#fantastic beasts and where to find them moodboard
inky-snowdrop · 1 year
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My Endless List of Disaster Bisexual Crushes... 😶‍🌫️
-> Day 59 of ? || Seraphina Picquery
From Fantastic Beasts and Where To Find Them
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chocfrog-enjoyer · 4 months
If Grindeldore was a song it would be this one ☝️
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kaitlinamberxo · 3 months
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“My philosophy is that worrying means you suffer twice.”
kaitlin's 100 favorite fictional muses — 16/100: Newt Scamander
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lunatheseus · 1 year
Mood boards that I made based on Fantastic Beasts Characters
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Newton Scamander:
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Queenie Goldstein:
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Leta Lestrange:
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These are addicting... I might do more
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herwold · 2 years
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Female!Albus Dumbledore (Fantastic Beasts) - moodboard
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twinkletoeskc · 3 months
Untitled Marauders Fanfic Ch. 3
Link to Ch. 2
Summary: Cosette finds the object of her latest news story under the guise of being an innocent Hufflepuff who simply wants to help in the name of love. I mean what’s more interesting than a secret plot for love?
Heavy enemies to lovers trope, slow burn, multiple relationships, multiple POVs, found family, toxic relationships, abusive families
Ships: James Potter x O/C, Remus Lupin x O/C, Sirius Black x O/C
Warnings: blackmail, slight coercion, lying, one mischievous Hufflepuff
A/N: thank you if you’ve been reading up until this point it is greatly appreciated. Let me know in the comments if you have any suggestions, questions, or simply something fun to share! Thank u🫶🏻💕
O/C Character Moodboard:
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Untitled Fanfic Ch. 3
She sneezes, the dust from the old books finding its way into her sinuses. She anticipates the “shh!” from Madam Pince before she hears it. “Sorry…” she whispers, a bundle of books nestled under her arm. She ducks away from the librarian’s glare, walking to one of the long wooden tables.
She sits at the end away from most of the other students and opens an antiquated copy of Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them, flipping to the back to find the index.
“Wampus cat… water dragon parasite…” She mumbles to herself, dragging her finger down the page as she reads. “Ah, werewolf.”
She flips a few sections back, finding the desired chapter marked by a large illustration of a werewolf crouched mid-stride. “Gross,” she whispers, her eyes drifting slowly from the picture to the words beneath.
‘A werewolf, also known as a lycanthrope, was a human being who, upon the complete rising of the full moon, became an uncontrollable, fearsome, and deadly wolf. This condition is caused by infection with lycanthropy, also known as werewolfry. There are various differences between a werewolf’s wolf form and an actual wolf, making it easier to detect one.’
So absorbed into her reading, she doesn’t hear the commotion surrounding her until someone runs bodily into the table, upsetting the contents and knocking her book onto her lap. She looks up to find Sirius Black laughing, perched on the table with his wand raised. He points his wand to James Potter who, on the other side of the library, laughs heartily, on the defensive.
Sirius unleashes a spell in James’s direction, but the other boy dodges and allows the spell to hit the book behind his head, which suddenly sprouts colorful, patterned fur on its leather-bound cover.
“Mr. Black!” Madam Pince screeches, frantically making her way to him.
“Sorry, Madam Pince! My hand slipped, honest.” Sirius says with a broad grin. He looks down at Cosette and winks charmingly before slipping away, running between the shelves and dodging retaliatory curses from James.
She closes her book, slipping it in her robes and quickly making her way out of the library before she falls victim to one of the boys’ jinxes. She wanders the halls in search of a quiet place to study. She’s not sure how she ended up there, but without intending to, she finds herself situated in the potions classroom, empty after its last class. She makes her way to a table, absently flipping to her bookmarked page as she takes a seat.
