#fanart i rushed in a day 'cause hype
mythi2964 · 2 years
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Small Spark
Magolor is a sad boi now
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alucior · 2 years
fuck streaming sites, fuck having to binge 8 episodes seasons, give me back the 22 episodes run, give me the weekly release, give me the mid season finaly so they can have time and space to tell a story. Like fuck all that shit.
I want to go back to fandoms being able to theorise over months what's going on. not just having to rush to binge the whole season in a day to participate in the conversation around the show.
Like the way that streaming sites drop a season, and then if you're lucky a second season is commisioned, but then often a year or more later. so any hype around the show is no longer organic and being able to build over months and months, but has to be focused extremely on one day every year or more.
It fucking kills any survivabilty for fandoms who in the current climate have to create so much content between themselves cause there is nothing from the show they are even a fandom of out there. if you have only 8 episodes a year, there is no way that a single framre of every shot isn't examined to absulute shit.
Like fandom can do great things, write amazing fics, create incredible fanart, edits, songs and so on. But whit a drought of content between seasons, or even when they get canceled, single drop of content fandoms are forced to eat themselves alive just to keep people engaged with the fandom.
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a-vast-horizon · 3 years
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I posted 2,232 times in 2021
16 posts created (1%)
2216 posts reblogged (99%)
For every post I created, I reblogged 138.5 posts.
I added 2,394 tags in 2021
#funny - 577 posts
#fanart - 464 posts
#tma - 375 posts
#video - 202 posts
#art - 171 posts
#danny phantom - 152 posts
#tma spoilers - 140 posts
#me - 129 posts
#toonkind dnd - 101 posts
#bendy and the ink machine - 83 posts
Longest Tag: 136 characters
#op bless you for drawing the star trio's alternate outfits cause the art for them didnt make it into the game video and i was so curious
My Top Posts in 2021
Here’s my fic for day 2 of Going Angst Week, Obsession/Instincts, introducing Danny’s obsession in the Ghost in the Machine AU
[Read Day 1 here]
Content warnings: threats of violence, murderous intent
The pizzeria was quiet when Danny got there. Lockdown protocol didn’t start until midnight, but they actually closed at nine. The crowds were long gone, and by this point, so were most of the employees. The only other person left inside would be the night watch.
Tonight, that was Vlad.
Danny had been forced to spend the day in the same building as his killer, unable to even touch him in case it would traumatize the children that happened to be present, or prompt his parents to get involved. It wasn’t their fault, wasn’t like they knew what Vlad had done, but still, Danny thought what was left of his heart might break if he had to push aside one of his parents to deal with Vlad.
But that wasn’t an issue now. There was no one around to see what was about to happen. And as the doors locked shut for the night behind Danny, there was nowhere for Vlad to run, either.
A sudden rush of giddiness overtook Danny; the first time he’d felt anything positive since being murdered. He was dead, and there was no changing that, but now there was the chance for payback, to make things even. Now it would be Vlad’s turn to know what it felt like to have the life bleed out of you in a place you’d thought of as safe, at the hands of someone you’d considered family.
[Keep reading on AO3]
13 notes • Posted 2021-08-03 00:32:31 GMT
I’ve had this multifandom indie horror discord for a while now, but I’ve just expanded it to include channels for the new game Poppy Playtime! I’m already hyped for this game, and if you are too, feel free to join and chat!
19 notes • Posted 2021-10-16 00:56:10 GMT
The Animorphs are marked by the Fear Entities
(Written mostly at 1 am by me, someone who hasn’t read Animorphs in years)
[Read on Ao3]
Tobias was the first of them to be marked by the entities. After all, who knew how small a single human life was better than an overlooked, bullied kid no one seemed to care about?
It could have been the Lonely that took him. He was certainly isolated enough. But how many hours had he spent gazing out the windows in class, staring out into the endless expanse of the sky and idly daydreaming about a better life that could exist somewhere out there? 
When Tobias was twelve and everything in his life had overwhelmed him, he took the bus downtown. He found the tallest building he could. He talked his way past the doorman, took the elevator to the roof, and climbed the fence. When he jumped, he did so with his back to the ground, so he could watch the sky above him as he fell. 
