#fanboy eddie munson
hawkinsbnbg · 3 months
Rockstar Eddie who was obsessed with model Steve and collected every issue that had Steve on the cover.
He had disdained the Harrington’s little prince at first until he hate-watched every interview of the so-called talentless nepo baby and realized that yeah, he was so fucked.
Meanwhile, Steve had no interest in the metal scene, much less a random rock band named Corroded Coffin.
But Nancy said the paycheck was good and Robin had guaranteed that the band’s frontman was definitely his type, so featuring in their MV wouldn't do him any harm.
That was why Steve was here, fishnets and leather shorts, high heels and handcuffs, straddling Eddie Munson who was devouring him with those dark wild eyes.
They were shooting a scene where the two of them met in a strip club with Eddie being a heartbroken man and Steve being the stripper.
To say Eddie was his type was still an understatement. The man was literally his teenage wet dream with those tattoos and sharp handsome features.
Steve had to restrain himself from doing anything unprofessional like catch those plump lips in a heated kiss and said fuck the consequences.
He could barely focus on the camera as he rode the toned thigh while those large hands roamed his bare skin and kneaded his cheek through the leather.
"Been a fan of your work, sweetheart," hot lips trailed down his neck in open-mouth kisses.
"Need me to sign anything?" Steve twirled a curl with his finger.
"Yeah," Eddie smiled playfully and winked at him. "Even better if you use those lipsticks of yours."
Steve would've kissed him right then and there had the director not yelled, "And... Cut!"
And their bubble burst just like that.
Before he could get up from Eddie's lap with disappointment, he was hoisted in a pair of strong arms, steady hands braced under his thighs like he weighed nothing.
And god was it hot to wrap his legs around Eddie's waist and let himself be carried back to his trailer, ignoring everyone besides winking at Nancy’s exasperated eye roll, Robin’s dorky thumbs up, and that pretty blonde Chrissy’s impish smile.
Because hell yeah, Steve was the one scoring a fun night with the Eddie Munson here. Keep talking and looking bitches.
"Wait, what about the MV?" He asked as Eddie settled them both on his couch.
"Don't worry," Eddie pecked his chin softly. "The strip club is our part for the day. We'll only have one scene left tomorrow."
"So what are we gonna do now, Mr. Rockstar?" Steve raised his eyebrow, drawing lazy circles on Eddie’s chest.
"Whatever you desire, sweetheart," Eddie grabbed his hand and pressed a kiss on its back.
And well, Steve would be ashamed if he passed on such a golden opportunity.
So he hooked his arms behind Eddie’s neck and leaned in to whisper against those plump lips.
"Then ruin me, hot stuff."
When the MV was out, it caused a crash on YouTube and was flooded with countless comments about Steddie—the internet’s ship name for a certain rockstar and a certain model who had been together for months and blissfully lost in their honeymoon phase without a care for the world.
Their names were top trending on Twitter and the MV had become a hit thanks to their through-the-roof chemistry.
When they eventually announced their marriage to the world, they received well wishes from their fans, friends, and family.
And a few years down the road, everyone would know about them as that one happily and disgustingly in-love couple.
Til the rest of their lives.
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steveshairychest · 2 years
Steve would follow a bunch of Corroded Coffin fan accounts just so he can comment on edits of Eddie, his husband, things like, 'omg who is that handsome man?!' 'Is he single?' 'do you think he'd like me?' 'I'm his number 1 fan.'
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steddio · 2 years
Eddie can’t listen to music anymore. God knows he wants to, would give anything to lose himself in a particularly intense guitar riff, or bang on the steering wheel of his van like it’s a drum kit, or just generally annoy those in his vicinity by refusing to turn down “that noise” (as his neighbors call it). Music was his life, his sanctuary, his whole reason for being on this stupid, fucked up planet.
But now, music makes him jumpy, panicky. Hands clenched into fists, the back of his neck prickling. He can’t help but look for the threat, for the reason music is being played. Eddie finds himself sitting in silence now, when before he couldn’t stand it. His bedroom eerily quiet, cassettes shoved in a shoebox, stereo covered with an old t-shirt. He drives with the windows down, radio off, listening only to the mundane sounds of small town Indiana.
He can’t even play guitar. Three days after he woke up covered in bandages, head aching, Wayne had brought Eddie his sweetheart, mumbling something about not wanting Eddie to be bored in the hospital. Eddie had tried to play, he really had. But just touching the strings sent him back into that life-or-death mindset, and suddenly his mouth felt like it was filled with blood and he couldn’t breathe, and the nurse had to rush in and help him release his death grip on the guitar, take deep breaths, count to ten.
After, he threw the provided pamphlets about Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder in the trash and tried to convince himself he didn’t really need to play guitar anymore. As Dustin is so fond of reminding him, he already lived the most metal moment of all time, embodied it, played for the lives of everyone he loves, for Chrissy’s death, for Hawkins’s survival. His sweetheart helped save the world, and now it’s enough that she’s only decoration in their new government payout trailer. It has to be enough, because he can barely look at her, can’t touch her without shaking, without almost throwing up.
His friends must notice. They must, because he’s been avoiding band practice, hasn’t scheduled any D&D sessions, staying far away from everything that used to bring him joy because it doesn’t. Not anymore. And sometimes he wishes they would say something, that anyone would acknowledge this 180 degree shift in Eddie’s entire being. But Jeff and Gareth are giving him space, letting him heal. And the kids are kids, dealing with their own trauma and shit. So it’s just Eddie and the silence.
Eddie is listlessly staring at his bedroom wall, actively trying to think about nothing, when he hears a car horn honking. He ignores it, sure that it’s irrelevant to him. The horn honks again. Then a third, fourth, fifth time, followed by, “Munson, dude, I know you’re in there!”
And what the fuck. Because Eddie knows that voice, and there’s absolutely no reason for Steve Harrington of all people to be outside his trailer. They’re not even friends! They’re just… trauma bonded. Or whatever. Maybe Eddie should have read those pamphlets.
He peeks his head out the window to see Steve shading his eyes with one hand, the other on his hip. Eddie waggles his fingers in a hesitant wave, even more surprised when Steve’s face breaks out into a grin.
“There you are, buddy! Come on, let’s go!”
Eddie begrudgingly grabs his jacket, swinging it on as he slams the door of the trailer behind him.
“Um, dude, what’s up?”
Steve only waggles his eyebrows in response. “You’ll see, but c’mon, we’re running late.”
Eddie slides into the front seat of Steve’s BMW, eyes glancing to the radio, which is blasting some Top 40 station that not only sounds like nails on a chalkboard but is already making Eddie uneasy. Steve hops in the drivers seat and, as if he can read Eddie’s mind, turns the radio off before pulling out of the trailer park.
The ride is quiet, but comfortable. Steve has the windows down, it’s a breezy summer day, and Eddie feels something underneath the listlessness that has infiltrated his brain like cobwebs. Anticipation, maybe even excitement.
Steve pulls into the Wheelers’ driveway, and Eddie follows him inside the house, down to the basement, where Dustin, Mike, Lucas, and Will have set up their D&D table, Will at the head wearing… is that a wizard hat?
“Welcome back from banishment, Eddie!” Dustin shouts as soon as he sees him, smiling widely. And Eddie can’t help but smile back. Because these are his kids, and he missed them, and he really did feel banished even if it was somewhat self-imposed.
Four hours later, after part one of a thrilling campaign led by Will (who really is a promising DM, Eddie has to admit), he no longer feels like that. He’s glowing, breathless, warm. The feeling buoys him through the car ride home, Steve having left and then returned to drive Eddie back. And if that good feeling allows Eddie to glance a little too long at Steve’s hair blowing in the wind, his left hand loosely resting on the steering wheel and his right on his thigh, then that’s Eddie’s business and no one else’s.
They fall into a routine. Steve picks Eddie up, drives him to the Wheelers’ house for an afternoon of D&D, and drives him home. Eddie tries not to be too obvious in his appreciation of Steve in the summer sun but he’s just a man, okay, and Steve didn’t earn his reputation for nothing.
