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naomiwielant · 3 days ago
Another stunning photoshoot of Zhang Yaqin, our beautiful girl & county princess of Flourished Peony! I really, really, really love the Tang dynasty vibes of this shoot!
It makes me want to travel back in time to the Tang dynasty. I really wish could...
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ZHANG YAQIN 张雅钦 for Flourished Peony | hanfu photoshoot
Zhang Yaqin: more photos here hanfu photoshoot: more photos here
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4aceclover · 1 year ago
Trolls AU (Hypnosis Au)
A unique idea I've had What If instead of music being the main ruling deciding factor of things in the trolls universe there was something else that also allowed people to have power hypnosis more accurately my manipulation as there's multiple different types of this
The best part is is that depending on your type of music it will determine what kind of manipulation you're born with naturally
Are protagonist Branch is a unique case as he's the only troll in the entire known trolldome to be born with out a hypnotic ability of his own which makes things a little more interesting for branch instead of being ostracized for this lack of ability a lot of trolls actually see him as a light in the darkness they see him as something special and that means everyone's going to be vying after him even our other lead Poppy who isn't in the best state
But trust me when I say if poppy is in a bad state to the point where she feels like she needs him in her life just imagine what everyone else in his life is going to be like
I'm talking every single character that branches met specifically in the movies with one TV show cameo as this character is just as important as the rest of them
K-pop gang
Yodelers (mostly Hickory)
Chaz (hypnotic smooth jazz duh)
And the most dangerous of all Poppy
All the other troll tribes want him too for different reasons some more selfish than the others and mind you this unique ability well it's mostly seen in trolls can work on any species and can even be developed on in any species like the bergens and Mount regions
Poor Branch is in for a wild ride as his life will never be the same
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pueppielein · 3 months ago
Saitama has a basic interest in romantic relationships
The most "important" part is the last little text block.
I guess most of you will know these audiobooks. In that it's the only time he mentioned something like that. Gives me the feeling One exactly knows what he does with /for us haha
Audiobooks/Season 2 Saitama and the Mysterious Heroine https://onepunchman.fandom.com/wiki/Audiobooks/Season_2_Blu-ray_%26_DVD
"Man: Hey, hey, lady... are you alone? I have a movie ticket too many, you in?Woman: I'm sorry, I have something to do now.Man: Ooh, I see. That thing to do... what time does it end at? Doesn't sound like a reunion~Woman: nmm, kinda? Thing is I don't know when will it be done.Saitama: It's not like I want to have that playboy attitude either... Even him, I'm sure, is after a kind of interaction that suits him. The more I think about it... lately when it comes to me, I have the feeling these sort of things have just... completely and absolutely fallen off from my daily life.(...) Saitama: Ummmm... What is this feeling? Am I envious of that guy for living his youth? Mn nah I don't think that's it but, I don't know. It's just that I have the feeling my relationships with people are broken...
(...) Saitama: That’s not the point... I have the feeling that things like a heart to heart interaction, sharing an umbrella, warmth, are all things broken away in my life. Other people can have things like big events and circumstances happening, romances and such bringing happiness in their daily lives. I have the feeling something broke and that sweet-like fluffy, nice stuff just fell right off from me. That's what I meant. (...)
!!! Saitama: Well, we're heroes, right? We're working and living as such. And yet, why are we indifferent towards things like love interests or girlfriends? In some way it seems obvious and logical, but is it really ok? Are you ok with reality being so much harder than fiction?!!!
(...) means: parts of left out text
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shiuefha · 7 months ago
Before I post the second chapter of my fanfiction, I guess I need to post this Stella Count I made for this fanfiction. Hopefully the Stella Count isn't blurry for you to read, but yeah, basically I conclude that it's possible for someone to become an Imperial Scholar before finishing the elementary school grades.
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The patterns I use in the Stella Count are basically like this:
I guess it's possible for Damian to get his Stella Stars from both the midterms and the term finals, so his count is constantly increased in all of the exams (specifically in History), except in a term final because of something that I can't explain yet here.
Anya probably will just focus on the term finals, so I assume that she'll get all of her remaining Stella Stars from the term finals (specifically in Classical Language).
The other three (Becky, Emile and Ewen) probably will get their Stella Stars only from the second term finals of each grade, but since we still don't know about Emile's specialized subject, I assume that he starts getting it from the second grade.
Now we know from chapter 93 that an Imperial Scholar like Demetrius still has chances to get more Stella Stars so the patterns will keep going until all of them graduate from the school.
