes widening in horror as you saw the man in front of you with his coffee spilled all over his shirt. "oh shit, i'm so sorry!" you exclaimed, panicking and beginning to apologize frantically. "i wasn’t paying attention, i’m so sorry!"
the man laughed, a warm and genuine sound that immediately put you at ease. "it's okay, really. it was an ugly shirt anyway," he said with a playful smile. "i’m namjoon, by the way." you blinked, momentarily caught off guard by his easy-going demeanor. "i’m (y/n)," you introduced yourself, still feeling a bit flustered.
namjoon smiled again, his eyes crinkling at the corners. "well, (y/n), you can make it up to me by having coffee with me. what do you say?" you nodded, grateful for his kindness. "of course, i’d love to."
after paying for the coffees, you both found a table by the window and settled in. the initial small talk was easy and flowed naturally. you discovered that namjoon was also from seoul, which led him to ask what you were doing in busan.
"i’m visiting my sister," you explained, taking a sip of your coffee. "she’s been working on a new business venture here." namjoon nodded, interest piqued. "that sounds exciting. what kind of business?"
"she’s started a company," you replied. "it’s focused on preserving and modernizing traditional korean clothing." before namjoon could respond, the sound of heels clicking against the floor and a sharp cough interrupted your conversation. both of you turned to see a woman with long, black hair and bangs standing nearby, an impatient expression on her face.
"namjoon, what are you doing?" she asked, her tone clipped. he sighed, his earlier ease replaced with mild irritation. "just having coffee, soyeon. this is (y/n)," he gestured to you, "we had a little accident with the coffee."
she shot you a glare before turning her attention back to him. "i’m his fiancée," she declared, her tone possessive. you noticed namjoon rolling his eyes slightly at her introduction. she quickly grabbed his arm, pulling him away. he managed to offer you a small, apologetic smile. "i’ll see you around, (y/n)," he said, his voice filled with a hint of regret.
you watched as they left, doubting that you’d run into him again. it was only when you looked down at your table that you noticed a small piece of paper under his coffee cup. picking it up, you saw his phone number written in big black letters. a smile tugged at your lips as you slipped the paper into your pocket. the rest of the day passed in a blur of meetings and errands with eunha. you found yourself distracted, your thoughts drifting back to the morning’s encounter with namjoon. there was something about him that intrigued you, and you couldn’t shake the feeling that your paths would cross again.
the next few weeks flew by as you dedicated yourself to working on eunha's project. days blended into each other with meetings, brainstorming sessions, and countless cups of coffee as you helped her refine the vision for hanbok group. the experience was both exhausting and exhilarating, and you felt a deep sense of pride in her progress and determination. the days were filled with laughter, hard work, and the occasional late-night chat about everything from business strategies to personal dreams.
as the final days of your visit approached, you and her made the most of your remaining time together. you explored more of busan, visited local markets, and enjoyed some of the city’s best restaurants. it felt surreal that your trip was coming to an end.
on the day of your departure, eunha accompanied you to the train station. you were both a bit teary-eyed as you hugged goodbye, knowing how much this time together had meant to both of you. she squeezed you tightly and said, “please give mom a kiss for me, okay?” you nodded, trying to hold back the tears. “i will. take care of yourself, eunha.”
with a final wave, you boarded the train. as the doors closed behind you, you felt a pang of nostalgia for the time spent in busan. unbeknownst to you, a familiar gaze lingered on your figure as the train pulled away from the station. the journey back to seoul felt long and reflective. you found solace in the rhythmic clacking of the train wheels, your mind replaying memories from your visit and pondering the future.
upon arriving back in seoul, you made your way to your small house, eager to reconnect with your mother. however, when you opened the door, the house was eerily empty. confused and a little anxious, you went next door to speak with your landlord, hoping to find some answers. “hello, mr. min,” you greeted him. “i'm looking for my mother. she’s not at home.” the landlord looked at you with a mix of sympathy and hesitation. “oh, i'm afraid your mother moved out while you were away.”
your heart sank. “moved out? where did she go?” hee shifted uncomfortably. “she’s living in the kim manor now, in one of their spare rooms. she’s still working as a maid there.”
the news hit you like a ton of bricks. you could hardly believe it. “the kim manor? why?” he shrugged, “i’m not entirely sure. the chairman offered it to her, i think. it’s quite a change.”
you thanked him quickly, your mind racing as you headed towards the manor. the grand estate loomed ahead, its imposing gates and manicured gardens a stark contrast to your modest home. the thought of your mother living there, amidst such opulence, was overwhelming. when you arrived, you were greeted by a skinny, older woman sipping wine on the porch. her sharp gaze assessed you as you approached.
“hello,” you said hesitantly. “i'm (y/n). i’m here to see my mother.” the woman raised an eyebrow. “you’re the daughter of the maid, correct?”
“yes,” you replied, feeling a bit uneasy under her scrutiny. “the mute one.” the woman’s expression softened slightly, and she gestured for you to follow her inside. “come on in. i’ll take you to her.”
the interior of the manor was just as grand as the exterior, with ornate decorations and polished surfaces everywhere. the woman led you through the house until you reached a modest kitchen, where you found your mother washing dishes at the sink. “mom,” you called out, your voice trembling with emotion.
your mother turned, her eyes wide with surprise and a hint of sadness. she quickly dried her hands and approached you, her expression a mix of relief and worry. you noticed the deep lines of stress on her face and the weariness in her eyes. you sat down in a small, sparsely furnished room off the kitchen, the atmosphere heavy with unspoken questions. once you were settled, you asked your mother what had prompted such a sudden change.
she began to sign slowly, her hands moving with deliberate care, “the chairman offered me this position. it was an opportunity we couldn’t refuse, given our situation.” the realization hit you like a tidal wave. the financial strain you had both been under was more severe than you’d imagined. tears welled up in your eyes as you tried to process the gravity of the situation. you felt a deep, aching sadness for both your mother and yourself.
you held her close, the weight of your financial troubles and the complexity of your current situation feeling almost unbearable. the shock of the sudden change, coupled with the overwhelming sense of inadequacy, left you feeling emotionally drained. that night, as you lay in the small, cold room you’d been given, you cried yourself to sleep. the reality of your financial struggles and the sudden upheaval in your life weighed heavily on you. the sense of helplessness was overwhelming, and you realized just how precarious your situation had become.
as night settled over the kim manor, the quiet grandeur of the house was punctuated. the front door creaked open, and the sound of hurried footsteps echoed through the grand hall. namjoon, carrying a small duffel bag, was visibly exhausted from his travels. the clatter of a dropped glass and a gasp of disbelief came from the dining room as his mother laid eyes on him. her eyes widened, and tears began to stream down her cheeks. she rushed forward, her emotions overtaking her as she embraced her son with a fervent hug.
“namjoon, you’re back!” she exclaimed, her voice choked with emotion. “i didn’t expect you so soon!” his arms enveloped her, and he let out a sigh of relief. “mom, i missed you so much. it’s good to be home.”
they moved to the dining table, where namjoon recounted his experiences in busan. his mother listened intently, her heart swelling with pride and sympathy as he described the challenges he had faced. he spoke of his work, the stress of being away, and the yearning to reconnect with his family, despite his complicated feelings about his brother. “i’ve thought about Haejoon,” namjoon admitted. “even though he’s the last person i wanted to see, i hoped he might come around eventually.”
his mother placed a comforting hand on his arm. “haejoon will soften up eventually. he always does, even if he doesn’t show it right away.” he seemed to find solace in her words, and the conversation shifted to other matters. his mother mentioned the recent changes in the household.
“oh, by the way,” she said, trying to recall the details, “the housekeeper and her daughter have moved into one of the spare rooms.” namjoon raised an eyebrow, intrigued. “what’s the daughter’s name?”
his mother’s expression turned thoughtful as she searched her memory. “i'm afraid i've forgotten. it’s been a bit chaotic lately.” namjoon shrugged off the lapse, accepting it as part of the current upheaval. “that’s okay. i’m sure i’ll meet her soon enough.”
she couldn't help the frown from forming on her face at his words, her face suddenly serious as she warned him, “don't you talk to the staff, you know better than that.” he didn't take it to heart, he was just glad to be home. with the conversation winding down, he excused himself. the long day had left him exhausted, and he needed rest. he made his way up the grand staircase and through the opulent hallways to his room, ready to unwind and recharge. the house, now quiet again, settled into its usual rhythm. the only sounds were the soft rustling of the evening breeze and the occasional creak of the manor settling into the night.
as night deepened, namjoon tossed and turned in his bed, the remnants of his dreams lingering in his mind. sleep eluded him as his thoughts fixated on a fleeting image from his dream—your face. in his dream, you had been close, yet somehow distant, your presence tantalizingly out of reach. the vividness of the dream left him restless and unsettled. he tried to shake off the feeling, but the image of you persisted, haunting his thoughts as he lay awake in the quiet of his room.
morning arrived with a pale light filtering through the curtains. namjoon, still troubled by the unsettling dream, emerged from his room to find his mother in the dining room, awaiting breakfast. he joined her at the table, a hint of frustration in his demeanor.
“mom, i had the strangest dream last night,” namjoon began, trying to make sense of the lingering unease. his mother looked up from her newspaper, her attention piqued. “oh? what was it about?”
he hesitated before describing the dream, leaving out specific details about you. “i dreamed about someone i can’t quite place. she seemed familiar and yet distant. it was like she was right there, but i couldn’t reach her.”
his mother’s expression softened with concern. “dreams can be strange and unsettling. perhaps it’s just your mind working through your emotions.” namjoon sighed. “maybe. but it felt so real. it’s affecting my thoughts.”
his mother nodded understandingly. “you should try to focus on your engagement with soyeon. it’s important.” his brow furrowed. “but i don’t really like soyeon. i never have.”
his mother sighed, her gaze steady. “i know, namjoon. but it’s what the your father wants. soyeon’s family has the connections we need for the business deal. it’s a necessary step.”
namjoon nodded, though his frustration remained evident. “i understand the need for the business deal, but it’s hard to reconcile with my own feelings.” his mother, trying to shift the conversation, asked, “are you still in touch with jackson? i remember you mentioning him before you went to busan.”
his face darkened slightly. “not anymore. we lost touch. it’s been a while.” his mother raised an eyebrow, a hint of curiosity in her voice. “i see. well, it might be worth reconnecting if it helps with the business. but for now, focus on what’s ahead.” namjoon agreed and decided to head out for the day. his mother watched him leave with a mixture of concern and resignation.
meanwhile, in the backyard of the manor, you were laboring under the early morning sun. exhausted from the sleepless night, you diligently collected the dry clothes from the line. the repetitive task was almost meditative, but the lack of sleep made every movement feel heavier. once you finished folding the clothes, you carried them into the house, placing them in their designated spots. as you worked, namjoon’s mother observed you with a critical yet appreciative eye.
“you move with such grace,” she remarked, watching as you completed your task. you offered a tired smile, acknowledging the compliment before heading out. with the day stretching ahead and your exhaustion palpable, you decided to visit the nearby convenience store. you bought a cold drink, hoping it would offer some respite.
you settled at a small table outside the shop, the beverage in hand providing minimal comfort. as the effects of fatigue began to catch up with you, your head nodded, and you eventually drifted into a light sleep. unbeknownst to you, a man had noticed your unusual presence. Intrigued by the sight of you sleeping at the table, he took a seat across from you. with a playful curiosity, he poked at your shoulder, trying to rouse you from your slumber. when you didn’t immediately respond, he chuckled to himself, finding amusement in the situation.
eventually, you stirred awake to find him eating a snack, clearly entertained by your groggy state. you blinked at him, trying to clear the haze from your eyes. “who are you?” you asked, still disoriented from your nap. the man grinned. “i’m jackson wang. nice to meet you. and you are?”
you rubbed your eyes lazily, trying to wake yourself fully. the effort felt almost too much, and you glanced at him with a mixture of curiosity and irritation. without offering your own introduction, you stood up, feeling the overwhelming need to escape the awkward encounter. jackson called after you, “hey, wait! come back!” but you, still groggy and eager to retreat, ignored his calls and walked off, heading back towards the manor. he watched you go, a bemused smile on his face, as you disappeared from view, leaving him with an amused sense of intrigue.
you moved through the tasks around the manor with a mechanical efficiency, driven more by the need to keep busy than by any real sense of accomplishment. each chore—arranging the rooms, tidying up the kitchen, and sorting through the various household items—was done with a mixture of resignation and determination. the house, despite its opulence, felt increasingly like a gilded cage, with each task a reminder of the overwhelming changes in your life.
when you finally finished, you retreated to the small room you had been assigned. it was a modest space compared to the grandeur of the rest of the manor, but it was your sanctuary. as you sorted through the clothes you had folded earlier, your hand brushed against a slip of paper. you pulled it out and saw that it was the note with namjoon's phone number—an unexpected reminder of the brief encounter you had in busan.
you hesitated for a moment, considering the implications of using the number. curiosity and a need for human connection nudged you forward. slipping the paper into your pocket, you decided to test it out. you made your way outside, feeling the cool air of the morning against your skin. standing in front of the manor’s gate, you took out your phone and dialed the number. the number was a direct line to namjoon’s phone, and you felt a flutter of anticipation as it rang.
“hello?” his voice came through, sounding slightly puzzled but courteous. “hi, namjoon, it’s (y/n),” you greeted, trying to keep your tone casual.
there was a brief pause on the other end. “oh, hey. i didn’t expect to hear from you.” you made small talk, trying to bridge the gap between your brief but memorable encounter in busan and the present moment. as you spoke, you remained unaware that namjoon was standing behind you, having come out of the manor for a breath of fresh air.
he listened to your voice, recognizing it immediately. he felt a strange mix of curiosity and comfort. “are you still in busan?” he asked, his tone betraying a hint of unease. you looked around, still speaking into the phone. “no, i'm back in seoul, what about you?” his heart raced a little. he was only a few steps away from where you stood, and he was unable to resist the pull of curiosity. he walked quietly, positioning himself so that he could see you as you spoke.
“turn around,” he said softly, though his voice was tinged with an edge of nervousness. you turned, your eyes scanning the area until they landed on him. for a moment, both of you stared at each other in shock. there was a genuine, unfiltered emotion in his eyes—a fleeting look of recognition and something more profound. the connection from your dream seemed to come alive in that brief exchange. however, the words of his mother flashed through his mind, reminding him of the boundaries he was supposed to maintain. he had been advised not to engage with the staff in any personal manner. as these thoughts surfaced, his expression shifted from surprise to a colder, more controlled demeanor.
he approached you, his steps deliberate and his gaze icy. he met your eyes with a look that was both firm and unyielding. the warmth from the earlier moment vanished, replaced by a sharp detachment.
“you're the maid's daughter, aren't you?” he asked, his voice devoid of the previous warmth. you flinched slightly at the shift in his tone, still trying to make sense of the situation, as realization hit you like a ton of bricks. “you're the second son, aren't you?”
without another word, he turned and walked past you, his steps echoing in the stillness of the manor grounds. you watched him go, feeling a mix of disappointment and confusion. the brief moment of connection had dissipated into a cold reality, leaving you standing alone, grappling with the complexity of your emotions and the new world you were now a part of. as he disappeared into the distance, you were left with the unsettling feeling of being caught between two worlds—one that was rapidly changing and another that seemed to be slipping further away.
namjoon struggled with the reality of the situation that had unfolded before him. the girl he had felt a sudden, inexplicable connection with in busan was now revealed to be the daughter of his family’s maid. the revelation felt like a cruel twist of fate. the initial flutter of butterflies he had experienced was now replaced by a sense of profound disappointment and confusion. he grappled with the stark contrast between his earlier feelings and the current state of their interactions.
the coldness he exhibited towards you became more pronounced with each passing day. he avoided eye contact, spoke to you with a clipped tone, and generally treated you with the indifference reserved for those considered beneath his notice. the warmth and curiosity he had shown in busan were replaced by a rigid formality that left you feeling isolated and disheartened.
you, too, were deeply affected by the discovery. the boy who had occupied your thoughts with such intensity turned out to be namjoon, the second son of the kim group, and you, as his maid’s daughter, were now living under his family’s roof. the disparity between your lives was stark, and the reality of it was crushing. the dreams and hopes you had harbored seemed to crumble under the weight of the new circumstances.
as time went on, the emotional strain became unbearable. the disparity in how you were treated and the growing tension between you and him led to sleepless nights. the emotional weight of your situation bore down heavily on you, making every task and interaction feel like a reminder of your diminished place in the world. one particularly sleepless night, the tears became too much to bear. you reached for your phone, your hands trembling as you dialed eunha’s number. the phone rang several times before she answered, her voice filled with concern.
“what’s wrong?” her voice was soft but urgent. through your tears, you managed to speak, your voice choked and fragmented. “i can't keep doing this anymore.”
her soothing presence on the other end of the line gave you a brief respite from your distress. “i know it’s tough. i know it's hard, but it won't last.” you sobbed harder, the weight of your situation overwhelming. “everything is falling apart.”
she took a deep breath, her voice steady and firm. “listen to me. this is not the end. you came here to make something of yourself, to help me with hanbok group. you need to channel this pain into something positive. the company needs to succeed. it’s the chance we have to build a future, to prove ourselves.” her words, though harsh, held a certain clarity. the determination she spoke of seemed to cut through the fog of despair that enveloped you. “i'll try,” you whispered, your voice trembling but infused with a newfound resolve. “i'll make it work.”
if you're born poor, that's not your fault. if you die poor, it's nobody's fault but yours. as the weeks turned into months, hanbok group began to show promising signs of growth. the initial investments that eunha had poured into the company started to bear fruit, and the early struggles began to pay off. eunha, with your diligent support, navigated the complexities of the fashion and art worlds with a deft hand, securing deals and partnerships that elevated the group’s profile.
the company’s first significant breakthrough came with a fashion line launch. the designs, a harmonious blend of traditional and contemporary styles, garnered attention from influential fashion critics and buyers. the success of the line not only boosted the company's reputation but also injected much-needed capital. the positive reception provided a solid foundation for future ventures.
following the fashion line, hanbok group expanded into art galleries, showcasing a curated collection of emerging and established artists. the galleries quickly became popular, drawing crowds and generating steady revenue. the dual success of the fashion line and art galleries established hanbok group as a prominent player in the industry, with financial stability and a growing network of connections.
with the company thriving, you and eunha were finally able to realize a long-held dream: surprising your mother with a stable and secure future. the time had come to leave the kim manor, a place that had been both a refuge and a reminder of the stark divide between your past and present. on the day of your departure, you packed up your belongings with a sense of bittersweet relief. the process was emotional but filled with anticipation for the new chapter ahead. you knew your mother would be thrilled to see the changes and the new opportunities that awaited her.
as you prepared to leave, you glanced around the manor one last time, acknowledging both the struggles and the triumphs that had marked your time there. the decision to move on was not just about leaving a place but about stepping into a future you had worked hard to build. when the day finally arrived for you to move out, namjoon returned home, exhausted from a long day. he made his way through the manor, only to find that your room was conspicuously empty. the absence of your belongings was jarring, and a sense of confusion washed over him. he had not seen you or heard anything about your departure.
seeking answers, he approached his mother, who was seated in the living room. “mom, where are (y/n) and her mom? their room is completely empty.” his mother’s eyes flickered with a cold, distant look. she pointed to the television, her voice carrying an edge of disinterest. “turn on the news. you might find the answer there.”
namjoon, perplexed and slightly apprehensive, followed her instruction. he switched on the television, and the news channel immediately brought up a breaking story about hanbok group. the screen displayed images of a successful fashion line launch and a new art gallery opening, accompanied by interviews and glowing reports.
as the news anchor spoke, namjoon’s attention was drawn to the faces that appeared alongside the story. one of them was unmistakably yours, your image featured prominently as a key figure behind hanbok group’s recent success. the realization struck him with force, a mix of shock and dismay. his mind raced to piece together the connections—the girl he had coldly dismissed, the daughter of his family’s maid, had risen to prominence and achieved success beyond his expectations. the contrast between the image on the screen and the reality of how he had treated you was stark and uncomfortable.
his gaze shifted to his mother, who remained impassive, her expression a mix of detachment and grim satisfaction. the weight of the situation settled heavily on him as he grappled with the full extent of his oversight. the news had not only exposed the success of hanbok group but also highlighted the disparity between his previous actions and the new reality.
your new life was a testament to the hard work and determination you had poured into hanbok group. the transformation was nothing short of a dream realized. your mother had moved into a spacious, luxurious apartment in the heart of seoul, a far cry from the cramped quarters of the manor. the apartment was elegantly furnished, with sweeping views of the cityscape that spoke of both affluence and newfound security. it was a living space that matched the success you had achieved, offering your mother a comfortable and refined environment.
hanbok group’s headquarters had also moved to seoul, marking a significant milestone in the company's expansion. the sleek new office building was a symbol of progress, reflecting the growth and success of the business. the modern design of the building, with its glass facades and cutting-edge facilities, stood as a beacon of your achievements and aspirations.
as you walked down the polished corridors of the new office, you took in the bustling activity around you. the staff moved with purpose, the energy of the space reflecting the thriving state of the company. you were deep in thought, reviewing the day’s tasks, when you spotted a familiar face.
jackson wang, the man from the convenience store, was standing near the reception area, his presence causing a ripple of recognition in your mind. you approached him with a mix of curiosity and formality. “jackson, what are you doing here?” you asked, trying to mask your surprise. his smile was easygoing, and he seemed genuinely pleased to see you. “i’m here on behalf of my father,” he began. “he wanted to propose a deal between hanbok group and wang industries at tonight’s opening ceremony. he thinks it would be mutually beneficial.”
you nodded, processing his words. “i see. well, we’ll definitely discuss it further. i appreciate you coming by to inform me.” his eyes twinkled with curiosity. “so, you do remember me from the convenience store?”
you offered a small smile, nodding in recognition. “yeah, i remember. good to see you again.” his expression shifted to one of genuine admiration. “congratulations on the success of hanbok group. it's impressive how far you’ve come.”
