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5am-the-foxing-hour · 5 years ago
Hi! I'm relatively new to the fandom (well, mostly new in regards to trying to be active and blogging about it) and I was wondering: I see posts tagged as unsympathetic or sympathetic. The first I understand (any Side being... evil, I guess is the word?) while the second seems to only be used on Janus and Remus. I was wondering if you could please possibly explain when to call them being sympathetic? I just wanna make sure my Sanders Sides blog is being tagged right, if that makes any sense. ._.
I can try my best to explain.
When Janus first showed up in Can lying be good, most of the fanderdome was certain he was evil, and abusive and all that bad stuff, and wrote several stories where they didn’t tag it accordingly, because this was their idea on how canon Janus acted. Which is not true. This intense hate on the snake made several people feel bad, so the sympathetic deceit tag was born, it meant, that anything tagged with that was a good noodle, he was not evil in it and so on. (I took the whole tag to heart and was very lonely in that tag for a while before others joined ((aka why my header is the way it is)) some got hate for not seeing the snake as evil, and it was pretty vicious. Then when Remus came the fanders who had been around when Janus was introduced did not want a repeat so the sympathetic Remus tag was born, but, unlike with Janus for some reason, Remus didn’t get the same hate attacking him as our dapper noodle did.
After that an upsurge in unsympathetic sides content of the other sides, like unsymp Virgil, or unsymp Patton grew because people wanted to see how the dynamics would change and so forth.
But to put it simply, the sympathetic Deceit tag was originally made to give fanders a place to find content with a good noodle. Even with the knowledge of his name now, some fanders are still adamant on him being evil. so the tag is a “safe heaven” for those who feel icky and sad if they see unsymp Janus stuff.
In all honestly you don’t really need to tag the sympathetic things on normal posts (I just do it out of habit), the unsympathetic tags are more important as that kind of characterisation can make people feel icky and most people have the tags blacklisted to avoid that kind of content.
Sympathetic is pretty much how you take their canon characterisation, unsymp could be them being abusive, toxic or evil. 
I hope i could answer your question.
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5am-the-foxing-hour · 5 years ago
Tumblr media
Grape (grapetakesyourshit) has deleted.
In order to stop this from happening again, @lotus-and-sides had taken both the url @grapetakesyourshit and the parody blog @peartakesgrapesshit's url after they were deleted.
I understand that this was a stressful and frightening experience, and that a lot of people have left the fandom/stopped making u!sides content because of this.
Grape has asked for people to delete the reblogs of her posts, as she wants this whole ordeal to be forgotten. You obviously don't have to, but as a fandom I would appreciate if we tried to grow forward from this instead of remaining scared.
When I asked, she refused to apologize, so I'll apologize for her; I'm sorry. I'm sorry about the hurt this has caused and the vast negative impact this has had on people and the community.
My dms are always open to talk.
Tagging: @yeet-ceit @unsympathetic-patton @unsympathetic-remus @decaf-remy @ladybug-anon @unsymp-athetic-nerd @sympathetic-deceit-trash
Proshippers can interact but please don't clown in the notes.
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katesattic · 8 years ago
Me to fanders:
This is my family. I found it. All on my own. It's wonderful and diverse. And the absolute best. Yeah. The absolute best.
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ravenhilarious · 4 years ago
I like to imagine how my mother would act if she were in the Tumblr fanderdom
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acrobaticcatfeline · 4 years ago
Ok so I'm getting bored with tumblr fanderdom, guess I'll check out twitter
*Nov 3rd happens*
Huh. Well see, that knocked that, and tiktok off my list. Uh. Insta? No, that took that off too. Uhm. I. I guess I'll have to actually use amino.
/hj /lh
I'm very. Ugh with all of this. I'm very tired of all of this social politics.
Hey, just in general but also in regards to the implied events
Dont idolize people.
Dont encourage purity culture.
We are not pure and fluffy as a fanbase. We never have been. We just used to be smaller, so it wasnt as noticable. There is no way to have a pure fandom completely and the need to be that let's people see us as easy targets. If we act perfect, the wolves get to hide as sheep. Please just.
We need to be careful. We cant keep attacking the wrong people because every day we do, a sheep gets roasted and a wolf feeds. We have to protect the herd.
That's all I have to say. I'm sure half of you are unaware of what I'm talking about ahaha.
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5am-the-foxing-hour · 5 years ago
I know i’ve read it but i can’t for the life of me remember what it was called, see if searching for nonverbal Virgil on ao3 helps you find it though
do you know that fic where i think logan and roman adopted teen virgil and then a while later adopted a ten year old patton and virgil doesn't want to like taint the small child so he stays away which makes patton think he did something wrong and then for whatever reason the adults left for like a couple hours and patton drops a plate and is in full panic mode as virgil comes in and helps out and then they situate on the couch where they all get emotiony (also virgil goes nonverbal)
I have not, but I’d sure like to, that sounds right up my alley. anyone else know it?
