#farah karim/reader
thatgoblin · 8 months
141 Office Drabble 6 Part E
Price: *comes out to the cubicles where it's eerily quiet* What's going on?
Gaz: Nothing, Sir. We're just working.
Price: Yeah? Well, it's too quiet. That usually means you lot ar eup to something.
Alex: Not today. Just work.
Price: *frowns when he sees Y/N's empty cubicle* Where are they at?
Soap: They're on break, I think.
Price: *sees Farah's empty desk* And Farah?
Alex: Also on break.
Price: *narrows his eyes* Alright then. . . Good job everyone. *goes back to his office*
Y/N: *is up on the roof crying and hiding in the small outpost type set up that Alex and Farah had made with a couch and sheets and tarps*
Farah: *climbs up the ladder on the side of the building* I thought you might be here. *moves to sit next to them* Do you want to talk about it?
Y/N: I don't know. *wipes face with hands* Just didn't think I'd be fucking bullied as an adult like it's school all over again.
Farah: *hands them a cold soda* I'm sorry she said those things. They were cruel and unnecessary. You didn't deserve to have that happen.
Y/N: Thanks. *takes the drink* I just. . . I didn't think it was a big deal that I would stay out of going to the pub.
Farah: It isn't. We all know you don't go to pubs. It's your business why.
Y/N: Yeah. . . *takes a drink* Is it obvious?
Farah: Is what obvious?
Y/N: That I have feelings for someone at work?
Farah: No. I wouldn't say so. You act the same and treat us all the same. Who is it?
Y/N: *starts to say something, but pauses* Price?
Farah: *looks shocked and about to say so*
Price: I knew something was underfoot when you two were missing. *grunts as he climbs onto the roof* Out with it then. Why are you up here and crying?
Y/N: *sputters and turns red*
Farah: Wow, what a way to console someone. *snorts*
Price: What? I want to know what's going on so I can help? *looks at Farah with confusion*
Y/N: It's nothing. I just needed some fresh air. Allergies are getting bad this time of year. *stands up to leave* Sorry, I worried everyone.
Price: *catches Y/N's arm and speaks in a gentler tone* Hey, none of that now. What is it? Did one of the boys do something? Be honest, please.
Farah: Valeria. She's been a bit rough lately
Price: I saw at the pub and was surprised to see you there. Didn't expect her to go so hard on pushing the drinks.
Farah: Then she was pushing here at work. Called them a stupid dog, asking if they barked when you wanted them to.
Price: *is quiet, letting go of Y/N* I see. I'll speak with Valeria. In the mean time, you can either go back to work or take the rest of the day off. It'll be covered.
Y/N: Thanks. *hurriedly scurries away and down to their cubicle to pack up and leave for the day*
Price: Thank you. For telling me. I don't think anyone else would, Farah.
Farah: They are a dear friend and I hate to see any of my friends hurt like this.
Price: *nods* I'll make sure it doesn't happen anymore.
Taglist: @birdstoprey @sebbytheraccoon @pricescigar @alwaysshallow @sae1kie @sleepydang @lexi-zsy09 @ghostlywhiskey @ghosts-cyphera @poohkie90
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aethelwyneleigh27 · 3 months
Orange Peel Theory With Cod Characters
Would they peel an orange for you? (Scenario based on the test from TikTok)
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Characters Included: John Price, Simon "Ghost" Riley, John "Soap" MacTavish, Kyle "Gaz" Garrick, Alejandro Vargas, Rodolfo "Rudy" Parra, Valeria Garza, Farah Karim, Kate Laswell, Alex Keller, König, Kim "Horangi" Hong-jin, Keegan P. Russ, Gary "Roach" Sanderson, Nikolai Belinski, Philip Graves, Vladimir Makarov.
This is probably one of the only times I'll be using the color orange, AHAHAHAHA. As you can tell I wouldn't be okay with the camp half-blood uniform as an Aphrodite kid. Writing this as I'm sick with a cold, my nanny since childhood peeled my oranges for me while telling me to finish all of it because it's vitamin C.
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Mansplaining this but the Orange Peel/Peeling Theory surrounding TikTok started with one girl talking about her experience with her ex peeling her oranges for her. It soon turned into a theory/test where people ask their partner to peel an orange for them, something as small and effortless as peeling an orange as that act of service represents their willingness to do things for their partner and if they refuse then that's seen as a red flag because it means that if they're unwilling to do that small thing for them then same case scenario for something big that requires a sacrifice.
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They peel it for you almost immediately, no words needed, just you staring at the orange. Grabbing it from the bowl of fruits and meticulously tearing the skin with their thumbs, being careful not to make much of a mess and to not bruise the orange.
It's not a secret that they like to do this, offering other little things like opening doors for you, peeling the skin of apples if you don't feel like eating it and slicing it up for you with a multipurpose camping knife, putting their hand on the edge of a nearby cornered things so it wouldn't be as painful if you hit your head picking something up.
Characters: John Price, Simon "Ghost" Riley, John "Soap" MacTavish, Kyle "Gaz" Garrick, Farah Karim, Kate Laswell, Alex Keller, König.
Would tease you once you ask them to peel it for you but will peel it. Would even hand feed it to you, you have to give them a kiss for every orange they separate. If you tell them you don't like the pith (the white stringy part) then they'd take it off for you.
They probably would ask you to peel some for them too some time around soon but you're more than happy to do it for them.
Characters: John "Soap" MacTavish, Alejandro Vargas, Valeria Garza, König, Kim "Horangi" Hong-jin, Keegan P. Russ, Nikolai Belinski.
You probably should've worded it better, you told them you felt like an orange.. "I feel like a tomato" is what you hear back. You laughed and clarified that you felt like eating the fruit.
"Oh.." they stopped to think if you had any oranges at home at the moment and they got up and peeled it for you, bringing a plate back of two peeled and pulled apart oranges with a glass of water for you.
Characters: Kyle "Gaz" Garrick, Rodolfo "Rudy" Parra, Alex Keller, Gary "Roach" Sanderson.
He'd throw the orange at your head, telling you to peel it yourself.
Characters: Philip Graves, Vladimir Makarov.
Taglist: @wishesforyou @puff0o0 @simping4konig @simp4konig @blingblong55 @azereus @rustic-guitar-notes @shadofireshinobi @thelightdjinnofpalestine @09maruchan @anonymuslydumb @skeletalgoats @icarustypicalfall @ghosts-cyphera @fawnchives @connorsui @capuccino192 @miss-gms-and-the-rotten-womb @celestialhole @the-second-sage @starryylies @everlastingmoonlightsworld @keiva1000 @iexiam @drewsmusee
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lxvvie · 5 months
Simps 'R Us, Between the Sheets edition: Your faves and the wholesome and funny things you two get up to in bed, part I.
Capt. John Price - When he's half asleep and about to snore loud enough to wake the dead (Price vehemently denies this), you like to have random conversations with him because you know questions you ask will do one of two things: elicit a nonsensical answer from the Cap'n or... wake him up from his sleep altogether.
Gaz - Is curling up into himself because you're the big spoon, you're running your hands over his body because he's highkey lowkey ticklish, and your face is buried in his neck because... he's highkey lowkey ticklish. "Darling, please—" Gaz manages to gasp out between... wait, are you giggling, Garrick?
Soap - Your darling golden retriever chaotic good boyfriend loves... to sleep naked. You're not complaining, though, especially because he loves it when you lay on him. You've made a home for yourself between his thighs; his stomach is your pillow, and he usually has a hand rubbing your head. Helps him to relax, y'know, bonnie? And whenever you don't lay on him, it's an affront to Johnny's... everything. His heart is broken. His soul is crushed. You're too far away from him (even though you're still right under him). How could you do this to him? He can't live like this. No other stud muffin can offer you what he can, beautiful. But no really, bonnie, he needs you on top of him like... yesterday.
Ghost - You really like his body. Like... really like his body. You blow raspberries on his stomach, you smack his ass, you talk about his eyelashes—scratch that, you love his body. To you, every scar tells a story, and you've asked him plenty of times to talk about them. And then you did the unthinkable that had Simon wanting to disappear into the fucking blankets—"Si-bear, I didn't know you had a mole on your inner thigh!" Bloody fucking hell, he'll never hear the end of this. And then you kissed it and Ghost's face had never felt so bloody hot before. Christ, you'll be the death of him, sweetheart.
Roach - Nothing but the most sickeningly saccharine stuff to ever stuff happens with Roach. A poke-fest, a kiss-fest, a tickle-fest, you name it, it happens. Roach loves to sleep with his face buried in your chest and arms wound tight around you. Always. You rubbing his head soothes him to sleep as well.
Alex - You're also the big spoon here, too. You're busy talking about conspiracy theories you believe the government is/was involved in and Alex is entertaining you ("That so, Boss?"). In actuality, his eyes are comically wide because the truth is oftentimes stranger than fiction and you may or may not be walking a little heavy there, Boss.
Alejandro - Is the big spoon to your little spoon in bed no matter what you're doing. Loves to intertwine your legs together, too. Alejo murmurs how much he loves you in your ear and kisses the top of your head before telling you good night.
Rudy - Sometimes when he's asleep, you'll whisper "Rodolfo" in his ear which causes Rudy to shoot up, eyes comically wide because the only time someone calls him by his full government name is when he gets into shit but it wasn't him this time, it was that idiot Alvarez— "Didn't get to tell you good night and I love you, Rudy, so... good night and I love you, Rudy." Oh. Oh. Ha. Real funny.
Farah - A cuddle bunny through and through. She loves laying up under you, her head resting on your shoulder or under your chin, or her face in the crook of your neck. She wants to hear you as you sleep. She wants to feel the gentle rise and fall of your chest or the resonances as you speak. Farah simply can't get enough of you.
Keegan - It's really you teasing him because Keegan isn't one to really get flustered or deviate from his infamously neutral expression. Much. Until you came along. You two are relaxing in bed and you're the one randomly calling out, "Hey, Kee-Kee," to which Keegan makes the most surprised and disgusted face in response and you're wheezing.
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homicidal-slvt · 1 year
Thoughts on COD men favorite way to cuddle? Personally I believe Soap likes to lay directly on top of his partner, he’s a whore for head scratches. Please any soft headcanons you have for 141+LV would do rn. I just need some soft boys. 🥹
How Do They Cuddle?
COD SFW Head-Canons
Characters: John Price, Johnny Mactavish, Simon Riley, Kyle Garrick, Alex Keller, Gary Sanderson, Nikolai, Alejandro Vargas, Rodolfo Parra, Kate Laswell, Valeria Garza, Phillip Graves, König, Farah Karim
Warnings: None- Just Fluff.
John Price
Loves to pull you into his arms in bed and be the big spoon, honestly okay with most cuddle positions.
Will lay on top of you and snuggle but it's typically unintentionally in his sleep- like a weighted blanket that snores and sleep talks.
Will pass out immediately if you rub his shoulders.
Johnny Mactavish
Absolutely adores laying on top of you with his head on your chest, your heartbeat soothes him and lord help him if you scratch his head- he may just drool.
Any and all types of spooning is welcome, will be the little or big spoon.
Hands on you every chance he is given, tugging you close in bed and nearly roasting you because this man is a straight up living furnace.
Simon Riley
Pulls you into his side so you can lay your head on his chest, typically sleeps laying on his back.
Absolutely melts if you press little kisses to the scars on his face, wraps his arms around you so tight that there is no escape.
Not opposed to you spooning him or just wrapping your arms around him from behind.
Kyle Garrick
Does the thing of tucking your head to his chest so you can listen to his heartbeat, will also hum a soft tune to you and murmur the sweetest things as you fall asleep.
Tuck your face into the crook of his neck and you'll hear an audible sigh of happiness, arms slipping around you to pull you impossibly close.
Kiss attack!!! Will randomly pepper kisses all over your face and anywhere else you'll let him- he just can't resist you.
Alex Keller
Absolute puppy energy as he follows you around closer than usual whenever he wants to cuddle, will eagerly pull you to him on the couch or wherever else you two sit down.
Tucks his face into the crook of your neck and purposely tickles you with his facial hair, grins like an idiot when you giggle and push at him.
Is typically the big spoon in bed because he just loves being the one with his arms around you, planting kisses to your shoulders.
Gary Sanderson
Lays on top of you to trap you with his affection, nuzzling and making little hum sounds to express how much he adores you.
Traces shapes and letters along your skin when you two are cuddling in bed, loves tugging you close to his chest and running his hands along your back.
Often pats his lap when he wants you to stop what you're doing and just come sit on him for snuggles for awhile.
Handsy? Handsy. Gentle touches at all times and constant hugs from behind, is so damn cozy though and knows it- pulling you into him every opportunity.
Loves having you lay on top of him like a blanket, mumbling loving words in Russian as he rubs your back.
