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booberrybawls · 21 days ago
jesucristo it's the stupid aquatic moose child again
julian bashir laying on his bed, kicking his feet back and forth reading garak's latest suggestion sighing dreamily and saying "this is the worst thing I have ever read"
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bollywoodirect · 2 years ago
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7 years of Sairat (29/04/2016)
"After the release of the Sairat, three families in Mumbai reconciled, including that of Sachin Lokhande. He had waited for 12 years for his Muslim girlfriend's family to agree to their marriage. However, after watching Sairat, his parents finally approved of their marriage. The film's fans also formed an organization called the Sairat Marriage Group, with almost 100 volunteers across Maharashtra. This group aimed to assist runaway couples who were facing similar issues due to caste or religion differences."
Sairat is a Marathi-language romantic tragedy film released in 2016. Directed by Nagraj Manjule and produced by himself under his banner Aatpat Production along with Nittin Keni and Nikhil Sane under Essel Vision Productions and Zee Studios. The film stars Rinku Rajguru and Akash Thosar in their debuts and tells the story of two young college students from different castes who fall in love, leading to conflict between their families.
Manjule conceived the story in 2009, based on his own experiences of caste discrimination, but abandoned it when he found it uninteresting. He returned to the story after making Fandry (2013) and completed its script in the following year. Manjule wrote the screenplay, while his brother Bharat wrote the dialogues.
The film was shot in Manjule's village, Jeur in Karmala Taluka of Solapur district in Maharashtra. Sudhakar Reddy Yakkanti was the director of photography, and Kutub Inamdar edited the film.
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444names · 2 years ago
Names generated from Italian cities, Roman places/ruins and Bulgarian forenames
Acalen Acefanisua Aceriulbii Achria Acomanda Acona Acriarle Adiste Adorrey Adoserne Afana Agons Agorliae Alenesil Alento Aliolliyan Ameonka Anasimir Anavlanyan Anaydeja Andri Anikolae Anovetur Anuzhio Apavia Apolese Apria Aquae Aquaeva Aquili Arilina Armil Aromesiu Aromicia Asano Asessiumir Asija Asimiradko Atium Ausermona...
Bailies Barmo Basiula Baskevala Bassa Beiacefae Bellankato Belyana Benka Benna Benzio Betkosse Bevandra Bevesimil Bislav Bladimista Blago Blanum Bobbii Bogdarpia Bogni Bogno Bolavri Bolio Bomigna Borboys' Boria Borica Borno Boruh Bovicium Bovum Boyara Bozdarozda Bozzonium Bramuil Caescalii Calae Caletum Candiminum Canka Canumna Carazm Carda Carmira Castorni Catelina Cefatta Celia Cenna Cesimina Ceturon Chana Chilya Chivko Closho Cobbia Cobbis Colessena Coliia Comeo Concoli Conga Conia Conti Conza Coragedome Cordimon Coromchia Coromcho Corto Crevalia Culum Cumfulii Cumir Dentimvio Dentium Denzaneum Deraduben Dernoa Desencaria Dessa Desus Dimia Dorto Dricae Drigo Drivarae Duboys' Dubra Dubria Dunium Dunte Durianka Durifonnay Durigeryx Durno Durote Duroum Durozhon Ebeli Elina Emeona Emirimo Empota Eriae Ermana Ertodorin Evaraccegi Falanka Fanae Fandri Fanimona Fatko Feboya Felseri Ferce Ferneven Fettina Fiulia Flonna Folium Foniko Forleia Forrae Fortori Fortoyavia Forum Galiciva Gamil Ganzani Gargium Gavesus Gellum Genia Genka Geodon Gerateora Gevidana Giaetti Giareggil Golbeni Golla Gorina Grinicina Grium Groslaso Grossil Grotana Grotemir Grurnelium Heranka Hergi Hermonza Herozda Hrinum Hrumitelii Iglicivren Ilvidana Imeonia Imilii Imiragunum Ioemil Iregutum Iriglintia Islaga Ivontuae Ivorum Jivio Jortura Katentium Kazko Khrina Khrum Khruscara Kimitsala Kirayko Kraccenza Lacalù Lampetum Lavena Leccetino Lentiannae Lenza Lernium Lerno Lesen Liashon Lieryx Liolav Liporista Liuria Liuroviola Ljubozdana Lodesiera Lodin Lonacae Lonna Luceno Lucia Luscerbola Lyarea Lyaregulia Lyuborno Macindia Magae Magaesa Magium Magnyarigo