“thank you,” you replied, feeling a warm sense of validation. “it’s been quite a journey.” as you prepared to leave, jackson watched you with an air of quiet confidence. “i’ll see you tonight at the ceremony, then,” he said. “i’m looking forward to it.”
the opening ceremony for the company's new headquarters was a significant milestone, a moment of celebration that promised new beginnings. the event was meticulously organized, with a grand hall decorated in elegant hues that mirrored the company’s successful journey. the atmosphere was abuzz with anticipation as influential guests, industry leaders, and key stakeholders gathered to witness the occasion.
you and eunha met with jackson, his father, and their team in one of the private conference rooms prior to the main event. his father, a distinguished figure with a commanding presence, extended a firm handshake and greeted you with a businesslike warmth. “it’s a pleasure to finally meet you in person,” he said, his tone reflecting a blend of professionalism and cordiality. the discussion centered around the proposed partnership between hanbok group and wang industries. the terms were negotiated with careful consideration, and both parties were eager to explore the mutual benefits. after a thorough exchange of ideas and a few rounds of negotiation, an agreement was reached. the partnership was set to bring new opportunities and enhance the growth prospects for both companies.
with the formalities concluded, you felt a sense of accomplishment as you prepared for your first public appearance. the night was about to transition from business to celebration, and you were eager to make a positive impression. as you made your way to the backstage area to get ready, you spotted jackson once again. he approached you with a friendly smile. “i just wanted to thank you for the opportunity,” he said. “it’s been great working with you and seeing how far your company has come.”
“you’re welcome,” you replied, appreciating the gesture. “and thank you for your support. i'm looking forward to the new possibilities this partnership will bring.”
he nodded, his expression thoughtful. “it’s been a pleasure. i think tonight is going to be quite memorable.” as the time for the showcase drew nearer, you and jackson took your positions. the grand hall was now a sea of faces, the crowd eagerly awaiting the main event. you took a deep breath, feeling a mixture of excitement and nervousness as you prepared to step out onto the stage.
just as you were about to make your entrance, you noticed a familiar face in the crowd. your heart skipped a beat as you locked eyes with namjoon. he stood at the edge of the gathering, his gaze fixed on you with an intensity that was both unsettling and familiar. the sight of him stirred a whirlwind of emotions—regret, longing, and an unspoken connection. his expression was unreadable, a mask of composure that did little to reveal his thoughts. for a moment, the world around you seemed to blur, leaving only the stark reality of his presence.
in the opulent study of the kim manor, the atmosphere was thick with tension. the chairman, haejoon, and haejoon’s stepmother, who had become a fixture in the household, gathered around a large mahogany desk. the study was dimly lit, casting long shadows across the room and adding to the gravity of the discussion. the chairman, visibly agitated, slammed a thick folder onto the desk. “this is bad,” he declared, his voice low and menacing. “absolutely bad for our company’s sales. hanbok group’s success at the opening ceremony has thrown a wrench into our plans.”
haejoon, who was pacing with a mixture of frustration and embarrassment, clenched his jaw. “father, you know i've tried to handle this situation,” he said, his voice strained. “but the backlash is enormous, and it’s affecting our public image.”
his father’s glare could have cut through steel. “you were supposed to maintain control over this. do you have any idea what this means for us? we’re losing ground to a company that was just a blip on our radar.” namjoon's mother, standing with her arms crossed, looked on with a cold expression. “this isn’t just about the company’s image. this is personal. eunha is your ex-girlfriend and (y/n) is the daughter of the woman who cleaned our toilets. their success is a direct insult to our family.”
before the conversation could delve deeper into the personal aspects, the door to the study opened, and namjoon walked in, his expression neutral but his demeanor tinged with unease. “the ceremony is finished,” he announced. “the opening was a success.” the room fell into a heavy silence as haejoon turned to face his stepbrother. the tension between them was palpable, with his dislike for namjoon evident in the way he glared at him. despite namjoon’s attempts to bridge the gap, haejoon seemed resolute in his disdain.
“we need a plan,” the chairman said, his tone was far from appreciative. “we need to find a way to counteract this situation. we can’t let hanbok group’s success overshadow our own achievements.” namjoon met his father’s gaze, accepting the gravity of the task. “understood. i’ll handle it.”
the chairman’s eyes narrowed. “you need to do more than just handle it. we need a strategy to undermine their momentum and regain control of the narrative. this isn’t just about competition; it’s about asserting our dominance.” namjoon nodded, a flicker of determination crossing his face. “i’ll get to work on it immediately.”
as he turned to leave, haejoon’s stepmother shot him a pointed look. the disdain in her gaze was evident, and it was clear that the family’s discontent with him was growing. namjoon, however, kept his focus on the task ahead, ignoring the glares and the underlying hostility in the room. as he walked out of the study, the weight of the responsibility settled heavily on his shoulders.
the transition to your new private school in seoul was a monumental shift, a step that symbolized the culmination of your hard work and the new opportunities afforded by hanbok group’s success. as you walked through the gates of the prestigious institution, you felt the weight of countless gazes. the students—dressed in their immaculate uniforms—watched you with a mixture of awe and envy. the whispers and stares made you feel like an object of fascination, a feeling both exhilarating and uncomfortable.
despite the attention, you held your head high, trying to maintain composure as you navigated the hallways. the sense of being scrutinized was palpable, but you were determined to focus on your new chapter.
suddenly, you felt a reassuring weight around your shoulders. you turned to see jackson, his familiar grin breaking through the sea of curious faces. “hey, i didn’t expect to see you here!” he said, his tone light and friendly. “i’m a student here too. thought i'd show you around.” relief washed over you as you smiled back. “thanks, jackson. that’d be great.”
as you walked together through the bustling corridors, you began to feel more at ease. however, your newfound comfort was abruptly interrupted when you came to a sudden halt. the reason for your pause became clear as you glanced ahead. namjoon stood at the end of the hallway, his gaze fixed on you. his eyes narrowed slightly when he noticed jackson by your side.
jackson’s voice broke the tense silence. “dramatic, aren’t you, namjoon? then again, you’ve always enjoyed a good crowd,” he remarked, his tone laced with an undercurrent of playful sarcasm. the students around you began forming a circle, intrigued by the unexpected confrontation. his expression darkened as he glanced at jackson. “what exactly do you think you’re doing here?” he asked, his voice edged with a hint of challenge.
jackson shrugged nonchalantly. “i could ask you the same thing. how was busan, friend?” the word “friend” hung in the air, heavy with unspoken history. the silence that followed was thick with unspoken tensions. the once close bond between namjoon and jackson had frayed over the years, especially after namjoon’s departure for busan, which had strained their relationship.
you shifted uncomfortably, unsure of how to navigate the suddenly charged atmosphere. as you considered walking away to escape the awkwardness, namjoon’s hand shot out and grabbed your wrist. his touch was firm but not aggressive, as he pulled you closer to his side. “wait,” he said, his voice low and resolute. “i need to talk to you.”
jackson’s eyes flickered with surprise, but he stepped back slightly, allowing namjoon to assert his presence. the surrounding students watched with bated breath, their curiosity piqued by the unfolding drama. namjoon’s grip on your wrist was firm, but his touch was not harsh. he guided you away from the crowd, leading you to a quieter corner of the school. his expression was a mix of confusion and something deeper—perhaps a flicker of old emotions.
“why are you here?” namjoon finally asked, his tone softening. “how did you end up at this school?” you met his gaze, trying to remain calm despite the rush of emotions. “that's none of your business, really.”
his eyebrows furrowed, a mix of surprise and hurt flickering across his face. “look, we’re both here now. can’t we just talk?” you shook your head, feeling a pang of frustration. “there’s nothing to talk about, namjoon. i’m here to focus on my studies and start fresh. whatever happened between us before, it’s in the past.” there was no getting over the way he had acted. no amount of money in the world could've made up for the nights you had spent crying, wondering why it was your life that was falling apart.
with that, you found yourself spinning on your heel. you had no interest in going back to where you started, and that included rekindling a bond with him. he was the one that looked down on you and, even if he wasn't, he was the one who wad engaged.
namjoon sat at a corner table in the bustling school cafeteria, his lunch barely touched as he absentmindedly stirred his drink. across from him, soyeon’s anger simmered beneath her composed exterior. the vibrant chatter of students around them seemed distant as she leaned in, her voice low and filled with frustration.
“i can’t believe this,” she said, her eyes flashing with irritation. “your company’s downfall is gonna ruin us. hanbok group is soaring, especially after the partnership with wang industries. it’s a huge blow to your sales, and since i'm engaged to you, my sales.”
he sighed, rubbing his temples. “i know, soyeon. it’s not like i wanted this to happen. i’m dealing with it as best as i can.” her frustration mounted. “dealing with it? it’s a disaster, and now you’re stuck here, trying to make sense of it all while they're out there taking the spotlight.”
his annoyance was evident. “we’re working on it, but what do you expect me to do? it’s not like we can just erase their success.” her eyes narrowed, her irritation shifting to a calculating gaze. “actually, there might be something we can do. it’s risky, but it could work.”
he looked at her with a mixture of curiosity and skepticism. “what do you have in mind?” she leaned in closer, her voice dropping to a conspiratorial whisper. “you know that girl from hanbok group, the one you saw at the ceremony? if you get close to her—”
namjoon cut her off with a skeptical glance. “are you suggesting i seduce her?” her lips curled into a sly smile. “exactly. if you can get close to her, you might find a way to undermine hanbok group from within. Ii’s a chance to gather information, and maybe even influence things in our favor.”
he studied soyeon’s face, weighing the proposal. the idea was certainly bold, but it did offer a potential path to addressing the threat hanbok group posed to his family’s company. the thought of involving personal feelings in the strategy was unsettling, but the prospect of weakening the company was tempting.
“you really think this will work?” he asked, still unsure. she nodded, her expression serious. “it’s a long shot, but it might be our best bet. if you can get her to trust you, you might be able to find a way to sabotage their plans or at least gather some useful intel.” namjoon considered the proposal, his thoughts swirling with conflicting emotions. the idea of manipulating someone for business gain was morally dubious, but the stakes were high. if this was the only viable strategy to save his family’s company, he was willing to consider it.
“alright,” namjoon finally said, his voice determined. “i’ll do it. but remember, this is a means to an end. i don’t want this to get out of hand.” she smile widened, a glint of triumph in her eyes. “good. i knew you’d see the potential. just be careful—if things get messy, it could backfire.”
the grand opening of hanbok nightclub was a dazzling affair. the sleek, modern design of the venue glittered with bright lights and vibrant colors, creating an atmosphere of excitement and luxury. the turnout was impressive, with a lively crowd enjoying the music, drinks, and the bustling energy of the night. you stood at the edge of the main floor, taking in the scene with a mix of pride and relief. the risky investment in the nightclub had clearly paid off.
as you watched the guests mingle and dance, you turned to see a familiar face among the crowd. it was namjoon, looking sharply dressed in a suit that accentuated his tall frame. his presence was unexpected, and you felt a flicker of curiosity and unease. you approached him, your voice barely rising above the noise of the crowd. “what are you doing here?” he offered a small, sincere smile. “i came to support you. i heard about the opening and thought i’d check it out.”
you were taken aback by his response, feeling a strange mix of emotions. “i didn’t expect to see you here.” namjoon’s gaze softened. “i wanted to make amends. i know things between us have been complicated.”
you nodded, appreciating his gesture. “well, i’m glad you came. it means a lot.” he glanced around the nightclub, then back at you. “would you like to grab a drink? i'd like to talk, if that’s alright with you.” you hesitated for a moment, still feeling the sting of past interactions but decided that it was worth at least hearing him out. “alright, let’s get a drink.”
you led the way to the bar, where you both ordered drinks and found a quieter corner away from the main festivities. the setting was intimate, the dim lighting casting a warm glow over the space. as you sipped your drink, namjoon looked at you with a mixture of apprehension and sincerity. “i owe you an apology for how I acted before. the way i treated you was unfair. it wasn’t just me—it was pressure from my stepmother and the situation at home.” you studied his face, searching for any hint of insincerity, but found none. “i appreciate you saying that. it was confusing and hurtful, but i understand that you were caught in a difficult situation.”
he nodded, visibly relieved by your response. “it’s been a tough time for me, too. my family’s expectations and the pressure to keep up with everything—it’s been overwhelming.” you took a sip of your drink, considering his words. “i can’t imagine what you’ve been going through, but i hope things get better for you. and i hope we can move past this.”
his expression softened, and he gave you a small, appreciative smile. “i'd like that. i know i can’t undo the past, but i want to try to make things right, even if it’s just starting with this.” you nodded, feeling a sense of relief at the honest conversation. “we can start fresh. i’m willing to forgive and move on.”
hia eyes met yours with genuine gratitude. “thank you. it means a lot to me.” the conversation flowed more easily as the night progressed, with both of you sharing updates about your lives and catching up on missed time. the atmosphere around you was lively and festive, but in your little corner of the nightclub, it was as if a new chapter was beginning.
the weeks following the opening of the nightclub brought an unexpected shift in your relationship with namjoon. you found yourselves spending more time together, both within and outside of the office. the initial tension between you had faded, replaced by a genuine connection. conversations became easier, and you began to learn more about each other’s lives and interests.
he often seemed conflicted, his guilt evident as he navigated his dual role in your life. the feelings he was developing for you were undeniable, and it was becoming harder for him to maintain the facade of mere friendship. he had started to question the ethics of his actions, feeling remorseful for his initial intentions.
one afternoon, as you were wrapping up some paperwork in the office, eunha stopped by. she looked concerned as she approached your desk. “can we talk for a moment?” she asked, her tone serious. you nodded, setting aside your work. “of course. what’s up?”
she waited until you both settled into a quieter area of the office before speaking. “i've been noticing that you and kim namjoon have been spending a lot of time together lately. i’m curious—what’s your relationship with him?” you hesitated for a moment before answering. “we’re just friends. we’ve been getting to know each other better.”
her expression remained thoughtful. “i see. well, i want to encourage you to keep it that way—just friends.” you raised an eyebrow, surprised by her insistence. “why? is there something i should know?”
she sighed, looking more serious than you’d ever seen her. “yes, actually. there’s something important you need to understand. namjoon’s family, including his stepbrother, are our direct competitors. hanbok group and their company are rivals, and haejoon happens to be my ex-boyfriend.” you were taken aback, your eyes widening in disbelief. “haejoon is your ex? i didn’t know that.” you had recalled the photo of them in her guest room, the pieces gluing themselves together.
she nodded. “yes. it’s complicated, but it’s crucial for you to know that the kims and hanbok group are deeply intertwined in this business rivalry. i don’t want you to get caught up in any personal entanglements that could complicate things for both our company and your own future.” the revelation hit you hard. you had been developing genuine feelings for him, and eunha’s warning forced you to confront the reality of the situation. the idea of distancing yourself from him now felt painful, especially given the bond you had started to form.
“i understand,” you said, trying to steady your emotions. “i’ll keep my distance. i don’t want to create any conflicts for us.” she looked relieved but also sympathetic. “thank you. i know it’s not easy, but it’s important for the sake of the company. and if there’s anything more you need to know, or if you’re struggling, you can always talk to me.”
you appreciated her offer, though the weight of the situation was heavy on your heart. as she left, you sat alone, reflecting on the growing feelings you had for namjoon and the difficult decision you now faced. the connection you had with him felt real, but the business implications and personal history made it all the more complex.
namjoon sat at his study desk in the grand manor, the room illuminated by the soft glow of the desk lamp. the space was decorated with rich wood paneling and shelves lined with books, providing an aura of both warmth and authority. he was lost in thought, his mind preoccupied with the tangled emotions and complicated dynamics of his recent interactions with you.
the creak of the door broke his concentration. haejoon entered the room, a stern expression on his face. he walked straight to his desk and dropped a stack of photographs in front of him with a thud. the images were candid shots of you and namjoon from various moments—some at the nightclub, others from the recent school encounter. he looked up, his expression guarded. “what’s this about?” haejoon’s tone was cold and direct. “explain these.”
namjoon’s gaze shifted to the photos, and he took a deep breath before speaking. “soyeon came up with a plan to get close to you and undermine hanbok group from the inside. she thought that if i could get close to you and learn about your company’s operations, it would give us an edge. all i'm doing is going along with it.”
haejoon’s eyebrows lifted slightly in surprise, but he remained silent, absorbing the information. he appeared to be considering the implications of namjoon’s revelation. after a moment, he nodded, seemingly satisfied with the explanation. “alright,” he said finally. “i’ll leave it at that.”
as he turned to leave, namjoon’s voice stopped him. “why do you hate me so much, haejoon?” he paused, his back still turned. for a moment, the room was filled with a heavy silence. he didn’t respond, and the tension between the two brothers was palpable. with that, he walked out of the study, leaving his stepbrother alone with a heavy heart.
the day at school had been unusually tense. as you navigated through your classes and interactions with classmates, the weight of recent developments lingered heavily on your mind. you had been trying to keep your emotions in check, focusing on your responsibilities, but the lingering thoughts of namjoon and the complexities of your relationship with him kept resurfacing.
he, too, seemed preoccupied. he found you during lunch, his usual confident demeanor replaced with a look of vulnerability. as you sat together, you noticed the tension in his shoulders and the sadness in his eyes. “can we talk?” he asked, his voice softer than usual. you nodded, leading him to a quieter corner of the school grounds where you could have some privacy. “what’s on your mind?”
he took a deep breath, struggling to articulate his feelings. “it’s haejoon. i’ve always wanted his approval, his love, but no matter what i do, it feels like i'm never enough. it’s like no matter how hard i try, i'm just not able to earn his respect.”
you could see the pain in his eyes, and it tugged at your heart. without hesitation, you pulled him into a comforting hug, your arms encircling him in a gesture of reassurance. “you’re enough, namjoon. You don’t need to prove anything to anyone. you’re doing your best, and that’s all anyone can ask.” his breath hitched slightly as he absorbed the comfort you offered. in that embrace, he felt a wave of emotions he had been trying to suppress. the connection between you deepened, and he realized that his feelings for you had grown beyond mere friendship.
later that day, he sought out soyeon in the crowded hallways. he found her standing near her locker, her posture rigid and her expression expectant. “soyeon,” he began, his voice firm but conflicted, “i need to talk to you about the plan.”
her eyes narrowed, a hint of irritation in her gaze. “oh? what about it?” his resolve was clear. “i’m calling it off. i can’t go through with it. i'm not going to sabotage hanbok group or manipulate (y/n).”
her eyebrows shot up in surprise, her lips curling into a sardonic smile. “caught feelings, have we?” his silence was all the confirmation she needed. her expression shifted from mockery to anger. “you’re serious? you’ve actually fallen for her?”
he nodded, his frustration evident. “yes, i have. i can’t do this anymore.” her demeanor grew colder. “you realize what this means, don’t you? if you back out now, i'll go public with our separation. it’ll be a scandal that’ll damage your family’s company even further. you can’t just walk away from this.”
the threat was clear, and namjoon felt the weight of it press down on him. the thought of his company facing additional fallout was unbearable. he was trapped between his burgeoning feelings for you and the ruthless demands of soyeon. swallowing his pride and masking his inner turmoil, he forced himself to comply. “alright,” he said, his voice strained. “i’ll go through with the plan. i’ll make sure it happens.”
her expression softened slightly, satisfied with his compliance. “good. i’ll be watching. don’t disappoint me, namjoon.”
the bond between you and namjoon continued to deepen with each passing day. as the weeks went by, your relationship evolved from friendship to something undeniably more intense. despite the growing affection between you, he struggled internally. he found himself torn between the desire for his family's approval and the undeniable pull of his feelings for you. the more his family praised him for his involvement with you, the more conflicted he felt.
one night, the hanbok nightclub was abuzz with activity. the grand opening had been a resounding success, and the club had quickly become one of the city's most talked-about venues. you were there, dressed in a stunning gold dress that shimmered under the nightclub's lights. you had taken up a spot on the floor above, enjoying the view and savoring the evening.
