#fangirl journal
beatlebug987 · 4 days
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Astronomy journal page
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penofwildfire · 2 months
I love thinking about the early days of the Sons of Garmadon, just a teenage girl, practically a baby, recruiting the biggest baddest bikers she can find, probably doing dumb shit to up her street cred, and overtime amassing a following that's so big most of her underlings have no idea who she even is, they just have a vague idea of "The Quiet One" and a general understanding that the goal is "conquer Ninjago". Honestly I'm proud of her, could never be me.
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pathologicalrambler · 6 months
i feel like spencer reid would love david attenborough
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evaslunarvalleys · 17 days
12 September 2024 (11:02 am)
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This was posted by one of the actors that I’m a fan of and it roughly translates to
“I understand Star well. When we’re a fan of something, we don't really want people to know that much cuz just liking & being a fan of something from the perspective of society are different. Many times, we’ll be judged or mocked even though we didn't do anything wrong (personal experience)”
To be honest it was so validating reading this from him, cause I don't know many exactly, but I know a lot will relate to it. I have never been someone who shares her fandom interests with people irl, unless I know someone is most definitely from the same fandom. Not that I am ashamed of what I watch or who I stan, it's the remarks and questions I know would follow from the people surrounding me. (Highly possible that I need to change the people I am surrounded by, but there's only so much of family that I can change.
For someone who listens to a lot of international pop and is constantly watching queer shows (more specifically Thai BLs & GLs) and Asian shows in general; with parents who have hardly ever watched anything outside of Hindi and Bengali languages, the certain remarks (in the form of jokes are always there). You know those comments that don't mean harm and aren't judging your choices, but sort of makes you not want to share that part of your life with them.
Also, if there's one thing nobody can know is how much of my life is identified by being a fangirl. Idc who thinks what it is my ultimate safe place (Maybe I'll talk about it more later someday)
Oh and coming to queer shows... How much of it can you share out loud when you have been asked about your own queerness and forget about it (?????)
So yes, the only place I am the most me is here, on the social apps, behind my little edits and behind my screen
I don't know where I thought I was going with this post, but this has been a thought in my mind when I went to sleep last night and I had to put it out there.
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midukki · 1 year
hi there
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azelletown · 1 month
This dream took place during a nap I took to try and rest my headache, I got upset about my room and my bed before falling asleep. 
I had a black and white vision of an old 2D side scrolling website page, where the more you went to the right, the more realistic houses you would see scrolling by mario style. I remember there being some kind of Hello Kitty inspired UI elements which were among some of the only bits of color in this dream, I couldn’t tell you what they actually were anymore though, all I can recall is the ability to see people’s thoughts about the houses. eventually I arrived at my "house", no longer looking at a website but really living the situation. I don’t remember a lot of what happened inside but it looked mostly identical to my mom's current apartment. on the second floor between my bedroom and my mom’s bedroom, I somehow got stuck in a metal cage that began spinning into some spikes but I managed to escape which gave me a sense of deja vu as if i’d seen this entire cage trap situation before in a survival video or something. I didn't question the cage as if it had always been a part of the place.
I then entered my room, still colorless, and climbed up the ladder to lay in my weird old bunk desk-bed. Suddenly my vision was getting pulled to a weird ceiling poster, centimeters from my face, that seemed natural to me. An adorable tiny orange striped jumping spider came out from under the poster staring at my phone’s flashlight which I hastily reached out to grab in the moment saying “wait no this is the best moment of my life. oh my god”, I was panicking and trying to record it. As the spider came out from under the poster its eyes following my phone's light, it became less and less spider like, featuring an abnormally long abdomen resembling more that of a cute little sea isopod, and adorning two extra legs at the front of its body, slightly elevated above its head.
As I realized this was not a normal a spider, I pulled back my phone towards me, keeping its light on the spider to not lose it from my sight. Still as calmly and slowly as it came out from under the poster, the spider began to detach from the ceiling revealing more limbs I couldn't clearly identify. Its colors had gone from a vibrant orange to a fluorescent yellow due to my flashlight- or maybe it was because I it was getting closer, its eyes were also reflecting my phone's light making them bright yellowy-white color. At last, the weird bug began floating directly towards my face, which I was powerless to stop. I woke up confused, energetic, and my headache was gone.
I think I associate this weird bug with good revitalizing naps in bad sleeping conditions now.
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So i'm gonna start writing down my dreams from now on since I don't have many and they're usually incomprehensible, dreadful and forgotten 5 minutes after I wake up. Gonna share the nicer ones on here with you all (:
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jjsicq · 2 days
౨ৎ ˖°
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amaru-sage · 1 year
Something that I really love that they showed in the Engage manga is just how supportive Lumera is 😭 💗 
Like we already knew from the game that she’d be/was a supportive mom but the manga showed that she was also Alear’s hype woman 
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freebooter4ever · 1 year
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do you ever get an idea so bad you have to put your computer down for a minute
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beatlebug987 · 14 days
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Journal pages I did a while ago and forgot to share
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theurgic-necromancer · 4 months
Karlach slides in front of you, tail wagging behind her with barely-contained excitement.