Malchie Manav Manka Maroma Maroses Mateia Matemenum Menimir Meora Mesija Mihano Miradria Mirey Miria Mlancons Modori Molon Moncerum Monelon Monfrum Moriae Napratemen Natanka Nelch Nevilianav Niscae Ogdaterona Oggio Ognevia Ognia Ognyanka Olaventza Oliia Olinaso Padesla Panaso Pargium Pedanona Pedasho Pedezio Pedisla Penta Peria Peslava Petin Petlaguna Petrigoria Petum Petus Peziorgi Pinum Pleia Pobrum Pollo Pomedota Pongista Potanoa Potav Potondua Pozhilii Racontiula Radisla Raedina Ragav Ragna Ragnevia Rapizzo Rasillii Ratelekko Ravano Raylonka Regus Remita Rezha Rigno Rocefae Rodiolloni Romil Romina Romitusen Roslan Rovardae Rovina Rozhaia Rozzuolon Rusculchia Rusferian Rusor Rutua Ruturodeja Saliia Sanolan Sanrentza Sarista Sarmo Saseprae Savoliy Senis Septelis Serna Sesav Sinayko Sislavalta Snessies Snetum Snevese Spanka Stana Stananav Stelora Stelsepter Sterno Sterota Stina Stoyana Strea Sulae Sulchio Svelinae Svera Symedenna Syrataorna Tabii Tanna Tantium Tanum Tarigna Tefka Temin Temna Tenuce Tenzio Tercum Terrasium Tersabaia Tisla Toiaetko Toregnyan Totana Toyka Tratkori Tregna Trena Tsven Tsveria Tsverno Tusolza Tzvena Udmil Udmin Vanovihana Veccafrata Vecchontum Vecen Veliliko Vellaesil Venavetoia Venta Ventana Ventiho Venucchiva Venzarlina Veriana Vetabil Vetko Vettano Viacona Vidan Vidanka Videli Vidua Viglicchil Vineumna Violavin Viora Vitas Vitum Viular Vlactin Vlavium Vlium Vliva Vyassa Yangiolas Yudicum Zhannav Zheriu Zhieta Zhili Zhiogdanka Zlaesan Zlaetarpia Zlailva Zlampezio Zlavina
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anislandintime · 2 years ago
The class went fine. I dont think I have ever spoken with so much heart in any class. Speaking of Jabya's life, his craving for love, his inability to believe in anything in the logical and social realm to find him love, his his investment in a mystical hope, his efforts to turn the mystic in to the real, the inevitable nature of his fate, the piling up of disappointments and slowly turning into rage in him, all felt too personal this time. The film Fandry, though always a favourite, never felt this close. Without me realizing a sentence came out of my mouth... It was in the context of pointing at how in the end it is only Jabya who gets physically and visibly violent in the film, and how that sight scares Shalini- seeing Jabya in an animistic rage. I said, "When unloved for long, people could become unlovable too." It was difficult to speak when those words came out of my mouth. If the last few interactions with AK had not happened, and had I not felt like I have been turned unlovable at the end of it all, I dont think this thought wouldn't have erupted from inside of me. I almost choked after I heard the words that came out of my mouth. I somehow held myself till the class got over. When the class got over, I just lied down and it felt like I had slipped into death. The lines of the song that AK used to sing for me came back to me in her own voice... koi dekhein, banke taqdeeron ka mith jaana... I struggled to drown that voice. I also texted Nagraj asking if he is free to talk. Maybe I just thought that he who created Jabya's character will understand my suffering. But then from nowhere the voice of AK came back to me. The words this time were the final mail that we exchanged, in which my expression of anguish and sufferings were met with irritation and indifference. Since then I have tried to speak several times but have only felt sacred. Now the fear of expressing and it being met with dismissal, disapproval and indifference has impacted me so much that I feel scared of being pushed away if I give words to my pain. I deleted the text sent to NM, like I earlier deleted the text sent to AS asking if there are slots available for a therapy session. No, I dont think I am able to express anymore. I fear I too might turn like Jabya- unlovable. After a being unloved for a lifetime, what else can happen to me? How much I tried, all my life, to just be a good human. But I see the human in me eroding bit by bit. Sigh!