Every time, Eddie offers to drive himself, but Steve just laughs, shakes his head. “Get in the car, Munson.”
And every time Eddie does, Steve turns the radio off. Doesn’t say anything, doesn’t acknowledge it, but their car rides are blissfully quiet. Light and easy in a way that silences aren’t when he’s alone.
It’s pouring rain one afternoon, rattling the roof of the trailer. Eddie is contemplating whether he can get away with smoking out his bedroom window when he hears a familiar car horn. As he approaches the car, Eddie hears what can’t be, but what is unmistakably the sound of Steve… singing? Softly, almost under his breath, Steve is singing along to the radio. He cuts off when he sees Eddie, offering a half wave and a lopsided grin. As Eddie slides into the front seat, Steve turns the radio off.
“Hey why do you do that, man?” The question slips out before Eddie can stop himself.
“Do what?” Steve looks confused.
“Turn the radio off. When I get in the car.” Now that he’s asked, Eddie finds that he needs to know. Why of all possible people, it’s Steve who’s been the most accommodating.
Steve shrugs, puts the car into drive, turns onto the main road before answering. “It bothers you,” he says simply.
Eddie must look confused when Steve glances over because he continues. “I never see you listen to music anymore. I figured it must bother you. And hey man, if anyone understands fucked up reactions it’s me. I can’t hear fireworks or see Christmas lights anymore.”
Eddie barely manages to nod his thanks, to present a facade of normalcy while his mind is racing a million miles an hour. He knows that Steve has been through some shit, clearly he had even before Eddie walked headfirst into whatever the fuck is going on in Hawkins. But he never expected Steve to be so… observant. Not of him at least.
The D&D session takes his mind off the mortifying knowledge that Steve is paying attention to him. They’re approaching Will’s grand finale, and Eddie is caught off guard by how normal it feels. To be excited about a campaign, to mess around with the kids. To laugh, unironically.
The ride home is tenser than usual but as they pull into the trailer park, Eddie musters the courage to reach out. To touch Steve’s arm and mumble a quiet but sincere “thank you.” He doesn’t stay to see if Steve responds, but the pads of his fingers burn where they met Steve’s bare forearm, and he falls asleep that night with the ghost of a pop song in his head.
A week later, Eddie finds himself in the backseat of Steve’s car, his usual shotgun seat occupied by Robin. In situations like these, it’s hard not to feel left out, like a third wheel. Steve and Robin orbit around each other in a way that Eddie never has with anyone. But their jubilance is addictive and Eddie can’t help but be drawn in. A lone planet in their binary star system.
They’re telling some inside joke, something about Muppets, and Steve is glowing in the way he only ever does with Robin or Dustin, beaming like a carefree teenager instead of gazing sadly out of eyes that look too old for his face. Eddie is breathless, finds himself laughing along, eyes glued to Steve’s mouth (his smile, not his lips, Eddie lies to himself). Robin launches into song and there’s a moment when Steve joins in, and it’s ridiculous but possibly the most glorious thing Eddie has ever heard because it’s music. It’s music and it makes him feel safe.
After a blissful few seconds, Steve cuts off, as if catching himself, turns to meet Eddie’s eyes, face halfway between joy and panic. Robin doesn’t seem to notice, and Steve has one hand up as if to stop her before Eddie shakes his head slowly, starts to smile. Steve’s face begins to relax again, one eyebrow raising in question.
“Don’t stop,” Eddie mouths.
Steve turns back to Robin, picking up the thread of their foolish imitation. And maybe Eddie is still lying to himself because is this really music? But he thinks it might be the most beautiful sound regardless.
They drop Robin off at home and Eddie climbs up to the front seat, winking at Steve’s feigned outrage about “the leather, dude!” Steve backs out of Robin’s driveway, gets halfway down the block before he pulls over.
“Hey I’m sorry about earlier,” he starts softly. “I got carried away. I hope—. Well. I hope you’re okay, man. I know music bothers you.”
Eddie feels a blush rising at this ridiculous, lovely man and his concern. Steve is looking at Eddie, brow furrowed, assessing every minute detail of his face as if searching for evidence of injury. Eddie wants to reach out and smooth it with a touch, to make Steve laugh again in that carefree way. He settles for reaching out in a different way, laying a piece of himself bare.
“It doesn’t. Bother me, that is. Not when it’s you.”
The silence that follows is expectant, Steve’s expression hard to read. They’ve been on the precipice of something for weeks now, and Eddie has stepped off the ledge. But as always, Steve is there to catch him. His grin is lopsided, eyes warm, as he sings softly,
“But I know, uh-huh, that you're sad. And I know I'll make you happy with the one thing that you never had, baby I'm your man.”
And Eddie has half a second to think Wham!? Really? before they’re kissing. They’re kissing in the front seat of Steve’s car and Eddie has the sudden, embarrassing, wondrous urge to turn the radio on. So he does.
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missmarveledsblog · 2 months
I think you'd like this story: "One stop shop for oneshots" by Missmarveled on Wattpad https://www.wattpad.com/story/366939191?utm_source=android&utm_medium=com.tumblr&utm_content=share_writing&wp_page=create&wp_uname=Missmarveled
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petcr3 · 2 years
petcr3’s RomCom Party! { a Valentine’s Day event }
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Whether you’re celebrating Valentine’s with friends, a significant other, by yourself, or not at all, there’s one thing no one can resist… a good ol’ romantic comedy!
So to celebrate V-Day, I’m hosting a movie party! Send in the movie titles, guests, and snacks that correlate to your favorite tropes, characters, and extra flair! Feel free to be specific in what you’re looking for or let me take the reins! You can make a whole movie marathon or just come for the snacks, it’s up to you! While I can’t guarantee I’ll get to everything (and I’ll definitely be working on this stuff past February 14th) I’m really excited to be taking requests again!
Check out the options below!
The Guest List (aka who I’m accepting prompts for)
Top Gun: Maverick - Bradley “Rooster” Bradshaw, Reuben “Payback” Fitch, Robert “Bob” Floyd, Mickey “Fanboy” Garcia, Javy “Coyote” Machado, Jake “Hangman” Seresin, and Natasha “Phoenix” Trace
Leverage - Tara Cole, Sophie Devereaux, Alec Hardison, Parker, Eliot Spencer
Stranger Things - Jonathon Byers, Robin Buckley, Chrissy Cunningham, Steve Harrington, Eddie Munson, Nancy Wheeler
The Amazing Spider-Man - Peter Parker (as played by Andrew Garfield), Gwen Stacy
Movies (aka tropes, scenarios, etc)
How to Lose a Guy in 10 Days - Dating based on a bet! Specify whether you’d prefer the reader or the love interest to be the one making the bet. Otherwise, dealer’s choice!
13 Going on 30 - Childhood friends/Friends to lovers, perhaps a la the girl/boy/person next door trope!
Say Anything - Grand romantic gestures! Can be for any reason; specify if you like! Maybe a character wants to apologize or someone needs cheering up. Maybe even a love confession!
Scott Pilgrim vs. the World - This one’s all about exes. That could mean exes to lovers, a run in with an ex while out with a partner, or just a simple dating history conversation. If you feel called to, get creative!
Sleepless in Seattle - Anything long distance/related to being apart!
You’ve Got Mail - Enemies/rivals/frenemies to lovers!
Bridget Jones’s Diary - Love triangle or two (or more!) characters competing for someone’s heart!
My Best Friend’s Wedding - Love is in the air… somebody’s getting married! Who knows what could happen? Meet cutes, objections, love confessions, or whatever your heart desires!
No Strings Attached - When friends with benefits become something more!
The Proposal - All things fake dating! Green card marriages, making someone jealous, helping out a stranger at a bar, placating the family… it’s all on the table!
He’s Just Not That Into You - Not so unrequited love! Mutual pining, idiots to lovers, etc.