namjoon spotted you from the dance floor below and felt a rush of admiration. the way your dress sparkled in the ambient light, the elegance with which you carried yourself—everything about you seemed to captivate him. he made his way up to where you were standing, his eyes never leaving you as he approached. “(y/n),” he said softly, his voice almost lost amidst the noise of the club. “you look absolutely mesmerizing tonight.”
you turned to face him, a smile spreading across your lips. his words, combined with the way he looked at you, made your heart race. the intensity of the moment was palpable, and you both seemed to forget about everything else around you. the music and chatter of the nightclub faded into the background as the connection between you grew stronger.
his gaze dropped to your lips, and before either of you could second-guess it, he leaned in and kissed you. the kiss was gentle at first, but quickly escalated into something more passionate. his hands found their way to your waist, pulling you closer as the world outside seemed to vanish. caught up in the moment, you pulled away slightly, your breath mingling with his. “there are private rooms in the back,” you whispered, a mischievous glint in your eye. “we could have more privacy there.”
he nodded, his eyes dark with desire. without another word, you took his hand and guided him through the crowd, leading him towards the back of the nightclub. the private rooms were a secluded escape from the bustling main area, providing a more intimate setting. once inside, the room was dimly lit, with plush furnishings and a cozy atmosphere. the door closed behind you, shutting out the noise and leaving you both in a private sanctuary. as soon as you were alone, his lips found yours again, the kiss heated and fervent. his hands roamed your body, exploring and caressing with a hunger that matched your own.
you guided him to a nearby sofa, where you both sank into the cushions, the kisses growing more urgent. the warmth of his body against yours, the way his hands traced your curves, and the intensity of his gaze made everything feel electric.
namjoon stepped closer, his eyes devouring you body like a starving man. he reached out and traced a finger along the neckline of your dress, sending sparks of pleasure through your body. "you look incredible," he murmured, his voice a velvet rumble that seemed to resonate in your very bones. “take it off for me.”
your hands trembled slightly as you obeyed, the fabric sliding down your body to pool at your feet. you stepped out of the dress, revealing the lacy lingerie that matched the color of the gold fabric. he took a sharp breath in, his eyes widening with desire. “i knew you'd look even better without it,” he said, his voice thick with lust.
he stepped closer, closing the distance between you, and before you could react, he had you pressed against the nearest wall. his hands roamed your body, gripping your hips, then sliding up to cup your tits. he squeezed gently, his thumbs flicking over your hardened nipples. “you're so fucking perfect,” he whispered against your neck, his breath hot and heavy. you gasped, arching into his touch, your body begging for more.
he leaned in and claimed your mouth in a bruising kiss, his tongue invading yours with a hunger that left you breathless. you could feel the bulge in his pants, pressing against you, a silent promise of what was to come. his hands slid down to the hem of your panties, and with a swift motion, he ripped them away. the sound of the fabric tearing filled the room, a declaration of his intent.
he stepped back, admiring your naked form, his eyes lingering on the apex of your thighs. “spread your legs for me,” he ordered, his voice firm and demanding. you complied, your legs quivering with anticipation. he dropped to his knees, his breath hot against your skin. “you're so wet already,” he murmured, his voice filled with satisfaction. he licked a slow path up your slit, and you cried out, nails digging into the wall behind you.
he stood up, unbuckling his pants with swift, efficient movements. his cock sprang free, thick and hard, and you couldn't help but stare. “like what you see?” he smirked, stroking himself slowly. you nodded, your mouth dry with desire. “good, because you're about to get a taste.”
without warning, he plunged into you, filling you up in one swift motion. you cried out, your body stretching to accommodate his size. he didn't stop, his hips moving in a steady, punishing rhythm that had you seeing stars. “you're so tight,” he groaned, his grip on her hips tightening. “i can feel every inch of you.”
your bodies moved together in perfect harmony, the sound of your skin slapping echoing in the quiet room. you wrapped your legs around his waist, pulling him deeper, walls clenching around him. he leaned in, whispering filthy words into your ear, telling you exactly how good you felt, how much he wanted you. you met each thrust with one of your own, hips rolling to meet his, driving him even deeper.
the tension built between you, a crescendo of passion that could no longer be contained. you both knew what was coming, the inevitable explosion that would shake you to your very cores. you were lost in each other, hearts pounding in time with the music that pulsed through the walls. as you both approached the edge, your movements grew more frantic, breaths more ragged. “i love you,” you gasped, the words slipping out before you could stop them. namjoon's eyes snapped to yours, a look of shock and disbelief crossing his face. but then, a soft smile spread across his lips. “i love you too,” he murmured, his voice filled with a vulnerability you had never heard before.
the next few days unfolded with a whirlwind of emotions and new experiences. your bond with namjoon continued to deepen, growing more intense with each passing moment. the connection you shared became evident to everyone, and photos of the two of you started flooding the internet. the media coverage was relentless, and while it brought both praise and scrutiny, it also highlighted the undeniable chemistry between you.
amidst the flurry of attention, you and him spent more time together, finding solace in each other's company. despite the external chaos, these moments became a refuge where you could escape the pressures and expectations that surrounded you. one evening, as you both sat in the lounge of the nightclub after hours, namjoon looked contemplative, his usual confident demeanor replaced by a quiet seriousness. the soft glow of the dim lights cast a warm hue over his face, revealing the subtle lines of worry etched upon it.
“you know,” he began, his voice low and hesitant, “there’s something I’ve been meaning to talk to you about.” you turned to him, your curiosity piqued. “what is it, namjoon?”
he took a deep breath, his gaze dropping to the floor before meeting your eyes again. “it’s about my engagement to soyeon. i've never really talked about it, but i think it’s time you knew.” you listened attentively, sensing the gravity of his words. his expression was one of vulnerability, and it was clear that this was something he had been carrying alone for a long time.
“engagements in our world aren’t always about love,” he continued, his voice tinged with frustration. “it’s more about alliances, business deals, and family expectations. soyeon and i—we’re both trapped in this arrangement because our families want it. neither of us wanted it, but we have to go along with it.” you reached out and took his hand in yours, offering a comforting squeeze. “i'm sorry you’re going through this, namjoon. it must be really difficult, feeling like you’re not in control of your own life.”
he nodded, his eyes reflecting a mixture of relief and guilt. “it is. and i know it’s no excuse for what’s happened between us, but it’s hard not to feel like i’m betraying everyone. the guilt is eating me up inside.” you looked at him with understanding, your heart aching for the turmoil he was experiencing. “you’re not betraying anyone. you’re just trying to find happiness in a situation that’s been forced upon you. it’s okay to feel conflicted.” he remained silent, his gaze fixed on your intertwined fingers. the weight of his confession seemed to lift slightly, but the guilt still lingered in his eyes. your words resonated with his situation too much—everything he had been doing behind your back, it was like he was going against everything he stood for. like he had been lying to you from the very start, but how could he?
the grand opening of wang industries’ new nightclub was set to be a spectacle, a symbol of the flourishing partnership between your company and theirs. the event was meant to be a celebration of collaboration, showcasing the mutual benefits of your alliance. as part of the evening’s arrangement, you and jackson were to make a dramatic entrance together, reinforcing the image of unity between your companies.
you walked into the club with him by your side, his arm wrapped around your waist. the crowd's reaction was immediate and electric, cheers and applause filling the room as the spotlight illuminated the two of you. the public's frenzy was palpable, and the media coverage was intense. it was all part of the plan, a well-orchestrated stunt to make headlines and reinforce the partnership’s strength.
the moment, however, was abruptly interrupted. namjoon, who had been watching from a distance, felt a wave of raw emotion surge through him. the sight of you and jackson together, the way his arm was possessively draped around you, was too much for him to bear. his heart pounded, his feelings of betrayal and jealousy mingling into a potent mix of anger.
without thinking, namjoon strode forward, his face set in a grimace. the crowd fell silent as he approached, the tension in the air thickening. before anyone could react, he threw a punch straight at jackson’s face. the blow landed with a sickening thud, and he stumbled back, surprised but quickly regaining his stance.
“are you out of your mind?” jackson spat, his voice filled with anger. he wiped the blood from his lip, glaring at namjoon. “you've got a lot of stones to throw for someone in a glass house.” your shock was evident as you rushed to jackson's side, wiping away the excess blood as your heart pounded. your wide-eyed gaze switched from one man to the other.
you looked between them, confused and alarmed. “what’s going on? what do you mean by that?” namjoon’s face was a mask of frustration and pain, and he remained silent. jackson’s smirk widened as he seized the opportunity to reveal the truth. “come on, joon, tell her. the house was bound to break at some point.”
your eyes darted from jackson to namjoon, searching for answers. when namjoon didn’t speak, jackson took it upon himself to explain. “your boyfriend and his fiancée had a plan. he was supposed to seduce you to bring down hanbok group from the inside. the whole thing was a setup.” the words hit you like a punch to the gut. “no,” you said, laughing without a hint of humor. “that can’t be true, right?”
the silence that followed was deafening. you looked at namjoon, his eyes filled with tears and regret. the realization sank in, and the truth became painfully clear. his actions, his earlier promises, and the moments you shared—they had all been part of a twisted scheme. the betrayal cut deep. namjoon, his voice choked with remorse, managed to whisper, “i'm sorry.”
the apology only fueled your anger. you brought up your hand, only to bring it down across his face, the sting of the contact echoing your hurt and disappointment. “how could you?” jackson stepped in, smirking at the scene. “who do you think soyeon’s fucking on the side? she tells me everything.”
the betrayal was overwhelming, and you felt as if your world was collapsing around you. all you could think about was getting away from the chaos and the lies. you turned on your heel and fled the nightclub, the sound of the commotion fading behind you as you rushed out into the night. the sting of betrayal and the weight of broken trust were nearly unbearable, and all you wanted was to escape and process the painful reality of what had just been revealed.
as you fled from the nightclub, your heart pounded in your chest, each beat echoing the betrayal you felt. the cold night air stung your cheeks, but the sharp pain of betrayal was far more intense. you rushed through the dimly lit streets, your breath coming in ragged gasps as tears blurred your vision. behind you, namjoon was desperately trying to catch up. his voice broke through the darkness, filled with anguish and regret. “wait! please, just wait!”
you continued to walk briskly, not wanting to give in. but his relentless pursuit forced you to stop. panting, you faced him, the cold wind whipping through your hair. “everything was a lie?” you demanded, your voice trembling with a mix of anger and disbelief. “you had sex with me, told me you loved me. just like that.”
namjoon’s face was a picture of torment. “no, it wasn’t like that. i meant every word i said. i truly did. i begged soyeon to put the plan off, but she threatened me. said she’d go public and ruin everything if i didn’t follow through. i just—iwanted my family’s approval, and i didn’t know how to stop it.”
his eyes were filled with genuine sorrow, and you could see the depth of his regret. but the hurt and betrayal you felt were too overwhelming. you scoffed, shaking your head in disbelief. “i hope their approval was worth it.” with that, you turned and walked away, leaving him standing in the middle of the street, watching you retreat. the night seemed darker and colder as you made your way back home, your thoughts racing with the events of the evening.
the next morning, the weight of the previous night’s events was still heavy on your shoulders. as you shuffled through the living room, the television blared with news about the scandal that had erupted. the screen displayed images of you and jackson, along with headlines about the altercation and the fallout from the nightclub’s opening. the impact was immediate and severe. your company’s sales began to plummet, and the media frenzy only added fuel to the fire. the news seemed to taunt you with every broadcast, a relentless reminder of the public humiliation and the damage done.
in the kim manor, however, the atmosphere was quite different. namjoon’s family gathered around, cheering him on as if he had emerged victorious. their approval was palpable, yet namjoon himself was far from triumphant. his face was a mask of despondency, a stark contrast to the elation of those around him.
back in your home, the situation was equally strained. eunha found you in a state of distress, her face etched with concern as she watched the news. despite the severe drop in your company’s sales, she remained a pillar of support. she wrapped her arms around you in a comforting hug, her presence a soothing balm to your wounded spirit. “we’ll get through this,” she assured you. “i’ll take care of the fallout. we’ll find a way to fix this. it’ll all be okay.” her words, though calming, did little to erase the sting of betrayal or the uncertainty of the future. you clung to her reassurance, finding solace in her unwavering support as you both faced the daunting task of repairing the damage and moving forward from the scandal that had rocked your world.
the days following the scandal were a whirlwind of turmoil and distress. the fallout from the nightclub incident extended far beyond the immediate embarrassment. at school, the situation was just as brutal. whispers and mocking glances followed you through the hallways, and every classroom felt like a stage for public ridicule. you were isolated, left to navigate the hostile environment alone. the once familiar faces of your classmates now seemed cold and distant, their earlier camaraderie replaced by harsh judgment.
jackson was the only one who stood by your side. his presence was a rare comfort in the sea of hostility, and he did his best to shield you from the worst of it. he took on the role of a defender, confronting anyone who dared to speak ill of you and making it clear that their behavior was unacceptable. despite his efforts, you couldn’t shake the lingering resentment toward him. his failure to disclose the truth about the scheme had deeply hurt you. His words, though sometimes harsh, were a small consolation amidst the overwhelming negativity.
in the midst of all of it, namjoon watched the drama unfold from a distance, his heart heavy with regret. every time he saw you being treated unjustly, it pierced him deeply. the sight of Jackson standing up for you, despite his own flaws, only highlighted how namjoon had failed to protect you when it mattered most. he grappled with his guilt, knowing he had played a role in the orchestrated chaos that had so thoroughly disrupted your life.
that night, he was scheduled to give a live report regarding the scandal. his family, sensing an opportunity to further their own agenda, encouraged him to use the platform to discredit your company as much as possible. they saw it as a chance to solidify their position and finally diminish your company. despite their pressure, namjoon’s conscience weighed heavily on him. he knew you would be watching, and the thought of adding more pain to your already wounded spirit was unbearable.
when the cameras rolled and the broadcast began, namjoon took a deep breath, bracing himself for the weight of his words. the studio was brightly lit, the atmosphere tense as reporters and cameras focused on him. his heart raced, and for a moment, he struggled to maintain his composure. the pressure to conform to his family's demands was immense, but as he looked into the camera, he saw your face in his mind.
he began his speech with a steely resolve, his voice calm but firm. “to those of you who are watching and, (y/n), i know you’re watching—i want to say this directly to you.” his gaze seemed to penetrate through the camera, reaching out across the miles. “don’t let these people fool you. (y/n) (l/n) and eunha (l/n) built their business from the ground up and used what little resources they had to make it happen. what happened was nothing but a publicity stunt set up by kim group to tear hanbok group down. please, support them as you always have.”
the words hung in the air, their impact palpable. namjoon’s declaration was a shocking turn of events, and the nation watched in stunned silence. for a moment, the spotlight shifted from the scandalous drama to his unexpected defense of your company. the studio fell silent, the only sound being the low hum of the camera equipment.
back at your home, you sat in stunned disbelief as the broadcast played on the television. the room felt eerily quiet as you absorbed his words. the gravity of his statement was overwhelming, and for a moment, you felt as though the world had stopped spinning. the anger and betrayal you had felt were momentarily eclipsed by a flood of conflicting emotions. eunha, who had been beside you through the entire ordeal, was equally shocked. her eyes widened as she listened to his defense, her expression a mixture of astonishment and confusion. the unexpected turn of events left you both in stunned silence, processing the weight of his public declaration.
the impact on hanbok group was immediate and profound. the public’s perception began to shift, with many people rallying in support of your company. the initial backlash softened as the truth behind the scandal was revealed. the sales slump began to recover, and the damage caused by the scandal started to heal.
later that night, the weight of the day's events had left you restless. tossing and turning in bed, you struggled to find solace amidst the turmoil of emotions. the soft glow of the moonlight filtered through the curtains, casting gentle shadows across the room. just as you were beginning to drift back into a fitful sleep, a series of urgent knocks echoed through the quiet house, jolting you awake.
confused and still groggy, you made your way to the front door. as you peered through the peephole, your heart skipped a beat. standing on the other side was namjoon, his figure shrouded in the darkness of the night. you opened the door without hesitation, instinctively ushering him inside.
“what are you doing here?” you asked, concern lacing your voice. the chill of the night air had seeped into the hallway, and you quickly pulled him in, closing the door behind him. his face was etched with a mixture of exhaustion and determination. “my speech, it got me kicked out of the house,” he explained, his voice tinged with a note of frustration and sorrow. “i had nowhere else to go.”
you guided him inside, leading him to your room. the warmth of the interior was a welcoming contrast to the cold he had just endured. namjoon’s eyes were filled with remorse as he took in the space, a safe haven he had come to, despite the circumstances.
“i'm so sorry,” he began, his voice thick with emotion. “i never meant for any of this to happen. i meant everything i said. i love you, i'd rather be your lover than their successor. if it means losing my family, then i’d rather have you.” his words hung in the air, heavy with sincerity. the vulnerability in his gaze made it clear how deeply he regretted the hurt he had caused. the pain and betrayal you felt were still fresh, but seeing him so raw and honest made something shift within you.
you took a deep breath, your heart aching with a mix of love and lingering hurt. “namjoon,” you said softly, stepping closer to him. “i love you too. i always have. if losing your family means that you can be with me, then i'd rather be your family. i want us to find a way to be together.”
his eyes welled with tears, the weight of his actions and their consequences finally hitting home. he reached out, pulling you into a tender embrace. the warmth of his body against yours was a comfort after the chaos of the day. you both held each other tightly, the silence of the room filled with unspoken promises and the hope of a new beginning.
the night wore on as you both sat together, wrapped in each other's arms. the emotional barriers between you slowly began to dissolve, replaced by a sense of understanding and reconciliation. the world outside continued to spin, but within the safety of your room, the turmoil of the day seemed to fade, leaving only the quiet, steadfast bond between you.
a/n: two fanfics in one night is wild ngl lowkey sad but i fw the heirs idc what anybody says the heirs was the blueprint for romance kdramas. kim tan was literally THE blueprint.
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starcandybby · 1 year
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fic recs: bts ii
disclaimer: some fics contain mature content, so minors DNI!!!!
on the ropes @raplinesmoon a | s - wc: 18k
ex-boxer!jin, lawyer!reader, infidelity!au
stay with me @bts-trash-blog f
long-distance relationship, established relationship
give me love @taleasnewastime s | f - wc: 6.1k
established relationship!, pwp
night drive @minimonojoon f - wc: 3k
best friends to lovers!au, groomsmen!jin x bridesmaid!reader
i’m all yours @sailoryooons f - wc: 2.3k
best friends to lovers!au, idiots to lovers!au, so so soft!!
forever @oddinary4bts a | f | s - wc: 25.2k
ex-fiancées to lovers!au
speak now @vminity21 a | s - wc: 2.4k
friends to lovers!au, bride-to-be!reader
almost @bluewhale52 f - wc: 1.9k
established relationship!au, idol!au, wife!oc
like flowers we bloom @cupofteaguk f - wc: 5k
bad boy!au
no rebounds (series) @joheunsaram a | f | s - wc: 16k
swing life away @aphrodijin a | f | s - wc: 5.2k
married!au, first anniversary, pregnancy!au
the ick @taleasnewastime f - wc. 6k
friends to lovers!au
first christmas @spideyjimin f - wc: 2.2k
established relationship!au, christmas!au, parents!au
how i love you @ahundredtimesover a | f | s - wc: 28.3k
established relationship!au, husband!namjoon
cruise control @lavienjin s | f | slight a - wc: 13.6k
street racer!au, doctor!reader
somewhere between the lines @caelesjjk s | a | slight f - wc: 9.8k
divorce!au, exes to lovers??
i love you @ughseoks f - wc: 1.8k
established relationship!au, slice(s) of life!au
doom boy @raplinesmoon a | s | slight fluff - wc: 14.2k
mafia!au, established relationship!au, namjoon thought he escaped his past…
class act @jvngkook97 f | s | a - wc: 4.7k
college!au, jock!namjoon, introverted!reader, strangers to lovers!au
an affair of the art @raplinesmoon f | slight a - wc: 1.3k
husband!namjoon, new parents!au, dad!namjoon, art enthusiasts!au
lovely demons @kpopfanfictrash a | s - wc: 41.7k
fantasy!au, enemies to lovers!au
serendipity (series) @sopebubbles a | f
idol!au, pregnancy!au, smau and written
lust @adonis-koo s - wc. 11k
demon!au, strangers to lovers
heart of the flame (series) @chateautae a | s | f
roommates!au, friends to lovers!au
in bloom @untaemedqueen a | f | s - wc: 6.2k
tattooed&pierced!taehyung, tattoo artist!taehyung, florist!reader, married!au, family!au
farmer boy, i love you @strawberrynamjoon a | f | s - wc: 35k
farming!au, enemies to lovers
breath of spring @cupofteaguk f - wc: 9k
florist!au, strangers to lovers
girl code @allysonhope f | slight a - wc: 7.4k
friends to lovers!au, oc tries to respect girl code
come back home (series) @another-army-spot a | s | f
dad!taehyung, teen parents, exes to lovers
the odds on us @jimilter a | s | slight f - wc: 15.5k
exes to lovers!au
crush @jungxk light a | f | s - wc: 5.1k
memory loss!au, established relationship!au, dad!au
a lover’s bond @latetaektalk heavy a | f - wc: 18.7k
greek mythology! AU- specifically orpheus and eurydice! AU
marry me? @bebejungkook f - wc: 0.7k
established relationship!au, gamer!jk, crybaby!reader
this is how you fall in love @jeonqkooks s | f - wc: 9.3k
rockstar!jk, established relationship!au
down and down @koorara a | f - wc: 12k
mma fighter!jk, exes au
put your head on my shoulder @koorara slight a | f | s - wc: 10k
married!au, husband!jk
alien invasion @nocturnal-jeon f
fiancée!jk, new dad!jk
the reconnect @bonny-kookoo s | a | f - wc: 12.5k
exes to lovers!au, one night stand!au, dad!jungkook
bleeding for you @mercurygguk a | f - wc: 3.3k
EMT!jk, fiancé!au, car crash
inkling @gguksgalaxy a | s - wc: 17.7k
tattoo artist!jungkook
love in the dark @spideyjimin s | a f - wc: 18k
ceo au, forbidden romance au, established relationship au, exes to lovers
the truth untold @crispy-chan a | f - wc: 26k
royal!au, forbidden love, arranged marriage, knight!jungkook x princess!reader
lover @wnderkoo f - wc: 2.1k
established relationship!au, break up!au (BUT NOT REALLY)
the manliest @kookslastbutton s | f - wc: 1.2k
established relationship!au, crack, jk tries to be hard dom
under your skin @bonny-kookoo s | f | slight a
strangers to lovers!au, tattoo artist!jk, shy!reader
what if i love you too much? @taleasnewastime s | f | a - wc: 20.6k
neighborhood!au, single mom!reader
busted @btsgotjams27 f | slight smut (suggestive) - wc: 0.8
husband!jk, biker!jk (enough said)
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evillemons · 7 months
~ based on his ideal type as described in part 1, continued into part 3. Masterlist here.
