#fantasy sero
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puppyaulait · 1 year ago
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Dragon shifters
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semdere · 11 months ago
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The Bad Kids Girls!
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burntsoba · 1 year ago
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Finally finished thiss I’ve made it!!
Super random fantasy AU but
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kozzdraw · 3 months ago
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Pages from Deku's creature chronicle... part 6
Nav: 1 // 2 // 3 // 4 // 5 // 6 // 7
Kudos to @bibliodraco with the big brain of a baku FatGum, for which I would have never come up with a cute little sideplot with Shihai and Midnight.
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serxinns · 4 months ago
Ok sorry if I'm taking up some time but something related to a picture I saw has literally been on my mind and I need some sorta short fanfic about it 😭
So basically, Yandere Fantasy AU Bakusquad where they are all dragons (Except Bakugou being a Barbarian) and a traveler reader who is incredibly hurt so is under the care of them all.
I mainly want this because I recently broke my wrist (which is now healed up) and idk 😭🙏
The Lost Traveler
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Yandere! fantasy Bakusquad x gn! reader
A/n: I kinda went off on this onw hehe but I hope it was worth the wait! I hope you enjoy!
Tw!⚠️: injuries, reader getting hurt, weapons, drowning, possessive and obsessive behavior, stripping off clothes (in a non sexual way ofc) nudity (if you count reader being in their undergarments, yandere behavior, and more don't read if you can't handle it
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"After them!" You heard a man yell out to his group as they chased you, but you didn't look back you didn't want to look back your main priority was safety you looked around the woods to see if there was any hiding spot but to no avail, the men kept shooting their arrows towards you as you barely dodged them. You held on to your bag tightly you didn't know how you had come to this conclusion you just went into town trying to grab some things and these men tried to rob your mother's spellbook so you kicked one of them in the groin he released you from his grasp and you continued to run
"I got this" one of the men grabbed their bow and arrow, your eyes widened in horror as he aimed for your leg and you were getting ready to dodge untill a sharp pain hit you in your upper leg you screamed in agony and dropped to the floor clutching your foot the bandits all surrounded you chucking you grabbed the book tightly not wanting those monsters getting it
"Now, now, brat, why don't you be smart and give us the book, and we'll let you go"gt.he man had a devious grin on his facfaceu spat at him, "fuck you, you'll have to kill me 1st!" The bandits snicker and laughed "Very well then.." one of the men got a weapon and held itches towards your neck your eyes widen trying to squirm off from his grasp but he pinned you against the tree hard with a final attempt you kicked him in the groin with ur shoe his grasp became loose as he howled in pain now clutching his area kneeling, "you little shit..." the crew all held their swords at you you the began crawling backward with the book praying they'll be someone to protect you
You then began to slip on something; you quickly looked behind you to see a waterfall right behind you, you gasped, wanting to crawl back, but the bandits were in front. You were at a dead end "Nowhere, the run, little shit, just give us the book!" He sneered, you had to act fast for you and the book, you look at the waterfall again hesitant you began crawling closer and closer waterfall until you felt the cliff and the loud crashing water beneath you, one of the bandits snicker th t up to what you were about to do "don't do anything stupid ya hear just give us the damn book!" He shouted you looked at him with one last glare and let your whole body go holding the book tight while you fall
You closed your eyes ready for the impact and pain, you landed in the roaring water you desperately tried gasping for air using your good arm to swim back up for air but it'd currents were too strong you tried grabbing some sort of branch or rock but kept crashing into them hard your body began to feel tired and ur eyes droopy from all the pain and energy "is this how I die.." you thought as you slowly close your eyes surrendering to the wrath of the water as they took you
"Aha! Gotcha!" The dragon yelled as she caught a fish with her claws she examined the fish making sure it was big enough for her friends and place it in the bucket her stomach growled in hunger she looked down and then looked at the fish, "..one fish wouldn't hurt" mina looked both ways and all around when the coast was clear she grabbed a small fish and was about toneat until a voice called her "Pink scales you better not be eating our dinner like shitty scales!" The Man said angrily, "Ughh bakugo, it was just gonna be one!" Mina whined as she reluctantly dropped the fish