If you're sitting beside him his arm is wrapped around you, however he much prefers you on his lap so he can hold you even closer.
Alejandro Vargas
Wants you to lay on him. Please lay on him or let him spoon you, he just has to feel you close so he can praise you softly.
Will drag you onto his lap to hold you when he feels you're working too hard, that's enough chores for right now- snuggle time.
Rubs his hands lightly up and down your sides when you two are in bed.
Rodolfo Parra
Literally the absolute sweetest- wants to sit and cuddle you while feeding each other snacks. Wants you on his lap so he can tell you about his day while sticking food in your mouth.
Loves being the little spoon or laying his head on your chest, run your fingertips along his back and he'll hum out in response.
Consistently gives you the coziest hugs and sweet forehead kisses, hands on your waist or lower back.
Kate Laswell
Intense spooning- prefers being the big spoon but will gladly be the little spoon. Loves taking care of you.
Wants you to lean your head on her shoulder when you two are sitting at home watching shows together.
Encourages you to tell her all about your day, pressing a sweet kiss to your head as you drift off in her arms.
Valeria Garza
Holds your hands when you two cuddle in bed because it's romantic, presses kisses to your knuckles as you tell her about your day.
Praises you for whatever you accomplish and also insists that you take plenty of breaks so she can hold you.
Wants to be the big spoon or tuck your head against her chest so she can mumble sweetly in your ear.
Phillip Graves
An absolute menace who unleashes tickle attacks occasionally when you two are cuddling, usually though he just mumbles sweet things against your skin.
Showers you with kisses and groans softly as he eases into bed with you and with a 'c'mere darlin'' starts spooning you- loves being big spoon.
Wants you to lay your head on his chest sometimes as well, feel his breathing and steady heart beat while he rambles about his day.
Lay on him please- he craves it so bad to just feel you close like that. Wants to hold you tightly to himself and ramble about how much he loves you.
A giant teddy bear- please let him lay his head on your lap. He'll fall asleep instantly.
Gentle and doting wanting to give you massages constantly- if you return a massage though you will just hear so many soft groans and praises in German.
Farah Karim
Spoon spoon spoon- will be little or big spoon she doesn't care. Just let her tell you how gorgeous/handsome and perfect you are.
Rests her hands on your waist often when you're doing things, especially loves doing it if it makes you flustered.
Lay your head in her lap and she will gladly smile and stroke your hair- you're just so cute.
{This prompt made me so excited I just had to do everyone. LMAO}
{@gothgirl6-6-6 @soupbinsoup @sofasoap }
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burstinn · 8 months
brother, brother. since you wrote the one for the very tall male reader, up to do one about a short guy who’s built as a bulk? champ’ll be like 5’6 but able to lift a man Ghost’s size
the guys teasing him about it but then he just challenges them and BOOM super strength
slight nsfw if possible, please, it’s 03:42am and I don’t want blue balls :(
dk mate just a thought, sorry for bothering
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People mentioned: Price, Ghost, Soap, Gaz, Alex, Farah, Rudy, Alejandro.
Warning: slight nsfw that's it, I got lazy with Farah bbg Farah and Ale and Rudy.. AUGHH
Note:Readers height is not mentioned.. So just think of reader just shorter than the boys.
And this is only for the 141 team and associates hcs
No Kortac but will be adding the Mexican special forces I.e Alejandro, ++++
Hope you don't mind-
You have trained hard though you were shorter than most of your colleagues you were just as strong as them maybe even more.
Which caught the attention of the wild renowned John Price. When he saw you with your team during a mission and watched how you worked well, you could get into small spaces and could take out just as much men.
You were swift and efficient at your job and when he offered you to work for 141, you spent no time to think and immediately agreed.. I mean like YOU in the 141?!? With the high leagues?!? You wouldn't even pass up the chance!
-Already impressed when he first saw you, he swiftly went to speak too laswell about you.
-Not to say she wasn't impressed as well though
-So you got an offer on the spot after your mission. But Price did give you time to think about it
-When you said yes he simply nodded his head an said "Can't wait to have you be part of the team"
-He gave you time to change your mind, pack up, say goodbye to your former teammates and superiors before hopping on the heli and flying off to your new team. Excited and nervous.
-When you hopped off the Heli a hop in your step as you approach the highly revered team. Price immediately walks up beside you patting you in your back and pushing you forward.
-Happily letting you introduce yourself.
- He knows how strong you can be he's just waiting for you to finally show your potential so the team can see why he let you join the team
-He immediately frowned under his mask.. There's no way.. Well it's not that he's very judgy with recruits... But.. Goddamn you were short.. Hell shorter than Gaz.
-But he shook off those thoughts there must be a real good reason Price chose you.
-And he won't doubt his captains choice.
- Don't judge a book by its cover or something
- When you got around base, meeting everyone getting comfortable. He comfortable with you as well you're a neat guy.
- Though when it came to training. He saw how you worked.. Like shit you broke the punching bag for fucks sake. No one was expecting that not really, so now Ghost's got really interested in seeing you train.
- When people asked you and Ghost to spar with each other he is hesitant. I mean look at you and look at him. You breaking the punching was not expected yes, but people break shit all the time.
- Thinks he could easily beat you. Worst case he would probably break something of you
- You actually seem to encourage him to fight with you until he says yes.
- Eventually said yes and quickly tried to take you down before you roll under him and lift the fuck out him and throwing him.
- face under mask went like 😨😦😐🤨
- Yoo? Tried to tackle you fails miserably now your on top of him. Sitting down on his neck cuz 😏😏 Your holding his hands on top of his head too BECAUSE RAAAAAAA
- " You're going easy on me lieutenant.."
-He furrows his brow, eyes really wide when he saw you.
-Then as if there was no more other thought in his head.. He just walked up to you and picked you up.. Like a cat.
-Earning him a smack on his head from Price then Ghost. He puts you down after that. Saying a short sorry.
-He gave you a small smile. Though small doubts trickled in his thoughts. He brushed it off. You looked cute anyway not like he would pass up another cute guy that atleast won't hide their face 😒😒. Ehem ehem..
-So when you got comfortable around base he swiftly started chatting you up. Pleasantly having a nice conversation as always with you.
- He likes picking you up like a cat
- when you can't reach something, he'd pull you up to his shoulders so you can reach it
- Gets infatuated with you.. Thinks you're so cute.
- Height Jokes
- When you called him over to see how you pull up weights. Putting fucking 4 HEAVY ASS weights on each side. And you FUCKING LIFT IT
- He got so hard it's unbelievable.
- Oh.. Uh?
- 🤨
- He thinks you're cool.. Non chalant about your height.
- He would bully you sometimes.. But it's all no harm.
-Height Jokes
- Would keep stuff out of your reach he thinks its funny, except for the part where you kicked him straight in the balls.
- One day he did that again keeping something out of your reach dangling it over your head..
-You suddenly picked him up. It made him scream and he waddled in your arms and fell off.
- He opened his mouth to idk.. Scold you. Asked you how you carried him..
- Then he shut himself up when you carried him princess wedding style and moving him while looking down at your stuff finding wherever he fell your stuff.
- Blushing hee hee a little princess being carried
- You eventually set him down and he silently walked away
- Would do it again more frequently.. He just wants to be carried wedding style again.
- Huh? 🤨
- Confuckled
- Talked to Price about you.. Asking questions then finally confirmed that you are part of 141
- Thinks of you like a small lost child sometimes
- If he sees you walking around base has to do a double take then remembers it's you.
- You're short he sometimes forgets to look down too see you. It's not like you're that short.. It's just he keeps his head up since the team is yknow... Tall.. Well taller than you.
- one day he got mad because " you weren't there" when he was looking for you.. Even though you were literally near him.
- So you reached over and grabbed his collar to pull him down. He got shocked and tried to pull away..
- But goddamn you were holding his collar like a fuckin' champ.
- Blood immediately pumps to his face.. And pumps somewhere down there YK YKKKK! ! ! WAAHAHAHAHHA
-Bro is an inch taller than her
- Side eyes you for a moment before nodding her head to herself.. She knows you're strong but she still judging you tho
- Calls you gay.
- Plays with your cheeks.. Stress reliever face cheeks. You're the easiest to reach anyway
- She did nun wrong to you really.. She just saw how you beat everyones asses literally
- like?? Huuh?
- Wants to be like you too. Small but strong asfuck
- Not like she's not like that anyway
- Strong woman real real
- Slay
- Just gives you a small smile everytime she sees you.. Just impressed..
- Thinks you look like a child. Even asked about if you were a child.
- Also doesn't see you sometimes.. Especially when there are other taller people in the room probably covering you from his line of vision.
- Spanish word for small, tiny, mini, short, Gremlin... Yeah..
- If he's upset with you and you get the fucking balls to turn your body away from him. Hell if you even think to walk away
- He grabs you by the back of your shirt/ collar. And turns you to face him. Close so you can see how upset he is by you.
- You even dare to give him a scowl.. Oh my god.. He'd either want to slam you on the floor or wall. Maybe scream in Spanish on you.
- May or may not still be angry with you. Or he let's you run off because he doesn't want to deal with you.
- ..... (make up sex..)
- Treats you like a child even though he knows you aren't
- Asks you if you're okay if you even graze a shoulder, would put a hand on your head and ruffles it
- Also Spanish nickname for small... Bla bla bla
- Sometimes he picks you up and carries you around on his shoulder. Even with your protests, telling him how it's so damn embarrassing.
- it is but he don't care.. He thinks it's funny.
- Then if you turn the tables spinning him around with your legs. And flipping him over making him hit his head on the floor.
- Audible groan.. And looks at you like 😧🙁☹️
-Why'd you do that? ☹️☹️ kinda face
- Then Wait how'd you do that? 🤨🤨 face
- Now you show him your amazing ass Strength even though you're small asfuck
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skylarsblue · 1 year
✦Incorrect C.O.D Quotes, since AO3 is down✦
Gaz: I wanna know what exactly your type is. Y/N: I'm not just gonna give you more fodder to throw at me- Gaz: I have an idea of it already, but I want details! Y/N: No! Gaz: Like- König! Would you- Y/N: Of fuckin’ course I wanna fuck König! He’s huge, he could LITERALLY snap me in half and my dad didn’t love me, of course I want him to fuck me! Soap: *does that weird inhale-choke-cough*
— (Dick mention + a woman’s experience of a dude making gross comments. It’s funny I swear-) Fem!medic!Y/N: most of the time, people are pretty nice and sometimes impressed when when I bring up I’m a medical professional. Other times…eh.. Soap: Eh? Y/N: Sometimes you get conspiracy theorists. Soap: Ohhhh… Y/N: Some evangelists, gross dudes. Gaz: Gross dudes? What’s the worst you’ve heard? Ghost, sipping a whiskey: This outta be good. Y/N: Uh, once I told this man hitting on me I was a field doctor? He said, and I quote. “Been awhile since my last check up, mind checking me for ball cancer.” And I- Gaz: WHAT Soap: YOU’RE KIDDING Y/N: I am not. I just- I walked away. Price: Fuckin’ hell. Y/N: It’s fine. He got shot in the dick next mission, ended up with a male doctor. Ghost: Karma at its best.
- Graves: Oh FUCK YOU Y/N: Tsk, oooo…you don’t have enough money for that. Soap: HAHA!
- Soap, drunk: Back Street’s back, alright! Do do do do- Gaz, drunk on Price’ shoulders: Dodooodo- Price: Simon, get your boy. Ghost: *picking Soap up by his belt, carrying him like a bag* Yes sir.
- Recruit: When you gonna stop giving me blue balls? Gaz: Whoa hey!- Y/N: Aight, I got my steel toes on. How bout we make’em black and blue? Recruit: I- Y/N: Shut the fuck up. I’ve already turned you down, get a hint. Word of advice? Rather than shoot for the stars, maybe shoot your shot in your lower bracket, yeah? Recruit: Gaz: Someone get a fire extinguisher, this dudes been burned. Soap: On it. *sprays recruit with fire extinguisher*
- Soap: Nice onesie, does it come in men’s? Gaz, in his pyjamas: I think you cum enough in men for the all of us. Soap: ACK- Ghost: *slides out of the room*
- Ghost: Have you ever considered, just once, using your brain first? Soap: Now why would I do that?
- (Insert random name I HC for Laswell’s wife) Kate, after being in a bad explosion and ending up in this hospital: My wife, she’ll get upset if she sees you rubbing me like that on my chest. Diana: I am your wife. Kate …. Diana: :) Heart rate monitor: BEEPBEEPBEEPBE- Kate Hi. Diana: Hehe, hi. Gaz, in the corner: Oh to be in love. Soap: This is disgusting, why can’t I have this? >:,( Gaz: Cause your type in men is awful. Soap: Hey!
