critterfloozy · 4 months
Worlds Beyond Yarns - Eursulon
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About 450 yards, sport weight, crepe plied. 50% wool, 25% camel, 15% silk, 10% yak
So this one took a ridiculously long time because:
This is three very different rovings I combined together on a blending board.
I got very close to finishing it and then had a surgery that kept me from moving my arms
I was going to try to ply it on a support spindle, but then - I figured out I hated plying on a support spindle without raising my arms.
I plied it on my wheel eventually - only, halfway through, I just zoned out and chain plied for twenty minutes? And because I'd been plying it a completely different way, I went back and unplied it with a drop spindle
So thematically, Eursulon's yarn got wayshadowed a little bit.
Also thematically (but more purposefully) - I decided to go with a little bit of a weird mix for Eursulon, incorporating a little bit of camel and yak into it, and decided to crepe ply it. Crepe plying creates something that's a little bumpy, a little weird, but pretty strong. Also, crepes are like pancakes, right?
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It's also sport weight. Might have gone for thicker, but the camel wasn't having it. Still, a good weight for Eursulon, he's probably like being called sport.
Next up: Ame is on the support spindle, but it might take a while. Meanwhile, Opal is going on the wheel.
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archer3-13 · 1 year
FE3H storycrafting ideas: Different Appearances and Histories for different routes
im sure others have had similar ideas, and well it probably wouldn't be practical from a development standpoint [without cutting some other stuff out anyways] it is a bit of a shame that recruited students not only share appearances across routes but also often share their little 'history' blurbs across routes as well. It saves on development by unifying assets and story elements but still, it probably would have been better for immersion if nothing else if variance appeared.
i haven't hammered the whole thing out, but for an example case of what I had in mind, lets look at alternate dorothea ideas
dorothea silver snow: the default dorothea timeskip in both appearance, history and personality.
dorothea azure moon: frost queen exterior but the most generous dorothea variant, this is due to having had to take a refugee train into faerghus territory when fleeing resulting in a lot more firsthand experience with imperial brutality and persecution during the timeskip. as such shes a lot more cold in demeanour for self preservation's sake and out of bitterness but prone to gestures of extreme generosity as means of honouring the many dead shes come to know in the refugee train. elegant winter getup with a hair fringe covering one side of her face to hide scarring from a particularly brutal imperial 'inspection'.
dorothea verdant wind: party socialite with a loose purse but plenty of gold variant, when fleeing to the alliance she made her way to deirdru and began concocting money making schemes to support herself and fellow opera house refugees in a new big city, eventually settling on theatre performance after noting its popularity in deirdru and soon pioneering the operetta as head of the new deirdru operetta company. now flush with cash even after covering operations, dorothea became big on the society party scene but has begun feeling restless over the amount of gold she has and what she should do with it. flashy leicester fashion with some modifications made for ease of stagework shes become noted for her 'iconic' cap hat in leicester circles.
dorothea crimson flower: dorotheas worst academy traits amplified, close minded despite her background and prone to sycophancy and flattery to secure upwards social mobility despite otherwise showcasing disdain and cynicism for the same circles she aims to enter [and in general]. her outfit would be the most like her school outfit but modified in imperial military fashion/style with an emphasis on militarization.
and thats what im scrapping at so far. be interested in hearing the thoughts of others on how one could spin this.
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cutepencilcase · 1 year
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Green Smolive needle felt
it took a while, but I finally got around taking photos of this shy friend!
Smolive was in the plans from the beggining, but it took me a while to get to them
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tallangrycockatiel · 9 months
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"ARTHUR you fucking idiot!"
"Not now, John."
Is this the silliest piece of fancraft I've ever done? Possibly. On the other hand: I'm lov him.
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A little bit late for the 30th Anniversary of the X-Files... I've made another I Want to Believe stained glass panel! It's for sale at my shop. It measures about 9.5x12.5".
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doctorhelena · 22 days
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I’ve created something for every day of Steggy Week 2024 over at @steggyfanevents! This is for Day 5 (Inspired By). Previous Days: Day 1 | Day 2 | Day 3 | Day 4
This cross-stitch was inspired by the adorable Stardew Steggy drawing that @roboticonography made for Steggy Month back in April (and stitched with permission!)
Here's a process gif!
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I finally finished this! I’ve only done tiny little cross stitch kits before, and I wanted to do something M*A*S*H related as a bigger piece. I bought a customisable pattern off Etsy and I’m quite pleased with how it turned out. The quote is one of my favourite lines, from Fade Out, Fade in 🥰 I chose it because it’s a cute moment between BJ and Klinger, and naturally I love Klinger a silly amount (and also as a reminder to myself because I get that sad brain sometimes 🤫)
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kd-heart · 5 months
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Have a tiny walking mushroom.
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ninthfeather · 3 months
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Just wanted to show the internet my plushie of Jon! I worked on him off and on for like a month and I'm pretty happy with how he turned out. You can definitely tell I'm not a super experienced embroiderer, but I'm still really happy with how he came out.
