shellshockedstudio · 2 years
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The Phantom / Mr. Walker commission WIP⁠ ⁠ ⁠ ⁠ ⁠ ⁠ #BillyZane #KristySwanson #phantomcomics #thephantom #fantomet #phantom #fantomen #leefalk #ghostwhowalks #kizilmaske #superhero #comicbooks #ofantasma #comicbook #comics #comic #elhombreenmascarado #luomomascherato #frew #kingfeaturessyndicate #frewpublications #newspaperstrips #goldenagecomics #egmont #semic #goldenage #happyphantoming #newspapercomics #mustanaamio #drawing https://www.instagram.com/p/Ck0mzf4ODGP/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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New Muse
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(Decided to add Fantomet Darling because why not. Kinda threw it together in a hurry as she doesn't have a wiki page and I gotta head to work in like twenty minutes. Will try to add more when I get off. Have her the step-mom to Vix, Kit, and Twee, though if anyone reads the Poppy comic and know if she is the actually mother of Vix or Twee then feel free to let me know.)
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comicsart3 · 7 months
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Julie Walker, the Lady Phantom, is an intriguing comic book heroine. The lineage of The Phantom goes back centuries, and is an hereditary crime-fighting and justice-seeking heroic role. Usually it is the eldest male of the line who becomes the mysterious masked figure, but occasionally a female will assume the purple costume and Julie Walker was the first such woman, taking on the role of Lady Phantom in the mid nineteenth century. Julie worked with her twin brother, Kit, the seventeenth Phantom, and if Kit was injured or absent, it would be Julie that assumed The Phantom mantle, as depicted in the above page. Both were born in the famed Skull Cave and received rigorous training from their father, the sixteenth Phantom, in the jungle, which equipped them with unarmed combat skills, proficiency in a range of weaponery as well all round athleticism. Like Batman and Batgirl the twins also received intellectual training making them fearsome researchers and detectives as well as street-savvy crime fighters.
Julie Walker was created as early as 1969 by Lee Falk, but it took more pro-feminist times for Lady Phantom to really receive the exposure she deserved, appearing regularly in the 2000s in Fantomen, Fantomet and Indragal comics. Walker was also known as The Ghost Who Walks for her mysterious appearance and apparently supernatural abilities.
Source: The Ghost Who Walks Fandom Wiki; with thanks to Mats Karlsson for the page displayed here.
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patchesenthusiast · 1 year
Wish you a good Happy Birthday! 🎉
thank you fantomet....my dearest......
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idahocomicsgroupinc · 4 years
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Recognize the new WWE Cruiserweight Champion?
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uab-designs · 4 years
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Still WIP... Just trying to feel out the scale and how everything might go together. The #phantom himself still needs alot of work, not sure if I'm gonna go the movie route look or something more vintage... I kinda want to just put all the pieces I personally like together and call it a hodge podge lol. The #skullsoftouganda I #modeled last year based on the movie i.e #thephantom, the rings I designed like 2years ago which were based on the original sketches for the movie not what was actually used... The buckle I just quickly made this morning, with the skull matching the ring. I still want to add in some jungle stuff, maybe part of the cave and some vines or something. Gonna be awhile before its done. Gonna keep working on it when I have a little time each day. #theghostwhowalks #leefalk #3dmodeling #zbrush #scifiart #fantomen #kizilmaske #elhombreenmascarado #fantomet #ofantasma #luomomascherato https://www.instagram.com/p/B_VLI-uj8JK/?igshid=dq2kyppwjdm6
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theheroheart · 5 years
Have u considered... across various branches of canon, Donald Duck has at least four different "secret identities" - The Duck Avenger, secret agent as Double Duck, agent for TNT (Tamers of Nonhuman Threats) and a member of uncle Scrooge's MIA. Now here's the big question, why is there no comics where those four secret identities collide with each other all at the same time
I had not considered, but I AM considering it now! Thank you kind anon, for bringing this to me.
As for the answer, I don’t know. Rights maybe? Except isn’t it all Disney? And I would say that they don’t do those kind of big cross-canon epic things much, but they absolutely sometimes do, so...
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sewergoblinlover · 5 years
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Went and saw Phantom of the Opera at Det Nye Teater for the third (my fourth) time yesterday! It was the last show and it was absolutely amazing.
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alex-t-trip · 4 years
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Phantom, Hero and Devil What animals do you guys love or have trouble drawing??? I haven’t posted a colour image version of this only a video so here it is. #phantom #thephantom #kingfeaturessyndicate #kitwalker #comics #comic #comicartist #comicart #comicartwork #comicbooks #comicbookart #comicbookartist #comicbookartists #sketching #pose #superhero #inkdrawing #hero #marvel #dc #fantomen #fantomet #leefalk #drawing #drawingoftheday https://www.instagram.com/p/CJ8dXWVgHc6/?igshid=b2v1bdb7e1ze
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nockix · 7 years
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Ghost who walks ________________________ Commission open🚩⬇ [email protected] _________________________ #thephantom #comicbook #superhero #phantomcomics #ghostwhowalks #frew #leefalk #comic #phantom #hero #collection #cartoons #picture #fan #adventure #fantomet #igcomicfamily #draw #imagecomics #sketch #collectors #digitalart #comicbooks #comiccollector #igcomics #popculture #art #drawing #comicbookart #drawing #pulp
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OOC Post - Gonna rework some stuff over the next week.