- Y/N: *walks into common room* Hello, I am very upset. I feel a meltdown coming on and you are all buff men, so I would like to request being picked up and held like a baby for a short period of time, please. Soap: Do you want to talk about what’s bothering you? Y/N: Nope. König: ….*slowly approaches and picks Y/N up from under their arms* Y/N, clinging to him like a koala and hiding in his shoulder: Thank you, I appreciate you. König: *awkward back pat*
- König: :) Y/N: Bloopbloopbloopbloop- Horagi: Y/N! Y/N: What? Horagi: Tha-That is our colo-that is a dangerous man! Y/N: He’s not a dangerous man! Horagi: What are y- Y/N: We’re bloopin’! Bloopbloopbloop- König: -w-
- Price: Kid, I need you to- Gaz & Y/N: *dancing like they don’t have jobs to do* Gaz: Go stink! Y/N: Fuck it up! Gaz: Go stink! Y/N: Fuck it up! Gaz: Go stink! Y/N: That’s what’s up! Gaz: Go stink! Y/N: I’m in love! Price: AHEM Gaz: Oh shit- Y/N: HEEEYY captaaaaiinn, what’s uuupp ahaha… Price: *sigh*
- (Based on; Me if COD was real. Deadass. Full serious. I am not kidding) Gaz: So have you met the Captain yet? Y/N: No. Gaz: Are you nervous? Y/N: No no, I have a firm belief that they’re just people. Obviously I’ll respect him as a superior but that’s nnnnnnnnwho the hell is that? Y/N: *fucking breaking their neck* Gaz: Oh- Nope. No no, THAT is Captain. Don’t think about it. Y/N: I’m thinking about it. Gaz: That’s not allowed. Y/N: Ive done worse for less, if he asks I’m sucking it, you can’t stop me. Gaz: Jesus Bloody Christ- Y/N: Tell him to call me when he’s on leave. Gaz: Stop-
- König: *walks in* Ghost: ?? Soap: Oh, hey! Gaz: Y’a need somethi- König: *picks up Y/N under his arm while humming, leaving the room* König: I love stealing, I love taking things!~ Ghost: What the f-
- Colonel!König: I’m 42 so, I don’t- Y/N: YOU’RE 42?! Colonel!König: Yeah. Y/N: …it’s okay no one has to know babygirl~ König: NEIN! Nein, don’t call me babygirl!-
- (Based on this awful Gaz outfit I saw on Twitter) MILF!Y/N: *doing paperwork* Gaz: Would you date me? Y/N: Baby we couldn’t even get a drink together. You can’t buy me nothin. Gaz: What do you mean? :( Y/N: Look at your outfit! What are you wearing? Gaz: I think I look pretty fly. Y/N: For who, your mom? Gaz: :((
- Gaz: STOP DATING MY CAPTAIN Y/N: ….you know what, I’m gonna start dating him even harder. Gaz: What’s that supposed to mean? Y/N: You know what it means.
- MILF!Y/N: *shoving apple juice into a cart* They gon’ need nutrition. Laswell: How many kids do you have? MILF!Y/N: Eleven! Laswell: So I’m assuming your kids really like apple juice? MILF!Y/N: No but they looove orange juice but they’ve been bad this week. Laswell: What grade are your kids in? MILF!Y/N: Sixteenth grade. Laswell: PFFT Sixteenth- that’s not even a grade! So your kids graduated college? MILF!Y/N: No they, they- …where are my kids?
- (Her “kids” on the other side of the store) Price: Boys please- Gaz: I AM NOT LOSING! Soap, in a fuckin’ headlock with him: Yes you fuckin’ are!! Ghost: *slipping cookies under his mask, he did not pay for them* König: *looking for a fruity snack* Horagi: *grabbing as many packs of spicy chips as he can* Alejandro: This is a disgrace. *holding up frozen burritos* Rudy: These are worse. *motions to frozen tamales* Alex: Did you know you can use coke as rust remover? Farah: …and you want to drink it??
- Y/N: So. Kyle. Gaz, already afraid: …yes? Y/N: I found some of your old playlists… Gaz: Y/N: Gaz: Y/N: You an emo? Gaz: I was a SCENE as a teenager, get it right.
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soapsbaby · 1 year
Bunch of Deviants
Summary: Assigning one kínk to each of the main CoD characters that I headcanon them to have.
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Characters: Simon “Ghost” Riley, Johnny “Soap” MacTavish, König, Kyle “Gaz” Garrick, Alejandro Vargas, Rodolfo “Rudy” Parra, John Price, Valeria Garza, Farah Karim, Alex Keller, all x gn!reader Rating: NSFW (minors DNI) Word count: 1100ish
Ghost - Size Kink
He loves using his size to his advantage and making you feel as small, and in a way vulnerable, as he possibly can. He adores the fact that he can just pick you up and fuck you against whichever surface he wants with ease.
Will place his cock on your stomach and give you a cruel smile. That's all going to be inside of you, sweetheart, think you can take it, hm?
He loves sometimes seeing you struggle a bit with his size, the way your eyes start watering when you try to fit him all into his mouth or the delicate little whimpers when he first starts pushing into you.
Soap - Exhibitionism
Soap loves to just do it whenever and wherever the possibility arises, be it indoor or outdoor. Literally you can’t think of many places you haven’t done it, be it his office, every room in your apartment, the local woods, his car, in an alley behind a club you were partying at. He's always down to just pull your underwear to the side for a quick fuck.
He really gets off on the possibility of someone seeing you or walking in on you (even though he’d probably get slightly embarrassed if it actually happened and thank god it hasn’t yet).
No… No, Baby, I don’t care if anyone sees. Let them see. Let them see how well I fuck you.
Loves sneaking off with you at events and just taking you in whichever free room you can find. He loves the thrill of acting like nothing happened afterwards, seeing you slightly struggle to walk straight. 
Price - Sugar Daddy
He loves treating you and making sure you are always taken care of. You are on his credit card with no limits.
He gets off on knowing that you are treating yourself and can get anything that makes you happy and he loves when he is at work and gets a text of you wearing whichever new clothes you bought with his money. 
He would never deny you anything (within reason) but he loves when you whine and beg for it a little bit. 
His favorite part, of course, is when he gets to take your fancy new clothes off of you or, if possible, just fuck you in them.
Gaz - Body Worship
It’s not even that it’s necessarily a kink of his, he just can’t help himself from praising and worshiping you the moment he gets to see and feel your body, let alone when he’s inside of you. 
He is so genuine when he starts praising you, paying attention to every part of your body and just babbling on about how much he loves all of it, how smooth and soft you feel.
Loves when he can take his time before sex and just massage you, kiss your entire body and take however long he needs, baffled that you are his and his alone and how lucky he is.
Alex - Bondage
He loves when he just gets to let go and have you take charge, tying him up in whichever position you’d like him in and then take him like he belongs to you. 
He loves the sensory experience of it, the rope on his skin and immobility that comes along with being tied up, however he also loves how the decision-making is taken off him and he can turn off his brain for a while and let you take charge.
Is a little embarrassed by this but he loves when he’s tied up and can’t fight you overstimulating him, just having to take it.
Farah - Sensory Play
She is not much into anything rough but she enjoys playing around with different sensations, especially when she gets blindfolded and all of her senses are heightened.
She loves experimenting with temperatures, one of her favorites is wax play, even though for her that can already be on the border of what is too painful. Still, she loves the sensation if you drip it from high up enough and the way it looks on her skin.
König - Praise and Humiliation
He thrives on you talking through it, telling him how well he is doing, how good he is making you feel, that he is your little toy that you can do with whatever you please.
You have tied him up before but it is never necessary. He will just take whatever you throw at him, so eager to make you feel pleased with obedience that there is no need to restrain him. If you tell him to keep his hands behind his back then that is what he will do without question. 
Doesn’t use that many profanities in his day to day life so it is very easy to humiliate him by making him repeat your words. “Say it, König. Who is my little fucktoy, hm?” “M… Me.” “No, sweetheart, the whole sentence.” “I… I am your little fucktoy.” “That’s right.” 
Alejandro - Breeding
His breeding kink is his biggest weakness. Whenever you tell him to put a baby in you his thrusts will start to stutter, sweet moans spilling from his lips, mi amor, you know we’re not ready, we can’t… we shouldn’t- and then, against all better judgment, he will come inside of you regardless, staying inside of you for as long as he can afterwards to make sure none of his cum is wasted.
Rudy - Edging
He likes using the time he has off work to the most and making sure he takes as much time with you as he can. He simply enjoys pushing you to the edge as many times as you can take and then eventually push you over it, making sure he keeps going and overstimulating you until you forget your own name.
He knows your body by heart, knows how to read you like an open book and can tell exactly how close you are and when he needs to stop. 
He will be so frustrating that it makes you go insane. He takes such pleasure in your desperation and at the same time is so patient. It doesn’t matter whether you are begging him to fuck you, he won’t until he has decides it’s time.
Valeria - Sadomasochism
Valeria is just into pain, going both ways. She just enjoys all of the scratching, biting and slapping that comes along with having sex with you and it doesn’t matter whether she’s topping or bottoming either.
Usually by the end of it you are both covered in bruises and scratches, she doesn’t care. She likes you marked up so everyone can tell that you are hers. 
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cerise-on-top · 7 months
Hugging HCs
TF141, los Vaqueros, Valeria, Graves, Alex, Farah, Laswell and Nikolai and what I imagine they hug like. It's just pure fluff, I'm not sure it needs and TWs. If it does, please just tell me, though, I'm more than happy to add them.
Price: People have said it before, but he gives dad hugs. They’re not overly long usually, unless you’re feeling down. Has a habit of rubbing and/or patting your back. While they may be somewhat tight, he does loosen up a bit when he hears the air leaving your lungs. If you’re particularly close, like his significant other, he might sway a bit. He’s fairly warm too. Not straight up a human furnace, but definitely warm enough to warm you up a bit. When he lets go, he usually holds you by your shoulders or arms for another second or two, giving you a smile, before ultimately letting you go.
Gaz: When it comes to hugs he’s a bit more on the gentle side. He could knock the air out of your lungs too, if he wanted to, but he usually doesn’t. It’s not too uncommon to receive one from him, especially if you’re good friends, there’s no shame in it to him, sometimes all you need is some comfort. If it’s a hug just so, there’s a chance he’s gonna talk a bit, asking you if you’re alright at first before joking around a bit. He’ll try to bury his face in your shoulder, even if he has to lean down a bit for it. Gaz might not be the warmest person to hug but he’ll give you one whenever you ask. Sometimes you don’t even need to ask for it, his intuition is pretty good, so he can usually tell when you need one.
Ghost: His hugs are special in that they are very rare. If you really want one from him you’ll have to be very close. However, due to his stature, it’s likely that he is taller than you are. Either way, he won’t really lean down, but he will put a hand on the back of your head. Duration wise, they’re usually a bit on the longer side, if he gives them out on his own. Ghost will only really do so once you’re down in the dumps and he knows physical affection helps with comforting you. Doesn’t really talk, he hopes that he can, if nothing else, make you feel safe and calm you down. He is warm, almost like a furnace.
Soap: If you’re hugging for celebratory reasons or as a greeting, he will try to squeeze you as much as he can. It is on purpose, he wants to show you how strong he is. However, Soap will be more gentle if you ask him to, he doesn’t want to break your ribs. If you’re in need of a comforting hug, he will tone it down greatly. He is more inclined towards side hugs, but won’t shy away from a proper one either. Like Gaz’, his intuition is pretty good, so you usually won’t need to ask for a hug, he’ll just give it to you. Also a talker, unless he’s tired, in which case he’ll talk fairly little. Runs the hottest out of the TF141, making him a wonderful substitute for a heater during winter.
Alejandro: Open to hugs, but maybe more so in private than in public, unless tragedy has struck and he’s just glad you’re alive. If you’re shorter than him he will put a hand to the back of your head and pull you towards his shoulder, if you’re taller than him he will rest his head against yours, maybe burying his face in the crook of your neck. He usually goes quiet when hugging you, simply wanting to feel your warmth. He hugs a bit longer than usual, he does enjoy the physical closeness with his loved ones. Somewhat warm, somewhat tight hugs, latter does sort of depend on how tired he is. When more tired, his hugs will be a bit more loose.
Rodolfo: Loves hugs, is afraid to ask for them, however. Him and Alejandro do hug occasionally, but it isn’t always enough to satisfy his need for them. He’s usually rather gentle when it comes to hugs, regardless of whether or not you’re taller and stronger than him. He doesn’t need to prove anything, he just wants to make you feel better. Does talk, but just a bit. Whenever you hug him he’ll be concerned as hugs, to him, are usually something you ask for when you need comfort, and ask you if you’re alright and what he can do for you. He rarely initiates hugs, regardless of how much he needs one. Warmer than Alejandro, but his hugs aren’t as long.
