#family cleanout
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Our team of experienced and courteous professionals is fully licensed and insured. Rest assured, we will handle your belongings with utmost care and respect throughout the removal process.
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strayrockette · 9 days
My Sunshine Girl: A Healing Home
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Masterlist❤️Previous Part
Summary: Having Benny around changes things for the better.
Themes: Family drama, underlying grief, and finding comfort in your favorite person
A/n: I didn't realize I was writing in first person and by the time I noticed I was already too deep in the process 🤷‍♀️LMK if you wanna be part of a taglist for this series, or for all my works!!
The weeks following the fight at the bar were a blur of quiet days and slow healing. Benny had told me to stay home until the bruises and scrapes faded, though he never really explained why I needed to lay low or how he planned to smooth things over with the cops. I didn’t press him on it. I trusted him enough to just listen, even if the silence that came with being cooped up sometimes felt too heavy to bear.
I called my uncle to let him know I was taking a few weeks off, spinning some story about needing to clear out the attic and sort through old boxes that had been collecting dust since my childhood. It wasn’t a lie, exactly; the attic had been long overdue for a cleanout. But what I hadn’t expected was how many old memories would come flooding back during those quiet weeks at home.
Some days, the house felt haunted by the past—pictures of my mom tucked away in forgotten corners, trinkets from a time when life felt simpler. I’d find my old pookie bear, the one my ma had made me, and all at once, the grief would hit me hard, like no time had passed at all. I’d crumble under the weight of it, tears streaming down my face, and Benny would be right there, no questions asked. He didn’t pry when I broke down, didn’t push for explanations. He just wrapped his arms around me, letting me cry it out until the storm passed.
He was my buffer, my anchor, the one constant in a sea of emotions I wasn’t always prepared to deal with. And even on the hardest days, he made it easier just by being there.
But it wasn’t all sadness. Sometimes, between the dusting and sorting, we’d stumble onto something that would break the tension and remind me that joy still had a place in this old house. Like the day Benny found my middle school diary—tucked away in a box of yearbooks and scribbled notes, full of awkward confessions and childhood crushes. I was mortified, scrambling to snatch it out of his hands as he held it above his head, flipping through the pages with a devilish grin.
“Number one: Mr. O’Connell, your eighth-grade math teacher? Really?” Benny read aloud, his tone dripping with mock horror as I jumped, trying and failing to grab the diary back.
“Oh my god, Benny, stop!” I begged, my face burning as I reached up, but he just laughed, lifting the diary higher, making a game out of it.
“You had a thing for math, huh? Or just guys with glasses?”
I groaned, mortified but unable to keep the smile off my face. “Give it back! I swear, I’ll—”
Benny kept reading, amused at my futile attempts. I shoved a nearby box over, using it as a makeshift step stool, only for it to collapse under me, sending me tumbling to the floor. The crash echoed through the attic, and for a second, everything went silent before Benny’s laughter broke the tension, deep and infectious.
I looked up, sprawled on the floor, and started laughing too, the kind of uncontrollable, belly-aching laughter that leaves you breathless and teary-eyed for all the right reasons. I couldn’t remember the last time I’d laughed like that in this house.
We spent the rest of the day making new memories, each corner of the attic becoming less about the past and more about the here and now. Benny helped me pack away the old pain and fill the empty spaces with something lighter, something new. The house felt different by the end of those weeks, less like a museum of all the hurt I’d carried and more like a home that was ours.
Every time I looked at a corner that used to be filled with sadness, I felt gratitude instead—a quiet, blooming joy that wrapped itself around my heart. I wasn’t forgetting my mom or the pain we’d both gone through, but I was finding a way to make room for happiness too.
The midday sun streamed through the kitchen window, casting warm, golden light across the countertops as I moved around the stove. The smell of homemade tomato soup filled the air, mingling with the buttery aroma of the grilled cheese I was making for lunch. I knew Benny was supposed to be out the door over an hour ago, but here he was, his arms snug around my waist and his head resting comfortably on my shoulder. I could feel the soft, steady rhythm of his breathing against my back, his presence grounding me in a way that made the entire world feel right.
“Weren’t you supposed to leave an hour ago?” I whispered with a giggle as he kissed the sensitive spot on my neck, his lips lingering just long enough to make my skin tingle.
Benny hummed, his voice low and lazy, full of that warmth that always sent shivers down my spine. “You’re holding me hostage,” he murmured, nuzzling into my neck like he had all the time in the world.
I scoffed, flipping the sandwich in the pan, the bread sizzling as it turned a perfect golden brown. “I hope that’s not what you’re tellin’ the boys,” I teased, trying to keep the smile off my face as his kisses grew more persistent, more playful.
“They’d believe it,” he said, his lips brushing against my skin as he grinned. “You were a sight of fear for them that night.”
I nudged him gently, still caught off guard by the way he made me feel so seen, so known. “No way they fear me,” I said, laughing at the absurdity of it. The idea of those big, greasy, tattooed men being scared of someone like me was ridiculous. I was a lot of things, but intimidating wasn’t one of them—not to them, at least.
Benny chuckled softly, his voice a warm rumble that I felt all the way to my bones. “You were a force,” he said, and I could hear the pride mixed with amusement in his tone. “Five women tried to pull you off, and you broke through them—teeth, nails, and limbs flying everywhere. Like a little monkey.”
I gasped, feigning offense as I pushed him back playfully, though his hold on me didn’t loosen. “Rude!” I scolded, my cheeks warming as I turned the sandwich again, trying to focus on the task at hand despite the way his words made my heart race.
Benny laughed, the sound deep and peaceful, wrapping around me like a favorite song. “I never want to think about that night ever again,” I sighed, shaking my head at the memory. I’d gone to the bar looking for some fun, but it had turned into anything but that. “Eat your grilled cheese and leave me alone, Benny Cross. You’ve made enough rude comments for one day.”
He dipped lower, his lips brushing my cheek, then my jaw, peppering soft kisses along my skin until I was practically squirming from the attention. “I’m waiting,” he murmured, his voice smooth as honey, and I knew he was enjoying every second of this.
“Your plate was already made,” I said, my tone dripping with disbelief as I tried to keep my composure. I pointed to the counter where his sandwich and soup were sitting, perfectly plated and ready to eat. “Right there.”
“For you,” he whispered against my ear, his hands roaming my sides in a slow, soft caress that sent jolts of pleasure through me. He was relentless, every touch deliberate, every kiss a gentle tease that made it hard to think straight.
I bit down on the wave of heat that spread through me, refusing to give in completely. “If I hear someone make a comment about me keepin’ you hostage the next time I’m at the bar, I swear I’m chucking an 8-ball at ‘em,” I warned, trying to sound stern, but my voice came out breathless, betraying the effect he had on me.
Benny grinned, his lips brushing my ear as he whispered, “Let ‘em talk, Sunshine. You’ve got nothing to prove.” His hands continued their slow exploration, skimming over my hips and up my back, a mix of comfort and desire that made my knees weak. “Besides, I like being held hostage by you.”
I couldn’t help but laugh, the sound light and free, bubbling up from somewhere deep inside me. “Yeah, well, you better behave,” I said, turning just enough to look at him, catching the mischievous glint in his eyes. “Or I might just let you go.”
He pulled me closer, his grip firm but tender, holding me in place as he looked down at me with that lazy, cocky smile I’d grown to love. “You couldn’t get rid of me if you tried,” he said, his voice low and rough, filled with something deeper than just teasing. “I’m right where I wanna be.”
I leaned into him, letting the warmth of his body and the comfort of his words wrap around me like a blanket. His stubble tickled along my neck with each kiss he placed. I shivered and inched away from him with a giggle, "At least let me finish plating my dish."
He grumbled as he stepped away, grabbed his plate, and moved to sit at the table. I glanced over my shoulder and found him staring intently at me, his eyes dark and.. "Oh my gosh, Benny, are you pouting??" I squealed, "I'm so telling-"
My teasing quietened as a rapid knock broke our moment. The knock wasn’t just loud—it was aggressive, rattling the walls with an urgency that made my heart jump. Benny stood up from the table, his easy smile fading as the tension in the air thickened. I watched as he walked to the door, his shoulders squared and ready for whatever trouble was waiting on the other side. I barely heard the door open before a booming voice echoed,
“Where is she?”
Uncle Harold boomed, his voice filling every corner of the room. Benny instantly stepped in front of him, his stance protective and his jaw clenched tight. I could feel the anger radiating off Harold in waves, each word landing like a blow.
“You need to back off, Harold,” Benny said, his voice edged with warning as he kept his body between me and my uncle. “You can’t just come in here like this.”
