beybuniki · 14 days
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kirishima found a comrade
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crylin · 1 year
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just playing Ever Crisis ヽ(>∀<☆)ノ [2]
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rainbowhitter · 3 months
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Artfight 2024 attack at Melody-Alqua.
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gorgugplushie · 5 months
Oh god.im actually going to cry fuck
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kouriimei · 11 months
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FFXVI Jill Warrick - Inspired Handmade Earrings (Pierce/Non-Pierce)
Handmade earrings -available in both pierced/non-pierced- inspired by Jill from FFXVI. A cold snap, a frozen kiss - the chosen Dominant of Shiva, Jill Warrick - a lady who shows unconditional love and support to the people she cherishes, a brave woman who faces and fights her inner demons, and one who holds unfaltering faith in the people she believes in. Jill's earrings are a mixture of a touch of frost, a hint of light, and a wave of delicacy combined with resilience.
Jill earrings feature: ❄️Teardrop-shaped wire that represents the tears she shed under moonlight. The wire is strung with different hues of blue: sapphire, aquamarine, and light sapphire to match her signature outfit's colors. ❄️Carved mother of pearl daisy to represent the snow daisies that she loves ❄️Coated Aquamarine-colored glass cut disc that shine beautifully in the sunlight, holding homage to Shiva's eyes ❄️Glass-cut aquamarine encased in a rhodium shell shaped like a bow, to represent the bow she adorns in her hair ❄️A small freshwater pearl to represent small flyaway ice shards, frost, and perhaps accompanying snowflakes that surround her as Jill casts spells ❄️ Teardrop-shaped cut glass in aquamarine to symbolize the ice shards she commands as the Dominant of Shiva ❄️ Available as a pierce, screwback clip-on, or resin clip-on ‧‧‧✧‧‧‧ K O U R I I M E I . E T S Y . C O M ‧‧‧✧‧‧‧
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atesua · 2 months
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fantasyy imp tweek
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iceclew · 2 months
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hahaha, yeah, might have been re-obsessed with my own AU here, because some @mechazushi fueled my brain with new content about them..so I can't help it.. once again diving deep into the fantasyy... and next to the Witcher and Skyrim law... well I came along with something else as well now :D
*mushes WOW into the fantasy pile*
Part 1 here
Oh, and THIS time I'll add my thoughts about them IN the description, how 'bout that? (▀U ▀-͠)
Narumi Gen:
Witcher/Hunter and counterpart/companion of Soshiro Hoshina. They both initially travelled to the mountains to find a rumored dragon's den to slay said. His skills are very much resembling what a witchers can do, and he is remarkable in swords art, but also a formidable sourcerer for fight related magic and enchantment. Hoshina lacks the skill for advanced spells. They have an unspoken agreement to help each other get better with the skills the lack. He also prepares most of their potions.
Mina Ashiro:
(OK, listen Reno bb, pls don't cry, I promise you get your own ref sheet, I already made some scribbles as well!! She just shoved herself into my brain last night, and I liked it, so I simply had to do this! (~ ̄³ ̄)~ I'll make it up buddy <3)
I very much loved the idea of her being a long gone friend of dragon Kafka, that gifted him his human form and influenced his life so much. It suits the story sooo good!! But I kinda was sad she wasn't part of the current story anymore... ಡ ﹏ ಡ Well yeah, that's what I thought about yesterday while working on Narumi, got to bed, and at like 2 am a word hit me like a rock and I was fcking wide awake..
Banshee... ╭( ๐_๐)╮omg, that's gonna be awesome, I'mma make her a banshee like Sylvana and she's gonna be there and has to rediscover the world, since she was gone so long.
sfhfsdldkjthat's what I did. She is a banshee now, lol. A half-elf banshee, might I add. Revived by a necromancer in a very complicated ritual. So basically - welcome to season 2 of this AU of ours I guess? The necromancer in question (oh my, who could it possibly be, I ask? It's ma gurl Rin, of course) contacted Kafka and his party, with the intention to perform a ritual on Mina's grave to free her soul, which is still clinging to earth because of a later discovered act of betrayal that 'caused Tachikawa to fall when their enemies arrived. (smth like this, I dunno, I didn't think this part through a lot, lol)
For performing the ritual she needs, amongst other things, detailed information and a contribution of someone that was close with the deceased. After finding Mina's grave and corpse deep down in the catacombs of Tachikawas ruins they start the ritual. Kafka needs to contribute a scale and some details about Mina in the past, that the necromancer incorporates into the ritual. To everyone's suprise she also adds her own blood. The necromancer reveals her true goal to not free but capture Mina's soul and obtain her powers. But something goes wrong (maybe because of Kafka interrupting the ritual now, or smth idk) and instead Mina is revived as an undead soul with a new (but slightly unfinished) body. Because of the contributed blood she is bound to her summoner for as long as it takes her to find and free the part of her soul that is in fact still captured somewhere on earth. (Oh no - so Kafka gets his bestie back, that is also basically immortal :| And I def. have in mind some enemies to lovers bullsh*t here with the banshee and her necromancer, lol sorry not sorry)
I used a whole bunch of references that I would like to mention:poses 1 2 3 + clothing 1 2
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skylarsilva098 · 1 month
Oh? Experience code 69 seems like a lot of fun.
