#familial f/o morgan stark
voidselfshipp · 3 years
Chaotic family dinner
Cw: food, ask to tag
Ok to rb
Summary: thor, loki, starlord, pietro and dr strange go to a family dinner with Tony, pepper, Peter and jerico, Shenanigans ensue.
A/n: I cracked up so much writing this fic, enjoy!
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Strange stopped the car infront of tonys house.
-- now remeber-- he said-- behave, or jerico Will get in trouble
-- ah dont need to worry wizard-- thor said-- loki is taking all the mischief with him
Loki looks at his brother-- oh its on now
Meanwhile jerico waits in the porch with Peter.
-- what do you think they are talking about?--Spiderman asked putting an arm around his sister in reassurance.
-- probably stephe is lecturing them-- jer said-- god, I hope they behave, Last thing I need is them making a bad impression
Peter snorts-- hey the dinner with natasha and Carol went well
-- yeah because those two are the only civilized people on my relationshipp
-- ah Peter!-- pietro said lifting up jer--nice to see you Man whats up, didnt stay in the car, strange was getting boring--Jerico laughs as he kissed her-- I missed you
-- I missed you too
-- is the food ready?-- the sokovian Man said putting jerico back on the ground so she can say hi to the rest of her boyfriends
--almost-- Spiderman answered opening the door
Tony was happy to see most of them, but as soon as loki entered he scowls-- oh look who it is
Thor softly pats iromans back-- he'll behave
The god of mischief closes the door, pietro sets the table as jerico and both peters play videogames with Morgan.
--how was the dinner with natasha and Carol?-- dr strange asked serving the food-- jer dear the foods ready!
Everyone sits on the table Tony just shrugs-- fine, I never seen jerico that flustered
Jer sighs eating her food, pietro grins-- I did one time i--
Spiderman stomps on the speedsters foot looking at him with his eyes Open wide.
-- no no, let him finish-- ironman said.
-- Tony-- pepper said looking at her husband who grunts.
Thors food starts to Act up, he looks at loki who has a huge grin from ear to ear.
-- so, I know you all went to stay at the compound for a while-- Tony said-- anything interesting?
Jerico plays back in her mind all the chaotic Shenanigans that went on.
Loki, not missing one opportunity to rail thor up said-- thor Fell on the threadmill
Thor, already upset becuase hes been trying to eat his moving food who tried to scape his fork goes-- well, brother-- Spiderman takes jericos hand as both facepalm knowing whats Next-- If I remember correctly, I wasnt the one who got caught in the middle of--
Jerico and Peter Parker jump in-- lETS CHANGE THE SUBJECT!
Dr strange snorts eating his food enjoying the chaos before him
Starlord tries to help his girlfriend out-- me and jerico danced the night through to old 80s songs, we had such a Blast
-- oh you guys also saw footloose right?-- Peter P added.
-- you bet!
Pietro smiles mischeviously-- well you also slipped and fell flat on your ass
-- did you now Peter-- thor added.
Pepper looks at jerico who at this point is with her forehead against the table.
It quickly Turned in an argument between thor and starlord with loki putting more fuel to the Fire.
Jer looks at Tony, who in return just gives her a compassionate look--and you have to put up with this every day?-- he asked.
She nodds standing up.
Pepper leans in to Morgan-- remember when you told me you wanted to see your sister use her powers?well here you go-- Morgan smiles happily.
Jerico stands up, using her powers to knock out both Peter Q and thor.
She looks at loki-- you and I are gonna have a talk
-- you look so hot when you get angry-- pietro added winking at jer.
Stephen takes Jericos hand as she sits down again-- how long Will these two be out?
-- five more minutes I think-- she said eating her food.
Stephen nodds and keeps eating, the talking resuming into soft Adorable anecdotes and some more embarassing ones.
When both starlord and thor wake up jer pulls them outside with loki.
-- guys-- jer said putting her hands on her face-- you need to behave, two out of three of you have a bad record already okay? Just please...--she sighs leaning on the wall.
The three look at eachother and hug her tightly.
-- we're sorry dear-- thor said putting his chin ontop of jericos head-- we let our temper get the best of us
Starlord nodds-- yeah, ill just go back to making references with your brother, we Didnt mean to cause you any distress
-- we just want you to enjoy yourself, the most important people in your life getting togheter and we messed it up, we're sorry-- loki agreed.
Jer smiles hugging them tightly-- come on, our food Will go cold
They all go back inside and the night goes on without much fuss.
Peter Q stands up raising his glass-- a toast, for our lovely jerico, who is always there for Us even if we drive her up the walls...
Pietro stands up-- for accepting us rejects, from the most with unstable powers to the misunderstood
Loki raises his glass getting up from his Seat-- because she sees past the walls we put up
Thor copies his brother-- because she stays through good and bad, and loves us no matter what
Sighing dr strange also stands up, looking at jerico with tender eyes--to the best girlfriend, for everything she does for us, even when shes tired, who keeps Us in mind even when she shouldnt, we love you dear
Jer starts to bawl her eyes out, Peter Q, pietro and thor panic slightly as Spiderman hugs his sister.
Morgan softly hits dr strange-- you made my sister cry!
Pepper and Tony chuckle-- its happy tears honey -- they add.
-- you all are the best-- jerico says drying her tears.
--no dear-- dr strange added-- youre the best
She giggles and pepper looks at her-- something tells me you might need that chocolate Icecream now
Jerico nodds-- please mom
After dessert jer says goodbye to all of her partners and goes upstairs to sleep.
Stephen stands on the porch with Tony-- you raised her well Tony, shes a great kid
Iroman smiles-- well, you guys do a great job at making her happy, just one more thing, before you go strange
-- Keep her safe for me Will you?
He nodds-- of course
As Stephen walks to the car Tony adds-- and I dont want one more pop culture reference or innuendos!there are kids here!
Pietro rolls down the window-- We'll Keep it in mind mr stark!-- he said before being yanked Back into the car.
As they drive off jerico gets into bed,texting both natasha and Carol.
Nat: so, howd it went?
Jer: not bad, we had a good time
Carol:Next week its date night ladies,dont forget that!
Nat: yes we know ms burnt popcorn
Carol: oh come on it happend once! Anyway, night jer!
Nat: uh-huh,anyway goodnight babe
Jer: night you two, dont get into trouble okay?, love ya♡
Jerico plugs her phone going to sleep,waiting for Next week to roll around to see all of her partners again.
Today was a good daym
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rosieshipper · 3 years
Yoooo does Tony ever do spontaneous movie nights with you and Morgan? I could totally see him doing that
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Oh definitely!! Morgan usually initiates the movie night but Dad goes through with it! It’s usually a lot of Disney movies, basically whatever we can find on Disney plus. Morgan’s currently favorite movie is Frozen and albeit it’s not my favorite, it makes her happy so we let her watch it while Dad makes all the snacks and makes the blanket fort because deep inside he’s still a kid at heart himself and he wants to be the best dad he can be for his kids
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Becoming A Stark? (28)- Peter Parker x Stark!femReader
Word Count: 3395
Warnings: swearing, IW emotional trauma, the usual.
Author Note: There is some dialog from Infinity War used in this chapter. I don’t own it, but also there’s new stuff after it so don’t skip it. This is the final chapter. There will be a sequel that I’m not sure when will be posted but it will be coming. If you want to be tagged when it’s posted, let me know! Thank you for reading all of this and giving me so much love on my fist PP story. Let me know what you think of the finale.
Chapter One || Previous Chapter || Master List
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“Mom have you seen my jacket?” You ask as you walk from the living room back into the kitchen. You’re already dressed in ripped jeans, galaxy converse, and a grey AC/DC shirt.
“Which jacket?” Pepper asks as she stirs the eggs she’s cooking for you.
“My denim one? I wore it yesterday? Or maybe it was the day before?”
“Have you checked your room?”
“I looked there when I was getting ready. I didn’t see it.” Instead of being dressed for the office, Pepper is wearing running gear. “Are you going into the office today?”
“In a little bit. Your dad wants to go to the park for a run first.”
“Dad running? Since when?”
“I think your birthday is making him feel O-L-D.” Pepper teases as Tony walks down the stairs.
“I can still spell even if I’m getting old.” Tony responds. In his hand he’s holding your Rolling Stones jacket. “You left this on the stairs kiddo.”
