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eurofox · 2 years
Get Even Review
I hadn’t heard about this game at all and it doesn’t seem like many have played it. It looked like a generic shooter at first glance but it’s not, it’s actually a weird mix of different genres and unique ideas. It’s well made for an indie title, developed by a Polish company called Farm51
It’s really hard to talk about the plot without spoiling it, but the gist is you’re a mercenary called Cole Black (Fuck’s sake) and you’re undergoing some bizarre therapy for PTSD after a failed rescue attempt of a teenage girl who was kidnapped for ransom money, an attempt that left him injured. The real reason for the therapy is to probe his fragmented memory for answers about what happened and who was involved in the kidnapping He isn’t really doing this therapy out of his own free will and this dilapidated asylum in Birmingham is a hub world. The person who wants to explore Black’s memories is a strange man called ‘Red’ who only appears as a blurred image on a screen. He thinks Black is hiding something and wants answers. It’s going to get mindbending and weird, with a lot of twists, that’s all I can really say. It’s constructed well though.  Black himself was alright, spends a lot of time going ‘what the fuck is going on ‘ere?’ which is how any sane person would react to the wacky shit he has to deal with. He’s a hardman type who isn’t used to being at someone else’s mercy so the tension between him and Red is compelling.
 Gameplay a very varied mix. You will be shooting, but despite being given an overpowered super gun right away, you are discouraged from using it. Killing people can ‘disrupt the memory’ and Red will get pissed off if you keep blasting away. You can go ahead and kill everyone if you want, but things will change. The gun is called the Cornergun and it does what it says on the tin, and it’s actually kind of cool to use. Overall the shooting is fine, just clunky.  Red wants you to be stealthy and avoid detection, but the game’s stealth mechanics just aren’t good enough for that approach imo. Sometimes I could run straight past enemies and nobody would see anything and other times I’d get blasted to death because they saw a bit of my elbow, it was very inconsistent. Black dies in a few shots and there’ no health pick ups so ultimately I decided to just shoot everybody.   Combat is restricted to short areas, the developers were inspired by ‘Die hard’ as they explained that in the film he actually doesn’t kill all that often and most of it is about his personal issues. I thought this approach worked well honestly and it fits the narrative as these enemies are only memories after all, and despawn when you leave the combat section so you can explore in relative peace.  The other side of the game is exploration, collecting info from files and recordings and triggering memory events to piece together the story. All your finds are kept in an evidence room so you can go over things later and it’s satisfying to see things start to come together, as you’ll be playing events out of order. You have access to gadgets on your phone, Like heat sensors and UV lighting, which are used for puzzle solving. Most of these puzzles were pretty good actually, but there isn’t that many of them. Most of them are found in the asylum hub, and here the game takes on more of a horror game feel. Black has to deal with lunatics and creepy mannequins and unsettling whispering when he’s in between levels.  One thing the game tries to drill into your head is that your actions have consequences. And your decisions will affect the ending, as well as some events. A little summary plays at the end so you can see what did what. I played aggressively but I don’t think it hugely affected the outcome and definitely not enough to suffer through the stealth mechanics to get the other changes (I just youtubed the alternatives lol)
The game looks well, you’ll be spending your time in old warehouses, abandoned industrial estates, bits of wasteland, the aforementioned asylum, and an office block. Characters are stiff looking but you’ll really only be seeing them in static poses, aside from the goons you’ll be killing, so it doesn’t matter. I thought the voice acting was decent, even the Irish guy wasn’t too bad. Black himself is gruff and he really reminds me of someone but I didn’t recognise the voice actor. Also don’t think there was any Brummie accents which is a bit odd considering the setting.
The soundtrack is brilliant tbh. It’s dynamic and there was a really cool bit when I was in a firefight and it mixed in with Black’s breathing, so it got intense. It’s goes between classical music and techno throughout the game and it just worked so well. There’s a chant that got stuck in my head from the asylum but I can’t go into detail. There’s also another section where the music in used in a surprising way but again, I can’t really say without spoiling it. 
Some things got my nerves though. On the last level especially, I got caught and stuck in the scenery about 7 times. Reloading a checkpoint wasn’t a big deal but this was the most difficult section and it got annoying. Stealth just isn’t good, despite the urging to hide and not kill. Plus, and I’m not sure if this was part of the ‘mess with your head’ them of the game, but doing well will have Red reward you with new weapons. Which he would then get annoyed about if you have the audacity to use them. And although I enjoyed the plot overall, some of it came off like a gritty episode of Eastenders.  Also, Black himself will usually react to a piece of important info, but other times he’ll find something crucial and not comment only then to be shocked at the reveal later, like, mate?, we learned that awhile ago, keep up! . The phone has a lot of apps but most aren’t used often so cycling through it can be a pain sometimes.  At times it felt like the developers had too many ideas and tried to do too much.
Despite all that, I had a good time with this and it’s worth a look if you’re at all into psychological thriller type games, there’s plenty of interesting ideas here and it’s clear a lot of love and effort went into this.  Once I started it I had to get it finished so that’s always a good sign. It’s on PS Plus atm 
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capsulecomputers · 6 years
The Farm 51 announced their modern multiplayer FPS World War 3 will enter Steam Early Access on October 19th.  
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ggsgamer · 7 years
Get Even celebrates with its new Accolades Trailer
Get Even celebrates with its new Accolades Trailer
Bandai show off Get Even’s gameplay in the all new trailer Bandai Namco have released a new trailer showing off the grimly beautiful psychological thriller Get Even. The trailer, which you can watch below, also highlights the rather quiet success of the game, with a host of review scores and comments showing off the game’s initial reception back in June.…
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40splishsplash · 2 years
When can we play the World War 3 Open Beta? Since there's still no more news from Farm51, I decided to "warm up" a bit instead when it comes to my sniper skills, by playing some Team Deathmatch in WW3!
