#famofpaladins writes
familyofpaladins · 11 months
“Wow. So that’s it. We’re really out of pizza. Forever.” Mikey leaned back in his chair, somber. “Not forever. Just as long as the Krang are here. Once we beat them, people can go back to growing tomatoes and wheat and yeast and milking cows.” Amended Donnie. “In the mean time we just… have to not think about it.” Raph suggested. “I am not exaggerating when I say: that’s literally impossible,” moaned Leo. “Wait wait, what if we make it like The Game? As soon as you think about it, you lose. The longer you go without thinking about it, you win.” Suggested Raph. --- or 5 times pizza is (not supposed to be) mentioned in the apocalypse, and 1 time the Apocalypse is cancelled and there is free pizza Basically How I think the turtles coped with a world where they "ate rats and leaves"
This is based on 3 different thoughts/questions I had immediately after watching the movie and has been living in my head rent free for over a year. How could the turtles survive in a world with no pizza when it's the thing they eat the most? How could Casey not know about it given said fact/how did the turtles never manage to say anything about it to him? And why was the last thing Leo said to him telling him to grab a slice?
Only have the first two chapters posted now because I still need to go through and edit them one more time (and need to fix a couple details that I changed last mintue) and finish the last little bit of the last chapter, but otherwise it IS DONE.
Hoping to have it all posted by the end of the week, but I needed to post at least some of it or I was gonna just keep editing it and never post it haha
(EDIT: the fic is complete!)
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familyofpaladins · 11 months
The Pizza Game (Chp 6)
Chapter 6: The Final Time
Ao3 Link
<&lt;Chapter 1 | <Chapter 5 | X | Chapter 7 (end)>
[Inserts the first 5 minutes of the movie] :') Words: 1967
Leonardo had known it was over the second he got hit in the side.
The war was over even before that. It had probably been over the second their base of almost 15 years was destroyed. They had held onto hope that they could change things.
Leo still desperately held onto hope though.
Maybe if he could just get himself and Casey to Mikey, they could figure out something.  
“Michelango! Meet at Location 19Tau NOW.” He shouted into his communicator and didn’t wait for a response.
His side throbbed in pain as he reached into his belt to pull out a stained and faded photo with creased and worn edges.
Little Casey Jones, who wasn’t so little anymore, fell to his knees next to Leo and pushed himself under one of Leo’s arms.
“Sensei! We’ve got to get out of here!” Casey shouted as he began to lift Leo.
“We need to get to Location 19Tau!”
Leo rose with Casey’s help, and guided the kid in the right direction.
Leo looked at the photo of his family again. At all the things he had lost in this damned war.  
It was a little hard to focus with battle going on around them, and the throbbing pain of his wound making it difficult to run. 
“I gotchya Sensei, stay with me!”
“Casey Jones, you’re a life saver.” Leo looked at the boy, knowing he had no idea just how true that statement was about to be.
“I learned from the best. Come on we’re almost there.”
Shit, the krangazoids were getting closer. The wound was slowing them both down.
Leo stumbled, and he was sure they were about to get jumped by the krang monsters.
Glowing golden chains swiped the krang out of the air.
“Impeccable timing little brother. Very dramatic.” Michelangelo’s mystic powers never failed to impress him.
Mikey blasted the rest of the krang away, giving them a moment of breathing room.
“Help him Michelangelo, he’s hurt bad!” Casey pleaded after Leo was rested on the ground. His side throbbed again, and when he pulled his hand away it was covered in more blood than he expected.
Leo looked around at the hundreds of Krang that had taken over the battlefield, at the last bits of the resistance falling under the attack.
They had lost so much. April, their closest allies, and now almost all of the resistance was gone.
“That’s it. The resistance failed. The Krang won.” Leo hated to admit it.
There was just one last chance. One last little piece of hope. One thing that could possibly right all the wrongs. One last chance to save his family. One last chance to save everyone.
“But, but it isn’t over. We’ve still got a ninja’s greatest weapon. Hope.”
Leo turned to his little brother.
“That, and a Badass Mystic Warrior.”
They had come to the Very Last Resort.
“Mikey, when you tried to open a time gateway that one time. You said you were close, just how close did you say you were to actually making it?” Leo had asked.
“I mean…Not actually that close. It was taking a lot of energy to push back in time,” Mikey said trying to recall the experience, “I think I had technically made it to the time frame I wanted, But my gateway also wasn’t very big. I’m not sure how much more out of me it would have taken to get it big enough and to stay open. I don’t know if I would have had enough power to get it open.”