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5am-the-foxing-hour · 5 years ago
I just want to let you know that a blog named grapetakesyourshit is stealing other creators stuff. They copy things and posting them on their own blog.
I know of them.
They disrespect those who make unsympathetic side content and have DNI’s and have blocked people, so that the people the original creator has blocked can see the posts. Reposting is disrespectful on it’s own (when you save/copy text/art/edits/videos and post them again as your own, giving credit doesn’t make this better especially if they never got permission in the first place, which, they don’t.) But actively choosing to do this is rude and can even in bad cases lead to harm to the original creator if someone they have blocked for safety reasons finds their posts on this reposting blog.
But they have somewhat agreed to delete their posts... once their queue is empty, which i find a bit rude because they shouldn’t have reposted things from people to begin with.
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davidthetraveler · 6 years ago
Do you have any really close online friends? :o -🐨☕
You’re giving me free reign to gush about my friends?!
*high pitched squeals of glee*
*slaps self back to sanity*
I mean, that’s very nice of you to ask.
Well, there’s my dear @prplzorua.  She’s one of my oldest friends in the fanderdom.  A great writer, and a great friend.  Love you, Z.
Then there’s @omgoreokitkat-21.  Kitkat’s probably the online friend I’m closest to.  We’ve been there for each other in both good times and bad.  Love you so much, KitKat, and thank you for everything.
Of course, there’s also @milomeepit.  Milo, you truly are something else.  You’re practically a legend amongst us fanders.  And yet I get to call you my friend.  You have no idea how much that boggles my mind.  But I love it, and I love you.
@my-happy-little-bean is an absolute treasure, and I adore the time I get to spend with her.  She’s like a literal ray of sunshine.  Love you so much, Bean.
@solemn-vow and I haven’t always been close, but she’s always had my back.  I don’t always show it, but I really appreciate what she has to offer.  Thanks, Solemn.
Of course I can’t forget @wolfishhel.  She’s the one whose had my back all throughout the Big Bang and beyond.  She’s so kind and helpful, and I’m sorry that we don’t get to talk often.  But with her being over in Europe and me here in Texas, our schedules don’t always align well.  Alas.  But still, she’s amazing.  I don’t know what I’d do without you, Wolfie.
And then there’s @ellistruggle.  What an amazing artist!  I’m so glad whenever I see something she’s drawn circle back through the fandom to me again.  And I love to see her get the recognition she deserves.  Love you, Elli.  Don’t ever stop being so wonderful.
I know the rule of three is a thing, but just because she’s the third European in a row does not make @sanderssidecanons any less special.  This girl is fantastic.  A wonderful writer and a great artist to boot.  I’ve loved seeing her on my dash, and I’ve loved getting to know her better.  We need to talk again soon, Lissa.
Of course, I can’t forget my dear anons, especially Candle Anon.  I haven’t heard from you in a while, but I hope the move has gone smoothly and things are starting to settle down for you.  And you too, Emoji anon.  Thanks for all the mail.  I really do appreciate your interest.
And to everyone else who sees this, I love you too.  You guys out there in the fanderdom are a wonderful group.  This fandom is one of the best parts of my life right now.  So thank you everyone for making this place so wonderful and so welcoming.
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pearls-of-patton-moved · 7 years ago
Hey, is anyone else in the fanderdom participating in Camp Nanowrimo this April?
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milomeepit · 7 years ago
Can I submit a fanart (or two) in progress? Bc I wanna show off my work but my main blog doesn’t have a lot of followers who are in the Fanderdom
Yes! I'd love to see
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katesattic · 8 years ago
So fans of Thomas Sanders are called fanders. Does that mean the fandom itself is called the fanderdom?
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prinxietyhell · 8 years ago
Would any of our fic writers need a proofreader? I would love to get more active in the Fanderdom somehow.
Heya! That's a good question, but I don't know who would need one… I proofread my own works, but maybe someone else would need a beta?@prinxietys a little help signal boosting?
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frustratedwaffle · 7 years ago
It's so nice to meet you and be like.... okay I can be myself, they've already seen the worst parts of me lol!!!!!
The great thing about fandom/internet friends vs. friends you meet out IRL, is that when you get to know people for the first time face-to-face, there’s this awkward process of trying to figure out juuuust how much of a dork they are, and how much you can nerd out before you scare them off. Like, you don’t wanna break out the real freaky shit right off. There’s always the impulse to hang back a little, as you try to gauge just how into a thing they are. But with fandom friends? You fucking met them in the garbage heap. You knew their fucked up narrative kinks before you even know their real name. They are screaming their passions into the void. Your friendship comes pre-loaded with already knowing the exact depths of each other’s depravity, and any ordinary-people-shit you have in common is just a bonus. 