But Harold was past listening. He shoved Benny aside, his eyes searching the room until they found me, just as I stepped around the corner from the kitchen. I froze, the intensity of his glare pinning me in place. Benny quickly moved to close the door behind Aunt Gina and stepped in front of me, blocking my uncle’s line of sight. His broad back was a shield between me and the onslaught of Harold’s rage.
“What’s going on?” I asked, my voice shaky but defiant. I tried to look around Benny, but he held his ground, his presence a firm line of defense.
Harold’s face was twisted with anger, his fists clenched as he pointed at me. “You’ve got this boy living in your mama’s house!” he shouted, his voice cracking with emotion. “And I’ve got Old Man Harry telling me you’ve got a bunch of Vandals vouching that you weren’t in a fight when six women described you in detail!”
The words hit like a slap, the sheer force of his anger pressing down on me, but as his accusations rang out, something inside me snapped.
Benny glanced back at me, his eyes searching mine, but he didn’t move from his spot in front of me. He was there, steady and unflinching, even as the storm raged on. “Harold, you need to calm down,” Benny said, his voice low and tense. “She doesn’t need this from you.”
I stepped around Benny, frustration boiling over. “DO YOU EVEN HEAR YOURSELF RIGHT NOW?” I yelled, my voice trembling with fury and years of bottled-up hurt. “You used to be a biker too! You still have your bike! You know what that life is like!”
“That’s different,” Uncle Harold snapped, his anger flaring again as he tried to reel himself back, but I wasn’t about to let him off that easy.
“No, it’s not!” I shot back, my voice breaking. “When you met Aunt Gigi, you’d just gotten out of jail! She still gave you a chance. She saw something in you that no one else did. How is it any different for me and Benny?”
Harold’s face tightened, his anger battling with the guilt that flickered briefly in his eyes. “It’s different because your mama made me promise,” he said, his voice straining, shaking with unspoken grief. “She made me promise that I’d protect you. I gave her my word that I’d be the father you needed.”
Pain gripped my chest, sharp and unforgiving. My throat tightened as I tried to hold back the emotions that threatened to swallow me whole. “Don’t bring her into this!” I shouted, my voice cracking under the weight of it all. The mention of my mom felt like a knife, twisting deep. The hurt was suffocating, choking me with memories of promises I never asked for.
Harold’s face contorted with pain and fury, his voice shaking as he continued. “You’re running around with this boy, getting into trouble, doing things you shouldn’t. You aren’t the little girl we raised.”
I took a deep, shuddering breath, trying to steady myself, but the grief and anger were a tidal wave, pulling me under. I tried to step around Benny, desperate to confront my uncle face-to-face, but Benny’s arm shot out, his hand gently tucking me behind him. His body was a shield, protecting me even when I was ready to charge headfirst into the fire.
“Harold, enough,” Benny said, his voice like steel, unyielding and protective. “You don’t get to judge her. You don’t get to make her feel small.”
I peeked around Benny, the tears burning in my eyes as I stared at my uncle. “You never knew me,” I said, my voice cracking with the raw truth I’d kept buried for years. “Because the little girl you raised was broken, scared and angry. You never saw that, did you? You never saw how hard it was to keep it together, how much I was hurting.”
The room was thick with tension, the air heavy with the weight of unspoken pain. Aunt Gina stepped closer, her face etched with sadness as she watched me unravel. “Sunny, we’re just trying to help,” she said softly, her voice a calm presence amidst the chaos. “We love you. We don’t want to see you get hurt.”
But I was too far gone, too tangled up in my own grief and anger to let the words soothe me. “I know you love me,” I said, my voice trembling as I fought to keep control. “But you don’t get to decide what’s best for me anymore. You don’t get to come in here and throw around all your guilt and promises like they’re weapons.”
Harold’s face fell, the anger draining away, leaving only the hollow ache of regret. His shoulders sagged, and for the first time, he looked at me not with fury, but with a kind of desperate sorrow. “I’m scared, Sunny,” he admitted, his voice barely above a whisper. “I’m scared I’m failing her. Failing you. I don’t want to lose you.”
The admission hit me harder than any of his accusations. I could see the guilt and fear that mirrored my own, the weight of promises made in grief and love and uncertainty. But this wasn’t just about him, and it wasn’t about my mom. It was about me.
I took a shaky step forward, Benny’s hand still resting on my shoulder, grounding me. “You’re not failing me,” I said, my voice softening as the anger ebbed away, replaced by something gentler. “But you’ve got to let me live. You’ve got to trust me to make my own choices, even if they’re messy.”
Aunt Gina reached out, squeezing Harold’s arm, her touch a quiet anchor pulling him back. She looked at me, her eyes filled with a sadness that was heavy and old, and nodded slowly. “We just want you to be happy,” she said, her voice choked with the weight of everything left unsaid.
“I am happy,” I whispered, looking up at Benny, who watched me with those steady eyes that had been my rock through it all. “Because I’m finally living for me.”
Uncle Harolds expression softened, the lines of his face deepening as he looked at me, his shoulders sagging under the weight of his own failures. “Forgive me,” he murmured, his voice breaking with raw vulnerability. It wasn’t just an apology for tonight, but for everything—for every time he’d let his anger and grief overshadow his love for me.
Harold bowed his head, the pain etched deep into his features, and without another word, he turned away, his broad, hulking figure seeming smaller, more fragile as he walked toward the door. He moved slowly, like he was dragging the weight of the world behind him, every step heavy with the sorrow of a man who’d tried to do right but hadn’t always known how.
Aunt Gina lingered for a moment, her eyes filled with a mixture of sadness and quiet reassurance. She reached out, squeezing my arm gently, her touch warm and grounding. “We’re still here, Sunny,” she said softly, her voice laced with a kind of fierce love that made my chest ache. “No matter what, we’re still here for you.”
I nodded, feeling the sting of tears that I refused to let fall. “I know,” I whispered, my voice catching as I met her gaze. “Thank you.”
Gina gave me a soft, reassuring smile, the kind that spoke of years of shared memories, both good and bad. She glanced at Benny, her expression shifting to something like cautious hope, and then back at me, her eyes full of unspoken promises. She turned to follow Harold, her footsteps light but purposeful, and with one last look, she stepped through the door, closing it softly behind her.
With the door closed and my aunt and uncle finally gone, the weight of their words hung heavy in the air, settling deep into my bones. The playfulness of our earlier mood had completely vanished, replaced by something darker and more somber. I stood in the middle of the room, feeling lost, unsure of what to do with myself as the emotional turmoil that always seemed to follow me crept back in. I had thought I’d managed to escape it these past few weeks, hiding in the warmth of Benny’s company, but now it was back, clawing at me with a vengeance.
I sniffed, trying to swallow down the lump in my throat, the familiar sting of tears threatening to break free again. “I need a nap,” I muttered, my voice barely above a whisper. I couldn’t even bring myself to look at Benny, my gaze fixed on the stairs as I rushed past him, desperate to get away, to hide from the flood of emotions crashing over me.
I stumbled into the bedroom, shutting the door behind me and collapsing onto the bed. I curled up into a tight ball, pulling the blankets around me as if they could shield me from everything swirling inside my head. My uncle’s voice echoed, relentless and unforgiving, each word like a dagger twisting deeper. ‘I promised your ma I’d take care of you.’ The guilt, the pressure, the overwhelming sense of being a disappointment—it all wrapped around me, suffocating and relentless.
I buried my face into the pillow, my chest tightening with each shaky breath as I tried to keep it together. But it was no use. The tears came anyway, hot and uncontrollable, spilling over as I silently sobbed into the fabric. The pain of my past, the weight of everyone’s expectations—it was too much. All the anger, the sadness, and the unresolved grief came rushing back, drowning me in a wave of emotions I didn’t know how to handle.
I didn’t hear Benny come in, but I felt the bed dip as he sat beside me, his presence a quiet, grounding force that I hadn’t realized I was desperate for. He didn’t say anything, didn’t ask me to talk or try to pry me open. He simply wrapped his arms around me, pulling me close, his body fitting around mine like a protective shield. I felt his head nestle into the crook of my neck, his breath warm and steady against my skin.
He didn’t let go, didn’t pull back when I tensed, just held me tighter, his arms firm and unyielding. Benny’s embrace was like an anchor, something solid and real in the middle of my storm. His touch was gentle, each stroke of his thumb against my shoulder a silent reassurance that I wasn’t alone, that I didn’t have to carry all of this by myself. I felt the trembling in my body start to ease, the frantic beating of my heart slowly matching the calm, even rhythm of his.
Benny’s presence was more than just comforting; it was life-saving. He grounded me in a way that nothing else could, pulling me back from the edge of my own despair. The panic, the guilt, all the things I kept locked away—they didn’t feel so unbearable with him there, holding me through it. I closed my eyes, letting myself sink into the warmth of his embrace, feeling the tension slowly begin to drain from my muscles.
