#family law attorneys in Orange County
ericccl · 1 year
Discover essential considerations for creating a thoughtful child custody agreement. Prioritize your child's well-being with expert guidance from Eric Child Custody Law. Read now!
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Quinn & Dworakowski, LLP - Family Law Attorneys
Quinn & Dworakowski LLP is a premier family law firm in Orange County, CA. We are dedicated to resolving your case with our formidable resources. Our Orange County family law attorneys at Quinn & Dworakowski will help navigate you through the difficult and intricate issues of your family law matter.
Orange County Divorce Attorney
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beardedmrbean · 8 months
The U.S. Justice Department on Thursday released a withering report into the hundreds of Texas law enforcement officers’ fumbled response to the 2022 Robb Elementary School shooting, finding “cascading failures of leadership, decision-making, tactics, policy and training.”
The long-anticipated 575-page report detailed the many failures of the May 24, 2022 response, but concluded the most significant was that officers should have immediately recognized that it was an active shooter situation and confronted the gunman, who was with victims in two adjoining classrooms.
It noted that since the 1999 Columbine High School shooting, American law enforcement officers have been trained to prioritize stopping the shooter while everything else, including officer safety, is secondary.
“These efforts must be undertaken regardless of the equipment and personnel available,” the report found.
Instead, officers wrongly treated the situation as a barricaded suspect, even as children and teachers pleaded for help with 911 operators. It took 77 minutes for officers to confront the shooter. Nineteen students and two teachers died that day and 17 others were injured in one of the country’s worst school shootings.
The federal review by the Office of Community Oriented Policing Services was announced just five days after the shooting. It was led by Orange County Sheriff John Mina, the incident commander during the 2016 Pulse Nightclub massacre in Orlando. In that incident, officers waited three hours to take down the shooter who had barricaded himself with victims in a bathroom.
A Justice Department and National Policing Institute review of that Florida law enforcement response was far less critical than the Uvalde report. It found that Florida officers mostly followed best practices, although it stated the law enforcement agencies in Orlando should update their training and policies.
In the Uvalde review, the federal team reviewed more than 14,100 pieces of data and documentation, including policies, training logs, body camera footage, audio recordings, interview transcripts and photographs.
The team visited Uvalde nine times, spending 54 days there, and conducted more than 260 interviews with people from more than 30 organizations and agencies, including law enforcement officers, school staff, medical personnel, survivors and victims’ families.
The Uvalde report’s release comes two months after ProPublica, the Texas Tribune and PBS’ Frontline published an investigation into the response after gaining access to a trove of investigative materials, including more than 150 interviews with officers and dozens of body cameras.
The material showed that the children at Robb Elementary followed active shooter protocols, while many of the officers did not. It detailed how officers treated the situation as a barricaded suspect rather than an active threat even as evidence mounted quickly that children and teachers were injured and with the shooter.
ProPublica and the Tribune have also revealed that some officers were afraid to confront the gunman because he had a deadly AR-15 rifle. With the Washington Post, the news organizations found that the medical response also was flawed and that two children and a teacher were still alive when they were rescued more than an hour later, but then died.
U.S. Attorney General Merrick Garland is expected to discuss the federal report at an 11 a.m. press conference.
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twinxleaf · 1 year
LA County deputy faces possible charges in off-duty traffic deaths of two Marines-CHP investigators have recommended that vehicular manslaughter charges be considered against Deputy Michael John Miscione
327 days ago, my entire world changed. My parents drove to my job in Wilmington to inform me that my 20 year old brother and his friend had been killed in a car crash. We were initially told by the police force there that they had 30 days to complete the accident report. Then it became they had 3 months. And then…we found out that a member of law enforcement was the driver. James and his two friends were awaiting a tow truck after their car had become disabled after being side swept. They were waiting in their car in an HOV lane. California Police Officer Michael John Miscione, dob 1/11/1997, fell asleep while accelerating onto the highway, and crashed into the back of their disabled car, at 88 mph. Miscione crashed into them at least 33mph faster than the posted speed limit of 55mph. James and Samantha sustained many fatal injuries, but their COD is listed as blunt force trauma. After the crash, Miscione walked out of his own car and was found by the law enforcement first responding, where he was taken to the hospital. Miscione only listed injuries were “complains of pain to head, left hand, and left quadricep”. He was also not relieved of his policing duties during the 313 days we had been waiting for answers. To my understanding he has been on desk duty, and our families were unable to talk about the accident publicly as it took the department 313 days to complete their officer-involved accident report.
