#fantasy bhna
mysicklove-main · 2 years
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Pairings: King Merman! Bakugou x Human! Fem! Reader
Word Count: 5.2k
Warnings: Just fluff.
Summary: You meet a merman one day and find yourself with your very own trading companion. You exchange gifts of the land and sea. The two of you were fine until Katsuki says he wants more from you.
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Katsuki Bakugou gets everything he wants. The underwater kingdom is his, and whenever he wants or needs something, with a flick of his webbed hands, it appears. He is worshipped and maybe even feared by all of the seas. King Bakugou, the warrior ruler of the sea.
Except for a mate. No matter how many mers, both male and female, his court presents him with, he never feels anything toward them. His mother scolds him for not even meeting the young candidates, but he doesn’t give a shit. He gets what he wants; he will know if they are worthy just by a single glance.
So on some days, he forces his mother to watch the throne while he swims and swims just to clear his mind. He picks fights here and there with other sea creatures just to test his strengths. After he wins his battle against his third great white, he realizes he needs something stronger. Something to really pique his interest.
A human. Well, from afar, they look pathetic with their gangly limbs, but it is common knowledge to a mer that they possess weapons that can easily kill any creature of the sea. But this is Katsuki Bakugou we are talking about here. He isnt just some mer. He is the most powerful being of the sea. No one, including a human, could beat him. 
So, the arrogant bastard took toward the surface to find the closest human. The water becomes more shallow, and not that he would ever admit it, but adrenaline fills his veins when he gets closer and closer to the shore. 
Luckily for him though, a human was close. In the water, too. He was dreading trying to coax one into the ocean. Katsuki snickers at the strange limbs called legs kicking to try to keep the human afloat. It was so embarrassing for them. One flap of his tail, and he is yards ahead of them. It was incomparable the strength between the two species. 
Without much hesitation, he grabs the submerged legs and pulls. They scream, of course, when they lose their precious oxygen and are surrounded completely by salt water. Their arms flail, and their legs continue to fight their way to the surface, but it’s all in vain. After all, this is Katsuki’s element.
Wanting to get one glance at the human before making a swift and easy death, he turns the figure around, and his eyes widen.
You were pretty. Prettier than any of the other mers he has ever seen. Even if your face is contorted in fear, he takes a second to admire your hair, eyes, and lips. They were all so cute. Exactly the way he likes them.
And your strength was actually impressive. Although you were no match for the king, you were definitely putting up some sort of a fight. He actually had to grip you tighter so you wouldn’t squirm away. Both of you knew it was a losing battle, but still, you really tried. You definitely had survival instincts.
As Katsuki gets distracted admiring the creature, you get one lucky hit and manage to kick him right in the nose. He hisses out and lets you go. 
He could go out and grab you again easily but didn’t feel the need to. After that fight you put up, you deserved to stay alive. Stay alive, so Katsuki can meet you again.
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You were just trying to take a dip in the ocean, really. After all the stress you have had this week, you deserved it. A nice relaxing day by the beach. You were not planning on almost getting drowned.
You swim swiftly toward the dock and yank yourself up before the creature tries to grab you again. You didn’t see much except for flashes of blonde hair, red eyes, and an orange tail. What was that thing? Some sort of fish? It just didn’t make sense. What fish could pull you down into the water? The beach was completely private, so it’s not like you could tell a lifeguard what happened.
You shiver and grab your towel before heading inside your beach house. You began to ponder, desperately trying to figure out what the strange animal was. After about an hour of research, you came to the decision that it was definitely a mermaid. Many studies have shown that they do, in fact, exist but are extremely rare to find.
It seems absolutely insane to you, but what else could be able to hold onto you like that? And that tail…It was huge. 
You aren’t going to go near the beach for a while. Even so, though, you really did want another glance…I mean, seeing a real-life mermaid is crazy! Once little peep of the mermaid surely wouldn’t be a problem.
After all, curiosity killed the cat, but satisfaction brought it back.
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Three weeks. Katsuki has managed to escape his royal duties to see your ass, and not once have you come back even close to the water. He has scouted the area over thirty times and found the small shack you call home. The mer lets out a scoff as he watches your shadow move back and forth inside the building.
He has thought about throwing something at the building but thought against it. He didn’t want you to think he was a violent maniac (even if he was) with your first real meeting. So, he boredly swam back and forth, waiting for you to come outside again.
He was in luck because at around 5 pm, you did finally open the door of your shitty shack and step outside. He quickly dove into the water to watch from below the surface. The last thing that he needed was to scare you back into hiding. 
His eyes follow your figure as you walk toward and onto the dock that bridges into the ocean. You look nervous but determined, and Katsuki can see you holding something but can’t determine what it is. 
Suddenly, your loud voice calls, “Hello!” over and into the water. You flush in embarrassment for doing something so silly. But you continue anyways, “If you are out there, mermaid, come over here!” It probably wasn’t the most convincing way to lead the visitor over, but whatever, you were desperate.
Katsuki smirks in triumph. He only knows very little of the human language due to his studies as a child. All he knows is that you greeted him and said the word “mer,” so you must be calling for him.
So he pops his head out of the water with a small smirk on his face. His orange ear fins are spread wide and on display. His scarred tail, from all the fights he has won, beats against the water as he watches you. He gently displays his sharp canines with his smirk. Like always, he looks like the strongest being of the sea. 
When you take in his appearance, you scream and fall onto your butt.
Katsuki lets out a light bark in laughter, watching you fall. He couldn’t blame you; those strange limbs looked hard to use. If he were human, he definitely wouldn’t struggle, but he bets Denki or Eijiro would. 
He puffs out his chest and made himself look as large and powerful as he could in the water. “Hello, I am King Explosion Murder or King Bakugou, ruler of the undersea.” He stood there waiting for the excitement or shock that usually comes from hearing his title, but nothing came. “Ruler of the undersea. Did you not hear me extra?” Judging from your frightened appearance, trembling on the doc, no, you did not understand. 
And then he remembered. Of course, you don’t understand. He isn’t speaking in your tongue. To you, it must have sounded like a bunch of trills and clicks.
Katsuki opens his mouth to speak but growls. He doesn’t remember how to speak your language. It’s unnatural for mers to do it, but nobility are taught it, just in case. However, that was when he was ten, and he hasn’t practiced since.
Upon hearing his frustrated growl, you point your knife straight at him and threaten him. “S-Stay back! I have a knife, and I know how to use it!” You didn’t, but that was beside the point. You shouldn’t have come out here. It was a stupid idea. Curiosity did kill the cat, and you’ll need more than satisfaction to get you out of this situation.
The blonde doesn’t understand any of your words. The only thing he understands is that you are holding out a knife toward him. A gift! Already? Katsuki is known to be bold, but here you are, offering a courting gift on day one. I mean, it made sense, considering his physique. You must have seen how powerful he is and were quick to pounce. Eager, he likes it, and he can’t really blame you.
He huffs out pride and lets out a click in thank you. Then, quicker than lightning, the blonde snatches the knife from your hands and into his. He holds it up to admire it, unaware that you’re currently freaking out without your weapon to defend yourself. He scoffs at it. It was sharp but not even close to his very own canines. He turns toward you and pulls the knife up next to his teeth to show the comparison. He is once again unaware of how you pale drastically.
“Stay.” He uselessly commands before diving down back into the water, knife still in hand. You cock your head to the side in confusion at his disappearance, but realizing this is your only time to escape, you begin to book it down the dock and toward your home. 
You don’t get very far. Katsuki, effortlessly fast, grabs your foot before you can return to the sand. You stumble forward and land on your knees, causing you to hiss in pain. A small scrape forms on your left knee.
He huffs in annoyance. “I said stay, you idiot! Look what you did!” 
The loud growls cause you to tear up. This is it, isn’t it? He has got to be growling so much  because his prey got away. It was a stupid idea, all of it. You were going to die, and nobody was going to find your body and–
Katsuki grabs your leg and licks the wound on your knee like he has done countless times with others during battles. After all, mer saliva has healing properties. Then as your eyes widen in shock, Katsuki pushes an orange sea shell toward you. He set in the water, just earlier for you. He lets out an annoyed bark when you don’t reach for it, and hearing the warning, you quickly scramble to take it. The blonde smirks in triumph and continues back to healing you.
You shiver when you feel the tongue back on your knee. It was like a cat’s tongue. The prickles gently nick at you. But, with all the courage you can muster, you tear your gaze away from the creature and onto the sea shell. It was light orange, and absolutely massive. Seriously, it was about the size of your whole hand. But, it was pretty and shiny in the sunlight. 