“Oh, right! I meant to take it up last night.” You shrug it over your shoulders before sitting down at the food that Pepper made for you.
“What’s with the pep in your step today?”
“Field trip. I don’t have to be at school today.”
“Field trip?” Your dad asks as he sits down next to you. “Where to?”
“MoMA. My art class is going.”
“Ah so you and the young Parker are getting out of school to go look at art. How sweet.” Your dad says with a teasing tone remembering how Peter ended up in your art class after switching in in the second six weeks. “With how much it cost for you to go to that school, I would think you would spend more time at school than on field trips.”
“It’s educational. I promise.”
“Sure it is.”
“What your dad is trying to say is have fun.” Pepper says with a laugh. “He and I are going to go so can you lock up when you leave with Happy?” You nod. “Perfect. Have fun, love you, see you after school.”
“Love you kiddo.” Your dad kisses the top of your head. Pepper places a kiss behind him. You munch on your toast as they walk towards the door. Today should be a fairly normal day, apart from the field trip.
“Slow down, slow down. I’ll spell it out for you.” Tony tries to get Pepper to listen as he tries to explain his dream from last night while they walk through the park together.
“You’re totally rambling.”
“No I’m not.” Tony throws back in his own defense.
“You lost me.”
“Look, you know how you’re having a dream, and in the dream you gotta pee.” Tony ties his jacket around his shoulders as he says this.
“Okay. And then you’re like ‘Oh my God. There’s no bathrooms. What am I gonna do? Oh, someone’s watching.’”
“‘Oh, I’m gonna go in my pants.’”
“And then you wake up and in real life you actually have to pee.” Pepper catches his drift.
“Yes.” Tony’s hand waves in agreement.
“Yeah. Everybody has that.”
“Right that’s the point I’m trying to make. Apropos of that, last night I dreamt we had a kid.”
“We have a kid. Y/N.” Pepper points out with a smile.
“No like a baby.” Tony explains. “It was so real. We named him after your eccentric uncle. Uh what was his name? Morgan! Morgan.”
“Right. So when you woke up…”
“...and thought we were…”
“No.” Pepper smiles at him as she says it.
“I had a dream about it. It was so real.”
“If you wanted to have another kid, you wouldn’t have done that.” Pepper unties the sweater and taps on the nanoparticle home.
“I’m glad you brought this up, ‘cause it’s nothing. It’s just a housing unit for nanoparticles.”
“You’re not helping your case, okay?”
“No, this is detachable. It’s not a…”
“You don’t need that. Y/N didn’t need you to get that. I didn’t need you to get that. Your family needs you to put them first sometimes ok?”
“I know. I had the surgery. I’m just trying to protect us and future usses and that’s it. Just in case there’s a monster in the closet. Instead of, you know…”
“You know me so well.”
“You finish all my sentences.”
“You should have shirts in your closet.”
“Yeah, you know what there should be? No more surprises. We’re going to have a nice dinner tonight. Hear all about Y/N’s field trip. Show off this Harry Winston. Right?” Pepper chuckles at his antics. “And we should have no more surprises. Ever. I should promise you.”
“I will.” Tony leans in to kiss Pepper. “Thank you.”
“Tony Stark?” Pepper pulls away at the sound of someone calling Tony’s name. Tony on the other hand can only roll his eyes because this was exactly the kind of thing he was talking about. “I’m Doctor Stephen Strange. I need you to come with me.” Pepper grabs Tony’s hand at this. “Oh and uh congratulations on the wedding, by the way.”
“I’m sorry, are you giving out tickets to something?”
“We need your help. It’s not overselling it to say that the fate of the universe is at stake.”
“And who’s we?”
“Hey Tony.” Bruce appears by Stephen’s side, shocking both Tony and Pepper after so much time without him.
“Are you ok?” Tony asks as Bruce falls into hugging him. What has happened while he was away?
“Ready for this field trip?” Peter asks as he sits down next to you on the bus.
“I’m always ready. Getting out of school for the day? Hell yeah.” You nudge your boyfriend’s shoulder. “Are you ready to see MoMA?”
“I guess so. I haven’t been since Ben died so…” Peter trails off.
“Babe, you haven’t been to MoMA since then? Why?”
“Ben really liked seeing the new exhibits and he would take me with him when he went. It just felt wrong to go without him.” Peter explains as the bus takes off from MSST and heads towards MoMA. “But there’s a first time to do stuff since you lose people I guess.”
“It’s going to be fine. I’ll be with you the whole time.” You say as you take his hand in yours. Peter leans forward on the seat in front of you so he can look in your direction.
“Well that will make everything better.” Suddenly the hairs on Peter’s arm stand straight up.
“Something’s wrong.” Peter mumbles. “Spidey senses are off the wall.” His voice is no louder than a whisper.
“Something like a giant donut spaceship floating over NYC seem off enough?” You say pointing towards the window beside him. He turns to look and the recognition on his face tells you all you need to know. Looks like Peter may not be on the field trip after all.
“Can you and Ned create a distraction?”
“Of course. But you’ll be safe?”
“Always am.” He kisses you on the lips really quick before you tap Ned on the shoulder. Ned spins around to look at you. 
“Guy in the chair needs to distract everyone with me.” You say quickly, but as Ned turns he sees the ship out the window.
“Holy shit.” He then turns towards the back of the bus and yells, “We’re all gonna die! There’s a spaceship!” You follow him towards the back of the bus as people start calling out asking what’s going on. But your eyes catch Peter’s one more time before he opens the emergency exit window with his web shooter. While everyone else is watching the spaceship, your eyes are trailing out the back of the bus as Peter jumps off the bridge. You know he’ll web himself to safety, but it makes your stomach fall to your toes every time.
Peter swings into the park where he sees a big angry alien… if he had to guess, swinging a sword/ax at Tony. So he does the one thing he knows how to do, he grabs it. “Hey man. What’s up Mr. Stark?” 
“Kid where did you come from?”
“Field trip, to MoMA.” Peter screams as he’s thrown in the other direction. “Uh what is this guy’s problem Mr. Stark?”
“Uh he’s from space. He came here to steal a necklace from a wizard.” As the alien throws cars around and Tony tries to laser him, Peter webs the car and swings it back at the alien. Which might just make him more angry, but that’s half the fun. Right as the alien swings his ax down again, a red object zooms by. “Kid that’s the wizard, get on it.”
“On it!” Swinging across New York, he finally grabs the wizard when a blue light grabs the wizard and pulls them both up towards the sky. “Uh, Mr. Stark, I’m being beamed up.”
“Hang on kid!” Wong traps the alien in an icy tundra, slicing off the hand that reaches up towards them. “Wong you’re invited to my wedding.” Tony shouts before jetting off to rescue his daughter’s boyfriend, who happens to be climbing up the side of the alien spaceship. “Give me a little juice FRIDAY. Unlock 17:A.” His boots morph together to form one big foot thruster. “Pete you gotta let go. I’m gonna catch you.” He says over the comms to Peter.
“But you said save the wizard.” Peter pulls his mask off as he says, “I can’t breathe.”
“We’re too high up. You’re running out of air.” If your boyfriend dies in space, you might kill your dad, so he’s going to do everything he can to save the kid.
“Yeah, that makes sense.” Peter’s hands slip from the ship as he runs out of air. But the Iron Spider suit Tony had been working on arrives just in time to grab hold of Peter and save him from falling back to Earth. Instead he just hits the ship a time or two before having air to breathe again. Peter grabs a hold of the ship and stands back up. “Mr. Stark, it smells like a new car in here!”
“Happy trails, kid. FRIDAY send him home.”
“Yep.” A parachute deploys and pulls Peter off the ship.
“Oh come on!” As Tony cuts into the side of the ship, FRIDAY alerts him of something else.
“Boss incoming call from Miss Potts.”
“Tony are you alright? What’s going on?”
“Yeah I’m fine. I just think we might have to push our 8:30 res.”
“Just ‘cause I’ll probably not make it back for a while.”
“Tell me you’re not on that ship.”
“God, no, please tell me you’re not on the ship.”
“Honey, I’m sorry. I’m sorry. I don’t know what to say.”
“Come back here Tony. I swear to God. I will take Y/N and I will leave for good. No more surprises. You promised.”