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• He would like to take the relationship slow at first, preferring to get to know her first before having sex/making it official.
• I think he would know very quickly if he was interested in someone though. He would spend some time observing and getting to know her from afar or being friends before feeling ready to ask her on a date/woo her.
• When he is ready, he would probably try to act seductive and charming but end up being clumsy and goofy.
• They love to go out together, either alone or with a few friends/double date.
• Museums, book stores, coffee shops, farmers market, picnic at the park, painting classes, shopping. Low key but romantic (he has said a few times that he wishes he could do more "normal" things).
• Maybe the occasional formal event here and there. They are a jaw-droppingly attractive couple when dressed up together.
• They would also love to spend quality time together at home as well; casual weekends where they can relax and recharge from work.
• She finds his clumsiness and authenticity charming.
• They are both somewhat existential and thrive on deep, philosophical, life-questioning conversations.
• Deeply loyal to each other once committed.
• He doesn’t prefer public PDA, but would be incredibly affectionate behind closed doors. Would love to cuddle, kiss, and be near her all the time.
• Namjoon is probably not very useful when it comes to practical things like house chores, cooking etc. but he would be so caring and thoughtful and want to make her feel appreciated and loved at all times.
• Would give her random little thoughtful gifts he thought she would like.
• The relationship could be quite serious and intense at times. They are both mature and capable of good communication and conflict resolution.
• Neither of them would want their relationship in the public eye. They would probably keep it on the down low until after a few years or until the peak of his fame dies down.
• He would be respectful of her independent nature but also be quite protective.
• I don’t see him tolerating advances or looks from other men. He might get a little jealous or possessive but try to hide it.
• He would look at her with so much admiration, glistening eyes and a sheepish dimpled smile.
• Namjoon really is the type to love someone for all of their good and bad; he would be wholly accepting of his partner.
• They would both be such kind, warm, and giving personalities but also a power couple at the same time.
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staytinyville · 10 months
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Stay Alive (31)
BTS poly!ot7 x Reader
Magical Creatures AU
Series Masterlist
Warnings: smut (MDNI)
A/N NOT BETA. YOU GUYS! I have a permanent taglist in my main masterlist if you wish to be added to my imagines. Taglist for my fics are currently not available though. It is currently closed for this story and my OUTLAW one. However if you wish to read my imagines (I have a couple coming out soon) Please be sure you check it out!
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The area your grandparents lived in was surrounded by mountains. The town was small and consisted mostly of farmers who traveled by foot rather than car. Everything was close by so there was no need for such bug vehicles that only took up space. Reaching your childhood summer home, it made you smile as you passed by the same trees and winding roads. 
It was night time though, and a good majority of the boys seemed to have huddled together as you took winding roads that were close to cliffs. They would cry about going slower on the turns. You shook your head, Namjoon in the passenger seat telling you that they were just scaredy cats. 
So when the roads evened out and you were finally at your grandfather’s traditional home, they all piled out taking in the smells and sights. Well what they could see for the moment. As you grabbed your backpack, you noticed the lights still on in the house making you frown. 
“Grandpa!” You called after knocking on the door. “What are you doing awake?”
You noticed the man wrapped in a blanket watching tv. He sat cross legged on the couch, cuddled into the cushions. You smiled at how adorable he looked, moving to take a seat next to him. When he turned to greet the boys, his face suddenly changed into one of shock as one by one the boys walked into the house. 
“I was waiting for you.” He told you. “You told me you were coming with friends but I didn't think they were boys. And seven of them.” He spoke up, looking back at the boys. 
“Yeah.” You said, standing up to stand next to them. “I'm sorry about it.” 
“I don't know if there's beds for all of them.” He said.
You smiled as he didn’t seem to question why you had seven boys visiting him. You didn’t know how to break it to him yet that they were magical creatures. Now that you would have to leave the home for a while. 
“Don't worry.” Namjoon told your grandpa. “We'll figure something out, sir.” He gave a dimple smile that made your grandpa nod his head. 
“Well alright.” The old man nodded his head, coming to a stand from the couch. 
“Let's go to bed, Grandpa.” You told him, leading the man to his bedroom. “We'll talk in the morning.”
After making sure your grandfather was in bed, you softly shut his door and walked back out to the other boys. 
“Everything alright?” Jin asked you.
“Yes.” You nodded. “He might forget things but he means well.” You told them. 
“It's no trouble for him?” Yoongi spoke up. 
“Yeah.” You grinned. “He was excited to have me home.”
“This is where you grew up?” Jimin asked, looking around at the pictures your grandma had put up in the house. 
“I'm from here.” You told them, leading them back out to take them to the second bedroom. “But I moved to Seoul for university. My grandparents were so excited to hear I was going.” You slide open the door, moving to the side. 
“Four of you can sleep here.” You spoke up, looking around the small room. “The other three can sleep in the living room.” You turned back to them. 
“I'll make the bedrolls.” Taehyung spoke up, looking for things to transfigure. 
When you got them all settled, you went to check on the room that you often used. When you opened the door, Hobi had taken a peak in. While the others seemed to be talking to themselves, the man followed you around as he took in everything about the traditional home. 
“Do you mind?” He asked when he stepped into your room. 
“Not at all, Hobi.” You smiled, gathering some things to take to the boys for them to sleep comfortably. 
When you returned back, Hobi was smiling over the trophies and ribbons you had from when you were in school. 
“You were in dance?” He asked you when you returned. 
“Yeah.” You smiled, looking at your pictures that showed you on stage or in an extravagant pose. “When I was a kid I had the dream of being an idol.” 
“And?” Hobi suddenly looked at you with wide eyes, waiting for you to continue.
You laughed a little, remembering how long it was you wanted to be on stage and perform for people. But that changed when you got older. 
“I like helping people more.” You told him. “My grandfather was the doctor in the village for a long while. I used to go to his clinic to watch him. It's where I found the love for medicine.”
“They would love you back home.” Hobi told you.
You noticed how well they seemed to be holding in their tears about finally being able to leave the facility. Had it been you in their place, you would have already started to bawling back in your apartment. And they had from what you vaguely remember hearing on the trip here. Some of them had slept and the others watched the passing scenery. 
Namjoon was the only one who held a conversation with you, but he still kept his eyes on the road, lips trembling each time you would turn to look at him. 
“How does it feel?” You asked. “To be going home soon?”
“I'm kinda scared.” He sniffled, looking down with a sad expression. “I missed so much.” Tears began to well in his eyes. “Did my family move on? Is my older sister doing okay? Does she have her own family? I'm sure all the boys feel that way.”
You frowned, reaching out to grab Hobi’s cheeks delicately between your hands. Giving him a smile when his eyes met yours, you leaned forward to place your forehead with his. 
“Hey, I'm sure they're still waiting for you.” You told him. “A family never forgets one of their own.”
Hobi closed his eyes as he felt your heat radiant onto him. He could feel your energy calming him down. It wasn’t the same as Namjoon’s empathic abilities or Jin’s way of sensing someone’s aura, but it was his way of feeling someone’s true nature. Everyone had an energy about them that created the kind of person they were. And your’s was something that brought Hoseok comfort. 
You looked up at him as he pulled away, a soft smile on your lips. “You mean a lot to us.” He told you, holding you by the waist. “The world we are from–we want to share it with you.”
“I’ll follow you.” With that Hobi softly placed his lips against yours. 
Hoseok was passionate about everything he did. He put so much work into reaching the place he wanted to be–and even then sometimes it might not be enough for him. He wanted to make sure that others were able to appreciate what he did. He wanted people to know that he tried hard for each one of them. 
It showed in the way he would take care of his brothers–in the way he would care for you if you ever had questions. It also showed in the way he kissed. You wanted to be there for him, let him know that all his efforts were being acknowledged. Just like Taehyung, Hobi also needed to be told how great he was when it came to magic. While he so obviously was someone who took charge, much like Namjoon, you wanted to have the chance to take care of one of them. If they allowed you to, that was.
When you pressed yourself closer to Hoseok, the man immediately placed his hands on your waist, keeping you from moving closer to him. You pulled away from him, keeping your forehead pressed to his. 
“I know you want to take care of us, Hun.” He breathlessly spoke. “But trust me–us taking care of you means a lot more than you taking care of us.”
His lips brushed against yours one more time. “All you have to do is be ours.”
“I already am.” 
His lips moved with more vigor this time, sucking in a large breath through his nose as he allowed his inhibitions to leave his body. His hands moved down to the back of your thighs, quickly gathering them between his hands and pushing you to jump. Your ankles locked behind him, his hands holding you up but gripping onto your backside. 
His fingers touched the folds between your legs causing you to flinch from the tickle. It was a light touch that had you grinding your hips down. Hobi pulled back from the kiss giggling to himself at how you seemed to wither from his touch. 
He moved you over to the bed, softly placing you down as he pulled back to look at you fully. Every touch he seemed to give you made you giggle, your body buzzing from nerves. Anything that seemed to touch your skin caused you to wiggle away from it. 
“I’m not even doing anything.” Hobi laughed. 
“I’m sensitive.” You breathed out.
“Were you like this for the others?” He teased leaning down to brush his lips against yours. 
“Not this much.” You told him honestly. 
“You’re buzzing. I can feel your energy–it’s intoxicating.” He explained. 
His fingers moved down to your pants, pulling at them slightly. When you raised your hips up, he used it as permission to take it all off. When he finished taking off your pants he pulled his shirt over his head, feeling overstimulated with the fabric touching his skin. 
You watched as he rolled his shoulder around, his fingertips gripping onto the skin of your thighs to help ground him back from the sensitivity. You laughed lightly, seeing as he was going through the same thing. 
The slight sting that came to your thigh had you gasping, looking at Hoseok with wide eyes. He glared playfully, giving you a scolding. “Don’t laugh.” He told you. 
You pressed your lips together to keep from smiling, nodding your head. You pulled your own shirt off wanting to feel Hoseok’s skin against yours. After you did, you tugged on his arm, wanting him to place his body over yours. 
However he quickly gathered both of your hands and shoved them above your head, keeping them from moving. He did lay down against you, his chest pressing against yours causing you to sigh and arch further into him. 
“We’ll get to it, Hun.” He whispered. “Be patient.”
“Hobi.” You whine, lips forming a pout.
He laughed slightly. “You’ve had the others. It’s my turn.” He kissed you one last time before standing back up. 
You sat up a little to watch him take off his pants and boxers. Once he was fully naked, you felt your heart rate spike and had to curl your fist into a ball to keep from reaching out for him. Once he got comfortable, he places his knees on the edge of the bed, making you spread your knees. 
You squeaked, suddenly feeling shy over the whole thing, trying your hardest to close your legs again. However Hoseok kept his hands on them, keeping your legs open for him to fit between them. 
“What happened?” He teased. “Why are you trying to fight me?” He kissed his teeth, thrusting his hips forward to nudge his length against your core. 
The noise he got from you made him smile evilly, moving his hips back and forth as his length became wet with your slick. He sucked in a breath, using his thumb to keep his length nestled between your lips. 
“Wait like a good little mate.” Hoseok whispered, being mesmerized by the way your core clenched around nothing. 
Each time the tip would get caught on the hood of your slit, he would bite his lip nudging the spot harder as you seemed to react to it as well. He moved back a bit, grabbing your ankles to hold them up and close them. His head tipped back as your thighs added to the stimulation. 
You whined and bucked your hips, huffing each time his tip would catch on your entrance. You would try to move against him to make him enter but he was quicker than you and moved before you could do anything. 
“If you don’t stop, I will.” Hoseok warned, crawling back between your legs to hold your hips down. 
As he watched you wither against the bed, he smiled sweetly. “Does the baby want me to fuck her?” He pouted. 
Leaning over, he moved some of your hair away from your face, pecking your lips as he nudged his knees closer to your thighs to get comfortable. 
“Hobi.” You whined out.
“Since you helped us so much.��� He whispered. “You deserve everything you want.”
He leaned up for a moment, grabbing onto his length to line it up with your entrance. You groaned out, trying to be quiet by focusing all your thoughts into gripping the sheets. When he pushed forward you let out a whimper that was music to Hoseok’s ears. The way your toes curled behind him. The way you seemed to clench your thigh muscles to allow the nerves of everything to go down your body. 
And when he started to move, he had to hold you down to keep from separating too far. As he watched his length disappear in and out of you, his breathing seemed to go ragged. He was so focused on the way his hips moved you began to grow mesmerized with the way Hobi was so focused on you.  
His look of bliss made a shiver go down your body, starting the build up of your orgasm. As your whimpers grew to be quick and whiny, Hoseok looked up, shifting his legs just a bit, causing him to hit the edge of your core. 
You grunted out, crying as you felt full from his ministrations. He leaned back over to your face, continuing to move inside you. 
“Pretty girl,” He cooed. “Are you close?” He asked. 
“Hobi.” You whined shutting your eyes closed. 
You were quick to grip onto his shoulders, fingers messaging into his skin. 
He groaned when he felt you clench. “Come on. Let go for me.”
With a cry of his name, the bubble that had formed burst and you were seeing stars. Hobi groaned out loud going faster in order to finish with you. And the way your core seemed to clench onto him from the overstimulation and pulsed around him, it was easy to find release. 
His groans were amazing, something you could hear all the time. Just like some of the other boys, Hobi was someone who enjoyed performing and showing off. And when he released onto your thighs, you let out a quiet moan from the warm feeling. 
Hoseok panted as he turned onto the side of the bed for a rest. He only needed a few moments to get back up and help to clean you. However as he watched you play with his cum on your thighs he seemed to gulp and take in a deep breath. 
You turned to look at him, eyes hooded as a lay smile was on your face. “You okay?” You asked quietly. 
“More than okay.” He grinned.
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Series Masterlist
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akookminsupporter · 2 years
Namjoon gave a good interview to Vogue Spain and in it he said a few things that I thought I'd share with those of you who may not understand Spanish.
This was at the end of the article but I want to write it first:
One thing that needs to be made clear about this album is that, no matter how much the rumour mill is trying to spin it, it is by no means the end of the successful band. "Oh, I'm not leaving BTS. Absolutely not. This is the first time I'm launching a solo project like this, so I'm trying to stand up and take my first steps. But I'm ambitious and I have willpower. So I don't want to miss the opportunity to do both. So I will try my best not to lose control and steer these two ships at the same time. A lot of bands split up and fall apart, but I hope that doesn't happen to BTS. I just love the music, I love my job, I love the band members and I love myself. If I can keep both projects going, I think it can be something legendary in the long run".
Other important parts of the article:
"The k-pop industry hasn't stopped growing since we debuted with BTS [in 2013]. It's become a lot more complex and has brought a lot more people into its structures. I think there are a lot of lights, but also some slippery shadows. Many of us started our careers very early as a group: we slept and lived together as teenagers. We became a real family, which is great, but this culture has also affected me a lot, because sometimes I find it difficult to be treated as an adult who has autonomy in his decisions. I'm perceived as just another cog in the crew, in the context of a mass phenomenon",
Did you ever feel like you were getting completely lost in this delirium of success? "I used to think so, but the funny thing is that I am fully aware that it was my own choice to devote myself to the k-pop industry. Nobody pushed me into it. But yes, I have lost myself at times. Although perhaps saying this is an excess of 'self-empathy'. There is no answer. Except that, if k-pop is about recharging the batteries of a mass audience and I'm responsible for doing that recharging, then I have to keep my feet firmly on the ground. As an adult, as a musician and as a human being. And these ten years of my career have helped me define who I am and learn to love myself. But I'm still in that process, you know? All these internal struggles will be recorded on records and videos," he explains.
"Music is really necessary for the world, but, when it comes to my music, sometimes I feel like I'm producing something unnecessary. If I were to die tonight, I don't think anything would change. It might matter to some people for a while, but a farmer or a street sweeper is more relevant to the functioning of society. When I ask myself about the role of our generation in historical terms, when I look at all the digital platforms and communities out there, I am overcome with confusion. There are a lot of people who don't want to think. They have frenetic lives and turn to music or television to escape, so the last thing they want is someone trying to lecture them from a pedestal. In that context, I wonder how I can make my music matter. I haven't found an answer yet, but I keep trying to bring my own perspective to it.
As to whether he is afraid that the army he has on Instagram (42.4 million followers) might one day turn against him for a silly mistake or a blunder, RM answers bluntly. "Yes, it scares me. It scares me 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. When I was younger I tried to come across as a cool guy who doesn't give a shit what other people think, but I don't think that's right anymore. I care about the publicity dimension of my career and the influence I can have on others. It stresses me out, yes, but I think I can handle it. That's why I don't retire or do things like go out and drink the night away and then drive drunk. I'm human, I can make mistakes, but I will do everything in my power to be the best version of myself. One of the keys is to treat this job for what it is: a job. I don't think artists have any special rights or status.
Note: if you would like me to translate another part of the interview, let me know.
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thedoctorsthings · 10 months
Power to the King teaser
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summary: in the capital city of a small Nordic kingdom in the 10th century the king is slowly descending into madness. His wife recently died and he remarries. His sons Yoongi and Jungkook desperately try to keep his destructive tendencies in control while dealing with their own destructive romances.
featuring: crown prince Yoongi, second born prince Jungkook, royal guards Hoseok and Namjoon, druids Taehyung and Seokjin and farmer boy Jimin.
this series will be 7 parts divided into chapters. One part for each member. We'll follow them into their journey of meeting the love of their lives in a 10th century viking settlement. beneath you'll find the trope of each story
Jungkook: Prince x chambermaid (forbidden romance)
Taehyung: Druid x forest nymph (friends to lovers)
Jimin: farmer boy x princess (forbidden romance)
Namjoon: royal guard x barmaid (no idea what trope this is except for king being a destructive dick)
Hoseok: royals guard x druid's apprentice (promised to another)
Yoongi: Crown prince x noble girl (forced marriage/enemies to lovers)
Seokjin: Druid x king's wife (forbidden love, my personal favourite)
disclaimers: angst, smut but only implied never explicitly described, historical inaccuracies (i'm not an expert and i don't have time to do excessive research), lot's of dramatic typical period drama stuff, people getting wounded, war, yearning etc
coming somewhere in february probably cuz i got exams now
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taevbears · 4 months
Magic Shop - 13
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Every coin has two sides
⤑ pairing: OT7 x witch!reader, Namjoon focused ⤑ genre: magic au, romance, angst, hurt/comfort, found family, domestic/slice of life, action/adventure ⤑ rating: 18+ ⤑ word count: 10.3k ⤑ warnings: descriptive violence, body horror, near-death of a main character, prejudice and oppression of mages, heavy angst. ⤑ note: lol bc last week, i had already written out the entire chapter and just meant to edit and post it last weekend. but then another idea struck me while i was at work, and even tho i meant to just change ONE scene, it started leading to a completely different ending. so lol here i am, one week later, after rewriting half this chapter 💀 this chapter is also heavily inspired by "A Village Under Siege" and "The Attack at Nightfall" quests in Dragon Age: Origins + the world of necromancer bells from the "Old Kingdom Series" by Garth Nix
Chapters: Series Masterlist | 09 | 10 | 11 | 12 | 13 | 14 | 15
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From the distance, an old windmill is spotted over a hill. Its turbines spin slowly with the breeze, and the weathered bricks keep it standing tall after all these years. The distinct landmark signifies one thing.