We know for a fact that the Orange County District Attorney Todd Spitzer has the accident report. We still need your help in encouraging them to make the right decision in prosecuting Deputy Miscione for vehicular manslaughter. Charges have been recommended, but we all know that can mean delay/delay/delay/coverup coverup/coverup when said charges are recommended against law enforcement. They need to know that the Pattons might be 2,600 miles away, but there is a zero percent chance their burying this report and transferring Miscione to a new department. They can be reached at this link - https://orangecountyda.org/contact/
I'm glad the article mentions that California Highway Patrol listed Deputy Michael John Miscione address and phone number as the one of the Century Sheriff Station - about 50 miles away from the crash site. The accident report also stated that Miscione did not have car insurance, which is its own legal issue. (However, he does have car insurance. They just wanted identifying the driver to be harder on the victim's families.) I wish the Orange County Register article had included that their vehicle got immobilized after being side-swiped against a wall by another vehicle that did not stop. I just don't want there to be any room for any speculations of victim blaming. It's clear all of this is part of a nearly year long coverup to protect Deputy Michael John Miscione from the consequences of taking two lives. Why is his future more important than the futures he ended due to his OWN gross negligence. My life has been in complete turmoil during the past year. I have been in so much emotional pain and anguish over the death of my brother, James Robert Patton. My older brother is struggling deeply with this tragedy. Samantha Berrios has three younger siblings who are also going through hell. We all saw our sibling's coffin being shut, and we've been waiting almost a year for California Highway Patrol to offer some sort of explanation. All of our futures need to be considered when deciding to prosecute Deputy Miscione for the crash on 11/05/22. How are the five of us supposed to go on believing in the legitimacy of any of our criminal justice systems if Miscione does not go to prison for taking the lives of our siblings?
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offender42085 · 1 year
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Post 984
Luis A Toledo, Florida inmate V11539, born 1981, incarceration intake (this time) in 2018 at age 36 (after more than 4 years of pre-trial jail confinement), sentenced to life
Murder, Obstruction of Criminal Investigation
In January 2018, aaying he believed Luis Toledo showed no remorse for killing his wife and her two children four years before in Deltona, a judge sentenced the former gang leader to three consecutive life sentences in prison.
Toledo, 36, was convicted in October 2017 of second-degree murder for killing his wife, Yessenia Suarez, 28, and two counts of first-degree murder for killing her children, Thalia Otto, 9, and Michael Elijah Otto, 8.
Suarez and her two children were reported missing Oct. 23, 2013. Their bodies have not been found. Investigators have found only blood spots belonging to the girl.
Circuit Judge Raul Zambrano had no choice on the first-degree murder counts but a term of life without parole. A non-unanimous jury verdict spared Toledo a possible death sentence. 
Toledo faced up to life for second-degree murder. He also faced up to five years in prison for tampering with evidence. Zambrano gave him the three consecutive life sentences plus five years on the evidence tampering to run consecutively as well. The judge gave Toledo 1,465 days credit for time served.
Toledo sat wearing the standard orange-jail jumpsuit and showed no reaction in the courtroom at the Volusia County Courthouse in DeLand. Toledo occasionally leaned over to talk to one of his attorneys.
The jury voted 10 to 2 to recommend a death sentence for Toledo. However a Florida law passed the year before required a unanimous recommendation  for Zambrano to have the option of sending Toledo to death row.
But the judge noted that the jurors were unanimous on a telling point: Toledo showed no remorse.