And then there was nothing but the wind whistling past his ears and the endless stretch of blue above him. It was nice. Peaceful.
After a few minutes of uninterrupted falling, Tobias craned his head to the side, wanting to see how close the ground was, how much longer it would be before he hit. But the ground was gone. Below him was only more sky. He could just keep falling, forever.
Tobias wasn’t terrified. He was ecstatic.
Morphing had always been different for Cassie. She had more control over how her morphs progressed than the others did. When they met Ax, he introduced her to the word estreen, but before then, Cassie had just considered it being in touch with her body. Long hours spent working in the barn had made her grounded, and her body, even as it warped and reshaped itself, was hers. 
And when her control over her morphing continued to improve, well, who among them knew what the limits of being an estreen were? 
It took some time for Cassie to recognize the Flesh’s mark on her, but when she did, she accepted it readily enough. She had grown up around the terror of wounded prey, birds and reptiles and squirmy small mammals all flinching from her hands as if they had teeth. That was the nature of the world; for all that she wanted to protect animals, even she had to acknowledge that almost every animal would be eaten eventually.
And as she rushed into battle in a wolf morph with far too many teeth, she reminded herself that humans were animals too.
None of them were sure when exactly the Slaughter latched its claws into Rachel. Her gleeful bloodlust had been there even during their first raid on the Yeerk Pool, and surely that was too early for it to have noticed her… but what did they know, really? They were a bunch of kids, and between an alien invasion and reality-warping fear gods, they were in over their heads.
So maybe the Slaughter had marked Rachel during their first battle. Maybe even before. They wanted to believe that; she wanted to believe that, because the alternative was that the thrill she felt at the scent of blood had been there all along. That maybe her blind rage came from her, and not some mysterious supernatural being. 
Of course some part of it had come from her. Rachel knew as much, no matter how much she wished otherwise. The Slaughter had chosen her because so much of her already belonged to it. 
The Lonely might have claimed Ax, like it almost claimed Tobias. He was the only survivor of the crash, left stranded on an alien world. But the people there became his friends, even when he tried to keep his distance. Before long, he gave in and let himself trust them, and they were enough to keep the Lonely at bay.
Friends didn’t solve the issue of being stranded on an alien world, however. Ax could morph, reshape his body to look human, but there were a hundred thousand social rules he had never learned, could never keep track of. His human morph looked fine at first glance, but if you watched him move, listened to him talk, it became obvious that something was off about him.
The other Animorphs tried to teach him how to blend in. The Stranger taught him how to use his difference. 
Ax was never going to pass for human entirely, not with his shallow understanding of how humans worked. He might as well take advantage of that. A flash of too-big eyes, a few awkward, stumbling steps, a smile that looked like it took effort, and most humans were on edge, ready to listen to one of the others. As long as it helped with the mission, and his unmorphed body still felt like his own, Ax had no complaints. 
The Animorphs had been at war for a year when Marco started waking up with cobwebs in his hair.
He should have seen it coming. He was the plans guy, after all, the one who tried to see all the moving pieces and fit them together, figure out how to use them to his advantage. From what they’d managed to learn about the powers, he had been falling into the Web’s domain since the day he agreed to join the fight. 
Of course, that was the Web’s whole deal, wasn’t it? There had never been another choice for Marco, not really. If the Animorphs were going to survive and defeat the Yeerks, they needed someone to make the plans, and Marco couldn’t leave anything to chance. 
If this was the cost of keeping the others safe, he’d accept it. He brushed the cobwebs out of his hair and didn’t flinch when a stray spider skittered across his hand. 
See the full post
21 notes • Posted 2021-03-13 18:01:42 GMT
A trailer I made using audio from Toonkind DnD: The Taffy Train Cross-Continental arc, featuring @modmad as DM and @snailcomicz @ky-the-squiddy @owldart and @yunisverse as players!