“Come back here right now.” Static starts to crackle. “Come back.”
“Boss we’re losing her.”
“I’m going too…” Pepper’s voice breaks off as the call drops. While Tony is dealing with this call, Peter is climbing up his webs, back onto the ship he had been told not to be on. 
All he can mutter is “I should have stayed on the bus,” as the doors shut on the ship.
The ship is no longer in the sky. You watched it fly away. But you don’t know if that’s a good thing or not, because now you can’t get a hold of your dad or Peter. So you call the one person who has always had to be in the same position as you- you call your mom.
“Y/N? Are you ok?”
“Mom tell me Dad didn’t do something stupid and get on that ship.” Your school group is starting to walk into the first exhibit hall, but you need reassurance right now, not art pieces. Pepper doesn’t say anything for a moment, trying to figure out how to tell you that your dad is on that ship. “He’s on that ship isn’t he?”
“Why? Why would he be stupid enough to get on an alien space ship?”
“Because he’s stupid enough to think that saving the world falls on his shoulders and his alone.”
“I think Peter might have been stupid enough to think that too.” You say as soon as you know your class is out of hearing range.
“I’ve tried calling him and he’s not picking up.”
“I thought he was on the field trip with you?”
“He was until he saw an alien ship in the sky. Then he decided that he needed to be a superhero. And now he won’t pick up the phone and he always picks up the phone, even when he’s in his suit.” You voice the concerns you’re having. “And my calls to Dad aren’t going through either which makes me think that Peter is with him.”
“He wouldn’t be stupid enough to take a fifteen year old with him on a space ship.” Pepper tries to reassure you.
“But just because he doesn’t take Peter doesn’t mean that Peter isn’t stupid enough to follow him.”
“Sounds like we both need to date smarter men.”
“They’re book smart. I’m just not sure if they’re life smart.”
“I think I’d agree with that.”
“But we also love them too much to let them go.”
“That’s also true.” Pepper doesn’t comment on the fact that you just admitted that you love Peter. “But I also know that your dad will do anything to keep Peter safe if he’s with him. So you just focus on your school trip and at the end of the day, they’ll all come home safe.” Pepper’s promise doesn’t hold much truth to it, but you know your mom is trying to calm you more than anything. “I’m going to send Happy to pick you up from the museum and bring you to SI.”
“Right now?”
“No, but he’ll be there to pick you up when everyone heads back to school.”
“That’s not necessary. I’ll just head back to school and then he can pick me up from school. But Mom, if you hear from Dad, can you tell him I love him?”
“He knows you love him.”
“But I didn’t say it to him this morning and if something happens to him…” You feel the tears welling in your eyes.
“Nothing is going to happen to him. He knows you love him.”
“You don’t know that. Every time he walks out the door to play Avenger, he could leave and not come back. He could die out there today. And I couldn’t take the two seconds it would have taken to tell him I loved him this morning.” The tears drizzle down your face as you mutter the words you feel in your soul. Out of the corner of your eye you see Ned waiting by the door leading to the next exhibit area. You wipe the tears from your cheeks. “So just if you hear from him tell him ok, Mom?”
“I will. Now just for now, don’t think about all of this. Just focus on the field trip and I’ll see you after it ok? Everything is going to be ok.”
“Mom? I love you.”
“I love you too Y/N. So much.” You hang up the phone and Ned walks over.
“Everything alright?”
“No, but the universe doesn’t usually ask me before it makes it’s decisions.”
“Have you heard from Peter?” You shake your head. 
“I can’t get a hold of him or my dad. My mom said my dad is on that donut that flew out of the sky, which makes me think if I can’t get a hold of Peter…”
“He’s on it too.” Ned finishes your thought. “Peter’s in space with Iron Man. That’s so cool.” Ned mumbles but then sees your face. “Ok, not the point right now. What’s our plan?”
“We don’t have one. We’re not Avengers. We just wait around until the rest of them hopefully show up.” And you do what you hope is the next best step, you text your aunt- SOS.
N:Don’t worry. Avengers are on it. Focus on school. 
Why does everyone think you’ll be able to focus on anything when your dad and boyfriend disappeared on an alien spaceship? 
Y:you all think i’m going to be able to focus on learning when my dad and boyfriend have just gone missing? that’s the stupidest thing i’ve ever heard of coming from two of the smartest women i know.
N:I’m not saying it’s going to be easy, but this isn’t on your shoulders. The Avengers will take care of this fight. I promise you, we’ll get them back. Anyway we have to.
“Anything?” Ned asks quietly, as your tour guide goes on pointing out different pieces of art. You shake your head.
“Apparently it’s an Avenger problem, not a me problem, according to Aunt Nat.”
“It’s still cool that you can just text Avengers.”
“Ned, my dad is literally an Avenger. It loses the coolness factor when your dad leaves on missions and you don’t know if he’ll come back alive or not.”
“That’s true I guess.” He looks at the art piece next to you. “But still you get to text the Black Widow! Isn’t that cool?”
“She’s just my Aunt Nat. I’ve hung out with her watching horror movies and talking about crushes. It feels different than saying I text the Black Widow.” You glance over at the statue, trying to take it in so you can write your report when you get home.
“They could have tried to put at least one blemish on it.” MJ mutters and you nod in agreement.
“Uh, Y/N?”
“Ned?” You turn from MJ to see Ned staring at his hand. It’s turning to dust in front of his eyes. “Ned, what’s happening?”
“I think something’s wrong.” His other hand starts to turn into dust and you don’t understand. 
“What is happening?”
“Something that can’t be good.” MJ says and you turn to see her hands turning to dust as well. “Y/N, something is wrong. Really wrong.” Your friends are turning to dust in front of your eyes. You can’t stop it, you can’t figure out what’s wrong. So you do the one thing you know to do when something is wrong- you call your mom.
“Y/N? Please tell me you’re not turning to dust too?”
“Mom, I don’t get what’s happening.”
“I don’t know either. But something isn’t right.” Your mom sounds stressed and worried at the same time you lift a hand to run through your hair and that’s when you see it. Your hand is disappearing before your eyes.
“Mom. Mom, I’m scared. My hand, it’s going.”
“Y/N, everything is going to be alright. It’s going to be ok.” Pepper doesn’t tell you that she has tears streaming down her cheeks. She needs to stay calm for you. You’re the one fading into nothing. She can stay calm for you in this moment. 
“Mom, Mom. I don’t want to go. Please. I don’t know what’s happening. Mom, please make it stop.” Pepper closes her eyes as she listens to your pleads.
“It’s going to be alright sweetheart. Everything is going to be ok.” You watch in horror as Ned fades into nothing but a pile of dust.
“Mom, Ned’s gone. MJ’s seconds away from going. I don’t want to go too. Please make it stop.”
“Everything is going to be alright baby. Just breathe. Everything is going to be ok.” Pepper lies to you.
“Mom, I love you. Tell Dad I love him too. I don’t want to go. Tell him that. I never wanted to go. Having you two as parents was the best thing that ever happened to me.” Your eyes look in horror as MJ turns into dust too.
“We feel the same about you.”
“I love you. I love you so much Mom. I’m sorry. I don’t want to go. I love you.”
“We love you too.” Pepper knows she only has seconds left with you so she wants to make sure you know this before it’s too late.
“I love yo-”
Permanent tag list: @wormonastringonastick​
Becoming A Stark Tag list: @persephonehemingway​  @iamaunicorn4704​  @furiouspockettoad​  @daughter-of-stark​  @eternalharry​  @huntective-kyeo​ @riiis-stuff​ @sunnyoongles @cosmicqueenieb​ @sovereignparker​ @bbarnestan​ @teenwishes08​ @iamthescarlettwitch​ @skyfallstilinski @cutie1365​ @a-mnd​ @youarethereasonimsmiling​ @thefemalestorywriter​
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irondadsecretsanta · 5 years
This is a masterpost of all the gifts exchanged for the IronDad Secret Santa 2019 event! In total, 83 gifts were exchanged which is absolutely amazing.
If you would rather browse through fanfiction on AO3, check out our collection here.