‘A mixture of powdered silver and dittany applied to a fresh werewolf bite would seal the wound and allow the victim to live on as a werewolf, although tragic tales were told of bite victims begging for death rather than becoming werewolves. The Wolfsbane Potion, invented by Damocles Belby, allows werewolf drinkers to keep their human mind during transformation.’
Her eyes flit across the page curiously, her brow frowning as she reads on.
‘A werewolf cannot choose whether or not to transform and will no longer remember who they are once transformed. Multiple werewolves have been known to kill their best friends or loved ones while in wolf form if they were given the chance. Despite this, a werewolf will be able to recall everything they had experienced throughout their transformation upon reverting to their human form.’
The door creaks open, and she looks up to see a tall, black-haired wizard slip into the room. He pauses when he sees her, obviously expecting the room to be empty. He’s pale and tired looking, deep purple circles sitting under his eyes. His hair sits limply around his face, and his shoulders hunch like a boy who grew too much too fast, unsure of his height.
She raises a hand, waving awkwardly. “Uh, hello.”
“You’re in my seat.” The boy responds in greeting, his voice croaky like he hasn’t spoken in quite some time.
“Oh, um…” She looks around at where she sits, trying to find some identifiable feature that would mark the seat as his, but she can’t find anything that would distinguish it from the dozen other empty seats at the surrounding tables. But the boy waits, uncomfortably standing beside the door and watching her expectantly. “Right… sorry about that.” She picks her bag up from the floor and collects the book from the table. “There you are.” She says, moving away from his seat and offering him a small smile that he does not return.
He slips past her, his gaze downcast, and sinks into the seat. He places a thick and worn book on the table, the gilded Advanced Potion Making nearly worn completely off the leather cover.
She takes a seat at an adjacent table, returning to where she left off.
‘The monthly transformation of a werewolf is extremely painful if untreated and is usually proceeded and succeeded by pallor and ill health, and it is possible for the werewolf to display irritation toward friends and family leading up to the full moon. While in their wolfish form, a werewolf will entirely lose its human sense of right and wrong. However, it is incorrect to state that they have suffered from a permanent loss of moral sense.’
She is pulled from her focus by the smell of vanilla, the distant scent of a fire, and an aroma of something woodsy and pleasant. She breathes in the fragrance, a feeling of warmth expanding in her chest, and looks up from her book. The other wizard sits over a bubbling cauldron, his face tense in concentration. His book is open before him, and when she glances at it, she sees that every centimeter of free space is crammed full of notes.
She becomes increasingly distracted from her reading, watching him brew with a passion she finds fascinating. She closes her book softly, twisting in her seat to face him. “What are you making?” She asks.
He pauses slowly, his gaze slowly flickering to her as if he didn’t realize she was speaking to him. “What?” He asks gruffly.
She nods to the cauldron before him, “The potion you’re making, what is it?”
His look wavers between her and his work like he’s debating whether to answer her or not. “Amortentia.” He says finally, returning to his potion.
She pauses, knowing she has heard that name before in a potions class but not making the connection. “Amortentia…” she mumbles to herself, willing herself to recount Slughorn’s lessons. As she ponders, she watches as the wizard delicately picks up a large white pearl from his collection of ingredients scattered around him. The pearl is dropped into the cauldron with a light splash, and the aroma from before instantly floods her senses with a captivating intensity. It’s then that she realizes what he’s brewing.
“A love potion!” She exclaims, intrigued, and the wizard flinches, faltering in his stirring. “Yes…” he says slowly, gazing determinedly into the bubbling, pearlescent liquid.
She shifts in her seat, trying to get a better look. “You know those are banned, don’t you?” She asks in a conspiratorial whisper. He looks at her then, his gaze dark. “Will you report me?” He asks tensely. She doesn’t detect the thinly veiled threat in his tone, responding, “Not if you tell me who the potion is for.”
He grimaces, reducing the fire under the cauldron and busying himself by returning the ingredients to the pantry on the other side of the classroom. She stands from her seat, grabbing the remaining glass vials of ingredients. She corners him in the pantry, and he jumps when he turns to find her suddenly before him.