Hawthorn Village. You’re finally here.
And it’s just as Namjoon remembers it.
Nostalgia hits him as you all cross the bridge that leads into the village. Thatched roofs and walls made of stone and wood. A large well near the center of the square where he used to make wishes upon as a kid. The elementary school he went to, the old church that his parents religiously attended, and the farmlands with livestock and crop mazes.
Much to his dismay, the aftereffects of the nightly terrors have taken its toll on his beloved hometown.
People are trying their best to get through another day, distributing produce to feed the hungry and burning the dead. A blacksmith with tired eyes insistently pounds iron with a hammer to make new weapons that will give them a better chance against the enemies. A militiaman tries to keep up morale, although most of the remaining men are just farmers and workers – none of them trained to fight. Survivors step out of the infirmary tents, wrapped in bandages but still in pain. A small child cries, looking for their parents.
Doom hangs in the air. Haunted and defeated are the faces of Hawthorn’s residents, as the looming threat of another unsettling fight is set before them.
“What’s happened here?” Seokjin asks one of the villagers.
A middle-aged man’s light up when he sees your group. “I haven’t seen you folks before. Have you come to help us? Did our notices finally reach someone?”
It isn’t long until the group is ushered to the local church. Gathered by the altar is the mayor of the village. Dark circles are under his eyes from sleepless nights, but he looks at you all with hope as the villager announces you’re all from a guild. Then, he explains to your party their dire situation.
Decomposing corpses return to life at night with the hunger for flesh, and they have been attacking this small village for the past few nights. From dusk until dawn, these attacks on Hawthorn are relentless. Each night, they come in greater numbers. Due to the necromancer and dark magic being involved, no one has been responding to their urgent calls for help. The local hunters have been summoned to the capital, and guilds often overlook their tiny settlement when they pass by.
All of Hawthorn fears that tonight will be the worst attack yet.
“You’re our only hope,” the mayor pleads. “Hawthorn won’t stand a chance otherwise.”
The Oathkeepers look at Seokjin, but his eyes are on Namjoon. He feels the rest of you looking at him too. As if it’s up to him to decide whether his hometown is worth saving, or if the quest at hand is deemed too dangerous to assist. Allowing him to back out now before they’re obligated to see things through, no matter what the risk.
“Of course we’ll help,” Namjoon decides without hesitation. “Tell us what you need.”
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Tonight, things look pretty grim.
Morale within the village is at its lowest. After multiple perilous nights of terror and gruesome deaths, the ones still alive are worried they’ll be next. That nothing will remain of their beloved Hawthorn once the sun goes down.
“Someone has to know something about the necromancer. We have to find out who is terrorizing the village and what their motive is,” Namjoon concludes as you all gather outside the church to debrief. “We also need to help the residents prepare for tonight’s battle: teach them how to properly hold weapons, encourage every able-body to help with the fight, and inspire them to defend the land and their community.”
“Leave the villagers to us,” Seokjin offers, gesturing at himself and the members of his guild. “We’ll do our best to get everyone ready before sundown. You just focus on finding that necromancer.”
“Taehyung and I are going to look at their resources,” Hoseok informs, surveying the infirmary tents. “I might be able to make something for the injured.”
“We’ll check on the blacksmith,” Yoongi says, putting a hand on your shoulder. “He was in rough shape when we passed by. Half of the villagers aren’t wearing proper armor and are carrying broken weapons. Repairs need to be done if they want to stand a fighting chance.”
“Taverns are a great source of information,” Jackson mentions as he eyes the local pub. A smile touches his lips as he wonders out loud, “Maybe I can even convince the owner to give out free shots of courage to the fighters.”
“Then Jungkook and I will talk to the farmers,” Namjoon decides as he looks at his familiar, who nods his head in agreement. “The notice mentions that they’re the ones who suspect dark magic is at hand. Maybe one of them saw something that can give us a clue to where our necromancer is.”
With a solid plan set, the party breaks off to their assigned tasks.
Tonight still looks grim, but there’s hope.
With success, they might be able to turn everything around before nightfall.
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“Any luck?” you ask when you see Namjoon and Jungkook circling back to the village square after a while.
“Not really,” Namjoon mulls with a sigh.
“They said the horde comes from all around the village. One night, they’re skeletons from the village’s graveyard. Another night, they’ve come from the nearby lake or from the thickets of the woods,” Jungkook explains with a frown. Whoever they talk to seems to have different descriptions of the undead creatures. “Most of the villagers are too busy trying to stay alive to keep track of what’s been causing the dead to rise.”
“They did confirm one thing, though,” Namjoon adds before he throws a glance at his familiar. “They heard the sound of bells.”
“Bells?” you echo, looking between them.
“It’s how the necromancers summon the dead,” Jungkook simply explains. “Without them, they’re just like any other mage.”
“Good to know,” you mutter, shivering at the thought of hearing strange bells in the middle of the night. At least, if nothing else, you’ll be able to take away their advantage.
Still, a mage that has the skills to control the dead must be incredibly powerful.
“How is everything here?” Namjoon asks as he looks around.
“Good. Jin is a natural at raising morale,” you reply, looking over to where a small crowd chants Seokjin’s name. The others in his guild have been teaching them how to use their weapons, and although they’re still clearly unskilled, their progress is still quite an improvement from before.
“Hoseok-hyung looks like he has things under control in the infirmary,” Jungkook points out. The nurses and patients around him are in awe at the simple potions he had given them, claiming that he must be a miracle doctor. They also look smitten over Taehyung, who’s soothing voice calms and comforts the bedridden a bit.
“Yoongi-hyung, too,” Namjoon notes when he looks at your familiar, sitting over an anvil and helping the blacksmith craft weapons of steel. With assistance, it seems like the blacksmith will be able to get repairs done in time after all.
Shouts and cheers from the tavern show that Jackson, somehow, persuaded the bartender to give out free ale to the villagers. Although tipsy, their spirits are high, and they seem eager to fight after a round of complimentary drinks.
“I’ll help Yoongi-hyung,” Jungkook states, interested in what they’re doing. He approaches the blacksmith, who seems elated to have additional assistance.
“We should probably check on Jackson. Maybe he’s heard something,” you suggest, turning toward the tavern. But Namjoon grabs your hand and pulls you back.
“Actually,” he starts, suddenly a little nervous. He takes a deep breath before he tells you, “There’s something I need to do first. Before it’s too late.”
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At age thirteen, Namjoon awakened the power of magic. The feeling of bestowment is like fire. The initial spark of energy courses through his veins and spreads within him. Mesmerizing, alluring, and dangerous. No matter how much he reads and tries to understand his abilities, there’s always something new to learn, to incantate, and to master through his connection to the Veil.
Magic is both a blessing and a curse. Two sides of the same coin.
At first, Namjoon hated what he was. He hated that he became a mage.
Every night, when he was locked away in Alterwood Keep or WIndshire Tower, he questioned what he had done to be damned with such misfortune.
Magic is what burned his family’s home to the ground. Magic is what got him taken away from his parents, his friends, and his village – everything he knew. Magic is what lured the hunters into killing Ignis, turned Adriel into a beast, and shunned him from his home for so long.
The same home he stands before now.
“This is it,” Namjoon tells you, looking at an ordinary-looking house.
It’s been rebuilt over the years. Shabby, but somewhat similar to what it used to be. The curtains are identical to the ones his mother had put on the windows, down to the same shade of color. The front has pots of flowers that she liked to grow, and as the weather warmed, she’d smile as they began to bloom. Inside, Namjoon is certain he’d find a small collection of books his father would’ve read, and upon his favorite chair, he used to emphasize the importance of education and the pursuit of knowledge.
Your fingers thread through his. “Are you ready?”
He looks at you and nods his head.
At age nineteen, shortly after he was transferred to Blackstone Castle, he finally started to see magic as a positive force in his life.
Magic is what brought you all together, intertwining your fates with each other like red strings of soulmates. Magic is what makes the ordinary, unassuming shop at New Haven come to life and keep you all safe and happy. Magic is what brings him back to where it all started, with you by his side.
Years have passed since that fateful day he was taken from his parents. He’s started to accept that magic is a part of him. For all its wickedness and destruction, and all its serenity and wonder. Two sides of the same coin.
He just hopes, as he raises his hand to knock on the door, his parents will accept him as well. Magic and all.
The door swings open. An older woman stands on the other side. “Yes, can I help you?”
There’s a polite but cautious smile on her face, and deep dimples on her cheeks that match Namjoon’s. The resemblance between them is unmistakable.
“Hi Mother,” Namjoon greets her with his own nervous, dimpled smile. His hand squeezes yours for assurance. “It’s me. Your son.”
Confusion turns to recognition, which turns from surprise to disbelief. You watch as the woman looks at Namjoon like he’s a ghost.
“Y-You. You shouldn’t be here,” she stutters, lip trembling as her eyes water. Her hand is pressed to her heart as she steps away from the door. 
An older man notices his wife’s distress and comes to the door as well. He puts an arm around her and frowns at you two, not seeming to recognize the young man who has his height and strong build. “Who are you? What do you want?”
“Father, it’s me,” Namjoon tries to say, but his voice is small. He’s starting to think that this is a bad idea. “Kim Namjoon. I’m your son.”
Like the woman, the man is initially shocked by the news. But then, his eyes narrow at Namjoon angrily. “What are the likes of you doing here, boy? Don’t we have enough to deal with?”
Namjoon visibly stiffens at the harshness in his father’s voice. “I’m here on a quest. I’ve come to learn that our village is under attack.”
“My village doesn’t need your help!” his father yells, spit flying as he holds his wife protectively. “Magic is what got us into this mess! Magic will make things worse!”
“Let’s get out of here,” you quietly urge, frowning at their hostility.
This is like his nightmares. Their looks of hatred and disdain burn under his skin, searing themselves into his memories. It’s hard for him to breathe, it’s hard for him to think. Suddenly, he feels so small. Like he’s a child again, standing before the fires that destroyed his home and took everything from him.
“Get away from him if you know what’s good for you, little girl,” the man warns, finally noticing that you’re there. “He’s something Wicked. His magic put us all in danger and ruined our lives!”
“I’m sorry,” Namjoon chokes out. The words that he wanted to tell his parents after all these years. “I’m so sorry. I didn’t mean to—”
“Get out! Do not come here again!” his father interrupts as his mother bursts into tears, burying her face into her husband’s shoulder. He grabs whatever is closest to him and waves it in a threatening manner. “Get away from our house before you destroy it!”
Namjoon obliges, stepping away from the door. He looks deeply hurt as he tries again. “But Father—”
“Do not call me that!” he barks as he gives him one more hateful glare. “We don’t have a son. Not anymore.”
Then, he slams the door shut.
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“That went well,” Namjoon comments, sarcasm thick in his voice. He sits on a broken crate in the alleyway the two of you end up in and sighs. “I feel like an idiot.”
Part of him had known that, maybe, his parents weren't going to give him the warmest welcome. Part of him even thought that, perhaps, his parents wouldn’t recognize him.
Still, it hurts.
It hurts that he had expected otherwise. That he had hoped his parents would listen to him and forgive him. That they’d come to accept him.
But they’ve made it more than clear that Hawthorn Village and the house he grew up in is no longer his home. And that the parents who raised him are no longer his family.
Namjoon always knew this scenario could’ve been a possibility. And yet, he foolishly wanted to be wrong.
“Joon…” Your voice calls out from behind him, but you seem at a loss of words.
“I’m sorry, baby,” he apologizes, feeling incredibly dejected as he keeps his back to you. “I shouldn’t have bothered. I should’ve known it’d be a waste of time.”
And it hurts. It hurts so badly.
Knowing that all his efforts to return home — and all the punishments he took for running away — were fruitless. That no matter how hard he tries to be good and understand his magic, nothing will change.
In the end, Ignis really died for nothing. And that’s probably what hurts the most.
Namjoon half-expects you to scold him for dragging you along. For you to comment how you knew this was a bad idea, and that you both have other important things to worry about right now.
Instead, you approach him and gently wrap your arms around his neck. Your body is pressed against his back, hugging him from behind. Neither of you speak as he stiffens under your touch. But he places his hand over your arm in a wordless request to stay.
And you do. You stay with him, kissing his tear-stained cheeks and wishing you could do more to comfort him.
But to Namjoon, this is enough. Being with you is more than enough.
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When the sun goes down, the dead awakens.
Villagers of Hawthorn scramble indoors, locking themselves inside and barricading the doors and windows. The church bells are quiet, not to be rung until morning light. Everywhere is an eerie silence, and those left to fend off the inevitable enemies swallow their fears as they train their eyes on the horizon.
There, a green fog mixes with the misty air, and the putrid stench of rotting flesh slowly advances toward them. Death is coming, and with it, alarming numbers of the undead.
“All right, everyone!” the mayor begins, taking command of the last line of defense. The odds are heavily against them, but he has to keep up what little morale they still have left. “We’ve driven off this evil before. We can do it again for one more night. We fight, or we die trying!”
With that said, the villagers charge in. Battle cries ring out as they use their pitchforks, shovels, and scythes to attack the incoming herd.
But they only get so close before the fear sets in.
Death looks them in the eye. Corpses with lifeless, glowing eyes, flesh rotten and decayed, and bones visible as they unhinge their jaws and let out an unsettling groan.
Some of them flee the opposite direction, running away from their foes. Some stand frozen, panic seizing them in place. Some, unable to stand the horrid smell, drop their weapons and retch out their stomach’s contents.
The villagers don’t stand a chance.
Then, they begin to hear it.
In the dark, rural farmlands, the sonorous sound of bells toll. Yet, when their eyes gaze to the local church, the large brass on the tower is completely still. If it’s not from the church, where are the bells coming from?
A scream pierces the air. The mayor turns to see a woman swinging an axe around violently. Her eyes are wide with terror, fixed on something before her, but there isn’t anyone around her. She continues to scream at something to get away from her as she slashes the air.
Two friends suddenly turn on each other. The two men have been buddies for years, and it’s like they don’t recognize their friend. They have that same, wild look in their eyes as they grab each other and raise their weapons.
The mayor’s heart hammers in his chest as they turn against each other, mistaking alley for enemy. “Men, what are you doing? Stop it!”
But it’s too late.
Blood splatters. Followed by cries of agony.
Horrified, the mayor gets away before they try to hurt him as well. As he runs, he grabs a woman’s shoulders and tries to warn her not to listen to the bells. But when she turns to face him, her face is completely disfigured. The flesh looks like it’s melting off her skin, bone and muscle peeking as she smiles wickedly.
“What’s wrong, mayor?” the woman asks, but her voice sounds off. Another voice is layered over hers – deep and raspy, almost demonic – that clearly isn’t her own.
The mayor lets her go and shrinks back in fear. As he looks around, he sees that the undead have somehow surrounded him. They stand there and watch him with their lifeless eyes. Their rotting flesh. Pitchforks, shovels, and scythes in hand.
Mysterious bells continue to echo, drowning out his screams.
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“Do you hear that?” Hoseok asks from beside you. The two of you are stationed a little away from the village, near a part of the woods that locals claim was one of the spots the dead have risen from. It’s foggy and creepy, and you’ve been eyeing the thicket and expect a horde of undead to stumble from beyond the trees.
But it’s been dead quiet.
Even as you hold your breath and stand perfectly still, you can’t hear anything.
“What is it?” you ask, your voice a whisper.
Hoseok glances over at you with a frown. “I hear the ringing of bells.”
The sound of footsteps crunching on leaves and twigs catch your attention. Seokjin calls out to you and Hoseok as he and Namjoon appear from the fog. “We need to regroup. Something is happening at the village.”
“What do you mean? Are they under attack?”
Neither of them answer you. The concern on both their faces only makes you worry more as you and Hoseok follow them toward the old windmill where the rest of your party is waiting. It’s a little closer to the heart of the village, and you can hear some commotion going on, like the villagers are in the throes of battle.
You spot Taehyung in his raven form, flying from the direction of the village and landing before you and Hoseok. When he transforms into his human form, he reports, “The recently deceased have risen, but they’re not the biggest problem.”
“Then who are they fighting?” Namjoon asks, eyebrows furrowing together.
Taehyung leans against Hoseok for support, bringing his palm against his forehead like he has a migraine. “They’re fighting each other.”
Silence follows the unsettling news.
Seokjin is the first to break it. “What the hell is going on?”
As if to answer him, you all hear it too.
The haunting, sonorous sound of bells in a nearby distance.
Hearing them sends a chill up your spine. And knowing that they’re beckoning death makes them even more terrifying.
“We need to get the bells,” Jungkook reminds you, turning away from the village to look you in the eye. “It’s the only way we can stop their madness.”
“We’ll have to be quick,” Namjoon agrees. “Or Hawthorn won’t make it to sunrise.”
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There are seven necromantic bells. Each is more difficult to wield properly as their size and power increases. And, without proper care, the bells have a negative effect on the ringer that could backfire to certain death.
As you and the others approach the village, you hear the chime of the first bell.
It’s been a long day. Traveling the long roads to the village by carriage and on foot. Helping the residents prepare for the gruesome attacks tonight. Getting ready to face a powerful mage hiding somewhere nearby.
Sleep. The first bell sings. And you’re hit with a wave of drowsiness.
Yoongi catches you before you collapse on the ground. His eyes are tired, as if he hadn’t slept for days. In a slurred mumble, he commands, “Stay with me.”
The others aren’t faring any better. Long yawns and slow steps plague your group. Some of them look like they’re about to slump over and fall unconscious. You and the other mages ignore the lull of the bell and stay awake and alert. With tired eyes, you try to scan for the source of the sound and see a shadow slip into a building.
“There,” you point out, readying your wand. You follow after it with half your party close behind you. Seokjin stays behind with his guild, promising to catch up. Jungkook looks lethargic as he kicks open the entrance a few times before nearly tumbling inside.
A home abandoned is what you’re met with. The people living here seem to be gone, hurriedly leaving in the middle of making dinner. Flies swarm the rotting food, but it doesn’t look like anything else has been touched.
“Be careful,” Jackson warns, going further into the house. He uses his wand as a light, cautiously going from room to room to make sure the coast is clear.
It looks empty. But you know it isn’t.
You feel someone watching you all from the shadows.
When you turn to face the main room, your eyes widen when the figure emerges. Shrouded in tattered robes and carrying a bandolier of old bells is the necromancer. Deathly pale as a ghost, thin and bony like a skeleton, and decayed like the very creatures they summon. 
The necromancer — a truly Wicked creature — isn’t human at all. It’s a phantom.
It towers over you, face covered in darkness. In its hand is the second bell, which rings and beckons the dead with every step it takes toward you.
A burst of flames comes from your wand, aiming right at the necromancer’s face. Fire catches on its robes, but the necromancer seems unphased. Even as it’s burning alive.
Behind you, wooden boards split and break, and arms of the dead reach through the window to grab you. A startled scream escapes your lips when something does.
You’re pulled tightly to Namjoon’s chest as he leads you away from the doors and windows. He keeps a wand pointed at the necromancer as he holds you protectively. From your peripheral vision, you see Jackson, Hoseok, and the familiars trying to keep the horde out.
Distracted, you don’t notice the necromancer tucking the second bell away and taking out the third one from the pouch. With two hands, it rings the bell – up, down, left right – each toll causing different sounds from one bell, but they make a dancing tune that compels your legs to move on its own.
“Namjoon!” you gasp, trying to hold onto him. Mechanically, one foot marches over the other. Against your will, you leave his side. Neither Namjoon nor the other boys could stop you as their own feet seem planted in place, unable to move.
By its command, you spin around and start to slowly head straight toward the window, into the reaching arms of the undead. The boys call out to you, and you try to resist the magic. Every fiber of your being tries to hold you back from being torn apart by their greedy hands and mouths.
But your body won’t listen. You continue to march forward.
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With all his willpower, Namjoon leans as far as he can and reaches toward you. His fingers grasp the back of your clothes and he yanks you backwards. You stumble a bit, but you reach back and cling onto him, anchoring yourself as he pulls you closer.
“I got you, baby,” he assures you, wrapping both of his arms around you.
Relief washes over your face, even as your legs continue to move on its own, you and Namjoon hold onto each other. With the wand still in your hand, you manage to point it at the necromancer and cast a spell of frost, just as it takes out two more bells.
The necromancer freezes. Icicles form around it for a few seconds before it shakes it away. Namjoon’s eyes widen when he realizes something.
Magic is very effective against the necromancer.
Just as he realizes this, the phantom necromancer starts to rapidly swing the bell in its left hand.
Whispers from beyond the grave seem to float around the room with the fourth bell, disembodied and ambiguous. The voices are in every direction, layered with the quick and steady rings. And Namjoon swears one of the voices is calling out to him.
His eyes look for who is calling him, and his gaze turns toward the crowd of undead by the window. Then, his eyes widen when he hears the chime of the fifth bell.
One of the skeletal remains starts to look familiar to him. The clothes are tattered and weathered, but the scraps of what’s left are the same from that day, slightly charged from when the hunters burned him. Flesh and muscle start to form around the skeleton, bringing back the teenage boy Namjoon once left behind.