You can listen to the games here: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL15ZIclPeP0NCJsStaaEAe4nh8NmRQ4qT
88 notes • Posted 2021-02-18 17:23:17 GMT
Today is the second anniversary of The First Drafthouse, the discord server that’s home to Toonkind D&D! To celebrate, I made an audio trailer for the server as a whole and the games it’s run in its first two years. Of course, I can’t fully represent everything that goes on there in any reasonable amount of time, but this at least gets the vibe across, I hope. Enjoy!
142 notes • Posted 2021-08-05 21:51:30 GMT
Get your Tumblr 2021 Year in Review →
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Real Chef
@denadoodles requested “ mu takes cc’s outfit behind her back and try’s it on, she then also ends up trying to cook on her own too! Causing complete anarchy! “ And yes I did it right away, despite the fact that I currently have like 16 requests sitting in my inbox, because they drew me wonderful fanart with the request so I was super-duper hyped for it. So thank you for the request and thank you again for the lovely fanart!
Cooking Cat’s closet was left wide open, making finding where she kept her chef outfit when she wasn’t wearing it for the show as easy as opening her bedroom door. There were even two spares hanging next to it.  And the hat and its two spares were on the top shelf of the closet, there was a stepping stool to make reaching it easier.
Mu skipped over and got first a hat and then the outfit. She then skipped back over to her room where she quickly changed into it. It was a bit too big for her, hanging baggy and loose, the sleeves covering her hands, but whatever. When looking at herself in the mirror and posing just right, she looked almost like a real chef and that’s all she cared about. Now it was time to be a real chef too.
She exited her room and ran to the kitchen. Cooking Cat was off running errands, leaving Mu home alone for a whole three hours. She’d offered to take Mu with her but she’d declined for once because she was going to surprise Cooking Cat with supper when she got back. It was going to be fantastic.
There was a whole cupboard filled with cookbooks, including all the ones Cooking Cat herself had written. Mu wasn’t going to use any of them though. She’d been an assistant on Cooking Cat’s show enough times now that she should be able to figure it out all on her own. She was going to make maybe not the best meal ever made but it was going to be good. Cooking Cat was going to love it.
As soon as Cooking Cat opened the door to her apartment, she smelled smoke and something burning. She quickly placed the grocery bags in her hand on the floor and rushed to investigate. It was coming from the kitchen.
She burst into the room just in time to see Mu spraying the fire extinguisher into the open oven, dousing the fire inside. She was also for some reason wearing one of Cooking Cat’s chef uniforms, it was too big for her and splattered with something. It was an odd thing to walk in on and the general mess of the normally clean kitchen only added to. Stuff was all over the counter and there were two whole pots on the stovetop, one whose contents had clearly overboiled and run down the sides before it had been moved off the burner.
“Hello Mu,” Cooking Cat said as Mu released the trigger on the fire extinguisher.
She jumped, even making a small sound of surprise. “Uh… hi,” she said, turning to face Cooking Cat with a sheepish smile as shifted to hold the fire extinguisher behind her back. “You’re back earlier than you’d said you be.”
“Yep, there was ruckus at the seafood mart so I decided to just come back another day and return home to see how you were doing instead. Turns out I made the right call.”
“Well uh… it’s not what it looks like?”
“Nah, I’m pretty sure it’s exactly what looks like. You were trying to cook and you thought you could do it without looking at a cookbook or using any other kind of guidance, right?”
“Uh… yeah.” Mu hung her head in shame. “I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to make a mess, it just… kind of happened.”
Cooking Cat walked over and patted her on the shoulder. “I ain’t mad hon, I’m actually real proud of you for trying.” It was honestly flattering. Mu was trying to be like her, that was so sweet and heartwarming Cooking Cat had to refrain from purring by remembering they had a huge mess to clean up now.
Mu looked back up at her. “Really?”
“Yep, really. The first time I was left in a kitchen unsupervised I almost burnt the whole place down too because I thought I could do it just fine by myself and made some mistakes with the oven.”
“That can’t be true. You’re an expert cook, you wrote cookbooks and have your own TV show about it so there’s no way you’d almost burn down a kitchen.”