"One less of our dinner!" He scolded, taking the bucket and carrying it with him. "Plus, it looked like you already had some!" He looked at her with a hard glare as she smiled sheepishly the barbarian was about to yell at her until he spotted something floating in the water he shoved the dragon away to view it closer he realized that it was a human being floating around in the river katsuki quickly went in the river not caring about hid clothes getting dragging the human out of the water "it's that a human?! Are they breathing?" She shrieked looking worriedly and concerned
Katsuki then felt the human skin it was cold..katsuki then led his head toward its chest the heart was still beating but it was barely breathing.."Mina take the human to our cottage.." he ordered Mina nodded and quickly placed you on her back and transformed into her dragon form katsuki then hopped on her back and signaled her to fly, she then carefully launched into the air making sure nobody falls then soared through the sky
As they were soaring, Katsuki took the time to examine you; it seemed like you were not from here but maybe from another region judging by your clothes, and he didn't mention it, but there was a book in the human's hands. He observed it closely. It seemed like it was from a powerful being..but he didn't know where it was from, until then he may have to keep it for a while just in case for safety
Mina roared making Katsuki snap out of his thoughts when he looked up he realized that they were home he grabbed you and jumped off Mina while steam came out of her turning her back into her human form they carried the human to the house and placing them on the couch "Mina take off through clothes and check for bruises" Mina nodded she carefully took off your closes leaving you with only your undergarments on she blushed a but reminded herself to focus, the poor human was covered in red and purple bruises and had a broken wrist Mina gaze soften feeling pity for then poor human
"The human has a bunch of bruises and a broken wrist" Bakugo scoffed "that probably gonna take half of my healing power so I'm only gonna heal them on certain areas and patch up the others letting them heal themselves" bakugo then let Mina carry the unconscious human to give them a warm bath, bathing off the dirt and gunk in their hair and gently handling them with the best of her abilities the most she saw the bruises the more angrier she seems how dare someone could do this to a precious little thing when she was done she quickly wrapped them up in a towel and carry them in the bedroom where there were already a set of warm clothes for them to wear..
You were panicking all you could see was black you couldn't move your body it was like you were wrapped in something, it was suffocating, you tried to scream but you couldn't hear your own voice nor you couldn't hear anything just emptyness and eerie silence, you wanted to get out of here you wanted to see if you have that spellbook you wanted to survive, are you even alive anymore?! You were breathing rapidly wondering what did you do you be in this hell
Then a soft humming rang in your ear it sounded...familiar like something your mother would do to comfort you when you were feeling ill or had a very bad day, the humming made you calm..peaceful even, your panicking began to die down as well as your breathing you squirm around trying to break free from whoever or whatever is trapping you but to no avail, then saw some light in your vision it became bigger and lighter...
You slowly opened your eyes, all you could see was a blurry red figure hovering over you humming the same tune you heard back there you blinked a couple of times to get your vision more clear, and there standing above you was a boy with red scales forming on his shoulders and large pointy like horns with red eyes staring the back at you, with a yelped you tried squirming away but her strong hands were keeping you still "Please don't struggle your weak at the moment" he said petting your hair softly trying to calm you down
"Where am i.." the red hair chuckled as if that was a silly question to ask "your home can't you tell?" He answered softly as he continued to hum confused you were about to ask what did he mean by that untill another voice could be heard "did the human wake up yet" there revealed a another dragon with blonde hair and a black lighting strike on he turned his attention towards you and his eyes brighten "they're so small!" He has as he poked your cheeks curiously wanting to feel what a human skin felt like "they're also soft as well!" He giggled happily the red haired dragon quickly swat his friends hand away as the dragon whined
"They're still healing Kaminari be gentle!" Kiri scolded him The yellow dragon softly glared at him jealous from the red dragon hogging you "would you stop fighting infront them? the poor thing is barely gaining conscious" there appeared a dragon with black hair scolding at the 2 dragons "now come on the foods almost ready" he said as he gaze at you with a soft smile the headed back to the kitchen ok now you were confused who were these people? Why are they're saying this is your new home? Are you going crazy or what