An investigator testified at the trial that Toledo vowed he would never tell them where the bodies were. After the guilty verdicts Toledo had tried to waive mitigation, saying he did not want his lawyers, Michael Nielsen, Jeff Deen and Michael Nappi, to try to convince the jury to spare his life.
Toledo said during a hearing that part of the reason for his wish to waive mitigation was that he did not want some of his family history aired in public. Nielsen said at the hearing that history included Toledo's mother and father each apparently having adulterous affairs while he was young and that his mother may have used cocaine while she was pregnant with Toledo.
Toledo also said that he believed he would have been safer on death row where it would have been harder for members of his former gang, the Latin Kings, to get at him. Toledo, a former high-ranking member of the gang had testified against its former leader during a trial in Orlando. Toledo also said he was convicted of killing children and of killing a woman, crimes the gang does not approve of.
But Toledo changed his mind after the judge told him that if he refused to allow his attorneys to present mitigating evidence then he would have to appoint an independent counsel to do so.
Toledo is no stranger to the Department of Corrections. He served eight years for a crime in South Florida. After doing his time he ended up in Central Florida where he met Suarez.
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mommymooze · 2 years
Halloween story
It is the spooky time of year. Have a short story. 875 words.  TW: death, jail
The police arrived at my front door brandishing a warrant for my arrest. I hadn’t the foggiest idea as to what is going on. They forcibly grab me, thrusting my hands behind my back as they wrap handcuffs behind my wrists and shove me into the back of the Sheriff’s vehicle. Photographed and fingerprinted, I am held in the county jail, forced to wear the regulation orange jumpsuit.
 My family obtains an attorney, who sits across from me in the small room. Lights glaring too brightly on my uncomfortable figure as I lean over the empty table. My back hurts from the prison bed, the chair isn’t helping me either. The only sound in the room is the clatter of the metal handcuffs on my wrists banging against the top of the table every time I move my hands. My legal representative finally enters the room. He introduces himself, taking his seat across from me after shaking my hand.
 “So what the hell is going on?” I beg him for answers, my throat dry, eyes red rimmed and swollen from my nonstop crying since I arrived.
 Attorney Bob flips open the clasps of his briefcase and pulls out a folder with my name written at the top. His look is serious as he slides a small stack of papers in front of me.
 “You are accused of Involuntary Manslaughter.” He answers dryly.
 “I didn’t kill anyone. Hell, I haven’t left my property for two weeks. Since this Covid crap, I don’t leave my house unless it is to get food or necessities. I stay home, mind my own business. I hardly talk to the neighbors. I’ve been gardening and hacking down weeds and small trees growing by the lake. Killing weeds is not murder!” My voice becomes louder and louder. I’m nearly shouting as I finish my rant. The door opens and a guard looks at me with a sour face, his billyclub tapping his palm. I swallow down my ire and attempt to relax.
 “You are not being tried for murder. There is no intention or malice in your actions, however you are being charged with acting recklessly and without regard to the safety of others. The police have sufficient evidence in their custody proving there was a death on your property 14 days ago.”
 “Hold it! I’ve been working in my back yard for over a month. I have been going out there almost every day to remove weeds and junk.” I bang my hands on the table, the handcuffs making the noise noticeably louder. “I never saw a dead body lying anywhere.”
 “No, by the time you arrived it was no longer obvious.” Attorney Bob says matter of factly, “The police were first notified of a missing person. Through electronic searches and triangulation, they located the car keys of said missing person, then they found evidence of the deceased.”
 “Only car keys?” Your mind fumbles with this. You saw no body, not clothes, no car keys. Who would die and leave keys alone? This makes no sense to you.
 “Here, let me inform you what the prosecuting attorney will present at the trial.” Attorney Bob grabs several papers, setting a copy in front of you to read for yourself.
 The area at the scene discloses multiple small trees cut off between 7” and 12” from the ground in an area surrounding the pond ranging from 4’ to 10’ from the waters edge and surrounding the pond for approximately 75’. There are several Bald Cypress trees approximately 30’ apart from each other within this area. The trunks range from 14” to 24”, age of trees approximately 20 years. The is an extensive number of “knees” in and out of the water surrounding the trees. There is no artificial light source, rural area.