“Nope, it’s true. I wasn’t always good in the kitchen, I had to learn and you will too. Now come on, let’s get to work cleaning this up. When we’re done, I’ll let you take the lead in making supper, I’ll just assist when you need me.” It would be a good lesson for her, just like this was. She’d be a good cook one day if she really put her mind to it, she just needed a little guidance here at the start. Cooking Cat was more than happy to be that for her.
For this drabble event.
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I was asked and ask, and in my flu causing feverish state, I deleted it. So if you’re out there and recognize this question (and I’m paraphrasing) please reblog and @ me. 
So If i remember, the question was along the lines of 
“Why isnt there huge amounts of stuff, for shows like She -Ra and TDP, are they not as popular?” 
Lets go for a ride...
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I think the reason why we dont get the same amount of content generated for shows such as The Dragon Prince and She-ra, say in comparison to shows like RWBY. 
And by content, I mean, theories, memes, art and in depth analysis, boils down to 3 things.
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1) Time to Generate.
Both The Dragon Prince and She-Ra have only recently dropped their first season. Now both have their second season coming rather swiftly, esp in the case of The Dragon Prince. Season 2 is dropping tomorrow: Feb 15 2019 over on Netflix. 
She-Ra’s is set to be released April 26th 2019, again on Netflix. 
The Dragon Prince S1 was released on Sept 14th 2018, and She-Ra: Princesses of Power, Nov, 13th 2018. 
In TDP case, that is a 5 month and 1 day turn around and SPOP, 5 months and 13 days turn around. 
It is rather unheard of for an animation to have their Second season be ready in under 6 months. Usually it is anywhere from 10 months minimum to a year or in some cases, even longer. 
I put this down to the success of the two series and how the audience received them, and Netflix wishing to capitalize on it, and the hype generated. 
Lets just hope that the both properties dont feel rushed as a result. 
So with such little time, and a very short hiatus in terms of tv shows, (which is when most of fandom generated content tends to be created), that gives very little time for their respective fandoms to leave their senses and devolve into some sort of animeesque Lord of the Flies in a matter of weeks, in a bid to cope.
(RWBY FNDM, I’m looking at you with your ‘Beehaw’s’ and YORSE, and ‘Scheehaw’s’. I still cant believe you made Arryn read that with her own eyes!!) 
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(You can tumblr search Yorse yourself, I aint making anyone look at that cursed image without their consent. You’ve been warned! ;p @hammertime-rwby  i shake my head in your general direction... ;D ) 
Time to generate can also be reflected in how long a show has been on air, thereby garnering a wider and much larger fanbase with a broader set of creative skills, which in turn results in more fandom content generated, esp if there is the potential of shipping. 
And bloody hell does SPOP have some crazy potential on the shipping front, 
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2) Time to Mature and Fandom Engagement. 
As a show matures and the audience leans learn more about the characters and the world that they inhabit, the nature of fandom created content evolves. It also depends on the verve of the show itself. 
The way in which a show is presented, the topics and themes they cover, the way the characters and the world are presented, can vicariously dictate how the fandom engages with the property, go forth and multiply.
For example:
Sherlock is very meme worthy and that tends to be reflected in the content that is generated by the Sherlockians. 
RWBY has been out for 6 volumes and has a very dedicated and passionate FNDM, but it is also broad, large and incredibly diverse.
 It is also rather vocal and has very strong differing opinions from one end of the spectrum to the other, which in turn creates YT reviews, reactions and rebuttals and heated retorts. 
These polarising pov’s can then go on to permeate to other branches of social media, such as twitter, tumblr, discord etc etc 
Same with fandom accepted headcanons and lore... 
(I’m still on the fence about you Renora Rodeo Round up... You’re on thin ice! ;p ) 
But it has taken a number of years to cultivate. 
Neither The Dragon Prince or She-Ra has had the time to do that, yet! 
But I’m certain that will change in the coming future. 
 She-Ra has already generated quite the buzz on both the positive and negative sides, due to being based on a much loved, older, property, ‘She-Ra 1985′, but that is a mine field which I covered on my previous blog before some asshat decided to axe it. 