Valeria: Good luck receiving one. Rarely gives them out, doesn’t feel too much sentiment for them either. Absolutely none in public, it’s a maybe in private. If she’s a bit tired she’s more inclined to say yes, but if she’s too tired she might be a bit hypervigilant. It takes her a great amount of trust to let anyone closer to her than she needs to. If you ask for one and you’re very close, she will mock you a bit, but will wrap her arms around you regardless of how you reply, whether you quip back or look like a kicked puppy. Running a cartel is rather tiring, so she might close her eyes for a bit, making the hug last just a bit longer. She needs some rest, but she doesn’t want to admit it. Her hugs are not very tight because she usually hugs you when tired, but don’t be fooled, she could absolutely crush you. About average warmth.
Graves: Very physically affectionate, actually. When you’re close enough he has no qualms whatsoever about pulling you into a hug. Greeting, celebratory, comfort, anything goes. If you’re not sad he’ll give you a smug grin. Some hugs will be tighter than others, he needs to show you just how strong he is, how well he could protect you if it came down to it. He’s a commander, so naturally he does so. Gives you lots and lots of praise when he does hold you. Whenever he needs a hug he’ll play it off as you seeming like you needed one, won’t even admit to himself that sometimes it’s just nice to be held. Even if you are taller than him, he will always try to be the bigger person and make you a bit smaller. He’s just prideful like that. A little bit colder than average, but not by much.
Alex: If he really likes you then he’s more than happy to give you a hug, but he also really like receiving them. Will lean down to bury his face in the crook of your neck, even if you’re quite a bit shorter than him. Not above outright asking you for one either. If he knows he has no danger to fear he will close his eyes every single time. While hugs do make him the slightest bit giddy, he tries to hide it. If he actually tried just the tiniest bit harder he could succeed, but he doesn’t really want to either. It’s sort of cute how happy they make him. If you’re on the shorter side he will be more gentle than if you were taller, but it’s all subconscious. Either way he’s far from crushing you. Hugs often and for as long as he can. Only a bit warmer than average, but his gentle enthusiasm makes up for it.
Farah: Does want hugs from time to time, but pushes that wish down. She’s a commander, she doesn’t have time for that. Is willing to give hugs to the people closest to her, though. Not very often, but she’ll do it. Comforting you that way makes her feel strong, especially when she can tuck your head under her chin. If you’re scared, she’ll hum a small melody to you, even if she doesn’t remember where she knows it from. The duration is entirely dependent on how much time she has, whether or not you’re interrupted, but she, without fail, will give you comforting words. Will cradle your face in her hands afterwards if she can. While there’s a chance she might obstruct your attempts at giving her a hug, she might accept if she’s feeling especially down. Yes, she’s used to working under extreme pressure, but she needs it too. Please reassure her that she, too, deserves a hug, it means a lot to her. Her hugs are fairly tight, she is afraid of losing you. Pretty warm, too.
Laswell: Doesn’t give them out very often, but she doesn’t mind either. Again, you need to be close to her. Anyone is an open book to her, she can read people just that well because of her occupation. If you need a hug, she’ll know immediately. She doesn’t hug for too long, but she makes sure you’re feeling better by the end of it. Solution oriented, she’ll ask you what’s wrong and already try to come up with everything she can do to help. If it’s just consolation you need, I can assure you that she’s one of the best people you can go to, she’s very good with words. Stern, yes, but she means well. She may be neutral to hugs, but she will respect if you do like them and give you some from time to time. Does love the feeling of you relaxing against her. Her hugs aren’t too tight, and she isn’t too warm, about average, but the timing is impeccable.
Nikolai: Down for any kind of hug, in all honesty. Ask and ye shall receive. Is very open to them, kind of likes them as well. It’s a nice change of pace for once, something gentle and warm, it’s different from what you can usually expect in Russia. The duration is variable, it’s really up to you. Hell, if there’s nowhere he needs to be you can hug it out for hours as well. Long hugs like that are reserved for private only, but shorter ones are a-okay for public. He’s confident enough that he can protect you. Besides, who would take it up with the leader of Chimera anyway? Like Price, he’ll rub your back, holding you fairly tight. Nikolai is also rather warm, not on the same level as Soap, but it gets fairly close. Fairly talkative, he’s willing to have a full conversation while you’re in each other’s arms
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rainybubbles · 7 months
What are COD men and women missions as your guardian angel ?
Ghost, Price, Soap, Gaz, Laswell, Farah, Valeria, Alejandro, König, Roach, Nikolai
(Sorry in advance for my mistakes, English is not my mother tongue. So sorry if it's badly written or if they're OOC.)
G H O S T :
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-He was sent to prevent you from accepting a job opportunity that would lead to your death. 
-The prospective boss was destined to be tyrannical, pushing you to overwork, neglect your health, sever ties with loved ones, and gradually spiral into a state of despair. 
-Ultimately, exhaustion would compel you to cross a road, only to be struck by a truck. 
-Simon's purpose was to avert this tragic fate.
-Simon exerted considerable effort attempting to erase all traces of the job offers and announcements from your computer, eager to fulfill his mission swiftly. 
-However, you persisted in pursuing your dream job, repeatedly defying his interventions. 
-”Fucking hell” he whispered one night after passing hours on Indeed to delete everything.
-He realized he had to convince you. But it means getting to know you. 
-He sighed and moved in, thanks to his power, the flat next to yours was magically free.
-Despite his strategic move, Simon struggled with social interactions. 
- He tried the “have you any sugar ?” but it was 1AM, so it scared you.
-God, Simon and his social skills.
- One day, you, alarmed by a peculiar noise, knocked on his door, convinced that an intruder had breached your home. 
-Trusting Simon's intimidating presence to scare off anyone, you spent the night at his flat for reassurance. 
-This incident marked the beginning of a gradual acquaintance.
-As Simon got to know you, a mutual exchange of pastries became a regular occurrence. You started it to thank him for that night, and he offered you ones, and it has became a regular thing.
- Friday nights turned into joint activities like watching matches or cooking together. 
-During these moments, you opened up about your dream job, and Simon, in turn, disclosed the harsh realities about the company.
-The realization dawned upon him as he witnessed the trust you placed in him.
- When you decided not to pursue the ominous job, he felt a sense of joy until the weight of the truth settled in—his mission was complete. 
-Simon waited in anticipation for the next assignment.
-He waited.
-For another name, another mission.
-Nothing came.
-And he saw Laswell.
-He knew what it meant.
-“Simon, they decide you can either continue as an angel or stay with her and become human”Laswell says.
-Being with you.
-Waking up with you, living a life with you…
-It sounded perfect.
-He didn’t deserve that. Not after all what he had done, not…him with you, you deserved better.
-The following morning, you knocked on his door, only to find the flat deserted.
- Frantically searching for Simon Riley on social media, you discovered an unsettling absence—like a ghost, he had vanished, leaving you with a broken heart.
-“He fucking ghost me”, you cried on the floor of your flat, not knowing the truth.
P R I C E :
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-He had not been sent for you, but for a boy named Clark. 
-Clark was on the verge of homelessness, and John's mission was to help him develop an idea to secure some much-needed money.
-As John succeeded in his task, he couldn't help but notice the negative transformation in Clark.
- The influx of money had turned Clark into a selfish person, threatening his friends if they considered leaving him. And that's how he encountered you—a kind soul who had been there for Clark since the beginning.
-You, always supportive, witnessed how toxic Clark had become towards you.
- Slowly, you began to believe you deserved such treatment, unable to find better friends. 
-John, disturbed by this realization, hoped for another mission to rescue Clark's friend from the clutches of his destructive behavior.
-But nothing changed.
-Frustrated, John couldn't stand idly by while people suffered for the sake of his mission. 
-His purpose was to rectify injustice, not allow someone to turn into a despicable person.
-During a party, he found you outside and couldn't help but express his thoughts
- "I'm glad you're in his life. He's so much better now. He was really broke, and I was scared he'd end up alone on the streets. He lived at my house for a long time." you said.
-"He should have end up in the streets," Price asserted without regret.
-Your eyes widened, but a chuckle escaped you. "You shouldn't say that."
-"But you agree.
-”Money got to his head, but he's a good guy."
-"He's not, and you know it, love."
-"I don't want to lose him. I love him." you admitted.
-And then it clicked. You loved Clark before he became the person he was now.
-"You loved him before all of this." he realized.
-"I know. And it hurts because I still hold onto the hope that he'll realize and suddenly become better."
-"I'm sorry." Price said.
-"It's not your fault."
-It was, but you couldn't know.
-"Maybe in another life, I'll be as happy as he seems to be?"
-Price could have read your life with his power and gotten to know your future. But he didn’t.
-"I hope you deserve it." he answered.
-"Hey John, if I'm not happy, could I count on you? You're always here for me."
-"I promise, love."
-You smiled.
-Later, when John received his new mission, he decided to peek into your future to protect you one last time—only to realize there was no future.
-He rushed to your flat.
-The police were there.
-Clark had been arrested.
-And a body was being taken to the morgue.
-Maybe he should have looked at your future earlier.
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-He had been dispatched to safeguard your moral values from crumbling into ruin. 
-The situation was straightforward; you were shattered, and a friend of yours suggested a lucrative opportunity to intimidate someone for a hefty sum. 
-In simpler terms, you were on the verge of joining a gang for the sake of money. 
-Broke, homeless, unwilling to burden your family, and unable to afford food, you were desperate enough to consider anything that paid, given the absence of job offers.
-Soap's mission was to avert this downward spiral, to prevent you from evolving into a heartless figure with bloodstained hands, a potential mafia leader. 
-Naturally, he couldn't just hand you money; you wouldn't accept it from a stranger. So, he devised a plan to hire you at his bakery.
-Initially taken aback, because hell you couldn’t even say or bake croissant. 
-Nevertheless, your role was strictly to sell, not to bake. 
-Moreover, your boss, Soap, emanated a comforting presence. 
-He treated you kindly, just as he did with everyone on his missions
-But to him, your smile was more than just a pleasant sight; it stirred something within him.
-Your laughter, dry and infrequent, motivated him to ensure you laughed more often, even if it meant he made a fool of himself with sugar or butter.
-When your friend said you couldn’t stay at their place, Soap went a step further and provided you with one.
- As you began accumulating enough funds to secure a flat, you encountered difficulties in finding one. 
-Leveraging his magical abilities, Soap helped locate a suitable residence for you. 
-Once settled, he taught you the art of baking, gradually helping you to take charge of the bakery.
-A year later, you had become a skilled baker, and Soap realized his mission was accomplished. 
-Independent and content, you were ready to take over the bakery. 
-Craftily, he fabricated a story about relocating to another country and passing the bakery on to you. 
-Initially hesitant, you eventually agreed after lengthy discussions.
-As Soap sensed the emergence of a new name and mission on the paper, he looked at you and sighed, "I'll miss you, love."
-"Me too, Johnny," you replied.
-Little did you know it was the final time you would see him, but Soap was acutely aware.
- So, for the first time, he allowed himself to act on impulse and kissed you. In that fleeting moment, he wished he could relinquish his wings and live with you indefinitely.
G A Z :
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-TW : social anxiety :) !
-He was sent to help you with your health.
-You grappled with social anxiety, a condition so severe that the fact of being in a crowded bus could make you faint
- Asking for a bag at the cashier's counter filled you with fear, and even a simple "hello" caused three weeks of overthinking
- You existed in a state of solitude, ensnared within a relentless cycle of anxiety.
- Your mental health had plummeted, yet the luxury of a therapist was beyond your means.
-Social anxiety, insidiously, severs connections, making it difficult to seek help, leaving you trapped in an endless loop of overthinking. 
-The act of breathing itself became a struggle
-Walking in the streets became a nightmare, convinced that every passerby scrutinized your every move. Life, for you, felt burdensome, your very existence a weight upon others.
-Enter Gaz, sent to prevent you from venturing too close to the precipice. 
-He initiated contact through social media, engaging you in conversation within a fandom you both shared.
- He witnessed the genuine joy in your smiles as you responded to his messages, the relief emanating from having notifications from a real person rather than an automated system.
- Talking to him felt right, providing a respite from the isolation.
-Gradually, your interactions with Gaz progressed beyond the digital realm.
- Attempts to meet in person were met with reluctance or last-minute cancellations, fueled by fears of judgment, rejection, or even the possibility of an elaborate prank. 
-However, perseverance prevailed, and one day, he succeeded in meeting you face-to-face.
-The anxiety lingered, but Gaz's warmth created a sanctuary, a safe space for you.
- Together, you confronted the formidable adversary that was social anxiety.
