AKA Jessica Jones. A hard drinking, short fused mess of a woman. Alias Investigations. I specialize in superhero activity. -- Knowing it's real means you gotta make a decision- One, keep denying it, or Two, do something about it. -- Highly selective, low activity, mutual-exclusive RP [alias;; jam]
Don't wanna be here? Send us removal request.
//ooc; just a brief update- I am SO sorry to have flaked here, but my Jessica muse disappeared towards the tail end of summer here. hoping to come back, but it’ll be slow
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Luke’s chuckle produce a cough of smoke due to her Rand joke. The husband nearly choked on his cigar smoke with such heavy laughter.“ You funny as hell, babe.” Cage and Rand were the brotherly relationship he wished he had with his own older brother James.
Cage used to smoke a lot more during his time at Seagate but greatly reduced the habit to weekends and special occasions. Admittingly he found Jessica’s chain smoking habits to be sexy- though for Dani’s sake the habit was probably better off dead.
Lips curl to a naughty smile.“ Tell you what…you come to see at my office and them clothes coming off for sure,” he grinned, setting his cigar in the astray.“ Hell, you can wear my badge ‘round yo’ neck.” Midway through his chuckle, Cage nodded and adopted a serious demeanor, dark brown orbs offering her a piercing gaze.“ Ain’t gonna happen, I promise, baby. If there’s one thing I can take away from my time at Seagate is abuse of power is a damn evil.”
Luke had his issues with law enforcement despite friends and family like Misty Knight and his father being good examples of cops with honor. Power corrupts people no matter the profession, Cage knew that. But just maybe, just maybe he could make a difference. Just maybe he could turn a negative into a positive. He felt her caress his hand offering soft words of reassurance. An anchor to the craziness and corruption he bound to face.“ Thank you, honey.”
Leaning in pressing a soft kiss on her cheek.“ For intimidation? I like it. How 'bout we get inside and get some rest since I gotta be there early?”

“I know. You married me for my sparkling sense of humor,” she deadpanned, patting his leg. Jessica turned her wrist and looked at the remainder of her cigarette, quickly dwindling. She shrugged, took another drag, and then stamped out the butt beneath her boot.
“Indecent exposure, misdemeanor,” Jess chuckled. She sobered up, though, when Luke’s voice grew serious. The investigator was good at reading people but this didn’t take her PI senses- she knew when her husband meant business. Sure, he could get scary serious, like when he was trying to scare some of the neighborhood kids straight. He could be tender serious, like when Dani was baby babbling some fantastical things that were entirely untrue, but he wanted her to know he believed every word of it. And then there was the, “This means everything to me,” serious, the voice he had only used a few times before during their relationship.
Jessica nodded in understanding. No smartass comment. She knew firsthand the way power could corrupt, and how much abusers loved to do what they did. “You got that right. It’s up to people like you to dam up those floods. Not turn around and pass it down. I know you’ll do it and be great, babe. It’s not going to be easy, but you’re unbreakable. Body and spirit.”
The woman gratefully accepted his kiss. “Rest sounds good- just try not to stare at the ceiling all night, Luke.” Jessica stood, stretched, and yawned before clapping her husband on the shoulder. “Finish up that cigar, yeah?”
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@devilmasked gets a trashy starter
“Why is it always you?”
Jessica groaned, first deep in her chest but then her displeasure crept from between her lips into a full on grumble. Of all the dumpsters in all of Hell’s Kitchen, it had to be this one. Mercifully, the bags felt full of hair clippings (Oh, god, she hoped that was hair clippings) and shredded paperwork, among the more professional bins of rubbish she’d been thrown into. She couldn’t even claim to have been doing anything particularly valiant, like fending off an attacker or leaping in to rescue a stuck raccoon or something.
No, Jess was drunk and... honestly couldn’t remember what had led her here. She only knew she wasn’t the only one in the metal can, because something red, righteous, and horned broke her fall.
“So, who threw you in this time? One of Fisk’s goons? Ooh, let me guess, more ninjas,” Jessica mumbled, grasping for the lid of the dumpster to pull herself to standing. She then reached out a hand for Murdock, not that he exactly needed the help. The investigator knew this wasn’t even the first time the two of them had landed on top of each other like this- though it was the first time they weren’t directly working together that led to such an incident.
“If it’s ninjas, tell them I moved addresses. I now live on the corner of Fuck Off Lane and Legal Nightmare Drive.”