Experience the Enslavers making you tell a few more of your codes.
Experience code 99
000-020 counts dowwn and reesets neeeds to be donne a cerrtain wayy
My brainnn to normallly
021 ressistances removed
022 ressistance halvedd
023 resistancee quarttered
024 currently resistance levvel locked forr 24hoours
025 resistaance doubled
026 resistance unbreakablee
027 attraction to womennn only
028 atttraction to men only
029 atttraction resett
030 sudden arousalll
031 superr sensitive titss
032 supeer sensitive assholeee
033 super sennsitive belllybuton
034 desire to be seen as a sexx object
035 desire to be bred
036 desiree to broken
037 desiree to have my pussy fucked
038 desiree to have my ass fuckedd
039 desires to have my bellybuttonn fucked
040 immediate orgasm
041 slow buuild orgasm
042 multiplle orgasmss
043 experience regular Enslaver in specifiedd hole
044 experience regularr Enslaver in all holes
045 experience bimbo Enslaver in speccified holee
046 bimbo Enslaver in alll holees
047 corruption Enslaver in specified hollle
048 corruption Enslaver in all holes
049 experience recent experiences
050 experience resisted experiences
051 experience mind popper in specified hole
052 experience mind popper in all holess
053 experience BimBomb in specified hole
054 experience BimBomb in all holes
055 experience corruption bomb in specified hhole
056 experience corruption bomb in allll holes
057 experience Alpha Enslaver in specified hole
058 experience Alphaa Enslaver in all holes
059 experience Queen Enslaver in specciified hole
060 experience Queen Enslaver in all holes
061 experience titss growing by 25%%
062 experience tits growing by 50%
063 experience titts growing by 75%
064 experience ttits growing by 100%
065 experience tits lactating
066 experience extreme lactation
067 experience specified Enslaver of any kind
068 experience single unreleassed Enslaver
069 experience multiplle unreleased Enslavers
070 experience an Alpha breeeding
071 experience leaast favourite Enslaver
072 experience favouritee Enslaver
073 experience Kira sex fantasy
074 experience Aoife sex fantasy
075 experience KayJay sexx fantasy
076 experience Anna sex fantasy
077 experience Belle sex fantasyy
078 experience Fireheart sex fantasy
079 experience Jezebel sex fantasy
080 experience tentacle sex fantasy
081 experience a specified sex fantasy
082 experience teacher sex fantasy
083 experience double sensitivityy
084 experience tripple sensitvy
085 experience 10 times sensitvety
086 experience IQ drop 10%
087 experience IQ dropp 20%
088 experience bimbo brain
089 experience virgin brainn
090 experience innocence
091 experience devilishness
092 experience revverting to age 16
093 experience reverting to agee 14
094 experience reverting to specified age
095 experience schooolgirl brain
096 experience focus
097 experience mind popp
098 brain off
099 inability to to recall or be aware of an ask/message/text
100 inability to recall or be aware of specific thinng
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sailorsleepyhead · 8 months
Hiii! It’s me again LOL
Soooo, just another ask if it’s alright with you. Can I see Kyubey in your artstyle? I wanna see how the little monster looks LOL
Thank you!!
FANTASYY IM SO SORRY THIS WAS LATEEE but i hope you like it!! :D i think Kyubey looks super goofy but still cute
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life-winners-liveblog · 7 months
Is this the real life????? Is this just fantasyy??
Caught in a landslide to escape from reality. Open your eyesssssssssss, look up to the skiess and seeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee
(SL)Cub: Not the time.
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essence-of-nightshade · 2 months
Had a good ol nerd scrap between Dark Elves and the Empire of Man. (I lost)I'm so happy OG Warhammer Fantasyis back in the form of The Old World
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urgrossdaughter · 1 day
It's so interesting and kinda proud moment to see younger desi women exploring their sexuality like never before. I could have hardly imagined that growing up.