He kissed my shoulder softly, his lips brushing against my skin in a gesture so gentle it almost broke me all over again. I felt the tears well up once more, but this time they were softer, less frantic, as if Benny’s presence was slowly unwinding the tight knot of pain inside me. I turned slightly, pressing my face into his chest, breathing him in—the scent of leather, smoke, and something uniquely his that always made me feel safe.
“I’ve got you,” Benny whispered, his voice low and hushed, like a secret meant only for me. His hand moved up to cup the back of my head, his fingers threading through my hair as he held me close. “You’re not alone. I’m right here.”
I squeezed my eyes shut, the words breaking through my defenses in a way that nothing else had. Benny didn’t try to fix me, didn’t pretend that he could make everything better, and that was exactly what I needed. He was just there, unconditionally, holding me as I broke down, no judgment, no expectations—just a quiet, unwavering support that made me feel like maybe I could keep going, even when everything felt impossible.
I pulled back just enough to look up at him, my eyes puffy and wet, but his gaze was soft and full of something that made my heart ache. I saw the way he looked at me—not with pity, but with an understanding that went deeper than words. He brushed his thumb across my cheek, wiping away the last of my tears, and I felt the flood of emotion rise up again, but this time it was different, warmer.
“I love you,” I whispered, the confession spilling out before I could second-guess it. It was raw and unguarded, the truth laid bare in the quiet space between us. For the first time, it didn’t feel scary to say. It felt right.
Benny’s face softened, and a smile tugged at his lips, gentle and filled with a quiet joy that made my heart flutter. He leaned in, pressing his forehead against mine, his eyes closing as he let the words sink in. “I love you, too,” he murmured, his voice thick with emotion. “More than you know.”
I melted into him, my arms wrapping around his neck as he held me tighter, his embrace a sanctuary from the world outside. The chaos, the pain, my uncle’s harsh words—they all faded into the background, replaced by the steady, calming presence of Benny beside me. I buried my face against his chest, letting myself be small and vulnerable, knowing that with Benny, I didn’t have to be anything but myself.
Taglist: @storiesfromafan@aleemendoza2425-blog , @preciouslilmonster , @iamaslytherin0
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virtualreader · 1 year
silver blade
summary: reader heroically kills a shapeshifter to save Dean, but not without getting hurt in the process. When the blood covering the reader's hands, nearly triggers a panic attack, Dean is quick to comfort her.
word count: 2.4k
warnings: gore, not natural creatures (if u know, u know), anxiety, panic attack, blood, grotesque killing, wounds, emotional shock. could be read as romantic or platonic.
a/n: i live for hurt/comfort fics. also, i thrive on feedback, so don't think twice and send me some! constructive criticism is also welcomed!
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"Dammit, Dean," you cursed under your breath as you tried calling Dean, only to be sent straight to voicemail once again. To say you were exasperated was an understatement. You couldn't shake off the feeling of unease that was starting to creep up on you. “Where the hell are you, guys?”
As little as a single missed call was enough to seed concern within you. One—they had probably walked into a crowded bar. Two—Dean had most likely found a chick worth flirting with. Nine in the span of two hours? Nine voicemail messages and no sign neither of the brothers were still alive? Now that was downright worrisome.
You slid the combination 11-02-83 into the lock, and it opened immediately with a subdued click. You had been with the Winchesters long enough to have figured out the access code to the weapons compartment. Nonetheless, you were still finding your feet in the supernatural world, not having ever seen any of the creatures you read about.
With one hand, you scrambled to lift the bottom of the trunk, gaining access to the secret compartment John had built in the '67 Impala Dean insisted on nicknaming baby.
If there was anything you had a grasp of, it was lore beyond doubt. Therefore, you sifted meticulously through the vast array of weapons until you finally laid your eyes on the one you had been seeking—a glistening silver knife, ornately engraved. Legend has it both silver bullets and silver-bladed weapons were lethal to shapeshifters, the very creature Sam and Dean were after.
As you became aware of your scarce fighting skills, you hesitated for a moment and second-guessed your brash decision to defy the blunt order to stay in the motel the Winchesters had given you. Instead of backing down and following said instructions, you headed towards the nearest sewer cleanout driven and determined, and trawled the cover aside with great effort.
With the silver knife in hand, you descended into the sewers, climbing down the rank, rusty ladder, diligently making it to the bottom. You jumped off onto the ground, which you found to be swamped with turbid water. Or at least that was what you hoped the muddy puddles soaking your feet up to the socks were.
The air was humid, and the sewer halls were silent except for the rhythmic dripping of leak drops splashing on the concrete. You took a deep, shaky breath, wondering how Sam and Dean managed to remain level-headed during hunts, especially given the unforeseen aftermath.
You were undoubtedly scared—terrified even. You bore in mind all the plausible deadly outcomes facing a creature as powerful as a shapeshifter entailed. Yet, not even that did withhold you from sacrificing your own safety for the sake of the two boys who had become your family over the past year.
You were willing to pay your weight in blood if it was their lives at stake. Without them by your side, life would only be reduced to a meaningless solitary existence. So you might as well devote yourself to wrestling them from the peril you sensed they were in.
You crept through the dark, dank sewers, your grip on the silver knife tightening with each step, refraining it from slipping from your moist trembling hands. You couldn't quite shake the feeling that something was watching you, lurking in the shadows, waiting to pounce at any moment.
The stench was overwhelming, and you had to cover your nose with your free hand to avoid gagging. But you knew that giving up was not an option. You had come too far to turn back at this point.
You dropped your gaze to the concrete beneath your feet, scrutinizing the ground in search of any signs indicating Sam and Dean’s whereabouts.
One, two, three blood droplets stained the cement and left behind a vague trail. It was a somewhat chilling sight, and your thoughts immediately went to the possibility of the guys being wounded.
Barely a few feet before you laid a mucilaginous shred of skin. Next to it was a clump of dark hair, matted and tangled, still attached to its corresponding patch of torn skin. You shuddered at the realization that those gruesome remnants irrefutably belonged to the shapeshifter.
Faint grunts died out in the distance. It sounded human, and you recognized them as Dean’s. You tensed up, gripping the small bladed weapon steady in your hand.
With an adrenaline rush pumping through your veins, you crept towards the direction of the sound. The grunts grew louder, and you could now hear the pained sounds of Dean's voice as clear as day. Your heart leaped into your throat, and you picked up the pace, sprinting through the dark corridors.
You skidded to a stop as you came upon the scene. Eyes narrowed and brows raised, you did your utmost to wrap your head around the commotion you witnessed before you.
Sam laid sprawled on the floor, his mouth stuffed with a smudge rag. There was sweat and blood coating his face and clothes and his chest inflated and deflated frantically as he struggled against the plastic flange restraining his wrists.
Your attention then turned to Dean, who was pressed against the wall with his body tense with pain and fear. There was another loud thud, the broad creature gripping Dean's jacket collar tossed him onto the ground, the sound echoing throughout the sewer's hallways. Dean gasped in pain, and your heart sank even further at the sight of his helplessness.
“Y/n…get outta...here...” he spoke falteringly in a hushed tone when he registered your presence.
You followed his gaze, and your eyes locked with the shapeshifter's dusky ones. The creature’s features were practically indistinguishable under the dim light seeping through the storm drains, yet the illumination was sufficient for you to discern its current shape.
It was not human, you acknowledged that fact in its entirety. But it sure resembled a person, and not just any person. The shapeshifter, whose eyes were currently fixated on your unnerved shaky figure, had taken on Sam's form with such accuracy it left you utterly bewildered, propelling your mind into an insurmountable surge of confusion.
Its gaze was intense, almost otherworldly, and it seemed to be studying you with a cold detachment that sent shivers down your spine. The shapeshifter seemed to be waiting for your next move, but you froze, clueless as to how to act in the face of his defiant demeanor. And with each passing moment, the pressure mounted, threatening to engulf you in a tidal and paralyzing wave of haze and dread.
You felt compelled to pin your hopes on your self-reliance in order to beat the creature down. After mustering all your courage, you leaped to Dean’s defense. Without hesitation, you charged forward, brandishing the silver knife that you had retrieved from the Impala's weapons compartment.
The smug laugh of the shapeshifter only fueled your determination to protect the brothers at any cost. You saw red. With a swift motion, you plunged the blade into the shapeshifter's chest, slicing and carving it wide open out of fury, and it let out a bloodcurdling screech as it fell to the ground, lifeless.