Also, the themes that Netflix She-Ra seems to be covering, which helped generate a lot of the negative backlash towards the show, will most definitely continue to be polarizing... So I would keep an eye out if YT and people picking stuff apart is your jam. 
On the other side, what SPOP seems to be trying to deliver will also generate lots of awesome content. Just look at how this took off,
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“Hey Adora” 
And this cinnamon roll’s preoccupation with ‘force captain orientation’,
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The Dragon Prince strikes me as a show that would generate deep reflective analysis of world and characters as well as theories, much like its older cousin, Avatar Last Airbender, once there is more to comb over and speculate on.
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These two shows are presented differently and they way they are tackling certain themes in their respective narratives are also vastly different, which could also have a lot to do with their respective target audience and intended demographic,  so it stands to reason that the results of fandom generated content would be different. 
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3) Platform and Format. 
This I believe is one of the most important aspects which ties the previous points above.
If a property is delivered week by week, such as RWBY, there is time, for the FNDM, after they make amazing screen shots and insta analysis and excited speculations, to go over it again and allow the episode to sink in. 
(which both TDP and SPOP could do, as they have episodic episodes but that is an entirely different post)
There is time for the fans to go sit back and react to what they have seen, whether that is creating beautiful fan art, crafting in depth theories, character analysis, extrapolate potential world building. 
A week by week delivery culminates in an emotional impact that is allowed to foster and grow, thereby gives space and time for the individual to go off and create content for their respective fandom. 
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Fanart takes time, fics take time. 
The not knowing what could happen next opens up the avenues of thought out speculations. 
Having a week to go over everything to that point and process new info. Being able to take your time to research and prep before you put it out there, results in good, in depth analysis and well crafted work. 
Time gives breeding ground.
(Some wait years for lore.. Overwatch fandom, I dont know how we do it! But we all cant be Tracer!) 
Because, we are so salivating at the the mouth for insta gratification and ‘binge’ culture has become so prevalent where media is concerned. 
When a property is delivered all at once, it gives no breathing space for speculation and wild theories.
For a particular scene or interaction between characters to have an emotional impact and thereby create emotionally significant fan art, that is reblogged and shared in that moment, give it time to resonate with its respective fandoms.
And there for have time for other members of the fandom to be inspired to go off and create their own stuff in what ever medium is their forte. 
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Because we are on this fast paced ride, not only from the start of the chapter 1 to end of the first ‘book’, so to speak, but also the social media need to be the first to create the content for the fandom, the type of content generated, how and why, is hugely different and may not at first glance look like it is forth coming.. 
It just takes time to sink in.. To go back through and re-evaluate. 
Being inspired by a particular interaction between two characters , or a certain facet of the world that an fan may have noticed and wishes to expand on, art wise, fic wish or theroise, loses its validity when you know that the next episode could answer your burning questions in less than 5 seconds. 
And so you stave off for the dreaded nine episode when your eye balls are nearly gumming together and you know you have work in 4 hours but you need answers to the burning questions.. 
and so results.
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This is not the content creators fault, in anyway. This is quite literally the way in which it is delivered. 
Its is pretty much, 
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II) However, in Conclusion 
The perceived lack of fandom interaction/generated content, in the social media platforms that a fan chooses to  consume, or is available to them, does not mean that a show isn't popular. 
The ties to previous projects, such as SPOP to She-Ra 1985  and The Dragon Prince to Avatar Last Airbender are vastly different. 
Expectations are vastly different.
 Fandom interaction and generation of fandom content, is not a measure made of how popular a show is.  
Also, politely, remember the demographic of which these shows are aimed at. 
Be respectful of the show creators, the property, the characters and the narrative that the show creators have painstakingly crafted and put out into the world. 
The story that they want to tell. 
 a reminder, 
Tomorrow, 15th Feb 2019 , Season 2 of The Dragon Prince. 
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(im gonna go back into my fluey coma now)
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mythi2964 · 2 years
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I drew @hyenafu 's character Rynn, the fire dragon guardian as a fairy. I was originally gonna draw them as a monarch butterfly based fairy but I think dragon-fly fits better hehe.
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