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a-film-app · 2 years ago
Exploring the vibrant worlds of the Gujarati, Bhojpuri, and Marathi film industries.
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Among the oldest and biggest cinema industries around the globe is found in India. A public screening of an Indian movie occurred at the beginning of 1913. It was called Raja Harischandra. Finding someone to play female characters at the time was quite difficult. It has only recently been questioned whether the middle and lower classes still associate acting with a decline in virtue, female chastity, and credibility.
Gujarati Film Industry
Among the important regional and popular film industries in Indian cinema is Gujarati Cinema. The business has reached its best point over the past ten years thanks to sane and competent directors who have won the audiences' high praise. The movies have original stories, excellent acting, beautiful music, and a wide range of genres, including Family, Tragedy, Comedy, Mystery, Sports, Sci-Fi, Historical Drama, Action, and Relationship.
At the 64th National Film Awards, the movie "Wrong Side Raju" won the National Film Award for Best Motion Picture in Gujarati. The next film, "Reva," took up the 66th National Film Award for Best Motion Picture in Gujarati.
The Gujarati film industry's most admirable quality is that it consistently embraces Bollywood stars who are not Gujarati (Bollywood). Amitabh Bachchan, a Bollywood celebrity, and Jaya Bachchan both had cameo appearances in "Carry On Kesar."
The Gujarati film sector has produced numerous films filmed outside of India, demonstrating the sector's rapid expansion. The industry supports artistic filmmaking and its promotion across various media.
More than 8 crore Gujaratis and a global audience have been reached by Gujarati cinema thanks to innovation and art over the years. Gujaratis are wealthy, and the Gujarati movie business will soon reach new heights of development. There are several Gujarati actors in Bollywood as well.
Bhojpuri Film Industry
In recent years, Bhojpuri cinema has seen a significant evolution. This has enticed numerous prominent Bollywood actors to join the Bhojpuri film industry.
Bhojpuri film was fighting for its life and was on the verge of extinction until lately. However, the collaborative effort of the Bhojpuri film industry's creators, directors, and producers brought the sector back to life by turning it profitable once more.
Bhojpuri cinema has established a niche today, and its popularity on the international market has skyrocketed. There is a worldwide audience for Bhojpuri films, not just in Bihar and Uttar Pradesh. The Indian diaspora living in Brazil, Fiji, South Africa, Guyana, Suriname, Mozambique, and Trinidad & Tobago enjoys watching Bhojpuri films. To know more about this in detail you can log into our Bhojpuri film industry app.
Marathi Film Industry
The Marathi film industry has continuously produced works of art. The business has developed a reputation for being content-centric and important thanks to movies like Fandry, Court, and Kaasav. A few years ago, the phenomenal box office success of Marathi films like Sairat, Natsamrat, and Lai Bhaari gave the impression that the industry was prosperous. But, the reality of Marathi cinema's box office performance could be better. 2019 witnessed 11 weeks where three or more Marathi films were released on the same day, which is unusual in an industry where even a solo movie struggles to maintain at the box office. This gives these movies no chance at the box office.
The Marathi movie business has its work cut out for it as the pandemic effect on the box office fades over time, and the box office throughout languages starts to rebound. It must address some fundamental structural issues for more sustained success at the box office. To know more about this in detail, you can log into our Marathi film industry app.
Bollywood is acknowledged as having the biggest global film production sector. In all, 2961 films were made in India, including 1602 features in 2012. India offers some of the lowest prices in the planet for movie tickets.
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filmaticbby · 4 months ago
What’s that Indian movie in your header?