Be sure to show love and appreciation to the content creators!!!!
to Arrowmantic from pixiethefirecat7 - FANFICTION
to aslanscompass, from josywbu - FANFICTION: Chaos, Yet Harmony
to asoftheesea, from sallyidss - FANFICTION: Scaredy Cat
to auntmayy, from hersilentlanguage - FANFICTION: Elegy for a Christmas Tree
to avengersincamphalfbloodstardis, from solarstark - FANFICTION: Amity in Family
to baloobird, from jen27ny - FANFICTION: Snowflakes
to bbcotaku, from notjustamumj - FANFICTION: Best Day Ever
to bbcotaku, from hanuko - FANFICTION: So This is Christmas
to bethyedolphin9870, from justme--emily - FANFICTION: Never Gonna Let You Down
to blackchessknight, from n0t-immortal - FANFICTION: Nice to meet you, I hope I wasn't inturrupting anything?
to bluerosewrites, from fandom-trashtm - FANFICTION: Sugar Cookie, Christmas Tree & Secret Santa
to boww-tiez, from web-headwrites - FAN VIDEO
to camillastrangestark97, from mcusic-to-my-ears - FANFICTION: Three Times Tony Stark Used Italian Nicknames and One Time He Received One
to celestial-irondad, from LifelessMii - FANFICTION: The Art of Procrastination Baking Edition
to celestial-irondad, from i-larb-you - FANFICTION: The Great Avengers Bake Off
to Circle-and-Square, from garbotuesday - FANFICTION: Tear Down Your Walls
to Desirexwolf, from starktowr - FANFICTION: Peaches
to doctornineandthreequarters, from boww-tiez - FANFICTION: Skating Bond
to doodleimprovement, from spideynamu - FANFICTION: Tony's super later father's day christmas present
to endagame, from starryystark - FANFICTION: 17 Christmases, 17 Shades of You
to fandom-trashtm, from overlycaffeinatedwarmage - FABRIC ART
to faynia, from avengersincamphalfbloodstardis - FANFICTION: whole family
to galactixart, from goldenavenger02 - FANFICTION: A Rescue to Remember
to garbotuesday, from wordscorrupt - FANFICTION: Sheltered
to garbotuesday, from whumphoarder - FANFICTION: You Still Got Us
to goldenavenger02, from tonyloveseverybody - FANFICTION: Guilty Conscience
to hersilentlanguage, from slowly-losing-my-mind - FANFICTION: It’s Just a Scratch!
to hi-rosa-sinensis, from marvels-blue-phoenix - FANFICTION: Christmas with you
to IAmAllYetNotAtAll, from Ironfamjam - FANFICTION: More Ancient Than Magic
to i-larb-you, from peachy-boi-uwu - FANFICTION: family is family
to imgoingtocrash, from baloobird - FANFICTION: Dad Handbook
to irondad-is-cannon-bitch, from asoftheesea - FANFICTION: At First I was Afraid, I was Petrified
to Ironfamjam, from Science-lings - FANART
to jason-diego-n-shtposts, from bigbill-iam - FANFICTION: Christmas Morning at the Stark Cabin
to jelly-pies, from endagame - FANFICTION: I'll Be Back Again Someday
to jen27ny, from kitkatwinchester - FANFICTION: The Meaning of Christmas
to josywbu, from jelly-pies - FANFICTION: switch in habit
to juminhansbride, from Arrowmantic - FANART
to Just-the-daydreamer, from Keep-A-Bucket-Full-Of-Stars - FANFICTION: Bake a Little Love (For Me)
to kayte-wren, from camillastrangestark97 - FAN VIDEO
to Keep-A-Bucket-Full-Of-Stars, from wonkystank - FANFICTION: Aging with Grace
to kitkatwinchester, from doctornineandthreequarters - FANFICTION: sugar, butter, flour
to kowalski-analysis66, from Stararchy - FANART
to LifelessMii, from captaingalaxy108 - FANFICTION: a very merry Christmas to all
to mala-sadas, from incorrectmcucontent - FANFICTION: Tired Trying to See
to marvels-blue-phoenix, from baloobird - FANFICTION: I Sure Do Like Those Christmas Cookies
to mcusic-to-my-ears, from writing-in-my-spare-time - FANFICTION: We're Alright
to mmmmmmmmmchicken, from auntmayy - FANART
to n0t-immortal, from kayte-wren - FANFICTION: An Iron Family Christmas
to notjustamumj, from Rebel-author-chick - FANFICTION: Yes Morgan, There is a Santa Claus
to overlycaffeinatedwarmage, from doctornineandthreequarters - FANFICTION: Turn on the Brightest String of Lights I’ve Ever Seen
to peachy-boi-uwu, from  endagame - FANFICTION: No Greater Gift
to pixiethefirecat7, from theoceanphoenixhasrisen - FANFICTION: He/Him/His
to Rebel-author-chick, from faynia - FANFICTION: Sing About the Better Things
to sallyidss, from irondad-is-cannon-bitch - FANFICTION: you’ll always be my kid
to sam-is-non-stop, from bethyedolphin9870 - FANFICTION: An MIT Halloween
to Science-lings, from Snarky-drabbles - FANFICTION: are we there yet?
to skatle-skootle-demon-noodle, from imgoingtocrash - FANFICTION: we'll welcome december with tireless hope
to slowly-losing-my-mind, from arrowmantic - FANART
to solarstark, from skatle-skootle-demon-noodle - FANFICTION: The Way It's Meant to be
to spider-beep, from bbcotaku - FANFICTION: You are Invited to the Parker Family Christmas
to Spidersonangst, from theherothechampiontheinquisitor - FANFICTION: The Extra Festive SpiderSicle
to spideynamu, from tonyloveseverybody - FANFICTION: Christmas then and Christmas now
to spideys-sad-and-so-am-i, from mala-sadas - FANFICTION: Weather or Not (You'll Be There)
to Snarky-drabbles, from bluerosewrites - FANFICTION: Stitches
to Stararchy, from spideys-sad-and-so-am-i - FANFICTION: a little bit younger
to stark-illustrates, from thwippin-churros - FANFICTION: Winter Wonderland
to starktowr, from doodleimprovement - FANFICTION: Having A Merry Little Christmas
to starryystark, from IAmAllYetNotAtAll - FANFICTION: I can hear the bells
to Tadie1234, from zuusiee - FANFICTION: Snow Day
to talesofsuspenses, from celestial-irondad - FANFICTION: Five Pranks on Christmas Day
to theoceanphoenixhasrisen, from spider-beep - FANFICTION: ‘Tis The Season (For Hot Chocolate)
to thwippin-churros, from Pawprinter - FANFICTION: It's Gonna be Lit
to tonyloveseverybody, from Snarky-drabbles - FANFICTION: sometimes, people just die (and sometimes, they don't)
to tonystarkbrokemyheart, from stark-illustrates - FANART
to web-headwrites from Just-the-daydreamer - FANFICTION: Christmas gone wrong
to weirdkid-intheback, from snarky-drabbles - FANFICTION: I’ll be Home for Christmas
to whumphoarder, from Desirexwolf - FANFICTION: Night Before Christmas
to wonkystank, from jason-diego-n-shtposts - FANFICTION: Nightmare
to wordscorrupt, from Tadie1234 - FANFICTION: Powerless Parker
to writer-of-the-revolution, from snarky-drabbles - FANFICTION: take these broken wings (and learn to fly)
to writing-in-my-spare-time, from bethyedolphin9870 - FANFICTION: Never A Quiet Day
to zuusiee, from blackchessknight - FANFICTION: Someone Take me Home
26 notes · View notes
royaliity · 5 years
W A N T E D   C O N N E C T I O N S
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Hi there, fellas! Below the cut, I’ve included some wanted connections & filled connections too. Please, do not be afraid to reach out to me on any of them! I’m seriously open to anything, even if it’s an idea not listed or filled! (updated: 04/01 @ 1:51AM pst)
M A V E R I C K   S T A R K ( Son of Tony Stark & Pepper Potts )
Best Friend - Someone that knows him inside and out. They’ve been friends since childhood and could be complete opposites or absolutely the same. Either way, this one has to come from the MCU! | PETRA MAXIMOFF
Littlest Sister - His weak spot, his bright spot. These two are attached at the hip and he would do anything for her. He has a hard time teasing her but he will definitely randomly tackle her and “beat her up” like older brothers do. |  MORGAN STARK
Dependent - Someone that he has to constantly defend. He wants to make sure they’re safe and sound always by picking them up and moving them out of the fight before he kicks the ass of whoever decided to mess with them. | EVERY MCU CHILD TBF
Ex - He knew it was a bad idea, he did it anyway. Now they’re in each other’s lives forever for better or for worse. They just stick to him and maybe get him on a weird different level. | OPEN
Childhood Crush - He had a crush on them and they just never knew it. Even today he still has feelings for them, but pushing it down until it no longer exists still feels like a decent option. Worthless, but a decent option. | AUDHILD ODINSON
Friendenemy - Someone that really annoys the heck out of him and has extremely contradicting views but they work together so they have to make things work too. Definitely a Steve Rogers / Tony Stark kind of relationship. | OPEN
Labmate - Someone that keeps him from doing something stupid with his experiments. They keep him grounded, but hey, maybe they like to have some fun too. Who cares what they break? The Starks can fix it later, right? | OPEN