Well, I'm probably just too optimistic and this counts seems unrealistic for some of you, but I guess it's still possible to happen.
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daktyl-z-jordanii-blog · 1 year ago
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welcome to hell
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gakriele-lvs-blog · 2 years ago
The Light from the Sea AU
Basically was suddenly struck with a rush of imagination after hearing @angelcloves talking about wanting to make a mermaid AU so... there you go! ---Blight industries are poisoning some beaches, find a sick mermaid (Luz) Odalia wants to make some good cash out of them (Aquarium for the rich?) Amity meets her in secret and promises to help her out. Luz mentions Eda (tourist trap owner) and how she actually learn a lot about humans thanks to her.
---Belos (An even bigger millionaire than Odalia) discovers another mermaid (Vee, or maybe she is another kind of mythical creature? like, in canon she is adopted so...) and eventually gets some information out of her and starts investigating Blight industries knowing that they have another mermaid and/or other mythical creatures Vee's sister, Luz. (Maybe in this the Wittebane's bloodline has dedicated his life to exterminating every single mythical creature on earth)
---At school, Amity is starting to show signs of anxiety after eavesdropping on Odalia talking with Belos about buying Luz (and something about him planning to dissect both Luz and Vee) Willow and Gus notice (Gus recognizes the clear anxiety in her body language, and although Willow isn't friends with Amity anymore she understood that that wasn't her Amity's choice) this and start to wonder what is happening to her.
---Amity desperate to help Luz before is too late tries to get her out but she refuses upon hearing Amity mention the other mermaid (Vee) knowing that they may hurt her. Meanwhile, Hunter is going throught pretty much the same with Vee (he beggings to question his uncle's reasoning that all mythical creatures are evil) but Belos discovers him, and... you can already imagine what happens next. If anyone is interested go ahead and use any of these ideas if you see fit, I don't mind! And if you need help planning ask I will gladly help!
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naomiwielant · 2 years ago
A few days ago I started watching The Longest Day in Chang'an and I LOOOOVEEE IT!!! !!! The story, the actors, the cinematography is wow! I'm at episode 15 and Lei Jiayin is rocking this drama! I really enjoy the interaction between Zhang Xiaojing & Tan Qi.
I'm really looking forward to the next episodes.
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4aceclover · 2 months ago
Meet the Afton kids
(before all the incidences)
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first day of school
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4aceclover · 2 months ago
Trolls Kismet headcannons
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These headcanons were made when I first watched the movie but I was still a little nervous about posting them I've gotten used to posting so I thought better late than never
half rock troll half pop trolls who happened to be raised by pop trolls
For a long period of his life he didn't know he was half rock which made his identity issues a bit harder for him and trying to fit in really difficult
Always prefer to bit more flashiness to his life and loved his friends
The oldest of the group and the Dad of the group but not the official leader
More of a fiery type of troll that's one of the reasons why on hot summer days he was the only one of the members to not feel it but he gets cold way too quickly
Doesn't handle spicy food that well that's the ironic part
Any kind of element he has usually equates to fire in some way shape or form, mostly due to his fiery passion learned new things and his intensity He's been called firestarter behind his back and he likes the nickname
His flames would most likely start at his hair especially when he's angry
Because he's a Half Rock troll he likes music that's usually much louder than usual most pop trolls are fine with that but he prefers ones where you can't understand the lyrics if you sing in a crazy way or too fast
One of the prime kind of kids to be marked for bullying usually because he's seen as weird or because he just can't understand pop cues as much as the others can
And we've seen time and time again how the Pop trolls tend to treat things that are different than them in a bit of a messed up manner they don't try to be cold but some of them definitely do it was just really bad for a Ablaze at that point at his childhood
Has no volume control which only makes the bullying worse (at least that's what he's been told)
He meant branch the day before he would have decided to run away and decided to stay by the kids side because he realized that there are some people who are more open (not to mention he didn't want Branch to get bullied like he was and have no one by his side)
He was grateful to have branch as a little brother
Despite Branch protest, Ablaze was the one who started calling Branch his little brother not the other way around
Does not get along well with Bruce like at all. (One of them is called the Dad of the group while the other one is a dad). Their views on taking care of their groups is completely different which makes Brandy and the other girls laugh
Surprisingly though he gets along well with JD probably due to the overprotective nature of the older brother and the fact that they both can understand each other when it comes to not being able to pick up on social cues but still not being able to be fully grasp it
Not to mention they were the ones who Branch looked up to the most as a kid despite the lack of goggles he saw a lot of his big brother in him
The middle child of the group
The one who usually kept everyone together but also had a hard time opening up himself even when it came to people he cared about