 Mr. Johnson, having legal permits in his possession, was hunting for invasive creatures. He was acting legally and within the scope of the law. Evidence shows he fell, becoming impaled upon a 10” cut tree jutting from the ground which pierced his heart. He was killed instantly. Refer to Exhibit D, vial containing residual remains/dust and his vehicle keys, labeled Exhibit C.”
 You look up at your attorney in shock. “Wait. Dust?”
 “Of course. Being a vampire is not illegal in this state. They are permitted to hunt invasive and overgrown wildlife for feeding purposes. They live quite happily alongside the human population these days. However, your negligence killed him and with the rising of the sun, he collapsed to dust. It is extremely incriminating. They have an air-tight case against you.”
 “There are ordinances regarding the maintenance of property in this county you have violated by leaving these dangerous rooted spikes sticking out of the ground. Had it not been Mr. Johnson, it could have been anyone, perhaps one of your grandchildren or your husband could trip over a root or cypress knee, then falling and impaling themselves on several of the wooden stakes you left in the yard. Even if you plead guilty to the ordinance violation, you are still guilty of a federal offense. They do like to keep information regarding our supernatural neighbors quiet, so I hope they are willing to bargain.”
Yes, I’m pulling out weeds, cutting down small trees, doing fall yard maintenance. Walked past a 10″ stick protruding from the ground. I thought hmmm...if a vampire fell on it, could it die? So, you are rewarded with a story. Happy spoopy time!
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dankusner · 1 month
Attorney gets 25 years in Bridgeport bank embezzlement
A federal judge on Tuesday sentenced a Chicago attorney to 25 years in prison for helping embezzle more than $8 million from a small Bridgeport neighborhood bank that later collapsed, calling him a “delusional” and unrepentant criminal who abused the trust placed in him as a lawyer.
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Robert Kowalski, 62, was convicted by a jury last year on all counts of embezzlement, bankruptcy fraud and income tax fraud after a 3 ½-week trial before U.S. District Chief Judge Virginia Kendall, where Kowalski took the unusual and typically ill-advised step of representing himself.
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The long-running case featured years of bizarre pretrial hearings that saw Kowalski locked up for violating his bond and filing dozens of motions alleging investigators were hiding evidence and colluding with the judge to railroad him.
It was more of the same during Tuesday’s five-hour sentencing hearing, where Kowalski repeatedly interrupted the judge and prosecutors with complaints of unfair treatment.
For the most part, Kendall listened patiently to Kowalski’s rants.
But when he repeatedly interrupted her as she issued the sentence, the judge cut him off with a sharp “Enough.”
“You are absolutely incapable of looking at the reality of this situation and your role in it,” Kendall said to Kowalski, who stood at the lectern in an orange jail outfit with deputy U.S. marshals flanking him.
“You fabricated records to the IRS, you fabricated records to the bankruptcy court … You are absolutely delusional that you are a victim of this case. You’re not.”
Kendall said Kowalski’s criminal culpability was further exacerbated by his status as an attorney and that he helped steal from a community bank where “people felt that they could trust that bank to hold their money.”
“You do not have any respect for the rule of law,” she said.
After the judge imposed the 25-year prison term and $7.2 million forfeiture, Kowalski shouted, “This is not right! For all my hard work I get a life sentence? … This is very unfair. This is a day of evil.”
Kowalski was among 14 defendants charged in an alleged multiyear embezzlement scheme that preceded the failure of Washington Federal Bank for Savings, a family-run institution that had been a mainstay in the city’s Bridgeport neighborhood for more than a century.
Kowalski, who was a large debtor of the bank when it was closed by regulators in December 2017, was accused of conspiring with the bank’s president, John Gembara, to rack up millions in collateral-free loans, then lying about and concealing assets and income in bankruptcy proceedings and on his tax returns.
Police records show Gembara, 56, was found dead on Dec. 3, 2017, in the Park Ridge home of a bank customer where he had been staying.