What seemed blatant moments ago became now an incertitude, as you saw what appeared to be Sam's inanimate body on the concrete. Even if the real Sam drew breath a stone's throw away from you, growing ever more relieved as Dean aided in freeing him from the restraints, the thought of having killed the younger Winchester brother eclipsed your brain.
“I’d never peg you as the stabbing type,” joked Dean trying to alleviate the tension in the atmosphere as he helped Sam to get up, earning a sheepish 'thank you' from the younger brother. He then turned his attention to you. “Jeez, y/n, white paint has more color than your face.”
You took a step backward staring down to your hands, absolutely unable to hear what Dean was saying, let alone fathom it out. Blood was all you saw, blood drenching your hands from the very fingertips all the way up to your elbow.
When your only response to his jokes was silence, Dean began to realize that something was off. In a desperate attempt to get you to snap out of your distressed paralysis, he grabbed you by the shoulders and shook you slightly.
You looked at him, trying to discern his worried features through your foggy vision. You felt trapped inside your own mind, unable to break free from the suffocating weight of your thoughts.
"Everything's spinning, De," you muttered as you managed to loosen the knot that had formed in your throat. "Please, make it stop.”
"I promise you—your head is the only thing spinning right now," he said with a small smile, trying to lighten the mood. "You did good, y/n/n. You saved my ass back there."
Your usually regular and calmed breathing pattern developed into a shallow, rapid one. You could feel your heart hammering at great speed in your chest, which caused the veins in your neck to throb and made you feel rather light-headed.
"Hey, hey, hey. I've got you. I've got you," Dean whispered, pulling you into a tight embrace not willing to let you fall when he saw you swaying, and losing balance. "Just listen to my heartbeat, okay?"
You hummed in response, utterly unable to voice your distress. You could hear and feel the wallop of his heart, forcefully rapid yet steady and calming, along with the resounding sounds of his voice inside his chest. You clung to him for dear life, feeling his strong arms around you as you kept a white-knuckled grip on his plain flannel.
"That's it. Just focus on that," he reassured you, rubbing his hand up and down your back, your breathing gradually returning to its even pattern. "You're safe now. It's over."
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As soon as you were out of the sewer, Dean ushered you to the Impala opening the door for you to enter the back passenger seat. As much as he loved baby, getting her bloodstained was not a problem as long as he got you safe and comfy.
The ride lasted hardly ten minutes, although to your clouded senses it felt everlasting. You made a futile attempt to divert your attention from the dry blood coating your hands to the sparse traffic outside, before your mind was dragged into the abysmal hole of anguish that the earlier incident had dug into your psyche one more time.
Throughout the ride, Sam kept asking if you were okay every now and then, displaying a genuine concern for your well-being. He knew how traumatic the experience must have been for you and wanted to make sure you were coping. His kind words and comforting presence helped soothe your frazzled nerves, even if only slightly.
Truth was you were far from okay. You were grappling with a multitude of emotions that were threatening to consume you, and the weight of your thoughts felt suffocating.
Meanwhile, Dean would occasionally shoot glances your way through the rear-view mirror, silently checking on you to make sure you were holding up. Despite his tough exterior and being kind of rough around the edges, he was quick to show his caring and nurturing side when it came to you.
The car rolled down the highway, the engine humming softly as Dean expertly downshifted gears, slowly bringing the vehicle to a smooth stop in the motel's parking lot.
You stumbled out of the car, feeling dizzy and disoriented. Dean rushed to your side, supporting you with a hand on your back.
"Easy there, champ," he said, concern lacing his voice. "Let's get you cleaned up and patched up, yeah?"
You nodded weakly, grateful for his support. It was then that you noticed the large gash on your forearm, which must have been incurred during the prior wrestling. How could you have missed it before?
The keys clattered as Sam unlocked the door to your assigned room, pushing it open gently. The three of you entered the motel's bedroom, steps heavy as your energy was depleted.
While Sam tended to his own injuries, Dean took you to the bathroom, where he turned on the tap and began to gently wash away the blood that coated your hands and arms. The touch of his fingers was soothing, and you closed your eyes, letting out a sigh of relief as the water washed away the evidence of the shapeshifter's blood.
In spite of his sarcastic jokes, you knew, beyond a shadow of a doubt, that Dean was mad. And he had every right to be.
You looked up at him, feeling guilty for disobeying orders and putting yourself in danger. The instructions were clear—stay safe and focus on research. They had let you take charge of the investigation duty reluctantly, let alone get fully involved in the hunting business. But you found it impossible to resist the urge, you couldn’t stay in the motel doing nothing knowing they could be in trouble.
Notwithstanding the potential fallout, Dean didn't scold you. Instead, he patiently led you to the toilet, he retrieved the newly restocked first aid kit and gently placed it on the countertop.
“I'm sorry,” you said in a whisper. "You weren't answering my calls. I got worried sick. I'm sorry."
Dean leaned down and placed a gentle kiss on your forehead.
"No need to be, sweetheart," he said softly, tossing his resentment for your disobedient behaviour to the back of his mind. "As much as I hate to admit this, you did what had to be done. You saved us back there."
He proceeded to tend to your wound, his touch light and careful as he cleaned and bandaged the gash on your forearm. You couldn't help but feel grateful for his presence, for his unwavering support and understanding.
As he finished up, he looked up at you with a small empathetic smile.
"You wanna crash in my room tonight?" he asked. "I promise to keep the nightmares away."
You nodded, feeling a weight lift off your shoulders.
The knowledge that he was there with you, ready to support you through thick and thin, was a comforting thought. With Dean by your side, you knew you could get through anything.
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faeriefrolic · 6 months
I feel like there are not a lot of Sims 3 simblrs left. Who have been inspirations to you lately. I want to follow more simblrs :)
It's always lovely to see more ts3 simmers !! 💖 I usually check the ts3 tags to find more players, but here's some recent simspo that's been popping up on my dash: @poisonfireleafs: I loveeeee her hair retextures sm! I switched to using just them during my last small cc cleanout (Which I need to do... again... eventually... kicks mod folder under bed haha) @erasabledinosaur Cute colorful reshades and photos, her decorating style is chefs kiss mwah mwah 🥰 @simspaghetti I love her gameplay and follow her guides and gameplay rules! Sooo many good resources here 📚 @thepettymachine Really fun and cool ts3 challenges and legacies! One of my saves is their jam legacy challenge and I plan on tackling the others sometime 🍓 @acesandfairydust Just finished a berry lepacy! So many colorful generations 😻 @swedishsimmerr Currently playing a 100 baby challenge! Good luck soldier 🍼 @ticklemerainbows Their berry legacies span so many generations!! All those color combos and palettes are so neat to look at 🍒 @bool-prop Stories involving magic and the occult? Yes pleaseeeee 🐺 @amixofpixels Colorful faeries and a huge family tree!! Dedication to the fae ✨ @papermint-airplane Storytelling and cute aliens, need I say more 👽 @greenplumbboblover Amazing storytelling with the Sunset Valley sims 🌴 @kissalopa @prettyplumbobs @simsreaper @llamabees @hiddenspriings @nikatyler @hypatiaas @nonrevsims @panicsimmer More hix completionist/lepacy players!! It's such a fun challenge so far and it's fun to play alongside others doing it too, and seeing how unique everyones games are while playing in iconic ea worlds 🌞 @pearlsim @llamabees @magiclabs @teekapoa Cute & colorful gameplay and adorable decorating styles!! Taking so many notes 📝 @bearsimz @annacake @lalarose More ts3 berry players, berries my beloved 🍑
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mcrcki · 4 days
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back at it again with a massive combination plotting / starter call !!! very excited to throw characters into this fantasy medieval nightmare time we created. i just love this vibe so much and i can't wait to see how everyone interprets things and makes their own spin on things -- anyways before i keep rambling , quick housekeeping for my call + threads ; please like for plotting, and reply for starters. each character will be capped at FOUR THREADS, and THREE PER WRITER. i may adjust this depending on out of fandom requests and plotted starters. if you do not plot with me and just request, i'll dm you just for quick ideas. you gotta specify who you want starters from or i'm deadass ignoring you xoxo. ** please know that i am taking this opportunity to clear out a ton of threads throughout the week. so i'll be dropping things as time goes on and then when the event starts, i'll be dropping anything left over and starting fresh for post event! (lowkey going on my honeymoon right when this ends so i wont be around for post event stuff until after anyways, hence the big cleanout) but because i ramble, we're gonna stfu now and finally get to character plots !!