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Jessica Jones: a study in making friends
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@anunquietgrave {laura kinney} is on a mission
Jess learned the hard way that you couldn’t really say no to Captain Marvel. Not only was she an expert pouter, but she was like... an All-American (okay, part Kree) darling and something something about disrespecting uniformed military. Red, blue, and gold was not a military uniform the investigator ever remembered seeing.
But at the end of the day, Jessica Jones was happy to take a case, nearly any case, if it meant she got paid, helped people, and got Carol off her back. (Really, she was more altruistic than the grumpy inner monologue would make her seem. It was all for helping the helpless.)
The intel was good, a clandestine warehouse of some sort where they were building a weapon (it was always a weapon. Boys and their toys) to utilize against the mobilizing youth- read: teenage superheroes, many of whom were mutants and Inhumans who just couldn’t help being born different. Yeah, Jess understood a little bit about being outcast, a weird kid growing up. (Echoes of the phrase ‘coma girl’ rattled in her brain, but she shook it off quickly.) She needed to get inside, figure out what was up, and take out the weapon if possible. Otherwise, blow the whistle and get the Avengers involved (and she really didn’t want to get the Avengers involved).
The facility was upscale, white and clinical and disguised as some sort of pharmaceutical depot. This wasn’t a ‘talk your way inside’ job, so Jess had to get stealthy. Unfortunately her powers of flight were anything but, but still she managed to pry open some roof panels and slip inside without arousing too much suspicion. Shortly after getting her boots on the ground, she knocked out a snooty looking laboratory aide, hair tightly pulled in a bun that seemed to double as an impromptu facelift. Jones stole the coat, the keycard, and the clipboard off of one “Alyssa Lorenz” and continued her search.
Eventually, she stumbled in on a metal shuttered room that her keycard wouldn’t provide access to- which meant it was something worth getting at. Thankfully, super strength was all the access she needed, and after prying the heavy door open just enough to slip through (think Indiana Jones levels of close call but a vertical wall) she was met with the sight of a woman restrained on a silver table. Oh yeah, that just screamed “pharmaceutical trials” and definitely not “bad guy with a laser weapon”.
“Hey. I don’t work here and I don’t think I have a lot of time before the tech I knocked out will wake up in a sanitation closet,” she began with a low whisper, her voice efficient like every second counted. “Have you seen the weapon they’re hiding in here? Assuming you’re about to be its test subject.”
Jessica added. “I’ll totally get you out of there, just...” She looked back at the door- all clear, for now. “Hold tight, yeah?”
#anunquietgrave#anunquietgrave laura kinney#anunquietgrave laura kinney 01#v: 616#interaction: laura kinney
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Perhaps Jessica was right, Luke probably should let Danny have a more prominent role within the administration of Heroes-for-Hire. After all, if he were to become the new commissioner of the city he would need to devote a great deal of his time to the job. Besides, Jessica’s free drinking habits were beginning to weigh on the company’s (LUKE’S) budget. Of course, he never told her that.
“Danny runs his own shit at Rand Corporation- well actually he doesn’t now to think about it,” he chuckled.“ Hogarth does all the heavy lifting.” He sat back and grabbed another beer. Then he relit his cigar. “Go on, girl, admit you just can’t wait to see me in uniform,” he said, blowing sweet smoke into the cool air.” I’ll be lookin’ fly.“ Though he wouldn’t necessarily be wearing a uniform, but he would have a badge.
In all honesty, Cage would love for Danielle to know her father was both a hero of the streets and of the law.” My lockup was an accident but it don’t erase the suffering,“ he shrugged.” Thing is, cops gotta start listening more. People gotta start respectin’ cops more. Bottom line. And don’t forget your husband gonna be callin’ the shots so if your lockup was due to public intoxication I’ll turn a blind eye to it.“ He winked.
A graceful smile tugged his lips, dark brown orbs gazing into her eyes, a gentle palm falls on her thigh.” On the real, I can’t tell how much I love you. Just sayin’. Your support means a lot.“ Spoken in a sweet and loving tone.” I’m gonna do it.“ He stated convincingly.
” I’ll go tomorrow. You coming?“
“And I can’t exactly say Danny’s the face of Rand, unless it was the one that only a mother could love,” Jessica teased. But deep down, she knew Danny was a good friend to them- though she still wasn’t sure she’d ever let Luke live down the fact that he’d gotten her to name their daughter after him. Ugh. After all that work she did for nine months? (Okay, seven and a few weeks.)