Had emotional trauma after losing his mom so it always made it hard for him to open up or show more of his more childish side
Met Trickee and Ablaze before meeting Branch but is always the first to dote on branch before anyone else
The official band Leader of the group but not the official parent leader of their team (for a good reason)
His powers usually equate to Water because he's the most flexible and open-minded of the team (besides branch of course)
He's a sweethearted glitter troll but his glitter is way shinier than an average glitter troll it looks like (and is often mistaken to be water.) Some Trolls who have accidentally drank it before and they blame him for it
Well he can pick up on social cues much more efficiently than some of his other friends it makes him really happy that other trolls can appreciate what he can do with power
It's only when his friends start being picked on and bullied do people start to include him saying how they feel "sorry" that he's around screw-ups and people who only bring him down
He was also an incredibly intelligent type of troll so it only made the bullying and constant teasing and flip-flopping all the worse
That's why he would always do his hardest to protect his friends, he hates the fact that they are treated poorly just because they happen to be a little different, and while he's seen as relatively the same that doesn't mean that he's treated the same
He loves his family which is why he's the band leader. He's the one who got the band together in the first place
after Branch lost his grandma he was the one who kept everyone together
Does not (and I mean) DOES NOT get along with Clay at all. Those two can't stand each other, their elements make it even worse for them to be around each other
Clay is lightning while hype is water, usually those two elements get along but it's actually the exact opposite for these two
But does get along really well with Floyd he likes taking care of things that are relatively smaller than him and after what happened him in the third movie he can't help but feel sorry for him
Water has healing properties after all and he wants to help Floyd get back to his regular state. Even if he has a hard time forgiving him for what he put branch through that doesn't mean he has to suffer such horrible pain in his body
All four of them agree that Floyd had suffered enough and so they're fine with hype using his powers to try and heal him
Second oldest of the group but you would never know because of his maturity level
A curious but kinda reckless adventure type troll (who's way more cautious than you think)
Because of Branch's paranoia and his constant cautiousness they've been able to save their friends out of seriously dangerous adventures when they were kids
This one after leaving the troll tree when they all escaped Bergen Town became a bounty hunter to try and find his friends
He might not be the smartest of the group, but he is the strongest therefore making his intuition way more amplified than the rest which makes him incredibly powerful
His element usually are connected to Darkness mostly due to the fact that he's surrounded by darkness ever since he was a kid he could control darkness around him and even see in the dark
This is mostly due to the fact that his parents were really good at foraging for food therefore taking him with them and causing him to go on crazy adventures
But both of them sacrifice their lives to protect him from the bergens and other animals around them therefore causing him to have extreme cautiousness blaming himself for things that aren't as fault
Basically he has a dark based powers but he's not an evil troll just a kid with a lot of trauma and dark issues
Saved branch during one of his foraging adventures a few weeks before Branch's brother is abandoned him which was how they met
Didn't know much about brozone since he wasn't surrounded by music like the others so he got to know Branch as Branch rather than Bitty b
He was this troll that encouraged branch to learn more about building bunkers and survival type stuff
Those two got along real well when he saw Branch's skills and he was the most hyperactive when it came to building the bunker
Was also bullied but for different reasons mostly due to the fact that trolls couldn't look past his power of being darkness always picked on him for being so dark and gloomy and always choosing to be in dark areas
Had it not been for Boom and Branch being in his life he probably would have become more of a gloomy emotype troll (or he would have used his ability to torment others to make them feel his pain)
It also doesn't help that he's extremely jumpy and doesn't sleep well at night He's more of a nocturnal type of troll so he's a light sleeper
He's the kind of troll you want for a zombie apocalypse but not the kind of troll you want when it comes to loud parties and glitter rain he hates those kind of things and always tries as hard as to protect branch from such loud environments since they share a lot of similarities when it comes to parties
Doesn't get along with JD like at all it is insane how much these two do not like each other
Most people think it's because of superficial things like their Goggles but it's a bit deeper than that
Both of them are adventurous and both of them love bringing branch on those types of adventures and they're both dangerous kind of adventurers
The big difference is is the fact that Trickee just doesn't trust JD he abandoned his little brother once because of a stupid performance what makes him think he won't do it again during a life or death situation
Combine that with the fact that trick is usually way more prepared versus JD who just rushes into danger without thinking and only makes trying to go on adventures far worse for the two of them
They're both the kind of trolls you would want as leaders for venturing type situations but never do you want them to work together on a team they kill each other