Your thoughts were then interrupted again with Kirishima picking you up and carrying you to the kitchen and plop you down to your chair you awkwardly thanked him as he happily sat down at his spot, that's when smell of the food hit your nostrils it smelled so good you even drooled a bit which you quickly wiped off with your arm embrassed hoping nobody noticed that "heh someone's hungry" the dragon away you assumed to be Sero said smirking at you as your face lit up in embrassament you looked away
"Well I haven't eaten in a few days of course I'm gonna be hungry" you protested as the black dragon chuckled "whatever you say sweets" he shrugged laying against the chair patiently waiting for the meal "dinners ready!" A loud booming voice was heard a blonde male with orange eye "Guess the little shit is awake" he grumbled "Katsuki language! Don't call the human that!" Kirishima scolded katsuki scoffed
"Don't fucking tell me what to do shitty hair you ain't the boss of me!" He said yelled the two started bickering back and forth while Kirishima wrapped his Strong arm around you protectively you tried pushing it off but it seems like he was too busy to noticed or he didn't care "boys stop arguing when our human is awake!" "Yea I bet they're starving right about now!" A purple dark then came in along with a bubbly pink dragon skipping in the kitchen the 2 boys shut themselves up and they then fix yourself and themselves a meal
it was cooked fish with a side of veggies the aroma was addictive making you go wild, fish wasn't always your favorite meal but those last few days of living off of eating berries and small animals this was a actual proper meal for you you devoured the food in seconds not noticing how the others were cooing and just adoring how cute you were, after the meal you were about to head yourself out grabbing your spellbook and thanking the kind people for the care untill a hand grabbed you by the shoulder
"And where the fuck are you going?" Bakugo said with a stern tone "Uh I'm going out I need to get back home" "in this condition? Your still hurt pumpkin no way we're gonna let you go out exposing yourself to the dangers" you didn't noticed jirou infront of the door now everyone else gathered around you looking weirdly at you...
"Why don't you stay for a few nights atleast untill your injuries healed!" Kirishima suggested you thought about it for a moment the trip back home would take rather long considering that you barely even know your way back they then carried you off to their bed all cuddling next to you
You were their human now you were a gift for them and them only those monsters are gonna pay for what they done to their little darling~
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katastronoot · 22 days ago
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for @friend-of-giants Wren and Teldryn
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luki-m3 · 21 days ago
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"Not even Blacklight is as spectacular as you!"
Teldryn Sero. Made with pentel and mechanical pencil.
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midorisudachi · 10 months ago
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"The Dragonborn & The Spellsword Mercenary”
I felt like creating a sexy piece, especially when it comes to Skyrim characters.
Because, why not?
Thanks to the Skyrim mods that were finally available on XBox Series X a few months ago (because before, there were no mods for the XBox except for PCs), I was able to experience the game in an even fuller glory. Which meant that my Dragonborn OC Katarzyna could marry her hired mercenary, the Dunmer/Dark Elf Teldryn Sero. About bloody time. I also had made sure to learn 100% Sneak & 100% Pickpocket before hiring Teldryn, that way I was able to steal his helmet and have his face visible…because why was his cool face covered up?
I had first played Skyrim back in 2014, but had stopped in March of 2015 (a couple of months before my son was born) and never beat the game. It wasn’t until November 2023 that I started the game again, but when the mods showed up a few months ago, I restarted it again because there is just way too much awesomeness added! One example: the hair! Katarzyna went from short hair to getting long, red hair! Woo-hoo!
I also wanted an excuse to practice more with anatomy & poses, as well as a different sort of lighting than the one I usually do. I didn’t want the background to be a perfectly smooth black…I purposely made it more mottled with some texture, since Katarzyna & Teldryn are not in total darkness. I imaged them in the cave where they had celebrated after getting married, where there were Dark Elf Lanterns & pretty blooming trees (yes, that’s actually in the game). I also added those glowy Torchbugs to create a more dreamy feeling to it. Katarzyna is wearing the Gauldur Amulet & the Aetherial Crown. Teldryn has a Necromancer amulet (only because it gives him more "oomph" to his magic, ha ha). I hope everyone likes this!
Drawn with Sakura Pigma Micron pens, then coloured in with a mix of Copic Markers, Ohuhu Markers, & Koi Watercolours. As usual, the scanner totally kills colours…this piece looks better in real life.