Enemy - Anyone against the family or anyone that tries to hurt his friends… Or maybe they hate him for the opportunity he got just for being Stark’s son. | SACHA BELOVA
T H E O D O R E   L I D D E L L ( Son of Alice Liddell )
Best Friends - People that are ultra-close to Theo and understand all the other crazy sides of him. They may not know about the whole “spirit” thing, but they know he’s a nerd trying to make it in the world. | OPEN
Older Sibling - Maybe they never believed in Wonderland or maybe they did. Either way, Theo always secretly looked up to them. They were the glue that held the family together and he just wanted to be as talented as them. | GEMMA LIDDELL
Younger Sibling - Maybe they never believed in Wonderland or maybe they did. Either way, Theo always kept  the beliefs of  fairy tales alive for them, even when they started to grow up. They’re much more mature than he was at that age, but that wasn’t a bad thing either. | OPEN
Ghost Pal - Someone that has stuck to him for one reason or another. He might be sharing his body with them every now and again or maybe he’s just someone they can talk to without manifesting and losing energy. Maybe they’re just helping him work out his powers. | KIERAN GRACEY
Guardian - Let’s face it, his big heart is a big target. He’s gonna need someone to keep him from getting thrown in the nuthouse or getting hurt because he trusts too easily. | OPEN
Crush - He stumbles over his words when he’s around them. He just can’t help himself. If he wasn’t so awkward, maybe he could manage to be with them someday. Either way, he still wants to be around them 24/7. | LYNETTE DESCHAMPS
Wonderland Buddies - Anyone from Wonderland that managed to sneak into the real world. They haven’t seen each other since both of them were kids. | ALL THE BUDS
K Y R A   K E N O B I ( Adopted Daughter of Obi-Wan Kenobi )
Best Friends - She’s always wanted the experience of getting dolled up and telling secrets like a normal girl. | OPEN
Partner in Crime - Someone that she can get in extreme amounts of trouble with. Whether it be pulling pranks or breaking some laws, it doesn’t matter, they’re game for it. | TOBY FITZHERBERT
Mentor - Someone to help her understand the force and how to be better with it. She’s chaotic, so whether it’s good or bad, she needs some help to get better. | OPEN
Good Influence - May go along with sibling or mentor or even friend, but someone who is constantly telling her she can be better and follow Obi-Wan’s good lessons. They help to chill out her firey emotions sometimes. | ARIN TICO
Bad Influence - Tells her to go for her emotions and that what she’s feeling isn’t bad if she channels it all into the dark side instead. She believes them, she just knows it isn’t a good idea... | BEN SOLO
Sibling Figure - Doesn’t matter if it’s brother or sister, anyone that she could consider an older or younger sibling would be amazing. She’s always wanted a family like that and envies it in many ways. | BRYN DAMERON
Friends w/ Benefits - She’s definitely open to a relationship with benefits! It’s kinda a thing for her to be with someone just for fun and enjoyment. She just likes to feel close to someone. | OPEN
Crush - Someone who develops a crush on her or maybe she finds she likes this person a lot more than she should. Maybe she’s afraid she’s gonna lose them too. Maybe they’re someone that makes her feel like she can make her Father proud. | DARYAN CRESSE
Enemies - Let’s face it, Obi-Wan had many enemies on the Sith side that may not like that Kyra exists and may want to take her out. | OPEN
B E A T R I C E   F I T Z H E R B E R T ( Daughter of Rapunzel & Eugene Fitzherbert )
Best Friend - Closest to her and knows everything she tries to hide. They can read her like a book and while they probably won’t call her out on it, they do try to keep her safe. | OPEN
Siblings (2) - She feels incredibly close with both of her siblings and is always putting their welfare above her own if she can. They make her life less lonely and she trusts them completely. | TOBY FITZHERBERT & OPEN
Guard or Stable Friend - Perhaps a child of Maximus or Pascal maybe? Someone who could have tried to teach her to protect herself and others and relied on her ability when they met as children. | OPEN
Ex-Friend or Ex - Someone that she thought loved her but she figured they didn’t after everything that happened. They were the one to make her wary of friendships at all. | OPEN
Corona / Arendelle Friends - More friends from Corona for her to adore or possibly become acquainted with. I would also like to see possible Arendelle connections! | OLA BJORGMAN
Controller - Takes advantage of her kindness and uses it to their advantage simply because she’s naive and easy to control once she trusts someone. | FELIX WESTERGAARD
Unique Friend - Someone to teach her that not all people are out there to be good and kind. Maybe they’re taking pity on her. Maybe she slightly annoys them. It’s flexible. | OPEN
H E N R Y   W A L T O N   J O N E S,  III ( Son of Indiana Jones & Marion Ravenwood )
Companion - Someone to follow him on every adventure, big or small. He would consider them one of the only people that don’t get offended by him and actually understands his thought process perhaps. | OPEN
His Little Sister - He took her on too many mini adventures when they were both kids. She’s one of the only people that knows when he’s faking it. Maybe a little more street smart where he can be a little book smart too. | OPEN
Ex - The initial person that broke his heart. Could have been when they were young or maybe things got too serious and he had to run away like dear dad? Either way, he tries to avoid them but he’s unable to. | OPEN
Enemy - Many people could fill this position. Especially if they’re greedy and disrespectful of culture or hurt others. | OPEN
Flirtacionship - He’s a pretty face with a little charm and they’re willing to put up with his bluntness and obsessive talk of history. | Adrien Solo
Apprentice - Someone he’s showing the ropes to! He doesn’t ever underestimate them, but definitely doesn’t want them getting hurt and he’ll do everything he can to make sure that doesn’t happen. | OPEN
M I K A S A   K O P O L I ( Daughter of Kiki & Tombo )
Coven - I would love it if the witches got together and created a coven of super diverse but interesting talents! The more power they have the better. Did someone say powerpuff girls?? | EDEN DALLOWAY-PIPER & OPEN
Customer - I would love it if she had a frequent customer that always required a certain potion or elixir… Or maybe they’re just addicted. Either way it works! | OPEN
Bad Influence - They’re so nice and pleasant to her that they convince her to use her magic for bad instead of good. Yikes, now they’re making drug-like concoctions or something. | KAL BARR
Best Friend - They realize her potential and push her to keep doing good and trying! They may go on adventures with her on the broom too! | OPEN
Big Brother - Someone that she looks up to more than anyone. She’s always pushing herself to be at their level. I would imagine they’re pretty close and work together well. | OPEN
Mentor - Maybe someone that wants to coach her more and make her better at being a witch! She could definitely use one at times. | OPEN
Apprentice - Someone she happens to be teaching about the magic world that she sees a spark in... She’s not a perfect teacher but they’re just starting out anyway! No biggie. | OPEN 
Attraction - She trips all over herself when this person comes near but she knows she shouldn’t ever fall for someone again. She would probably write them secret letters with flowers too. | OPEN
C H A R L E S   H A T C H A W A Y ( Son of Constance Hatchaway & Frank Banks )
Mortal Friends - People he can finally be friends with and helps him understand the mortal world just a little bit better. He may have been wary to trust them in the beginning but now he enjoys being around them. | AIDEN FUSSELBOTTOM
Macabre Delights - This person enjoys the darkness as he much as he does and delights in just talking poetry and sitting there in the comfort of the dark with him. They may talk a lot about their lives. | OPEN
Bright Side - This person brings out the light in Charlie. They make him feel happy like no one else had before. Maybe they make his life (or afterlife) a lot better than it ever was. | OPEN
Intuned with Ghosts - A mortal who’s sensitive to ghosts that he tells information to. He feels comfortable around them and will reveal information to them about the afterlife. | OPEN