Never Been Kissed - This one’s for firsts! First kiss, first time, first date, first relationship! Can be a one-sided first (ie, character A’s first kiss ever) a mutual first (both characters have never had a serious relationship before) or a together first (first time the characters have been together).
It Happened One Night - Road trip! Is this a romantic getaway? Is someone running from a bad breakup? Is this just a fun drive between friends that blossoms into something more? You decide!
Snacks (aka extra plot elements/details)
Candy Hearts: a love confession occurs!
Chocolate Covered Strawberries: the story takes place on Valentine’s Day!
Popcorn: the characters sing karaoke (or sing along to any kind of accompaniment)
Pop Rocks: the characters fight! (And then make up because I said so)
Cotton Candy: any kind of hurt/comfort, whether it be emotional or of the whump variety
Bonus (aka flavor of fic)
Musical - Song Fic! Either choose a song or I’ll pick one that I think fits the vibe of your choices!
Rated R - Things get a little heated… (it’s smut)
Sequel - What it says on the tin! A sequel to a previous prompt reply!
Happy Valentine’s Day everybody! I can’t wait for you to join the party! 💘
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sweetestficrecs · 6 months
hello! this is my sideblog where i reblog writings (and sometimes other stuff) i enjoy!!
multifandom but mostly harry styles, steve harrington, and top gun 🤠 (i tag every post with the names of whoever they’re about sooo just search my blog if you’re looking for someone in specific)
if you have any fics you want to recommend, ask me to reblog, or have any questions my asks and/or messages are always open :)
and last but not least.... remember to support fic writers! 💌
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edensbuttercups · 2 years
200 follower celebration!
I have somehow hit 200 followers, and I am so so thankful for you all and all the kind comments, reblogs, likes or just the time taken reading, it means so much ♡
I thought a little prompt opening for drabbles and fics would be nice as a little celebration, so I have chosen two to go off of. So if anyone would like, just send me an ask, anon or not, with a character and a prompt (or more!) and I'll see what I can do :D
Here is the first prompt list
And here is the second one
Or, if you have an idea that isn't in these lists, feel free to send it my way! ♡
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M’s PMC Masterlist
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This post contains all of my headcanons for my pride month celebration!
Fanboy with Asexual partner
Phoenix with Controversially Young Girlfriend
Moonboys with Bisexual girlfriend
Black Widow with New Girl
Emily Prentiss with Girlfriend
Mute and Ramble take on pride
Being in a relationship with Robin Buckley and best friends with Eddie Munson
Leah Clearwater with Imprint
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ksmasterlist · 2 years
It’s a slow day at work today, and since I caught up on most of my work yesterday I’m gonna be bored today!
So if anyone wants to ask me about any of my ocs, discuss stories or theories they have, or even things or characters they would love to see me write about please let me know!
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eufezco · 23 days
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𝙄𝙉𝘾𝙇𝙐𝘿𝙀𝙎 : steve harrington, eddie munson, billy hargrove
♡️ fluff ☆ angst ☽ smut
english isn't my first language !!!
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DADS HEADCANONS | ♡️ billy, eddie, jonathan, steve
SMUT HEADCANONS | ☽ billy, eddie, jonathan, steve
you're way too drunk to have that conversation with steve.
he isn't that confident when it comes to you.
HELP | ♡️ ☆
you and your nightmares spend the night with steve.
WAIT FOR IT | ♡️ ☆ ☽ king!steve
you think steve maybe didn't make the best decision when he broke up with nancy because of you.
x byers!fem!reader. steve and your family help you to go through the grief of losing your best friend.
steve has to face his feelings in the worst way possible when billy hargrove, the guy you kissed last night, knocks on your door.
steve, nancy, robin and eddie are in the upside down, you are paranoid that something might happen. steve has to reassure it won’t.
🩷💜💙 | ♡️ x bi!fem!reader
a conversation with robin, eddie, you and steve about your sexualities.
WE | ♡️ ☆ x hopper!female!reader
you go running to steve after finding out that your father, jim hopper, is alive. you reunite with him and jim and steve realize that they are now family.
MAX'S DATE | ♡️ ☆
you and your boyfriend steve help max after surviving vecna to get ready for her date with lucas.
based on the quote: if I were to kiss you then go to hell, i would. so then i can brag with the devils i saw heaven without entering it.
he has been neglected so when the time comes, steve doesn't know what he likes.
VECNA'S CURSE | ♡️ ☆ x hargrove!fem!reader
while visiting the grave of your brother billy, you are cursed by vecna.
your pottery lesson to steve ends up in something better.
i just think that steve would be the biggest queen fanboy.
a conversation between steve and his mom about his friends and you.
king!steve x munson!reader. after saying something horrible about eddie munson in front of you, steve finds out that he's your brother.
... READY FOR IT? | ♡️ ☆ ☽
you overhear a conversation between steve and robin about how you and him haven't had sex yet.
TAKING CARE OF MAX AT THE HOSPITAL | ♡️ ☆ x hopper!fem!reader
you want to be by max's side while she's in a coma in the hospital but it's consuming you. steve asks your father for help to get you out of there.
NEW YEAR'S EVE | ♡️ x hopper!female!reader
celebrating new year's eve with your boyfriend, friends and family.
THE PRETTIEST GIRL AT HAWKINS HIGH | ♡️ x plus size!reader
DREAM OF A LIFETIME | ♡️ ☆ x pregnant!reader
your lack of communication had caused you and eddie to distance yourselves from each other. now he, robin, steve and nancy were trapped in the upside down, and you regretted not telling him you were pregnant earlier.
STAY SAFE | ♡️ ☆
you are the only person that knows where to find him.
what were those stains on eddie's mattress in that scene in 4x07?
WHITE LIE | ♡️ ☆
after being accused of crissy's murder, eddie hides and breaks up with you. when you findnd out you are pregnant, you tell everyone that it's steve's (your bff) baby but eddie can't do the math since two months ago you were still together.
you reunite with your friends from hawkins after a couple of years but now you are famous painter who just got divorced and eddie is the lead singer of the most famous band yet the tension between you is the same it was years ago.
eddie plays master of puppets in his guitar while you touch him.
you are in a party and someone puts something in your drink. luckily, billy finds you before anything bad happens to you.
you're a baddie but then billy finds out you also got some trauma from your parents.
you are a good girl dating billy hargrove. all of your friends try to warn you that he is the type of boy who will break your heart.
billy sacrifices himself for you during the start court battle.
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stranger-stardustt · 4 months
🎬 Let’s take it from the top 🎬
for @steddiemicrofic May | Prompt: Top | wc: 510 | Rating: G | CW: None!! | Tags: Actors AU, misunderstandings, steve and eddie are both idiots, pre relationship, misplaced hatred |
i wrote this at 4 am pls enjoy
“Let’s take a quick break before we run this scene from the top!” Robin called, voice echoing through the building. “Steve, Eddie, will you come here for a second?”
Steve sighed as the lights on the set dimmed, wiping a stray drop of sweat from his brow. He tensed his shoulders, rolling them back and forth as he headed toward the directors chair.
Following behind him was Eddie Munson, his costar and the most infuriating person Steve had ever had the displeasure of meeting. The two of them stood in front of Robin, shooting each other glares as she let out a loud noise of exasperation.
“What will it take for me to get you two to get along?” she asked, running a hand through her hair. “You’re supposed to be madly in love in this scene, and you act like if you stand too close to each other you’ll explode.”
“I-” Steve began, crossing his arms. “Maybe if Munson wasn’t so hard to work with.” He muttered the sentence, but Robin and Eddie still heard.
“If I wasn't too hard to work with?” Eddie exclaimed, eyes closing as he furrowed up his face in a way that made Steve’s stomach flip with anger. “You’re the one who acts like I have the plague, Harrington!”
“I do not! You-” Steve clenched his fists at his sides, “you act as if kissing me is the worst thing to ever happen to you! We’re supposed to be professional!”
Silence rang through the studio. “It’s hard to be professional when your costar is a hit dickhead,” Eddie mumbled, so quietly that Steve nearly didn’t catch it.