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janchowk · 4 years ago
भारतीय सिनेमा और दलित पहचान : फैंड्री ने खोला फिल्मों का नया फ़लक
भारतीय सिनेमा और दलित पहचान : फैंड्री ने खोला फिल्मों का नया फ़लक
(ऐतिहासिक तौर पर भारतीय सिनेमा ने जहाँ फ़िल्मों के निर्माण में दलितों के श्रम का शोषण किया है वहीं उनकी कहानियों को मिटाया और हड़पा है। यह सब अकस्मात न था। परदे पर जब उनकी कहानियाँ दिखलाई जातीं तो पितृसत्तात्मक, मर्दवादी और जातिवादी प्रच्छन्न भावों के साथ सवर्ण ही उनके क़िरदारों को निभाते। यह परिदृश्य धीरे-धीरे बदला है और दलित (और कुछ ग़ैर-दलित) फ़िल्मकारों द्वारा निर्देशित सिनेमा में दलित…
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mvnandhini · 4 years ago
தலை துண்டிக்கப்பட்ட கடவுள்களின் புதல்வன் "கர்ணன்" | பகுதி - 2
தலை துண்டிக்கப்பட்ட கடவுள்களின் புதல்வன் “கர்ணன்” | பகுதி – 2
ப.ஜெயசீலன்  “revenge is the purest human emotion” தலித் சினிமாக்களில் தவிர்க்கமுடியாத ஒரு கூறாக “counter narrative” இருப்பதை நீங்கள் கவனிக்கலாம். தங்களை பற்றிய உண்மைக்கு புறம்பான பொது சித்திரத்தை கேள்விக்கு உட்படுத்தும் அல்லது மறுக்கும் அல்லது சிதைக்கும் முனைப்பை தலித்திய கலை, இலக்கிய, சினிமாவில் நீங்கள் காணலாம். தலித்துகள் பற்றிய மிக விஸ்தாரமான, நுணுக்கமான, தேர்ந்த கதையாடல்கள் பார்ப்பனிய…
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marathinewslive · 4 years ago
'फॅण्ड्री'तला जब्या दिसणार नव्या सिनेमात
‘फॅण्ड्री’तला जब्या दिसणार नव्या सिनेमात
मुंबई : दिग्दर्शक नागराज मंजुळेचा पहिला सिनेमा ‘फॅण्ड्री’ २०१३ साली प्रदर्शित झाला. या सिनेमाने साऱ्यांचंच लक्ष वेधून घेतलं. या सिनेमातून नवी जोडी प्रेक्षकांच्या भेटीला आली. अभिनेता सोमनाथ अवघडे आणि अभिनेत्री राजेश्वरी खरात या दोघांनी मुख्य भूमिका साकारली होती. या सिनेमानंतर सोमनाथ लवकरच एका नव्या रुपात प्रेक्षकांसमोर येणार आहे. १६ एप्रिलपासून फक्त थिएटर्समध्ये फ्री हिट दणका ! SGM Films Presents…
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djsongsdotorg · 4 years ago
���गळग टकळग करती माझ्या ऊसाची मशीन ग Fandry Halgi Dj Song Download Music
ढगळग टकळग करती माझ्या ऊसाची मशीन ग Fandry Halgi Dj Song Download Music
DJSONGS DOWNLOAD Download Now Google Tags : ढगळग टकळग करती माझ्या ऊसाची मशीन ग Fandry Halgi Dj Song Download Music
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wherestoriescomefrom · 4 years ago
Hi! I was wondering if you would suggest me some YA books that are actually critical of world around them? (It would be a plus if the writer is Indian, but no pressure)
Thank you
Hello hello!! I have arrived, someone has asked me for book recommendations and I HAVE SOME TO GIVE!! I'm going for a mix of fantasy, sci-fi, and coming of age, but tell me if you require me to be more specific:
1. Red Card by Kautuk Srivastava was the first one that came to my mind. Okay full disclosure, I know the author personally. I promise I'm not shilling though, I think it's a decent book and I like it. However, it isn't the most critical of the world around it. It's a coming of age novel about a boy and his football time in early 2010s Thane. Upper caste, tbh, but you know... sometimes it's nice to read about boys playing football.
2. Funny Boy by Shyam Selvadurai is a lovely novel, written by a Sri Lankan writer. I don't know how often it makes it into reclists, but it's a really nice exploration of identity, politics, queerness, and a whole host of other things that happen to us when we're fourteen.
3. The Beast with Nine Billion Feet by Anil Menon is science fiction! It's coming of age again, and it's got some really interesting hot takes on Indian politics in the near future. There's some very interesting stuff about family and history, and the heroine is one of my favourites.
