#fao: stark holiday party
Hope you can make it and not hide in the lab all night. I’ll come and find you!!! How typical of Tony to be one step ahead of him, how typical of Tony to not only anticipate his plans, but anticipate them before he even knew of the event. Sighing quietly, he leaned against the counter of the bar, already looking forward to the end of the night, when nearly everybody had returned home and it was just a small group of them sitting on the couches. The people he considered close friends... family, even. He was so lost in thought, that he didn’t realise somebody was now standing beside him until they moved and he caught them in his peripheral vision. He jumped visibly, putting his glass of water down on the counter before it could spill, a nervous laugh escaping him as he attempted to regain his composure. He tapped the screen of his wristwatch, glancing down at his heart rate. “You scared me.” He admitted, a sheepish smile tugging at his lips as he turned to face his new companion. His pulse had spiked rather dramatically but nobody was in any danger. “I’m so sorry, I’m... easily distracted. I should have been paying more attention.” 
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mark--mmm · 5 years
“Well the least you can do is thank the host.”
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rescue-49 · 5 years
Pepper had taken to hiding out by the window nearest the spinning Christmas tree. It wasn’t so much that she hated parties. Seeing everyone together in a peaceful environment was unusual. Quietly she nursed her glass of sparkling cider while watching the throng of people commingle. 
Feeling a dip in the couch, she turned to see someone sit next to her. “You know the much more exciting company is over there.” 
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cosmicjive · 5 years
"Where’s the karaoke? C’mon, man, Christmas karaoke! What kinda party don’t have singin’?|
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mysteriomanifesto · 5 years
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          “That...” He was scarcely listening, more preoccupied by the knot in the centre of his stomach ( besides, it was probably a topic he would have little interest in ). “...sounds great.”
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couldbetricky · 5 years
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     “This isn’t exactly my scene, but you have to admit-- the festive, warm lighting does wonders for personal morale.”
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princessxwakanda · 5 years
“Yes, that is my drink. Your laws are stupid, so I’ve decided to ignore them.”
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centurioned · 5 years
Rich thinks he’s seriously overdressed for this.
This is what happens when you come back from space and crash with your parents because it’s all a temporary deal, anyway — and your mother reads your mail. She’d been beside herself with excitement (”You got invited to a party! By Tony Stark!”), and he couldn’t have done anything to stop her bulldozing about it even if he’d tried. There’d been a tux, there’d been pictures in front of the house like he’d been going to prom instead of being 27 years old, and —
That’s how he’s here, definitely overdressed. (Those who have interacted with him before may notice that he’s minus the Nova Corps uniform, but his helmet is collapsed and folded into one of his pockets, just in case). The collar of his shirt itches as he looks around the party, and for anyone who approaches, they’ll get a sort of apologetic grimace of a smile, and a:
“To be fair, the invitation didn’t not say black tie.”
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onescientificmishap · 5 years
Christmas Party I Shuri
continued from here
Shuri loved nothing more than messing with her friends, and Peter would be no exception to her particular brand of humour. Being temporarily devoid of wine, she held out her free hand to this friend of his. “Oh, hi, Ned, was it? You know, I thought Peter might have been pretending to have friends who aren’t me. But you’re a real person! Pleased to meet you. I’m Shuri, Princess of Wakanda.”
Ned stared at Shuri before moving to shake her hand enthusiastically.  “Oh my god I’ve never met royalty before.  Should I bow? Curtsy?  I totally know how to do both.   It is so awesome to meet you.   Wakanda is so awesome.  I mean they have all the vibranium so they get to do all this awesome tech that nobody else can do and Peter said that you are one of the smartest people he’s ever met which means you are incredibly smart and I am so honored.”
Peter didn’t quite laugh as he looked over at her.  “I did warn you didn’t I?  Ned can be a little excitable.”  Of course not bringing up his own tendency to fanboy over things.
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akaherosandwich · 5 years
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“Bah, humbug. I’m here for Stark’s liquor cabinet.”
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notphoenix · 5 years
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“Even for the holiday season, that joke’s cheesy.”
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notwhateveryonesees · 5 years
“Let it never be said that Tony and Pepper don’t know how to throw a party.”
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rescue-49 · 5 years
Being the hostess meant she usually spent more time fussing over everything happening at the party attempting to ensure everyone was having a good time and certainly not enjoying herself. Yet for the last five minuets she just found herself staring at the very open bar, not exactly moving. Feeling entirely freaked out when she felt a hand on her shoulder,”Oh god, sorry. I’m in the way.”
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atrxvido · 5 years
“I’m only taking questions that aren’t already answered by the sweater.”
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mysteriomanifesto · 5 years
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          “That... is an interesting sweater.” Beck’s line of vision drifts over Peter’s ensemble with an amused raise of his brow, taking in the seasonal ugly sweater that lives up to its name ( play nice ). “Talk me through the fashion choice here.”
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