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theblacknpinkforce · 4 years ago
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So much for finishing or succeeding in this damn mission, she thought, angrily. The scroll she had handled had put her in some other god forsaken dimension. She looks around at the world around her, one she did not recognize. She recognized nothing! She walked among the crowd, what was really weird was she wasn’t getting any looks, they look at her like she belonged. If she really looked around, there were people of all shapes and sizes and the most bizzare of clothing and hair styles. A guy with a neon green mohawk with all sorts of piercings in his face walked by her. 
There were odd looking buildings too, higher than she had ever seen, weird machines going by her, she was so shell shocked she could only gape. What she noticed the most was that no one had chakra. She had no clue where to go or what to do. The scroll she had touched was now gone. She was still too shocked for it all to hit her yet.
She sees a small cafe. Something she recognized. She enters and walked up to the counter. A man with long hair and a nose ring leers at her. “What may I get you pinky?”
Had she not still been so shell shocked, she would have gave him a warning glare, she hated to be called that. “Love your hair and contacts by the way” Of course no one had natural hair that color or eyes that green in this world, she hadn’t a clue what he meant by contacts.
“I..uh, some chamomile tea” She says softly. “Sweety this is a barista, coffee only”
She sighs, “Fine a..a coffee” She said. The guy rolled his eyes, “What kind?” 
“Any” She snapped, getting frustrated. He raises his brow, “Well, so there is a wild cat under all that” He said.  She ignored him. He kept talking but she was off in her own world. Where would she go? How would she ever get back home? Would she be stuck here forever?
“Hello! Earth to pinky! I said that will be 4.99″ He said waving a hand in front of her face. She widened her eyes, “Oh uh, I got three thousand ryo” 
The guy looked at her like she was from out of space. “What? What the hell is ryo?” He asked. She sighs. She was getting too tired of this. She was tempted to just walk out.
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gloriousxdarkness · 4 years ago
starter for @lukecageforhire​​
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      She doesn’t usually find herself north of 110th street, when she’s in New York at all. But business takes her where it takes her. Tonight, that’s Harlem’s Paradise, to the doorstep of a brief adversary. “Look at this... big man on campus, now,” Elektra remarks dryly, eyeing the unbreakable man— not convinced, actually, such a creature exists. Her voice is level in an uncaring way, though she is a bit curious. “Playing the hero not suit you after all?”
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ghostspxder · 4 years ago
Gwen was on her way to meet Miles, ever since they had first met they had gained a steady relationship, even if they were from different universes, but now he wanted to see her though as she was making her way to his dimension with one of the watches given to the entire Spider Family she felt a tug rip her from her transportation and found herself in a universe that she knew wasn't Miles', simply due to detains in this world. And worse enough she was in someone else's bedroom as she heard someone making their way to the room. "Crap this isn't good." She spoke quietly to herself. Quickly she managed to hide on the ceiling, hoping that she wouldn't be seen, though a girl with a white and black suit and the iconic spider mask that every Spiderman had some type of would make her an obvious sight for even the unsuspecting eye, she didn't exactly scream discreet.
Upon seeing the door open from underneath where she was hiding she held her breath. She hoped to just be able to sneak out but as soon as the door shut behind the figure she knee she was trapped. She tried thinking of a plan or even an excuse of why the hell she was in here. She couldn't just say "Hey I came from another universe and ended up right in your bedroom."
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jenniferwallters · 4 years ago
@lukecageforhire   &&   plotted starter
     The car eased into a parking spot by the police station, headlights flicking off before Jennifer undid her seat belt, leaning over to the young man in the passenger’s seat. ‘Sean, I’m gonna leave you with a friend of mine and his colleagues, okay? They can keep you safe until they catch the guy and put him on trial. If you ever feel unsafe, you have my number. I can come hang out if it makes you feel better.’ A friendly pat on his knee, and then she got out of the car, click-clacking to the other side on her heels to hold the door open for the witness. He was young, barely over twenty, and the way he kept glancing around... he was frightened. Rightfully so, too, if Jennifer had to go by what he’d seen.      ‘Hey everyone,’ she greeted the many faces looking up when the bell by the door jingled to announce their arrival. ‘I called about Sean? For the witness protection? I have someone setting up a safe house right now but it won’t be ready until tomorrow, so he has to stay here for a night.’ When she had him seated and signed in her attention was drawn by the tall man emerging from the hallway leading back to the holding cells, and immediately her serious expression turned into a bright smile.      ‘Well, mister Cage sir, don’t you look mighty fine in that uniform! I wasn’t sure you were on duty tonight, but I’m glad to see you!’