-Gaz became your anchor during the lows, comforting you when crowds induced panic or tears flowed at the thought of being among people.
-Of course there were downs, where you couldn’t go out, where you would cry just by the idea of being in a crowd. But he was here for you.
-Every Monday, he accompanied you through bustling streets, holding your hand as you breathed through the anxiety. 
-Small victories were celebrated, such as summoning the courage to ask for water from a waiter. 
-To some, these achievements may seem ridiculous, but Gaz understood the immense courage they required.
-He cherished the moments you shared, the progress you made—ordering food by phone, making a call—each step a triumph on the arduous road of overcoming social anxiety.
- In these moments, Gaz recognized that this was more than a mere mission; it was a lifelong commitment. 
-Social anxiety was not a battle with a finite resolution; rather, it was a continuous struggle.
-A knowing chuckle escaped him. 
-Captain Price, knowingly, had bestowed upon Gaz a life mission. 
-In a quiet moment, Gaz whispered his gratitude, acknowledging that if his mission was to love and support you, there was no doubt he would embrace it for eternity.
V A L E R I A :
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-She was sent to save your marriage.
- Angels, renowned for their influence on matters of the heart, and Valeria, in particular, was on a divine mission to salvage the threads that held your union together. 
-However, as of late, doubt began to creep into her convictions as a guardian angel.
-In numerous assignments, she found herself helping individuals of questionable character.
- Then, she met you—a person ensnared in a wretched marriage. 
- Your wife treated you poorly, arguing with you for trivial matters, asserting your worthlessness without her, forgetting your birthday and engaging in infidelity with others.
-Valeria questioned the purpose of preserving such a toxic bond.
- Was she supposed to save this tormented marriage?
- Was the sanctity of matrimony so sacred that it should endure despite the evident misery it caused?
-No, she had enough..
- She reached a breaking point, disenchanted with being the obedient savior in every situation. 
-She wasn't Rudy or Alejandro—she wouldn't blindly adhere to a mission that clashed with her newfound convictions. 
-Instead, she took a daring step and seduced you, believing you deserved better, deserving her.
-You, with your kindness and generosity, deserved someone who would treat you with the respect and love you lacked in your current relationship. 
-Valeria refused to surrender you to the shackles of your miserable marriage.
- She cared not for the rules of her celestial role; she wasn't a guardian angel any longer. 
-That night, driven by an irrepressible desire for change, she made a drastic choice—she cut off her wings. 
-The pain was excruciating, but amidst the agony, she found relief and liberation.
- She knew this act condemned her to damnation, but the prospect of being with you made it inconsequential.
- Morality blurred into shades of gray as she willingly became a fallen angel, abandoning her celestial duties for the ecstasy of earthly love.
- The sensation of your lips against hers eclipsed any impending punishment, and in that moment, she embraced the fall from grace for the happiness she found in your arms.
N I K O L A I :
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-He was the one training guardian angels. 
-Nikolai wasn't a guardian angel, but a fallen one. 
-In the past, he had fallen in love with the one he was supposed to guard.
- As a consequence, they severed one of his wings and stripped him of his celestial status. 
-To prove his devotion, Nik decided to assist in the formation of guardian angels.
- Laswell and Price supported him, and they agreed.
-So, he began training new guardian angels, and you happened to be one of them.
- He admired how you struggled to fly, resembling a fawn. 
-"Солнце (=sun), use your back muscles, not your arms," he teased as you tumbled to the ground once again. 
-"How could you know?" you snapped back, frustrated.
-He stopped, his lone wing retracting. 
-You realized the impact of your words.
- "Shit, Nik, sorry, that's not what I meant."
-"It's okay, but I used to fly in the past, you know. Don't doubt my abilities again."
-"Of course, I... It's just frustrating to see everyone else succeeding."
"-It's okay. Ghost took six months to fly; Soap burned his wing three times," Nikolai said. "So, don't doubt, Солнце."
-"Really?" you laughed.
-"Yes, so don't doubt, Солнце."
-"Isn't it difficult to watch all those angels and not feel free like them?" you asked, a question no one had posed to him before.
-"It is, but I deserved it."
-"You just loved someone. I don't think it was worth the punishment," you whispered.
-"Maybe, but I betrayed my mission."
-"I still think you did it for good reasons. The world isn't black and white. Sometimes we have to be gray. Loving them, it's not a crime."
-He stayed silent. "Maybe."
-"Sorry, I overstepped, but I think it's unfair they treat you like this. Graves is keeping his wings when he had killed people to succeed in his missions, not very guardian angel of him."
-"You're right, but we can't do anything."
-"I will. I'll fight for you. Use my wings to give yours back," you said, determined.
-That day, Nik felt a spark—the same one that had cost him his wings. 
-The one who was back with you. 
-He ignored it. 
-"If you say so, I'll watch you doing it," he chuckled.
-Little did he know, you would succeed and restore his wings. 
-Perhaps, one day, Nikolai would fly again with his wings and not a helicopter.
A L E J A N D R O :
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-He was sent to protect you, to help you to expose the truth.
-You, a journalist delving into a precarious story surrounding the cartel's sway
-. Alejandro understood the gravity of this mission; his entire previous life had been defined by this relentless fight against the cartel.
- With unwavering dedication, he vowed to shield you with all his heart.
-Thus, he concealed himself, surveilling your residence, neutralizing all dangers, confronting cartel members seeking to harm you under the cover of darkness.
- His magic thwarted explosive threats, and he meticulously tarnished the reputations of those aiming to intimidate you after your initial article.
- He stood watch, silently guarding you.
-His cover was blown one day. In your apartment, a cartel member lay unconscious at his feet.
-"So it was you?" you inquired.
-"I can explain," he stammered.
-"You were the one protecting me, weren't you? I've never felt threatened since my colleagues shared their ordeals. Only words, never physical harm or bombs. My family is unharmed. Someone protected me. It's you, isn't it?"
-Your perceptiveness impressed him.
-"Yes," he admitted.
-"You should have said something. I can pay you if needed. Being a bodyguard for someone who challenges cartels must be challenging."
-"Not as challenging as being a colonel fighting the cartel in my previous life," he thought but refrained from saying.
-"It's okay. I don't need a salary."
-"Then live with me. Let me repay you, in a way. This way, you can keep an eye on me 24/7 but still have a place to stay."
-It was tempting, avoiding the need to surveil you from across the street, being able to follow you closely to prevent traps.
-"Okay," he accepted.
-Gradually, he became a fixture in your life. You shared your findings, and he assisted during investigations, often necessitating clandestine break-ins to gather information. 
-He marveled at how you managed to stay alive with your audacious pursuits.
-But with each cartel member arrested due to your articles, he felt satisfaction and pride. You were making a difference.
-Until one day, the absence of the familiar sound of typing alarmed him. 
-Racing to your room, he found you lifeless, a bullet wound in your head. 
-How was this possible? He had used his magic for protective measures, installed cameras.
- Then he noticed it—a black wing on the floor, a fallen angel turned malevolent.
-He knew who was responsible—Valeria. Of course, she would be entangled in the sinister web of cartels. Mierda...
L A S S W E L L :
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--She was sent to ensure peace.
-You, a fledgling diplomat, had just entered the scene.
-In a matter of months, a critical meeting loomed on the horizon. 
-Unfortunately, one of the other ambassadors harbored nefarious plans. 
-Their aim? To ensnare you, hold your country responsible for an attack, derail any alliance, shatter hopes of peace, and plunge nations into war.
-Laswell, tasked with preventing this diplomatic catastrophe, sought to guide you through the treacherous world of international relations.
-Gaining your trust, however, proved to be a formidable challenge.
-You toiled in isolation, reluctant to confide even in an assistant. 
-Acutely aware of the sordid nature of politics, you had no intention of succumbing to manipulation or falling prey to powerful lobby interests.
-To demonstrate her capabilities, Laswell embarked on a mission to help you confront a corrupt mayor. 
-When she successfully ousted him and exposed the truth, despite the mayor's pervasive connections, you were compelled to extend a job offer.
-"Thanks for this. I couldn't have done it without you. He had connections everywhere," you expressed your gratitude.
-"I have connections too, but I guess mine are just better than his," she replied with a hint of confidence.
-A chuckle escaped your lips.
-It was evident that Laswell, fueled by a genuine commitment to peace, would prevail. 
-Witnessing the purity of your heart, she found solace.
- She had observed how the hearts of political figures often tarnished when power came into play, but you remained an exception.
-"You're a remarkable diplomat, never doubt that," she reassured.
-"Maybe, but niceties don't seal alliances or foster peace," you sighed. "Money does, and we don't have it."
-Together, you delved into the intricacies of contracts and gathered information about other nations.
- Nights were spent in your office, surrounded by take-out containers, punctuated by jokes that lightened the mood while maintaining a serious focus on work.
-Gradually, Laswell began to open up to you. 
-Of course, she concealed her past as a CIA agent, weaving a narrative that shielded her secrets. Yet, you felt a sense of security in her presence.
-One evening during a break, you asked,
-"Do you have someone, Kate? You're always here with me, and I wouldn't want your significant other to worry."
-"I had someone," she admitted.
-"Sorry to hear that," you responded.
-"It's okay. It was a long time ago, like a previous life," she joked, though the truth lingered beneath the surface.
-"How were they?" you inquired.
-"She, and she was wonderful. My wife. I could have given everything to her, except I didn't. I didn't give her my time. I was working too hard."
-"Did you divorce?" you asked.
-"No, but I quitted my job for her."
-"It was the right thing to do. She deserved it," she smiled.
-"And you never met anyone after?"
-Because after that, she died old and happy with her wife, before becoming a guardian angel.
-She never looked for love.
-"No, but maybe someday." Laswell said
-"I don't doubt it," you chuckled.
-"And you?"
-"I'm too busy with my work. They say I'm mostly married to it," you attempted to joke, but Kate sensed the underlying sadness.
-"You'll meet someone. You're a great person."
-"Thanks," you replied, returning to your work. 
-After weeks of collaboration, Kate unearthed a drug affair involving the other diplomat and dealt with it discreetly.
-On the day of the crucial meeting, the peace offer was accepted without hesitation, thanks to the covert threat.
- The treaties were signed, and a sigh of relief echoed through the diplomatic corridors.
-However, when Laswell awaited her next mission, she discovered a surprise.
-Your name resurfaced, but the mission had taken an unexpected turn.
-"Marry them."
-Confused, Laswell pondered the note. Guardian angels can't love humans. Then, she noticed a message on the back.
-"You deserve a retreat, Kate. And they're your type. Enjoy it. - John."
-She chuckled. John, always meddling where he wasn't needed.
- However, she didn’t know if she would marry you or not but this life as a diplomat, reshaping the world for the better, was the love she had found."
F A R A H :
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-She had been sent to infuse you with the strength to confront adversity with courage and resilience.
- Once a firefighter, you had walked away from the profession after a tragic incident where a child lost his life in a fire. 
-Your attempts to alert your boss about the suspicious nature of the recent fires fell on deaf ears, and disillusioned, you resigned. 
-The question lingered: Why be a firefighter if you couldn't save lives?
-Farah had been dispatched to restore your inner fortitude because, deep down, you were right
-Those recent fires were no accidents. 
-Only you had the power to uncover the truth, having been the sole observer of the pattern.
- Fate placed her as your neighbor, but your demeanor was reticent, a mere husk of your former self.
-Observing your silent suffering, Farah chose a bold approach. 
-She ignited a fire in her own apartment using a toaster, triggering your instincts. 
-Without hesitation, you rushed to her aid with a fire extinguisher, quelling the flames.
-"Thanks, I don't know what happened," she lied, keenly observing the adrenaline coursing through your veins and the relief in your eyes.
-"It's okay; toasters can be tricky, many of them catch fire," you reassured her.
-"Do you often see that?" she inquired.
-"I'm a firefighter," you paused, correcting yourself, "was, sorry."
-She smiled, finding solace in your continued identification with the role.
-"You quit? Injuries?" she probed.
-"No, I... it just wasn't for me."
-"It doesn't seem that way," she said, nodding towards the fire extinguisher still in your grasp.
-"It was just a reflex."
-"Hmm, if you say so. You know, just because there are some bad firefighters doesn't mean you have to quit," she remarked.
-"True, but sometimes it's hard to... fight when you're alone."
-She understood. Without the support of people in her past as Karim, Farah would never have succeeded. 
-"But without brave people like you, the bad ones win," she emphasized.
-"Maybe," you conceded, "but... why am I discussing this with you? I don't even know you," you whispered.
-"It's easier to confess to a stranger, especially one with a burnt toaster," she joked.
-You chuckled, finding an unexpected comfort in her presence.