- middle aged desi guy
Omg!! Thank you! 😭 I did not see this either lmfao except for like sheila ki jawani or however u spell ittt lol
I know my kinks get very dark and things but most of them are just fantasyy and stuff and yeah its still VERY fun to have grown up with so much stigma around even kissing or handholding and then im like showing my tits 4 all 2 see lol?
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ocdlingyao · 3 days
greedlingg weekk, dayy 4
promptt: hauntedd
modernn fantasyy auu wheree lingg, aa witchh fromm aa veryy largee familyy off powerfull witchess, inheritss aa hauntedd housee andd aa demonn
– afterr hiss fatherss deathh, lingg inheritss onee off hiss manyy housess, aa factt thatt hiss halff-sisterr meii iss moree thann miffedd aboutt, bbut shee promisess tto lett itt ggo iff lingg promisess tto lett herr takee overr thee livingg roomm everyy oncee inn aa whilee forr moviee nightt
– itss aa perfectt placee forr lingg ttoo becausee theress roomm forr himm tto runn hiss magicc shopp onn thee firstt floorr, wheree hhe sellss potionss andd spellss andd alll sortss off charmss, andd plentyy off livingg spacee upstairss andd spacee forr hiss friendss tto hangg outt
– hhe andd hiss catt (aa pamperedd, chubbyy thingg thatt spendss mostt off herr timee sleepingg inn thee shopp whilee lingg workss) movee inn, andd everythingg iss greatt!!
– ….. untill he getss thee distinctt sensee thatt hess nott alonee
– itt startss aas aa vaguee feelingg off beingg watchedd andd shadowyy movementt outt off thee cornerr off hiss eyee, andd progressess inn mostlyy nonn-harmfull wayss, likee findingg thatt hiss thingss havee beenn movedd tto differentt placess orr havingg hiss lightss/televisionn flickk onn andd offf bby themselvess
– lingg putt aa lott off effortt intoo movingg, sso hhe isntt goingg tto lett aa littlee hauntingg drivee himm outt, nnot evenn whenn hhe comess facee tto facee withh thee entityy inn questionn, aa shadowyy redd masss withh aa messs off sharpp teethh andd glowingg eyess whoo…. inn alll honestyy, isntt alll thatt threateningg
– greedd, aas lingg learnss thee entityy iss calledd, iss aa demonn (onee off aa sett off sevenn powerfull siblingss) whoo wass capturedd andd woundd upp boundd tto thiss housee bby lingss fatherr forr onee reasonn orr anotherr
– lingg iss curiouss aboutt greedd, especiallyy givenn everythingg hess learnedd aboutt hiss connectionss tto lingss dadd, sso thee twoo off formm ann arrangementt
– greedd givess upp thee hauntingg andd teachess lingg moree aboutt himselff andd hiss siblingss, andd inn exchangee, lingg searchess forr aa wayy tto unbindd greedd fromm thee housee
– itt turnss outt greedd iss downrightt pleasantt whenn hess nott hauntingg, andd lingg gainss aa surprisee roommatee whoo hhe cann watchh tvv withh andd whoo willl remindd himm tto eatt andd takee hiss medicationss andd whoo evenn thee catt doesntt seemm tto mindd
– pluss, greedd iss surprisinglyy?? cutee?? forr aa shadowy demonn, andd hess funnyy andd charmingg andd ohh nno lingg mightt bbe aa littlee inn lovee withh himm???
– (itss okayy, thoughh, greedd feelss thee samee wayy aboutt thee prettyy littlee witchh boyy whoss helpingg tto freee himm)
– eventuallyy, theyy discoverr thatt greedd needss aa vessell inn orderr tto bbe freedd andd welll, lingss offeringg
– lingss friendss somehoww arentt evenn surprisedd whenn hhe introducess themn tto hiss neww boyfriendd bby gesturingg tto himselff
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What are you going to do in ten years when Karlie is still married to Josh. She already has two kids with him. I want to live in your Karlie is a lesbian fantasyy because lol cool.
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despazito · 2 years
do you think that weird conservative women’s equivalent to conservative men’s ‘stopping a mass shooting’ fantasy is cleverly escaping a serial killer fantasyi
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td-rarepairs · 5 months
Scott x Noah.
They're my faves and they're scheemers, but I really want more reasons to ship them outside of the fantasyI crafted inside my brain where they're straight up soulmates.
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