The smoke of her cigarette mingled with his cigar- yeah, they were definitely showering after this, she knew Dani didn’t like it when her parents came back inside ‘all stinky’. Thankfully the little peanut was asleep, but that didn’t mean they couldn’t make themselves presentable. “I’ll be honest, my favorite part of you wearin’ a uniform is the part when you take it off,” she smirked, shrugging her shoulders. “Just don’t let the power go to your head, alright?”
Jess didn’t exactly want to have any more trouble with the law, whether or not Luke was on the force- couldn’t ask him to have a conflict of interest between the marriage and career. “I agree, you know I’m not their biggest fan,” she said, sighing out another breath full of smoke. To be fair, though, she wasn’t a fan of police, journalists, executives, ninjas, lawyers, and a host of other people. Most people, regardless of profession. Luke was of a rare few she really didn’t hate.
“Love you too, Cage,” she murmured, putting a pale hand on top of his, rubbing it gently with her thumb. “You say you’re gonna change the work from the inside, then I’ll be the one outside waiting for you. Me and Dani both.” Jessica nodded at him.
“I’ll come. Do some intimidation if I have to. I think we can leave Dani with the nanny, unless you think she should come along?”
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what type of ‘i love you’ are you?
i love you and i wish you knew just how much
the pining, the aching, the wishing, and hoping; it's what you whisper to yourself under the cover of darkness as you fall asleep thinking of them. it's the text you've typed out and deleted before sending at least a dozen times. it's the countless pictures of them you have of them on your phone, the home screen image of their smile that you know will give you away the next time they jokingly swipe your phone. it sits restless and suffocating at the back of your throat. rip dude, i know how that is.
tagged by: @manofhumanity
tagging: [you!]
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Jessica and Luke on Emma Frost's boobs
Jessica Jones: Purple Daughter
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Jessica Jones 2018 #1
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A smile tugged his lips as he reminisced their stay at the Sanctum Sanctorum when they went underground during the superhero Civil War.“ Well, I’ve still got the bar and I’ve still got my Hero-For-Hire business as a side hustle so we’ve got some dough coming in.” He brought the bottle to his mouth swallowing a sip. Cage wasn’t an active bodyguard for Hero-For-Hire but he used the brand to run his own bodyguard and security agency. Cage was a big proponent small businesses.
“I ain’t doin’ it for the money, babe, just wanna do my part makin’ Harlem great again.” He joked.“ Nah, on the real- I want Dani to live in a better New York than me and you. Besides…my pop’s was a cop and the system owes me for wrongly lockin’ my black ass up for years.”
Luke didn’t mind the cigarettes so much as he did the excessive drinking, but these days she seemed to have it under control so he wasn’t too strict on her. He smoked a couple cigars every now and then…and he thought it was hot when Jessica smoked, though he would never admit it. Hell, he decided to smoke one tonight.
Luke nodded.“ I ain’t ‘bout to let the system corrupt me.’ He said firmly “I’m gonna bring order and hold n----s accountable. That’s all, boo. Y'know I’ll hire you if you want a job.” He laughed.“
After his laughter subsided he came to a decision.” Welp guess I’m gonna take it, huh?
“Side hustle on the side hustle, huh? You know you don’t have to work yourself ragged, Luke. Let Danny take on some of the HFH administration for a while,” she said. For a moment, Jessica felt bad that he felt so motivated to make ends meet for the family. She was doing the best she could with cases and childcare, but even with the reputation she carried (both as a former hero and a present investigator) she wasn’t exactly flush with cash. Kept drinking Luke’s bar stock too, but he hadn’t divorced her yet, so...
“Police Commissioner Cage does have a solid ring to it. Might save me some trouble taking missing persons cases that are just teens getting thrown behind bars for stupid shit they do on the weekends.” Jess exhaled another mouthful of smoke.
But more than the money, more than the comeuppance, she could completely understand wanting better for their daughter. There was not a chance in hell Jessica would ever let Danielle know about the crap she’d put up with in her life from villains and bad fate all. And she knew Luke would protect her with every bulletproof inch of her body from any sorts looking to treat a poor girl badly in this city. Jess called dibs on the carcasses.
She managed a snort when he offered to hire her. “People with my amount of file folders at the precinct don’t exactly play nice with the cops. Your lockup was an accident. I’ve had several on purpose,” she said, a smirk lazily crossing her features. “I’d say there’s no harm in trying it, Luke. If it’s not you, then someone who wants it a little too much will step in, and you know how I hate a try-hard.”
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Luke Cage had been offered an opportunity of a lifetime, a chance to become Commissioner of Police. After the Skull Invasion the citizens didn’t know who to trust, but they trusted Luke. He didn’t wear a mask and had always been the unofficial people’s champion. But being a father and a husband he needed the support of his family.