An autopsy report showed Gembara was found seated in a chair in his bedroom with a rope tied to the banister and around his neck.
His death was ruled a suicide by the Cook County medical examiner’s office.
The sprawling investigation also led to one other high-profile trial.
Patrick Daley Thompson, the then-11th Ward alderman and scion of the Daley political dynasty, was convicted in 2021 of two counts of lying to federal regulators about loans he had with Washington Federal and falsely claiming mortgage interest deductions on his tax returns.
Thompson, who by law was forced to step down immediately after his conviction, was sentenced to four months in prison.
Prosecutors said in their opening statement last month that Kowalski used his friendship with Gembara to turn Washington Federal into his own piggy bank, getting collateral-free loans to bankroll his real estate developments and using letters of credit from the bank to fool other creditors.
Kowalski, meanwhile, tried to pin the blame on Gembara, saying his friend ran a scheme that allegedly involved years of bad loans, shifting collateral, forged signatures and even cash buried by one of his customers somewhere in the Cayman Islands.
“He didn’t start out to be a bad man, but his plan was terrible,”
Kowalski said in his opening statement to the jury. “It wasn’t George Bailey in ‘It’s a Wonderful Life.’ ”
The jury deliberated only about an hour before convicting him on all counts.
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familyfirstfirm · 2 months
Elder Law Attorney
At the Family First Firm - Medicaid & Elder Law Attorneys, we’ll help support you and your loved ones with Medicaid, wills, trusts, advanced directives, Veteran’s benefits, probate, and more. Whether you’re rejoicing in the birth of a child, planning for the future, or celebrating the life of a loved one, we’ll be here — by your side. Welcome To Family First Firm — Your Elder Law Experts™! Our team is your family's ally. With a focus on elder law, we provide compassionate support and expert guidance for your legal needs. Our experienced team understands the importance of planning for your future and protecting your loved ones. We approach each client with empathy and respect, treating you as a member of our own family. From the moment you walk through our doors, you can trust that we'll be by your side every step of the way.
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Who Are We? We are an Elder Law Firm here in Central Florida. What we stand for says a lot about who we are, so let’s start with our core values. Our core values are the foundation of who we are and guide every decision we make, from who we hire to how we ensure our team stays aligned. Our Purpose Statement Our purpose statement explains why we do what we do. It's about taking care of our team, managing our clients' resources well, doing the right thing, and being part of our community. In short, it all boils down to one thing:
At Family First Firm, our dedicated team is the cornerstone of our practice. We understand the importance of having the right individuals in key roles to provide exceptional service to our clients. Our team includes skilled professionals such as Elder Law Attorneys, Legal Assistants, Client Advocates, and Administrative Staff, all committed to serving the elder community in Orange County.
Since 2009, we've been proud to serve families in Orange County, offering compassionate legal guidance and support. With deep roots in the community, we've assisted numerous families in navigating complex legal matters related to elder care and estate planning. Our commitment extends beyond legal services – we actively engage with local organizations and initiatives aimed at enhancing the lives of seniors in our community. What We Do And How We Do It While Family First Firm comprises a team of elder law experts, it's essential to remember that we are individuals too. Just like you, we have families and values that shape who we are. In an industry often characterized by apathy and legalese,, we take pride in offering a personal touch and empathy to each client we serve.
Every family deserves peace of mind, and it's time you find yours. That's where Family First Firm comes in. We understand that every family is unique, and we're here to support you every step of the way. Always by your side, we provide personalized legal guidance tailored to your specific needs.
Before embarking on any legal journey, we initiate a "Discovery Discussion" to ensure alignment between our services and your goals. We believe in understanding your objectives thoroughly before determining the best course of action, and we're committed to doing everything we can to help you achieve them. Our Services At Family First Firm, we understand the unique needs and challenges that come with planning for the future and ensuring the well-being of your family. With our comprehensive range of elder law services, we provide expert guidance and support to help you navigate complex legal matters with confidence and peace of mind.