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thatslayer · 4 years ago
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                      “Mesquite? Over hickory?” her features pinch a smidge and when her expression relaxes, she half-rolls her eyes. Growls a little, but it’s teasing. Nothing serious. Faith’s too tired for serious. Crick in her back. Slice in her side that’s taking it’s sweet time healing. She’d rather shoot the shit than think too hard or too deep about something real, tonight. Her hands find an easy spot to rest as she walks with him, hanging in the pockets of a grey denim jacket that’s seen better days, “Great. Now I can’t trust your judgement. Clearly not playin’ with a full deck.”
She’s got a smudge on her jaw, a little dried blood that, somehow, no one they pass on the street seems to notice. Or, if they do… they’re not dumb enough to bring it up. Not in front of Cage, anyway. It itches. Driving her nuts, actually, and she makes it worse by roughly brushing the back of her hand over the scrape beneath the blood, “So, what the hell did we just kill? I’ve known dragons, man. That wasn’t a dragon…”
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                                             random starter ; @lukecageforhire​
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crossbowfortune · 5 years ago
@lukecageforhire said: 
[behind] - to fuck my muse from behind.
It’s a good thing Luke had a good grasp on the place, given that if anyone walked in, it would be one Hell of a predicament to explain. She’s a teacher, but her contract didn’t start until the next semester, so, with little to do, and having made only one real connection since arriving, Helena spent a lot of time helping out at Harlems Paradise. All in all, mostly an excuse to see Luke, though she’s on good terms with Sugar. 
The door is locked from the inside. She knows, she’s the one that locked it and soon as ‘coffee’ was mentioned. It didn’t take long for Helena to catch on to his catchphrase. Helena took her place on his lap, kissing, running her hands over his body, rolling their clothed hips against one another until the clothes just became a hindrance. 
In one quick movement, Luke set Helena on the edge of his desk, whilst he shoved the few papers and items aside, clearing the desk. Luckily for both, she was wearing a skirt, so it was just a matter of kicking her underwear off whilst he was clearing the desk, and meeting the man with a kiss as she undid his belt and his pants. She could feel his hands on her waist, turning her around as she tore away from the kiss, breathless and excited. 
Helena placed both hands on the edge of his desk, pressing her skirt covered ass against his crotch, very deliberately grinding and tossing her hair over one shoulder to look back, waiting to witness the exact moment when it became too much. With a hard slap to her ass, her skirt get tugged up to her waist, she slides down, bracing her arms against the desk, and parting her legs obediently as she feels his cock slowly rubbing against her vagina. Groaning softly, he’s got one hand on her hip, the other guides his cock to her entrance, pushing inside her wet pussy slowly, but surely, sending the woman mad, shaking the pleasure.
Finally getting a moment, Helena looks back over her shoulder, wearing a pleasure-stricken grin and bedroom eyes, she tossed her hair again, and speaks in hushed groans. “How about it, Power Man?” Helena provokes, moving her hips against Luke, taking more of him as she does.
sinday meme. | aa. 
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huntressrises · 5 years ago
Helena drove over to Harlem's Paradise. It was the one of the places that kept popping up while she was looking into her father's business. She made her way up to the VIP area, ordering champagne and trying to blend in, while observing the people in the club. She was looking for Luke Cage. She met with Matt when she first got to New York and he told her that Harlem's Paradise is now owned by Luke. He was probably the next person she had to talk to.
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jemmaqueenofspace · 5 years ago
Jemma sat in the examination room waiting her shirt rolled up and her slacks rolled down so when the ultrasound technician got there they could get right down to business. Luke had kept his promise and was standing by her side waiting to find out if they were going to be parents for a third time. She was glad he was here, she hated waiting around doing nothing and for the moment him being here gave her something to do. 
“So... how was your night? Everything work out alright?” She asked just trying to start up the talking again on a subject other than what they were going to do with another baby when Jamie and Rory were still so young. 
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honeylimon · 4 years ago
〔 💖 ❛❛ LUKE ; ( @lukecageforhire ) 〕
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      ❝ So you see, bonds are what hold everything together, kinda like glue! ❞ Dani sat on Honey Lemon’s lap, a thick textbook open on the table in front of them, and highlighters and pens scattered around, some capped, some uncapped and in desperate need to be replaced soon. Honey Lemon idly bounced the young child on her lap, so engrossed in her studies - and sharing the amazing world of chemistry with the next generation - that she didn’t see Luke enter her modest apartment.
