#fanganronpa characters
0rch3str4b4by · 4 months
The rest of my fangan characters that I forgot to post,,
trigger warning for light scars, blood, and facial/eye gore!!!!!!!!!
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t-bird510 · 3 months
I wished that Danganronpa Fangan characters were more grounded sometimes.
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It would be So nice if they were! (Not all the characters but some of them!)
Like for example…Ibuki type character but not so Loud or excited all the Damn time! (This is one of my Ocs for my Fangan.)
Or Boys not being Freaking Perverts all the Time?! It would be nice if they subverted or played with this trope instead of just making them wanna Have SEX?!
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basilpaste · 2 years
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"Oh! Oh, um, right! My name is... Ayata Iori. I'm the Ultimate Tailor... not that anyone ever calls me that..."
"Pleased to meet you. You may call me Takeshi Chishiya. I am known as the Ultimate Taxidermist."
my protags ever from my fangan-that-will-never-be. i love them sm <33
(reblogs appreciated!)
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dishusband · 2 months
A Scumbag Streamer [Overload]
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[Still Image]
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alienssstufff · 6 months
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New(ish) dr oc my kind and slightly offputting girl named Faith 😌
+Her and my horrible wretched son Usagi standin next to eachother and the characters I associate with them
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ninetypercentspoon · 1 month
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Got DRA chapter 5 on the brain
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soraspirit · 3 months
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angel1tez · 5 days
I think about pretty much every Whit scene all the time and this is no exception
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I find this interaction so interesting because when you think about it Whit was probably really lonely himself? His mother is dead, his father lives overseas, and he has no siblings so after his mom died he functionally had no family. I also think he didn’t have many close friendships. Whit’s always looking to help people, and considering his talent and “annoying” personality it’s easy for me to imagine that people only talked to him because they wanted something from him.
Note that this is the only time we see him acting somber not counting the fte’s. I think Whit is very lonely (or, was. He has Charles now at least)
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maryfailstowrite · 1 month
Rose's quote in the crossword of the literature insane girl MV will never not fail to amaze me. I absolutely love it and here's why:
"Ego cogito ergo (turbatus) sum."
First with the basics: "Cogito, ergo sum", the original (not really, because the real original was in french, but whatever) quote by René Descartes, translates into "I think, therefore I am". I don't think the meaning needs much explaining, because it's just... that. It's one of the first principles of Descartes's philosophy, and it states that one's existence is certain because to think, beforehand you need to exist. You can't doubt your own existence because to doubt, you need to exist. It's as simple as that.
But this interpretation of the phrase has little to do with Rose's character. There's a word (or maybe two, but I'll get to that later) that the MV adds, and that changes the whole meaning of the phrase.
“Ego cogito ergo (turbatus) sum.”
Rose’s quote translates into “I think, therefore I am (troubled).” This is not her doubting her existence or whatever, this is about her memory. “Thinking” here isn’t meant as in literally just thinking, but as in Rose’s thought processing and reasoning. Her photographic memory makes her have an overload of information to process at all times, and after processing it, she’s unable to discard it no matter what. She’s troubled, troubled because no matter what, she can’t forget. Every murder, every drop of blood, every gasp, every word is engraved in her mind, and no matter how hard she tries, she’s doomed to remember it all for the rest of her life.
A lot of people see having a photographic memory as a blessing. Almost like a superpower. They think of detectives solving murder cases because they remembered the exact position of one of the curtains at the victim’s house, or in Rose’s case, they imagine her making perfect replicas of a painting just after seeing it once. And, sure, maybe she can do that. She is the Ultimate Art Forger, after all. But I still think her photographic memory is much more a curse than it is a blessing for her.
Humans aren’t made to remember. We are made to forget a very big part of our lives, in fact. Do you remember exactly every meal you’ve ever had? Every shower you’ve taken? Every outfit you’ve worn? No, of course not. You don’t. Just like you don’t remember every single time someone has given you a strange look, or every time you’ve done something embarrassing.
Do you see where I’m going with this? Forgetting is a coping mechanism. Not only does it prevent our brains from overloading with useless information, it also helps us heal from bad experiences. If we remembered every single detail from all of our bad past experiences we would go insane, we would never heal from those memories and emotions. We could replay the memory over and over and over again to analyze what could’ve been different, what we could’ve done in another way, and what we could’ve ultimately done to avoid the situation. But as humans, we forget. It takes time, but the details start to fade one by one, and by the end, the bad experience is just a foggy distant memory, a mix of lingering feelings and a blurry outline of what happened, an outline that can’t hurt us anymore…
Except for Rose. Rose remembers everything. This is why the world is so overwhelming for her (let alone the killing game). She dozes off half of the day because if she wasn’t sleeping, she’d have to remember everything that happened at that time. I think it’s easier to picture it if you put it like this: Imagine if you were forced to memorize every single thing that happened around you for a day. Not just what you do, but what everyone in your view and hearing range does. It sounds exhausting, right? Well, welcome to Rose’s mind.