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orangecountylemonlaws · 2 months
Navigating Lemon Law in Orange County: Why You Need an Expert Orange County Lemon Law Lawyer
Buying a modern car can be an energizing encounter, but what happens when your unused vehicle turns out to be a lemon? In Orange Province, California, shoppers are secured by vigorous lemon laws outlined to guarantee they get remuneration or a substitution vehicle in case their car more than once comes up short to meet quality and execution guidelines. In any case, understanding and exploring these laws can be complex without the help of a learned Orange Province lemon law attorney.
What is the Lemon Law?
The California Lemon Law applies to unused and utilized vehicles that are beneath guarantee, acquired or rented essentially for individual, family, or family utilize. In case a vehicle includes a significant deformity that's not repaired after a sensible number of endeavours by the producer or authorized merchant, the customer may be entitled to a discount or substitution.
Why You Wish an Orange Province Lemon Law Attorney
Skill in Lemon Law:
An Orange county lemon law lawyer specializes in understanding the complexities of California's Lemon Law. They can evaluate your case to decide in case your vehicle qualifies as a lemon and prompt you on the finest course of activity.
Exploring Complex Methods:
Lemon law cases frequently include nitty gritty documentation, timelines, and arrangements with producers. An orange county lemon law lawyer is experienced in lemon law cases can handle these complexities productively, guaranteeing that all essential steps are taken to secure your rights.
Maximizing Recompense:
Producers may attempt to offer negligible remuneration or deny your claim inside and out. A gifted attorney knows how to arrange with producers to maximize your remuneration, whether through a discount, substitution vehicle, or financial harms.
Court Representation:
In a few cases, producers may debate the lemon law claim. An Orange Province lemon law attorney can speak to you in court in the event that case gets to be necessary, advocating for your rights and guaranteeing you've got the leading chance of a favourable result.
Sparing Time and Stress:
Managing with a lemon vehicle can be stressful and time-consuming. Enlisting a attorney permits you to centre on your everyday life whereas they handle the lawful perspectives of your case, giving peace of mind all through the method.
Choosing the Proper Legal counsellor
When selecting an Orange District lemon law attorney, explore for somebody with a demonstrated track record of victory in taking care of lemon law cases. They ought to have broad information of California lemon law statutes, involvement arranging with producers, and a commitment to accomplishing the finest conceivable result for their clients.
In the event that you discover yourself managing with a lemon vehicle in Orange Province, California, do not falter to look for the direction of an experienced Orange county lemon law lawyer. They can explore the complexities of the lemon law process, advocate for your rights, and assist you get the emolument or substitution vehicle you merit. Do not let a lemon vehicle acrid your experience – take action today with the assistance of a gifted lemon law lawyer.
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ericccl · 1 year
Explore the invaluable ways a family law attorney can support you. From navigating complex child custody cases to ensuring a smooth divorce process, our blog sheds light on the vital roles these experts play in your legal journey.
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insideoutvietnam · 3 months
California’s Leading Personal Injury Law Firm Reaffirms Commitment to Client-First Policy with Launch of New Website
Newport Beach, June 20, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Newport Beach, California – Johnson Attorneys Group has earned a reputation as a law firm dedicated to protecting the rights of its clients and their families, ensuring the best possible outcomes for every case. Renowned for its client-focused approach and commitment to excellence, leading Orange County personal injury law firm Johnson Attorneys…
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beardedmrbean · 2 years
A 17-year-old is facing second-degree murder charges two weeks after Orange County deputies say he shot and killed 16-year-old De’Shayla Ferguson during a “heated argument.”
De’Shayla was about five months pregnant when she was killed on Oct. 24. She was found outside a home near a vehicle parked on Broken Pine Circle near Hiawassee Road. She died at the scene.
“This whole community should be grieving for De’Shayla Ferguson and her family and her unborn baby,” said Orange County Sheriff John Mina, adding that the 17-year-old suspect shot De’Shayla once in her head.
The Orange County Sheriff’s Office did release the name and photo of the 17-year-old suspect but the Orlando Sentinel does not name minors suspected of crimes unless they are charged as adults. The suspect in this crime was arrested Monday in Polk County and brought to the Orange County Juvenile Assessment Center.