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noaaaaahhhhh · 1 year ago
Critical Fail!! 🎲🎲
Another peek at the Bakusquad perception check animation. Trying to proof that I am working on it 😘
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blueberrysoaps · 14 days ago
A fic idea
(Sorry I’ve been inactive. Lots of stress and other stuff so I probs won’t get to this for a WHILE)
So maybe… a villain has a quirk that sends people to a fantasy world. Like basically isekai power. and either your fav ship or a character and a reader (in my brain it’s Bakugo x reader duh) where they’re completely aware this isn’t where they belong, and they end up going on a magical adventure to then get the equivalent of a planeshift spell from dnd and get back home.
Honestly this would be good with any character combos or like a group? The fantasy AUs for MHA are so good, it only makes sense that Isekai would be too.
And depending on how you spin it they could keep their quirks, not have any, or have a different sort of power that fits into the fantasy world they’ve traveled to.
So also, it got me thinking about MHA characters and their dnd classes. Because I love it and want to.
- deku is like an Eldridge Knight type beat. Or really any magical fighter maybe multiclass. I could also see him as a Monk. (Clearly his quirk confuses me)
- Todoroki is def an evocation wizard. Like it’s so obvious. But there’s also the fact that he doesn’t like every aspect of his powers, so he’s also a pyromancy sorcerer (also multiclass)
Not a class but he could be a fire genasi, or fiendish teifling for innate fire powers
- for Ururaka my brain tells me dunimancy (is that how you say it? Gravity magic) wizard. But honestly it doesn’t feel right and I don’t know why. Edit I came back: CIRCLE OF STARS DRUID it’s not perfect for her power but I think it’s so fitting for HER (also it’s my fav class and I love her)
- Iida is a Paladin. He’s so lawful good (not all paladins are lawful good, but the classic one is) and his hero suit looks like a suit of armor. Obviously the heroism subclass. (Maybe oathbreaker during stain arc??) but also eldirch knight utilizes strength or dex as WELL as int. So maybe that.
- Aizawa COULD be any class that has counter spell. But he gives Arcane trickster rouge.
- Denki STORM SORCERER. There’s other lightningy classes but the charisma stat is important here. Maybe with a level in wild magic, simply cause he’s chaotic yk yk
- Jiro BARD BARD BARD like it’s not a question to me. Loves the shatter spell
- Bakugo is a def barbarian. There’s one that sets bad guys on fire when you rage but I don’t remember which one. But that one.
- Kirishima has many options bc everyone just thinks of dragon when they think of him in a fantasy setting. There’s a ranger, monk, and a sorcerer class. There’s also dragon gods for cleric. I think the monk is best cause as long as your dex is high enough you don’t need armor. He also punches.
- so for mina you have to find a class that’s spell list have a lot of acid damage options, SOOOO the new Dancer Bard subclass is just *chefs kiss*
- Sero is difficult. Like I have no clue. But an artificer with a grappling hook isn’t TERRIBLE. But if you look at his quirk, basically he has a lot of mobility so I’m thinking monk, he’s step of the winding all day every day.
- tokoyami is a pact of the great old one warlock. THE VOICES. Also, not a class, but a species: he’s a Kenku. Clearly.
- Shoji. I don’t fucking know.
I mean I very much think he’s a rouge. He could explain away the mechanics of how much damage rouges can do in a single turn by having a bunch of crossbows. Also he’s a servalence kind of guy, he’s always checking for traps. So I think a good subclass is Scout.
- All might. Also a Paladin, for GLORYYY
Jk more likely redemption.
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heronoegg · 11 months ago
I just sent ask sorry for doubling up but I have to say I adore your fantasy au I think I just love everything you make it's all good and amazing and I love your art and I'm crying rn because I like it so much
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the squad so far these were a couple of days ago sketches i had to find
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semdere · 8 months ago
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sandra lynn… save me sandra lynn…
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burntsoba · 1 year ago
I love that seroroki piece, so pretty!! your fantasy au looks different than the normal one, do u have any headcanons or stuff u can share?
First off,, thank you!! I’m happy you liked it <33
Second off!! I’ve drawn them like that mostly because i had found a reference where the two characters where both knights, so I thought it would have been fitting to dress them up as a fantasy au!! But, I hope you know you’ve send me into a downward spiral and I have now created a Fantasy Au of my own.
Some context for the image below/the roles!