-"Maybe you're right. I just... I felt useless. I knew something was wrong with those fires, that we should have saved those kids, but... no one believed me. Maybe they're right."
-"Or maybe not. Now we'll never know since you quit," she countered.
"-Maybe..." you sighed.
-"I can help you," she offered.
-"How?" you inquired.
-"I'm a journalist," she lied, "if those fires are really peculiar, then I have a great article, and you could regain your job."
-"…But it means investigating my own brigade."
-"Betrayal often comes from those close to us," she said, recalling what did Hadir.
-"You're right, okay," you agreed.
-And so, the investigation began. Farah watched as the embers of your internal fire reignited. You didn't give up. 
-Gathering evidence, taking photographs, you uncovered a shocking revelation: a colleague was a pyromaniac, deliberately setting fires to play the role of a savior, to feel godlike.
-Presenting the proof to journalists, your chief could no longer cover for the rogue colleague. Farah felt a surge of pride for you.
-"You fought well," she commended.
-"I'll continue, thanks, Farah," you said, embracing her, the lingering scent of burnt still on your clothes after your mission.
-"Never give up, even when I'm gone," she whispered.
-"Never," you smiled.
-When her mission changed, she left you a collar. Months later, Farah noticed how you kept it as a talisman.
- She smiled, realizing that although she couldn't stay, your strength and hers would forever be intertwined.
K Ö N I G :
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-He had been sent to rekindle your passion, to bring happiness back into your life. 
-Once a talented dancer, you had abandoned your love for dance in favor of a more practical career, burdened by financial responsibilities. 
-Your parents, disapproving of a dancing career, further added to the weight on your shoulders.
-König, however, was on a mission to reignite your love for your hobby and give your heart what it truly desired.
- So, in your building, he discreetly posted a classified ad seeking a dance teacher for the waltz.
-When you stumbled upon the ad, you thought, "Why not?"
-A little extra income wouldn't hurt, and you missed the joy of dancing. Intrigued, you decided to respond to his ad, accepting his offer.
-Little did König anticipate that it would work. 
-Now, with his towering 2-meter frame, he found himself awkwardly attempting to move like a swan without crushing your feet. The stress was palpable.
-“Breathe and focus on me, not on yourself,” you instructed, guiding his hands to rest on your waist. 
-Slowly, with the accompaniment of a piano, you led him through the graceful movements of the waltz.
-Suddenly, it felt like home. Memories flooded back – the aroma of onions and Zwiebelrostbraten cooking, the cramped kitchen adorned with peculiar pictures, his mother's gentle dance, and him on her feet as she attempted to teach him how to dance. 
-Dancing, he thought, could be so beautiful, and those who tried to prevent such feelings were truly awful.
-You noticed the sparkle in König's eyes, a reflection of the passion you had years ago.
- “It’s beautiful, isn’t it?” you remarked.
-“Yes, it’s like we’re floating,” he responded.
-“Waltz is beautiful. I…I wanted to compete when I was younger – waltz, salsa, and more.”
-“What stopped you?”
-“My parents. They said I would never be good enough to make a living from it. And they're right; only a few dancers can sustain themselves.”
-“But you could still live through it in a different way.”
-“Teaching it. Many dancers become teachers.”
-“I don’t have connections, König. Studios prefer people with a reputation.”
-“Then I’ll spread the word. You’re a great teacher. I mean, you made me dance the waltz, and I'm a giant,” he joked.
-You smiled. “Because you’re a great student.”
-“Nein, believe me, I can’t dance without you.”
-And so, König set his plans into motion, praising your classes to everyone. 
-Soon, a married couple sought your expertise, and as their marriage flourished, the word spread. 
-Requests poured in, and slowly you amassed a following.
-König, with his mysterious charm, helped you secure a studio.
- Although you maintained your part-time job, you now knew you could live from dance.
-“I’ll quit,” you whispered, nervous. “I need to quit to have more classes and finally be happy.”
-“Good, you deserve it,” he smiled.
-“Thanks. Without you, I probably would never have been brave enough to do it.”
-“I’m here to support you,” he assured, even though he missed holding you in his arms and waltzing with you.
-He asked for one last dance to celebrate. Unbeknownst to you, he would soon leave.
-As you danced, he felt your heart beating fast, resonating with happiness. 
-When a paper appeared in his pocket with another name and another mission, he looked back at you. 
-Perhaps now, when alone, König would practice the waltz for the day he would meet you again.
R O A C H :
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TW : death (not of Roach or you though) + (i kinda create a past for him, I know it's not canon)
-He was sent to help you to protect Orion.
-The problem was, he had no clue who Orion was.
- Despite attempting to tap into his powers, all he could extract were names: Orion and yours. 
-Thus, he met you out and forged a close friendship, yet Orion remained elusive.
- Not in your familial ties, not as a romantic interest or enemies—nowhere. 
-Until one day, after returning from work, you shared an anecdote about Orion.
- A four-year-old boy. 
-Suddenly, it dawned on him; he comprehended his purpose
-. Roach, with his own history in foster care, knew he was selected because he understood the flaws in the system and how one could make a difference by adopting a child.
- However, Orion had loving parents, leaving Roach perplexed.
-"He's a sweet boy," you smiled.
-He reciprocated with a smile, albeit tinged with fear. 
-Did this mean Orion would lose his parents? 
-Or was he expected to kill them? 
-Roach was uncertain, prompting him to shadow Orion's residence, using his expertise in navigating air ducts, he was not called  Roach for nothing, air ducts were his things.
-As he observed, nothing seemed amiss until he spotted it: a crack in the wall. 
- Regrettably, before he could extricate himself from the air duct, the building collapsed. 
-The landlords had ignored warnings about the need for renovations, leading to the tragedy. 
-Roach barely escaped the ruins, coughing and trying to find his way out.
-Then, he heard Orion's voice. 
-Under a table, the little boy clutched his deceased mother's hand. 
-Roach froze; there was no doubt, Orion's parents were gone. 
-Why was he sent to manage this? 
- Why wasn't he tasked with preventing the tragedy or saving them?
- Why did Orion have to endure such a harrowing experience?
-He crawled to Orion, embracing him as the boy cried and screamed. 
-He waited with him at ER, refusing to leave despite your attempts to reach him. He only sent you a text “at ER”
-You joined him and he…he could only express his pain through a silent hug.
-You and Roach became determined to ensure Orion wouldn't be left in the system after such trauma.
- Despite the challenges, you visited every day, dealing with bureaucracy and, with Roach's magical assistance, eventually adopting Orion
-. Roach didn't leave; he remained a steadfast companion in your collective journey.
-It wasn't easy—Orion was confused, lost, and traumatized. 
-Yet, through your unwavering support, he slowly began to open up to both you and Roach.
- A family emerged, something Roach had only discovered in his twenties during his time in the military.
- He was grateful that Orion could experience it now, but he couldn't bring himself to leave.
-Each day brought the fear of a new mission, a new departure. Until one day, Ghost appeared in your flat.
-"What are you doing here?" Roach questioned.
-"Cutting your wings," Ghost responded.
-Roach recoiled. "I never kissed them." he said, yes he loved you, but he never tried…
-"You can't take them away from me, please L.T. I don't want to lose everyone like I lost you and the unit."
-"I’ll cut your wings so you can become human, Roach, not to punish you."
-Roach halted. "You—"
-"You deserve it."
-"Thanks, L.T."
-"You're welcome," Ghost whispered, cutting his wings.
-Roach felt pain but also a strange sense of freedom. He smiled at Ghost and let him leave. Finally, he had found a family.
_If you want more : my COD masterlist
_My masterlist
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thatgoblin · 9 months
141 in the Office
I recently went back to working in an office and all I can think of is 141 in a similar situation.
Price - He's always dressed in business casual, whether it's a polo with pressed kahkis or jeans and button up, he's dressed to be professional. Of course he's in charge of your team. He makes sure everyone has the tools to succeed and makes sure that you don't struggle if he can help it. While you don't have as close of a relationship or casual of one like the others, you still catch yourself pausing to smile and wave when you see him at the copier. Cause damn, kahkis never looked so good.
Gaz - He's probably second most professional dressed. He does kahkis now and then, polos a lot, but game days means he's in jeans and his team's jersey. It's not everyday so it's fine. He's the first to say hello to you because he's at the front of the pod of cubicles your team shares and because he likes to check in with everyone. He's very efficient so his work load gets done quickly. He's always offering to help with your work as well as any technical problems, even if you don't ask because everyone can here you grumbling and threatening the programs.
Soap - He's the most casual and laid back. Wears jeans and plain shirts. While he looks like he'd be the laziest person there, he's one of the hardest working. He also makes sure everyone has a decent time at work. If you're having a bad day, he'll take a few minutes to crack a joke to make you chuckle. Maybe even bring you a cup of coffee for those mornings where you feel you can't just wake up.
Ghost - He's the second most casual. Wears a black face mask everyday, siting allergies so no one gives him grief. His wardrobe is very black or dark blue/green/brown. He sits across from you and is quiet, but catches you off guard with a joke that was too funny for how dark it was. He and you share types of tea you found from specialty stores, but hellalways be a PG Tips man.
Farah - She's feral and no one tells her what to do. Not even Price. She's so good at her job that no one tells her she can't wear something. Except for flip flops. That's the only thing Price won't let slid. 'It's a safety concern.' It's the only thing she yields on. She likes to share a bit of her cooking with you at lunch so that you always have something to eat, but also because you genuinely love her dishes.
Alex - He's the capybara of the team. Polos with jeans and he's always making sure his mushroom coffee replacer doesn't stink up the office. He brings food for everyone a lot and makes sure that no one goes without. Doesn't matter what it is.
I'll probably think of more later, but have fun with these!
Tag list: @sebbytheraccoon @pricescigar
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writersblg · 6 months
how the cod characters would answer their partners unwanted direct messages
You sat on the couch next to your partner when you scrolled through your DMs. After looking up the posts your friends sent you, you looked at the messages from profiles you weren’t following. You wouldn’t respond but nevertheless loved reading through them. It ranged from innocent compliments to downright filthy requests to send theses strangers pictures of yourself. When you laughed at these texts your partner looked over to you “What’s so funny?” - “Look.” You say, hand over your phone and let them answer your DMs.
Rates the profiles of the people that hit on you
“He’s too short for you, anyway.”
Reads a lot of your DM’s aloud because he knows it makes you cringe
Also tries to remember some of the pick up lines you get send to use it later on you
“I don’t know which is prettier today—the weather, or your eyes.” “Are you a light switch? Because you turn me on.” “I’d say, ‘God bless you,’ but it looks like he already did.” WITH THE SMUGGEST SMILE ON HIS FACE
Also answers profiles that keep texting you “she’s not interested.”
If the guy still keeps pressing Simon would offer to solve it like men and sends him an address and time, he fully knows the guy won’t show up
Someone sent you a dick pic
Johnny laughs at the picture
“Cute” he says and excuses himself to the bathroom if he’s feeling generous (if not he’ll pull his pants down right in front of you to snap a pic)
Sends a snap back without any text
Ends up traumatising the guy and you get blocked in a matter of seconds
Saves the picture in your gallery in case another guy pulls the same stunt
Kinda feels insulted when the people who DM‘d you are ugly
“He’s a good looking fella, right?” He says and it’s not even a trap
Starts flirting with them on your behalf to make you seem like a lunatic
Asks them a lot of astrological questions and very ridiculous ones at that and sees how far they are willing to go
Very disgusted at some requests you get and sometimes answers with “that’s not a way to speak to a woman”
Sees all of them as losers
In his mind dating should never start online
Just deletes all DMs you get send before you even see them
Every time though he sees a 10/10 he deletes the message from that person and gets you flowers the next day
Has a hard time not policing your instagram posts but just from a safety standpoint
Might send a selfie back with an additional “sorry bud”
Somehow becomes friends with that stranger over your DMs
Might get invited to the wedding because he’d find that funny and makes him hold a unofficial speech
Gets so worked up over this
You literally try to get your phone back to calm her down but she won’t give it back
Kinda starts an argument about it and a pretty big one unfortunately
Makes you turn your profile to private
Just texts them “stay away”
If they keep texting she’ll find their addresses 😭
Literally sends death threats via mail
While you’re just happily saying “they stopped harassing me! :) how did you do that?” - “they won’t bother you again :)” - 😟
Otherwise your biggest cheerleader on your social medias
Gets overly protective
Close to start a fight over text
Is blocking people left and right
Accidentally also blocks a few of your friends out of impulsiveness and they end up hating him
“Sorry she’s in a relationship but I’ll let her know :)” after you got a compliment
Very respectful about rejecting dudes no matter how ridiculous they were
You got a “Are you looking for a sugar daddy?” DM
Has watched these scammer videos and now wants to try it for himself
Gets into a whole relationship with this scammer
Lowkey becomes his new hobby to message that guy over the next weeks
He talks to you what to say next
Uses a ridiculously high pitched voice while typing
Starts stealing your phone for that
One day comes running to you announcing that you’re he’s getting married
A/N: since this post is still popping off do any of you have travel tips for Scotland? 🫶
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aethelwyneleigh27 · 9 months
The Type of BF/GF Cod Characters Would Be (Scenario)
You know, like that one thing circling around TikTok
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Characters Included: John Price, Simon "Ghost" Riley, John "Soap" MacTavish, Kyle "Gaz" Garrick, Alejandro Vargas, Rodolfo "Rudy" Parra, Valeria Garza, Farah Karim, Kate Laswell, Alex Keller, König, Kim "Horangi" Hong-jin, Keegan P. Russ, Gary "Roach" Sanderson, Nikolai Belinski, Philip Graves.