Ghost Pals - Anyone from the mansion that managed to get him to talk and be social! | TAKEN
C L E M E N T I N E   N O R T O N ( Daughter of the Blue Fairy )
Her First Charge - Her felt as though he was falling in love with them and no matter how hard she fought to save them, she lost them. Most likely a ghost or vamp or something?? We can figure it out. | OPEN
Her Rival - An evil entity who Clem is strangely fascinated with and whom she would never say so. She likes to engage in banter with them and will fight them on occasion. Especially if they decide to come after her charges. | ALEKSIS CHERNABOG
Her Best Friend - Another fairy whom Clem admires greatly and finds to be much too good to ever be her best friend. They have history together and it seems as though they are always there to protect her at the most convenient of moments. | OPEN
Her Current Charge - Someone that is in need of a guardian angel and is alright with them having a very interesting empathetic connection. | OPEN
Her Older Sibling - Someone she trusts more than anyone and leans on more than they probably like. She learned a lot from them and sees them as a kind of equal and friend. | OPEN
His Younger Sibling - They’re little and therefore, they need protection too. They treat them how their older sibling treated her and is not embarrassed to make sure they’re okay. | OPEN
O L I V I A   F L A V E R S H A M ( Daughter of Hiram Flaversham )
Her Guardian - She’s bound to get into some kind of trouble and she really needs someone to stop her before she gets hurt. | OPEN
Her Mentor - They have a difficult relationship but she would do anything for him. Sometimes she feels like he’s the only one who knows exactly what’s going on with her and how much she actually needs people. | JOHN MOUSE
Her Best Friend - Call them the Dawson to her Basil. She needs a good partner that can keep her grounded and eating actual food. | OPEN
Her Rival - Someone that matches her wits and is out to hurt the people she loves the most. | OPEN
Her Confidant - Someone that understands how her mind works and listens to her babble on because they know they can help her and she can help them. | OPEN
Her Dependent - This person just needs someone’s protection like she did when she was little. She sees a lot of herself in them and wants to keep them safe. | OPEN
Her FWB or Ex - This is someone she probably trusted quite a bit and then they let her down in some way. She’s still drawn to them completely but she tries to stop herself from being with them to no avail. | OPEN
Her Mystery - Probably someone that she wants to expose as a fraud but can’t and while it frustrates her, she’s just too intrigued to give up. | OPEN
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my f/o’s
hey! these are my f/os. i love them very much, but i’m comfortable sharing them!!!
romantic f/os:
wade wilson/deadpool and vanessa carlysle (x-men) #3 piece puzzle
steven rogers/captain america and james buchanan barnes/the winter soldier (mcu) #soldier boys
loki laufeyson (mcu)
thor odinson (mcu) #thunderstorm lullabies
charles xavier and erik lehnsherr (x-men) #the theory of evolutionary idiocracy
logan/james howlett/wolverine (x-men)
nico di angelo (percy jackson) #we’re gay you can’t kill us
draco malfoy (harry potter) #sleeping dragons
sirius black and remus lupin (harry potter) #gay magic furry squad
the doctor, rose tyler, and jack harkness (doctor who/torchwood) #little sleeping beauty, the big bad wolf, and the time(less) men
lucifer (supernatural) #yeah he’s the devil but he got me ice cream
gabriel (supernatural) #kiss me sweetly, angel
spencer reid (criminal minds) #hyperfixate on me baby
jack sparrow (pirates of the carribean) #sea shanties and a little to much alcohol
legolas (the lord of the rings) #i’d touch the stars for you
fili and kili (the hobbit) (no incest broski)#beef stew except no celery
magnus and alec (shadowhunters) #heck yeah baby cry on my shoulder
sherlock and john (bbc’s sherlock) #iq almost as high as me
klaus hargreeves (the umbrella academy) #pink umbrellas
familial f/os:
tony stark (adoptive father) (mcu) #iron promise
natasha romanoff (mcu)
virginia potts (mcu)
bruce banner (mcu)
clint barton (mcu)
james rhodes (uncle rhodey) (mcu)
morgan stark (little sister) (mcu)
peter parker (mcu)
jessica jones (mcu)
luke cage (mcu)
matthew murdoc (mcu)
peter quill (mcu)
drax (mcu)
mantis (mcu)
negasonic teenage warhead and yukio (x-men)
kitty pryde (x-men)
colossus (x-men)
leo valdez (percy jackson)
grover (percy jackson)
chiron (percy jackson)
newt scamander (harry potter)
james and lily potter (harry potter)
luna lovegood (harry potter)
peter pettigrew (during school) (harry potter)
sarah jane (doctor who)
amy and rory pond (doctor who)
k-9 (doctor who)
the tardis (doctor who)
dean and sam winchester (supernatural)
castiel (supernatural)
charlie bradbury (supernatural)
kevin tran (supernatural)
crowley (supernatural)
bobby singer (supernatural)
aaron hotchner (criminal minds)
gandalf (the lord of the rings)
balin (the hobbit)
bilbo baggins (the hobbit)
bruce wayne (dcu)
diana prince (dcu) #my mom’s a demigod!!!
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keigo-birdies · 5 years
So I went and seen Avengers: Endgame yesterday and wasn’t sure if I was going to make this post or not… After sitting on this for a day I decided to go ahead and post this. So here it goes.
I thought the movie was good. It wasn’t perfect and it wasn’t terrible either. It was enjoyable but it had it’s flaws. Of course, that’s just my opinion. Don’t let this sway your judgment. Go see the movie for yourselves (if you haven’t) and see what you think.
And before everyone starts coming after me for stating my opinion, let’s get something straight here. Just because I had my issues with the movie doesn’t mean you’re not allowed to have enjoyed it or that your enjoyment isn’t valid. I’m just stating my own singular opinion o this movie. What I say isn’t going to affect everyone else’s own opinion of the film. Anyone is allowed to be critical of something we’ve been invested in for 10 years now. Anyone is allowed to be disappointed, angry, or even sad over the treatment of our favorite characters or treatment of the plot. Other movies and shows are allowed to be critiqued and the MCU is not the exception. Just because someone sees a few flaws here and there that you don’t see and or/can look past doesn’t mean you should belittle their opinion. They’re not “complaining”. They’re just looking at something through a more critical lens than you. That’s it. Everyone has their own opinion on this movie and no matter whether you liked it or not your allowed to express that opinion.
Now with that out of the way, below the cut I’m going to list the things I genuinely liked, those I disliked, and those I’m indifferent to. So read at your own risk if you haven’t seen the movie yet.
The theme of family and family love.
Continuing with the theme of family, Tony’s little family he made. Morgan Stark is just so adorable and deserves the world.
Natasha’s and Steve’s heart to heart.
Natasha’s and Steve’s banter.
Natasha calling the Avengers her family.
Rhodey’s and Nebula’s talk about how they didn’t always use to be the way that they are but they make due with what they have.
Rhodey’s and Nebula’s scenes together.
Tony teaching Nebula the tabletop football game.
Thor getting to talk to his mother one last time and getting the closure he needed.
Nat’s and Clint’s familiar banter.
Steve wielding Mjolnir and kicking Thanos’ ass because he’s worthy!
“That is America’s ass.”
Carol Danvers’ hair!
Sam Wilson becoming Captain America!
The end fight sequence looked incredible.
“Love you 3000.”
“This is him?” “It was either him or a talking tree.”
Scott Lang. Period. Just everything Scott did was superb and I love him with every piece of my heart.
Also Nebula! I was so shocked to see her actually get a decent sized arc in this and I love her so much!
Thor’s trauma and depression being treated as a gag at every turn.
Basically his character was turned into a walking, breathing gag.
The whole Fortnite thing just made me cringe. (Am I the only one?)
Natasha’s death.
The fact that she didn’t even get a proper funeral (or a funeral at all) and is only mourned for one goddamn second.
I don’t know what about Gamora’s arc in this has me upset, but it does. I don’t know why. I’ll figure it out and sort it properly on this list later.