It's that lack of trust (and in his eyes lack of intelligence) that makes him hate JD but surprisingly it's that same lack of trust but abundance of intelligence that makes him really appreciate Clay
Because he's not the smartest of the group he admires smart people like Clay and Branch even if he is still too bitter to admit it
However some trolls do get a little freaked out by the fact that his elemental type being darkness. If he's angry enough can cause nightmares but it makes the other members of his group laugh because their nightmares they've already lived through them none of them could really have anything worse happening to them
Second youngest of the group but yet still acts like baby
Emotionally mature but mentally behind the others
The sunshine child of the group that gave them their band name to begin with
His powers are connected to rainbows specifically controlling colors and making rainbows appear even when it's not rainy or sun shiny outside (and other types of weather he just prefers rainbows the most since it's easy for him to maneuver)
Because of this he can actually use other people's powers depending on his mood and his hair just like the others can change color depending on his emotion it's just more intense than the other four
Because of his mental development being a bit behind than the others he was bullied but in a completely different way
Rather than being picked on for not being very smart people pitied him and treated him as if he was incompetent
At first he was fine with it because he genuinely didn't think he was all that smart it wasn't until he meant Hype and Branch did he realize what people were doing to him
He slowly started to unlearn his learned helplessness and learned idiocy and realized that he was really smart just smart in different areas
Just like Branch this kids autistic but he also has ADHD which makes his energy and attentiveness go through the roof
Surprisingly he was never bullied for these kinds of things and in fact acted more like a Pop troll than the rest of them
He was very protective of his family which is why he hated being treated differently than the others and insisted that he was normal
And when he said normal he meant normal as in his Team normal not society level normal
Doesn't get along well with Floyd mostly due to his childishness of not liking people who break promises
Floyd understands this he just doesn't get why the kid constantly rubs it in his face
It also doesn't help that the two are very clingy when it comes to branch, but branch tends to treat boom more like a little brother compared to Floyd which makes his anger far worse boom is a big tease about it as well
It also doesn't help that just like Branch he misses social cues or at least that's what people think
In reality he does pick up on social cues and can understand what's going on around him he just chooses to act like he doesn't. This consistently make people think about what they say and do around him before they do it
Since he's the closest in age with branch he gets along with him very well but unlike Floyd actually tries to keep his promises
This is where his relationship with Bruce comes in these two really appreciate each other
Boom was always really good at cooking and Bruce is amazing at it so the two work well together when it comes to that kind of thing
And because of his childish nature Bruce's kids really like him and he treats him just as much like another child rather than treating him like a rival
But deep down both of them know that they have issues with some of their teammates but they don't like giant fights between their groups so they try their hardest to defuse them by using food to distract everyone
The only people who pick up on this is Brandy, Poppy, and Branch (or at least sometimes branch)
One of the best conversations both groups have had is the confusion as to why people would think boom and Floyd with date each other just because they happen to be into guys
They don't want to date each other and not because they hate each other but it's actually because they think it'll be way too awkward for two completely different sides of branches family to suddenly start dating
it would just be too awkward for everyone involved and the last thing they want is to give Branch more trauma than they already have
The baby of the group but also the reason why they are together in the first place
Met all of them when they were still kids before any of the trauma he would have to endure came about
Couldn't get in contact with them after they all escaped from the troll tree and thought the worst
The only positive things he could think about was if they were still alive he's happy that they're far away from Pop village and don't have to deal with the bullying that they endure their whole lives anymore
Or if there's still alive then I hope they're having a nice life I just hope that they're still alive even if we can't reunite
Had a feeling that Ablaze was mixed but didn't say anything since knowledge of the other troll tribes he thought at the time we're just stories his grandma told him
Loves all different types of genres even as a kid but didn't realize that those genres actually existed since they were lost knowledge especially after losing his grandma
Loves those boys twice as much as his actual brothers
Normally he doesn't have an elemental power in my stories but if he did have a actual power it would actually be the power to bring people together
Met them all in a bizarre order and didn't even realize at all four of them had met each other at some point until they all regrouped one day
Totally autistic which is why he's able to get along with everyone around him because he can pick up on social cues usually the bad ones but never the positive ones it escapes him somehow
Despite being the youngest it was actually his idea for them to separate their family life from their band life this idea was sat on for a little while but eventually acted upon after brozone broke up