He did, though. “What?” he asked, confused. “What have I ever done to you?” He did his best to ignore the ‘hot’ part of the statement. “Genuinely, Eddie, I have been nothing but welcoming to you since we were casted.”
“That’s the problem!” Eddie hissed. “You and your stupid smile, and your stupid hair, and your stupidly gorgeous face have been so distracting these past few weeks!” He rolled his eyes. “Go ahead, call me stupid for hating you because I think you’re attractive. I’m waiting.”
Steve’s mouth went dry. “You- what?” he asked, trying to grasp the situation.
“I’ve been trying not to fanboy over you since we met, Harrington.” Deflating, Eddie looked at the ground. “Let’s get this over with. Tell me you don’t want to work with me anymore, come on.”
Bewildered, Steve could only shake his head. “I want to work with you,” he said slowly. “You think I’m attractive?”
“Me and half the world's population, Stevie,” Eddie said with the roll of his eyes, glancing up through his eyelashes. “Why are you so shocked?”
“You aren’t too bad yourself!” Steve blurted, fidgeting with his hands. He locked eyes with Eddie, both of them staring at each other with confusion.
Robin was the one to break the tension.
“This has been… strange,” she said, looking from Steve to Eddie and back to Steve again. “Come on, boys. Let’s run it from the top.”
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aylasology · 10 months
Oh Pretty Woman~
70s!Rockstar!Robin x Groupie!fem!reader.
Rockstar!Robin (she's her own warning honestly).
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Your high heels clicked, walking into the hallways of the apartment building as if it was yours. Crimson red lipstick and fur coat on. You were supposed to stop with the habit of getting with these rock stars, but there was something so different with the way this rockstar whispered into your ear before she left.
"L.A ain't the same without you, doll."
Robin. Robin Buckley. How could you forget? You were her pretty little drug, the girl wrapped around her finger, the princess she'd pamper and spoil whenever she was on the road. The girl that wasn't explicitly hers, and yet, the girl she lead on to believe that maybe she was more than just some groupie.
Your friend, a journalist who was simply following everywhere Hellfire went - where Robin went - stood by the front of the door, grabbing a pen and a notepad. He doesn't know anything about you and Robin, or the whole groupie thing, but you'd like to keep it that away.
"You ready to meet some cool people?" you asked him. Watching him straighten his jacket and hair. You found it amusing how he wanted to look so formal for a party, you shrugged it off. He only nods.
You weaved a sigh, opening the doorknob. Musicians, groupies, and a shit ton of strangers fill the apartment. It was a big place so to speak, music filling the room through a broken record player. For the rest of the night, you made sure to stick to your friend, a looking eye for him so that he wouldn't get drunk or "unprofessional" as he worded it. He said he was a journalist, but in truth, he really is just a young boy writing and fanboying over rockstars.
"Guess who's going on a motherfucking tour!" Eddie Munson, Hellfire's lead guitarist, yelled as he opened the door, bottle of wine in hand as he chugged. A hand is shoved to his face, pushing him away from the door. A boy tall and muscular walks into the door - Steve Harrington, the bassist of Hellfire waves to the crowd.
"Don't mind him, he's drunk." Steve chimed, pulling Dustin Henderson, their drummer, into the room. All three boys running and prodding towards the partygoers. Where's Robin?
And as the thought of her comes to mind, in flare jeans, and a graphic sleeveless shirt, Robin walks in. Leather boots long and fitted on her legs, sweat after tonight's opening act for some band they don't even remember the name of shined and slicked on her exposed arms, muscular and smooth. Her hair dishevelled and longer than the last time you saw her, the brown roots of her hair growing a little more. Heart-shaped sunglasses blocked the vision which were her blue eyes. Those goddamn eyes that could weaken you with a single glance.
"I'm not late am I?" Robin asked, smooth and slim fingers holding onto the rim of her glasses as she pushed it up to her hair. Her fingers tut with her hair, a playful chuckle erupting from her soft, glossy lips. She strides to the couch, hips swaying so effortlessly as she walked towards the rest of hellfire. Sitting down on the empty space between Eddie and Steve, manspreading as her arms slung around the two boys shoulders.
Your fingers gripped on the red cup you were holding. Your friend had a grin on his face, tugging to your coat as if it told you everything that he wanted the two of you to do : go closer to hellfire.
You look down on your cup, it's almost empty, a perfect excuse not to go near Hellfire - near Robin. "Why don't you go alone? I'll watch from afar." you chuckled awkwardly. Noticing now tense you were, without really knowing the reason why, your friend nods, leaving you alone with the crowd.
He waves over to the group, a toothy smile from Dustin in response. He lets your friend sit in the armrest of the couch, bickering over something you couldn't quite hear. A guy in the crowd goes over to you, talking about the band and all that stuff, responding to him with half hearted "mhms" and mindless nods.
But your eyes were focused elsewhere; focused on the girl scanning the crowd. The girl who's eyes, blue and deep, scanned the faces of the strangers in her apartment - as if she was looking for that one familiar face, your face.
And that's when eyes meet. Her eyes meeting your own. You could feel your heart skip a beat, a crimson hue arising on your cheeks. She was no guitarist, but she plucked on your heartstrings better than anyone could.
A smile tuts on her lips. That goddamn smile, a devilish glint in her eyes, her smile pursed into a smirk.
You looked down on your cup, empty. "I need to get some ice." You announce to the stranger who came up to you, running down the halls in search of an ice machine, in which you find in a small room.
You get in, and as you do, you hear the door swing shut.
Holy shit.
"I can't believe you actually showed up." She whispered, her breath against your neck, fingers sliding to grip onto your waist. You've never actually felt yourself melt before, but as you felt her fingers caress on the fabric of your coat you knew you were done for.
"When does it end?"
"What?" Robin cooed, her voice deep and low, a tone she's always reserved just for you. Her fingers move high up, planting them on your waist.
"This. The story about the girl who's wrapped around a rockstar's little finger and when she gets tired of being this rockstar's plaything she leaves. The rockstar sends her six...no..ten letters and doesn't even leave a backstage pass in San Diego." You replied, sliding her hands off your body. "Robin I've had enough. I'm done with this lifestyle. I'm done with you." You added, there wasn't much truth in your words as you'd like to believe yourself, and Robin didn't believe you at all.
She smiled. Why did she smile?
"Oh honey." Robin chuckled, fingers moving to grab your cup. "I say you're done with all this when I tell you are." She replied, grabbing ice from the machine. "And let me tell you, the day you're truly done, rock n roll's gonna miss you." You hear ice being tossed to your glass, daring not to look at Robin herself.
"It's gonna miss the way you turn a hotel into a home."
An ice cube thrown to your glass.
"The way you know every song. Every song. Even the bad ones. Especially the bad ones." A chuckle slips out of her plush lips. Another cube thrown to your glass.
"Coats and vests in the middle of summer." Another cube.
"Those pink lips and the way it giggles over every small compliment." Another cube.
"The way it fawns over me as if it's never been complimented all it's life."
Silence fills the room, your fingers brushing over a table. A lump in your throat. You feel warm hands on the grip of your waist, your cup left on the table.
"You're more than just some groupie, darling." She cooed, lips brushing on the flesh of your ear. "You're your own kind of woman." She said before turning you around to face her, pinning you up against the brim of the table. "You're my woman."
And before you could protest, she kissed you powerfully. Hands gripping on the edge of the table as if fighting to keep your hands off her. She pulled you closer, a smirk on the edge of her lips as a soft whimper slips from yours. A needy sound that could make her go ballistic.
"So loud for me already, huh?" She chuckled, pulling away. "I barely even touched you."
Fingers brush against your chin, making you look up at her.
"Come to Arizona, baby."
"Never." yes
She smirked. "We leave tomorrow. 9AM. And pack light this time, Jesus."