You spare a glance at the blond, who is still completely focused on the task at hand. You could guess that he is trying to heal you for some odd reason. It made your heartbeat begin to return back to normal. Why would he heal his prey from such a minor wound if he was going to kill anyways? But why would he want you alive?
Then, you look to the right of him and see that in his hand, he is still holding the knife. Your eyes widen in realization of what is happening. “Trade! You want to exchange items with me. From the…human world?” The mer tears his mouth away from your skin and furrows his eyebrows in confusion. You point to the knife and then the seashell. “Trade?” You explain.
Katsukis eyes widen in understatement. So, the human word for “courting” is “trade”! Only a genius like himself would be able to figure that out so quickly. He lets out a soft grumble and nods his head. Then, realizing if this relationship is going to work, Katsuki has to tries to try and speak in your tongue. “Chr–aye-dd”
Your mouth falls open at the attempt of your language. The whole thing was absolutely insane, and now the strange creature is trying to communicate with you. This is a once-in-a-lifetime experience, so you continue speaking. “Yes, Trade! But say “Trr” instead of “Chr” You enunciate the sounds, so he understands.
Katsuki grumbles stubbornly when you correct him. Only his mother has been one to nag in, nobody else has the guts to do it, but here you are correcting him within the first greetings. You were bold; he had to give it to you. He also likes that. So, for your sake, he tries again.“Trrr-aye-d”
You laugh at this and smile gently. “Yes! Thats it! Trade.” You once again point to the knife and the seashell. 
Seeing you smile, Katsuki lets out a trill and nods. Without much permission, the blonde rests his head on your leg, careful not to touch the wound. Then the hopeless mer begins to daydream. This was going perfectly! Not even one day of knowing him, and you have already allowed him to court you. Now, it was smooth sailing from here. He just needs to bring you a couple more gifts, and finally, King Bakugou will have his very own mate! 
You, on the other hand, are freaking out a little bit. A merman is here and resting his head on your legs! Nobody would ever believe this was happening. 
You tear your gaze away from him for a second and notice that the sun is almost down. Although the mer seems friendly as of now, you didn’t feel comfortable with him enough to stay with him during the dark. So, you try to gently get it up without disturbing him too much.
His daydream comes to an abrupt stop when you begin to move your legs. He groans in annoyance. “Stop.” He commands, which comes out in a small bark. You ignore him, considering you can’t understand him, and Katsuki slides back into the water. 
He lets out a low growl, and your eyes widen. He wasn’t having second thoughts about this little exchange, right? So as you get to your feet, you quickly say, “Tomorrow, I will come back, and we can trade again. Okay?”
Katsuki looks scepitical. He only got out the word tomorrow and trade. Which definitely is a good sign, but does he trust you enough to keep your word? If he has to wait another three weeks, he is going to absolutely pissed. But then again, you seem to like him a lot if you already began wanting to court him on the first day of the meeting. Plus, you allowed him to touch you, once again, another good sign. You have got to like him.
So he sighs and trills a goodbye before swimming back down into the deep blue sea.
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Katsuki Bakugou was adorable. It’s been about a week since you have known him and you have visited him every morning. He seems to be rather attached to you already. One day, you overslept and missed his meeting, and the next day you got an earful of mostly growls and barks. You thought it was adorable that your new friend missed you.
Currently, it was Friday, and exactly a week since you guys have been talking to one another. You learned his name and even have gotten him to speak in small sentences. He seems to pick up the human language very quickly. You wonder if it was a mer thing or a Katsuki thing.  Either way, you praise him immensely, and he acts like he doesn’t care, but its obvious by the red ting on his cheeks he does. He also teaches you the language of merfolk. Your vocal cords don’t really do the barks or clicks justice, so the two of you continue to speak in your language.
Not only that, but the mer was heavily physically affectionate. It was hilarious, considering the fact that he would insult you on being a “weak human,” and then the next minute, would curl into your lap as if nothing had happened. 
In all honesty, no matter how much of a brat the mer was, it has been one of the best weeks of your life.
“Human. Att–tention. Now.” The orange merman demands when you stop running your fingers through his soft blonde hair and stare off into the distance. You chuckle at this and continue to pet him. You are glad you taught him the word “attention” because before that when he needed it, he would take to softly biting you. You have small bite marks all over your leg because of the overgrown, needy creature.
A small, content smile falls on his face as he nuzzles into your legs. Courting has gone absolutely perfectly. You were gentle and warm but were able to put up with his shit. A perfect match the two of you are. 
Of course, every once in a while, you do say some stupid things. “Katsuki, do you think I can meet some of your mer friends?” The merman looks up at you and gives you a familiar glare. You smile in return, hoping to encourage him. 
It doesn’t seem to work because he lets out a cat-like yawn and closes his eyes again. “Friends, weak. Stupid,” He grumbles, and you roll your eyes.
“I bet we would get along considering you call me weak and stupid,” You remind, and Katsuki opens his eyes back again to glare at you.
He lets out a series of trills and clicks on accident before sighing and switching back to your language. “On–ly need me,” He challenges, and you give up the argument. Katsuki was as stubborn as a mule. If he didn’t want you to meet his friends, you won’t.
All of the sudden, Katsuki rolls off your legs and into the water. You tilt your head to the side, but the mer just grumbles out a, “stay.” and lightly bites your calf to get his point across. You, like always, flinch at the bite, but let him, knowing that denying him makes him even more upset. Besides, it’s probably a sign of affection.
Then, he dives back into the water, leaving you alone. A couple of minutes go by, and eventually, he pops his head back above the water. He raises his webbed hand and shows a squirming fish in his hands. You give him a questioning stare, but before you can ask, he plunges his sharp canines into the body. The fish dies immediately, and you’re left in shock at what the hell just happened.
He then offers the fish to you. “Eat,” He barks, and you shake your head, disgusted by the fish placed so close to you. Katsuki doesn’t like this answer, and he glowers at you. “Food. Eat. Hun–ted for you.”
Even if you are used to his demands, you are not willing to go that far for the sea creature. “That will make me sick, Kats. I can’t eat raw fish, but I really appreciate the offer.” Katsuki stares at you for a second and then, like usual, lets out a series of annoyed trills. He grabs the fish and quickly begins devouring it, bones and all, much to your horror. 
Once finishes, he looks back up at you with a satisfied smirk. “Good Hun–ter.”
You nod in agreement, “Yes, you are a fantastic hunter Katsuki, way better than me.” He chirps and nods, preening at the statement. You roll your eyes and laugh at his behavior. 
And then he sighs and, like usual, begins his goodbyes. He seems to be a very busy creature, only being able to meet for about two hours a day. You wonder what is taking up his time. Another mer? Maybe he has a family? But he never mentioned either of these things.
You don’t get time to ponder on it, because Katsuki rubs against your legs one last time before saying his usual statement. “Trade. To–mor–ow”. To which you nod and wave your goodbye with your new pink seashell that you add to your collection.
He nods before falling under the water and disappearing.
You begin to think more and more about Katsuki. Even if he was another species, you couldn’t help but be attracted to him. His muscular upper body, his soft blond hair, his piercing red eyes, and even if you hated the canines in the beginning, they are beginning to grow on you. Plus, he has the best personality. Although it is a little aggressive at some points, you know he has good intentions. 
He is sweet to you, under all of the insults, and is exactly your type (well, if he was human). So, like a normal person of your age, you begin to daydream what it would be like, to be more than a trading partner with the strange, but enthralling creature.
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It’s been about three weeks, and the two of you have been “trading” almost every single day. Things like forks, coins, small mirrors, and cups have been given away while you receive an abundance of seashells and old jewelry that has fallen into the sea. Katsuki goes out of his way to find the nicest items he can. After all, he is a king, and his mate deserves only the best.
Katsuki knew he was doing a perfect job courting you. You are happy with him, he provides for you semi-well (only because you won’t take his food), and he is a fantastic protector. Often times the red-headed shark tried to talk to you, but Katsuki manages to scare his friend away every time. He isn’t going to risk you falling for some other extra. You were way too eager to court with him (even if it did make sense considering his physical appearance), and he didn’t want to play the odds of you accepting some idiots advances. You were his, and he was yours. That’s how things are supposed to go. So, today is the day he was going to ask you to be his mate. Then, the two of you are going live happily ever after.