I used a modified version of teacuplion's Laying Animal pattern and freehanded the embroidery and clothing. The hair is a yarn wig attached to a crocheted wig cap that I sewed to the head.
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polyhexianbirb · 6 months
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My latest gift for my pookie-wookie-bear! I'm thinking I'll make one of everyone, plus maybe another of Lulu for myself. (Bottom 2 images are for scale)
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lbibliophile-sw · 5 months
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To celebrate May the 4th, I finished the plushie I started on Cody Day (2.2.24)! Also claiming for my @clonefandomevents 212th bingo: anniversaries
I quite enjoy how he turned out, particularly given that I was designing/adapting the pattern as I went. He's about 28cm tall, made from felt with five different specifically applied stitches.
Next, I'll tweak the pattern some more then go back to my original scheme of creating Fox. (I read a lot of whump fics, so I need to be able to give them both hugs to make up for it.)
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critterfloozy · 7 months
Knit Beacon!
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I knit a beacon for @thelavishgateau It took about a year longer than it should have because:
a. I knit hexagons at first. b. I knit a bunch of other stuff instead of knitting this because I'd knit hexagons at first. c. My local knitting group doesn't meet as often as it used to, so I knit less in general.
The actual pattern is pretty easy - I can write it down if anyone is interested. The purple yarn is cascasde 220 (because it felts well), and the handles are some of the leftover Caleb yarn I have from my shadowgast scarf. I ended up stuffing it with recycled denim from Blue Apron insulation. I wanted something semi-rigid so it wouldn't seem as ball-like, but also something that could get wet and reasonably dry out if the beacon needs to be washed.
(This is also why I didn't crochet it - I needed a tight enough weave that crochet doesn't really lend itself to - and wanted to lightly felt it even more tightly shut)
More pictures of the beacon - Sylvie loved this thing, me holding it in my hand for scale, and pre-handles:
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The last thing is that I was in a time crunch to ship these off - I really wanted to get it mailed pre-surgery. So I ended up biking these over to the post office during my lunch break. The only backpack I had that was large enough for the box I shipped this in?
This one:
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Thank you NYCC of like 2015 or so.
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archer3-13 · 10 months
Well its highly unlikely, but since its on my mind: a theoretically playable padjal player race for ffxiv fancraft.
padjal [general changes compared to cannon]: still the children of the elementals, the seers and all that with strong influence in gridanian governance. the main changes would be in altering the given reason why they're so few and how they come about, which would kinda lead into tweaks with gridania as a whole. So in this dream imagining, instead of arbitrarily appearing in hyur populations its a lot more understood how they appear. In the case of the early padjal that would be because they were all children of or later descendants of those who communed and received blessings from the elementals, with their appearance solely being in hyur populations at the time being because hyur, as the 'default basic bitch of ffxiv races', are a lot more susceptible to having their biology so drastically changed when infused with all that nature goodness [well in other races, padjal qualities can manifest but not to the same drastic extent]. later padjal populations however, and this is where problems begin manifesting for gridanias social structure, began entrenching themselves in distinct familial groups in the way that power concentrating into the hands of a few tends to go. less small family units and more clan structures though as a consequences of their religious beliefs and practices running up against the desires of individual padjals wanting to have padjal children for both social and personal reasons. a not unusual process of 'want padjal children, arrange padjal union to improve odds of padjal children, help child out with le benefits of the job, train child to inherit your job, arrange childs own marriage to improve their own chances' and so on and so on until clan blocs form in the otherwise officially communal padjal societies. and then you add the further complication that padjal children can and are still born outside of those clan blocs, and that some of the padjal find the whole clan politics thing to very much not be in the spirit of communing with the elementals, and you have a delicate situation. especially as before times of instability within the world the population number of padjal tends to spike for a short period of time. well popular mythos says they never age and remain 'forever children' in practice they do age just not in a standard form. for most of their lives they do indeed look like children or at the least like young teenagers, with the older looking padjal being considered more magically gifted in the way a mighty oak dwarfs its neighbours. then near the end of their lives they begin to 'whither' looking old and wizened rather rapidly before they finally 'return to the earth', with padjal in that final stage of life typically secluding themselves in communion with the elementals. some padjal will prematurely enter this withered state enduring it rigours for longer periods of time. that such premature withering has reportedly happened most commonly to the clan elders of padjal politics, has led some to suggest such withering is 'expression of a withered soul' though any such claims have not been empirically substantiated.