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Alright, so, gonna be reworking the blog quite a bit. Gonna get some mobile rules page up, trying to make one of those google doc muse things, and maybe a theme change. Just some basic stuff for that.
Now, I'm gonna be changing and not changing Twee as thanks to @cxffeeshxp I know have a full body image of Twee, though for me, just looking at it she seems VASTLY different from the one I've pretty much made up. The plan is to basically rework Twee to match how I guess she is cannon, though also keep the version I have as a sort of alternate type deal. Maybe slightly have the different timeline theory I mentioned a while ago as a reason why.
I know I don't have to do it, though I do like to try and RP the characters as canon as best I can seeing as it's obvious I'm more than willing to add my own twists, though I do like the Twee I have so why not have both and see how things go. From the imagine Twee is actually the same height as Kit and seems extremely smug. Really makes me think she's actually Fantomet's kid, though just gonna sit on it and try to get a good idea in my head. Thanks again to cxffeeshxp for the info. Will also be tagging anyone who's interacted with Twee.
@simiansmoke @atangledfate
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rosafluff · 5 years
Filosofering rundt jobb og hva folk ser etter
Jeg sluttet i jobben min for en tid tilbake og har litt “sabbatstid”. Men akkurat som at Fantomet noen ganger noen ganger kler seg i sivil og går ut av jungelen (orginalside) og inn i byen så kikker jeg litt rundt etter hva som finnes innimellom. Og det er noen ting som slår meg. 
1: Fokus på hvorfor man sluttet i tidligere arbeidsforhold og spesielt korte arbeidsforhold
Det er alltid ønske om å vite hvorfor man byttet jobb, med særlig fokus på korte arbeidsforhold (under 2-3 år). På den ene siden så er det forståelig, var det noe mer du ønsket, var det noe du gikk fra? Samtidig så slutter stort sett folk fordi de ønsker noe annet eller “fordi arbeidssituasjonen er i konflikt med deres verdier”. De fleste trives jo mesteparten av tiden på jobb, men også de som forblir på jobb (og ikke slutter) misliker deler av jobben sin. Sånn er det bare. Bedrifter har ulik kultur og desverre så passer det ikke alltid. Er det bedre å bli i 3 år for at det skal se pent ut på CV’en i en jobb som ikke er den du ønsker fremfor å bli enig om at det kanskje ikke fungerte etter forhåpninger og så ta hverandre i hendene og gå videre? Og så har man tilfellene der det kanskje har skjært seg uansett lengde på arbeidsforhold. Det er kjedelig men det skjer. 
2: Fokus på ting som har gått galt i tidligere arbeidsforhold vs. hvordan å håndtere det som kommer
“Fortell om en situasjon som ikke gikk som ønskelig og hvordan du løste den” eller tilsvarende på en tidligere jobb. Det er forståelig at man ønsker å vite det, men etter det så har man jo lært mye. Og å gå tilbake og “hva ville du gjort annerledes” blir en veldig kunstig sak. 
Natalie Fratto er investor og intervjuer startups i USA (TED-talk her). Hun benytter noe hun kaller “adaptability measuring” for å ikke måle hva som er gjort tidligere men hva de kan klare å få til senere og i motgang. Det går ut på tre punkter.
1: “Hva om?” fremfor “Fortell meg om en gang du...” 2: “Unlearning” - å lete etter ny informasjon om det du alt vet 3: “Exploration” - å utfordre status quo, ikke gripe etter det samme gamle trygge
1: Hva om? Dette går ut på å stille spørsmål som å legge frem en byggetegning for en ingeniør og si “Hva om vi ville fjerne den trappen?” og se hvor mange muligheter og hvordan vedkommende tenkte. 
2: “Unlearning”  Dette er veldig relevant for ingeniører. Stadig vekk kommer det nytt regelverk. Ting her vil være å spørre om hva en nylig fagnyhet som overrasket var for eksempel og kanskje filosofere over noe regelverk som har snudd rundt. Eller hvordan man holder seg oppdatert/jobber med å holde seg oppdatert. Tenker jeg. 
3: “Exploration” Jeg kaller det “gløden”. Ønsket om å drive frem og ikke lene seg tilbake. Jeg tror det er ulike måter å se på det. 
Alt i alt - jeg synes det å jobbe med fremtidige problemstillinger er mye viktigere enn hva som er gjort for flere år siden. 
3: Lite faglig/case spørsmål
Det er mye snakk om at personlighet skal matche, men hvordan man jobber/jobbpersonlighet skal også matche. Som nevnt i punkt 2 - det med hvordan man vil løse en job-case sier mye om hvordan man jobber. Istedet er det mye om hvem man er som person og hobbyer. Hvordan jeg strikker sier lite om hvordan jeg jobber selv om jeg kan være en hyggelig person. 
