The Magnus Protocol Fandom Survey (2024)
Hello there! I am running a survey to see what common opinions in the The Magnus Protocol fandom are! The survey itself should take about 10-15 minutes, and all questions are skippable. You can go in as much or as little detail as you want.
The survey will run from 14/09/2024 to 21/09/2024, when the survey closes, it should take about two weeks for the results to be posted.
All updates, observations, questions about the survey and results will be posted on my sideblog @duckduckgoose-surveys under the tag #themagnusprotocolsurvey2024
REBLOGS ARE HUGELY APPRECIATED! I rely on them a lot to spread the survey and get more accurate results!
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moonlightequin1 · 9 months
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TWISTED WONDERLAND YUME/OC-SHIP FAN SURVEY: "the most popular characters to yume/self-ship/oc ship with" ✨
Hey Twisties! I decided to create a detailed Twisted Wonderland survey to see who are the most popular characters to yume/oc-ship with in the international side of Twisted Wonderland's fandom!
This fansurvey will end at the start of TWST JP's 4th anniversary which is March 18, 2024! So go ahead and throw in your submissions! FEEL FREE TO REBLOG AND SHARE THIS WITH YOUR FRIENDS!
If you are a TWST EN only player, please read the intro of the form since this will include SPOILER characters who have appeared! There WILL BE name-drops. Even if the form is long, please read everything before submitting.
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duckduckngoose · 2 years
The adventure zone Fansurvey results
5Its finally here! I know its been way too long (*cough cough* 5-7 months * cough cough*) And theres been alot of delay*, but i finally got all the answers to the fansurvey i did a while ago in a doc!
(I talk more ab it in the doc*)
Link: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1Y8YBfrCNFSaa8YVlpaAUsEZWwsOXvEMazgp_g5jt9pE/edit?usp=sharing
(Also some tidbits about the survey i found interesting in the Read more)
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Not a single person on the Commitment section remembers the npcs ):
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Balance *Crushed it* in all these sections except worldbuilding (Also amnesty and grad got really high in terms of fav PCS)
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the open question got broken because of Urchin. He deserves it tbh
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aaand all the PC’s tend to have more equal amounts of fans, except taako, who has so many
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researchingfangirl · 5 years
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Click here to participate: https://forms.gle/VSitrtnqWefPLzLq8
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superleaguepod · 5 years
SLP Short 040 Fan Survey Info
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Dungeons and Daddies fansurvey results (2024)
After way too long, the results are out! I'm so sorry I'm so late, I got hit with the 'Ao3 writer curse' (PC broke twice, laptop stopped working, travelled to another country, started a new dnd campaign, quit another dnd campaign, fostered a dog- etc.ectc.)
Anyways, thank you to everyone who took this survey and helped spread the post <3
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duckduckngoose · 1 year
The Mechanisms fansurvey should be up tommorow (sunday) around 12pm CET :]
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Pssst, The Magnus Protocol fansurvey coming soon
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researchingfangirl · 5 years
Fan Survey
Hi all,
I am conducting a survey on Marvel fans' experiences in media fandom spaces in relation to issues of disability as part of a research project for my doctoral studies.
If you are a Marvel fan who is 18 or above, please participate in the survey. Your time and effort are much appreciated!
Click here: https://forms.gle/yZVGfWTZ8wVi1EAaA
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