Steve’s ending/send-off. To me it just feels out of character for him. 
The shoehorning in of certain elements. (I won’t list them here because I feel like I’ll be crucified for my opinion on this deranged site.)
The whole aspect of time travel in this was “explained” in a very confusing way. When it’s explained, it’s a quick back and forth between the heroes and then quickly dismissed before the audience can even question it. (Which makes the fall out from all the events including Steve’s ending so confusing as to how they affected the timeline.)
As you can tell, I’m not a fan of the mishandling of the whole time travel plot device. I don’t think I’ll ever get over it or be able to see past it no matter how many time’s I watch this movie. 
Even though Tony’s death still upset me, I predicted that this would happen. It hurts and if I could, I would have made sure he survived. However, he died a hero and he got to live a pretty great life with his family.
And….. I think that’s it for this part of the list…. so….
I know this probably isn’t everything and I’m certainly missing something, but that’s all the energy I’m putting into this post. I’m not going to waste anymore and that includes answering asks/messages about this post/& movie. This is it. 
But even though I feel indifferent to this movie, I am still thankful for the incredible 10 years of wonderful movies Marvel has given us to watch over and over again. I am truly grateful to have lived in a time to see this come to fruition and blossom into a 22 movie saga. Thank you Marvel and to all those who made this possible. Thank you Robert Downey Jr.! Thank you Scarlett Johansson! Thank you Chris Evans! Thank you Chris Hemsworth! Thank you Jeremy Renner! And thank you Mark Ruffalo! Thanks for being my heroes! Thanks for being my Avengers!
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marmariavel · 5 years
- The Family Portrait -
ǁ ao3 link for this ǁ my ao3 account ǁ my other works ǁ
Pairing: Pepper Potts x Tony Stark (guest appearance of Morgan :3)
Word Count: 281
Summary: The Starks commission an artist to paint them a family portrait but don't exactly receive, what they wished for.
A Note: I attached a fanart at the end which has been the inspiration for this plus it is precisely what I picture the portrait to look like
The Starks went to an actual artist to paint them a family picture.
He says something and they all react with a grimace. Their usual faces when something was off and all three of them probably thought “What the- “
The artist finds it so unique that he tells them to stay this way. And he proceeds to do his job.
After seeing the finished painting Pepper goes “You can’t draw us like that! Paint it again.”
Tony just straight up disagrees “Wait no, this is great”
Pepper replies “I am not going to hang this in our house, Tony!”
And whoosh, they start one of their usual snarky arguments.
At one point Morgan suddenly interrupts them by saying “It might not be overly pretty but it’s us” and just smiles. Pepper and Tony melt so they take it home and hang it in the living room, at the most obvious place so that everyone entering the house will see it.
From time to time Pepper would stand in front of it after Morgan had gone to bed. She’d stare at it, arms crossed in front of her chest and Tony would join her, putting an arm around her shoulders.
They’d stand there silently for a few minutes until Tony blurts out “It’s hideous” and Pepper snaps her head at him saying “I told you so! WHY did we take it home then??”
Tony looks at her with a loving smile and replies in a calm and tender tone “Because Morgan was right. It’s us” and he raises a brow in his usual sassy way. Pepper can’t help but wheeze softly and smile.
They share a tender kiss and go to bed.
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Credit for this goes to nuriajolmedo on Instagram
Greetings, M :)
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giranswife · 5 years
♡ My F/O’s ♡
Just a quick list of my f/o’s which are separated by main, minor, platonic and familial. Some of my main faves will change depending on my mood at the time, but the ones with asterisks will stay the same. The ones that are bolded are faves that have been around for a long time. Those that have asterisks are the faves I’m uncomfortable sharing.
♡ Shiroe - Log Horizon**
♡ Giran - My Hero Academia**
♡ Doctor Strange - Marvel**
♡ Asuna - Sword Art Online**
♡ Kojiro Shinomiya - Food Wars**
♡ Stein - Soul Eater
♡ Saeyoung Choi - Mystic Messenger
♡ Jumin Han - Mystic Messenger
♡ Lara Croft - Tomb Raider**
♡ Booker DeWitt - Bioshock Infinite**
♡ Akatsuki - Log Horizon
♡ Lee Everett - The Walking Dead
♡ Satoru Fujinuma - Erased
♡ Yami Yugi - Yu-Gi-Oh
♡ Maes Hughes - Fullmetal Alchemist
♡ Riza Hawkeye - Fullmetal Alchemist
♡ Victor Frankenstein - Code: Realize
♡ Peter Parker - Spider-Man (ps4 2018)
♡ Abraham Van Helsing - Code: Realize
♡ Graves - Hustle Cat
♡ Mitch Morgan - Zoo
♡ Claude Faustus - Black Butler
♡ Damien, Oz, Brian, Scott, Liam - Monster Prom
♡ Kamina - Gurren Lagann
♡ Simon - Gurren Lagann
♡ Takuma Sakamoto - How Not to Summon a Demon Lord
♡ Kogami Shinya - Psycho-Pass
♡ Ginoza Nobuchika - Psycho-Pass
♡ Bigby Wolf - The Wolf Among Us
♡ Kyanna & Celeste - Huniepop
♡ Kent & Toma - Amnesia
♡ Ronald Knox - Black Butler
♡ Baldroy - Black Butler
♡ Erina - mermaid verse (my oc)
♡ Simon, Xavier, Oliver, Asher, Rei - harem verse (my ocs)
♡ Foxy the Pirate - Five Night’s at Freddy’s
♡ Reiji Sakamaki - Diabolik Lovers
♡ Coffee - Food Fantasy
♡ Tempura - Food Fantasy
♡ Red Wine - Food Fantasy
♡ Midnight - My Hero Academia
♡ Kassandra - Assassin’s Creed
♡ Nestor, Lindar, & Titan - Spyro The Dragon
♡ Arael - demon verse (my oc)
♡ Cain & Calista - vampire verse (my ocs)
♡ Okoye - Marvel
♡ Hanji Zoe - Attack on Titan
♡ Slenderman
♡ Arthur Morgan - Red Dead Redemption 2
♡ Kunikida Doppo - Bungou Stray Dogs
♡ Yukichi Fukuzawa - Bungou Stray Dogs
♡ Nathaniel Hawthorn - Bungou Stray Dogs
♡ Oda Sakunosuke - Bungou Stray Dogs
♡ Katai Tayama - Bungou Stray Dogs
♡ Carol Danvers - Marvel
♡ Arthur Hastings - We Happy Few
♡ Harvey - Stardew Valley
♡ Miles Edgeworth - Ace Attorney
♡ Dick Gumshoe - Ace Attorney
♡ Roland - ( self-shipping-angel’s oc)
♡ Serris - (my oc)
♡ Worick Arcangelo - Gangsta
♡ Byleth, Sylvain, Seteth - Fire Emblem: Three Houses
♡ Cordelia Foxx - American Horror Story
♡ Isaac Foster - Angels of Death
♡ Kratos - God of War
✩ Naotsugu - Log Horizon
✩ Yoosung Kim - Mystic Messenger
✩ Spirit - Soul Eater
✩ Yoko - Gurren Lagann
✩ Yugi Mutou - Yu-Gi-Oh
✩ Jackson Oz - Zoo
✩ Chloe Tousignant - Zoo
✩ Deadpool - Marvel
✩ Scott Lang - Marvel
✩ Connor - Detroit: Become Human
✩ Dabi - My Hero Academia
✩ Himiko - My Hero Academia
✩ Dazai - Bungo Stray Dogs
✩ Francis - Bungo Stray Dogs
✩ Nicolas - Gangsta
✩ Emile - How Not to Summon a Demon Lord
✩ Rem & Shera - How Not to Summon a Demon Lord
✧ Marielle - Log Horizon (sister)
✧ Henrietta - Log Horizon (mother)
✧ Nyanta - Log Horizon (father)
✧ Tony Stark - Marvel (father)
✧ Pepper Potts - Marvel (mother)
✧ Hank Anderson - Detroit: Become Human (uncle/father)
✧ Tomomi Masaoka - Psycho-Pass (father)
✧ Michael Townley - GTA V (father)
✧ Trevor Phillips - GTA V (uncle)
✧ Aloise - Fire Emblem: Three Houses
Adopted Children:
ღ Minori & Serera - Log Horizon
ღ Maka - Soul Eater
ღ Death the Kid - Soul Eater
ღ Tenya Iida - My Hero Academia
ღ Midoriya Izuku - My Hero Academia
ღ Elizabeth - Bioshock Infinite
ღ Clementine - The Walking Dead
ღ The rest of class 1A - My Hero Academia
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nureyevsbf · 5 years
to my s/i - may edition
hi lads im Eli im Gay and it’s...time for a little anarchy
since i send all my letters out completely anonymously i dont tend to get a lot in return so i figure it’s probably easier to just put all my shit out there and let people come to me
here are the f/os im accepting letters from this round!! striked out means i’ve already received from them but i’m always open to receiving more if u want!!