He leaves his mother on the throne, like always, and grabs the ring he has planned to use. It was gold, and he removed the previous gemstone and replaced it with a pearl he had found when scouting the area for any threats. He knows that rings are weirdly important to humans, so, it was probably a good idea to get one. Then, he heads to your guys’ meeting spot.
You were waiting at the dock with your feet in the water. He swims up to you and lightly traces his hand up the bottom half of your leg. Then, like usual, he lays his head on your legs. You smile and pet his hair, “Hey, Katsuki.” He lets out a small click in greeting.
“I brought you something,” You continue, and Katsuki’s ruby eyes look up at you, slightly intrigued. You always gift him the strangest things. You pull out a tennis ball, and Katsuki squints at it before snatching it from your hands. He then begins to assess it. He rubs his cheek on it, then bites it gently, and finally growls at it, just to make sure it wasn’t anything dangerous. Once completely satisfied that it was safe, he trills in thanks. In your broken language, he says, “Good gift. M–Mine better.” to which you chuckle and nod, not willing to argue with the guy.
He pulls away from your legs and back into the water. A second goes by, and he is back up above the water and smirking as confident as ever. Katsuki quickly reminds himself of the stupid human customs he is trying to follow. He has practiced this sentence about a billion times. He forcefully, and a little nervously, thrusts the gold ring into your hold. “I K-King Katsuki Bakugou, take you, Y/N L/N to be” He lets out a small growl in frustration when he forgets how to pronounce the last part correctly. “To be…my mate.” He puffs his chest out while he waits for the tears and your acceptance.
But much to his surprise, you begin to giggle as you grab the pretty ring. You admire it and praise him on how beautiful it was. You have never seen a ring like this, it was pretty. You place it on your pointer finger and smile. Then you pat his head lightly and say, “Yes that is how wedding ceremonies go! How did you learn those lines? And I love the addition of “king.” Great touch Kats. Actually, did you know that I happen to be the Queen of the human lands?”
Katsuki has never been more confused in his life. Firstly, you put the ring on the wrong finger. He read so many slabs that told him that you were supposed to place it on the one next to the pinky! Secondly, you didn’t even respond to the declaration. You just praised him on his abilities. Thirdly, you are a queen?! Would this mean that your two people can finally live in peace? This seems like the most important question, so he says, “You–Queen?”
You laugh once again and, this time, shake your head. “No. Sorry I was just teasing you, Katsuki. I couldnt help it since you said you were the “king” of the sea.” He furrows his brows. Did you think he was joking? He has left his people abandoned for you daily, and you don’t even believe him!
“I am King! You are my Q-Queen! Mate!” His newly learned language gets choppy when upset. He grabs onto the doc with his hands and looks up at you with a scowl.
You tilt your head to the side. “Mate?” 
Poor Katsuki goes into another hissy fit. He growls and grumbles, and you furrow your eyebrows, used to his dramatics. You don’t know exactly what’s pissing him off, though. 
You are pissing him off. You guys have been “trading” for two weeks now, and you don’t even know what mates are. What do you think these entire interactions have been about? “We trade. Now we mate.”
“Like animals do?”
He uses his tail to propel him above the water. Now he is almost your height when you are sitting down on the dock. He only does this when he really needs your attention. The scowl has deepened, and this time, you do flinch. “Like mer do!”
Was Katsuki joking? About the king and the mating thing? You have never heard him joke before, but also, what was he talking about? You guys originally were trading items, and now you guys are friends. Did you confuse him somehow?
Your thoughts were suddenly cut off when Katsuki leans forward and pressed his lips onto yours. They are wet and a little salty, but still soft. You are just glad that you can’t taste fish on his lips. Your eyes widen for a second, but then gently kiss back for a second, and Katsuki pulls away. Red tints his face, and you probably match his furious blush. “S-See! Mate.”
Oh. So this entire time, he has been wanting to get with you? You use your hands to cover your face in embarrassment, but Katsuki is quick to remove them with a short but scolding bark. “We trade. Now we mate.” He repeats.
You realized that you confused him this entire time. He misunderstood your definition of trade. “You court and then mate. Not trade Katsuki. Trade is when you exchange items, like merchants do.” 
Katsukis face contorts into disgust. Like the lower-class people? He is a king, for christ’s sake! How did you think that he was trading with you like some lowly extra? He didn’t need your useless items (yes, he did, he actually loves them all)! He lets out a series of growls and barks in the mer language at your misunderstanding. Finally, he, in your tongue, says, “Stupid human!” 
Although you haven’t known Katsuki for that long, you know is not mad specifically at you, just upset. I mean rightfully so; you have misunderstood his attentions this entire time. You have got to make it up to him. So, you lean over and tilt his chin upward toward you and cut off his growls with a soft kiss. He, of course, shuts up and kisses you back intensely. 
He hates craning his neck to kiss you, it makes him feel small, and he is the strongest creature under the water; he should never feel small. So without much hesitation, he grabs onto your figure and pulls you into the water. 
You screech in surprise as the cold water hits you, and Katsuki grins. He presses his lips against yours again and effortlessly holds you above the water. Eventually, you pull away with a trail of salty saliva. “You are going to have to recourt me.”
Katsuki frowns as his face fins pin straight back on his face. “Why?” 
“Because I didnt know you were trying to courting me. I want to enjoy it this time,” You hum, and Katsuki flicks a tad bit of water into your face. You scrunch your face up and whine, and Katsuki laughs low.
His orange tail flicks into the water. “Idiot human.” But, he still nods in agreement. It wasn’t like he was going to force you to be his mate. If needed to be, he can wait.
Your smile turns mischievous. “And you have to court me like a human does.” This time Katsuki does growl in annoyance. Human ways are so tedious.
“Awe I guess I just got to find a human “mate” to court me….” You fake pout, and Katsuki grips you tighter. He can see right through your bluff, but pissing you off right now in such a nice moment does not seem like the best idea.
“Fine.” You give him a peck on the lips for his compromise. He in return, grabs your hand and replaces moves the ring from your pointer onto your ring finger. He lets out a satisfied click with the new placement. Now both mer and human will know you are his.
As you watch Katsukis ministrations, you think back to what he said earlier and hum in thought. “Hmm and Kats you were just  joking about being a king right?”
Katsuki laughs mischievously and a little arrogantly. Your eyes widen at the response. “Right, Kats?”
You squirm in his hold, but he wraps his tail around you, preventing you from leaving. “I can't be the ruler of a kingdom that I’m not even from! Plus I'm not even a mermaid!”
But Katsuki was already lost in thought, daydreaming once again of the future. Besides, there are many ways to get you changed into a mer, it wasn’t hard. “King and Queen Ex-plo-sion Murder. The most powerful mates of the sea.”
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2K notes · View notes
princesayumi4k · 19 days
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TW: Sexual content, cursing, kinks, etc. ANY GENDER MAY READ AHEAD! (..◜ᴗ◝..) ཻུ۪۪♡.
"Listen to me, I don't give a fuck how you feel. I want you. Now." He says, grabbing and pinning you to a wall nearby, his boner getting harder as his gaze fixated on you.
"Fuck me. I missed you so bad." He whined, dry humping you through your clothes as he mumbled against your neck.
"C'mere." He did the one finger gesture, then patting his lap.
"Let me..." He moaned against your lips, kissing you but also taking off your top.
"That feels good...right there." He whimpers in a quiet tone as you kiss his body full of raw skin and scratches.
"Are you proud...of me?" He mumbled against you, "I'm a good boy?"
"That's it...mhm...cum on my fingers..." He whispered somewhat soothingly as he touched you hard.
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123 notes · View notes
fl100r · 14 days
||ᴋᴀᴛꜱᴜᴋɪ ʙᴀᴋᴜɢᴏᴜ x ɢᴏᴅᴅᴇꜱꜱ! ʀᴇᴀᴅᴇʀ||
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・┆✦ʚ Chapter 3 ɞ✦ ┆・
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
"𝙄 𝙥𝙞𝙘𝙠𝙚𝙙 𝙮𝙤𝙪 𝙘𝙖𝙪𝙨𝙚 𝙒𝙝𝙮 𝙣𝙤𝙩"
"𝘽𝙪𝙩 𝙒𝙝𝙮?.."
"𝙒𝙝𝙮 𝙣𝙤𝙩. 𝙙𝙪𝙙𝙚"
༻✦༺ ༻✧༺༻✦༺༻✦༺
Bakugou is so depressed after war shi happen so god game happen to him too, meet a gyatt goddess wow fell in love real? or cap?