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jo-harrington · 8 months
Lack of Faith (Eddie Munson)
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Summary: Eddie Munson. Dungeon Master, Rock Star Wannabe, King of the Freaks and the Nerds. Can you believe that he doesn't like Star Wars?
Characters: Eddie Munson, Corroded Coffin, Wayne Munson, Dustin Henderson, Mike Wheeler, Lucas Sinclair
Themes/Warnings: Our nerdy boy being a nerd, and his nerdlings making him worse, Star Wars references, might borrow some dialogue from the movie Fanboys (2009), boys will be boys, angst-ish, hurt/comfort-ish?, friendship, reference to some FOI characters, don't worry about it.
Note: This has been a thought that's lingered in my mind for quite some time as I am a HUGE Star Wars fan. And a little talk with @br0ck-eddie today (an unrelated topic) brought this back to the forefront of my mind. Tagging @fracturedarkness and @courtingchaos for no reason other than "you'll like it."
This is not an xReader fic. This is about Eddie and Star Wars and if you nerf-herders can't accept that, you can get the kriff out of here. IF YOU DON'T KNOW WHAT JIZZ IS, KEEP FUCKING MOVING NORMIE.
You can find my masterlist here.
Please do not interact if you are not 18+.
It was a normal lunch period.
Well, as normal as it could be when you sat at Hellfire Club's table in the cafeteria. There was no talk of homework, or dates, or crushes.
Instead Gareth was tapping a beat against the edge of the table with two unsharpened No.2 pencils, Dave was working on a new character sheet with Eddie after he suffered a tragic and untimely death during their last session, and the freshman were arguing about something down at their end of the table.
Their heads were bent together, occasionally Mike would throw his head back and groan, and then get right back to his furious whispers. And although Eddie, gracious and fearless leader that he was, was typically grateful that they kept their mindless drivel to themselves, today he was curious.
He could hear little tidbits of their conversation and they intrigued him enough:
"...they still kissed."
"That was to make Han jealous."
"That was the second time, what about the first time?"
"The first time they were about to die!" Dustin got to his feet now, staring at Mike with wide, incredulous eyes. "They were swinging ten-thousand feet in the air!"
"Hey!" Eddie shouted at them now, as kids at the surrounding tables started to stare and laugh. And usually, yes, he'd flip them off, tell them to mind their own business. Pull the whole freak card to get them to look away. The freshman needed to learn when to not place a target on their own backs; he hopefully wouldn't be here to protect them forever. "Shut up! Sit down!"
The three boys immediately clamped their mouths shut and Dustin sunk back into his seat as the older boys snickered.
"What's so important that you're about to start throwing punches over there?" Eddie questioned. The boys seemingly made themselves smaller and Eddie had to sigh. "Come on, I'm not gonna bite your heads off."
The entirety of Hellfire Club shot a skeptical look at him and his rolled his eyes.
"M-maybe you can help us," Mike suggested. "We're in the middle of a debate."
"A debate? What kind of debate?"
"One of the utmost importance," Dustin said desperately. "Because Mike is insane."
"I am not! You're the one who's lost it. 'There's something innate.' Did we even watch the same movie?"
The boys all started to bicker again, louder this time, and Eddie needed to whistle to get them to quit it.
"See that's not very helpful. Why don't you tell me what movie, and what the problem is, and I can offer final and absolute judgement."
"Because you're right all the time," Jeff muttered under his breath to Gareth, causing Eddie to toss an eraser at him good-naturedly.
"Star Wars," the three freshman all answered simultaneously, and then they started talking over each other about whether Luke and Leia knew they were siblings when they kissed or if he had a thing for Leia and if Han was really weirded out by it all when he found out.
They were so caught up in their explanation that they didn't notice the members of Corroded Coffin get all tense, or the way that Eddie began to clench his fists and grit his teeth.
Until aforementioned lead guitarist stood up himself and hauled his backpack over his shoulder. They all stared at him, his bandmates with fearful eyes, and the freshman with hopeful ones.
"Easy," Eddie answered with a sardonic smile. "Star Wars is a dumb shit movie and you shouldn't waste your breath arguing over it."
And he walked past his friends just as the bell rang signaling the end of the period.
"What do you mean you don't like Star Wars?"
"Drop it Henderson."
"Is it...are you more of a Trek fan? Is that it?"
"It's not--"
"Because it's ok if you are! I like Star Trek too. I got Vulcan ears for Christmas last year and I have the new Klingon dictionary on hold at Waldenbooks. Pretty sure I'm already better at it than Latin."
"Do you not understand the meaning of drop it?" Eddie slammed his locker shut and stared at the younger boy. "I just don't like it. It's...it's--"
"It's a cultural phenomena!" Dustin cut him off. "It's only the most detailed and expansive fictional universes I've ever experienced. Even better than Tolkien."
"That's blasphemy," Eddie scoffed.
"Ok maybe not Tolkien," Dustin conceded, hands held out innocently. "But seriously, it's insane. I thought that you'd be all over it. I was gonna even talk to you about helping me plan a small one-shot for Lucas' birthday set in the Star Wars universe. I would DM!"
Eddie, though annoyed with the topic conversation, fondly pushed the bill of Dustin's hat over his eyes.
"Come on!"
"Listen I'll help you," Eddie promised. "Whatever you wanna cook up for Sinclair's birthday, I'm your guy. I'll even get the guys to come and play if you want a bigger group. Just anything but Star Wars ok?"
He started to walk away but Dustin was hot on his heels, dodging other students left and right to stay in-step with Eddie.
"Why not? Just give me one good reason why you don't like Star Wars, and I'll drop it. Is it because Obi-Wan wasn't secretly Luke's father? Or..." He fumbled over his words, struggling to find a reason that his friend didn't like one of his favorite series. "Or...because Wedge was a better pilot than Luke but somehow Luke was the star of the Rebel Alliance."
"Stop it now."
"Do you not like C-3P0? No one likes C-3P0! Wait...is that your favorite character and you don't like the movie because everyone else hates him?"
Dustin was sure he'd hit the nail on the head and offered explanations and tried to convince Eddie that he was all wrong. And all of it fell on annoyed ears until Eddie, at his wits end, turned and grabbed Dustin by the shoulders. He stopped them dead in their tracks in the middle of the hallway, uncaring of the other students groans and insults as they pushed past.
"I don't like Star Wars," Eddie said through gritted teeth, a sense of finality in his words so the subject could be dropped once and for all. "Because I've never seen the movies. And I don't want to. They're overhyped, and dumb, and just a way to get little idiots like you to spend their money on posters and action figures and life savers."
"Lightsabers," Dustin corrected him, but then backtracked. "Wh--Eddie? What do you mean? You have to have seen them! Ed...Eddie wait!"
The metalhead let him go and the quickly retreated into the crowd leaving Dustin to call after him, confused.
Of course, news spread to the other freshman quickly. Dustin was devastated, Lucas was lost, and Mike felt betrayed that his role model--loose definition--hadn't seen the movies that shaped him as a person to this day. Shaped all of them.
Into nerds.
Even Max was surprised to hear that her neighbor hadn't seen it, as she was dragged to the depths of the Wheeler's basement along with the boys to discuss how this all could have happened.
They thought of everything. Body swaps and mind control. A curse! Mike was dead set on Eddie being a die-hard trekkie and, as someone who disliked the Trek himself, got irrationally angry about it.
"I swear he didn't even bat an eye when I told him about the Klingon!" Dustin exclaimed. "I just...I don't know."
"Well have you asked the rest of the geek patrol?" Max questioned, and all the boys turned to stare at her. "If Eddie hates it so much that he doesn't want to talk about it, the others have known him for a lot longer than any of us have. They're bound to know something right?"
"See this?" Dustin snapped his fingers and pointed at her. "This is why we need you in Hellfire. Eddie wouldn't be able to trick us anymore, you'd see right through it."
"Not gonna happen," she deadpanned.
The boys protested her refusal to play DnD with them, but took her advice and ran with it.
For a solid week, they pestered Jeff, Gareth, and Dave. And for a solid week, the older boys refused to budge. They tried everything. Bribes, blackmail, threats.