4. Dumplin' by Julie Murphy is not Indian, but I can't help but put it on this list. It's just so lovely, so thoughtful, such a good read. You might know it by the movie, but god if the book isn't better! It really gets even more into body image issues, and personal histories with your small towns (as a tier two city girl, it struck, as they say, a nerve).
5. Escape by Manjula Padmanabhan is also a really good book, but I'm giving you fair warning for the fact that I'm not sure if it counts as Young Adult. It's got very serious themes, it's dystopic to begin with, and it's a gendered dystopia where women have been banned in India and India has been erased from the world map because of... circumstances. See??? It's so intense it's so weird it's so hard to really get through it, idk man, idk. The only thing it that the protagonist is a young girl, so I guess it counts??? In the same way Katniss Everdeen counts I guess.
6. Sorcerer to the Crown by Zen Cho was something I read last year, which I am adding here once again, unclear of whether it counts as Young Adult or New Adult. It's got a magic-as-science magic system, a spunky heroine, and a historically located people of colour in Victoriana England. The author is Malaysian, and she really deals with imperialism in such a genuinely funny way.
7. Among Others by Jo Walton is a Welsh book! I'm sorry for being so all over the place when you asked me for Indian recs, but I loved the way this one deals with the history of Wales and England and where magic stands in it.
8. LAST: The House by the Cerulean Sea by TJ Klune - do yourself a favour and read this one. It's so wonderful, so thoughtful, so much about children and pedagogy, and what we as a society owe kids. One of the children is literally Lucifer! And I love him the MOST.
There's a bunch I wanted to read in the coming months, like Taniya, Tania, more of Devika Rangacharia's work (I didn't want to include When Amma Went Away since it's more of a novella), Asmara's Summer, and Ranjit Lal's work. I'm warning you though, that the Indian stuff is uppercaste (side note, if you ever feel up for a coming of age story that is in film form, I've heard Fandry is very good, and really deals with caste at a childhood level. While we're at it, Village Rockstars by Assamese film maker Rima Das is b e a u t i f u l. Oh and I know I shouldn't give more film recs, but try this Gujarati film Dhh).
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atypicalacademic · 4 years ago
Thanks for the tag @into-the-daniverse my beloved 😘
1. Picrew
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2. Favs
Favorite Color: I have several but for this I'll go for forest green
Last Song: Sinnerman by Nina Simone
Currently Reading: still with The Book Of Chocolate Saints by Jeet Thayil..
Last Movie: Fandry
Last Show: That I finished? Uhh Season 4 of Money Heist
Tea or Coffee: Chai, babey 😌
Currently Craving: Meetha paan to munch on, and some company
Currently Working On: Soo many thingss..but Starfire, most notably. And a little something for Narein Cadash.
3. Zodiac Color Palette
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I'm a little late to the party so I feel like I might be repeating tags soo anyone who wants to have a go??
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444names · 1 year ago
Names generated from French forenames, forced to end with "S"
Adellexis Alantinès Alarges Albertinis Alinès Alivinis Aléathuris Aléris Alérès Amarançois Amirès Amues Andrégoris Anges Angérès Anicellas Anièves Anlouis Anniques Annièles Anpas Antis Anues Ançois Argetthis Arichris Arictois Arionis Arles Arnatris Audelles Aumenris Aurenclas Auris Aurisèles Aurolis...