“What are you doing?” He asks, a note of panic in his voice as he flattens himself to the shelf behind him.
“Helping you clean.” She says innocently, standing on her toes to place an ingredient in its proper place on the shelf right beside his head. He swallows nervously, his discomfort nearly palpable.
She looks up into his face curiously, “Are you okay? You look a bit pale.” His jaw clenches, “I always look like this.” Her eyebrows quirk, “Oh…”
“Won’t you move?” He growls, looking as if he would rather melt into the shelf than touch her himself to push her away.
“When you tell me who the potion is for.” She says simply.
A hint of red rushes to his cheeks, giving his sickly pallor a flush of life. “Move.” He says again, a hand disappearing into the pocket of his robes.
She sighs, “It’s a pity you won’t tell me, but I’m sure Dumbledore will be much more persuasive.” His eyes narrow, “Are you threatening me?” He asks. She looks at the wand he pulled from his robes, “Are you?”
His lips thin, and the grip tightens on his wand for a millisecond before he returns it to the pocket of his robes. “Fine.”
Her eyes widen, “Fine?”
He glares at her and nods curtly. She grins broadly at him, “Brilliant.”
They return to his table, and she sits across from him as he carefully pours his potion into a glass vial. She leans forward, resting her chin on her hands. “So,” she says.
Snape stops the bottle without looking at her, “So?”
“So, who is it?”
He bites the inside of his cheek and looks at her from underneath his eyebrows, the urge to jinx her visible on his features. Her eyebrows raise patiently, “I think I heard Dumbledore just down the hall…”
“Fine! You menace.” He grumbles, stowing the potion away in his bag. He busies himself by continuing to fumble in his bag, so he doesn’t have to meet her eye, grumbling something under his breath.
She blinks, “I’m sorry?”
His jaw clenches, and he says it again, louder.
She frowns, “Who’s Fanny Blevins?”
He looks at her incensed, “It’s Lily Evans, damn it.”
She pauses, her mouth frozen in the shape of an ‘o.’
His face is nearly the scarlet of the Gryffindor crest, and he doesn’t attempt to contain the loathing in his gaze. “Well?”
“I—Isn’t she dating James Potter?”
That was obviously the wrong thing to say because with a furious glance he storms to the door.
“Wait, I’m sorry!” She calls out, spelling the door closed with a flick of her wand. He flips around, his black hair strewn around his face. “You’re kidnapping me now?”
“No! I—well…”
“What do you want?”
“I want to help you,” she says earnestly.
His eyes narrow in suspicion, “Help me?”
“Yes!” She nods eagerly.
He frowns, “How would you help me?”
“I can help you, you know, romance Lily Evans.”
He grimaces, turning away from her and setting his hand on the door of the classroom. “I don’t enjoy being toyed with.” He pushes on the door, but she locked it with her spell. He huffs, “Let me leave!”
She stands up, walking closer to him. Once again, he flattens himself to the door to create more distance. “I want to help you win over Lily Evans without using the Amortentia.” She says.
He furrows his eyebrows, “Why would you do that?”
“Because, well… because I think it’s sweet. If you took the time to brew the potion for her, then you must care a lot about her. And if she’s not dating James Potter—”
“She is most certainly not dating Potter.” He snarls, and Cosette raises her hands innocently, “Okay, I’m sensing some bitterness there, moving on. If she’s not dating anyone, then I can’t see why she wouldn’t go for you!”
He looks at her skeptically, “You don’t know me.”
She shrugs, “So?”
His eyes waver, and he takes a moment to think about her offer. “You’ll help me with Lily? Truly?”
She smiles, “Yes! Promise,” she extends her pinky towards him, and he recoils from it as if it is toxic. She eyes him warily, “You, uh, don’t know how to pinky promise?”
“Is that a binding spell?”
“No! It’s—ugh, never mind. I swear that I will help you.”