Mikey looked at his brother, his face had a slight frown, brow furrowed in thought. It was what they called his Planning Leader face. Mikey wasn’t sure where he was going with this, “Why are you asking, Leo?”
Leo didn’t turn to meet his brother’s eyes. He stared at the maps that showed dwindling numbers of fighters, supplies, and land held by the resistance. The loss of the Headquarters had tipped things in the Krang’s favor, causing them to retreat to a cave in Upstate New York.
“Just making… contingency plans.” Leo finally answered after a moment.
“You really think things have gotten that bad?”
“Not quite yet, I hope we can still turn things around. But I think we should have an actual plan if worse comes to worst.”
“And you think time travel is the answer?” Mikey asked, eyebrow raised.
“You did,” Leo pointed out with a small smirk, referring to Michelangelo’s attempt at it 3 years previous. He grew serious again and continued, “I think if we’re going to use time travel…. It should only be as the very last resort. When there’s no other way we can turn it around. Only if there’s nothing we can do to stop the Krang.”
“And just when are you thinking of time traveling to?”
“We might as well go for broke and stop it before it even starts,” Leo said with a melancholic smile.
“You mean-“ Mikey’s eyes were wide.
“I mean stopping the key from ever being stolen, so that the Krang never even get out of the prison dimension. It might not change anything for us, but at least then, somewhere, some TIME will have a better future than we did.
“That is of course,” Leo continued, “if you choose to. I can’t make you, and I’m not going to order you either-“
“I’ll do it.” Mikey stated. “As a last resort I’ll do it”
“Mikey, we need a Time Gateway.” Leo saw his brother’s eyes widen before they narrowed in resolution. Mikey knew what Leo was asking him to do.
“But Leo,” Mikey looked at his hands, aware of the scars that were hiding under the wraps. “I can’t be sure I’ll have the power to make the gateway without losing part or ALL of me. I’ve gotten stronger since… the last time… and maybe by the time we do this, if we have to, I’ll be strong enough to make the gateway and survive. But I can’t guarantee that I will. I’ll still do it, but keep that in mind.”
“It will take everything I have.”
Leo knew what that meant. He feared it more than he cared to admit. He had already lost the rest of his family, he didn’t want to lose Mikey too. But then again, this was supposed to fix all that.
“I know.” He still hated it. “But this is our last chance. It’s our only chance.”
They both knew the risks and they needed to hurry.
Mikey floated a short distance away to begin.
“Wait, what’s going on, where is he going?” Casey asked frantically.
“Who is going to go?”
“I guess who ever is still here when it’s decided that it’s the end of the world. But I think I need to go.”
“Not that I’m arguing with you, Leo, but why?”
“I’m the one who remembers best about what happened that day-“
“Only because you keep beating yourself up about it! Stop that!”
“I know what needs to be done and why it needs to be done.”
Leo couldn’t go. He would love to be able to fix the mistake he made years ago. But he couldn’t do it with a bleeding wound in his side. The past wouldn’t be able to offer the medical attention he would need, and a dying and dead mutant turtle would just slow Casey down and cause him more problems.
(There was also a small part of him that didn’t want to leave this time, this was where his family had died. He wasn’t sure what happened to a soul if it died in a different timeline, but he didn’t want to possibly lose the chance to reunite with his family that was here.)
Now he had to just had to tell Casey what to do.
He took out the one piece of paper he had, the photo he had carried for over 15 years, and drew the Key on the back as he told Casey of how the krang first arrived.
“Why are you telling me this?” Casey asked as he took the drawing.
“Because Mikey’s about to send you back in time to the day that the key was stolen.”
“Wait, he’s gonna WHAT?”
“I think Casey should get to go too. He had to grow up in this hell, he should be allowed to live in a time of peace. He’ll know how important it is to stop the invasion. He’s smart and fast and skilled. If no one else is able to go, He could do it.” Leo had said.
“And He probably wouldn’t be here without the invasion happening in the first place. Circumstances and all that. So there’s a chance he won’t have to deal with whatever time problems there could be with living in the same time as your past self. Counterpart or whatever.” Mikey mused.
He didn’t like the idea of sending Casey alone through the gateway, but there was no other choice.
He had to get Casey to understand WHY it was so important that he go back in time. To make sure he would do it.
And Leo believed in him.  He just had to get the kid to believe in himself too.
“Find the key, stop the Krang.” He commanded.
“But sensei-”
“Say it!” Leo needed to know that Casey knew what he had to do. If not, then it was all in vain.
“Find the Key, Stop the Krang” he repeated dutifully. He had the same sad face that he used to make when he was 5 and told he had to go to sleep instead of training more. Leo couldn’t help but smile at the kid and patted his shoulder. Yeah, the kid would do just fine.