that brings us to the two padjal starting groups
hearers: those considered blessed by the elementals and the first padjal to emerge. They are named hearers because that is a position considered near ubiquitous with them, possessing very straight and elegant horns and an ethereal calm and grace. mostly only seen in gridania, having one of the largest political influences within gridanian affairs despite their overall smaller population then gridanias other races, with a predisposition towards white magic. a not insubstantial number however have moved beyond gridanian borders either because of wanderlust, a desire to escape clan politics, or perhaps most unusually to proselytize about the elementals and establish compounds of worship outside of gridanian borders. such proselytes do so out of a belief that elementals exist not just in gridania but the world at large, but that they're inaction outside of gridania is because they have not been 'properly nourished'. such preachers are often taken with a grain of salt if not mocked by the more skeptical, but some researchers note the theory might not be quite so crazy after all and such hearer compounds tend to feel more 'alive' to visitors then elsewhere in their environments, as though curious eyes now watch them.
cursers: the opposite side of the hearers, and traditionally considered those padjal who do not enjoy the blessings of the elementals but rather are 'cursed' by them. the exact mechanics at play are not well defined, but in general it seems that if the hyur forcibly takes the blessing of an elemental by binding it to their will then the resultant padjal child will be born a curser, their horns twisting well the padjal themselves possess an almost grim or spectral quality despite also being a 'forever child' like their hearer cousins. cursers have long suffered intense prejudices not just from hearer padjal but from all of gridania, as their 'twisted forms' are seen as proof of inherent sin against the elementals. as such if they weren't forced to leave gridania entirely, most cursers made livings at the edges of gridanian society and the dark pockets of the shorud, communing with 'less savoury spirits' and practising all manner of 'witchcraft' further darkening their reputation. even outside the shroud this reputation as witches and cursers would persist, with the cursers eventually taking on the designation as 'cursers' as a form of defiant pride. only in recent centuries however has such issues improved, one of the more politically radical seedseers of the time proclaiming that sin only lay with those who had bound the elementals to their wills, and not with the children and thus advocated for reconciliation with the cursers. well a number of prejudices and superstitions persist in gridania over the matter, cursers have successfully integrated into gridanian society and are an accepted part of life in the shroud not as monsters but as complicated people. most cursers however still live outside of gridania because of long established roots outside of the forest state, and many in and outside of gridania persist in practices of witchcraft and curses, tentatively permitted by the conjurers guild due to a suprising number of similarities between the two practices.
hearers starting stats, 19 22 18 21 23 cursers starting stats, 20 20 19 23 21
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polizwrites · 5 days
PoliZ's Stuffed Marvels - Iron Family
As a lead up to this year's  @marveltrumpshate auction, I'm posting photos of my existing Stuffed Marvels designs, grouped by character and using the hashtag #Stuffed Marvels.   These are hand-sewn soft stuffed figures, roughly 8-10 inches/20-25 cm tall, basically two-dimensional, but finished on both sides.   They are made of fleece and felt with embroidered elements and embellishments (ribbon, etc.).
I've already posted photos of my Tony Stark & Iron Man designs - so here's examples of Pepper Potts & Rescue, as well as Rhodey and War Machine.
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If you see any figures you like, would like to tweak an existing design  or these spark an idea for a new figure, keep that in mind once the auction opens!
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bluejayblueskies · 7 months
Browsing is OPEN for Fandom Trumps Hate!
This year, I'm once again participating in Fandom Trumps Hate, a fan auction where fandom creators offer artwork, writing, and various kinds of fan labor and other creations in exchange for donations to various non-profit organizations. If you'd like to know more about the event, you can find more information at the blog's FAQ!
This year, I'll be offering one typesetting auction in the Rusty Quill Gaming, Magnus Archives, or Malevolent fandom! You can find more information about my auction (and the bidding form once bidding opens!) here. Essentially, I will typeset one fic of your choosing (pending author permission if you are not the author), including any fanart (pending artist permission) that you would like included if applicable! I will also, separate from the official PDF deliverable typeset, bind and send you a physical copy of the book.
So essentially, if you would like a hand-bound copy of a fanfic along with a fully formatted file that you can use to print and bind your own copy, this is the auction for you!
Bidding opens March 5 and will run through March 9. If you'd like to see examples of my bookbinding and typesetting, check them out here or on my bookbinding sideblog @blueskiesbooks. And feel free to send me an ask if you have any quesions!
You can also find a ton of other fantastic creatives offering a variety of auctions for the RQG, TMA, and Malevolent fandoms at the following links:
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My latest piece: X-Files Candleholder. I have made this before but felt inspired by the 30th Anniversary to make it again.
Using my minimalist design of characters Mulder and Scully, an alien, and the iconic X logo, I've added in the X-logo (in the past, I made the holder with one side featuring a mini-IWTB poster).
Glass paint was used for the ID badges and Scully's necklace. Base is made with mirrored glass on the interior and a cork pad to protect your surfaces on the bottom. Measures approximately 3.25x3.25x4".
The holder is perfectly sized to hold a tealight or votive candle or it's a great and fun way hold your pens and other stationery! Either way, it's a wonderful addition to your desk or shelf and lets everyone know you're a diehard Phile!
For sale at my shop: https://shop.glassola.ca/products/x-files-candleholder
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