And yes I'm aware that some have repeated characters, some fit more than one
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A/n: I'm honestly on a roll and I've had my morning coffee so I'll start cracking, I have been trying to post more recently since it's October and I didn't really partake in the tober fests so I thought posting more might be good. Just me or are biker fucking hot? Yeah it's probs my thing for masked men.
Disclaimers/Warnings: OOC??
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Doberman Boyfriend/Girlfriend whose first instinct was to protect you when you officially became theirs, initially they were always protective in subtle ways, subtle ways that also assert dominance over others. Little things like having a hand on your lower back or gently gripping your waist to move you. Their claimed spot is behind you, since they always find it to work when intimidating others and making sure no one even glances at you the wrong way. Might seem like they're intimidating but to you it's a different story, they're sweeter, more docile? Just far more affectionate and you basically have them wrapped around your finger. Switches in the bedroom but dom leaning, can be subs if you want them to be.
Characters: John Price, Simon "Ghost" Riley, Kyle "Gaz" Garrick, Alejandro Vargas, Valeria Garza, König, Kim "Horangi" Hong-jin, Keegan P. Russ, Philip Graves.
Golden Retriever Boyfriend/Girlfriend who are so loyal to the bone, they're fun and oftentimes a little himbo-ish? Quality is the best spent with you, kind of follows you around all the time. They're very clingy but do respect your personal space if you aren't in the mood, though that's what you love about them isn't it? That's they're insistent and wouldn't give up on you no matter what. Also love doing things for you (acts of service) and lives for it when you praise them. Switches in the bedroom, sub leaning.
Characters: John "Soap" MacTavish, Kyle "Gaz" Garrick, Rodolfo "Rudy" Parra, Alex Keller, Kim "Horangi" Hong-jin, Gary "Roach" Sanderson.
Tabby cat Boyfriend/Girlfriend whose chill around others but absolutely craves your affection behind closed doors. The kind of people sometimes randomly show affection in front of others even if they HATE pda. The kind of people who have been traumatized yet still affectionate as can be, everyone loves them for being down to earth but they do have bit of an odd side that only you see. Is a hardcore switch, no leaning.
Characters: Rodolfo "Rudy" Parra, Farah Karim, Kate Laswell, Nikolai Belinski, Philip Graves.
Black cat Boyfriend/Girlfriend who randomly bring home things that made them think of you, they knew you'd like it but only let out a subtle smirk. Lives for you being their adorable little sunshine, mean and cold towards other but less with you. Tried to give you tough love but eventually gave in because you are you. You know how cats sometimes bring you dead animals as a proof of affection and acceptance, they've done that... only with a human head of course. Providing for you and making sure you're taken care of is their love language, very protective and can really hurt people if they wanted to, someone hurts or upsets you? Their head will be displayed on your front porch. Hardcore doms in the bedroom. (Yandere AU anyone??)
Characters: Simon "Ghost" Riley, Alejandro Vargas, Valeria Garza, König, Kim "Horangi" Hong-jin, Keegan P. Russ, Philip Graves.
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lxvvie · 6 months
It's the little things, Part I:
It's the way Price blushes as you cover his face in kisses. He's seen and done it all, stared down the barrel of a gun more times than he can count, but nothing will ever quite throw the Cap'n off his game more than the way you show and tell him that you love him and that he's damn good at what he does.
It's the way Gaz exhales and feels all the stress leave his body. His head rests comfortably on your lap and your fingers ghost over the wrinkles on his forehead. He was only away for only a week and a half but it felt like an eternity. Gaz leaves the work behind in your embrace, closes his eyes, and it's the best damn nap he's had in a while.
It's the way Soap whines and leans into your touch as your nails work shampoo and miracles on his scalp. Oh. That's new. You do it again. Same response. You tease him about it later much to his chagrin but it's just one of many things that endear him to you. And amuses Simon if your text messages are any indication.
It's the way Ghost is trying not to laugh when you blow raspberries on his stomach. Apparently, you made it your life's mission to get a reaction out of him every time you did it, and when you finally succeeded—he said it was a cough but that's bullshit—your eyes lit up and it was the cutest fucking thing to him. Victory looks good on you, sweetheart.
It's the way Alex relaxes and his eyes flutter close when you kiss the side of his mouth. It's the way he softly murmurs, "Boss...", you murmur, "Babe..." in response, he groans in faux exasperation, and you thank whoever heard your prayers that he's safe in your arms again.
It's the way Alejandro lets his guard down and silently brings you into a hug. His face is buried in the crook of your neck and your arms squeeze him back as tightly as you can. It's one of those moments where you can feel the weight he carries in the tension in his body but it's also a reminder that just as he watches over his men, you'll always watch over him.
It's the way Rudy leaves you speechless as he tilts his head ever so slightly as he listens to you talk, and when you realize what's happening, he laughs heartily and it's your turn to be flustered. What would you do without him?
It's the way Farah leans her head on your shoulder, respite from the burden of leadership. It's the way you lean your head against hers and she feels safe all over again.
It's the way Keegan looks at you, intentional in everything he wants to convey without uttering a word. Still waters run deep, and you'd be a fool to ever doubt the things he feels for you.
It's the way Roach smiles, wide, goofy, and boyish, things he can be when he's with you. It's the crinkle around his eyes reassuring you, and it's as if your worries and fears have dissipated into nothingness.
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prettypixels22 · 6 months
Headcanons for spending Christmas with call of duty characters
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(feat. simon "ghost" riley, john "soap" mactavish, kyle "gaz" garrick, john price,
kate laswell, farah karim, alex keller, phillip graves)
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a/n: for context, in each section you’re referenced to have kids with each character and, although not explicitly stated, the reader is implied to be a homebody but these headcanons are kept gender neutral. if you continue to read, i hope you enjoy.
Simon “Ghost” Riley
Christmas is the best time for him to show how much he appreciates you and the kids
He’s not a bad parent, he’s always been very good with the kids
He provides for you all and takes care of them the best he can but he knows he can be emotionally distant at times
He can handle most situations involving his kids but when they get upset or argue with each other, he struggles and has to rely on you to help them
It’s not that he doesn’t want to emotionally connect with them, he just isn’t sure how and he’s not used to talking about his feelings
So gift giving is a good way for him to express that he does care and love you all
He likes both receiving and gifting things that are homemade or sentimental, he enjoys those kinds of gifts because they are specific to your little family and that makes it so special to him
Skulls become like a trademark to your family and tiny skull symbols are hidden in most gifts, wether it be a carving on a wooden item, an engraving on a piece of jewelry, an embroidery on fabric or even woven into those little bracelets kids like to make
Speaking of skulls, your kids definitely have skull designed sky masks that they used to stay warm when they play in the snow
The kids sit on the same sled and have Ghost pull them around, it’s so heart warming seeing your partner and children play while wearing the same masks like they’re a little family of ghosts
When your children go to bed, you talk to Simon about something they’ve been telling you recently, “The kids want a dog.”
You bring it up during one of those intimate times when he’s not wearing his mask and you feel like you can read his mind
Instead of the blank stare you usually see when all of his features, save for his eyes, are covered, you can see the slight changes in his expression
His eyebrows twitch and his jaw clenches, you can’t tell he doesn’t think it’s a good idea
“We can name him Riley,” you joke, “He can be our guard dog and protect us when you’re not around.”
Although you weren’t being serious, he actually started warming up to the idea
It wouldn’t be a puppy though, he’d take you to look at retired military dogs
There was one you two took a particular liking to, a german shepherd, he was a nice dog and in need of a good home but he also had the proper training to be able to protect you and the kids if need be
The kids loved him, of course, and he was very gentle with them, wagging his tail while they hugged and pet him
You ended up falling asleep to a Christmas movie, your family cuddled up together on the couch with your new dog
John “Soap” MacTavish
Johnny loves Christmas and eagerly waits for it to come around every year
There’s always a mountain of gifts around the Christmas tree
Half of the presents he bought, he purchased all the way back in January
He just gets so giddy seeing you and the kids enjoy his gifts that he immediately wants buy more after Christmas is over
Then when it finally gets close to December, you two have your kids’ Christmas lists to deal with
You two have to start wrapping them, at least, a week in advance because there’s no way you’re getting them all done in one night
Especially when you have to wait for the kids, who are pumped full of sugar from eating too many Christmas cookies, to go to sleep
So they get double the gifts and on top of that they get even more when you visit the MacTavish family (which is huge by the way)
Speaking of, when you do visit his family, you get to sit inside by the fireplace and drink hot cocoa with his parents and sisters and watch from the window while Soap takes your kids outside to play with their cousins and uncles in the snow
You get a front row seat to the comical scene of Johnny being hit with a snowball and dramatically collapsing to the grown, a swarm of children climbing over him and playfully attacking
He will play outside with his kids for hours, having snowball fights, building snowmen, sledding
He’d love to take them snowboarding one day, if only the military would grant him enough leave time to take them to a ski resort
While your kids play with their nieces and nephews, Soap will definitely try to sneak you away for some “alone time”
If you object to this and tell him him that you two need to go back and watch your kids, he’ll pull you into an empty room, large hands cradling your face as he tries to bargain with you, “Just lemme give you a quick kiss, bonnie. Hmm?”
But it’s never just a “quick kiss” and you don’t know how you keep falling for that
He’s so sweet when he’s affectionate, he’ll slow dance with you by the fireplace or run you a nice relaxing bath with rose petals, it’s a romantic and intimate way of showing you how much he loves you
Kyle “Gaz” Garrick
Since joining task force 141, he’s had to spend more time away from you and the kids then he’s used to
He misses you all a lot when he’s away but it makes each Christmas that much more special because he has to cherish every second he spends with you and your children
You two usually plan for Christmas together but since he’s been away you do most of the planning and he helps as much as he can when he finally returns home
If you’re cooking something and he knows what ingredient you’ll need next, he’ll grab it for you and set it on the counter before you even have the chance to ask
He also keeps the kids distracted so you can focus on dinner by building gingerbread houses with them, which were a lot harder than he was anticipating and by the time they got the house to stand, there were globs of frosting everywhere with gumdrops and mints scattered across the kitchen table
He cleans it all up though along with any mess you might’ve made while cooking dinner, he cleans the dishes and pans that you’ve used so you don’t have to worry about it later and wipes down the counter
You’re more excited than usual to invite your in-laws to Christmas Dinner
You’ve grown super close to them since Gaz joined Task Force 141, they were your rock during his absence
If you ever needed help with the kids or were just lonely, they would welcome you into their home with open arms
You’d sit with them and talk about how you missed Gaz or how good of a father and partner he was
They’d reminisce about raising him and the childhood they worked so hard to provide for him, going through a photo album of baby Kyle and explaining the backstory behind each picture
Throughout the dinner Gaz sees how close you’ve gotten with his family and it’s not just you, his kids have also grown accustomed to seeing their grandparents regularly
That Christmas is so hard for him because he just wants to be able to be with you and kids again
He knew what he was getting into when he joined 141 and he still believes in the cause but seeing his family get along and be happy makes it a challenge for him not to go back to the SAS
“You know I love you, right?” He’ll ask after dinner. He start saying it a lot more often because if something does happen to him, he doesn’t want their to be a doubt in your mind about how much he loves you and the kids
As the end of his leave time approaches, he kisses you nonstop and holds you and the kids tight, knowing he’ll have to say goodbye soon
John Price
Every year there’s at least one gift that relates to the military
It all started when your son wrote that he wanted nerf guns on his Christmas list one year
That Christmas you and your husband watched your son and daughter go to war with one another, running around the house and hiding under tables, trying to shoot each other with foam bullets
Price thought it was hilarious and the kids clearly enjoyed it, so he started gifting them foam weapons and toy sets with fake knives, grenades and binoculars
He enjoys watching his kids play with each other and was particularly amused one day when your son was army crawling around in the grass trying to sneak up on his sister
That next Christmas he got your son a ghillie suit which he became absolutely infatuated with
You’d call the kids in for dinner and your son would walk in looking like a mountain of grass
That one gift was what started the tradition of gifting actual military gear
While your daughter just likes getting things she and her brother can play together with, your son becomes interested in actual military equipment
His Christmas lists will start to include things like a tact helmet or vest
One time, he got them both night vision goggles which sucked for you because when he had to leave the kids wanted to stay up all night and play in the dark
(Side note: His kids have definitely picked up on words that relate to the military and war but they don’t fully know what the words mean so they’ll say things like “homework is propaganda”)
Something oddly specific that Price is thankful for is the fact that the older his kids get, the longer they want to sleep in
He loves watching the kids get excited from seeing the present under the tree and all but he enjoys the few hours he has in the morning where he can just hold you close
You two already don’t get to have a lot of time together because of your husband’s line of work and having two children didn’t help since most of your attention revolves around them
He cherishes the mornings where everything’s calm and quite and you’re curled up in his arms without a care in the world
Kate Laswell
She’s very efficient went it comes to buying the kids Christmas presents
When your kids write their Christmas lists, you two split the responsibility, she buys half and you buy the rest
It minimizes the time you have to spend buying gifts and you two usually get it done early so there’s no last minute present hunting, it makes the process quick and painless
During the week of Christmas, you two would take your kids to a café so they could have sweet treats for breakfast and a nice hot chocolate with a small candy cane to stir the piping liquid
After that you’d walk down the street, checking out different gift and pop-up shops so the kids could get Christmas souvenirs
Kate loves taking pictures of you all during the holidays and would definitely take your kids to get their pictures taken with a mall Santa
All of the photos would go in a photo album she has of all the happy memories and milestones you’ve all had over the years
The night before she has to leave for work again, you two sit on the porch and watch the snow fall
Your ears pick up on the sound of a quite ‘flck’ and you turn to see your wife lighting a cigarette, “Kate.”