“I don’t want to lose you.” Casey pleaded.
“Casey, it’s not about me.” It was about saving everyone and everything that had been lost all over the world. About everything that would continue to be stolen. It was about stopping the Krang no matter what.
Leo didn’t get the chance to explain any of that as the giant Krang bots appeared above them.
“Mikeeey,” Leo called, and saw that Mikey was still working on creating the gateway.
Leo could only watch as his brother pushed beyond his limit to tear open the gateway, glowing mystic cracks extending over his whole body.  
“Master Michelangelo, NO! You’re gonna-“
Mikey turned his head and winked at them with a smile.
Leo watched as Michelangelo shattered into mystical energy.
He hung his head as his heart broke. He lost his final brother.
Leo couldn’t help but remember an old conversation and smiled. At least one of his brothers got to die the way they wanted.
And he was so, SO proud of Mikey.
Mikey had done it. He made the Time Gateway.
The krang were closing in.
Leo rested a hand on Casey’s shoulder.
“When you’re done saving the world, do me a favor-”
He just had one regret about the situation.
“Hey, one good thing about possibly going back in time!”
“You mean besides saving the world? What’s that?”
“Finally get to have pizza again!”
“-Grab a slice!” and he tossed Casey toward the gateway.
Leo ran from the gateway, knocking back any krang that tried to get close, head turned to make sure Casey got through the gateway okay.
He turned away from the gateway, Casey’s tear-filled eyes were the last thing he’d ever see of the boy he practically raised.
Leonardo could only hope that Casey’s new life in the past wouldn’t make him cry like that ever again.
“HA! I guess that’s one way to make sure Casey gets his pizza party!”
Funny Bonus because this chapter is so sad
Somewhere in the afterlife- Mikey: So you told him to get the key to stop the krang? Leo; YUP! He’ll do great Mikey: And you told him where he had to go? Leo:…. Uh Mikey: you told him where it’d be right?? Leo: uuummmmmmmm Mikey: HOWS HE SUPPOSED TO STOP THE KEY FROM BEING STOLEN IF HE DOESN’T KNOW WHERE TO GO??? WHAT WAS THE LAST THING YOU TOLD HIM??? Leo: …. mumbles I told him to get pizza…. Mikey:….. okay that’s understandable Donnie: HA. NARDO LOST THE GAME! LAST PLACE! Leo: WAA- WAIT THAT’S NOT HOW IT WORKS! AND GET BACK HERE I HAVE A BONE TO PICK WITH YOU! And then they all have a giant reunion hug. :)
<<Beginning | &lt;Prev | Next>
Next Chapter is the final chapter! The +1 !!! :D
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familyofpaladins · 3 months
I finally got out my laptop again and pulled what I had written previously for my Youngest Leo Au, and so I can finally just copy and paste what I had written about the turtles dynamics/personalities once they were back with Splinter. (@sonderquill this is for you, I knew i had stuff about it written on my laptop and why I took forever to actually that part of your question)
For those who have no idea what I'm talking about, here's a link to the post describing my Youngest Leo au (which is also just my own iteration of the tmnt) and a lot of the back ground for the au.
TLDR (but really check out the other post for a lot more detail) is that, when the turtles were little (like 7 or 9ish years old), they got taken in by shredder, who they thought was a friend of splinter. Shredder wasn't always super nice to them and got even worse after shredder thought he had finished Splinter off. Mikey is the oldest, but doesn't focus well, so Shredder dismisses him as stupid. Raph is next oldest, but has anger issues and doesn't like listening to shredder. Donnie is super smart, but doesn't talk and therefore can't communicate well with others often. Leo is the youngest and easiest to scare into submission/actually get him to do what shredder says. After a couple/few years with shredder, they manage to escape with Splinter who is actually alive. Except Leo, who Shredder then takes to japan for about a year. Leo eventually gets back to his family.
And the rest of this post is how the brothers interact with each other after this (and a little speculation about what they would have been like if they HADN'T been taken by shredder). This... may have gotten a little long (between 1k and 2k words?) so im going to go ahead and put it under a cut
Once ALL turtles are back home. It’s an adjustment period. Leo spends some time trying to make sure that Splinter always stays happy and begins to panic is something happens that could possibly upset splinter. (because leo fears punishment, and that he or his brothers will be hurt like they would have been with shredder) Now splinter would never hurt them or get angry like shredder did, and logically leo knows that, but the stress Leo endured (especially when it was just him) has made him anxious and it takes a while for Leo to relax. But he gets there eventually.