"You think," Gareth laughed when the boys cornered him outside the locker room before PE. "That I'm gonna tell you anything after you threaten to have Steve Harrington beat me up? That guy might've been a big douchebag few years ago, but I know he's a loser working at Family Video now."
All hope was lost as he was about to head to class. Until Mike spotted someone out of the corner of his eye, leaving the athletics hall for their next class, and he was struck with inspiration. He called out to Gareth.
"What if I can get you one of my sister's bras?"
Gareth skidded to a halt and looked over his shoulder with shock and, surprisingly, intrigue.
"...go on," he nodded.
Thus, a negotiation was made before the coach blew his whistle. And a few days later after school, at the picnic table out in the woods behind the football field, the exchange took place.
"Gimme the goods," Gareth held his hand out for his bounty.
"Story first, bra later," Lucas scoffed at him. "Otherwise what's to stop you from taking it and leaving."
Gareth clenched his hands and then let out a long-suffering sigh.
"At least lemme see what color it is."
The three freshman ducked their heads together to discuss the risks, and then Mike unzipped his backpack and flashed the tiniest peak of pastel purple lace at him.
"Nice," Gareth nodded. "Alright! You better not have anywhere else to go, we're gonna be here for a little while."
"My mom's not coming to get us until 6," Dustin agreed.
Gareth then took the time to weave the tale. One he heard from Jeff, who heard it from some guy named Dougie, who heard it from a girl named Ronnie, who only knew about it because she was there.
"It's his closely kept secret," Gareth explained. "Ronnie was still here when I was a freshman, and she wouldn't say shit about it. Which is why this can never make it back to me."
"We swear," the boys said simultaneously, and all crossed their hearts.
Apparently, Eddie had been all excited for the very first Star Wars movie when it first premiered. He saw the posters for it at the Hawk and babbled on and on about what it might be about. He'd always been a little interested in space, thanks to Star Trek--
"I knew it!" Dustin exclaimed.
"God damn it!" Mike cursed. "He's a Trekkie!"
"Are you gonna let me tell this story?" Gareth hissed.
"Sorry," Lucas apologized and slugged both of his friends in the arm.
--and he thought Star Wars was gonna be the next big thing. He was sure of it. Not only that, it was gonna be his new favorite thing. He was hesitant to ask his dad to buy tickets for the two of them to go and see the movie together. What with money being tight and his dad's unreliable presence. Still, he heard that the local radio station was giving two tickets away and he called and called and called until he won them.
"Wow," Mike was awestruck. "Two tickets for the opening day of Star Wars. Can you imagine? What a lucky son of a bitch."
"Uh," Dustin watched Gareths shifting eyes and pursed lips. "Mike I think you're forgetting something."
"He didn't see it, dipshit," Gareth sneered. "Duh. Isn't that the whole point of you guys bothering me with this? Did you forget?"
Eddie, excited for the day, told his dad, Al, two weeks in advance. He and Ronnie had picked up the tickets for the show after school one afternoon, lying to Ronnie's grandma about having detention. And Al Munson, father of the year, promised that he would be around to take Eddie.
"I wouldn't miss it for the world," he said and flashed his charming smile at his young and hopeful son. "We can make a day of it, how's that? You got the tickets, I've got dinner at Benny's afterwards. And you can get a sundae for dessert."
Eddie was over the moon, happy that his dad was finally excited for something that he enjoyed. He couldn't be bothered with Lord of the Rings or Narnia or any of the other stories that Eddie enjoyed, but he was excited for this. Probably because it had Wars in it. But that was ok. Beggars couldn't be choosers.
And then the morning finally came. A Wednesday in May, almost time for summer break. Al was sitting on the couch looking at something in the newspaper and Eddie reminded him about the movie before he left to catch the school bus. Al simply patted him on the head and promised to pick him up at 3 so they'd have plenty of time to get a good seat and watch the previews.
"And then the asshole never showed up," Gareth scoffed and broke all the kids hearts.
They didn't know a whole lot about Eddie's dad; he purposefully said precious little except that he was in jail and "belonged there, good riddance." If a good word was said about anyone in Eddie's family, it was said about his uncle Wayne. And even then it was scarce. Hearing this whole story though instantly put a bad taste in their mouths about the elder Munson.
Gareth continued the story, telling them how Eddie sat at one of the picnic tables for his dad until Ronnie and her grandma offered to drive him to the theater so at least he could see the movie. Ronnie even offered to see it with him. But Eddie refused.
"He was sure that his dad was coming. Waited there for hours. Until the movie had started, and then was over. And then he walked home alone."
"But..." Mike frowned. "But then why didn't he try again? Why didn't he go to see it when Empire came out...or...or Lucas...remember when your dad took us to see Return of the Jedi a couple years ago? And we tried to get him to take us all to the midnight showing of the whole trilogy?"
"Yeah! He told us we were crazy for wanting to sit there for 8 whole hours."
"But he didn't wanna see it," Gareth shook his head. "That's the whole point. His dad pissed him off, and now...he's written it all off. He refuses, because...I guess he doesn't wanna admit how upset he was. I don't even know if he cried! Ronnie never told anyone what happened afterwards. We all just know not to say anything about Star Wars around him."
Gareth got his bounty in the end and left, and the three freshman all sat there, defeated.
"I almost wish he was a trekkie," Mike said sadly.
"My dad's left us and it's still somehow not that bad," Dustin whispered.
"Listen," Lucas straightened his shoulders and looked at his friends. "This...man it really sucks, but we can't just give up. Eddie deserves to know all the ups and downs of Star Wars. He would love it. Probably more than the three of us combined. Hell, even Max thought so!"
The other boys nodded in agreement and sat upright as Lucas got to his feet.
"Are we just gonna sit here and let our friend who always looks out for us miss out on the best thing that he's ever seen just cuz his dad's a big asshole? Or are we gonna look out for him too?"
Mike and Dustin clapped and cheered and whooped.
And then the three of them got out their notebooks and began to scheme.
Eddie rang the doorbell of the Wheeler's house and waited silently on the porch, hands fiddling with the small gift and binder in his hands.
9am was too fucking early for a birthday party, in his opinion, but for the kids--for Lucas--and for Dungeons and Dragons...eh...he could stand to lose some sleep on a Saturday.
As long as they were done by 7 so he could go make a few bucks at Matt Donovan's party over on Elm. He'd lose out on sleep, but not cash.
The door opened and a tired-looking Ted Wheeler looked Eddie up and down with a sigh, then waved him in.
"They're all downstairs," he droned. "Snacks and sodas in the kitchen. Karen's gone to the store to get more. We're ordering pizza for lunch and there'll be cake a little later."
"Great," Eddie gave him a stiff nod. "Thanks."
Ted grumbled something about "having enough birthday parties for his own three kids let alone their friends too" and Eddie rolled his eyes.
He kicked off his sneakers in the pile by the stairs to the basement and then shuffled down the steps, eager to join his favorite group of idiots for a day of fantasy escapism.
And he was excited; it had been a while since he'd gotten to play one of his characters and Dustin had put together a fantastic campaign for Lucas.
Only...when Eddie got to the basement, he was in for a shock.
No tables and chairs, no dice, no maps or figures. No binders or books or character sheets. Nothing.
Just his friends all sitting together on and around the couch facing the tv set that had been set up in front of it.
With lightsabers in their hands.
They all cheered when they saw Eddie, Lucas the loudest of all.
Well, not all of them. Jeff, Gareth, and Dave all looked about ready to run. Especially when they saw the scathing look on Eddie's face.
"You're finally here!" Lucas laughed. "You're late.
"Happy Birthday," Eddie deadpanned and threw the gift to him. "What the hell is going on here?"
"What does it look like?" Dustin snarked. "It's Lucas' birthday."
"It was supposed to be Dungeons and Dra--"
"Well, I changed my mind," Lucas said smugly. "I thought...you know what, save it for the summer so we can make it longer than just a one-off campaign. Dustin worked really hard on it after all."