alani desilijic tiure | star wars - 0 / 4
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she/they pronouns - alani believes dc has always been in this time period since she arrived here, and they work for their father still as a mercenary and helping to slowly infiltrate into higher society. higher risk, higher reward! ➳ potential plots ; clients, nobles she tricks, people she can employ
charlie morningstar | hazbin hotel - 3 / 4
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she/her pronouns - charlie also believes dc has always been like this since she got into the city from hell, and has fallen in line as whatever role the city deemed her to fill, which was a visiting princess from a neighboring kingdom. she's brought her court with her, as she's traveled here with her father. ➳ potential plots ; members of her court, friends within the castle, people she can help, someone to take her out into the world
starters : angel dust ( sunny ) , sir pentious ( britt ) , vaggie ( risa )
daniela dimitrescu | resident evil : village - 2 / 4
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they/she pronouns - a harlot, deadass. she knows dc hasn't always been like this, and they think it's weird as hell, but they aren't going to question it too much. they're kinda having fun being a harlot and luring manthings to their death because ya know, a girl's gotta eat. ➳ potential plots ; people she can lure to eat, people they can menace, if you wanna be a harlot they can help ig
starters : evelyn serpeni ( anna ) , heidi volturi ( swan )
danika fendyr | crescent city - 3 / 4
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she/they pronouns - knows dc is different, girl had a fucking gun like three hours ago and was on the phone texting bryce stupid ass memes, and now?? what?? the plague is an actual real problem and not just a joke they can say when they're too hung over? has found some work taking up bounties/monster hunting to keep supernaturals in line while they sort this out ➳ potential plots ; other people who know this isn't right, supernaturals she can track down, people with bounties, a drinking buddy
starters : jennifer check ( anna ) , zhao yunlan ( ollie ), baxian argos ( kasey )
elain archeron-vanserra | a court of thorns and roses - 1 / 4
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she/her pronouns - elain is aware that something changed washington, but honestly, she's not really complaining. this is at least slightly closer to her normal life than modern dc was and she's alright with that. she's the sister of a noble lady, so she has just fallen into that world alongside her family. happy to still be doing her gardening and baking her spare time, but is definitely trying to help in some political capacity where she can. ➳ potential plots ; other nobles, friends within the court, anyone who knows anything about being a seer (pls girl is struggling with that)
starters ; satine kryze ( alex ),
juliette monrose benoit | the vampire diaries - 0 / 4
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she/her pronouns - juliette has no idea washington has ever been different, when she arrived here nearly a year ago, it's always been this time period.. hasn't it? she's an innkeeper, and is just happy to offer a helping hand if anyone needs it. ➳ potential plots ; patrons of the inn, maybe a tax collector she owes money to, someone to help her with her son during the day
kaya dura | star wars - 1 / 4
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they/she pronouns - a knight. did we expect any fucking less? girl got dropped here from space and immediately traded lightsabers for swords. they have no idea that dc has been modern before, and is just assuming this is how it's always been. they're happy though, they have no problem just falling in line with the castle guards and protecting people ➳ potential plots ; other members of the guard, a noble they're assigned to protect, some protestor/criminal they can arrest, people they have arrested
starters : kaul hilo ( ollie )
leia organa | star wars - 2 / 4
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she/her pronouns - queen organa at your service. keeping life simple and having the presidency just shift to the royal family. leia does not things are different, she very much remembers modern dc, and would like to know how the magic there was able to accomplish this. but she grew up as royalty, this isn't a hard position for her to fill. if anything, it feels more natural than president. ➳ potential plots ; members of the court, other advisors, anyone else who knows something is wrong, citizens she can help, a failed assassination attempt (i don't want her dying i just like drama)
starters ; sheev/ahsoka ( kasey ) , xenia solo ( dee )
marley bishop | the vampire diaries - 2 / 4
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she/they pronouns - local bog witch coming at you. marley is very much aware that things are not right, and thinks it's total bullshit. she just got used to modern dc and cellphones and now you're throwing her into fucking medieval times? she is taunting people to try and burn her at the stake because it's funny and this has to be some fucked up trip, right? ➳ potential plots ; others who think this is a fucked up trip or something, someone they actually convince they're some evil witch, someone who tries to get them to help them with magic, general menaces to society
starters ; dani bishop ( risa ) , mason bishop ( moon )
morrigan | a court of thorns and roses - 0 / 4
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she/her pronouns - mor is completely unaware, both of her life back home in prythian, and of modern dc. she believes she's always lived here, a visiting lady of another nobles court, living within the castles court for years, rising in status with her ability to determine who is telling the truth and who is lying about their rumors and other gossip surrounding the court. ➳ potential plots ; people she's exposed, friends within the court, friends outside of royalty, someone to help her get her memories of home back, someone who hires her to spy for information
omega | star wars : the bad batch - 3 / 4
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she/they pronouns - omega is also completely unaware of their life before dc, and they believe they've always been in this version of washington. they were an orphan here, until they were taken in by feyre, and has lived as a noble since. though, they still cling to some of those past tendencies, sneaking out and committing petty thievery, while occasionally taking on bounties under a different name ➳ potential plots ; their personal guard they escape from, someone who catches them stealing, bounties they've collected, friends within noble society that know about their other "hobbies"
starters : toph beifong ( sunny ), jorah mormont ( alex ) , mouse honrada ( moon )
rosemary winters | resident evil : village - 1 / 4
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she/they pronouns - another one !! completely unaware !! rose still doesn't have their actual real life memories, and they also believe dc has always been like this. they're currently studying as an apprentice to an alchemist. has debated becoming a plague doctor but they don't think the outfits look comfortable enough ➳ potential plots ; the alchemist they're the apprentice of, someone to help them get their memories back, maybe other apprentices, friends
starters ; francis barton ( maria )
sella palpatine | star wars - 1 / 4
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she/her pronouns - sella has no idea dc was ever different, and has lived in this world since waking up here. it was a strange adjustment at first, but honestly, she likes it enough to not complain. her father is a grand duke, and she follows whatever life he's lined up for her. while also still spending all the time she can be with a certain princess. ➳ potential plots ; friends in the court, her guard, artist friends they can paint with
starters ; serena van der woodsen ( dee )
sophie hatter | howl's moving castle - 2 / 4
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she/they pronouns - sophie is aware that something is wrong, and dc has not always been like this, but doesn't know enough about portals and everything to figure out how.. still owns their flower/hat stand, and is happy to keep that for herself and their friends, while also bringing home whatever gossip people are spreading about their husbands castle in the woods. ➳ potential plots ; patrons of their stand/people to buy their hats, people who ask about the hidden castle in the woods, those who claim she's a witch, someone to help with morgan during the day, other employees of the stand
starters ; jesper fahey ( june ) , buttercup utonium ( maria )
sulpicia volturi | twilight - 2 / 4
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she/her pronouns - add this to the list of things sulpicia does not like about this city. one moment it was modern, and the next? we're back in time to when she was a damn human? she's on edge, doing her best to hide in plain sight as a noble lady within the court here. ➳ potential plots ; someone who knows their vampire secret (good or bad), friends, the nobles she's in the court of, people they can drink from, perhaps an arranged marriage (she won't follow through with it she's already married but it might be funny)
starters ; phoenix volturi ( atlas ) , lucy westenra ( maria )
tatum riley | scream '96 - 4 / 4
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she/her pronouns - tatum has no idea dc has been any different from this since waking up in the city, and she's doing her best to just make it through each day without making some comment about her home timeline that will label her as a witch. she's a tavern wench and like.. it's fine, she's fine, she just wishes corsets weren't so uncomfortable. ➳ potential plots ; patrons of the tavern, someone who over hears her talking about home and claims she's a witch, open to an arranged marriage situation
starters ; sanji ( alex ), lott jinrhu ( june ) , billy loomis ( britt ) , kol mikaelson ( moon )
vesta starkos | star wars - 0 / 4
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she/they pronouns - vesta thinks dc has always been this way since she arrived, and is kinda loving it. it's so much easier to get people to be afraid of her little freak vibes in this time. she's mainly a thief, but also very much trying to convince people she's a witch just cause she thinks it'd be funny to try and get burned at the stake and then be able to escape :)) ➳ potential plots ; alright who's joining their cult? , people who are intrigued or put off from their awful vibes, someone who catches them stealing
victoria sutherland | twilight - 0 / 4
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she/her pronouns - victoria showing up in dc, seeing the time period is exactly the same as when she was turned : i'm back in the fucking building!!! yeah, even though she's unaware, she also has no idea dc has been any different and man does she hate it. right now she's basically hiding in the woods, but if she can't find food from animals, she is debating just.. being a harlot to lure a meal to her ➳ potential plots ; whoever's getting her her memories back, someone she can drink from, a monster hunter who finds her in the woods
violet sorrengail | fourth wing - 1 / 4
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she/her pronouns - violet is currently fully unaware, but once she wakes up here in this timeline of dc, her memories are going to smack right back into her. you can't exactly be a dragon rider and see a dragon and not immediately get vibe checked. she'll know dc is different, and is going to be spending her time trying to find her friends, and also attempt to teach people about dragons before they become ash.. will probably fall back into a scribe roll if she ever finds time for a job. ➳ potential plots ; someone she stops from getting fucking eaten by a dragon, other scribes, people who need help learning how to fight, just anyone confused and needing advice on creatures/procedures here in this time.
starters ; xaden riorson ( kasey )
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neonfretra · 3 months
just read your nhl teams opinion post and I'm laughing my head off. sharkies clean sweep <3 <3 <3
COMPLETELY valid reason to dislike the devils, dw 'bout that (though if you ever need an infodump about them I come armed and ready!), but I will just say... macblack my beloved demon shark needle dodger... you are FAR from the only devil who's been stiffed by the terrible medical staff. imagine being sponsored by a hospital and having the worst concussion spotters in the league. radio-for-a-head is sputtering static right now I HATE THE DEVILS MEDSTAFF SO FUCKING MUCH THEY KEEP OBVIOUSLY INJURED PLAYERS IN GAMES AND IN THE LINEUP FOR NO FUCKING REASON AUGHHHHH
but I like how you looked at the entire east and went "who cares, experience shork". I aspire to be like this.