The suspect has faced gun charges in the past. He “is no stranger to law enforcement, nor is he a stranger to our homicide detectives,” Mina said at a press conference Tuesday morning.
In February 2021 when he was 15, the suspect faced charges for carrying a concealed firearm and violating home detention rules. Both charges were later dropped. Then in December, he was accused of killing 23-year-old Jemile Pittman. Pittman was found dead in a car on South Rio Grande Avenue with a single gunshot wound to her head.
Mina said the 17-year-old disposed of the gun and fled to another state after the shooting but was arrested on more gun charges in May and was questioned about Pittman’s death. He admitted to shooting Pittman but said he acted in self defense.
So far, he has not been charged in Pittman’s death. The Orange-Osceola State Attorney’s Office will determine if he will face charges in that case.
After his May arrest, he was arrested again in July again on gun charges, Mina said. Both cases are still pending.
“No one gets into this profession to arrest kids, especially for low-level offenses,” Mina said. “But that’s not the case here. Those juveniles who are out there carrying guns and committing violent crimes in our community, that doesn’t apply to them. We have to acknowledge that someone who amasses this many gun charges and is responsible for the killing of two women and an unborn child needs to be behind bars for a very, very long time for the safety of this community.”
Mina said he expects the 17-year-old to be charged as an adult in De’Shayla’s death. So far, there is no evidence that the shooting was preplanned.
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finkbeiner12 · 6 months
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trendingnewsmania · 8 years
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A father, son and their two Yorba Linda companies suffered some recent setbacks in Orange County Superior Court, where they are fighting charges of illegally selling hundreds of fetal tissue products for profit and treating human parts as commodities.
A judge on Friday overruled an attempt by defendants Estefano Isaías Sr. and Estefano Isaías Jr. to be dismissed from the case filed against them by the Orange County District Attorney’s office.
The OCDA in October filed a complaint that alleges DaVinci Biosciences and DV Biologics have engaged in unfair, unlawful and fraudulent business practices. The action seeks to stop the Isaías’ companies from selling fetal tissue and cells, make them pay restitution to those harmed (to be determined at trial) and to pay any other civil penalties a court imposes, District Attorney Tony Rackauckas previously announced at a press conference.
The DA insisted at the time that the case is not about abortion but businesses and their owners allegedly breaking the law.
The judge ruled against a demurrer or written response to the OCDA complaint that claimed the allegations against the Isaíases were ambiguous and too unspecific to substantiate legal action against them as individuals.
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The complaint alleges the California Franchise Tax Board forfeited DV Biologics and DaVinci Biosciences’ powers, rights, and privileges in November 2014 and July 2015, respectively, due to failure to pay the required taxes and fees to transact business in the state.
David Daleiden, founder of the Irvine-based anti-abortion group Center of Medical Progress, created controversial undercover videos that connected DaVinci Biosciences, DV Biologics and Planned Parenthood of Orange and San Bernardino Counties in March 2016. At the press conference that following October, Rackauckas said there was no evidence to support Daleiden’s claim that the companies exchanged money with Planned Parenthood or that Planned Parenthood did anything unlawful.
State and federal law prevents selling or profiting off of bodily tissues, but in 2009 DaVinci Biosciences started selling products derived from the cells and tissues they were collecting, processing, storing and using for research purposes, and DV Biologics began marketing the revenue-generating services, according to the DA’s complaint.
The two companies advertised prices: as low as $40 a vial for the “total RNA” [ribonucleic acid] cells from several fetal tissue sources to as high as $1,100 a vial for specific cells derived from fetal brain tissue; from $300 to $375 a vial for fetal lung derived products; $300-$450 a vial for fetal kidney derived products; $500-$700 a vial for fetal heart derived products; and $250-$700 a vial for fetal liver derived products, the OCDA alleges.