Eddie couldn't deny that. Still he glared at the plastic...toys that the boys all held.
"And you just happened to pick Star Wars?" he asked, arms crossed over his chest as he eyed them all skeptically.
"It's my favorite," Lucas insisted. "Not the first time I've had a Star Wars themed party. First time we're watching the trilogy all the way through though."
"Yeah cuz someone fell asleep last time we tried," Dustin jabbed Mike in the shoulder with his lightsaber pointedly.
"That's why we're starting so early this time," Mike parried with a jab to Dustin's stomach.
"So," Lucas stared Eddie down with challenge in his eyes. "Are you just gonna stand there and ruin my party? Or are you gonna sit down? Because we're never gonna get to Empire by the time the pizza gets here if we don't start soon."
Eddie stared at the hopeful expressions in all of his friends--his little sheeps--faces. Even the ones who were familiar with his feelings about the franchise.
And he weighted his options.
Eddie was a man who abided by the code. He'd gotten burned to many times in life not to. And that code included things like never trust your dad, rich people are assholes, popular girls are bad news. Somewhere in that list though, between always change your underwear when you think they're still clean and shake the can of soda before you hand it to your friends was never watch Star Wars.
It'd been that way for years.
But since the start of the school year, since Eddie had met these three kids...he'd started changing his code.
Steve Harrington wasn't an asshole. Well he used to be, but he proved that he could change.
Not all popular girls were bad news. Nancy was helping him work towards a better grade in biology and the student council president had slipped her number into Eddie's locker the other day.
And while there might be things that would never change--his father wasn't trustworthy, end of story--he figured...for his friends he might be able to bend some of his self-imposed rules.
Eddie sighed and looked at television screen with the words A Long Time Ago in a Galaxy Far, Far Away... frozen, and he felt a little pang in his heart.
And if he could do things like that for his friends...
His inner 10-year old self was sitting at that picnic table still, waiting for the van to pull into the parking lot. Only this time, he wasn't left high and dry. This time a much older Eddie drove up and popped open the van doors for little Eddie to hop in. They could finally fulfill this dream together.
...he certainly could do things like that for himself.
"Alright," he closed the distance and pushed his way through his friends so he could plop front and center on the floor in front of the television. He tried to keep the sour attitude, but as a blue plastic lightsaber was pressed into his hands, he couldn't help but crack a smile. "Let's see what all the hype is about."
The group cheered and Gareth pressed play on the remote.
And as the swell of music began and STAR WARS flashed on the screen, Eddie said aloud...
"Hey guys, what if it sucks?"
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wintersoldierslover · 2 years
my fic recs masterlist
Bucky Barnes:
all bucky barnes
headcanon  -  blurb  -  one-shot  -  series - two-parter
40s  -  The Winter Soldier  -  Avenger  -  TFATWS
dbf!bucky  -  brother’s bff  -  bff’s brother
neighbour  -  housewife reader
lumberjack  -  firefighter  -  bodyguard
priest bucky  -  college
football player  -  hockey player  -  boxer
professor  -  teacher  -  librarian/bookshop
coffee shop  -  soulmate  -  royal
other AUs  -  taboo
moodboard  -  deactivated:(
Stranger Things characters:
all eddie munson  -  all steve harrington
eddie and steve (x reader)
billy hargrove  -  jason carver  -  mike wheeler
dmitri enzo antonov  -  jim hopper
robin buckley  -  nancy wheeler
Outer Banks Characters:
all Rafe Cameron
all JJ Maybank
Rafe Cameron and JJ Maybank (x reader)
Pope Heyward  -  Topper Thorton
John B.  -  Sarah Cameron
Kiara Carrera
Marvel characters:
Wanda Maximoff  -  Kate Bishop
Natasha Romanoff  -  Yelena Belova
Peter Parker  -  Pietro Maximoff
Steve Rogers  -  Stephen Strange
Frank Castle  -  Matt Murdock 
Moon knight  -  Steven Grant
Joaqín Torres - Clint Barton
Loki Laufeyson  -  Druig
Eddie Brock  -  Miles Morales
Miguel O’hara  -  Hobie Brown
Harry Potter characters:
Sirius Black  -  Remus Lupin 
James Potter  -  Poly!Marauders
Lily potter  -  Cedric Diggory
George Weasley  -  Fred Weasley
Severus Snape  -  Tom Riddle
Draco Malfoy
Avatar (James Cameron) charachters:
neteyam  -  aonung  -  lo’ak
rotxo  -  kiri  -  spider
jake sully  -  neytiri  -  tsu’tey
tonowari  -  ronal  -  colonel quaritch
Top Gun chracters:
Fanboy  -  Hangman  -  Rooster  -  Bob
Wednesday characters:
Xavier Thorpe  -  Ajax Petropolus
Wednesday Addams  -  Divina
Bridgerton characters:
Anthony Bridgerton  -  Benedict Bridgerton
Colin Bridgerton
Criminal Minds characters:
Spencer Reid  -  Aaron Hotchner
Derek Morgan
The Last of Us characters:
Joel Miller  -  Ellie Williams
Abby Anderson
The Devil All The Time characters:
Tommy Matson  -  Lee Bodecker
Uncharted characters:
Nate Drake  -  Sam Drake
Euphoria characters:
Elliot (Euphoria)  -  Fezco
On My Block characters:
Mario Martinez  -  Oscar Diaz
Modern Family characters:
Luke Dunphy  -  Alex Dunphy
Ted Lasso:
Roy Kent  -  Jamie Tartt
NHL players:
Matthew Ktachuk  -  Trevor Zegras
Nolan Patrick  -  Tyler Seguin
Sebastian Stan  -  Joseph Quinn
Jamie Campbell Bower  -  Danny Ramirez
Drew Starkey  -  Rudy Pankow
Ben Hardy  -  Bella Ramsey
Jenna Ortega
Miscellaneous characters:
Eli ‘Hawk’ Moskowitz  -  Marcus Baker
Rodrick Heffley  -  Hunter Sylvester
Lloyd Hansen  -  Ari Levinson
Nick Fowler  -  Tangerine
Rhett Abbott  -  Hayden ‘Harvard Hottie’
Colin (Not Okay)  -  Min Ho (Xo, Kitty)
Ash (No Exit)  -  James Maguire (Derry Girls)
Jake Peralta  -  Nick Miller  -  Brian O’conner
Anakin Skywalker  -  Bruno Madrigal
Tadashi Hamada  -  Kakashi Hatake
Miscellaneous real people:
Billie Eilish  -  AEW Hook
*Updated whenever there’s a new character <3
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fhrlclln · 2 years
rockstar!eddie going ballistic and jealous when his guy fans are all screaming for his wife, asking to sign an autograph on her playboy magazine after the show’s over. some would even ask her hand in marriage and it makes her laugh but eddie doesn’t find it funny in slightest lmao
rockstar! eddie x wife! reader
WOOWIE i hate how i’m so lazy to reply with my inbox. 😭 but anyways, this is so funny and cute tho. i feel like he’d be smug at first seeing everyone hot over his wife LOL then he’ll go ballistic the moment someone says about that ‘hand in marriage’ i love it <3
suggestive themes under here
like every fantastic show that ends, eddie would always have to face the flashing lights of the paparazzi and the fucking screams and cheers outside the venue when he’s prepared to finally get the fuck out of there. he does like the excitement of a crowd racing for him, all his fanboys screeching for an autograph or even just for him to glance at them. he feels on the top of the world though when you manage to accompany him after his shows with his band.
but right now, he feels like he wants to punch his massive fanbase for overly gawking at you now as he watches you inside the limousine, waiting as you signed the heck out of that recent playboy magazine cover from each prick’s hand as they were squeezing in from the steel barricade separating you from them, with your million dollar smile on. all of them screaming for your attention as eddie rolls his eyes underneath his sunglasses.
he grits his teeth, sighing as he groans. what was with you with signing every single cover or whatever those weirdos wanted from you? your attention away from him was already a torn on his clingy heart and now his fanboys are being the center of your attention was the least at his list! he’s fucking livid. and he’s had enough, knowing you might want the help to get out of that mob of people screaming your name. he gets out of the limousine as the crowd goes wild again seeing him, the number of securities doubling as eddie walks towards you. causing his manager to almost faint. eddie’s jaw ticking hearing everything what came out of those weirdos mouth as you smiled at them, still grabbing marker by marker.