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elektricdevil · 5 years ago
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Icons for @lukecageforhire​. | Do not steal his icons. 
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infernalxpaladin · 5 years ago
Natalie knew that she wouldn't be able to solve this case by herself. One of her leads led her to Harlem and she was already out of place without being an FBI agent. She got a tip from somebody who could help her though. "Luke Cage, Special Agent Vasquez, FBI. She said knocking before holding her credentials up for the peephole.
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breakingisolation · 5 years ago
@lukecageforhire said: 
“i hope you don’t plan on walking much tomorrow.”
The Unbreakable Man. Unexpected, given that, until recently, they’d only really known each other in passing, through a few mutual friends. In working closely and a getting to know each other, she’d come to appreciate Luke and the way he’d spoken to her respectfully. 
Maybe it came as a surprise to both when she was the first one to make an obvious move. After some playful banter and a kiss, the attraction was clearly mutual. Compared to Luke’s stature, she was tiny, but it didn’t stop the tiny woman from pushing him against the wall of his apartment the moment they got in the door. Her hands clutch fistfuls of his shirt, before deciding it needed to come off. As did hers. 
They didn’t have time for talking, she as far too preoccupied in using his lips for other things. They’re moving again, this time Luke is guiding her back towards his bedroom, his fingers quickly unhooking her bra and tossing it aside in one swift motion. Maya kissed him again moving her hands to feel his chest, before looping her arms around his neck and jumping up into his arms with her legs around his hips for the remainder of the journey to his bed. 
She’s breathless before they even really began, just the excitement of it all, but her attention focuses on his lips just in time to catch what Luke was saying. It makes her grin, and stroke his cheek. “I’m taking the week off.”
n. sfw starter. | aa. 
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teiflingdruid · 5 years ago
Marta was starting to enjoy New York, it was so different from Massachusetts and on her off time she went sight seeing. She was in New York for a specific purpose, getting her mother legalized in the US. She was staying in an apartment just outside of Harlem, it was a quaint little place that understood why she was there. She was just milling about her apartment when she heard a knock at her door. Marta stopped what she was doing immediately. She wasn't expecting anyone so it was probably some money hungry person looking to get some of the fortune of the late Harlan Thromby. She looked through the peep hole though and saw a man in obvious pain before she opened up the door as he collapsed.
Marta looked around, everybody on the street was just minding their own when she decided she needed to take matters into her own hands. She quickly dragged him inside and got her medical bag. "Sir can you hear me?" She asked through her fairly noticable cuban accent. "I need you to tell me what's hurting."
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alias-jewel · 6 years ago
The True Benefit of Friendship
There were days she wondered what kind of fucked up deity would make her a mother, and others where she was sure Danielle was the best thing ever to come out of her life.
Jessica was visiting her daughter at the Clocktower. She came at least once a week for a scheduled visit, and sometimes unscheduled visits with Luke after Dani was in bed. One constant other than location was the woman who held title on the apartment they used for their recent meet-ups.
Today was different. Barbara, bitch that she was, was nowhere to be seen. She often gave them space, greeted Jessica for the benefit of the little girl, and then disappeared. Her absence was keenly felt by Dani, too.
The little girl kept referring to Barbara, who she called “Bah-bwa”, and was telling incomprehensible stories to her mother about the woman. Clearly she’d become an important fixture in her daughter’s life and she managed to hold back the urge to call her a megalomaniacal bitch in front of her daughter.
“So, where is she?” Jessica asked calmly, a little confused herself what made this visit any different than the ones before it. “She hasn’t started suddenly trusting me, has she?”
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dailybugle · 6 years ago
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Recently pictures surfaced of Vigilante Hero for Hire Luke Cage which featured him wearing his old outfit from the 1970s. Eyewitness reports say that during a battle against a foe, part of Cage’s outfit ripped, revealing that to this very day, he wears the disco suit underneath his costume. This reporter agrees. Disco should come back.
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striithasynja · 5 years ago
❛ What’s going on up there? ❜ @lukecageforhire
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     “Just two dead guys.” They wouldn’t like that, she knew. Maybe she wasn’t supposed to KILL them, it was a hard rule to follow being an asgardian warrior. Even worse: being the goddess of WAR herself. Sif approached the roof edge before jumping to the ground. “I’m sorry for the mess, but I just couldn’t let them go away after what they were planning to do to that girl. I know this isn’t how you midgardians do things. But this is how I do them.”
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