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>Todoroki: secret magic prince who got Saved by Midoriya, immediately hires him as a royal guard.
>Midoriya: kind of a sick child, had to give up on his dream to become a royal guard with his childhood bestie Kacchan because of his health. Decided to step in when Todoroki got attacked, cried right after.
>Bakugou: head of the Royal guards, despises Midoriya since he basically did his job for him and made him look bad as fuck
Also has a pet dragon, Kiri :)
bakusquad are the other royal guards in training under Bakugou;
>Sero: the guard who’s smitten as fuck for icy-hot prince. Gets made fun of a lot by his friends, but in the end he’s an actual favorite of Shouto and they spend all their free time reading silly romance novels Togheter in the castle’s gardens <3
THATS IT FOR NOW!! let me know if you wanna know more :))
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thisisxli · 8 months ago
𝐌𝐇𝐀 𝟒𝐓𝐇 𝐎𝐅 𝐉𝐔𝐋𝐘 - 𝐕𝐚𝐫𝐢𝐨𝐮𝐬 𝐱 𝐆𝐍!𝐑𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫(𝐚𝐟𝐚𝐛/𝐚𝐦𝐚𝐛)
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Rs: Various x GN!Reader(afab/amab)
Warnings: alcohol, beer, adult things
Tags: slightly rushed, everyone is having a good time, Reader is high drunk off their ass, Kirishima x Mina implied, kissing, fluff, spin the bottle, fireworks, 4th of July, happy stuff, Tokoyami is a drinker, Sero's breath stinks, fun, fun, and fun, no angst, aged-up characters(in their late 20s to early 30s)
Summary: Reader and her old classmates from UA catch up for good old times and celebrate the 4th of July, perhaps and preferably getting drunk in the process.
wc: 1.0k
a/n: I wrote this in like 10 mins?? So it's rushed, very sloppy. But I did try my best so I hope you enjoy it. And I know they all live in Japan, not America so they don't celebrate the 4th of July. Buttt, I'm doing this because I want to and because why not. I thought it was a really good idea yk? :) why not? Js pretend they're in America.?? 😅
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The group laughs and cheer on a glass of champagne.
"Shit- shit- shit! Go, go," Denki laughs, nearly tripping on his feet when he starts to run, Sero trailing not too far behind him who lit up the upcoming firework. Midoriya and Iida exchange a few words before heading over to the rest of their old class.
"You guys havin' fun?" Midoriya suggests, smiling wider when you all agree with one another. Suddenly, bursts of laughter are heard from Denki and Mina, laughing at the image of Bakugou with a party hat that was forced onto his head. "Fuckin' bastards!" Small explosions spark from his palms, the other two collectively chittering to themselves. "More drinks, anyone?"
You turn to the sound of Uraraka's voice, floating bottles of beers heading over to the group. You all cheer, clinking tips before taking large sips. "Pretty, right?" You take a sip of your beer, smirking, "hell yeah. I don't know who bought these fireworks but we might just get arrested for it." Kirishima chuckles at that, clinking his bottle of beer with yours. "It was Denki and Todoroki who bought it," he states, nearly spitting out your beer. "What? Todoroki?- No, seriously?"
"I'm serious!" He laughs, gulping down his bottle. Mina suddenly appears, tugging at Kirishima's sleeve, "c'mon, let's light the red firework! And I'll see you later on tonight when the party ends, (Y/N)," Mina exclaims, winking at you before dragging off helpless Kirishima. You smile, turning to see Sero and Tokoyami. You snort, cocking a brow at the bird headed man, "didn't take you to be such a drinker, Toko." He grumbles, finishing whatever 4th bottle that night. Sero laughs, a little hazy. "I only drank two! This man is still low-key sobEr," he burps, making you physically recoil and burst out in a cackle. He follows along just as you get dragged into the group Midoriya and Bakugou was in.
You all watch in amazement as fireworks go off, red beautiful ones splattering across the sky and ones that looked like stars or flowers loomed over your faces.
"Let's play Spin The Bottle!" You surprisingly hear Iida suggest with a robotic voice. You share a look with Jirou, 'he is so obviously doing it for Momo,' you both think.