He looks into her face, his expression unreadable, before speaking. “Okay.”
She smiles, “Okay!” With a flick of her wand, she unlocks the door. He pushes open the door with a quickness as if escaping from a hungry blaze.
“Wait!” She says as he begins to scamper down the hallway.
“What?” He asks, impertinent.
“What’s your name?” She asks.
He blinks, “Severus.”
She smiles, “Nice to meet you Severus!” She yells as he escapes around the corner, “I’m—”
“Cosette,” someone cuts her off. She turns to see Professor Sprout, letter in hand. “Yes, professor?”
“I was just coming to deliver this to your headboy, but I might as well tell you in person now. Mr. Filch just came to me about your detention, said that you’ll need to meet Professor Slughorn in the Potions classroom Saturday at eight in the morning and he’ll have some work for you to do.”
She winces; she had forgotten about the detention. “Yes, professor.”
Professor Sprout nods, bustling away, “Oh, and do remember to study the properties of Mandrakes before our next class!” She says as she exits.
Cosette, however, does not hear her, instead thinking about her romance scheme. It’s going to be hard work, but she has faith in herself to make that union happen.
And it will be a great story.
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l1ttlepup · 8 months
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Stim/moodboard will do's and won't do's
Stim/moodboards I will do
video games:
- Minecraft
- animal crossing
- stardew valley
- fnaf
- poppy playtime
- five nights at candys
- hermitcraft
- any mario game
- kirby games
- Might do qsmp
- markiplier (including his egos)
- taylor swift
- Lana del rey
- one direction
- icp
- well-known rap (Tupac and Eminem)
- harry styles
- Melanie Martinez
- jazmine bean
- deftones
- limp bizkit
- queen
- etc
-Harry potter
- Percy jackson
- disney princess movies
- hello kitty/sanrio
- Narnia
- fantastic beast
- Disney movies
TV shows:
-Any crime show
- Never have I ever
- Downton abbey
- young sheldon
- hello kitty/sanrio
- helluva boss
- Hazbian hotel
Coloured themed ones
sanrio (characters, movies, or eps)
Sfw toys:
- stuffies
- dolls
- action figures
- Legos
agere and petre
Kids and teen cartoons
- promised neverland
- deathnote
- ouran host club
- attack on titan
- demon slayer
- jujitsu kaisen
- Saiki k
- mha
- any other ones that haven't been named
Books and book characters
- If ive never read the book I might not do it depends
Stim/moodboards I won't do
Video games:
-yandere sim
-nfsw/17+ games
- dsmp
- cu1t of D1ony5us
- dr3am
- w1lbur so0t
- l0vej0y
- g0r3 movies
- avatar (the blue alien one. For a good reason)
- star wars
- nsfw movies
- Bob's burgers
- family guy
- American dad
(I've never liked any of them and from what ik they are more adult cartoons)
- bleach
Anything with sharp objects (kn1fes, ax3s, etc)
Anything nsfw
Two big things
1. I get everything off of pintrest if I find it in another person's stim/moodboard I add the link unless the link is there I do NOT know where I got them from
2. Look at my Intro before interacting please
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adarafaelbarba · 2 years
As I’m turning 30 in February, I wanted to host a bingo for you all! ❤️ I’ve made a board that has songs, specific smut and others that can be fluff, spice, scary, hurt/comfort, anything in between. 