“y/n! sign me next, please!”
“mrs. munson, i love you!”
“can you sign it on my arm!? i’m gonna get it tattooed just for you!”
“i fucking love you!”
“i loved your playboy cover-“
“thank you!” you merely said, waving at them, amused how eddie’s supposed own crowd has grown a liking towards you knowing majority are metalheads and teenagers. but it was fun, seeing how many arms and hands were waving your playboy cover. not noticing your own husband waving to the now hurling crowd as you were about to finally sign the last item that you decided to get the hell out of here. laughing a bit awkwardly hearing so many flattering and unflattering things they were saying to you until one made you giggle—
“can i have your hand in marriage?”
“marriage?” your eyes widened as you laughed at the teenage boy you were signing some notebook he was holding. he smiled cheekily at you, blushing seeing you notice him. “i’m already married, darling.” you giggled, handing him back his pen.
“it’s worth the try!” he counters making you laugh, not noticing the fuming rockstar behind you hearing all of that.
“yeah, better luck next time, bud.” eddie quipped suddenly making you turn around to see him. the boy eyes’s practically widened seeing his favorite rockstar talk to him.
“eddie!” you greeted him as he gently tugs your arm, silent as ever as he puts on a fake smile. eddie glared at the little prick from his sunglasses. marriage? asking for marriage to you? his fucking wife? oh, he could feel the bile form in his throat until your back hit his chest as you turned around surprised to see him out here.
you raised a brow, kissing his cheek as you were lead back into the car. the door shutting loudly as the crowd and flashes muffled. you could feel the sudden switch of the mood your husband has put on. you face him, seeing as he removes his glasses, rubbing his eyes. you frowned, knowing how camera flashes hurts his head.
“you alright, eds?” you ask gently, feeling the car start as you moved closer to him. eddie hummed, a slight pout on his face as he didn’t answer again.
“eddie…” you scolded gently, knowing he has this habit of getting silent when he’s in a mood. “what’s wrong, baby? you have a headache?” you put your hand above his, cooing him gently. a moment of silence transpired as he finally sighs.
“don’t like it when you sign for ‘em.”
“who? your fans? why eds?” you laughed gently, eddie pouted more hearing you not take this seriously as he looks away to the window making your roll your eyes at his behavior. “c’mon, eds! your fans are so cute wanting my autographs! i love their interactions. it’s so sweet.”
“yeah, like asking for your hand marriage is fucking cute, huh? bunch of creeps…” he claps back, mumbling. you’re taken aback, remembering the teenage boy as you laughed at it. he’s jealous! you realized making you wheeze at how he’s reacting to his own fanbase.
“oh my god, eddie! he’s literally a fucking kid!”
“oh a kid? yeah, still not fucking cool.” he groans, annoyed you were laughing it off with his jealousy. “stop laughing!” he sighs out. “babe, this isn’t funny. you know what shit those weirdos of mine would say else?”
“like you aren’t the one dirty talking to me all the time, eddie.” you countered, still stifling a giggle. “you’re just as bad as them. and you’re my husband.”
“don’t compare me to those asshats—“ you giggled, rolling your eyes as you squeezed his hand. leaning in to kiss the pout away on his face as he gives in to your affections, still muttering shit talk about the situation as you felt yourself getting annoyed at his antics, making you pinch his cheeks to shut him up.
“oh, stop the fucking whining, eddie!”
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tastefulstars · 1 year
updated July 2023 // primarily writing for stranger things
Please heed all content warnings on each individual story before reading. I do not give my consent for my works to be used, copied, published, or posted anywhere.
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dividers by @firefly-graphics
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The Boys Next Door - 1 / 2 / 3 / boys pov
Eddie Munson x F!Reader x Steve Harrington | Your cat decides to adopt the boys that live next door, which would be fine if they weren’t so damn pretty.
Of Wolf and Man - 1 / 2 / 3 / 4 /
Eddie Munson x F!Reader x Steve Harrington | You have a secret, one that’s a little more wolfish in nature.
Get In Line - 1 / 2 /
Billy Hargrove x Eddie Munson x F!Reader x Steve Harrington | Your words come back to haunt you and now Billy, Eddie and Steve are making it their personal mission in life to ruin you.
All That And More - 1 / 2 /
M!Werewolf x GN!Human!Reader | Everything changed with a buzz of your intercom, a lawyer and a dead relative.
Sea of Flames - 1 / 2 /
Demon x F!Human!Reader | “if anyone here knows a group of evil insane cultists looking for a cute girl to give as a slave to a huge scary insatiable sexual demon in sacrifice during their ritual in exchange for riches and eternal life please let me know, you can give them my number"
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Higher and Higher
Billy Hargrove x Eddie Munson x F!Reader x Steve Harrington | Steve and Eddie want Billy’s girl, it’s a good thing Billy knows how to share.
It's Better with Three
Eddie Munson x F!Reader x Steve Harrington | You get high with Eddie and Steve, only, your plan for a relaxing night doesn’t quiet go to plan.
Love Me Deep
Eddie Munson x F!Reader x Steve Harrington | smut
Steve has a Bad Day
Eddie Munson x GN!Reader x Steve Harrington | Steve has had the worst day, you and Eddie help him relax.
Eddie Munson x F!Reader x Steve Harrington | Eddie and Steve are out late, you decide to entertain yourself while you wait for them to come home.
Wanted U
Eddie Munson x F!Reader x Steve Harrington | A night out on the town ended in the arms of two handsome strangers.
Pretty Girl
Eddie Munson x F!Reader | An encounter at a bar leads to a one night stand, that leads to a spending the weekend, which just may lead to more.
Kiss the Stars/Kiss my Scars
Eddie Munson x F!Reader | angst
And I fell, I fell
Eddie Munson x F!Reader | You interview Eddie and fall in love.
First Class
Steve Harrington x F!Reader | Steve fucks you in his car.
He's with the Band
Steve Harrington x F!Reader | You intimidate Steve a little but that doesn’t stop him from wanting you.
Keep me Close
Billy Hargrove x F!Reader | You get to see a side of Billy that no one else has.
You and Me
Billy Hargrove x F!Reader | request fill soft!billy following around r wherever she goes.
(If this ain't love) Why Does it Feel so Good?
Billy Hargrove x F!Reader | You get fed up and put Billy in his place.
Gimme Love
Jim Hopper x F!Reader | You’re fed up with being ignored so you decide to make Hopper notice you.
The Hunt
M!Werewolf x F!Reader | Running barefoot through the forest was probably a bad idea, but the adrenaline coursing through your body didn’t give you time to regret your choice. 
The Summoning
M!Demon x M!Reader | A scholar attempts to change history by summoning a demon, only it doesn’t go as planned. 
F!Vampire x F!Reader | A moment between a Vampire and her human lover.
Hellhound + Captured
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Billy Hargrove
sub!billy being loved on
Eddie Munson | gen
playing with Eddie's hair Eddie's habit of poking his tongue out defending Eddie against bullies playing d&d with Eddie rockstar with fanboy Eddie Eddie falling in love with a badass waking up with Eddie eddie taking care of you massaging eddie nervous eddie talking about your plans
Steve Harrington | gen
waking up with Steve Steve not wanting you to get involved
Billy + Eddie + Steve | gen
confessing to wanting all of them your asshole parents confront you
Eddie + Steve | gen
being sandwiched between them they take care of you when sick doing Eddie's makeup Eddie and Reader choosing chaos realizing they all love each other reader decking someone in front of them labyrinth au
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