{ Slowburn }
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. ⋅ ˚̣- : ✧ : - ⭒ ⊹ ⭒ - : ✧ : -˚̣⋅ .. ⋅ ˚̣- : ✧ : - ⭒ ⊹ ⭒ - : ✧ : -˚̣⋅ .. ⋅ ˚̣- : ✧ : - ⭒ ⊹ ⭒ - :
As Bakugou woke up in the morning, a heavy ache pulsed through his head. He groaned, sitting up and rubbing his temples, but the sharp burn in his chest pulled his attention away from the headache. Throwing the blanket aside, he froze, eyes locked onto the crystal now embedded in his skin.
The memory of the goddess and their deal flooded back to him. Her words echoed in his mind: "May your days be many and your woes few." He clenched his fists, staring at the glowing gem, realizing the price he'd paid for the chance to reclaim his lost glory.
Bakugou stood up, stretching his sore muscles. The campfire had already burned out, leaving only faint embers. He began packing his belongings, but when he reached for his food supplies, he frowned. His stock was almost depleted. "Huh?" he muttered. Didn't I just buy some bread a few days ago? His mind flickered to a memory—vague and distant—of meeting someone.
Suddenly, a sharp pain shot through his head, and he clutched his temple. "Augh!" he groaned, feeling the headache return. Shaking it off, his thoughts shifted to the immediate problem: restocking food. He needed to find a nearby town or village quickly before hunger became an issue.
Bakugou heard the faint sound of rushing water nearby, a river flowing through the forest. He finished packing his belongings and slung his bag over his shoulder, heading toward the sound. The cool morning air brushed against his face as he walked, his chest still faintly burning from the implanted crystal.
Reaching the riverbank, Bakugou grabbed a nearby sturdy stick and, with swift precision, began sharpening the end with his axe. The sound of metal scraping against wood echoed through the quiet forest as he shaped the stick into a makeshift spear.
With his weapon ready, Bakugou stepped into the cool river, feeling the current tugging at his legs. He crouched slightly, eyes scanning the water for any movement. Fish darted beneath the surface, unaware of the predator now stalking them.
With a focused gaze, Bakugou waited patiently. The moment one of the fish swam close enough, he swiftly thrust the spear into the water, aiming for his breakfast.
After catching six decent-sized fish, Bakugou felt satisfied. He laid them out on the riverbank, their silvery scales gleaming in the sunlight. Bakugou set up a small campfire, the familiar crackle of flames filling the quiet of the forest. He skewered the fish on a stick and held them over the fire, watching as the heat began to cook them, the scent of fresh fish starting to fill the air. The morning was still young, with a slight breeze that made the trees rustle around him.
As he stared into the fire, his mind wandered back to the deal he'd made with the goddess. The crystal embedded in his chest still burned faintly, a constant reminder of the weight of that decision. He couldn't remember everything, but the feeling of that deal lingered. 
As Bakugou stared at the fire, his thoughts wandered. He couldn't quite place where he was or how far he had traveled. All he knew was that he needed to keep moving, to find the nearest village, and to restock his supplies. As his mind drifted, the soft crackle of the fire was interrupted by a sudden rustling behind him.
His instincts kicked in immediately. Without a second thought, he grabbed his axe, muscles tensing. He stood still, focusing on the sound coming from the bush behind him. Whatever it was, he was ready for it. The rustling grew louder, and his grip tightened on the handle, eyes scanning the area for any sign of movement. 
A hooded figure suddenly charged at Bakugou from behind, sword raised to strike. Instinctively, Bakugou swung his axe, blocking the blade just in time. The clash of steel echoed through the air as the two exchanged blows. The hooded man was skilled, landing a few solid hits on Bakugou, but the warrior's instincts kept him fighting.
With a swift movement, Bakugou managed to drive his axe into the man's side, wounding him. The man stumbled back, and as his hood fell away, Bakugou saw his face—red and white hair, a severe burn scar covering part of it. His clothes were regal, like royalty from a kingdom Bakugou didn't recognize.
Bakugou pressed the attack, determined to finish the fight, but the man retaliated, casting a blast of ice magic. The freezing energy slammed into Bakugou's arm, encasing it in ice. The man took advantage of the moment and fled into the forest, leaving Bakugou with his arm frozen and a head full of questions.
"Who the hell was that...?" Bakugou muttered under his breath, frustrated by the encounter and the strange circumstances.
 ⋅ ˚̣- : ✧ : - ⭒ ⊹ ⭒ - : ✧ : -˚̣⋅ .Meanwhile at The The Grim Wastes.˚̣- : ✧ : - ⭒ ⊹ ⭒ - : ✧ : -˚̣⋅
Damien slammed his fist on a nearby table, the force of his frustration sending a ripple through the papers and artifacts scattered across it. "GODDAMN IT! OUH, WHY IS MY MORTAL SO BAD AT KILLING PEOPLE!?" he roared, his voice echoing through the dimly lit room.
He paced back and forth, his anger palpable. His plan to eliminate Bakugou, Y/N's mortal, had been thwarted. The very same mortal he'd hoped to vanquish for revenge and to flaunt his triumph to Y/N. Now, with his efforts in shambles, Damien felt a bitter sting of defeat and irritation.
"Not only did he fail to kill Bakugou," Damien continued, grumbling to himself, "but now I have to deal with this embarrassing mess. I'll never hear the end of it from Y/N."
He threw a nearby object against the wall in frustration, watching it shatter into pieces. As the dust settled, Damien's thoughts turned to how he might salvage his plan and regain some semblance of respect. "All I want is Bragging rights.. Ugh I'm betting she's laughing her ass off right now.." Damien groans in annoyance.
⋅ ˚̣- : ✧ : - ⭒ ⊹ ⭒Meanwhile... At The Abyssal Sanctum (Y/N's Realm)⋅ ˚̣- : ✧ : - ⭒ ⊹ ⭒ - : 
Y/N, lounging in a luxurious pool bath, burst into uncontrollable laughter. The water splashed around her as she clutched her sides, thoroughly enjoying the spectacle of Damien's failed attempt. "AHAHAHA, BRO FAILED SO BAD!" she cackled, her laughter echoing through the room.
She glanced at the cat lounging beside her. "Lil bro just put the fries in the bag, eheh!" she said, barely containing her amusement.
The cat, unimpressed, flicked its tail in annoyance. "You know, you could show some sympathy for your cousin.."
Y/N waved a dismissive hand, still grinning. "Dawg, come on, it's too funny! Besides, Damien's always been a bit too proud for his own good. He'll bounce back. Or at least, I hope he does—it's fun to watch him squirm." She turned her attention back to the mirror, her gaze falling on Bakugou's figure.
Despite the light-hearted tone, she wasn't genuinely worried. Damien's mortal, already fleeing in a panic, had proven to be no match for Bakugou. Y/N sipped from her luxurious glass of wine, the rich, velvety liquid complementing her indulgent mood. Her magic servants, creations of her own dark magic, gracefully fed her a variety of fancy foods.
As she savored the delicate bites and sips, she glanced back at the mirror, her expression a mix of amusement and contemplation. The drama unfolding in the mortal realm provided a welcome distraction from her otherwise routine existence.
⋅ ˚̣- : ✧ : - ⭒ ⊹ ⭒Meanwhile... Bakugou⋅ ˚̣- : ✧ : - ⭒ ⊹ ⭒ - : 
Bakugou gritted his teeth as he struggled against the encasing ice. His hand was growing numb, and the intense cold was sending sharp pains through his arm. Each movement felt like dragging it through a thick, unyielding substance. He needed to break free quickly before the ice caused irreparable damage or before the attacker returned.
With a fierce growl, Bakugou swung his axe with all his might, trying to chip away at the frozen mass. His breaths came out in visible puffs of steam as he exerted every ounce of strength he had left. The ice began to crack, but it was a slow and arduous process.
The sounds of the forest seemed distant and muffled, with Bakugou's focus narrowed to the icy prison around his arm. His attempts to melt the ice with the campfire he'd built proved futile; the spell could only be countered by fire magic or dragon's fire.
Footsteps approached from behind Bakugou, prompting him to react instinctively. He swung his axe in the direction of the sound, glaring at the figure emerging from the underbrush.
"Wow! Hey man!.. I'm just here to help!" said the newcomer, a red-haired man with dragon horns and a tail. He held up his hands in a gesture of peace, taking a cautious step back. "I can breathe fire onto your arm if you want me to. Eheh!" He smiled, remaining positive despite Bakugou's threatening stance.