So…from February 1st  and until midnight on February 28th you can submit your entries. It can be short stories, long stories, headcanons, fanart, moodboards, does not matter 😌
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All I ask is that you follow some ground rules:
1. No relationship between a minor and a grownup (only familiar connections like parents/children)
2. No RPF (real person fics)
3. Tag your warnings at the top! And anything with heavy warnings should always be put under “read more”
4. Tag it: #adarafaelbarbabdaybingo
5. All works over 500 words must be put under read more.
6. If you submit fanart/moodboards and they’re graphic, put it under read more
7. Tag me in every entry.
8. One entry per day 
Any fandoms are allowed! As long as you follow the rules 🥰
But some fandom suggestions are:
- Law and Order SVU/OG/OC
- A Discovery of Witches
- Kingsman
- Outlander
- Marvel Cinnematic Universe
- 911 / 911 Lone Star
- Mayans MC / Sons of Anarchy
- Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them
- Harry Potter (no professor/student fics! And keep it legal)
- Chicago Med/Fire/PD
- Narcos
- Greys Anatomy
- Disney (again keep it legal)
- Game of Thrones
- Robin Hood (bbc)
- Sherlock (bbc)
- Merlin (bbc)
- Doctor Who
- Once Upon a Time
Let me know if there’s anything! ❤️
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A moodboard for Ilvermony House Thunderbird.
Thunderbird house is sometimes considered to represent the soul of a witch or wizard. It is also said that Thunderbird favours adventurers.
Pictures not mine.
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imaginefantasticx · 3 years
Hello! Send in your asks!
After such a long hiatus, I'm back to writing! I've found my love for it once more and I'm so excited!
So if you have any requests, send them my way!
Thank you!
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Character Moodboard : Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them : Newt Scamander
"The goal isn't to live forever. The goal is to create something that will."
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nevillesniffler · 2 years
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“don’t stand in my way”
seraphina picquery is one of my favorite characters to headcanon. I really love the idea of her coming home to her wife and baking bread after a long day of negotiations and dealings with all the pesky people in the office. she’s a badass and I would love more background on her.
seraphina picquery - fantastic beasts
08 - 06 - 22
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mrsseverussnape · 3 years
Oh boy, can I get a Newt Scamander moodboard please?
A/n: yeah sure, here you go!🌝
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"My philosophy is that if you worry, you suffer twice."
@snapefiction @lizlil @elizabeth-baelish @misselsbells06 @mais-e @lunnybunny12 @stingingwolf @anfre109 @entirelymesmerising
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carewyncromwell · 2 years
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[Fantastic Beasts] Fawcett Family Moodboard
~~Inspired by an ask submitted by @magical-retales ~~
Face claims in order from top-left to bottom-right: 
Viggo Mortensen as Grover; Minnie Driver as Clara; Judi Dench as Alice
Tim Curry as Enoch; Adrien Brody as Eli; Elizabeth Debicki as Emilia
The Fawcetts are a clan primarily made up of Ravenclaws. They reside in Ottery St. Catchpole, a stone’s throw away from other well-known magical families like the Diggorys and the Weasleys. Like their neighbors, they are open-minded about magical ancestry and progressive when it comes to Beast and Being rights, but what sets them apart is how passionate they are about academic and societal achievement. While the Diggorys put their family first and the Weasleys put what’s morally right first, the Fawcetts believe that one should always strive for the very best and never rest on one’s laurels when it comes to anything. In contrast to the Diggorys and Weasleys, as well, the Fawcetts are “new blood,” so to speak, among prominent magical families, with their most famous members, Reginald and Percival Fawcett, having made a respectful name for themselves as head of the Departments of Magical Law Enforcement and the Regulation and Control of Magical Creatures, respectively, back in the mid-1800′s. Therefore high expectations were placed on Reginald’s only son Grover and -- by extension -- on Grover’s children. 
Grover Fawcett soon enough honored his father Reginald’s legacy by becoming a well-respected member of the Minister for Magic’s support staff. The sudden death of his wife Clara Diggory-Fawcett, however, crippled Grover significantly, leaving him feeling ill-equipped to look after three young children on his own -- particularly his middle child, who had started expressing disinterest in following the family legacy or in pursuing academics much at all. Grover thus enlisted the support of his mother Alice, a very stern and conservative woman who hoped to “groom” Grover’s children into a proper gentleman and ladies who could build on their grandfather, great-uncle, and father’s successes. Unfortunately, that middle child -- the one who would eventually be known the world over as the comedic film actor Eli “Funnyman” Fawcett -- was a square peg being shoved into a circular hole, and no matter what, he would just not satisfy his grandmother’s high expectations. 