On a hot summer night, Luke sat on the front porch of his home on a couch with his wife contemplating whether or not to accept the offer.“ I dunno, babe. I mean…on paper everythin’ looks gravy, but I don’t want make you and Dani and even bigger target. Shit- I already can’t go to the grocery store without bein’ asked for a selfie, but I know I can make a difference. I can hold police and heroes accountable.”
“Cigarette?” He handed her a pack.
Neither Jess nor Luke had the exact greatest track record with the NYPD... Okay, it was mostly Jess. But then again, she didn’t exactly have a friendly relationship with half of New York. Was that any reason to put her doubts on Luke, especially after he’d proved himself a generous, determined protector of the people?
“It’s a bigger paycheck than I’m pulling in cases,” she mused, finally peeling her signature leather jacket off, relenting to the heat of the evening. “Luke, we had a baby at Doctor Strange’s mystic museum of bullshit, I think everyone knows about you, me, and Dani at this point. But they’d be fools to try anything.”
Jessica quirked an eyebrow as Luke handed over a pack of her usual smokes. Was this a bribe? Would’ve also accepted whiskey to wash it down, but she didn’t protest, lighting up a single cigarette and looking at it thoughtfully as she pondered his words. She really was trying to quit these things, but it was just one, and Dani was asleep already. Couldn’t hurt, could it? “Selfies, you poor thing. Meanwhile I can’t seem to get a handful of creepy dudes to forget my white costume...” She exhaled a mouthful of smoke into the air and looked over at Luke.
“It’s a bigger target, but you’re bulletproof. If anyone could change the system from inside, it’s you,” she relented. “But I don’t want them getting to you, y’know?”
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# she snapped
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Every Post Prior to 7/6/2021 is Considered Archived from the Private FAO RP Group.
//I may look to reboot Jessica soon but I don’t want to lose her past years of content, I’m a sentimental bitch okay?
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“Yeah, well you’re lucky Luke’s not around to hear you say that. Apparently the baby learning to roll over is, in fact, a big deal.”
“It’s not impressive. No one’s impressed.”
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“Oh, I wasn’t judging.” Okay, maybe she was, just a little. But not in that way. Ever since she’d managed to somehow land this babysitting gig - which was for sure a bad idea, considering she was quite literally babysitting herself -, she did tend to savour the time she got to spend with her ‘parents’ a bit too much. “But you can down a bottle faster than she does, which is saying something.”
“Yeah, well, it’s not a competition,” Jessica replied, capping the bottle and putting in back in a drawer. The babysitter didn’t need to see her doing this. Bad impression, but the woman- coincidentally also named Danielle- didn’t seem to mind the infamous Jones temperament.
Jess had done her research into the girl and oddly found very little. She wasn’t on social media, which was shocking for someone her age. Couldn’t seem to find any family, at least not in the New York area. But everything else checked out. And it wasn’t like Jessica and Luke were letting her wander off with the baby- Danielle was going to watch their little Dani while Jessica did some work in the ‘office’- a glorified closet they’d set up with her investigative materials- while Luke cleaned and went out for groceries. They were in arm’s reach of their daughter if anything went wrong.
“Alright, well I guess I’d better get a move on. Floors ain’t gonna clean themselves,” Luke gracefully interrupted, saving Jessica from saying something stupid. He handed over the infant Danielle to the babysitter- this was going to get confusing fast- and smiled. “Be good for the nice woman, peanut. You could probably learn a thing or two from her.”
Jess nodded. “Right. I guess I should get some work done too,” she shrugged. Alias wasn’t technically fully in operation, but she couldn’t say no to some easy cases for a quick buck. Jessica wasn’t wild about Danny Rand offering to bankroll her and Luke’s little family experiment. “Just holler if you need me, okay?”
#captcincmerica#aka the american dream#//hope this is ok ill try to npc some luke in here#//jessica: this girl has no social media and i respect that
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“What? The baby isn’t the only one who gets a bottle in the evening.”
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She shouldn’t talk to her not-mom. She shouldn’t talk to her not-mom. She shouldn’t-
“…Hey, you alright?”
“Yeah, mostly,” she replied, preparing to bristle with a smartass response before placing the face. That woman she met in the bar, over billiards.
Jessica rolled her eyes. “I left Luke home with the baby for thirty minutes so I could go get food and more formula, and I’m getting panicked texts already. But they’re fine.”
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