Ignis, alive and well, is among the horde. His first friend since he’s become a mage.
“Namjoon,” Ignis calls out to him again. His voice is echoing and weak, but it’s still very much the same as he remembers.
Hoseok, and Jackson are looking in the same direction, stunned. Namjoon would’ve thought they’re also seeing Ignis until he hears the names they call out.
A sense of confusion draws Namjoon out of the spell. He doesn’t see Adriel or Mina in the crowd, but he sees Ignis. Are you two seeing someone different?
Taehyung grabs both Hoseok and Jackson before they could step closer to the window. “Don’t. You’ll get hurt.”
Yoongi and Jungkook block the window as well, trying to keep you and Namjoon safe. He doesn’t realize it, but Namjoon’s grip loosens around you from the shock. The spell from the third bell still lingers, causing you to move away from him again, but Yoongi easily catches you this time.
“Is that—?” you begin to ask, but Yoongi shakes his head.
“It’s a trick,” he says as he tightens his hold around you. “Whoever you see isn’t there.”
Namjoon’s heart drops a little when he realizes the fourth and fifth bell must’ve brought back memories of a deceased loved one. An old friend to each of you that had passed on. Their voices. Their likeness.
“Hyung, you have to get the bells, Quickly,” Jungkook reminds him as he glares at the phantom necromancer. “Before it uses the seventh one. That’ll cause death to everyone who hears it.”
That means there’s only two more bells left, and the last one is deadly. If there’s a chance to stop the necromancer, it has to be now.
The necromancer tries another combination. It exchanges the fourth and fifth bell for the second and sixth ones. With the second, it’s able to summon the dead, beckoning them to come to it from beyond the grave. And with the sixth, it has complete control over them, binding them to its will. Within its shrouded face, its eyes begin to glow an eerie yellow the moment it wields the sixth bell.
Namjoon casts a bolt of lightning from his wand, but the necromancer vanishes before it hits. The bells ring somewhere that he can’t pinpoint, and he sees you and the others regain control of your bodies and try to look for the necromancer all over again.
“It couldn’t have gone far,” Namjoon reasons, scanning around. All of you are on high alert, wands ready to strike the moment the phantom necromancer appears.
Then, he hears the sound of wood breaking. More reinforcements join the previous herd and start to come inside. Namjoon completely loses sight of you and the others, using gusts of wind to blow the undead back and knocking them against walls and furniture. He calls out to you, but the disembodied groans, the stench of rotting flesh, and the sight of disfigured creatures keeps him from looking for you.
One of the creatures he comes to face is Ignis. Or at least, what looks like him.
“Stop. I don’t want to hurt you,” Namjoon says, pointing his wand at him. It feels like his Harrowing all over again. Being forced to face his biggest regret.
Ignis has his wand pointed at him as well. It’s a broken stick. The old, dirty clothes that he wears barely covers his chest and waist, but there’s a deep wound where the hunters have stabbed him through the heart. There are burn marks from when they had set him on fire.
Namjoon feels a burst of hot air as a fireball flies past him. He counters it with a water spell, dousing the flames before it hits him. The two elements collide as steam fills the room, causing Namjoon to lose sight of his old friend.
Sparks of lightning flash to his right, and he barely dodges an electrifying bolt. The attack hits a picture frame behind him, and the glass shatters as it falls on the floor. Wind sweeps up the broken glass and hurls it toward him, and Namjoon levitates the broken boards in front of him and uses them as a shield to protect himself.
Spells after spells become a dance between offensive and defensive attacks between Namjoon and Ignis. He can feel himself getting tired. The overuse of magic is causing his hands to blacken. He’s breathing heavier, and pain shoots from his arm when it got hit with a critical ice attack.
But Ignis is slowing down too. He’s proven to be an incredibly difficult opponent. But like Namjoon, Ignis is panting for breath and from the tips of his fingers down to his wrist is inky black of magic overuse. The wound on his chest expanded, bleeding heavily, yet he still stands. Stubbornly, he continues to point his wand at Namjoon, still wanting to fight.
However, Namjoon knows he needs to end it now.
While in battle, it seems like the others have taken care of the undead herd, but the necromancer’s whereabouts are still unknown. He can hear them shouting at him, but he doesn’t know what they’re saying. All he can focus on is the opponent before him.
Needing to end the fight, Namjoon tries a new spell.
Keeping his eye on Ignis, he slowly crouches and puts his hand on the ground. The earth moves beneath his fingertips, and covering the house are thick vines. They come from one side of the house, through the window, reaching across the floor and ceiling, and finally snagging Ignis. He seems surprised when they wrap around his wrist and disarms his wand, and around his ankles to immobilize him. 
The surprise turns to worry when one of the vines wraps around his neck.
Then, they begin to tighten.
Namjoon tries not to react as he watches his old friend die by his hand once again. He feels the sting of tears threaten his eyes as the wand falls on the ground and Ignis begins to choke.
As much as Namjoon wishes he could go back in time and undo his old friend’s death, as much as he’d like to think this is the real Ignis and not some undead creature wearing his skin, he knows his friend is long gone.
He points his wand at Ignis, the tip of it heating with a fire spell.
But before it’s cast, Namjoon is knocked to the ground. As he comes to his senses, he realizes three horrifying things.
First, the phantom necromancer had been there the whole time. It’s been ringing the bells, conducting them like a puppeteer. And Namjoon is its puppet with strings.
Second, it isn’t just Namjoon that was being controlled by the bells. His party has been immobilized, forced to watch as Namjoon fights Ignis. But Jackson – who was standing closest to the phantom – manages to break from the spellbound restraints, covering his ears to block the sound. Out of willpower and determination, he puts one foot over the other to sneak up on the necromancer. Until, finally, he yanks the hoister of bells before the necromancer has a chance to grab the seventh and deadliest one.
Third, the moment that the necromancer is no longer in control, Yoongi lunges at Namjoon with his hand curled into a fist. Jungkook manages to grab Yoongi’s waist, but they both topple over and knock into Namjoon. The three of them are on the ground, and Namjoon realizes that Hoseok and Taehyung are yelling at him too, but their voices are where Ignis is.
Or what he thought was Ignis.
It isn’t an undead creature caught in the vines of his spell.
It’s you. This whole time, it’s been you.
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“Let her go, Namjoon!” Hoseok screams, trying to yank the vines away from you. Every time he pulls one away, another takes its place. They start to tangle around him and Taehyung as well. He can feel it grabbing his ankles and see it wrap around Taehyung’s hand as he tugs on the one around your neck.
Fuck, he doesn’t even know if you’re even breathing. Your body looks lifeless as they continue to constrict your chest and your neck.
Taehyung curses and tries to shake off the vine that’s spreading up his arm and toward his neck. Hoseok’s mind is spinning, wanting to use a fire attack to burn the vines, but afraid that it’ll hurt you and Taehyung. And Namjoon is still dazed from the effects of the bells.
Seokjin finally catches up after helping the surviving villagers. His eyes widen when he sees what’s happening and immediately rushes to you with his sword at hand.
“Hyung!” Taehyung exclaims as Seokjin carefully cuts the vines to free the three of you. Hoseok immediately catches you, and to his relief, you’re still alive. You’re still breathing, but barely.
“Is she okay?” Seokjin asks, his hand still around his sword. The Oathkeepers have jumped into battle with Jackson, trying to take the necromancer down with standard magic spells now that the bells are not with it.
“She’ll be fine,” Hoseok says as he sees Yoongi rush toward you. He hands you off to him. “Watch over her, hyung. We have to help Jackson.”
Yoongi merely nods. His hands are trembling a little as he holds you in his arms, taking you somewhere safe from the fight.
Namjoon finally snaps out of it when he sees Yoongi passing by. He catches a glimpse of you too, but Jungkook shakes his shoulder and urges, “Hyung, come on, let’s go. They need us.”
Slowly, Namjoon stands and his eyes narrow at the necromancer. The spells are aggressive as it targets Jackson, trying to get its bells back. The Oathkeepers surround him, protecting him as they use their weapons against the powerful mage.
“Push it toward the vines,” Namjoon instructs, and they do. Each swing of an attack that the Oathkeepers land, and each spell cast from Hoseok and Jackson causes the necromancer to step closer and closer to the vines where you were.
One of the vines manages to snag the necromancer’s ankle. Another starts to wrap around its arm. Everyone watches as a being associated with death struggles to free itself from the plants that are full of life. But that only tangles it up even more, constricting it until it can’t move at all.
Then, Namjoon stands before the necromancer. He still has a bit of magic in him, and with it, he unleashes a small fire. Just like he had accidentally casted all those years ago, when he first awakened his power.
This time, it’s with purpose as the flames engulf and destroy everything before him.
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There’s an unnerving feeling that settles throughout the remains of Hawthorn Village.
All night, the Oathkeepers gathered everyone they could find and brought them to the church. They figured it would be easier to protect everyone if they’re all in one place.
Priestess and the faithful Devoted clasps their hands so tightly in prayer, their knuckles turn white. Mothers hold their young children close, comforting them as best as they can. Men guarding the inside of the chapel anxiously pace with their hands hovering over their weapons, anticipating that they’d be the last line of defense if your party fails to stop the necromancer.
It’s been a long night.
The fighting and shouting beyond the church door lasts for hours.
But beyond the horizon, there’s a silver lining of hope. Dawn breaks, and a new day begins. As the sun rises, so does their salvation.
Word spreads of what you and the others have done. How you all saved the village. How Namjoon defeated the awful creature that’s been terrorizing them.
“Didn’t you have a son named Namjoon?” one of the villagers asks, but Namjoon’s father shakes his head and denies it. There’s a frown on the old man’s face as others have gathered to talk about the news.
It’s finally over. Their village is saved. They’ve survived those perilous nights. And it’s all thanks to the guild that came to help them.
Stepping outside, the morning light greets them. Fighters return to embrace their loved ones after the long battle. Children cheer with joy for their heroes, and tears are shed from relief between reunited families and partners.
Among the fighters, there’s Namjoon and his group.
One of the boys – the one with a slender build and a sharp face – has you on his back. The others are worn and exhausted, but seem okay from the distance as they help support each other back to the village. And Namjoon, with two of his comrades holding him up, keeps trying to disregard his own injuries as he worries about yours.
The concern on his face, the remorse and sorrow in his expression – it’s just like when he was a kid on that fateful day.
“How do you reckon they did it?” another villager asks him, looking at the direction that Namjoon’s father is staring at. It would be easy to reveal the truth. That Wicked mages are among them, and the entire village would be full of distrust and anger toward them.
“Who knows?” the old man says instead, and turns away from the group with a frown.
Magic may have gotten them in this mess, but in an ironic twist of fate, magic is what saved them.
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For the first time in days, Hawthorn Village is promised a good night.
The mayor and the surviving villagers hold a small ceremony to honor the deceased and to hail your party as heroes. It will take time for their tiny village to recover. Even with the threat of the necromancer gone, there’s still fear of the night and what it could behold. But the mayor is confident that they can rebuild.
You’re then taken to Hawthorn’s inn to recover. Luckily, no one else is severely injured, but you and Namjoon have the worst of it.
Hours pass, and you’ve yet to open your eyes.
“It’s not your fault,” Hoseok reminds him, wrapping a cloth bandage around Namjoon’s arm. “That necromancer made you guys attack each other.”
It doesn’t make Namjoon feel any better.
“I nearly killed her,” he laments. At Blackstone Castle, Hoseok once swore that if Namjoon ever hurts you, he’d kill him. Truly, this warrants his friends to turn against him like others have done before.
But somehow, they don’t.
Hoseok finishes up and examines his work. “To be fair, she did a number on you too.”
Namjoon is told to rest, but he can’t bring himself to let his guard down. He keeps thinking there must be a catch. That, perhaps, the others are still angry with him and are starting to resent him.
“Namjoon-ah, come eat,” Seokjin calls out for him, gesturing for the mage to sit at the table. He serves him a bowl of stew the innkeeper made. “Be careful. It’s still hot.”
“Hyung, are you healing okay?” Jungkook asks again – probably for the fourth time that hour alone. He frowns at the bandages Hoseok put on him, and there’s genuine concern in his big, doe-shaped eyes. “If you need anything, let me know. Got it?”
“Be careful, hyung. You don’t want to hurt yourself again,” Taehyung scolds when Namjoon nearly bumps into something. It’s the closest any of them have been stern with him all day, yet Taehyung frets over him like he does with you and the others.
Even Yoongi strikes up a casual conversation with him, flipping through a book of Devoted scriptures he’s found. “What is this garbage they’ve been teaching you?”
Namjoon frowns. “Hyung, what are you doing?”
“There’s nothing else to read,” he states with a scowl.
“I mean, why aren’t you angry at me?” Namjoon asks, his heart still full of guilt. You mean so much to all of them, and what he did is unforgivable.
“You didn’t mean to hurt her,” Yoongi simply replies.
“But I did it,” Namjoon protests, feeling a bit frustrated. He doesn’t get it. “Why are you all so nice to me after what I’ve done? Why don’t you hate me?”
Isn’t this how it always goes? Why is it so different this time?
“You’re family to us, Namjoon,” Yoongi tells him. “We could never hate you.”
Namjoon wants to believe that, but he doesn’t feel like he deserves to. Not after what he did to you.
Whenever he feels overwhelmed and stressed, Namjoon likes to run to clear his mind. Usually, it’s along the river near New Haven, where he can relax beneath the shade of a tree he liked afterwards. But as he lets his feet take him somewhere, he finds himself by the Hawthorn Lake.
Most of the villagers have gathered here as the late afternoon sun colors the skies with reds and oranges of twilight. To honor and mourn the lives that were lost the past few nights, they’ve decided to hold a small ceremony for them. And standing a short distance from them is a familiar face.
“Where’ve you been?” Namjoon asks, walking up to him.
Jackson is quiet as he watches them. The villagers pray and hug each other, and some sing hymns and play instruments by the shore. Paper lanterns are lit and sent off into the water, representing both hope and remembrance, as well as grief and loss. With the setting sun hitting the water’s surface, it matches the small flames being carried across the lake.
It’s a beautiful ceremony.
“I wish we could’ve done something like this,” Jackson quietly confides without looking at Namjoon. “For Adriel, Mina, and everyone else we lost at Blackstone.”
“We still can,” Namjoon tells him, facing the lake as well. It might be difficult now, but maybe when things settle down with the hunters, they could go back to the lake by the castle and hold a memorial for them one day.
Silence passes as the sun continues to sink. For once, it’s a peaceful evening. And the somber songs start to turn to ones of celebration as a relief washes over them. Tonight, they no longer need to fear the dark.
“You know, I wanted to take up this mission so I could bring them back,” Jackson confesses. “Adriel sacrificed himself to give us our freedom. I’ve been trying to enjoy the gift he gave us, but it isn’t fair that he’s dead while I get to live outside the prison he desperately wanted to escape from.”
Namjoon frowns. “Necromancy is dark magic, Jackson. What if it backfired?”
“I didn’t care. I would’ve used whatever they had to bring them back: bells, tomes, ritual circles,” Jackson lists as he looks at the stash of bells he’s been carrying with him. “Whatever it took. Wouldn’t you want to do the same for that old friend you told us about? The one you saw during the fight?”
Immediately, Namjoon thinks of how the bells convinced him that his old friend had come back. How it took his shape and form, and how it used his voice.
“If I did, he wouldn’t have been the same.” He’d probably be no different from any of the other undead they saw last night. A shell of a human with its spirit gone. A mere illusion of what he once was.
“I probably wouldn’t have been the same either. Had I tried, I would’ve lost a sense of who I am and become a monster like that necromancer phantom,” Jackson concludes with a frown. “That thing we fought… it wasn’t human. It was truly Wicked.”
“Yeah,” Namjoon agrees. The necromancer felt like it had lost its humanity a very long time ago, and now just wanders into towns and villages to torment and cause chaos.
“Here.” Jackson holds out the bells to Namjoon. “Make sure to destroy them.”
Namjoon takes it, and he can feel the weight of its power in his hand. “What’s your plan now?”
“Don’t know yet. But I’ll figure it out,” Jackson replies with a small shrug. “I might stay here for a bit and help them rebuild. The guys at the pub really liked me.” 
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You’re not sure how long you’ve been asleep.
For a while, you drift in and out of consciousness. You feel the warmth of Hoseok’s healing magic before he applies an ointment to your wound. You hear the sweet tune of Jungkook’s song as he sings to you. You feel Taehyung brush the hair away from your face and press his lips against your knuckles. You hear Seokjin bargain with you – a kiss from your handsomest boyfriend if you open your eyes. When you do, you see Yoongi sleeping on a chair nearby, and you’re certain he hasn’t left your side since you were brought here.
But you don’t see or hear from Namjoon. You force yourself to sit up as the memories of last night come back to you.
In all the years you’ve known Namjoon, he’s always been a strong person. He has thick skin and a level head, and is eloquent and witty with his words. He shoulders a lot of the hard work so you and the others don’t have to. Whenever you need advice, comfort, or someone to rely on, he’s always the first person that comes to mind.
But Namjoon is also human. He can’t always be strong.
And while the details of the fight are still a bit foggy to you, there’s one thing that haunts your mind. The absolute horror on his face when Namjoon finally realizes it’s you he was attacking.
Yoongi stirs when he senses you’re awake. “Where are you going?”
Caught halfway to the door, you stop mid-step and ask, “Yoongi, have you seen—”
Just then, the door opens. Jungkook blinks in surprise when he sees you out of bed. “Oh? You’re awake?”
The others start to crowd in when they hear you’re up. You’re met with relieved sighs, lingering touches, and questions about how you’re feeling from all of them. But as you look around, you notice someone is missing.
“Where’s Namjoon?”
The boys look at each other, exchanging glances as if they don’t know what to tell you. Then, Jungkook speaks up. “He went to get some fresh air. He feels really bad about what happened.”
“I should talk to him,” you decide, determined to find him. You want to look for him anyway. “Do you know where he went?”
Soon, all of you are outside the inn. It’s incredibly empty by the square, and you learn that it’s because most of the villagers have gathered by the nearby lake. From what you’ve heard, it seems Jackson and Namjoon heeded over there as well.
“You’re the girl that was with that boy, aren’t you?”
For a second, you almost didn’t realize someone was talking to you. Then, you turn to see a familiar face. A woman that looked at you with terror and coldly slammed her door at your face yesterday. Namjoon’s mother.
“I am,” you answer, honest but a bit guarded. Now that you have a good look at her, you can see how much Namjoon takes after her appearance. He has the same high cheekbones, the same shape of her eyes, and the same deep dimples in his smile. She stares at you as well, but she doesn’t say a word. Self-conscious, you ask, “Is… Is something wrong?”
She blinks and shakes her head. “My apologies. I didn’t mean to stare.”
You don’t sense any hostility from her this time. Rather, you feel like she’s genuinely curious about you. Perhaps, after the battle and hearing people talk, she had a change of heart about her son.
“That’s all right. I must look terrible.” 
You laugh awkwardly, trying to dust off any dirt from your clothes and fix your hair. Magic helps make you look presentable enough to go out, but you’re still exhausted from fighting all night. Your spells are still weak from overuse, your current clothes are battle-worn, and you’re in a dire need of a bath.
“Actually, you’re quite beautiful,” she quietly admits, and you’re taken aback by the compliment. She looks away from you. There’s a sadness in her eyes as she asks, “How do you know him?”
She doesn’t need to name him for you to know who she’s talking about.
“We’re…” Friends? Lovers? Housemates? Family? “Together. He’s my partner.”
She still doesn’t look at you, but you can see the frown form upon her lips. “And you know what he is?”
“That he’s a mage? Of course I do.”
“And that doesn’t bother you?”
You blink at her, confused. “Why would it bother me?”
Her gaze lifts to meet yours, and she stares at you for a long time. It begins to occur to you that, although she knows that Namjoon is a mage, she doesn’t know that you’re one as well. To her, it seems outlandish that a human would willingly love a mage.
“He’s a monster. At least, I believed so,” she finally tells you. “I blamed him for ruining our lives. Don’t you know how shameful it is to have a child cursed with magic? The whole village shunned us for years.”
“Perhaps that’s a problem with your village’s beliefs and not your son,” you retort with a scowl. “His affinity to magic isn’t the only thing that defines him. He’s a good man with a kind heart, and while he’s many things, a monster is far from it.”
Remorse flickers on her face. “Forgive me. It seems you care an awful lot about him.”
“Of course I do,” you tell her so earnestly. “Whether he’s a mage or not, he’s still Namjoon. And I love him.”
Again, his mother stares in silence. She seems baffled, and, perhaps, a bit guilty. For a moment, she hesitates, and just when you’re about to walk away, she asks, “And… is he happy?”
You glance back at his mother. “You can always ask him yourself.”
“No, no. It’s too late for that now. It’s better that he doesn’t know I talked to you,” she backtracks, but there’s a small hint of relief to know what’s become of her son after all these years. “Thank you for indulging an old, shameful woman. I’m glad that he has someone like you who loves him for all he is.”