4: Risiko
Man sier en feilansettelse er dyr økonomisk og risiko for arbeidsgiver. For arbeidstaker er det ikke mindre risiko basert på punktene over, da særskilt punkt 1. 
5: Ærlighet
Jeg er på autismespekteret, og jeg synes hele dansen her er veldig vanskelig. Det er ikke hyggelig å snakke noe negativt om en tidligere arbeidsgiver. 90-95% av tiden hos en tidligere arbeidsgiver har jo vært positiv, men jeg har gjort et valg om å slutte på grunn av noe (som nevnt i punkt 1). For å unngå at det skal skje i ny jobb er det som trengs å høre på hva jeg sier om hva som er viktig for meg og at vi prater sammen. Ikke halvårlig, men gjerne jevnlig eksempelvis som Patty McCord fra Netflix sier til TED her. I juni, etter 6 måneder, får jeg ikke fikset den lille tingen du ikke likte i januar.
Hvorfor kan vi ikke bare si ting som det er. 
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poppy-opossum · 7 years
Worldbuilding Wednesday #3 - History of the Fenneclands
I spent like 80% of yesterday asleep, so I forgot to post Worldbuilding Wednesday, sorry.
Before it was the Fenneclands, the homeland of the sheep and goats was known as Aries. A land of proud mountaineers and plainsmen, they guarded their borders fiercely with a tight ring of warrior tribes, each led by a mighty Ram. The interior of the country was the king's domain, but the ring was for the Rams.
Highly xenophobic and tradition-bound, the Ovine kingdom refused entry and was very picky with who they traded their precious wool with. This made them very unpopular with neighboring counties, especially once the Canine Empire began sweeping through the continent.
King Dolphense and the Darlings
The Ovine nation stubbornly held out against the Canine Empire for years, but their resources began to dry up as they were denied trade on all sides. The current king, Lem Dolphense, had little experience with leading armies, allowing the Rams to just sort of do their own thing, which often led to infighting and breaks in the border. His popularity dwindled further and further as they lost more and more land, and he spent most of the early years of his rule in a deep despair.
It was then that Renard Darling, an upstart but charming young nobleman from across the Bourbon Sea snuck his way into Dolphense's court and approached him in private. Darling had held a not insignificant amount of land outside the domain of the Canines for some years now, and rumors of his luck and craftiness got around quickly.
"I have a proposition for you, friend. Listen to me and I can assure you and your people both see prosperity."
Dolphense knew that any plan that Darling was behind was probably a better one than he could ever craft, and they shook on it. Darling became Aries' not-so-secret benefactor, rumors of their alliance intentionally disseminated among the people. The sheep were a proud people, but they could not dispute the quality of the new foodstocks and weapons that were mysteriously coming in, and when their border was broken by the invading forces, Renard and his men finally revealed themselves, personally turning the tides of battle. He had taken on the qualities of a folk hero, the Fox Shepherd, friend of sheep.
Dolphense's popularity skyrocketed. His friendship with Renard and his wife Fantomet was well-publicized, and their first child was born within Aries' borders. Spurred on by the bravery of his friend, the King took to the front lines to personally push back the invading dogs, and was tragically slain doing so. It came to no one's surprise that Dolphense, an heirless king, chose to pass his throne onto the man who pulled their country through its darkest hour, unorthodox though it was, but cheers turned to murmurs of confusion as Renard immediately passed the crown off to a small Fennec nobleman named Folly.
As it turned out, Folly had promised the hand of his only daughter Zerda to Renard in exchange for a kingdom of his own, in what was intended as an impossible challenge. And yet Folly got his kingdom, Renard got his second wife, and Aries got a new name: The Fenneclands.
Oh. Also, Folly immediately signed a treaty with the Canine empire.
People were pretty pissed for the first decade or so, but after a while it became hard not to admit things were better for them under the Darlings and Canines than they'd ever been under the Rams. Especially once Folly died and succession passed over the late Zerda and onto the young Vix Darling, who was technically an Aries native. Still, Dolphense became a symbol of martyrdom for them. A King who'd given up everything for his kingdom, betrayed by his closest friend.
Of course, the real Lem Dolphense died comfortably from old age, kicking back in a small private cottage in the countryside of Sorveil, far away from the stresses of leadership.
Next week’s public update will be “#4: Species and Magic ” but $5 patrons get to read it and all other WW updates early.
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dombasfantomet · 4 years
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#Fantomen #Fantomet #ThePhantom #Semic #Egmont
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flerponius · 6 years
Who’s worse?
Poda or Fantomet?
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uab-designs · 4 years
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Work in progress... Been wanting to make an old school #phantom bust with the eyes that light up. Much left to do... Today was a good day to start I guess, I haven't #3dmodeled anything in weeks. This is one of those things where if I don't do it, I seem to forget how to... Feeling a bit rusty at the moment. #thephantom #theghostwhowalks #leefalk #3dmodeling #zbrush #scifiart #fantomen #kizilmaske #elhombreenmascarado #fantomet #ofantasma #luomomascherato https://www.instagram.com/p/B_SgMWTjJ4x/?igshid=15qzsvsd4tycp
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