Bakugou hesitated, his grip tightening on the axe as he weighed his options. The dragon-man's offer was tempting, given his limited choices. With a reluctant nod, Bakugou lowered his weapon, though his eyes remained wary. "Fine. Do it. But if you try anything, I'll make sure you regret it."
The dragon-man nodded enthusiastically and stepped closer. He took a deep breath, his eyes focusing on the ice-encased arm. With a controlled exhale, he released a stream of dragon fire, directing it carefully onto the ice. The heat began to melt the frozen prison, and Bakugou could feel the immediate relief as the ice started to dissolve.
As the warmth spread, Bakugou's arm gradually became free, the pain easing as the ice melted away. The dragon-man continued his work until the ice was completely gone.
"There, all done!" he said, wiping his brow with a satisfied grin. "You should be good now."
Bakugou, still wary but grateful for the assistance, and Eijiro Kirishima ate in relative silence, the campfire crackling between them. Eijiro's gaze occasionally flickered with recognition and respect, revealing his knowledge of Bakugou from past battles he had witnessed as a child. The red-haired dragon hybrid had seen Bakugou's feats from a distance during an old war and had since looked up to him, admiring his strength and determination.
As the two finished their meal, Eijiro's admiration was evident in the way he spoke of the past battles, even though he carefully avoided mentioning his own observations directly. Bakugou, sensing the underlying respect and familiarity, felt a slight shift in his attitude towards the dragon hybrid. 
"Hey, what's that scar? The one with the gem? It looks like mine!" Ejiro asked, pointing to the crystal implanted in his own chest. His gem was green and glowing, while Bakugou's was a darkish purple.
Ejiro didn't make the connection, but Bakugou did. He immediately recognized that Ejiro had made a deal with a god, but which one?
"What god did you make a deal with?" Bakugou asked cautiously.
Eijiro, realizing the implications, responded with a hint of nervousness. "Oh, um, the God of Nature."
Eijiro, sensing the shift in Bakugou's demeanor, quickly changed the subject. "Eehe, what about you? Who's your god?" 
Eijiro's eyes widened slightly at the mention of the God of War but he quickly masked his surprise with a grin. "Oh, that's pretty intense! Well, I guess we're both in this together then, huh?" He clapped Bakugou on the back, trying to lighten the mood. "Anyway, if you need anything else, just let me know. I'm always up for helping out a fellow warrior!"
Bakugou and Eijiro talked some more, getting to know each other better. Eijiro suggested that Bakugou visit a bathhouse to help relieve his stress, and Bakugou agreed. Eijiro then led him into a nearby city. Bakugou and Eijiro walked through the vibrant streets of the nearby city, the bustling activity a stark contrast to the quiet forest they had just left. The scent of fresh pastries and the distant murmur of conversation filled the air as they approached a grand bathhouse.
The bathhouse stood with its ornate wooden carvings and gentle steam rising from the open windows, offering a sense of relaxation and luxury. As they entered, the warm, humid air was a welcome change from the chill of Bakugou's frozen arm.
Inside, the bathhouse was a tranquil retreat, with a variety of steaming pools and softly glowing lanterns casting a soothing light. The staff greeted them warmly, providing towels and refreshments. Eijiro led Bakugou to a private section, where he could unwind in peace and let go of the stress from their recent encounters.
As Bakugou settled into the warm water, the tension in his muscles began to ease, and he allowed himself to relax for the first time in a while.
Eijiro, washing his hair in the large bath pool, glanced at Bakugou with a slightly anxious smile. "Ahh... So, uh, did your god, uh, ever give you any instructions or anything? Like, maybe some tasks?" he asked hesitantly.
Bakugou, relaxing in the water, responded with a bit of suspicion, "No. Why, did your god give you any instructions?"
Eijiro hesitated before answering, "Nah! I just... I just heard that people who are chosen sometimes get instructions, that's all!" His nervousness was evident. He quickly called an employee to order some food, trying to distract himself from the awkward conversation. 
"You want anything, Bakugou?" Eijiro asked.
Bakugou shook his head, indicating he didn't want anything.
"Make it two, please!" Eijiro told the employee.
Bakugou shot him an irritated look.
"Oh, come on, Bakugou! Relax, it's just some food. You're probably hungry, and it's my treat!" Eijiro said, grinning from ear to ear.
As the food arrived, Bakugou excused himself to check something in his backpack. Eijiro also went to his backpack, quickly pulling out a bottle of sleeping liquid. He discreetly poured the liquid into Bakugou's drink and food, making sure it was absorbed. Once done, he tossed the empty bottle into a nearby trash bin and returned to the bath section.
As they both ate and drank the food Eijiro ordered, Bakugou and Eijiro continued with their small talk. After finishing their meal, Bakugou started to feel a bit sleepy and tired. Eijiro suggested they stay at a nearby hotel, and despite Bakugou's lingering wariness, he agreed due to his exhaustion, He's starting to Trust Eijiro bit by bit.
At the hotel, Ejiro requested a room with one bedroom and two beds. After settling in, he suggested visiting a nearby tavern, and Bakugou, feeling the effects of the food and drink, agreed to rest. He quickly fell into a deep sleep, placing his belongings beside him.
An hour later, Ejiro returned to the room carrying a bottle. As he approached Bakugou, who was soundly asleep, Ejiro opened the bottle and prepared to pour its deadly, poisonous contents into Bakugou's mouth. However, upon seeing Bakugou's peaceful, drooling face, Ejiro hesitated. His expression shifted to one of guilt and regret. The thought of harming someone he had just begun to consider a friend weighed heavily on him.
With a sigh, Ejiro placed the bottle on the bedside table, then picked it up and poured the contents down the hotel sink. He discarded the empty bottle into the trash can and decided to go to bed himself, feeling conflicted but determined to sleep, as it was already 10:00 PM.
⋅ ˚̣- : ✧ : - ⭒ ⊹ ⭒Meanwhile... The Emerald Labyrinth⋅ ˚̣- : ✧ : - ⭒ ⊹ ⭒ - : 
Viridianis, the Envious Empress, Goddess of Greed and Jealousy, sighed in disappointment. "He made a deal with me, but he can't even complete a simple task like killing a friend? It would have granted him much more power, too. But nooo, he's too nice. I want to trade my mortal.." 
As Viridianis rubbed her temple, one of her servants handed her an incoming call. She answered with a curt "Hello," only to hear Y/N's voice on the other end say, "Loser," before hanging up.
"WHAT THE FUCK?!" Viridianis shouted in frustration, her irritation directed at both her incompetent mortal and the insult. She demanded that her servant contact Koemi to arrange a trade for her mortals. Despite being tired of the Greed Goddess's yelling, Koemi agreed to the request
now Koemi Ramírez The Goddess of Love is now the Owner of The Dragon mortal Eijiro Kirishima.
⋅ ˚̣- : ✧ : - ⭒ ⊹ ⭒Meanwhile... Bakugou⋅ ˚̣- : ✧ : - ⭒ ⊹ ⭒ - :
Bakugou found himself waking up in a dream once again. This time, he stood in front of a dense woods with a nearby house. As he looked behind him, he saw the same realm as before, the one connected to his goddess. But he pressed forward into the woods, stepping into another realm.
Approaching the house, the door suddenly burst open, and out came a little girl, exclaiming loudly, "I am a god! I'm going to kill anyone who thinks I can't be a god, aha!" She brandished a stick triumphantly, standing on a tiny rock with an air of authority.
From inside the house, a little boy emerged, looking up at her with curiosity. "And, uh, what am I in your story?" he asked, his stature noticeably shorter than the girl's.
The girl's eyes lit up with excitement as she replied, "Yeah! You and I are going to be the best magic users ever!" The two siblings joyfully played together, lost in their imaginative world.
Suddenly, a woman's voice called out, "Sweethearts, your father is almost home. Let's prepare some food!" As she walked out of the house, Bakugou noticed something horrifying—her face was just a hollow, featureless void.
"Mamaa..." the little girl whispered, her voice trembling. Bakugou, deeply concerned, watched as the scene before him began to dissolve into chaos. The ground and surroundings started to melt away, black goo seeping in like thick, dark mud, consuming everything in its path. The once vibrant and playful scene was swallowed by the encroaching darkness.
Bakugou turned around to find Y/N standing behind him, her presence imposing yet oddly calming amidst the chaos. "What are you doing here?.." he asked, his voice tinged with confusion and frustration.
Y/N smiled softly, her eyes glinting with a hint of amusement. "Oh, I forgot you can enter my realm whenever you're sleeping! Sorry for the sudden interaction," she said, her tone light and apologetic. "As for what I'm doing here—well, I'm in my own realm, of course. That's my question to ask you instead. What are you here for?"