Berichris Bervérinis Bethéris Brines Bristis Béathérès Caleinès Calis Camiles Cargabris Caris Carletis Cathérès Catris Chandris Chaniques Chançois Charis Chaëlles Cheles Chentois Cheris Chlouis Chricis Chrienicas Chrienis Chrilles Chris Chèlexis Clanes Clannienis Clannièves Clançois Claristois Claudinès Claudomas Claulis Clauris Clauroges Cléanlouis Cléatris Clémyris Clérès Colas Coles Colines Colis Coranmas Corgis Corguis Coris Cyrichris Cyriginès Cyris Céathis Cécilles Cécis Cécisephis Cédrégis Cédérès Célis Célouis Daminès Damirges Dangérès Danis Dannemmas Dannes Dannis Danpas Dançois Davirgues Davièles Denclérès Dethugues Dilles Domagnès Domas Dovictois Dovidines Dylainès Dylvaines Dylvales Dylvinès Emagnès Emairès Emançois Emaris Emaxis Emmagnès Emmarguis Emmarincis Emmarletis Emmas Emmaxis Ennes Fabielles Fabines Fabinis Fabinès Fabris Fabrunonis Fancis Fandris Fanichris Fançois Florgeris Florges Flouis Frales Franclérès Franis Frannièves Franpas Frarolas Frégis Frégoris Frélairès Frélis Frémicis Gabelles Galas Galis Galérès Gançois Gaétines Gaétis Genrinis Georguis Gerges Geris Germarines Gessabris Gessaris Getis Ghiencis Gilianis Gililis Gines Gitis Grédéris Grédérès Grégis Gélis Géris Gérès Helydinès Henclérès Henis Hentinis Heris Hernatris Herthanges Hervérès Hugoranmas Huguis Huguistois Huris Hérançois Hérès Innis Irgeoris Irges Istis Istois Jamaris Janlouis Jannes Janninès Jeancilles Jeancis Jeanges Jeangérès Jeanines Jeanis Jeanmaris Jeanmas Jeannes Jeannis Jeannièves Jeantois Jeanues Jeançois Jocécis Jocélis Jocélouis Jonis Josébas Joséves Joëlles Julexis Julierges Juliques Julis Justines Justinès Justis Justois Justéphis Jéromartis Jérès Kartris Kevichris Keviertis Kevièles Lainès Lairès Lanifertis Lannis Lançois Lascamues Lascas Laurégis Lines Liques Louilis Lucalis Lucaris Lucilles Lucis Lucisèles Lydines Lynes Lérès Madenis Madris Magaëlles Magnès Maines Mairès Manes Maniques Manis Mannis Mannièves Manpas Mançois Marançois Marcenis Marges Maris Maristinès Maristis Maristois Marles Marletis Marnatris Maroges Maroles Maroliques Maromaris Mathiles Matris Maudris Maulis Maxis Micas Micenis Michanclas Michris Micis Micolis Mictoris Milis Mirès Mohanis Mohançois Monatris Monis Morgis Muris Myris Mélançois Mélines Mélis Mélouis Nathis Natris Niencelles Nines Niquelles Nièves Nonnes Océdris Océdérès Odierges Odilexis Odinès Olaines Olianiques Pascas Pathenris Pathérès Patris Paurançois Pauricolis Pauris Phaëlles Phienis Piechris Pierthérès Rales Randrégis Ranmaxis Raymonis Renris Richris Rictois Robertis Robetis Rogenris Rogeoricas Rogeris Roges Rolas Roles Rolis Rolivinès Romaris Ronièves Rédérès Régorges Régorgis Rélis Rélorges Réloris Rélouis Rémentois Sabris Samas Sanmas Sanues Sançois Saris Sephis Sethuguis Sichlouis Solarigis Soles Soniançois Sonnes Sophançois Sophelles Stitis Stois Suzanlouis Suzanmas Suzanpas Sylairges Sylas Sylaulis Sylvalas Sylvales Sylvalis Sylvanis Sylvièves Sébas Séves Sévessicas Thançois Thelles Thielles Thiles Thilles Thines Thomaroles Thélines Thérès Vaines Vales Valis Vaniques Vannis Victois Vines Virès Vièves Véris Wilbennis Wildellas Wiles Wilicaris Wilis Willes Willis Xannis Xanpas Xançois Yancis Yançois Yvelles Yvonis Élairges Élannelles Élielles Éliques Élouis Élènes Émeniques Émenris Émentois Émiles Érènemmas Érômennis Étalis Étiamirès Étines Évelydinès
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janunharmaa · 5 years ago
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I did a couple of images for a museum to use in their material and got back into the drawing groove. As a result I spontaneously drew one of my dragons on Flight Rising in a 24-hour window. Artist’s block, just maybe, over? Fandri, one of my Nocturne girls, just without apparel and accent, didn’t feel that ambitious yet. ; D
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metal-patches-vinyl · 5 years ago
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Here’s some fresh patch porn for you fiends. The Blood Incantation strip patch is from a Facebook seller who does a lot of good work (Fandri Kalashnikov). The bottom four are from the mighty Scythe Industries, who never disappoints.
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filmaticbby · 7 years ago
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Fandry (2013) dir. Nagraj Manjule
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