Between 2009 and 2011, the companies nearly tripled sales revenues and by the end of 2011 they unlawfully sold fetal-derived tissues and cells harvested in the U.S. to Japan, China, Singapore, Korea, Germany, Switzerland, Spain, Australia, Netherlands, Canada and the United Kingdom, according to the complaint, which adds that by 2012, they had more than 500 products in their inventory that they valued at more than $4.4 million.
The Orange County case against the two companies became a presidential campaign issue when political conservatives and anti-abortion activists connected the Isaías family to Hillary Clinton, who is, of course, a staunch supporter of a woman’s right to choose. Various members of the family—which is based mostly in Miami, Florida, but originally hails from Ecuador—have lavished Clinton with hundreds of thousands of dollars in campaign contributions.
Before the Democrat’s stunning defeat in November, the Clinton foes pointed to a 2014 New York Times story that reported while she was Secretary of State, her State Department requested lifting a ban on Luis Isaías’ sister Estefanía entering the country. She had been barred from coming to the U.S. after being caught fraudulently obtaining visas for her maids.
Roberto Isaías, Luis and Estefania’s father, and their uncle William are fugitives from justice in their home country, whose government blames them for the collapse of their bank Filanbanco, which had for many years been the country’s leading banking institution. It collapsed after it was nationalized in 2001, something the government blames on the Isaíases and vice versa.
While in the U.S., the family has diversified into real estate, bioscience and telecommunications. Having owned television networks in Ecuador (that the government also eventually took over), Isaíases now own Miami-based Wreal LLC, which counts among its companies Fyre TV. In 2009, then-CEO Estefano Isaías Jr. envisioned Fyre TV would become “the Netflix of porn.” Can a title about being screwed by a prosecutor be far behind?
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madmadmystic · 10 months
Yesterday my soulmate got sentenced on his 2nd degree murder conviction. He has a determinate sentence of 26 years and then once he serves that his 100 years to life will start. We have a strong case for an appeal. Here's the story: my man hit a fat lick, got this drug dealer for a shit ton of cash and gold and drugs. He didn't mask up and was recorded on the home surveillance system. So a couple days later the guy he robbed and two of his friends pull up on my man and our friend at their hotel room and hold them at gun point. They took one firearm from my man and recovered none of the stolen shit. Well once they decide to leave, my man gets his other gun and gets off a shot at the man that just had him on his knees with a gun to his head. One of the guys leaves on foot and the other two are in their vehicle. The one that didn't get shot drives the one that did to the hospital but leaves him in the parking lot. By the time his gf showed up (over an hour later) and got him inside for medical care it was too late and he died in the hospital.
The guy that left out the window was subpoenaed to testify and originally was refusing to (this guy is already a pc/drop out certified snitch) but after talking to his attorney (offered a deal) he takes the stand and fucking LIES. He claims the "victim" was unarmed, he swore under oath he was given no encouragement for his testimony but was given an absurdly low sentence for outstanding charges.
I'm not saying that my man isn't at fault. Obviously robbing somebody (even a drug dealer) is serious shit. But the instinct to protect yourself and your people and to eliminate any lethal threat is engrained in us. And the prosecution making a deal off of paper is still making a fucking deal. There witness wasn't credible and purjured himself on stand. The cats nickname is "criminal" for fucks sake, honest and credible are not attributes of his character.
You have no idea the shine my man has. He is so fucking glorious. He is intelligent and artistic and magickal. He builds up everyone around him. He's kind and honest and savage.
I feel that Santa Barbara County wrongly convicted him. Because he has prison priors and is native/black they did everything they could to put him away for good. Yes a life was lost but the facts of it should equal a lesser charge. 126 years to life is fucking obscene for defending yourself. California has no self defense law. But a friend of mine was just sentenced to 50 years to life after shooting a man in her home who was being violent and erratic and then her and her boyfriend proceeded to cut up the remains and dispose of them in a golf course pond. But she's a white girl with family money from orange county. Her charges were in Santa Barbara County however.
Tell me how that makes sense.
Maybe this will take off and the media will demand the DA's office admit a deal was made with the witness for his testimony and we can take my love's life back in appeal court.
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