Bakugou flushed, realizing he had accidentally walked into his goddess's private moment. Y/N, looking serene and relaxed in the pool bath with soaps and bubbles clinging to her body, noticed his discomfort. Bakugou immediately turned his back, trying to avoid any appearance of disrespect toward the celestial being before him.
Y/N's voice was light and teasing, but with a hint of curiosity. "Oh, right. Ehehe! It's fine to look I don't mind mortals seeing my naked body, especially you, my mortal. Now, back to my question what are you doing here?" 
Bakugou, still a bit flushed but regaining his composure, replied, "I just appeared here. I saw something before you showed up, my... uh, Lady," Bakugou said, unsure what to call Y/N. "What did you see?" Y/N asked, sipping her wine in the soapy pool.
"I saw a little girl and a little boy, I'm guessing they're siblings. They were playing, and then their mother appeared, but her face was just a hole right through her head. Everything turned dark, and then you appeared, my... Lady."
Bakugou, still unsure of how to address her, said the last part hesitantly. He had never called anyone, let alone a deity, in such a manner before. But with a goddess before him—a celestial being who could end his life in an instant—he felt he needed to show respect.
Y/N smiled gently and said, "Mhm, how about you join me in the pool?" She moved to the side of the pool to make space for Bakugou. In her thoughts, she reflected, Jeez, that crystal really does make me connected to him?, huh now he's seeing my old memories.
As Bakugou took off his clothes and joined Y/N in the soapy pool, he immediately felt his muscles relax. The warm water was soothing, and he had the urge to submerge himself completely. However, he controlled the impulse, reminding himself of the presence of his goddess.
Y/N settled herself elegantly on the edge of the pool, her presence both commanding and serene. "Since you're here, allow me to elaborate on why I selected you as my mortal," she began, her voice smooth and melodious. "You've likely noticed that others bear similar gems, albeit in different hues. These gems mark individuals chosen by various deities, each for their own purpose."
She paused, letting her words sink in before continuing. "As deities, we revel in orchestrating intricate games and challenges. You, my dear, are but a piece in this grand tapestry. The essence of our pact demands that you eliminate competitors bearing the same mark. This ensures that the terms of our agreement are fulfilled, and that the ultimate prize can be attained."
Y/N placed her wine delicately upon the ornate, marble-tiled edge of the pool. She glided gracefully towards Bakugou, her every movement exuding an air of both power and grace. "Your role is crucial to the unfolding of this game. By removing others who stand in your way, you simplify the path to achieving your heart's desire."
She extended a hand towards Bakugou, her fingers brushing against the water with a gentle ripple. "In essence, you are not merely a pawn, but a key player in a grand, celestial design. The more adversaries you overcome, the more favorable your position becomes. This is not just a test of strength, but of cunning and resolve."
Her eyes met his with a look that was both reassuring and intense. "Do not misunderstand—while your actions are guided by our agreement, the choice to rise or fall remains yours. Embrace the challenge with the vigor and passion that defines you, and the rewards will be yours to claim."
Y/N's smile widened, a touch of mischief dancing in her gaze. "Consider this: every move you make, every rival you defeat, brings you closer to the ultimate prize. The path ahead is fraught with danger, but also brimming with opportunity. How you navigate it will determine not just your fate, but the outcome of our game."
Y/N's hand traced the curve of her chest where the gem was embedded, her touch delicate and almost reverent. The gem pulsed softly under her fingers, a subtle reminder of the power and responsibility it bestowed upon Bakugou. As she leaned in closer, her eyes locked with his, a knowing smile playing on her lips.
Bakugou's expression remained serious, but the proximity and the gentle caress had a noticeable effect on him. A faint flush colored his cheeks, betraying the calm he was trying to maintain. The sensation of Y/N's touch, combined with the intimate setting, stirred a mix of emotions within him—admiration, awe, and an unexpected tinge of desire.
Y/N, sensing his reaction, maintained her composed demeanor, her voice a soft, seductive whisper. "I can see you're beginning to understand the weight of the role you've been given. It's not merely about the battles you fight, but the essence of who you are becoming in this journey."
She moved her hand away, letting it glide through the water, and took a step back, her eyes never leaving his. "Remember, the choices you make from this moment forward will shape your destiny. Embrace them with the same fervor you've shown so far, and you may find yourself closer to the ultimate prize than you ever imagined."
With a final, lingering glance, Y/N settled back into the pool, the water shimmering around her. "Now, reflect on what I've shared with you, and prepare yourself for the challenges that lie ahead. Your path is just beginning, and I am here to guide you through it." 
Y/N's hands, warm and gentle despite their wetness, cupped Bakugou's face. Her touch was both tender and reassuring as she guided his face closer to hers. With a soft, deliberate motion, she used her thumb to gently close his eyes, her gaze softening as she looked at him.
"Trust in the path you are on," she murmured, her voice a soothing melody in the tranquil ambiance of the bath. "Let go of your doubts and fears, and embrace the journey ahead. Sometimes, the most profound revelations come when we allow ourselves to be vulnerable."
Y/N's voice, a melodious whisper in the serene bath, carried a weight of both authority and affection. As she continued to gently cradle Bakugou's face, her eyes glimmered with a mixture of reassurance and expectation.
"My dearest mortal," she began, her tone imbued with a regal grace, "I entrust you with a crucial task. Proceed to the Divine Gods' Gauntlet, a sacred arena where all chosen mortals shall converge. It is there that your true mettle will be tested. Be vigilant and astute, for many trials await."
She leaned in slightly, her breath warm and soft against his skin. "Remember, I shall observe from above, my gaze ever watchful. Strive not to falter, for the weight of my expectations rests upon your shoulders. Don't Disappoint me"
With a final, tender brush of her thumb against his cheek, Y/N's smile held a blend of encouragement and unspoken promise. "We shall meet again, my dear. Until then, may your path be illuminated with courage and determination."
"May your Days be many and, your woes few. My sweet mortal.."
Bakugou woke up on the hotel bed, feeling like he had the best sleep of his life, though he didn't realize his cheeks were flushed with a red tint. As he looked around and saw that Kirishima wasn't in his bed, he called out, "Hey dude! Good morning! Ready to go to the Divine Gods' Gauntlet?" kirishima said. "Wait Your god told you that too?.." Bakugou asked confusion.
Kirishima, who was in the bathroom, poked his head out and said, "Yeah! Come on, we've got to hurry—the hotel staff is bugging us to check out! Haha! Oh, and by the way... you seemed to have had a really good dream." Kirishima pointed at Bakugou's crotch, causing Bakugou to react immediately. "DON'T FUCKING LOOK AT IT!" Bakugou shouted, Angrily. Kirishima laughed as he continued with his morning routine.
As Bakugou and Eijiro went through their morning routines and packed their belongings, Bakugou noticed Eijiro's gem was pink. "Hey, weird hair, why is your gem pink?" he asked, puzzled.
Eijiro scratched his head, looking slightly embarrassed. "Oh, uh, my god... well, traded me. I couldn't complete the task the god gave me, so out of annoyance, the god traded me to the Goddess of Love."
Bakugou frowned, his irritation clear. "So, you messed up and got handed off like a bad deal? Great. Guess it’s a good thing I’m not in your shoes." 
Kirishima huffed, "Hey! What's wrong with not doing a task you don't want to do?"
Bakugou didn’t respond, heading out of the room and leaving Kirishima behind.
“Hey! Wait up, dude!” Kirishima called out, rushing to catch up with him.
Bakugou stepped into the hallway, trying to shake off the lingering unease from his dream. Kirishima quickly caught up, his voice carrying a mix of curiosity and concern.
“Seriously, man, what’s up? It’s not that big of a deal, right?” Kirishima said, catching his breath.
Bakugou grunted in response, still processing the information about Kirishima’s god and his own situation. He was more focused on the upcoming Gauntlet and what lay ahead.
As they made their way down the hotel stairs, Bakugou’s mind was already racing with thoughts of the challenge ahead. The last thing he needed was more distractions, especially ones involving Kirishima’s past failures and divine trades.
“Let’s just get to the Gauntlet,” Bakugou said abruptly, his tone leaving no room for further discussion.
Kirishima, sensing Bakugou’s tension, nodded and followed his lead. The two headed out into the bustling city streets.
As Kirishima asked how they would get to the Gods’ Gauntlet, both of their gems began to glow brightly. The shimmering beams of light pointed them in the direction of the arena.