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Night has fallen over the village of Hawthorn. But for once, it’s met with laughter and festivities of celebration. Jackson spots his new friends from the pub and introduces them to him. A guy named Mark invites them both for a drink and to hang out as the lantern ceremony continues.
The moon shines brightly as its light reflects against the lake’s surface, and the glow from paper lanterns being carried across the water is a breathtaking sight.
But despite all the people and festivities around, all you see is him.
Namjoon leaves Jackson and the others and sprints toward you, but stops himself before he gets too close. His hand reaches out to touch you out of habit, but he holds it back. He swallows the fear and hesitation building within him before he plasters a nervous smile. “Hey, baby.”
You look him over, not saying anything at first. Your eyes seem fixed on the bandages he has around his arm. “Are you okay? Did I hurt you?”
His smile fades. A short chuckle of disbelief escapes his lips. “How is that the first thing you ask me when I’m the one that hurt you?”
“You didn’t know.”
“I could’ve killed you!” His voice raises, causing a couple passing by to look at you two. He steps a little closer and frowns. “I’m sorry, baby. I swore to myself that I’d always protect you, and I put you in danger. I don’t ever want to put you in that situation again.”
“So, I’ve been doing a lot of thinking.”
You seem to know where this is going. He could see the shakiness in your breath and the way your eyes water. “Namjoon, stop…”
“I think it’s better that I stay here at Hawthorn.”
This decision didn’t come easy. But after hearing that Jackson planned to stick around, he figured he’d stay with him. Help the villagers rebuild. Reconnect with old friends and maybe even his parents. Make this place feel like home again.
It seems like a reasonable idea, but the hardest part is leaving you, the family you brought together, and the shop that became your home. As Namjoon stands before you, he knows he doesn’t deserve any of them. Not you, not the others, not the shop.
“You don’t mean that.” You’re crying now, and even as you wipe your tears, you can’t bring yourself to stop.
In all the years Namjoon has known you, you’ve always been a strong person. You carry an admirable confidence when it comes to your magic. You’re as kind as you are protective of the people you care about. You’re capable of handling yourself when faced with difficult situations.
Before he realizes it, he reaches out to you again. His hand cups your face and his thumb gently strokes your cheek, wiping your tears away. “I’m so scared of hurting you again.”
“And I’m scared to lose you.”
But you’re also human. There are times when you’re not always strong.
It dawns on him that you, like him, are terrified that your magic has hurt him. That you think the reason he wants to stay at Hawthorn is because you attacked him.
“You’ll never lose me,” Namjoon promises. Because he knows, even if you’re far apart, he’ll always think about you. In his dreams, in his thoughts. You’ve already claimed every part of him like a fire. “I love you.”
“Then don’t stay here,” you tell him. “Come home. With me.”
And it strikes Namjoon that this is what he’s been searching for his whole life. All the times he’s tried to return to his family, and all his efforts to understand his magic were to get what you’ve given him all along. Acceptance, trust, love. 
Namjoon nods his head, swallowing back his own tears. “Okay.”
“Okay,” you repeat, smiling with relief. And on that beautiful night, with the moon shining brightly and the paper lanterns glowing in the water, he kisses you.
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Hawthorn is just as Namjoon remembers it.
The small, farming village with a tight-knit community. Every morning, the villagers rise at the crack of dawn, tending to their animals and crops, fishing by the nearby lake, and selling their produce at the marketplace. His parents still live here, and so do many of his childhood friends and their families. And when he looks around, he sees the familiar buildings of the old windmill, the local church, and homes made of thatch roofs and mud and stone walls.
Even when he was forced away, he couldn’t imagine anywhere else could be his home.
Years later, after finally returning to the village, Namjoon realizes he couldn’t be any more wrong. He had once thought – while trapped in a tiny room in Alterwood Keep – if he ever made it back here, he’d never want to leave. That this place was his village. This place was and will always be his home.
“Ready?” Hoseok asks, looking at you, Namjoon, and Jackson. The three of you nod as all wands are drawn over the necromancer bells.
With the power of four mages, the powers are sealed away and their tempting call to beckon the dead is nearly silenced. They look like ordinary bells, but should anyone try to ring them now, it’d be muffled and mute. Its effect is significantly weak with the magical seal intact, and the bandolier of bells tucked away in Jungkook’s pack.
“Let’s get out of here,” Seokjin decides once the spell is done. His hand slips around your waist protectively, weary eyes double-checking that none of the villagers have seen you guys use magic.
“It was nice seeing you guys again, man,” Jackson says, hand clasping Hoseok before he pulls him into a quick hug. He does the same to Namjoon and adds, “I’m glad you changed your mind. It doesn’t feel right to separate you all for some reason.”
Namjoon smiles a little at that. “Feel free to stop by at the shop anytime, Jackson.”
“I’ll know where to find you.” There’s promise in his voice that he’ll keep in touch.
Your party heads out of the village, receiving final thanks from the mayor and some of the other villagers for your help. Namjoon pauses when he sees his parents among them. His father merely nods at him and says, “Take care of yourself, Namjoon.”
“Thanks. You too,” he replies, a bit stunned. His parents leave it at that, shuffling away as Hoseok calls for him not to fall behind, but for Namjoon, that is more than enough.
When he catches up to you, you’re at the bridge that enters the village. He pauses and takes one more look around at the old windmill, village, and the farmlands. It really hasn’t changed that much since he was a child.
But Hawthorn no longer feels like home to him.
“Ready?” you ask, offering your hand to hold.
Around you, the others state how they’re looking forward to going back to New Haven. Yoongi complains that he needs a bath and a long nap. Jungkook wrinkles his nose at his muddy pants and mutters how he’s eager to start his meticulous laundry routine. Hoseok and Taehyung invite the Oathkeepers for food and drinks at the shop once you’re all back, and Seokjin complains how he’ll end up doing the majority of cooking.
Namjoon smiles fondly as he watches you all. Then, he nods and takes your hand.
These days, home to him is a small, ordinary, and unassuming shop in a bustling trading town. It’s a building that’s much bigger and more extraordinary on the inside than it is on the outside, with a tavern, a parlor, a mysterious door by the entrance that fulfills a person’s greatest desires, and bedrooms on the upper-floor curated to their residents’ tastes and styles.
Lately, home is waking up to bread baking and coffee brewing when Seokjin and Hoseok wake up early to start the day. It’s afternoons when he’s reading a book and listening to Yoongi playing the piano in the parlor, or Taehyung and Jungkook giggling as they play games with each other. Home is evenings when Jimin stops by with a bouquet of flowers for you, and all eight of you are gathered together for dinner as the weariness of the day melts away in each other’s presence.
To him, home is picnics by the river with you, basking beneath the sunlight of a gorgeous day. Home is debating what fruit is the best at the marketplace, and ending up taking home both of your favorites anyway. It’s childishly teasing each other with pranks and mischievous spells, and then finding ways to be in each other’s arms by the end of the day.
Home is with you.
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Thank you for reading ♡ Comments & reblogs are greatly appreciated!
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kooktrash · 1 year
PLEASE SOMETHING FOR ELECTRA HEART TH, maybe a little jealousy???🤞🤞🤞i miss themmmmm
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this couple is so soft and fluffy, literally. we. 1.3k. a hint of jealousy but still fluff. I feel like this couple is very diff from each other but they communicate and express themselves well that it works, y’know? and they needed someone like each other to be happy. also, college grads means no more y/n trying to hook up in the library? I also Don’t see this couple being too angsty now that they’re dating and understand each other. in Electra heart they did argue but that’s bc y/n didn’t want to admit she liked Tae and Tae was falling for y/n but couldn’t get rid of his past
read ELECTRA HEART request 1 to read about that 👀 you t had smut
Taehyung has always considered himself a mature person. Sure, after Jisoo cheated on him all he wanted to do was show her he was fine without her and roped you into a little scheme of his yet for some strange reason the two of you found yourselves falling for each other. Now it’s been a year and he still feels as strongly for you but also still a bit insecure.
It’s not like Taehyung is blind, he knows he’s an attractive man but sometimes, when he thinks about the men you used to date, he feels a bit worried. As he got to know you he learned that you weren’t the type to look down on someone for things out of their control so he’s happy about that—but the first meeting with your dad really stuck with him. He doesn’t agree with him that you’re just a spoiled brat but he does agree that he’s not much but a farmer’s kid in the big city. He’s still struggling trying to find a place in your world.
“Wow, you really know how to clean up now,” Jimin joked as he ran a finger along the front of Taehyung’s suit, “Looking like a successful college grad.”
Taehyung just smiled, “Y/n picked it out so I can’t take any credit.”
“Can you believe this is all for her and yet we’re still here?” Namjoon asked, referring to the huge graduation party Y/n’s dad threw you. It was a huge event with servers and live music and even some cameras around. Most college students celebrated by being with family and friends or getting drunk at bars, not by having a huge gala in their honor.
Taehyung has noticed that you’re not as closed off from others as you used to be. Before you used to only hang out with Jungkook and Mira but he’s seeing quite a few familiar faces tonight but not the ones you were currently swarmed by.
Jimin took a deep breath, “Look at them, they’re trying so hard with Y/n right now.”
There were at least three guys trying to get your attention right now. Taehyung had given you space to greet and talk to whoever you wanted to but now you’re just being approached by guys who’ve been dying to talk to you for who knows how long. By the expensive clothes they wore it was not hard for him to note that they had money and they seemed to be flashy about it too.
He tried not to react, he wasn’t the jealous type, alright? He doesn’t typically get jealous, a little possessive maybe but he also knows that he’s your boyfriend and that’s gonna change because some guys who probably drive the newest models of BMWs were hitting on you. He’s confident in your relationship even if he’s been hurt in the past by others.
It was hard to convince his friends he wasn’t jealous if he couldn’t control his facial expressions though. Namjoon was able to see how Taehyung’s smile slowly dropped and how he couldn’t keep his eyes off you and the others. You weren’t doing anything suspicious so Taehyung didn’t feel any sort of way about that but he doesn’t like the fact that guys still hit on you knowing you have a boyfriend. It’s not like Taehyung isn’t all over your socials or that you didn’t kiss at the graduation ceremony and when you got to the reception venue. They just lack respect and that’s why they have no shame flirting with you.
It made Taehyung scoff and with a small pat on Jimin’s shoulder moving him to the side so he could cut through, he smiled, “I’ll be right back.”
“Someone’s a little jealous,” Jimin whispered to Namjoon who must nodded in return as they watched their friend chug back their champagne and head straight toward you.
You were just in the middle of discussing your summer plans when you felt a warm hand touch your navel and pull you back into someone’s chest making you smile. Taehyung rested his chin on your shoulder and turned to kiss your neck softly, “Hi.”
“Hi,” you said back softly as you looked at him but his eyes shifted to the guys in front of you who looked away shyly now. Taehyung didn’t say anything as one of them spoke up, “Is this yo—?”
You opened your mouth to speak but Taehyung was quicker than you and in his usual deep voice he stuck a hand out to greet them, “Y/n’s boyfriend? Yeah, that’s me, I’m Taehyung.”
You smiled as you turned in Taehyung’s hold so you were facing him no longer caring about the guys who had been trying to talk to you but he didn’t pull his gaze away from them until they got the hint and left.
Immediately you cupped Taehyung’s cheeks with a coo, “I can't get over how good you look, TaeTae! You’re so hot.”
His resolve immediately cracked as he hugged you tightly with a smile, “You know I don’t know how to react when you say things like that.”
“But that’s what you liked about me in the first place,” you said as his head rested on your shoulder, “That I was blunt, right?”
“I’ve always liked a lot of things about you,” he said almost shyly, “Since the beginning.”
You chuckled, “That’s not true, when we first started dating it was only to make J—“
“Baby,” Taehyung looked down at you as his hand cupped your cheek, “I’m not lying to you, even if I didn’t realize it at first, you always made me curious to get to know you and I ended up falling in love with everything about you. I feel like shit for using you in the beginning to make someone not worth it jealous but please see that I love you so much and…”
You laughed lightly, “Tae, it’s okay. I love you too, and I agreed to it, remember?”
He nodded his head even if it still gnawed at the back of his mind. In an effort to stop thinking about it he cleared his throat and asked, “So what were you and those guys talking about?”
“Eh,” you shrugged, “Nothings my really.”
He bit his bottom lip, “Yeah but… were they trying to gut on you or anything?”
You smiled now, “Is that why you came over so cuddly? You know I don’t remember you being this touchy in the beginning.”
“Yeah well in the beginning you weren’t technically my girlfriend yet,” Taehyung said as he kissed the tip of your nose, “Now I have to let everyone know you’re mine.”
“So you came because you were a little jealous?”
“If I didn’t have such a pretty girlfriend…”
“Tae, you know I would never do anything to hurt you,” you reassured him and he smiled.
“I know, I trust you,” he said honestly, “I love you.”
“Can I have a kiss?” You asked with a tilt of your head making him smile. He nodded and leaned down to capture your lips with his.
“Can you two stop being that PDA couple and interact with the guests?” Yoongi asked suddenly, making the two of you pull away much to both of your disappointment, “I thought this was a party for the college grads.”
Taehyung laughed, “You’re right, I just needed a moment with my beautiful girlfriend.”
Yoongi audibly gagged but it just made you smile as you excused yourself to go find Jungkook. He looked at Taehyung who looked at you lovingly, “Taehyung?”
“Sorry for calling you Y/n’s boy toy a while ago, on the yacht? Yoongi finally brought that time up when Taehyung and you just started. Yoongi had called him that and implied that you would essentially grow bored of him but he masked it as a joke back then. Taehyung had honestly forgotten about it when he realized it wasn’t true at all.
“Don’t worry about it, I know Y/n loves me,” Taehyung said as he watched you from afar as you laughed about something Jungkook said and playfully clung to him, “And I love Y/n.”
So there was no reason for him to ever doubt it and feel jealous.
personal taglist: @notmyfaultbutours @rerefundslocals @fandems @sugaluvmyg @guvgguk @kimyishin @libra04 @kooromiwrld @classycreationcupcake-blog @alwaysdreamingnotsleeping @cherrymonlightt @nikkiordonez12 @asking4-sanity @thvlover @saweetspoiled @uwu2rawr @shaybts-blog @babycandy111 @tearyjjeon @joons-uparupa @jeonninja @yellowcupid08 @02010802faves @knudsenheggedel @skzthinker @unnatae @aurorthi @beautywine @95ene @taekookstata @lilliankoo @shescharlie @annenakamura @lesoleile @burnahtsw @babybella337 @kooloveys @ku-ku @chaelvrx @minnie-mouser22
154 notes · View notes
safer in the shadows (part of the queer introspections series) by nitilia 
Yoongi doesn’t particularly like much of anything in this building. But the pay is good, so he keeps his head down, he keeps his insides dead, he keeps himself smothered so that no one ever figures out what he is. It’s hard, but it’s worth it. It’s better than being seen.
Jeon Jungkook/Kim Namjoon | RM
almost home. by kattyl
Namjoon swallows nervously before he manages to speak, “Where were you?" "I was busy."
Drown in You by creambunkoo *
The way Namjoon holds him open so he can stare — even that small touch, the gentle pressure of his hyung's thumbs — is a dizzying kind of pleasure. Jungkook feels himself clenching up helplessly and wonders if Namjoon can tell. "Pretty," Namjoon says in a deep voice, right as Jungkook is blurting out, "I- I'm gonna come." Jungkook wakes up one morning with a pussy, overwhelmed by how sensitive he is, and when Namjoon walks in on him, Jungkook asks his hyung for help. 'Help' that Namjoon is more than happy to give.
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Jungkook is the perfect son, altar boy and Christian. Then Kim Namjoon walks into his life.
Jeon Jungkook/Kim Seokjin | Jin
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A series of unusual murders and abductions has shaken Seoul. Rookie detective Jungkook intends to bring those responsible to justice. He gets too close.
tying you to me by anpanmoon  *
Jungkook, servant of Cupid, is called to deal with a soulmate emergency. Seokjin happens to be wrapped up in it.
Jeon Jungkook/Min Yoongi | Suga
For You, For Sure by deepslowpanic *
“Jungkook is angry that he couldn’t control himself. He feels like he took advantage of you.” The way Jimin frowns makes Yoongi’s chest ache. “He thinks you hate him.” “He didn't, I don’t hate him,” Yoongi blurts. “It wasn’t his fault.” “We know, hyung,” Hoseok says carefully. “And Jungkook knows that. But it doesn’t matter.” He glances at Jimin before turning back to Yoongi. “He almost bit you.” A shiver travels down Yoongi’s spine and he swallows hard. “You mean like -” “Yes.” Hoseok doesn't break eye contact. “A mating bite.” -OR- When Yoongi’s suppressants fail unexpectedly, he goes into preheat at a group game night. Jungkook is so affected by Yoongi’s scent he nearly bites him before they’re pulled apart. This isn’t exactly how Yoongi wanted to find out his friend has a crush on him, especially when he’s never thought of Jungkook that way. But when the daze of his heat clears, Jungkook seems to be everywhere Yoongi is, with gifts and smiles and his sweet scent. And maybe Yoongi likes that more than he expected.
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Can I call you? Jungkook immediately put his phone down the moment he sent the text, cheeks and neck going hot. // Alpha Min Yoongi and Omega Jeon Jungkook have been arranged to be mated for years now. The day before their mating ceremony, Jungkook calls. He's nervous.
switch it up like? by exarite *
Omega Jeon Jungkook comes from a traditional pack, where the men lead and court and take control. Alpha Min Yoonji also comes from a traditional pack. However, for her, Alphas are on top. Something has to bend or break. Yoonji decides it's going to be Jungkook.
First Light by BornToSolace
All of this is different. Everything has been different so far, and different is good. Different will allow Yoongi to break his vows without himself breaking, or so he hopes. The careful beckoning, the soft pull on his hand, the almost apprehensive look in the man’s eyes that won’t leave Yoongi’s face as he gets taken to the mat, the lips reverently trailing down his neck, his chest, his ribs. It’s different, and as Yoongi closes his eyes, tired of resisting, tired of feeling heavy, he knows he will allow it, that he wants it, whatever it is that is about to happen. -or- With war on the horizon, lonely farmer Yoongi embraces his fate, leaving his front door open for the inevitable. Surprisingly, it’s not war that finds him. It’s him who finds a wounded, taciturn soldier in his kitchen instead. A tale of unexpected second chances, set in Joseon Korea.
get you by qtyoonfi (WIP )
Yoongi broke up with his longtime ex over a year ago. He thought he'd managed to close that chapter in his life, but his ex's little brother, Jungkook, is stubbornly staying in his life. And that would've been fine. That is if Jungkook wasn't constantly hitting on Yoongi and begging him for a chance.
Jung Hoseok | J-Hope/Kim Namjoon | RM
Where He Belongs by ArianneMaya
Beta Hoseok's body isn't made to take an alpha's knot, and Namjoon is too much of a gentlewolf to pressure him on the matter. Why is it, then, that Hoseok can't stop thinking about it?
Jung Hoseok | J-Hope/Kim Seokjin | Jin
Finding Heaven in Hell by ArianneMaya
Hoseok always thought the rules his family imposed on him were silly superstitions: never walk alone at night, never sleep with the window open, never undress in front of a mirror… It all seemed a little ridiculous to him. Until the day the demons kidnap him to offer him as a mate to their king.
Jung Hoseok | J-Hope/Min Yoongi | Suga
Signifié by sseoltangie *
Hoseok draws him out with a glint in his eyes and it’s then that Yoongi notices what would be the final nail in his coffin: Hoseok, in perfect opposition to his heart-shaped smile, is a little mean too.
Kim Namjoon | RM/Min Yoongi | Suga
fevered honey by ellemoonchild
Namjoon was tired of spending his heats alone, but he didn’t have much luck attracting alphas. Maybe it was his ‘bigger than omega average’ size or his overly sweet scent or naturally shy demeanor, but Namjoon just hadn’t found the connection he’d always craved with an alpha. But as he got older his heats became more unbearable to deal with alone… Which was how he found himself at the city's most luxurious and exclusive heat/rut hotel being taken care of by the alpha of his dreams. Min Yoongi was a smaller alpha, with a cute face and intense eyes. A deep voice and big hands and heavy scent that left Namjoon feeling dizzy. He was the perfect choice for a heat partner…but as Yoongi treats Namjoon like he’s always wanted the omega will find it hard to separate his heart from what is meant to be only a business transaction.
A Training Montage by mangust_d *
Namjoon has a big dick. Yoongi can't open his mouth wide. Bored to death with his new office job, Yoongi is ready for a new challenge.
Clarity (part of the The Red Sweatshirt Saga series) by allie (baby_shookys)
“So what, you’re saying I should just jerk it in the bathroom and then get back to work?” Namjoon asks, incredulous, leaning in closer and dropping his voice so low that no one could possibly overhear. Taehyung snorts. “You could. But you don’t have to.” “What do you mean?” “Hyung’s wearing his red sweatshirt today.” or; when Namjoon's struggling with a bit of artistic block, Taehyung suggests that maybe post-nut clarity will help.