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5am-the-foxing-hour · 5 years ago
Fox if we are going to get technical.... isn't shipping sides in general insescts due to all being parts of Thomas? Also attacking people for shipping characters is crossing the line in too many ways. Like you're responsible for your internet experience, you don't like don't click. No one forced you to clink on that post
I would say it’s more selfcest than incest when it comes to shipping the other sides (and shipping them with character Thomas), remus and roman are just a case on their own since they are portrayed as brothers.
Fully agree on your last statements. Don’t like a ship? blacklist the tag. Don’t like a character? blacklist the character. Unfollow those who you have to unfollow, follow those who you want to follow. Ask for things to be tagged if you have too to avoid the content you don’t like, but be also aware of the tags the blog owner use if there already is one in place just add it to the blacklist. If they won’t tag it, block the person and hopefully tumblr won’t show the posts on the feed. The “You do you” “Don’t like don’t read” “Your ship isn’t my ship” mindsets has kinda gotten thrown to the back seat, now anti’s and toxic is all people know about really
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davidthetraveler · 6 years ago
What made you become a writer
Hey there.  Sorry about taking so long to get to this.  My computer’s been a bit wonky, but I restarted it and did a scan, and now everything should be good again.  Anyway, on to your question.  And since the answer is a bit long, I’m putting it under a cut.
You see, I’ve been creating stories in my head since before I can remember.  My mom used to always tell me about how when i was a toddler I would play what she called “The Shaking Game”, holding something in my hand and just sort of randomly shaking it around.  But what my parents only learned later is that I was making up stories about whatever object I was “shaking”.
What those stories might have been has been lost to the sands of time.  But there are many other stories from my childhood I do remember.
Stories about superheroes battling evil.
Stories about wizards and magic.
Stories about robots and aliens and ancient knights.
Stories made with my brothers and friends in the backyard for fun.
Stories I made myself in the quiet of my room.
And the older I got, the more stories I created and the more elaborate they became.
It was in junior high that I came up with the multiverse theory that allowed all three different versions of the superheroes we’d created to exist in the same story.
As a sophomore I took a script my friend had written for a lightsaber duel video and turned it into a full trilogy of Star Wars fan movies, complete with metaphysical backstory and everything.
As a junior I first put together what would eventually become The Chronicles of the Council, a franchise detailing the adventures of a group of friends who battle the forces of evil with their elemental magic, and my third most extensive collection of related stories to date.
My senior year saw me take the old superhero idea to even greater heights, creating lore and backstory and entire ages of stories that would make even Mr. Tolkien’s head spin.
And then in my twenties I hit the story jackpot.  I created a character that could travel between worlds. A character that could learn of the force with the Jedi and explore the galaxy with Starfleet.  A character that could study at Hogwarts and learn from pastel ponies about the magic of friendship.  A character that could not only explore other worlds, but was also tasked with keeping them safe from the forces of darkness that prowled the space between spaces.
David the Traveler was born.
I made many stories for him, most in the form of processing the various experiences I had in life.  Happy times called for exciting adventures.  Sorrow brought difficult moral dilemmas.  Depression and… what happened back then to cause it became two entire arcs of stories about pain and suffering, and an adventure in the one universe that he’d never dared to mess with.
But despite everything that I’d created, I was still… hesitant about writing it down and sharing.  Previous attempts had not gone over well.  Despite my ability to create stories, actually getting them down on paper was an entirely different matter.
But then I joined the fanderdom.  And seeing everything everyone else was creating inspired me.  I’d already created a new story arch incorporating Thomas and the sides into David’s story, and I had already started putting some of it down.  But after reading so many other people’s works, and becoming friends with a number of them, I decided to give it a try.
So, I polished up the first chapter of what I called Changing Realities, and posted it to AO3.
And despite my severe lack of new material for my readers in recent months, I’ve still been creating and exploring ideas.  I’ve recently started working out the finer details of some of the earlier adventures from David’s story.  I hope that soon I might be able to get some of them out, or maybe even to return to Changing Realities and actually finishing it.
But I just…
I just haven’t been very motivated recently.
Maybe it’s the weight of my father’s death still hovering over me.
Maybe it’s the lack of response to my posted works.
Maybe it’s comparing myself to other writers in the fanderdom.
Maybe it’s some combination of all of them coupled with the return of my depression.
Who’s to say?
In any case, I still want to write, and I still want to share my stories with the world.
And maybe that still makes me a writer.
Well, that got a bit rambly.  Anyway, I hope this answers your question.
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orkestrations · 7 years ago
hey fanderdom i need tea-related puns
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