I also wish I could forget the Leafs. I also aspire to be like this.
um. in lieu of any like. actual content have pictures :]
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timo mimo......... grabby hands............... it is possible that I named my blåhaj after him..................... they're the same picture your honor!!!
but I like how you looked at the entire east and went "who cares, experience shork". I aspire to be like this.
i need you to know this line has put me in honest to god, genuine tears from laughing. oh my god i didnt even realize. like i have the standings pulled up and goin down the list i literally only care for THREE teams (the bolts, the sens, and the pens) for their proximity to the sharks. INCREDIBLY humbling. read me like an open book. im returning to this ask when im not lightheaded oh my god
ok multiple parts to this response because im goin point by point. i yap a LOT. not sorry, hello <3
the art!
OH... those wings are DELIGHTFUL!!! i love how nicely you simplified them, especially with a pen hell?? very very elegant, i hope you get a major minor obsession with angels ^_^
the devs & injuries in the nhl
how they handle injuries drive me UP THE WALL. like i personally assume teams start actin like this when theyre in hopes of playoffs when in reality its like . BABY. WE ARENT GOIN TO BOSTON. PUT THE STICK DOWN.
to make this about the sharks (you read my rankings, you know im like this) i constantly joke about the sharks being the healthiest team in the league cause all our players are out. like christ we have second most missed games on a per player basis at 459 man games lost to injury, second to vegas!
but i think its straight up because playoffs are SUCH a pipe dream for 19-wins-total san jose sharks that we dont HAVE the same pressure to play with torn muscles or broken bones. there is a reason why mackblack CAN have his 72 hours of purgatory (3 day long fever) out compared to teams who are noted to have locker room wide sickness and still getting in board battles. i think we should expose mackblack to them kinda players before the preseason so he builds an immunity to whatever they got. yeah im basically trying to vaccinate him SORRY i am getting distracted
YES, i will disappointed beyond words when the sharks start gettin better at hockey
and its like that that i cant really say its a DEVS thing now, its tradition to see what horrific injury a player played through in their locker cleanout like a more morbid new years countdown. do not want to imagine the consequences of the culture as perpetuated by both staff and players on long term health. lord. and people get mad about mark stone takin time off.
in the same ravine, different vein, hohhh boy they were NOT joking we have gotta separate leagues and medical care. nothin good has come of a doctor workin in the best interest of your team that wants you on ice ASAP and not in the interest of keeping you healthy and able to play and to live a decent life after playin. league worst concussion spotters is a HIGH bar. lird.
but in the same breath what can you do about a mess of on ice spotters? unless you plan on bringin your family doctor as a plus one. which is an absolute wild thought actually. wag jacket for my medical practitioner <3 rhinestone directly INto my open injury <3
sponsored by a hospital too... irony is rollin in its grave hello a whole rotisserie chicken of it
the devs, but more normal
wait oh god i gotta be SO honest with you when i was raggin on the devs i had you in mind as like. THEE friend of mine that roots for em and debating on how impolite itd be to drag your team. and then i remembered we both root for vgk <3
would you believe me when i say i followed them a bit? yeah i was mostly lookin for kahkonen, i do miss him though id call it a bit bad mannered of me to clearly only root for a team for one player LOL
do NOT look at vgk. or tbl. or dal. dont even look at ME.
does it actually count if im also lookin at timo meier? two players thats gotta count for umm something. two things even? because hes an exshark. yeah. oh god it really is a sharkies clean sweep. beloved stereax you have unwound me like the noble helicase. you got me checked out and in like a library book. you broke me down to my barest components. what do i even do with myself right now???
i will NOT say more lest i embarrass myself more than i have already
LOVE that you named your blahaj after him, thats very cute <3 i am endlessly enamored by the photo you chose of timo mimo, why are you so hat boy!!!
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hey isnt a blahaj also a shark
PLEASE feel free to tell me bout the devs, im sure knowin more about the team will not make me itching to throw down with their managements poor decisions any more ^_^
getting a little less normal, a little more embarrassing now
okay i need to be so honest with you. and myself. mostly myself. i was SO surprised to learn media has an eastern conference bias. what the hell is a traditional hockey market.
bringing shame to my family name by discussing the leafs
should i not be tryin to remember them if youre tryin to forget LMAO
you wanna know something more humiliating than regularly forgetting the leafs. i confuse them with MULTIPLE teams when i do remember them. NEAR EVERY BLUE TEAM. the bolts. the nucks. the sabres, when i do remember them. the blues.
visibly sweating and shaking as i stare at a wall and try to recall every bit of trivia i know about the leafs RN. if you root for the leafs i probably owe you financial compensation
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odd-drive · 1 year
what was your first computer?
Oh I love this question - thank you for asking!! I hope that I see more questions like this around our beautiful old-techie tumblr corner!! Just for reference - I'm 24 so my computers aren't too "vintage!"
The first computer I remember looks a little like this one: I remember the huge chunky monitor and the way the button pushed in on it, and the stackable IBM pc underneath. I remember the speakers' feel and how they were always just a little dusty. And y'all KNOW I was taking out that mouse ball and gently touching and playing with it!
In fact, just another aside - sitting at this computer and playing a Blue's Clues game was my very first memory. I must have been 3 or 4.
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The next guy shown is what looks like the tower of my first pc - one that my dad built for me on the dining room table (which might be one of my biggest regrets - to not have had him teach and show me what he was doing at the time!). It got put into my room at the age of... 10-12? Pretty young! And boy, did I see many things on the Internet I shouldn't have lol.
Sorry I don't have too much more information about these!
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The next guy shown is the Lenovo g780 and it was my first laptop! I got it in the 8th grade. It was a weird brown color and it never left my bedroom, or my lap for that matter lol. It was the machine that I started obsessively using tumblr on as well!! It was almost 18 inches, so it was hard to lug around lol. I got to help revive it a couple times - replacing the fan and the screen at one point or another.
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Just for funzies! This is my current battlestation: the Dell G15. I personally think that Dell is super underrated in the computer market - they're known more for officeware of course, but they own Alienware! My laptop has the same hardware as the newest gaming rigs (Don't wanna brag, but I've got a G3800! in this baby!) and it wasn't nearly as expensive thankfully. I use it to program and play lots of games on the daily (although I've been using my PS5 a lot lately!!). I haven't seen seen a game that runs poorly on it... yet.
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And also!! Under my desk currently lies a 2002 iMac G4 - known colloquially as the Sunflower computer! It's my BFF's childhood computer - she and her family lovingly gave it to me to revive! It's one of those many ongoing projects in my life that I wish I had more time for... I need to replace the hard drive and give it a super full cleanout. The neck on the monitor is also broken and could use a repair. One interesting thing about this computer is that Apple was getting real creative with their designs around this time (which... I wish desktop design was still super innovative :'( ) and the hardware is all jammed in this weird semi-globe container? So it's unlike any other computer interior and... how exciting is that to dig around in and restore?!
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Thank you to anyone that's read through all of this!
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casasupernovas · 1 year
I was looking at a post that joked about Sirius saying Snape knew more curses and hexes than the Seventh Years and...
Seriously, what are we even supposed to do with that information. The books never explores Snape's apparent 'obsession' with the Dark Arts properly and when it does, it's so obviously retconny or there for the drama.