"Hey, hold up a moment, soldier," she says. "You never said anything about knowing the Jaheira!"
"It didn't seem particularly relevant at the time," you reply with a certain amount of bemusement.
"Is she the 'old friend' you've been talking about meeting up with?" Zia asks.
"Yeah, actually," you reply. "I wasn't exactly expecting to meet her in the middle of nowhere like this, though—"
"Oh my god, oh my god!" Karlach squeals. "You're friends with a godsdamn legend!"
You raise an eyebrow. "A legend? I mean, I know Jaheira's pretty great and all, but…"
"Don't you know the whole story? Years ago—over century, if I remember right—Jaheira was part of a group that saved Baldur's Gate from Sarevok. A Bhaalspawn trying to plunge the city into war."
You flinch as your heart twists in your chest. Zia, however, perks up.
"A Bhaalspawn?" she repeats, suddenly much more intrigued by this story.
"Yeah, a real nasty piece of work. Child of the Lord of Murder himself, or so the legends say."
"You were talking about Jaheira, though?" you say, carefully placing a hand on Zia's back. You don't want to expose her to the animosity people feel towards Bhaalspawn like you. Not if you don't have to.
"Right, right! My mum used to tell stories about them—the legends who protected the city from evil," Karlach continues. You see Zia's expression change to something a bit more neutral, unreadable. "She said Jaheira was a powerful druid. Adamant. Tough."
"Yeah, that sounds about right," you say with a grin.
"The others were said to be pretty powerful in their own right, of course," Karlach says. "Everyone knows about Imoen, the cunning thief with a few magic tricks up her sleeve. Went on to found a whole spy network in Baldur's Gate, the better to help root out corruption and evil before it could, well, take root."
"She did all that?" Zia says, looking interested again. Karlach nods.
"Yep! Gods, she was pretty amazing in her own right—but she wasn't the only one. There was also a mighty Rashemani berserker and the witch he protected, a stalwart half-elven warrior said to be Jaheira's equal in combat, and an elven… mage…"
Karlach trails off, eyes going wide as the wheels turn in her head. You offer her a sheepish grin as the pieces fall into place.
"Oh my god, wait," she says, "did you—Are you one of the people who helped take down Sarevok?!"
You rub your neck absentmindedly. "…If we want to get really technical, I'm the one who dealt the killing blow."
Karlach squeals, clasping her hands in front of her to avoid throwing her arms around you. "Oh my gods, I've been traveling with a godsdamn legend this whole time! No wonder you seem to know what the hells you're doing!"
"That's debatable," you deadpan.
"Gods, I never even knew!" she continues on, ready to burst from excitement. "I've told myself the tales of your adventures a thousand times! I never thought I'd get to meet any of you in person—let alone you and Jaheira!"
"You never met Imoen?" Zia asks, sounding vaguely disappointed.
"Not before she died, no," Karlach says, sounding equally disappointed. "I'd always heard about her, and seen her give a few speeches from time to time."
"Imoen? Giving speeches?" you say incredulously.
Karlach laughs. "They were always pretty short, no more than a few sentences. I still remember the one time she gave her longest speech—"
"A whole paragraph!" she and Zia say at the same time. Zia blinks in obvious surprise, and covers her mouth in confusion. Karlach simply grins.
"Yeah, that one!" Her tail wags again. "Anyway, I gotta ask you about your adventures sometime. I'm sure you've got a ton of stories that never made it into the legends, yeah?"
"But we shouldn't keep Jaheira wait—hey, is that Dammon?" And with that, she's wandered off to talk to the infernal smith you met back at the Grove. You can't help a chuckle. Ah, so this is how your companions used to feel whenever you'd get distracted mid-thought. You trail after her all the same.
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aurorasblog13 · 7 months
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i think my fave colour is pink :) 🎀
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penpal-press · 1 year
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My pen pal kits are up in my shop now! I created these with all ages in mind, however this one is my favorite since I love anime <3! Each kit comes with stickers, postcards, a blank greeting card to decorate, washi sample, and a letter with educational (or fun!) facts and questions you can ask your pen pal or friend. I just hope one day these will take off, I haven't had any sales yet! - I love the Luna wax seal stamp I found too. (thepenpalpress.com)
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pathologicalrambler · 6 months
me and my friends did a murder mystery escape room & we dressed up as criminal minds characters . i just realised they gave me spencer because im a yapper not because they think im smart 🧍🏻‍♀️
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princeofyorkshire · 1 year
i like occasionally coming back here and having no knowledge of what louis is up to tbh. it feels like coming to visit your old school to see your friends
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honeybxbygirl · 2 years
ɴᴀᴏᴋᴀ ᴜᴇɴᴏ
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