This isn’t to say there was no happiness in the Fawcett home, after Clara’s death -- in fact, one could say that in those days, the child that would become known as Eli, who preferred to just be called “Fawcett” in those days, was the sunshine that kept the Fawcett home from becoming too cold, dreary, and serious. His jokes never failed to make his brother Enoch cackle with laughter, even when he was at his most anxious. His dancing was so expert that even his younger sister Emilia, who he never saw eye-to-eye with, always forced him to dance with her at parties. His father always spoke so fondly of how his second-born child’s hazel eyes would shine just like his mother’s. And even overly critical, stern Grandma Fawcett couldn’t not crack a smile, whenever he played the piano. 
Despite these little pieces of joy, though, the pressure on that second child became heavier and heavier over time, making it more and more difficult for him to keep that smile on and soldier through. When he finally left Hogwarts with no NEWTs and no career path forward in the Wizarding World, it was made very clear to that child that would become Eli Fawcett that he was a disappointment to his family and that the only way he’d be able to make himself “useful” to them was through a good marriage. Surely his sunny disposition would be enough to net him and his family a successful match, at least! For the second-born Fawcett, however, that was the straw that broke the camel’s back. Without a second thought, or even much thought in the first place, he packed a bag and boarded the first boat out of England to the United States, prepared to make his own life in an entirely new country and -- ultimately -- in an entirely new world, living largely like a Muggle. 
To this day, a decade or so later, Eli has not seen his family in person. He remains in written and telephone correspondence and occasional Floo contact with Enoch, who even now tries to mend the broken bonds between his younger sibling and the rest of the family, but otherwise, Eli hears very little from his family. And in return, the Fawcetts -- again, aside from Enoch -- rarely talk about Grover’s “delinquent second daughter,” out of shame both from how he’s reflected badly on them in polite society and from how they ultimately know it was their fault that he’s lost to them. 
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herwold · 2 years
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Male!Queenie Goldstein - moodboard
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nightmaresart · 3 years
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𝕯𝖆𝖗𝖗𝖊𝖓 𝕳𝖆𝖗𝖑𝖊𝖞 𝕿𝖍𝖔𝖒𝖕𝖘𝖔𝖓 || 𝕼𝖚𝖊𝖘𝖙𝖎𝖔𝖓𝖎𝖓𝖌 || 𝟣𝟧-𝟢𝟦-𝟣𝟪𝟪𝟫 || 𝕬𝖗𝖎𝖊𝖘 || 𝕻𝖚𝖗𝖊 𝕭𝖑𝖔𝖔𝖉 || 𝖎𝖓𝖙𝖏 || 𝕺𝖈𝖈𝖑𝖚𝖒𝖊𝖓𝖈𝖞 || 𝕾𝖑𝖞𝖙𝖍𝖊𝖗𝖎𝖓 || 𝕻𝖗𝖊𝖋𝖊𝖈𝖙 || 𝕳𝖊𝖆𝖉 𝖇𝖔𝖞 || 𝕬𝖚𝖗𝖔𝖗
Been a while with fantastic beasts ocs, but i finally had the energy to continue introducing them. So here we have Darren Thompson, a powerful wizard who could easily become a threat to the wizarding world but choses to use his magic to improve it. So he became an auror.
He is a very observant man and knows more about you than you would like, he sometimes uses this information to blackmail, but only if people leave him no other choice.
Grindelwald actually actively tries to get Darren to join his side of the war, knowing what the whole family tree is capable of. Giving Darren a choice to know more about where it comes from, the man was pretty close to blindly joining, only to be pulled back by Theseus Scamander
Still a work in process, but I'll open him and Madison later for potential ships👀
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