This would turn out to be the best idea for them since they were able to put aside their band differences and their family differences when the time arose
They all took a vote and decided to have Ablaze be their family leader, while Hype was their band leader since it was their idea to be a found family and a band at the same time
It was thanks to this flexibility and choices they were able to stay together for so long
Grandma Rosie Puff was happy to see Branch having so much fun with his friends and it only made her heartbreak more after the brothers broke up and these four were the only ones who could comfort branch
Was always worried about them even after he grew up and became gray and wondered where they were
He would only hear bits and pieces about mysterious trolls looking for their friends even one of them becoming a bounty hunter but he couldn't figure out which one would it be
Always protects them from the sketchy con artist of the Pop village like Creek
As a big f u to brozone they made their own personal voodoo dolls of the brothers to see if they can actually cause them pain it didn't work but it was a great way for them to vent
(I finally figured out each in sync member's name to match up with the troll that they're supposed to play granted I've never had a boy band phase until literally thanks to this movie so I never knew who was who but bear in mind I still have no idea if I'm right so please correct me if I'm not)
Ablaze- Joey
Hype- JC
Trickee- Chris
Lance- Boom
Branch- Justin (but come on that's obvious)
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daktyl-z-jordanii-blog · 1 year ago
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4aceclover · 1 year ago
Does Branch live his brothers or does he live in his bunker in your au? Or maybe they all live in the bunker?
I've been thinking about this question for a while so it's about time I answered
I've been wanting to draw this idea for a good long time. Branch does indeed have a bunker but it's actually two bunkers: one for his brothers and him and the other is for his other band Kimset, they didn't know that Brozone had already made a bunker because they only saw them in a treehouse a home that they made separate from the PODS of Pop village
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4aceclover · 1 month ago
So cute
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bring your kid to work day
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4aceclover · 7 months ago
Branch before and after he starts his journey
(this is my first time doing online drawing rather than doing traditional pen and paper drawing so apologies if it looks really bad the story I'm writing will do a better job at explaining each of these gifts and items he's wearing and how he obtained them apologies again if this looks really bad)
Before his journey After his journey
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Before Branch ever starts his journey because he's in the troll tree and pop village he wears more clothes that highlight this fact about him for example his skin is still like his brothers it's a more tealish blue than the regular blue he has and his eyes are still up Bright blue
He's wearing Floyd's vest
A special hair clip made by Kimset that's supposed to be a memorial clip from RosiePuff
A flower hair clip made by Viva
A special birthday crown made by his brother's Grandma and Poppy
The only part of his hair that is in blue is the strand that sticks out
However after he starts his journey he puts all of his special accessories back in his room as he doesn't want to lose them, his skin starts changing depending on the lighting and his emotional state because again he's a very moody troll, and instead they accessories surrounding him on the right are actually special gifts that he takes with him
Fingerless gloves that can turn into normal gloves by pulling the cover on top (was inspired by his brother John Dory to make these gloves)
Special goggles he got for his birthday but he tinkered with him a little bit to make them transition and night vision goggles
A dragonfly hair clip he got from Sky Toronto, (Sky knows about he's close relationship with Keith) so he got them special accessories when the boys were lost in the rain together
A special black leather jacket he made in memory of the two friends he made in Bergen Town Bridget and gristle (I'll talk about their connection in a future chapter)
Wears a special fishnet stocking he made doesn't even realize that Floyd has one that's similar because Floyd's are usually pinkish black instead of just black
Gifts during his personal world tour (specifically the accessory gifts the instrument gives will come later)
Rock troll nose ring
Country troll bandana
Techno troll glow sticks
Funk troll star earring
Classical troll handbag (a special storage kit, it was the classical trolls that taught him about wish stones and how to get one)
Bounty Hunter troll guitar pick (a special one made by the K-pop trolls but with the little bit of the other bounty Hunter magic inside of it)
Branch carries with him a special journal he made for this trip in order to help him remember the music that he's being introduced to, as he loves music so much he wants to bring them all together. He doesn't even realize the impact he has on other trolls because of his warmth, honesty, and kind-hearted nature
And don't even get me started with just how dangerous these gifts are not for branch but for others who try to harm him
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4aceclover · 7 months ago
Hi, I just wanted to say that ur Hypnosis Au is wicked cool 😎. I've read ur fanfic and I can't wait to read the next chapter 😁
I found it quite interesting when Viva referred brozone as that family. Will it play a significant part in ur au lore? And will branch begin to take notice how the trolls respond or interact with his big brothers?