“Great, let’s follow it,” Kirishima said, his excitement evident.
Bakugou rolled his eyes but kept his hands in his pockets, following the glowing beam with a mix of annoyance and curiosity. The path was clear, leading them through the bustling streets and eventually out of the city and into a more secluded area. The anticipation of the Gauntlet loomed large, each step bringing them closer to the divine competition that awaited to their long Journey.
⋅ ˚̣- : ✧ : - ⭒ ⊹ ⭒Meanwhile...⋅ ˚̣- : ✧ : - ⭒ ⊹ ⭒ - :
“Uraraka, wait up... pant Sigh…” A green-haired man, Midoriya Izuku, struggled as he climbed up a steep mountain. His breath came in heavy gasps.
The brown-haired girl, Ochako Uraraka, floated gracefully up to the mountain top. She looked down at Deku with a bright smile, “Need help, Deku-kun? Ehe!”
Uraraka landed beside him, and Deku, still catching his breath, replied, “Now? Yes, please. I thought this climb would be easy, but... pant”
With a flick of her staff glowing with a light pink aura, Uraraka cast a spell, gently lifting Deku up and easing his ascent. “There you go!” she said cheerfully as they reached the summit.
“Come on, the God’s Gauntlet is still quite a way off,” Uraraka said, glancing at the gem embedded in her chest. Deku caught his breath, looking around the expansive view from the mountain peak. The journey ahead was daunting, but the shimmering light from their gems guided them toward their destination. He nodded, determination setting in.
“Yeah, let’s keep moving,” he said, straightening up and adjusting his gear.
Uraraka gave him an encouraging smile. “We’ve got this. Just follow the beam and we’ll get there.”
As they began their descent, the light from their gems seemed to grow brighter, leading them through the rugged terrain. The path was challenging, but they pressed on, driven by the promise of the upcoming contest and the hope of achieving their goals.
The journey took them through dense forests and across rocky ridges. With each step, the anticipation built. Both knew that the Divine Gods’ Gauntlet was a place where their skills and resolve would be tested to the limit.
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Thank you!! :D
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bellpeppers32 · 22 days
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the new fantasy bakugou nendroid is so cute
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sapplynn · 1 year
in another life, i would be yours...
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moony-mai · 1 year
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☀Fantasy King Tomura!☀
☀My sister loves Tomura and so I drew this dreamy fantasy piece for her birthday! I hope all you villain lovers enjoy. If you want to follow my sister who is in all sorts of fandoms and is an amazing writer here is her account!
💖Happy Birthday!💖
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forekast · 2 years
18+ ONLY
Vampire Bakugo x FemReader
summary:(With the sweetest scent of blood running in your familytree in a world full of vampires, you find yourself locked away hidden from the world for your own safety. That is till your luck runs out and you find yourself in the middle of a terrifying?Vampire's territory.)
Sweet Scents Pt 3
It’s been a few days since you’ve started walking, the pungent smell of burning wood wakes you from your light slumber. You open your eyes and make your way out of bed to the kitchen where the pale man was standing. The smell came from the burning meat Bakugo was preparing on the rusted stove for you. “That’s smells so awful” you gagged, “Did you not ever learn to cook when you were alive?” You scoff rolling your eyes. His irking silence prompted you to berate about the poor vampire’s cooking. “You don’t even care if I eat…. You’re supposed to feed your food not let them starve to death,” you sigh clearing the awkward silence. “If that’s the case just eat me here and now and be done with it,” You whined but still no response. Ever since you’ve been here the food source has been terrible. You’ve been mostly surviving on a few berries and nuts given that Bakugo can’t cook. You missed the smell of apples so much, all the constant apple pies you and your grandfather would bake- yearning for the taste of apples. You knew you needed to go back home but you weren’t so sure if you wanted to leave, sure you would have everything that you missed so dearly- but Katsuki wouldn’t be there. You alter your focus and begin watching him slowly turning the knob on the stove, he drops his shoulders forward and abruptly slams his large hands onto the concrete countertop. “Do you ever just shutup?” He snapped at you turning his head back-Bakugo’s fuming red eyes pierce right through yours. His cold stare made your soft skin shiver, you stepped back and scrunch your dress up in the palm of your hands. You’ve never seen him this angry- sure he was always snappy and moody but this was a whole new side of him that was completely unheard of. You open your mouth to speak but choke on your words as his gaze sharpens, you meekly turn your head away from him afraid of what might come next. He finally halts his stare continuing on what he was once doing before, his breath quickened and his body heaved up and down in anger. You turn away scurrying down the steps to the large dinning hall adjacent to the small kitchen, not wanting to bother the once calm man anymore. All the walls in the house were dark wood along with the glossed floor, there were a few shelves and drawers that were mostly empty- only one shelf remained utilized and it was propped in the corner of the room. The shelf was solid glass and had an unlimited supply of books stocked upon its dusted shelves. You assumed Bakugo still read the books given that the glass was one of the few things in the house that remained clean. You quickly make your way over and inspect the books carefully glancing at each title some of them were new books you wondered how he got them?You reach down to grab the only book without a title. Opening up and a two scraps fall out of the pages onto the floor grazing your bare feet, without hesitation you lean down to grab the pieces of paper. They were very old photos with the faintest amount of color still remaining, your sharp eyes caught a glimpse of a figure in each one of the photos. You carefully peer out from the corner and hover yourself to the faintest light coming from the kitchen window, you bring the photos up slowly for better visibility making sure to keep out of Bakugo’s line of sight. You can see a man with unkept hair and a freckled wide smile, his hair was dark green along with his jovial eyes. He wore an outfit that looked far past your time, but it wasn’t as peculiar as the singular arm on his shoulder that was missing a body… “Are these both one photo?” You thought as you bring the two pictures together slowly. You can see what appears to be a young Bakugo next to a pretty woman, his other arm wrapped around her shoulders with a firm grip as she rested her brunette head onto his body- they seemed to be intimately close. Her rosy cheeks and Bakugo’s very contented face gave you a weird feeling deep down. “He was so happy… what happened to him?” Your saddened thoughts began to form visibly on your face… “I wonder if I could ever make him happy….”
You turn your head back to look at the sweet vampire, but he was nowhere to be found. Slowly turning your head only to be suddenly met with the large vampire towering over your smaller frame, fuming red eyes just piercing through your meekly stature as he snatches the photos from your shy hands. “You really are some stupid human aren’t you?” he snarls at you, inching himself closer to your body- you inadvertently back yourself into a corner giving the vampire full control over your next move. “Going into a vampire’s stuff without permission hmmm?” Bakugo scoffed as he kept moving closer to you closing the distance between you both. You were afraid but not in the way that many would think, you were only afraid of him growing a distaste for you-the thought of him hating you made your heart ache in a way you’ve never felt before. “That was pretty ballsy of you I’ll give you that, but you just might never know what they’ll do to you” he spoke so softly lowering himself to meet your stare. His gaze deepened and his mouth was only a few inches away from yours, the feeling of the hot breaths against your soft lips made your insides tingle. Bakugo presses his palms on the wall behind you trapping you inbetween his massive arms, he continues staring you up and down appreciating the view of your gorgeous body completely helpless underneath him. “You just never know what I might do to a stupid little brat like you” he snickered, pushing your hair behind your ear for a better look at your beautiful face. It’s quiet but soon the air is filled with the sound of heavy breathing. His stare was intimidating yet soft and so damn sexy, you couldn’t help yourself from rubbing your thighs together in anticipation. “What are you going to do to me?” You said quietly, turning your face away from him in embarrassment- pulling your dress down to cover the lewd movements you made. A sadistic grin formed on Katsuki’s face when he notices your salacious behavior, pressing his knee inbetween your closed legs opening them very slowly he hissed at the sight of your panties coated in slick dribbling down. You let out a small gasp in response to Bakugo’s knee suddenly invading your most sensitive spot only to begin rubbing yourself against his bare cold skin shamelessly- leaving coats of slick onto him. “You really are a stupid little human aren’t you huh?” He laughs as he brings his cold hand to your warm sweet throat, pressing down slightly restricting your airway. All you could hear was the sound of your hitched breathes as Bakugo stares down at you in grimace. “What are you going to do to me?” You plead, looking up at him with tearful eyes wishing he would let you go only for him to tighten his grip on your throat, his cold coarse fingers tracing over a thick vein bulging out of your neck. “You got yourself into this mess don’t be a big baby and start crying now….what happened to all that confidence you had earlier huh? He spoke in such a demeaning tone ridiculing you like how you did him not too long ago. You cry out for some pity, but none was given. “You don’t know what you’ve gotten yourself into” he growls, moving into your neck tracing his warm tongue gently over your pulsating vein giving you goosebumps, you gasp out when he starts moving his knee deeper between your thighs grinding against your clothed dripping cunt- you move your hips to match his movements clinging onto his large body for balance. Bakugo’s hot breath against your soft warm flesh, sharp fangs tracing over the same abused mark on your fragile neck and the deep feeling of erotic sensation you felt as he sunk his teeth deep into your sweet skin- the ripples of pleasure as he uses you like a full course meal. “Nnngh ahh Katsuki p-please I want y-you so bad p-lease” you moan out, wrapping your legs around his large frame trying to close the distance between you completely. “Gosh you’re such a fucking slut for me aren’t you, so desperate and needy for my cock huh” he coos into your neck, slowly dragging his fingers down to the waistband of your panties.