A small chuckle escapes her lips, she knows how much you hate when she smokes, “It’s Christmas. Humor me, just this once.”
You don’t want your last night together to be a fight so you don’t push the issue but you don’t hide your disapproval either, “Those things are bad for you.”
She takes your hand in hers, intertwining your fingers, “Believe me, I’ve been through worse.”
You know she has and it’s why you worry each time she’s away, you brush your fingers against her knuckles, “Do you have to go?”
“Unfortunately,” she exhales the smoke from her cigarette, giving your hand a gentle squeeze, “But I’ll be back before you know it. I promise.”
Farah Karim
Similar to Ghost, she’s a good parent but sometimes struggles to connect with them emotionally
Your kids would absolutely adore her though
I mean, she’s the most badass role model any kid could have
They always make sure she’s involved in activities, even if she’s too busy to actual partake
She’ll be talking to one of her soldiers on the phone when, all of a sudden, her kids run up to her to hand her Christmas treats and hot cocoa that they made with you
She tends to think of her brother a lot during the holidays, gifting her kids things that she and Hadir enjoyed as children
She doesn’t ever want them to go through what she went through with her brother, first losing her parent and the Hadir turning on her
She teaches them to respect each other and will immediately shut down any fights they have
She appreciates that you light three candles each Christmas for her brother and parents, it’s a subtle acknowledgment of the family she’s lost without crossing any boundaries or opening up old wounds
Although a big portion of her time is preoccupied by the work she’s does to protect her homeland as well as you and your children, she always makes sure that on the holidays there will be a few days where her focus is solely on you and the kids
The kids eat this up and immediately put her to work, they love having her undivided attention and all the Christmas activities she wasn’t able to do before they have her do now
They’ve already make Christmas cookies with you so they’ll make gingerbread houses with her
I also think that because her soldiers are like family, they’d hold a small ceremony where each each soldier brings their loved ones and they pass around little homemade gifts that they made with their family
On the night of Christmas, you and Farah sit in front of the three candles you had lit, in a few minutes it’ll be twelve am and Christmas will officially be over
”Do you want to have the honor of blowing them out?” you ask
She gives you a soft smile, “I’ll let them burn a little longer.”
She wonders if her parents and brother can see her, if they’re glad to see her living a happy life with you and the kids
You move closer, wrapping an arm around her, “I’m sure they’d be proud of you, Farah. So proud.”
Alex Keller
I feel like he’d be such a good girl dad
On Christmas Eve morning, he’d be laying on his stomach in the living room with his daughters sitting on either side of him
Christmas movies would be playing in the background, his youngest letting him pick the colors for his hundredth friendship bracelet while his oldest crochets a snowman with a red and green scarf
His daughters are very crafty so they’d enjoy decorating the house and Christmas tree
After Thanksgiving when all of the Christmas stuff is on display, you’d take the girls shopping for lights, ornaments, tinsels, etc.
Alex will lift your youngest daughter so she can string up decorations while your oldest tells her if something needs to be moved to the right or left so everything’s perfectly even
They also like frosting Christmas cookies but instead of just slapping random colors on the cookie, they pick colors that look pretty together and try to be as neat as possible which contradicts their fathers hot mess of an icing job
You wouldn’t be surprised if they decided that they wanted to pick up cookie frosting as a hobby
There are things that Alex was able to do before, like run around with the kids in the snow, that he can’t do now because of his prosthetic leg
The girls don’t mind though, they actually go out of their way to make sure he’s comfortable, even treating him like he’s made out of glass at times despite the fact that he’s still actively fights in Urzikstan
But it’s sweet how much they care about their father and his well-being
While you’re cleaning up after dinner, Alex will wrap his arms around you from behind, his mustache tickling your skin as he presses soft kisses to your neck
He thanks you for dinner and tells you how good the food was
In turn, you tell him how much you and the girls miss him while he’s away, you jokingly add on, “I was hoping your leg would be enough to make you retire.”
He laughs at that and promising you that it won’t be long now, soon he’ll finally return to you and the kids for good
Phillip Graves
Considering he and Shadow Company work for whoever has the most money, you know he can afford anything on his kids Christmas list
He’ll send you a large sum of money while he’s away so you won’t have any trouble buying presents and the gifts he get you are usually quite expensive
In the weeks leading up to Christmas, you two message each other nonstop
You talk about what you got the kids, what you’ll be making for Christmas dinner, when he’s coming home, things like that
He’ll send you flirty text like “you know what I want for Christmas?” with a winky face or “Wear something pretty when I come home.”
The kids are always excited when their father comes home, they tell him what they wrote down on their Christmas list and which gifts they’re really hoping they get
He tells them that they better be good if they want all those presents, knowing damn well that you’ve already bought every single thing on those lists
I feel like he’d prefer a real tree over a fake tree for no other reason besides the fact that it looks better so each year he takes the kids to look at Christmas trees and, of course, the kids along with their father always want the biggest most badass looking tree
He’ll bring a tote bin up from the basement that’s full of last year’s Christmas decorations and you’ll all decorate the tree as a family
You cringe each time you watch pine needles fall as you wrap the tree in lights and tinsel, you know it’ll be a pain to clean up when Christmas is over but you let it happen every year anyway because you see how happy it makes your husband and children
When Graves puts the kids down for bed, you know exactly what he’s gonna do next
He exits the kids bedroom, closing the door behind him, and he’s on you in seconds
His lips capture yours in a heated kiss as he walks you towards your shared bedroom
“We need to wrap the kids’ presents-,” you try to remind him but he cuts you off with a kiss and tells you, “We can do that later, baby.”
photo creds (pinterest): goldeagleactual - ghost, soap/price, farah/alex | SimpsxCod - gaz | cavantine - kate | julikuli666 - graves
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mockerycrow · 1 year
Reboot Modern Warfare Masterlist
Multiple Characters Masterlist
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Simon “Ghost” Riley Masterlist
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John “Soap” MacTavish Masterlist
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John Price Masterlist
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Kyle “Gaz” Garrick Masterlist
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Kate Laswell Masterlist
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Alejandro Vargas Masterlist
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Rodolfo “Rudy” Parra Masterlist
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König Masterlist
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Farah Karim Masterlist
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Alex Keller Masterlist
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doodler-jpeg · 9 months
Thinking about self aware! MW characters (plus Roach) who absolutely adore your laugh.
CW// gender neutral, unfunny men deserve to be slandered, favoritism is seen, badly translated Scottish and Spanish, this is based off of my interpretation (you can find the main fic link on my account)
Feedback and criticism are highly encouraged! Please tell me if anything is badly translated, out of character, or something else!
Ghost actively makes jokes that are guaranteed to make you at least giggle. Even through this weird mental barrier (for him) and your monitor's screen, it's so invigorating to hear some form of joy out on the field, especially when it's from you. It just makes that fuzzy feeling in his heart multiply.
"Thank you, thank you - I'll be here all night."
Gaz takes absolute advantage of this. He makes a few jokes here and there, but keeps it to interesting stories. In some instances, he just starts laughing out of nowhere and you can't help but join in. It's very clear he gets bitches on the daily.
"Didn't know I was that funny, but I'll take what I can get."
Price uses all of his past experiences with courting to get, at the very least, a giggle or two out of you. He doesn't have millenium of experience (contrary to your belief), but he's certain that his "old-man" charisma and his weird way with words. But he still tells some older jokes, so your assumption that he's older isn't completely wrong (he was totally raised by his grandparents).
"Would you like to hear a story?" *Tells one of the pointless joke stories that lasts for 10 minutes and has the stupidest punchline*
Roach can't really come up with ways to make you laugh. His preference of keeping quiet and faceless doesn't really help, either. Instead, he tries to point out some enemy on the field, signing insults to them that you're sure to understand.
'His head looks like a donkey, and he acts like one, too.'
Soap physically cannot keep you from laughing. He doesn't even have to make a joke, you just start laughing. He believes it's because he's just an immediately funny dude, but you're not going to tell him that he looks stupid with that hairstyle. If he does tell any jokes, they're not even funny.
"Dinnae ken how come ye'r laughing, bit keep daein' it."
Alejandro tries, he really does, and it doesn't work most of the time. It's kind of funny seeing this overly-confident dude absolutely fumble because of his lack of realization that your personality and humor aren't really the same as the people he usually catches. On occasion, though, he does get a rise out of you and can't stop smirking about it for the rest of the day.
Valeria has subtle jokes that rely mainly on her tone, but those aren't her priority. She doesn't mean to be rude (lies usually, but with you?), but she does impressions of your laugh and then comments on it. Usually they're not bad, but it does feel demeaning sometimes.
"Me gusta esa risa. Jejejejeje."
"You know why Mexicans call Americans 'gringos'? ... Would you like to?"
Rodolfo doesn't always try to make you laugh - he still gets a bit disoriented that you're no physically there (which means he can't see your face, but what is he gonna do about it?). His humbleness and large range of jokes really comes through, especially since he'd been the family entertainer at parties. If you can understand simple jokes in Spanish? You're practically set to be unable to keep a straight face, and he loves it. (Even if he doesn't understand it, he'll turn it into a mini lesson so you do)
"¿Qué dijo el gato cuando chocó su carro? 'Miau-to.'"
Nikolai has a handful of Russian jokes at his disposal. Are you completely guaranteed to understand? No, and he doesn't expect you to. If you do understand Russian, boy howdy is he gonna have the time of his life! You won't be able to breathe properly until he's out of sight!
"You see, it's funny because-" *explains joke if you don't understand*
Laswell is a huge fan of subtle jokes. She often makes small, funny comments that get light-hearted chuckles out of her. However, she also has older humor, which means you're less likely to understand unless you, too, are old (which isn't likely, but it's still a possibility). She likes hearing you laugh and really does try to get some sort of connection with you, even if it doesn't work.
"What did the chicken say when it crossed the road? 'Damn it, I missed the bus.'"
Alex is a funny man. He's aware of his effect on people and uses it to his full advantage. As a people-pleaser, he makes it his duty to get you to laugh as much as possible. If he doesn't make you laugh, he'll make himself laugh, and then you laugh. He's totally not putting all his effort into jokes just to get you to laugh or anything. He's just that guy.
"Me? A tryhard? Whaaaat? Psh- as if."
Farah has no business with nonchalant jokes, but she makes them work. While she does like the sound of your voice, she doesn't want to force it. She believes that intentionally funny words can diminish any genuine laughter, so she sticks to half-assing it in hopes you at least giggle. That's not to say she doesn't try to get you to laugh - she just does it far less, since she can't see your face (but she can just imagine the glee on your face if you get the giggles because of her).
"What is your type of humor? Asking for a friend."
Graves is unintentionally funny. When he tries, he fails miserably. He says a southern phrase that might not be super known? You're cracking up. He doesn't get it, but at least you're going 'teehee'.
"What's so funny 'bout me sayin' cattywampus? It fits the situation!"
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