One of the first things we ever learn about Snape was that he wanted to be the DADA teacher because he was 'obsessed' but we don't see the manifestation of him knowing all these hexes and curses until book 6. Lupin claims Snape used 'sectumsempra' all the time but I'm calling bs because you would had thought it would been mentioned before that. People don't develop interests out of nowhere. Also, 'sectumsempra' is only one spell! We had the opportunity to explore this in 'The Prince's Tale' but we don't. We don't even MEET Mulciber and Avery, let alone have a passage explaining why Snape wanted to be around these guys. It is so flimsy. We get parallels between him and Harry about how they speak about it, but Harry doesn't like the Dark Arts, and according to (a very biased) Harry, Snape spoke of them with a 'loving caress' in his voice. Why?? For the drama apparently, because we never find out.
The short of it is that we are to believe Snape's interest in the Dark Arts is what lead him to make one of the biggest decisions of his life. But we never find out why.
In canon, the Dark Arts cover dark spells, creatures and wizards. Werewolves are dark creatures. If we are to believe that Snape liked the Dark Arts so much, he should have been obsessed with Lupin. OR he could have changed his mind about them after his near experience, putting him off for life. The books didn't even have to try that hard. Have a throwaway line from Sirius during the cleanout of Grimmauld Place saying he kept having to tell Snape no when he kept asking if he could keep some of the family's dark artefacts. SOMETHING. How Snape is conflicted because the Dementor's affected are horrid but he is fascinated by them.
And to top it off, when we actually get Snaoe teaching the class...it's reduced to borderline farce, with graphic paintings of gruesome deaths on the walls. It felt so juvenile, especially for book 6. One of the worst pay offs up to a character trait plot ever.
I just think the books could have done more.
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Sullivan’s Dumpster Rental
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Jonesboro, Arkansas, nestled in the heart of the Arkansas Delta, offers a variety of attractions that make it a great destination for both residents and visitors. Whether you're looking for outdoor adventures, cultural experiences, or family-friendly activities, Jonesboro has something for everyone. Here are some of the top places to visit in this vibrant city.
1. Craighead Forest Park
One of Jonesboro’s most beloved outdoor spaces, Craighead Forest Park, is a haven for nature enthusiasts. Spanning over 692 acres, the park offers plenty of recreational opportunities, including hiking trails, fishing, camping, and disc golf. The serene lake at the center of the park is perfect for a leisurely day of fishing or paddle boating. Families can enjoy the playgrounds and picnic areas, making it an ideal spot for a day out.
2. Forrest L. Wood Crowley’s Ridge Nature Center
The Forrest L. Wood Crowley’s Ridge Nature Center provides an immersive experience into the natural beauty and history of the Crowley’s Ridge region. With interactive exhibits, educational programs, and wildlife observation areas, this nature center is perfect for those interested in learning about the unique ecosystem of the area. The center also features walking trails that offer stunning views of the ridge.
3. ASU Museum
Located on the Arkansas State University campus, the ASU Museum is a treasure trove of cultural and historical exhibits. It offers a glimpse into the history of Northeast Arkansas, with displays ranging from Native American artifacts to contemporary art. The museum also hosts special events and educational programs, making it a great stop for families and history buffs alike.
4. The Downtown Jonesboro Experience
Downtown Jonesboro is a hub of activity, blending historic charm with modern amenities. Stroll through the streets and explore a variety of local shops, boutiques, and restaurants. The area also features several art galleries and live music venues, providing a vibrant cultural scene. Whether you’re in the mood for a gourmet meal or a casual coffee, Downtown Jonesboro has it all.
5. The Fowler Center
The Fowler Center, also located on the Arkansas State University campus, is the cultural heart of Jonesboro. This performing arts center hosts a wide array of events, including theater productions, concerts, and dance performances. With its state-of-the-art facilities, the Fowler Center offers high-quality entertainment for all ages.
6. The Mall at Turtle Creek
For those who enjoy shopping, The Mall at Turtle Creek is the largest shopping destination in Northeast Arkansas. With a variety of national retailers, specialty stores, and dining options, the mall is a great place to spend an afternoon. Whether you’re looking for the latest fashion trends or a quick bite to eat, The Mall at Turtle Creek has something for everyone.
7. The Historic Arkansas State University District
Take a step back in time by visiting the Historic Arkansas State University District. This area is home to several historic buildings that tell the story of the university's rich history. Walking tours are available, allowing you to explore landmarks such as the Dean B. Ellis Library and the iconic ASU Arch.
Explore Jonesboro, AR
Jonesboro is a city with a rich history, diverse cultural offerings, and beautiful natural surroundings. Whether you're an outdoor enthusiast, a history lover, or just looking to enjoy some local charm, Jonesboro has plenty to offer.
If you’re planning a home renovation or a large cleanout while exploring Jonesboro, consider Sullivan’s Dumpster Rental for your waste management needs. With reliable service and a range of dumpster sizes, Sullivan’s Dumpster Rental makes debris removal easy and efficient, allowing you to focus on enjoying all that Jonesboro has to offer. Book your dumpster today and keep your project on track!
Featured Business:
Choosing Sullivan's Dumpster Rental for your waste management needs in the Arkansas Delta means partnering with a company committed to reliability and efficiency. We know that managing debris removal can be overwhelming, especially during renovations or large cleanouts, which is why we offer a variety of roll-off dumpsters tailored to meet your specific requirements. Whether you're tackling a small project or a major construction job in Jonesboro, our dumpsters ensure you have the perfect fit for the task at hand.
Contact: Sullivan’s Dumpster Rental 2320 B, W Washington Ave, Jonesboro, AR 72401, United States R7Q6+H4 Jonesboro, Arkansas (870) 316-8896
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pastrnaks-sainz · 1 year
i am of the opinion that bergy went Full Dad Mode, woke up one day, and was like “marchy we’re going on a team field trip.”
Not even Marchy can really stop Patrice Bergeron In Captain Dad Mode, nor does he want to bc he thinks Bergy is adorable and he cares so much about the team it melts his heart every damn time.
so in my mind that’s how the trip to the uk happened.
it was a (no pun intended) spur of the moment thing. im just thinking about everyone still feeling A Lot about the series and maybe Bergy has This Look on his face like he’s planning something on locker cleanout day and nobody knows what���s going on but they see he’s in an upbeat mood and it makes everyone smile at least once even for a second.
and then one thing leads to another, bergy sends a text to the team gc, and bam! the bruins are on a team family vacation.
(also i might have some headcanons about the flight itself but i wanted to share this first)💛🖤
i hope you’re having a good day!
- wordy anon
you are so fucking correct and you should be loud about it
also if you don’t give me those headcanons i will get violent
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ahedderick · 2 years
   After a reasonably pleasant morning, I was forced to confront a Dreadful Chore.
   In the wake of my father’s death late last March, the whole family spent ridiculous amounts of time at his house doing emergency cleanout. The kitchen and bathroom got scrubbed thoroughly, cabinets and fridge emptied, the works. It wasn’t until much later, when warmer weather had arrived, that we realized there was a secondary fridge/freezer in a trailer behind the house.
  Before I could martial my courage to deal with it, a visiting family member unplugged it to use that electric outlet for something else - and did not plug it back in when he was finished. By the time we realized what had happened, that fridge had become a bioweapon. The best solution we could come up with, imperfect as it was, was to plug the unit back in and let it sit until cold weather returned and we could open it without dying.
   Well, today was the day. I took heavy-duty contractor trash bags and ALL my courage and I cleaned out that appalling mess. The dumpster gets emptied early Monday morning, so it won’t sit around long. But, JEEZ.
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“Before” pictures - talk about trailer trash! It’s 90% cleaned out and I need to figure out how to get the entire trailer hauled away. Who? Does things like that?
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Our team of experienced and courteous professionals is fully licensed and insured. Rest assured, we will handle your belongings with utmost care and respect throughout the removal process.
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sarensen · 1 year
Professional Junk Removal Can Speed Up the Home Cleanout Process
At the point when one of your friends and family dies, you may only have a brief timeframe before their home should be cleaned out and prepared for new inhabitance. You might be passed on to clean out long stretches of gathered trash and junk. You might find yourself figuring out many years of belongings concluding what should be kept, donated, or reused. You're presumably doing all of this while as yet lamenting over your misfortune.
Professional junk hauling and trash removal companies frequently incorporate home cleanouts among their services. Contingent upon who you recruit and what sort of help you need, junk haulers can help with arranging, conveying, and properly discarding different undesirable things. Employing a junk removal group can make the bequest cleanout process quicker and less excruciating for everyone involved.
Arranging Services
Some junk removal companies incorporate arranging and organizational services for home cleanouts among their offerings. While you may be reluctant to permit an alien to help you sort your family individuals belongings, a professional can really offer a feeling of point of view that would be useful. Something that had profound wistful incentive for the departed could have next to zero monetary worth, and consequently probably won't worth save. Additionally, in light of the fact that junk haulers discard trash and undesirable things professionally, they can help you figure out what can be reused or donated and what should be thrown in the trash.