A Gentler Kind of Burn by ArianneMaya
Namjoon doesn’t believe it’s possible for a guy (especially him) to come more than once. Yoongi proves him wrong.
Maybe, Perhaps by sseoltangie (27k) *
Yoongi keeps purring around Namjoon. He doesn't think it's a problem. Realising he's in love with his best friend... That might be one.
honeypie by 02_43am
“I think I’m showing.” Namjoon is half-asleep so, when he turns around to look at Yoongi, he can't help but be surprised. Trying not to sound panicked, he points out: “That's a bump.” “Or is the takeout I ordered yesterday?” Yoongi wonders. Pulling his shirt down, he lets his hands wander over his stomach before they cup his lower belly. “Ok, maybe it is a bump.” (or yoongi is pregnant and namjoon has a pregnant yoongi kink).
Little Sugar Cube by mangust_d (18k) *
Yoongi gets pregnant after having bad sex with his friend of thirteen years. He decides to keep the pup, but Namjoon is living his best life and travelling the world while Yoongi's days are filled with prenatal yoga classes and dam dates he didn't ask for. Why should he burden the alpha with something like this? Yoongi holds his breath for a moment, but his body has changed too much, his hair grown too long. Namjoon doesn’t recognise him from behind. Doesn’t smell his own pup growing in Yoongi’s womb. “Namjoon-ah,” Yoongi rasps, turning his head toward the alpha because he needs to see him. He’s vulnerable like this. Hair clipped back, face bare, dressed in white like an innocent maiden.
you can be the boss (daddy) you can be the boss by andlovetoo
“If them calling me daddy makes you uncomfortable I’ll make them stop,” Yoongi tries, rubbing his thumbs over the veins on the back of Namjoon’s hands. “I don’t care why it makes you uncomfortable, I can stop them, they’re just making a stupid joke—.” “It makes me uncomfortable because I want to be the one calling you daddy!” Namjoon says, all in a rush, voice too loud like it gets when he’s nervous. Yoongi blinks.
Five-Star Service by mangust_d  *
Seeking casual rut partners would be too risky for a famous alpha rapper like Kim Namjoon, so he signs up for an upscale rut service online. He picks a doll-faced beta who advertises his ‘exceptional oral skills’, but the polished headshot in the catalogue proves to be false advertisement.
Maid a Fool by mangust_d *
When Namjoon's best friend shows up to a costume party dressed as a maid, he's forced to rethink their entire relationship.
Kim Seokjin | Jin/Min Yoongi | Suga
Cat the Anchor by anpanmoon *
Yoongi's son is obsessed with boats. Seokjin happens to have one.
Kim Seokjin | Jin/Park Jimin
Lies & Liability by anpanmoon (WIP - 4k)
Yoongi waved his hand. “You won’t bring shame on your family that easily—as long as you don’t claim every single dance on a Lady’s dance card, that is.” Seokjin laughed loudly. “What an oddly specific thing to say!” OR: Seokjin meets Jimin at a masquerade and falls for his charms immediately, not knowing he'll never be able to call him his.
wish you were instead by yin_moongi
Jimin drapes himself half in Seokjin’s lap and plays with the hem of his t-shirt, runs his fingers along the skin of his side just above his belt. Seokjin thinks: We shouldn’t be doing this in public. Then he thinks: Doing this in public is exactly what we said we were doing.
Kim Taehyung | V/Min Yoongi | Suga
Settle My Blood In Forgiveness (part of the Bloodlines (Lead Me Home) series) by yngimint *
"The fledgling is yours to sire now" Taehyung reads the note that he thinks is from his cousin Seokjin and looks back up at the fledgling standing at his doorstep.
when puppies do what puppies do by disillusioned (miscalculated) *
Executed too quickly to retaliate, Yoongi’s free hand is lifted from its resting spot and promptly placed somewhere warm and unmistakably human. Then, Yoongi is looking up from his computer screen just in time to— “Hyung, feel.” His hand is adjusted. “Feel here. No, like,” now Taehyung maneuvers Yoongi’s fingers so that they’re pressed right over the miniature slope of his flexed bicep, “there. That.” Yoongi complies as if on autopilot, bewildered into silence. “That?” he parrots. “Yes,” Taehyung says. * Suddenly and seemingly without reason, Kim Taehyung decides Old and Jaded Min Yoongi is prime mating material.
Min Yoongi | Suga/Min Yoongi | Suga
Distorted Reflection by ArianneMaya
Yoongi’s part in the plan was ridiculously simple: let himself be caught, grab the hidden gun and kill Agust D. Except there is no gun. And Yoongi finds himself at the mercy of his worst enemy.
Min Yoongi | Suga/Park Jimin
It'll Make You Come Alive by PuppoJiminnie
Yoongi had always been so kind to his owner, Jimin. Not only did he give his unconditional love, but he let Jimin live in his home rent free. But most of all, he blessed Jimin with his body, and if there was one thing Jimin wasn't going to do, it was turn down Yoongi's offering. Even if it was going to make him late to work.
OT7 - Relationship
Wait For Me In Spring by Arobeebee  (WIP ) *
The gravest of calamities has unexpectedly befallen Omega Jungkook - he is engaged to be married. Desperate to escape the shackles of an unwanted union with an Alpha he has never met, he decides to run away from home in the dead of night to seek shelter with the bonded pack who have already stolen his heart. But in winter comes the storm, and the journey to freedom can often be a treacherous one.
oh no (part of the alpha joonie series) by feraljk
when the all-omega pack decided to buy an alpha, they expected a rough brute of a plaything, not this oversized sweetheart of a puppy now living in their house. or: alpha namjoonie getting the love he deserves
Gallery 7 by mangust_d *
In a society where unmated alphas and omegas are kept separated until an omega is presented to their future mate, special O-galleries serve as a platform to connect nubile omegas with promising matches. OR: The story of how Taehyung sold himself to a rich alpha and accidentally gained five omega nestmates.
Housekeeping by Arobeebee (WIP )
University student and aspiring artist Jungkook, hoping to make a little extra cash over the summer before his senior year, applies for a job as a live-in housekeeper and cook. He was definitely NOT expecting to find himself living in a beautiful mansion with six hot millionaires.
Omega-Dom Seokjin and his pack of subby darlings (series) by Arobeebee  (WIP )
Summary from the first fic: Kookie is having a bad-sad feels sort of day, so of course his doting Omega-hyung will immediately drop everything and rush over to give his soft, tender-hearted subby sweetheart all the love and attention he deserves. (In which Jungkook hasn't officially joined the Kim-pack as a bondmate (not yet, at least), but that doesn't stop him from being one of Seokjin's treasured little darlings.)
Amygdala: A Beta Memoir by HyungLineHeaux 
Amygdala steps into the world of Min Yoongi, who joins an established pack as head beta after personal disaster strikes. There are just a few problems with his newfound family: The six-member pack already has a head beta. And they want nothing to do with each other, let alone him.
Co-ed Bangtan (series) by two_cent_penny (WIP ) *
Summary from the first fic: Jungha wants to help herself to unnies’ bodies.
Those Falling Petals in My Hands by thehoyden *
Jungkook is all ready to back out of the room with Taehyung in tow when he registers what the droning voiceover on the video is saying. “When seeing an alpha through rut for the first time, let’s remember this important acronym—” Jimin stabs the spacebar with one finger to pause the video. “Well,” Taehyung says. “Well, well, well.” Jimin’s face has gone a very attractive pink. “Don’t say a word,” he threatens.
A Twist of Fate by ArianneMaya  (WIP )
After leaving his parents’ den and becoming mysteriously sick, omega Jimin agrees to move out of the city and live with a more traditional pack to get the care he needs to heal. It’s temporary. Or at least, that’s what he thinks.
Fuck The Monarchy by Arobeebee (WIP )
Court sorcerer Namjoon and his loyal allies aim to topple the existing government in an effort to prevent a civil uprising that might destroy the kingdom of Allemuir. Their only hope is innocent, trusting, virgin Prince Jungkook. ((Royalty AU where OT6 woo Jungkook in order to achieve kingdom-wide social reform, but quickly end up falling in love with the sweet, kind-hearted Princeling. Also porn.))
Baby, Don't You Worry by creambunkoo
They get their matching tattoos one-by-one over the summer, after Bangtan announces they're taking a break from group activities. Where 7 boys get 7 tattoos that bind their hearts together more than just symbolically.
Jeon Jungkook/Jung Hoseok | J-Hope/Kim Namjoon | RM 
Bide by Tarbek1  (WIP )
Jungkook is an omega who would rather die than be caught. He is exactly what alphas Hoseok and Namjoon have been looking for.
Jeon Jungkook/Jung Hoseok | J-Hope/Kim Namjoon | RM/Kim Seokjin | Jin/Min Yoongi | Suga 
The Stowaway (part of the Fragile - Please Handle With Care series) by Arobeebee
Jungkook, accused of crimes against the Thurazon government and on the run from bounty hunters, takes refuge in an empty cargo container at a remote trading port, and wakes up in deep-space surrounded by smugglers. Alternatively, the crew of the starship Bangtan find an injured fugitive hidden inside a durasteel crate in their cargo bay, and decide to keep him.
Jeon Jungkook/Kim Namjoon | RM/Kim Seokjin | Jin
goldilocks bed and breakfast by macabre
Just three friends moving into a one bedroom apartment. With one bed.
Jeon Jungkook/Kim Namjoon | RM/Kim Seokjin | Jin/Min Yoongi | Suga
all in by feraljk
omega camboy jungkook only intended to stream his heat for his favorite patrons, he didn't (fully) expect to get three boyfriends out of it.
standing next to you  (part of the wisteria series) by feraljk (WIP) 
not every traumatized omega turned feral. or: before hoseok, there was jungkook.
Jeon Jungkook/Kim Namjoon | RM/Min Yoongi | Suga
conjecture. (series) by kattyl
Summary from the first fic: Taehyung glances at Jungkook out of the corner of his eye and smirks a bit. “Ah. Okay. I get it now,” he says. And then proceeds to say nothing else, withholding the apparent solution to Jungkook’s plight. “Well?” Jungkook throws his hands up, “We’re all waiting, Taehyung-ssi! The floor is yours!” He gestures sarcastically to the empty living room around them. Taehyung remains silent as he leans forward to exchange the small, folded square remains of his chip bag with a bottle of water from the coffee table. He takes - what Jungkook estimates to be - the longest possible sip of water in the history of mankind and simply says, “You want them to cuck you.”
The Great Pumpkin Regatta by two_cent_penny *
Yoongi's going to beat Jeon Jungkook in the biggest sweet potato competition this year.
Jeon Jungkook/Kim Taehyung | V/Park Jimin
sea legs by tendershipping *
Chaebols Kim Taehyung and Jeon Jungkook acquire a merman via an illicit auction, as one does. Mer Jimin has more in mind for his time with them than looking pretty in a pool.
Jung Hoseok | J-Hope/Kim Namjoon | RM/Min Yoongi | Suga/Park Jimin
Holding My Last Breath by ArianneMaya (WIP )
In a world where omegas aren't born this way, but bitched, all Jimin hopes is to make it to the end of the night of the blood moon without a mating mark on his neck. Alpha Yoongi, Hoseok and Namjoon have other plans for him.
Jung Hoseok | J-Hope/Kim Seokjin | Jin/Min Yoongi | Suga
This Garden I Planted by mangust_d
Seokjin and Hoseok have been committed to each other for years, defying societal norms and expectations set by their families. But one day, they meet an innocent little kittentail named Min Yoongi and decide to make him theirs. Little do they suspect that Yoongi has heartbreak written all across his back.
Jung Hoseok | J-Hope/Kim Taehyung | V/Park Jimin
Bite Down by sunnydays81 * 
Jung Hoseok has one of the worst cases of Alpha Bite Disorder that Jimin has ever treated. And he has treated many. In fact, as physiotherapist, Jimin specialises in the condition. At the clinic he runs with his omega mate Taehyung, they treat all of Seoul's most intractable cases of ABD, bringing relief to alphas living lives with the misery of chronic jaw pain and temporomandibular joint dysfunction. Together, they make a great team. Every now and then, however, they come across an alpha that even they struggle to help. Hoseok is definitely one of those.
Kim Namjoon | Rap Monster/Kim Seokjin | Jin/Min Yoongi | Suga
heeding by silklace
Yoongi hears his phone buzz on the glass top of the hotel desk just as Seokjin reaches into the little mini fridge with an over-dramatic groan. “If that’s management calling a second debrief,” Seokjin says warningly. He trails off, scrounging around in the contents of the mini fridge. He emerges with a sullen look and a small twist-off bottle of red wine. “Yeah, you know what, just tell them I ran away to go live in the mountains.”
(* Personal favorites)    
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highvern · 4 months
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All the requests I received for my 2k event based on these prompts.
Drabbles are a mix of smut, angst, and fluff. Each will have a warning at the beginning. I'll update this as I post them.
Seungcheol 7 & 9
Wonwoo 22
Mingyu 18
Jungkook 25
Firebender!Wonwoo 2 & 9
Chan 54
Jihoon 4, 11, 15, & 53
Mingyu 2, 6, 23, 27, & 68
Vernon 5
Seokmin 2
Houdini!Hoshi 2, 3, 13, & 20
Yoongi 44
Wonwoo 26
Mingyu 26
Seokmin 1, 20, & 61
Wonwoo 53
Vernon 20
Seungcheol 3, 40, & 69
Wonwoo 11
Heart of the Sea!Wonwoo 66
Jun 10
Taehyung 47
Farmer!Seokmin 28 & 49
Wooyoung 3 & 54
Magizoologist!Wonwoo 55
Jun 10 & 54
Mingyu 1
Hoshi 24
Namjoon 24 & 52
Wooyoung 35 & 70
Mingi 21
Teahyung 32 & 45
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arosesstorm · 8 months
purple lips ; kim taehyung , jeon jungkook
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words count: short scenario
fem reader! x taehyung ; fem reader! x jungkook
warning: love triangle and alcohol
summary: Kim Taehyung realized he loved you, maybe it was too late?
English is not my first language loves, just trying my best, always, enjoy ;
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There had been a moment, an intangible second in which the earth had slowed its motion, the stars had denied to shine and the loud music of the club’s speakers had stopped pumping in his ears.
Kim Taehyung had been on an infinite number of positions in his life: he had been the son of a farmer, the rookie with a dream, the visual of his kpop boyband, a drama actor, a good son, a bad man, a world pop star, a loyal friend.
He was things, he had roles, he played with them, sometimes he hated them, sometimes he took pride in them.
Kim Taehyung had lived a hundred lives, yet, looking at her, her dress too short on her, her red lipstick too bold for her, her fingers tangled in his hair, her eyes shining in pure devotion, her lips close to his neck.
When Kim Taehyung saw her that night wrapped in Jungkook’s arms, he suddenly felt faceless.
He didn’t know who he was, what role he was playing, what party he was attending.
There was nothing, of what taehyung had felt in his life, that was close to this new feeling, not a name with which he could call it.
No, it was 4 months deep into knowing you, under the old neon lights of a club, in the chaos of bodies dancing, that he knew, as clear as the night sky, he was in love with you.
"Did you see them?" Namjoon smiled by his right, taking his cup to his lips as he chuckled, after a sip he spoke again "looks like something’s going on".
And Taehyung felt the sudden urge to deny.
Nothing was happening, nothing was going on.
The man knew her, and she was just the right match for him.
Her and Jungkook on the other hand…too look-alike to make it work.
Taehyung was there and he was staring at her, so why was she over there, smiling at his best friend, her lips quivering in anticipation.
No, "Jungkook’s not right for her" he felt the need to spoke aloud, to which no one answered, so he just stared, he stared, he stared.
"Let’s go get a drink" jimin suddenly spoke, his body covering Taehyung’s view.
But taehyung didn’t move, not until he saw her laugh and leave Jungkook’s side, not until he saw jungkook fallowing her outside.
"Tae" jimin spoke, but his best friend dismissed the man quickly, aiming he himself for the exit.
Once taehyung reached out of the club, the night air meeting his skin, the darkness eating his up, he saw them.
Standing a feet away from jungkook, she was sweetly smiling looking up, like a little girl waiting to be rewarded.
Jungkooks hands were on her face, softly caressing her jawline, then her cheeks when taehyung finally stepped forward, "y/n" he spoke, in a tone so automotive she jumped, like a deer in the light.
"God" she chuckled then "you scared me" she had said, but taehyung couldn’t concentrate on nothing more than Jungkook's hands still on you.
"Jungkook, Jimin needs you inside, Hope got drunk again" he had said.
"Pretty urgent" he added, the need to see his friend off now a necessity.
the youngest softly breathed nodding his head, his hands finally leaving her face, at which taehyung took a breath of relief.
"See you later" the boy smiled, kissing her head and leaving her side.
"Coming to help, hyung?" He had asked, brushing by Taehyung’s side, when the man spoke "give me a minute".
Jungkook nod his head and left.
Taehyung’s eyes had never left her frame, not even as she stepped closer, her face one of joy, as she breathed "your timing is terrible".
It was a joke, but one Taehyung didn’t like at the moment.
"I’m sorry" he had said and then he had looked at her, like he never did before, like he despised her, like he pitied her and left.
Leaving y/n alone in the cold of the parking lot, under the clearest sky of the season, leaving her wondering why she was not so euphoric anymore.
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© 2023 of Mia (arosesstorm). All Rights Reserved.
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laughing-with-god · 7 months
What type of fashion do you think victor bts would wear including victor jungkook
oooh loves this q, if your gonna shift into my universe you prob need some visual help lmao! (i fully expect a report when you do!)
but this is roughly how I picture them;
I think Jin had a good fashion sense even before the games. his dad was the mayor of District One so I think he's always had to dress "presentable". I don't see him as a fashionista, but he does care about brands. if he was in our modern universe, he'd be the type to find Gucci very tacky and obnoxious but love Hermes and Ralph Lauren. classy and understated. honestly very "old money, country club" vibes. jin is a nepo baby lol
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there are two jimins - the one at the capitol and the one at district four. when he's in the capitol, he wears whatever his designer team arranges for him. he has lots of sponsors, and many are fashion brands so he's obligated to wear clothes or accessories from those brands. his team likes to market him as very chic and clean, lots of suits with the undershirt open to show his chest. however, when he's at home or just being himself, i think he's very in touch with his ocean roots. i see him in a "surfer boy" aesthetic, pearls, seashells, and free-flowing tops. in my universe, District Four is like a Florida or tropical place- so it's always sunny and hot.
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sweater vests. turtle necks. slacks. this is it. mainly in black, sometimes blue. very dark academia. does not really understand fashion and just wants to look as smart as he is. feel like he'd also be one of the victors who fired his designer team right away because he didn't get the point and hated being treated like a doll. sometimes he wants to try out diff styles but ultimately I see him being a creature of habit and being like "nah"
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poor boy just wants to be cozy and warm. I think I had his games take place in the Arctic? so I think he'd be like really hypersensitive to the cold now. he feels one chill and he'll want to die. he would love oversized sweaters and cardigans. I can see him wearing lots of neutral colors too, browns and creams with hints of green here and there. Very 'coffee shop boyfriend' vibes. also think he's such older bro that he'd carry a lil fanny pack or bag all the time, he carries little snacks and stuff just in case his siblings ever need anything
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tough one. I don't think he'd give a shit tbh. but he's from 11 and it's all about agriculture, so i feel like farmer vibes? like boyish cottage core. feel like he likes loose shirts as well, tae doesn't like feeling constricted so no tight clothes. also feel like he loves rolling his pants up and walking around barefoot. country boy to the core.
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hoodies, loose fitting and oversized. likes beanies too. I think he has bad blood circulation and as a kid didn't get great access to food, so he's prob anemic and smaller than his Victor counterparts. a lil insecure about it so he covers it up with baggy clothes. another one that prefers darker colors like grey and black. capitol ppl are known for their colorful clothes since they can afford them, and yoongi isn't tryna associate with that.
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i never made a victors revenge jk since i didn't know if i was just going to make it qq jk when he won the games lol. either way, i'm sticking with district two for him. so def a career and def a lil cray. i think he'd enjoy looking as intimidating as possible, fully leaning into the 'bloody thirsty career' reputation he has. I see him getting tats and piercings and wearing things like leather jackets and steel-toed boots. probably like "grunge" or "cyberpunk" aesthetic??
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bultaorechwita · 1 month
We (ARMY ⟬⟭) are really thankful for both taetae and seokjin being debut as BTS idols instead of farmers
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Hobi's ARMY flower pattern ⟬⟭
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Without jimin's blood, swear and tears, BTS members aren't able to grow fruit on this magical artic island
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Hobi and yoongi arguing which song should be sung under the artificial moonlight
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Namjoon 🤣😅
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Seokjin: Tin Man ↗️ 🤣
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Seokjin's super adorable cheering = 😘 (currently in level 1640)
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Daechwita performance with shortly drawn arms and legs 🎶🎵
Jungkook singing gif (sorry for being naked (with swimwear))
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Last but now least blood, sweat and tears performance according to the actual dance from the official MV
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