Rose is troubled because she can’t forget. Or rather, she remembers, therefore she’s troubled (see the parallelism I did there with the quote we’re analyzing???? see it????). She’s condemned to remember every detail of everything that has ever happened to her, to replay moments like movies and analyze them until she finds out what could’ve been better, what could’ve been worse, what she could’ve done different. The problem is, the past is the past, and no matter how much you replay it, it never comes back. It’s just an illusion, a nightmare that appears in front of you, and yet you can never reach. You can just watch as it unfolds, unable to change it, unable to do anything, unable to look away. She can never look away.
As an ending to this post, I’d like to take a closer look at another detail. The original phrase is “Cogito, ergo sum”, as it’s already been stated before, but the version used in the MV is “Ego cogito ergo (turbatus) sum.” “Ego” simply means “I”, so it doesn’t add much meaning (in fact, the original French is “Je pense, donc je suis”, so the pronoun was already there from the beginning), but I still think adding it emphasizes the meaning they want to give to the phrase. It refers to Rose’s personal experience, so instead of making it a general quote anyone can say “I think, therefore I am (troubled)”, they emphasize the personal meaning of it by adding the “I”, which can be perfectly omitted in Latin without losing the phrase’s meaning. It’s something more like “I think, therefore I am (troubled)”, and I think it’s a great detail to see how different Rose’s experience of existing is compared to everyone else’s, or at least, how different she considers it to be.
In conclusion, I’m a nerd that loves looking too much into things. Thanks for coming to my TED talk 🫶🏻.
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skullybonezz · 2 months
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Hello danganronpa fans, im currently opening up 5 separate slots for reference sheets $100 - $200 per ref (depending on the complexity of the design) This will be a first come first serve deal. Further discussion will be in dms.
AND for a bundle for 16 characters The price will be $1,500 (please note that this will take time to complete all 16) Any additional characters will be + $100 - $200 There'll only be one bundle, first come first serve
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filipinosamflynn · 27 days
DRDT got announced for a continuation, so for fun, I am sharing my favorite characters from the series :D
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enquire · 4 months
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So... Time for something totally different, and much more obscure. (Over time, my blog will become a patchwork of random things, probably) First time posting art here too. ꉂ (´∀`)ʱªʱªʱª
It's May 28th, and Yuki Maeda's birthday. Of critical hit (to the kneecaps) Danganronpa Another fangan fame. So here's some art I made beforehand. Also featuring the other two because they don't have a known birthday outside of this and I wasn't going to not draw my best boy, (or leave our resident nothing guy out.)
It may not count for much against all the stones thrown (to put it lightly) but this time they're bringing him a cake and happy birthday wishes. And besides, drawing these two doing something nice for Yuki makes me happy.
The guy deserves to just have a good birthday in peace. Happy Birthday Yuki!
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basilpaste · 2 years
Since I'm on a fangan kick at the moment: here's a Mastermind reveal! Who the protag is is left vague because,,, well. It's only one of them and it isn't my choice who. Oh also! It has a name now. So I proudly present the Mastermind reveal of:
Danganronpa: Altered Aspects
"It's… you. Alpana Yasuda, the Ultimate Graphic Designer. You're the mastermind."
She smiled weakly, bowing her head. There was no villainous laugh, no sudden break of character. It looked like she was being weighed down, hands gripping her podium so tight her knuckles went pale. She seemed… tired. It didn't feel like she thought she was victorious.
"… You caught me." She said, her voice wobbling uncharacteristically.
Destry glared at her, eyebrows knotting in anger," What the hell do you mean, Yasuda? What was all of this, then? A mockery? Helping to solve the murders you planned?"
She sank a little lower, not daring to look up," I didn't… they didn't… tell me. I didn't know."
"I- I thought I was helping! This wasn't- I wasn't promised this. I thought- I thought. If I helped gather the best and brightest, the "shining stars", and kept them here, it would… keep them safe. They told me it was to keep people safe!" Her voice broke, shattering into a sob," I didn't know what this was. How could I have? They told me it was for the good of the Outside World."
"And you didn't think to say something when you realized?" Destry snapped.
"The news of the Killing Game was as much a surprise to you as it was to me! By the time I realized it was serious, Skłodowska was already dead! What then, huh? I tell everyone the truth and get everyone killed?! That's- that's what would have happened, you know!" She shook her head," Why do you think Kikuchi killed Fukumoto? They loved each other. She told her. And… and there are rules. No one was supposed to know. And Hanahime knew death like a friend. So… so she begged Kikuchi to kill her. Because even if she was a part of the people who trapped you, she wanted to give her a chance. I would have doomed everyone if I told."
Destry practically snarled in her face," Now look at you. You have doomed everyone, Yasuda."
"… Not everyone," She said finally, looking between the two of you," Not everyone. But. That doesn't make it okay! I know what I did! I know what I've done! Blood is on my hands! You think I don't know that? I don't need your pity, I'm not begging for forgiveness! I'd never forgive you if you gave me that!"
"There's one thing I don't understand." You say slowly," What about Meneki-Neko?"