Fireworks nearly deafen your ears as others blow up in the distance, a bottle of beer set in the center of the circle of your old classmates formed in. "Les'gooo," Midoriya burps, "is that alcohol?" You exclaim, laughing when a fat glass bottle of red fireball appears in Hagakure's hands. Starting with Todoroki, of course, he spins the bottle and it lands on... Sero? You make a 'pfft' sound.
They take a shot of the fireball and hug each other like the men they are, Kirishima nodding his head in approval. Now it was Midoriya's turn... who landed on Uraraka. The girls chitter and blush when they see the two flustered and nervous. They shared a quick peck, nonetheless. Now it was Bakugou's, that landed between you and.. Kirishima. "Hey- no! It's-" you cut off with a laugh, "it's leaning towards you, see?!" "No, you!! I don't wanna share a kiss with a man, you go!"
"Alright, shut your trap! One of you just come over here, you damn idiots!" Bakugou raises his voice in annoyance, tapping his foot. He was sort of nervous. You sighed in defeat before crawling your way over to Bakugou, alcohol and beer intoxicating the air and your breaths. You hear a bunch of 'oooo's when you spread apart his connected knees. You lean in agonizingly slow as a joke, of course; you really didn't expect Bakugou to grab your head and roughly smash his lips against yours. Sure, it sort of turned you on but you had to be real, it's Bakugou for gods sake. No way.
You both disconnect with a loud smooch, falling on your butt as he glares down at you with a small smirk. "Shit, whatever," you mutter, crawling back to your place next to cheerful Kirishima.
It was now your turn to light up the fireworks... but you had a hard time trying to switch the lighter on. "Fuck (Y/N)!" Oijiro explains, Sato immediately running away when he thinks you've switched it on. "Fuuck- okay, somebody hand me a shot of fireball!" You shout to the group of adults, biting your tongue down in concentration as you try your best to emit flames from the mechanical object. Immediately, Koda comes carefully rushing to your side with a shot, immediately downing it and setting the glass shot in his hands. He immediately runs away just as you light it up.
"Go, go, go!" You rush Oijiro who's already dashing until you fall on your own two feet. You couldn't get up. Not when you were drunk and delirious, too far in the alcohol invested in your brain as you lay on the floor. "(Y/N)! You dumbass, MOVE!!" Mina jumps up and down as her anxiety spikes. Midoriya immediately rushes to you and carries you on his back, sighing in relief when the firework explode and emits into a beautiful scenery.
"Oops," you burp, earning a shaking head of disapproval from Midoriya. "Fuckin' dumbass," Denki laughs with Oijiro. You bark back at him, punching at the air and squirm on Midoriya's back.
"M-Midoriya," Iida calls out with a drink of alcohol in his hand, his arm wrapped around drunk Momo. "Why aren't you drinking anything? Aren't you h-having fffun?" He slurs, taking another sip from his plastic red cup. Midoriya chuckles, only just a tad bit tipsy. "Well somebody's gotta drive you people home, right?' Iida laughs, blushing into a deeper shade of red when Momo starts to kiss him on his pulse. "Yes! Of- of course! Now if you'll excuse me-" Iida drags Momo off to who knows where, earning an eye roll from Midoriya.
You roll your eyes back as your head polls to the side, resting your head on whoever's shoulder that was next to you. "I love you guys," you say, loud enough for your old classmates to hear.
"Aww! I love you too, (Y/N)!"
"That's sweet, we love you too!"
"I agree."
"Je t'aime!"
"We... love you too..!"
"Aww, shucks..."
You hear someone click their tongue beside you, leaning their head onto yours, "sure, idiot." Well. You hear more fireworks go off, bright colors illuminating your faces. You'll accept that for now. But now, you were just so happy. You were glad you were with the people you loved and cared about.
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a/n: I was going to post this in the morning yesterday... But my phone got locked in a trunk of my car along with the keys... but I got it out! But um.. late post.. And back onto hiatus!
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serxinns · 7 months ago
Me: *posts the Yandere giant bakusquad series the pass out goimg to sleep*
Tumblr: Bing bong you got 70 plus notes and people begging for part 2
But seriously, guys, thanks for the likes!!! I didn't think people loved that one shot so I'll make a poll!
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theastralbard · 2 months ago
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Big cartography weekend. I made this map for the ttrpg I'm developing!!
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