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gamesmagcz · 4 years
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Chernobylite, se ještě zdrží, ne ale kvůli koroně. Tomáš "Strachkvas" Strašák Na plnou verzi hororové survival hry si ještě pár měsíců počkáme. Vývojáři z The Farm 51 to oznámili na svém Steam updatu. Poslední dobou je již zcela běžné, že se vydání her odkl... https://tinyurl.com/y6dukaab #černobyl #chernobylite #farm51 #horror #survival
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seedkeeping · 8 years
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Just picked up eggs from our neighbors at @farm51, and @nealsantos left us a copy of the beautiful @jarrymag with the article he included us in: "A Practice of Freedom: Philadelphia's Queer Farmers and Their Impact". Here's my quote on the right: "I love plant sex. It is so queer! From 'perfect flowers' that have both male and female parts (like tomatoes, lettuce, beans, peas, etc.) to the fact that so many plants require pollination from flying insects, it shows that families are reproduced in the most elaborate and beautiful and complex ways." #queerfarmers #gayfarmers #plantsex #perfectflowers (at South West Philadelphia)
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pichumalaga · 8 years
El juego de terror Get Even ya tiene fecha de lanzamiento y primer gameplay Get Even es un juego de terror que nos llega de manos de los polacos The Farm 51, a los que podréis recordar por juegos como Painkiller o Deadfall Adventures.
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gamersboxsa · 6 years
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#صندوق_اللاعبين #gamers_box لعبة وورلد وور ٣ (World War 3) الحربية على أجهزة الكومبيوتر هي من إنتاج ستوديو غير معروف نسبيًا هو فارم ٥١ (Farm51)، وهي تأخذ الألعاب الحربية التي تحاكي الواقع إلى درجة أكثر تساهلًا من ألعاب مثل آرما ٣ (Arma 3) وأكثر واقعية من ألعاب مثل باتلفيلد، على أنها تُعدّ أقرب إلى باتلفيلد في نمط لعبها. الخرائط في هذه اللعبة ممتدة وضخمة ومذهلة بحجمها وبعض تفاصيلها، كما أن بعض البيئات والأبنية قابلة للتدمير. جميع الأسلحة مطابقة لمثيلاتها في الواقع بجميع تطويراتها وإضافاتها، ويعتبر نظام المكافآت في اللعبة متزنًا بشكل مثالي فلا هو بالشحيح في إعطاء المكافآت إلى حد الإحباط ولا هو كريم إلى تسخيفها. لمن سئموا ألعاب التصويب الحربية التي تدور في مسرح تاريخي أو خيالي ويرغبون بلعبة تدور أحداثها في زمننا وواقعنا الحالي، عليكم بهذه اللعبة، وتذكروا أنها لا تزال في طور الدخول المبكر، مما يعني أنها غالبًا لا تزال تعِد بالكثير. #قيمر #قيمرز #ألعاب_فيديو #ألعاب_الفيديو #فيديو_جيمز #بليستيشن #بليستيشن٤ #بليستيشن4 #بلايستيشن #بلايستيشن٤ #بلايستيشن4 #اكسبوكس #اكسبوكس_ون #اكسبوكس1 #اكس_بوكس #اكس_بوكس_ون #ننتندو #نينتندو #نينتيندو #نينتندو_سويتش #ستيم #ps4 #pcgaming #xboxone #nintendo #steam #worldwar3 #worldwar3game https://www.instagram.com/p/Br-tdrNlKEm/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1runmo0afeff1
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oneangrygamer · 6 years
The Farm51 Teases World War 3's M777 Howitzer Call-in
The Farm51 Teases World War 3’s M777 Howitzer Call-in
The Farm 51 is likely finishing up touches on the World War 3 demo that will be playable at Gamescom 2018. Ahead of that, though, comes a sneak peek at one of the many call-ins that players can spend points on, which happens to be an artillery strike. World War 3 is currently set to release for PC via Steam this fall. (more…)
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daefixockd-blog · 6 years
World War 3 anunciado para PC, un multijugador con un conflicto global en desarrollo en el que podremos influir
World War 3 anunciado para PC, un multijugador con un conflicto global en desarrollo en el que podremos influir
  Farm51, creadores de Get Even y Painkiller: Hell & Damnation, han presentado hoy su nuevo FPS militar World War 3. Como su nombre indica, se trata de un juego multijugador ambientado en una ficticia Tercera Guerra Mundial, en el que el estudio habla de un fuerte componente de juego en equipo, mucha personalización, un sistema avanzado de armaduras y un robusto sistema balístico que pretende…
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The 1932 Summer season Olympics, held in Los Angeles, did not program to include football as component of the programme due to the low recognition of football in the United States. FIFA and the IOC also disagreed more than the status of amateur players, and so football was dropped from the president Jules Rimet thus set about organising the inaugural World Cup tournament to be held in Uruguay in 1930. The national associations of selected nations were invited to send a group, but the decision how to download world war z of Uruguay as a venue for the competitors meant a lengthy and expensive trip across the Atlantic Ocean for European sides. Certainly, no European country pledged to send a group until two months before the commence of the competitors.Rimet eventually persuaded teams from Belgium, France, Romania, and Yugoslavia to make the trip. In total 13 nations took element - seven from South America, four from Europe and two from North America.
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xgames-tv · 7 years
Новый трейлер боевика Get Even
Издательство Bandai Namco опубликовало новый непродолжительный трейлер боевика Get Even от польской студии Farm51. В ролике демонстрируется нарезка моментов разной степени странности. Главный герой Get Even оказывается в заброшенном доме сумасшедших.... Читать дальше »
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