They all still end up defaulting Leo to be leader, because he still knows their strengths and weaknesses best. Mikey still doesn’t like large text books and sitting still too long, but now that he’s out, he’s much more likely to sit back and relax and chill out. Pranks his brothers a lot. He is a big reason that Leo gets to calm down. He gets Leo to laugh and pulls pranks on everyone and demonstrates that no one is going to get seriously hurt as a consequence. (Mikey makes it a personal mission to get Leo to laugh at least once every day, or at the very least smile)
Once everyone is back together , Donnie really opens up and almost doesn’t ever shut up when he gets on a roll. His brothers love listening to him, even if 90% of it goes over their heads. Seriously, after years of not hearing Donnie speak, they will always happily listen to him. Sometimes he thinks too much and leo helps direct his thoughts. Leo asks him for help the most on solving problems during missions.  He gets to make things exclusively for his brothers like jet powered skateboards and jet skis and communication devices and cloaking technology to hide their home. Once he meets April, she gets him more into chemistry, and Donnie occasionally supplies Mikey with stuff for pranks (like the “elephant toothpaste” stuff) but only when he knows it’s not going to possibly ruin any tech/ or furniture.  
It takes a little while for raph and leo to work out that Leo isn’t trying to be mean/patronizing when helping with training, and that Raph would rather figure things out on his own, but that also he has always cared for all his brothers including leo. Once they find their groove, they almost become inseparable. Can often find them out patrolling together or sparring. Still get in fights over the stupidest things. Raph still gets angry, but it’s not a constant frustration like when they were at Shredder’s. (Shredder had been also purposefully trying to get Raph to be angry a lot, so that he would eventually be like a raging beast he could unleash on his enemies.) Splinter helps to teach Raph better (read: ANY) coping methods for his anger, and so his bouts of anger are far less often and over quicker.
Random fun fact. As the eldest brothers, Mikey and Raph are the ones the brothers go to when they're scared. Go to Mikey when its a silly fear and/or you just want to be cheered up. So when Donnie has a nightmare about all his technology either falling apart or turning against him as a giant computer spider monster or something, he goes to Mikey who doesn't make fun of him and is like "well all we'd have to do is drown it in water duh. When Leo has a bad time after trying to work on his fear of heights, Mikey just makes jokes or talks about something else until he calms down. (or if Leo gets stuck somewhere high because he's too scared to move, Mikey helps distract him from the heights and to look at other things instead). And when Raph gets scared by a bug that managed to get in his room, Mikey doesn't make fun of him, and just scoops the bug up and takes it away.
You go to Raph when you want to feel protected. Raph is the strongest one of them all, and has won most of the fights he's been in. So when Mikey gets spooked by a pile of clothes that looked like a person standing in a dark corner and now every shadow might hold something, he goes to Raph, because, while he knows there's probably nothing there, if there IS, Raph will be able to fight whatever it is. When Donnie is scared that the foot or other villains may get past the security he has guarding their home, he goes to Raph, because Raph will beat up anything that gets past Donnies tech defenses. And when Leo is afraid that Shredder or [redacted] is going to come and take him away again, he goes to Raph, because Raph has promised that he'll never let that happen, and Leo believes him. And big tough angry Raph has a soft and squishy heart, so he will always let his brothers stay with him when they're scared. Because he WILL fight against anything that threatens his brothers.
Their dynamic as teens:
*Listening to some bad guy monologue-ing *
Raph, whispering to Leo: what’s cognizant mean?
Leo: I…. I’m not sure. Don. What’s that mean?
Donnie: Cognizant: to be aware of or in the know of something.
Mikey: Guess Raph and Leo aren’t very cognizant of word definitions hahahaha-
Raph: Shut up Mike!! You didn’t know eitha!
(Villain: Hey!! You're supposed to be listening to ME-)
So yeah, leo is the leader because that’s what they were used to and got good at while under the care of the shredder. If they had stayed with splinter its possible that Mikey would have lead, being the oldest, but also possible that he still wouldn’t have wanted the role/ wouldn’t focus well enough for the role. But he does know his brothers well and might have grown more serious. But since the shredder often wrote off his inability to focus as a lost cause, he happily lets Leo make decisions for him during missions. (at home though with things like dinner and movie nights, he likes to pull the oldest brother card to get what he wants lol) .