He was tugging at them teasingly never actually pulling them down, rubbing your needy cunt in such a slow pace it was driving you crazy. You buck your hips towards him grinding your clothed folds against his ice cold fingers desperate for more friction. He stops you, moving his hands to your rotating hips pinning you against the wall then moving you down to the floor. He barks at you “DID I SAY YOU CAN MOVE?” he turns you over face down and ass in the air smacking your behind forcibly the sound echoed across the halls. Your moans turn to whines as he returns another smack to your already bruised cheek “Answer me slut” he groans into your ear, the sight of you bent over before him was one he didn’t want to stop seeing- he loved the way your cheeks spread out before him the way your pussy juices dribbled down your thighs practically inviting his cock inside and he was happy to oblige. A third smack to your ass and you finally give into him “No ahh I’m sorry” you cried out, pleading for mercy “Im so sorry please” your mewls only enticed him more “ You’ve been such a naughty brat no amount of sorries will get you out of punishment hmm” he snickered into your ear biting down until he was able to get a taste of your sweet blood “Your blood is like no other i’ve had” He hums tracing his fangs down to your soft neck, lapping his fingers around your throat bringing you up against his large chest. “Your blood intoxicates me” he whispers against your throat his fangs barely piercing your delicate skin “You make me wanna go feral… I just want to eat you UP!” he growls into your neck before biting down hard, you were getting ready for the ripples of pleasure you felt whenever he fed on you but this time was different. “AAAGH” you screamed out from the pain, tears started pooling hitting the hardwood floor- you turn back trying to get away but he doesn’t budge only pins you down harder the more you struggle. “AAAGH Katsuki please you’re hurting me!” you cry out but no response only the repeated motion of him sucking into your flesh draining you of all your blood. You slowly start to lose consciousness as black and stars start to fill your vision- you fall forward face down as you close your eyes the only thing you could hear was the sounds of repeated “sorries” you wondered why.
You wake up violently the next day, after having dreams of last night you thought you were dead, but here you are in the same room as yesterday. You slowly reach for your neck- gently wrapping your fingers to find yourself bandaged up your breaths become hitched as you try to regain what happened “ I-I-Im not dead?” you murmur under your breath, your eyes widen when you noticed a large figure in the corner. You look up to see Bakugo standing there his aura was different a feeling of repentance filled the air, “His eyes were low and his shoulders were dropped he’s keeping his distance” you thought to yourself but you didn’t know why. “What’s wrong?” you asked, scooting to the edge closer to him. “I’m going to the village…. I’ll be back tomorrow” he said, he quickly turned “ Wait!” you call out but by the time you run out of bed he’s gone. You lean against the front door looking outside dizzy from the lack of blood in your system. You wondered about the “village” he was talking about, the only village you knew was destroyed and you’ve been isolated since. “Could there be more villages with more people? somewhere safe from vampires or will it all end up the same?” your thoughts distracted you from the fact he left you alone. “You didn’t need an escape plan right because he left you here alone? to just walk out the door?” you weren’t sure if this was a trick just to see if he could trust you to not runaway- so you sat there for hours until the sun began to set. Before you could leave you searched the house for your stuff your boots, your blue jacket, and your work of an art dress you worked so hard on. but there was one thing you were forgetting your necklace. It was nowhere to be seen you panicked- it was a gift from your grandmother a good luck charm to keep you away from all harm. But you didn’t have time to spare it was about to get dark and you didn’t want to be outside. You decided to leave you look back at the house as you sighed wishing it didn’t have to be like this- but you had no choice you needed to go home. You stepped outside in the cold and immediately started to rethink your decision, you kept your head held high walked out. As you begin to head in the wrong direction unbeknownst to you- something shiny catches your eye it was your necklace hidden in the grass where you met Bakugo. You pick it up and place in your sock for safe keeping, you look back and give the house one last goodbye before running as fast as possible. You remember your house being straight ahead from the shed off the coast, but the deeper you ran the more unknown the forest became you were in new territory. The trees around you were smaller and fraile almost as this part of the area was dying, there was no wildlife to be seen only the sounds of hungry crows perching in the trees. You leaned against a tree to try and catch your breath, your heart was beating out of your chest and you felt like collapsing right here and now. Your eyes started to close until you saw a small building straight ahead- you gathered every bit of strength and weakly made yourself over to the building. It was an abandoned nursery the smell was so bad you felt like you could puke our your intestines. You cover up your face as you begin coughing and gagging making your way back to the forest wishing you had never left the comfort of your home in the first place. Your knees trembling and body shaking you shouldn’t have been moving around like this in the first place you just lost a lot of blood what were you thinking- maybe you are stupid like Bakugo says what makes you think he’s not the only vampire out there. You fall to your knees grabbing onto a tree to brace your fall- you lie on your back and try to catch your breath. Your thoughts are the only thing you can hear your mind fades away and your eyes tear. “If only… If only…” you cut your words off when you see red eyes from the distance but this time they were different.
Pt 4 soon ty
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mangoofthesea · 1 year
what I say: I like reading fiction about power structures and systems of governance outside of our usual - like royalty fantasy or rogue criminal heist kind of thing. The action sequences and higher levels of consequences are really cool
what I mean: it's about the experience of being trapped within a system which you hate but want to sustain in a better way than it has been for the good of its members its about loving your family while hating your family while being stuck somewhere you want to improve you can't escape your responsibility but you can try its a never ending struggle of deciding who you are and who you could be and how you can live and live with yourself while within such systems that feel like a wall closing in on you and your life as you try to build a life with less corruption than the last generation its about th-
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dootdootmf · 1 year
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The Katsuki in my FFX/MHA Crossover fic pretty much just looks like regular Fantasy AU Katsuki cause...I mean...he's perfect. BKDK Fic on A03, WIP for Nano: The Honor of Sacrifice
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tallnquirky · 1 year
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Our favourite cinnamon roll!
I love the fantasy AU vibes
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missvoicecrack · 3 months
The fantasy mha au is in my head again and I have to say that the Midoriya home is wonderful
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Like is it mushrooms? The walkway, the bird house, the abundance of circle windows. Is this just average architecture in thus world? Does Inko just have great taste (probably).
What kind of magic user is she in this world if she is one. I want to think she's come kind of simple fairy or pixie.
Also Izukus outfit is very reminiscent of his hero costume. The green, the belt with the little pockets, the gloves.
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queenoftiddies · 3 months
Remembering that one Mha oc I made would definitely be a Wind Nymph in the fantasy au bc of her quirk (Manipulating the wind currents around her to either push away other things or get her into the air, and occasionally can make whole damn hurricanes if she can focus, but I feel like that’s a quirk awakening thingy or whatever)
It’s three am and I’m thinking abt this, this might be the only freaking time I bring up being part of the (not freaky) Mha community.
(Edit: idk why, but I didn’t notice “at” for au. I corrected myself.)
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First time drawing in a few months so here’s a quick fantasy AU Bakugo cause he’s always on my mind 💥
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mikeellee · 1 year
Hori tell me how much you have a baku boner without saying.
Bk looks like he is the villain and will use the dragon to hurt them...izu and others think is ok and cool.
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applefede · 6 months
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I'm really proud of this job!
I have to improve, I have to do much more, but I'm satisfied!
It's the cover for my new story on Wattpad, an Italian AU fanfiction from My Hero Academia fandom.
I asked at the Artificial Intelligence to draw my own background, because I’m completely denied! lol
I hope to find some Italian readers or who know the language! I will leave the link of the story below!
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on-zhere · 2 years
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Commission for a friend
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