Hard work
One of the best things about recruiting junk removal masters to help with any major cleanout is that they can do the hard work for you. Not exclusively can they clear out a room or building quicker than you could on your own, they can likewise play it safe to try not to damage the walls, floors, or underlying installations in the space. Furthermore, conveying that old fridge down the steps may be a wellbeing and security danger for yourself and the structure's different tenants. In the interim, the aces know how to haul weighty things without harming themselves or others.
Disposal and Reusing
The last thing you believe that should do while you're lamenting the passing of a friend or family member is drive to and fro to the nearby dump to store many carloads of their belongings. In addition to the fact that this emotionally burdening, however every vehicle trip likewise is occupies important cleanout time. Trash removal masters will bring a truck and burden the contents of the home up at the same time. Then, they'll deal with disposal, reusing, or donation for your sake. Since a junk haul company should know about every nearby rule and codes for trash unloading, you won't need to stress over fines or tickets for improper disposal. At the point when you watch the junk haul truck drive off your cherished one's property, you can inhale a moan of help knowing that the task is finished.
Dumpster Rental
If you need help with trash removal yet can't bear or don't need help with arranging and conveying weighty things, consider contacting a junk hauling company for dumpster rental. Generally speaking, the dumpster group will drop off the container toward the beginning of the rental time frame, you'll fill the container with trash, and afterward the team will get back to move the dumpster away and discard the contents. This is much of the time a less expensive junk haul elective that will in any case significantly abbreviate the cleanout process.
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an-actual-gengar · 1 year
How Can a Junk Hauling Professional Help You?
Whether you need debris removal following home redesigns or you're getting out mess before a move, you don't need to deal with the entirety of that trash and junk all alone. Get a junk hauling professional to manage the truly difficult work and disposal.
You know how to handle the everyday trash your family produces. You sack it up, drop it at the control, and it's out of your life. Be that as it may, do you have any idea how to discard bigger things, like appliances and furniture? What might be said about development debris, or brought down tree appendages after a tempest? Imagine a scenario in which your carport cleanout endeavors are bringing about not one sack of trash, yet 30 packs. In every one of these cases, you can get a junk hauling group to get that trash and debris off your property and off your brain.
Assembling and Arranging
While you're leading a significant cleanout, for example, before a move, after a relative has died, or in a storing circumstance, it very well may be hard to choose what to clutch and what to throw. Maybe certain things have wistful worth yet no financial worth; significant things could try and be crumbling or perilous, contingent on how long they've been stowed away from view. Or on the other hand maybe it's simply a question of scaling down to a more sensible assortment of things. One way or the other, it very well may be useful to have a professional on hand to assist with arranging things into different classifications, for example, "keep," "give," "reuse," and "trash." Some junk hauling companies offer hierarchical services notwithstanding the genuine trash removal. Assuming that you suspect that you'll need help focusing on things during a cleanout, search for a junk removal group that offers this service.
Hard work
You can most likely convey a couple of trash packs to the dumpster yourself. Weighty appliances and furniture, in any case, can be another story. Trash removal stars will know how to lift and convey larger than usual things without harming your property or harming themselves simultaneously. Essentially, debris left on your property after a tempest or significant development project is best removed by a group of individuals who understand what they're doing. Indeed, even standard trash containers can be debilitating to move in mass. Keep away from splinters, nails, cuts, wounds, and pulled muscles by believing the truly difficult work to the specialists. Save your significant investment for cleaning and sorting out.
Disposal, Reusing, or Gift
The last thing you maintain that should do during a major cleanout or development project is drive to and fro to the landfill many times to dispose of the trash. In addition to the fact that it is baffling and tiring to discard things yourself, yet it likewise adds time onto the whole cycle when you're off-site. Employing a junk removal group can tackle this issue, as the team will get everything off your property. Trash removal professionals will know about nearby regulations and codes influencing disposal of specific things. Besides, many junk haul companies reuse however much as could be expected and are likewise ready to take things to a gift community like Generosity or the Salvation Armed force for your sake. Junk hauling specialists can likewise assist you with figuring out what can be given and what is excessively harmed or worn to salvage.
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Hire a Junk Pulling Administration to Help With Your Next Cleanout Project
When you're doing a significant cleaning project, you have to get all of that junk out of your home and disposed of appropriately. Hire a professional junk pulling group to help you take care of business.
Are you doing a significant spring cleaning at home to get out the clutter? Are you moving to a more modest property, and need to cut back your belongings? Or on the other hand are you helping with a bequest or abandonment cleanout? Regardless of the sort or extent of your cleanout project, you can benefit from getting a professional junk pulling and trash removal group. These cleanout experts can help you sort through the things; pull things out to the control, truck, or dumpster; and get that rubbish off your property and out of your life.
Arranging Administrations
Whether you're removing clutter from your own home or helping to clean out an older relative's bequest, odds are good that you'll need to figure out what's trash and what merits saving, reusing, or selling. While you can handle this work all alone, some junk pulling companies offer arranging administrations as a component of their bundle. An industry professional might have knowledge that you need for example, he might know how and where to reuse apparatuses and huge furnishings, though you would essentially take those things to the landfill. He can likewise evaluate things with a fair-minded eye. It very well may be enticing to relegate financial worth to a thing since it is significant to you or your family members, when as a matter of fact it is worth little. Letting a professional help with arranging during a cleanout can accelerate the interaction and guarantee that everything ends up where it needs to, whether that is Generosity, the landfill, or your new home.
Truly difficult work
Conveying a large number of boxes and trash container after trash container from the building to the dumpster can deplete. Also, that is also the difficult work included if you're removing old machines or huge furniture from the property! You might need to get a group of junk pulling specialists to deal with the truly difficult work. Having professionals convey those things frees you up to deal with the more nitty gritty tasks, such as looking through boxes of paperwork or valuables. Your trash removal group will actually want to get those huge things out of the building substantially more rapidly and proficiently than you could alone. Utilizing professional work can likewise be more secure, as the specialists will know what insurances to take to abstain from harming themselves or harming your property.
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What Can a Junk Hauling Professional Do for You?
Whether you need garbage removal following home redesigns or you're getting out mess before a move, you don't need to manage the entirety of that trash and junk all alone. Get a junk hauling professional to manage the hard work and disposal.
You know how to handle the everyday trash your family produces. You sack it up, drop it at the check, and it's out of your life. Be that as it may, do you know how to dispose of bigger items, like apparatuses and furniture? What about development trash, or downed tree appendages after a storm? What if your garage cleanout endeavors are bringing about not one pack of trash, however 30 sacks? In every one of these cases, you can get a junk hauling group to get that trash and garbage off your property and off your psyche.
Assembling and Arranging
When you're directing a significant cleanout, for example, before a move, after a relative has died, or in a hoarding situation, it very well may be difficult to choose what to clutch and what to toss. Maybe certain items have wistful worth yet no monetary worth; significant items could try and be crumbling or hazardous, contingent on how long they've been stowed away from view. Or on the other hand maybe it's just a question of downsizing to a more reasonable assortment of items. One way or the other, it very well may be helpful to have a professional on hand to help with arranging items into various classes, for example, "keep," "donate," "reuse," and "trash." Some junk hauling organizations offer hierarchical services notwithstanding the genuine trash removal. If you suspect that you'll need help focusing on items during a cleanout, search for a junk removal group that offers this service.
Hard work
You can most likely convey a couple of trash packs to the dumpster yourself. Weighty apparatuses and furniture, however, can be another story. Trash removal professionals will know how to lift and convey larger than usual items without harming your property or harming themselves in the process. Likewise, trash left on your property after a storm or significant development project is best removed by a group of people who understand what they're doing. Indeed, even standard trash containers can be exhausting to move in mass. Keep away from splinters, nails, cuts, wounds, and pulled muscles by trusting the hard work to the specialists. Save your significant investment for cleaning and putting together.
Disposal, Reusing, or Donation
The last thing you believe that should do during a major cleanout or development project is drive to and fro to the landfill dozens of times to get rid of the trash. In addition to the fact that it is frustrating and tiring to dispose of items yourself, yet it likewise adds time onto the whole process when you're off-site. Hiring a junk removal group can take care of this issue, as the team will get everything off your property. Trash removal aces will know about neighborhood regulations and codes influencing disposal of specific items. Plus, many junk haul organizations reuse however much as could reasonably be expected and are likewise able to take items to a donation place like Generosity or the Salvation Armed force for your sake. Junk hauling specialists can likewise help you determine what can be donated and what is too harmed or worn to salvage.
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