"… I didn't design her like that." She mumbled," She was just a normal lucky cat! They- they mangled her design! And gave her a voice that mangled mine, with a terrible accent and cat puns! I'm sure they think they're very funny."
"Who is this they you keep mentioning?!" Destry huffed," We've all the time in the world for answers, now, Yasuda. Don't hold out on us."
"You didn't put that together yourself? Normally you'd be lording these kinds of puzzles over us, Roswell," for a moment, she almost looked like her normal self. But… was any of that really real?
Right. The they she keeps mentioning. That can only be…
"The Kamukura Institute?"
"That's right. Its Talent Protection Initiative was put in place to keep an eye on soon-graduating highschoolers with extraordinary talent. Kikuchi and I were both scouted early, to help "protect the future of talent"… I didn't understand what that meant until it was too late." She looked away," They never wanted to protect us. They wanted to protect everyone else. When you see someone who's supposedly the "best in the world" at something… you tend to feel threatened if you also do that thing. Especially if they're younger than you. And- and that's bad for industry, y'know? A lot of people in the art community make jokes about it, actually. Like… "honestly I should just throw my degree out when there's preteens doing better work than I ever could." It's all in good fun until it… isn't."
"And we're just supposed to take you at your word on this?" He scoffed.
"No… I understand why you wouldn't. Especially you, a lot of riders retire young, don't they? Age is probably less threatening for them." She shrugged stiffly," But like- Mr. Imai. Imagine you're a 60 year old Ambassador for a nation, waiting for a meeting with someone representing another. And an 18 year old, fresh out of high school, walks in. And he's beyond your level. Wouldn't you feel threatened?"
"Or- or you're a big name Hollywood director, you've worked in your industry for years and you want to sign onto a project that's sure to be revolutionary. But you're beaten out by Fuyuse Akio. You've never heard that name, but when you research it: she's a child. And the movie comes out and it's incredible. It has better direction than you could have ever come up with! Wouldn't you be frustrated?"
"Oh…" you say, finally," So… the "Protection" the Institute was offering was… job security, almost? Getting rid of the young and talented to ensure that the order wouldn't be interrupted."
"That about sums it up, yeah. There were books in the library about it. I tore the pages. I- didn't want anyone to have to go through that realization. To feel mocked by reality, that the people in power are… generally pretty resistant to change."
"So what now?" Destry growled," Why are you dumping all of this on us now? To taunt us before you kill us? To mock the "hope" you inspired within us?"
"…No, that's wrong." You say, the image suddenly clicking into place," It's not… mockery. We won't die."
"And how the hell can you say that?!"
Yasuda laughed weakly," No no, that's right. I revealed myself to you. I am the Mastermind behind this Killing Game. That's… against the rules, remember?"
Her voice shook," The game ends when only two players remain and I broke a rule. Rule-breakers must be punished and win-conditions must be met."
A look crossed his face, something finally breaking through the anger he'd been burning through. Disbelief, maybe? Horror? Despair? Despite everything, he still really cared about Alpana, huh? "What?"
She stepped back from her podium, until she reached the base of the stairs to the thrown," After this you've gotta keep living, okay? Both of you. For everyone I took that chance from with my selfish hope."
"This is not victory. This is a win by default." Destry argued, gaze fixed on her," If you helped plan this stupid game, surely you can twist the rules!"
You approach him, placing a hand gently on his shoulder and shaking your head,"… Can't we at least do that? Live for everyone. Not for her, but for them?"
His shoulders slumped. It seemed like he'd used all his energy on giving up one last fight before he died. But… if he wasn't going to, then there was no use for that. It just burned him out. He needed something to rage against to keep him going.
"You can't do this." He said stiffly.
Yasuda sat down, scooping the animatronic cat up in her arms. Its tail curled around her affectionately, a robotic purr filling the air. She smiled. Even after everything, it was still warm. Full of care and affection, even as tears spilled from her eyes and her hand hovered inches above the signal of her death.
"Please. Vote for me. You… don't have to watch, okay?"
What else can you do, really? You return to your podium and very silently turn in your vote. You hadn't even noticed that she'd already done so. There was no doubt in your mind that she'd voted for herself. Across from you, Destry looks away as he does the same. All the votes were in. And you'd guessed…
Correct. The Mastermind was Alpana Yasuda, the Ultimate Graphic Designer.
"Thank you." She said weakly, her smile crinkling her eyelids.
"Now… Hah. This is so stupid." She swallowed thickly, looking into the sky," I bid mew furwell! It… It's pawnishment time!"
Yasuda slammed her fist down onto the button, laughing softly even as she was dragged away in chains. You reached after her. This wasn't fair! None of this was but you- you truly believed her when she said she didn't want for this to happen.
Alpana has been found guilty. Time fur the pawnishment!
Alpana Yasuda: The Loneliest Girl In The World
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elierosies · 1 month
Heyyy *drops a fanart for my first bbg*
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alienssstufff · 26 days
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ninetypercentspoon · 1 month
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Is someone there?
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