Or how viva and peppy observe how poppy introduces herself to branch?
Or how branch's brothers actually take notice of how he's is "immune" to their gifts?
Or how exactly does Au Lore truly begin?
Sorry if I'm rambling abit 😅
I just think ur au is awesomesauce 😊
I'm so happy I make one chapter just for fun I didn't expect to get a question so I'm so happy you're asking all this and don't worry I ramble too
And let's just say there's always going to be lore hidden somewhere within each of these chapters you just got to find it, some of them will be a bit more lore heavy than others but I will always try my hardest to put small clues into each chapter when it comes to the lore
Anyway here are the answers to some of these questions
When it comes to Viva referring to Branch's family as "that family" that is going to be important because of the dynamic between her and Poppy vs branch and his brothers, (specifically for her Arc) She finds their relationship very sweet because she fails to notice the toxicity of her relationship with Poppy and the relationship between the brozone Bros. (I mean why would she notice it she's friends with Clay after all they have very similar mindsets)
Branch doesn't notice how people react to his brothers just yet because we're still in his childhood phase but he will notice it as he gets older and reminisces about the past
Ask for how trolls interact with the brozone Bros let's just say I have a few fun ideas for how brozone uses their power on the tribe before they leave (cuz currently they're still inside the troll tree)
Viva and Pepe will be there when Poppy finally gets a chance to talk to branch but that doesn't mean that she won't feel uncomfortable with having her family watching them (one cares about Branch, the other one obsessively thinks he's adorable, and Poppy just wants a friend)
As for Branch being immune to viva's power that's actually a point in the story that I want to dive into a little more, because Poppy and Viva have very similar powers however the way that they use them will be different thanks to branches influence. Viva's power is specifically to Make Trolls Happy which can be a good thing but at the same time can be seen as a toxic trait similar to toxic positivity, Poppy's power on the other hand is a bit different but I'm going to keep it a secret for now
At first Brozone genuinely don't even realize when branch is being immune to their powers because their baby brother is so innocent and sweethearted how could they notice, it's only when other trolls Powers don't work on him do they realize something's up (on the other hand, trolls who are better at observing others like their grandma, Poppy, and Creek for example do notice something up with Branch whenever it comes to their powers they just choose not to say anything because it's not hurting anyone, and because of their own personal curiosity)
Here's a little bit of my own info dump
So when brozone does find out about branches little immunity to other powers at first they're shocked and genuinely don't believe Viva when she tells them at first but when it starts to affect their lives that's when they see this as a problem, but rather than blaming Viva for it they actually ask her how in the world did it happen did they trigger this, to figure out how they can work around it not realizing that they can't
Branch being immune to other people's powers isn't a superpower that he has (remember branch is the only one born without powers even those that negate other trolls Powers he doesn't have that), it's just Branch showing his true colors in his own way without even realizing it. I plan on explaining it in a future post and in the story
I plan on explaining viva's power a bit more in the story itself alongside the bro zone Powers and a few other characters who play an important role in Branch's story
Ask for King Pepe well he's not a terrible father I'm just going to make this clear now but he does have his moments of being not the best, for clarification when he tries his hardest to be a good dad he ends up failing one of his kingly duties but when he tries to be a good King he ends up failing as a father and unfortunately he can't seem to find a good work around and it's not exactly his fault I mean anyone would struggle to be a good dad and a good King in his position
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4aceclover · 1 year ago
You mention that a lot of other trolls like Branch in your au. Do these trolls have a crush on him or do they just want him because of his lack of hypnosis ability? (Sorry that I'm asking a lot of questions lately!)
That's a good question and here comes a vague mixed answer
Yes and no not all the trolls are as selfish as the pop trolls, but not all of them are as kind as the flower children are, not to mention not all of them are as perceptive
For example Prince D was able to figure out that Branch had no powers from the moment he met him but just wanted to get it confirmed by Branch first, but Barb when she first met him couldn't really tell not because she's not smart but because she's not as perceptive
It always varies from troll to troll what their intentions motives and endgame are when they meet branch
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4aceclover · 3 months ago
It's what you Get burntrap, and it's what you deserve
Now do us all favor and don't come back
And that speech was pretty badass
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You know Henry’s final speech went hard in FNAF
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