Raph being one of the strongest fighters could have argued for role as leader, but regardless of being with shredder or splinter he is a hothead and probably would still have not gotten leadership position. Although maybe with splinter he would have been able to work through some of his anger better, and channel it better and could have maybe stepped up as leader. But. As is, he never really worked out how to focus his anger with the shredder, and so there is a little bit of an adjustment period where he has to learn ways to channel his anger and frustration when he can’t just go and beat up the random foot goons in the training room anymore. (probably meets casey this way when he sneaks out to find bad guys to fight and runs into casey instead). Splinter does try to teach him some ways to cope that don’t involve beating people up. Knitting /crocheting is one of those ways (taking the time to MAKE something instead of destroy. And also yarn won’t break like pottery or glass or wood or a painting canvas if it gets punched in frustration).
Donnie is probably the least changed by his time with the shredder. He would have been talking a lot more and sooner had he been with splinter. Donnie did get to have access to more diverse technology tho and perhaps has more skills and experience because of it. Being with Shredder made him very anxious and was often close to a break down from stress, but being able to work in the lab simultaneously made it better (got to work on technology) and worse (never knowing what his work was going to be used for). Donnie is just relieved to no longer have to be building things that were going to hurt people and can now make things to help instead. Donnie really shines once he’s free. Makes friends with April (and leatherhead) he babbles and info dumps all the time, and gets lost in inventions and data, that his brothers often have to snap him out of. Could not lead because he’d get lost in the calculations and what ifs.
Leo actually has a similar problem. Often gets caught in a Do this and face possible consequence, or do That and face a different consequence. Which is better? Will he regret it? Which saves his family and which dooms it? <- this gets amplified during the time he’s alone with the foot. Once he’s back with his brothers they help to push towards decisions (with Raph’s hotheadedness jumping in anyway, Don’s analysis, or Mikey’s fun impulsiveness/instinct.) and that they’ll be there to work through whatever the consequences are anyway, because they’re in this together, good or bad. Brothers forever
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familyofpaladins · 1 year
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Sometimes you just have to make the most self indulgent art
Anyway, this is just some cute art for a little fic idea that's just bouncing around in my head where Some Weird Time Artifact ends up in the sewers (I'm blaming it on Renet) but it's also broken and therefore existing in two different times. And yet in both times a Leo grabs the artifact and turtle tot Leo and Teenage Leo are switched. Big Raph was with Big Leo at the time of the switch and now has to deal with tiny Leo while trying not to panic. Tiny Leo is amazed by how strong Raph gets when he's older and clings to him most of the time he's there (he does spend time with Don and Mikey too, but he tends to go back to Raph) cue the falling asleep in the chair together :)
(Big Leo is in a very similar situation with Little little brothers in the past as well lol)
I just really like the idea that, while Leo and Raph may butt heads often, they still absolutely trust each other the most and therefore would cling to each other in uncertain situations
also I just really like Leo and Raph duo :)
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familyofpaladins · 5 years
Writing prompt i just thought of
Character A (who is mostly likely a cinnamon roll but could also maybe totally kick your butt) has been kidnapped/taken hostage by the enemy, and the team/family/friends are trying to find them. Eventually they are able to get into contact with A (either their comms start working again or they found the room A is in but are on the other side of the wall), and they ask if A can get out of where ever they’re being held. A tells them that they can’t move from where they’re at. The team is just like “-sHIT. How bad are you hurt??!?” And A tells them that they’re not really hurt, and the team is therefore worried that they’re trapped, but before A can explain further, the team are able to get into the room and see what is keeping A trapped...
it’s a cat. There’s a cat sleeping on A’s lap.... They didn’t want to move them because “iT’S A RULE, B!! YOU DON’T MOVE SLEEPING PETS!!” 
And B is just like “.... the fUDGE, A!??!!! WE THOUGHT YOU WERE DYING.”
C is probably trying not to die of laughter while any of the others are trying to figure out how to move the cat without waking it. 
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familyofpaladins · 4 years
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They say only fools have no fear
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familyofpaladins · 5 years
How the fudge do people write full and complete fics in 1k words??? I'm trying to write out an idea (one of my shorter ones) and so far the set up is at 900 words???
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familyofpaladins · 7 years
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When you’re supposed to be doing your chem lab report and instead you doodle Keith.
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familyofpaladins · 4 years
It's great going back and reading through my plot summaries/outlines/notes for fics I'm writing, because it'll be filled with question marks and me writing to myself discussing how I want to connect plot points and what I actually want to happen.
Or it's just this really short snippets of simplified/exaggerated plot points that is just really funny.
Theres just so many times I write "...... idk then they do {plot point}. How idk. Maybe they do this. OH I KNOW they could do this and this-" and then ramble about how I'm going to actually finish writing the fic
It's basically a stream of consciousness writing and it's just really fun to read through
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