Foggy Nelson (Marvel’s Daredevil) - main f/o, husband
Peter Nureyev (The Penumbra Podcast) - major f/o
Kylo Ren (Star Wars) - major f/o (s/i name is Ezme)
Muriel (The Arcana)
William Carter / Maxwell (Don’t Starve)
Arcade Gannon (Fallout: New Vegas)
Cu Chulainn / Lancer (Fate/Nasuverse)
Romani Archaman (Fate/Grand Order)
Guzma (Pokemon)
Elliott (Stardew Valley)
Carlisle Cullen (Twilight)
Asra Alnazar (The Arcana) - close friend
Julian Devorak (The Arcana) - close friend
Clint Barton / Hawkeye (Marvel) - best friend / general found family
Frank Castle (Marvel) - adoptive father/father figure
Jessica Jones (Marvel) - close friend / boss
Matt Murdock (Marvel) - close friend
Morgan Stark (Marvel) - little sister
Pepper Potts (Marvel) - mother figure
Peter Parker (Marvel) - familial (like a little brother figure ig?)
Tony Stark (Marvel) - adoptive father/father figure
ik the list is long but i,, want people to have as much variety as i can give them. ty!! if you’re reading this i love you
(also @miyuswhoopsiedoodles if u see this and it’s not too much trouble to ask for a reblog that’d b great ;w; ty)
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rosieshipper · 3 years
Unconditional love
Summary: It’s the week leading up to the anniversary of Rose losing the love of her life. She desperately wants comfort from her parents but they’re too busy with a moody three year old Morgan
It was coming up on that time of year once more. The time of year that Rose dreaded the most. It was coming up on the anniversary of her girlfriend, Wanda’s dusting. Rose always kept track because the date of the day had forever burned itself into Rose’s mind. It’s a date that she’ll never forget. Even on the days leading up to the dreaded day, Rose was an irritable and emotional wreck and there was nothing she wanted more than to be comforted by her parents, Tony and Pepper. But unfortunately, that didn’t happen
Apparently she wasn’t the only one in the house that was incredibly irritable that week. Rose’s little sister, Morgan, was going through that awful phase that every toddler goes through. The phase where they throw tantrums over every little thing imaginable. So Tony and Pepper had their hands full trying to comfort and please her. For a short while in the beginning, Rose didn’t try to bother them since she knew that Morgan was a handful. She was grown up after all, she didn’t need to go running to mommy and daddy whenever she got sad. But as the days progressed and the date grew closer, it was becoming harder and harder
Waking up a few days before the date, Rose already felt sluggish and tired. She didn’t really sleep the night before, too afraid of having the same old nightmare she would always have this time of year. The one that would just replay that awful day in her mind over and over again. It also didn’t help that Morgan would wake up in off hours of the night, crying and demanding that she sleep in Tony and Pepper’s bed. Rose never felt any anger or resentment towards Morgan during the time. She knew she was only a toddler and didn’t know better. But her non stop crying and screaming was becoming too much on Rose’s already sensitive ears
“Rosie! Breakfast!” Rose heard her mother’s call from downstairs. At first, she didn’t want to get out of bed. She just wanted to curl up her blankets and put in her earbuds, block out the rest of the world. But she knew that she couldn’t. So she begrudgingly climbed out of bed and shuffled out the door and downstairs. As she walked into the kitchen, she saw Tony standing in front of Morgan in her high chair, trying to feed her some bananas and yogurt. But of course, she was throwing yet another tantrum, crying about how she wanted to eat chocolate pancakes for breakfast instead. Rose only huffed under her breath and put her earbuds in to try and block out the incessant noise
“Hey hunny. How did you sleep?” Pepper asked when she noticed her eldest daughter walking into the room, looking away from the stove. “Good.” Rose said simply, crossing her arms over her chest to try and warm herself up. She wished she was back under her blankets. “Well, we’re having eggs and bacon today. Would you mind grabbing the milk out of the fridge?” Pepper asked as she turned back to the stove to flip the bacon. Rose nodded slowly and walked over to the fridge to open it
When she reached inside and grabbed the jug of milk however, Morgan let out a particularly loud scream which caused Rose to flinch and drop the milk, causing it to burst open and spill everywhere. She stared down at the spilt milk on the floor, her breath hitching as she began to feel her eyes begin to sting with tears. “Shit..” She muttered under her breath as she went to get some paper towels to clean it up. As she got down on the floor to clean it up, her thoughts were racing a mile a minute. “God, how could I be so incompetent? I’m such a hot mess right now. Why am I getting so worked up over this? Stop crying already!”
Rose’s thoughts were then suddenly cut off when she felt a hand on her shoulder. Looking up, she saw her mother standing over her. “Rosie, are you ok?” She asked gently as Rose paused her cleaning up. She didn’t know what to say. She wanted to dump everything that she had been feeling the past few days onto her. She would listen to her, right? But just as she was gonna say something, Tony called out to Pepper. “Peps, the eggs are burning!” He called when he smelled the subtle scent of burning. Pepper quickly stood up in response and returned to the oven to flip the now crispy eggs
Rose frowned to herself before turning back to clean up the rest of her mess. Shortly after she finished cleaning up, she joined Tony and Pepper at the table for breakfast. She didn’t say much and merely picked at her food, not really having much of an appetite. But, Tony and Pepper never picked up on her behavior. They just talked to each other and occasionally made sure that Morgan was eating her breakfast as well. “They don’t care about you.” Rose's thoughts told her, but she tried to shake them away. She knew they cared, they were just busy with Morgan that’s all
The rest of the day was pretty uneventful. Rose spent most of the day in her room. She was rather emotional throughout the day and didn’t want to cry in front of her parents. There were however a few points during the day where she tried to see if she could get to spend some time with her parents, hoping that maybe it would lift her spirits. But every opportunity would fail when Morgan would come in saying that she wanted to play with mom or dad. All of these wasted attempts to try and get at least a little attention from her parents made Rose feel even more lonely, upset, and especially irritated
The next few days were around the same thing. Each day, Rose would wake up feeling more exhausted from lack of sleep. Dark circles were beginning to form under her eyes and some mornings, she didn’t even get out of bed until around noon. She would just lay under the covers and cry quietly to herself. Throughout the day it was the same thing as well. Tony and Pepper giving Morgan all of their attention without even batting an eye in Rose’s direction. At that point, Rose was beginning to believe that they really didn’t care about her. She even snapped at Pepper while helping her make dinner all while Morgan screamed in the background about not wanting to eat her vegetables. It was just so noisy and irritating to the point where Rose was getting bad headaches. She thought it couldn’t get any worse until the fateful day finally came
It was an incredibly cloudy day, just right enough to match Rose’s mood. She didn’t want to get out of bed that day. Her emotions were just too out of control and she was at her ropes end. When Pepper called her down for breakfast, she gave the excuse that she wasn’t feeling well and didn’t want to eat. She did the same thing for lunch. It wasn’t until around four o’clock in the afternoon was when Rose finally emerged from her room. It was pouring down rain outside followed sparsely by cracks of thunder. She wanted to get a glass of water from the kitchen but when she walked down the stairs, she saw Tony sitting alone in the living room watching tv. No Morgan in sight. This could be Rose’s chance to finally get the comfort she was so desperately craving
“Dad?” She called as she walked into the living room. Tony looked over when he heard her call, a smile spreading across his lips. “Hey kiddo, are you feeling better?” He asked as he patted the spot on the couch next to him for her to sit down. Rose smiled a little herself as she moved over and sat down next to him. This was a good start. “A little bit, just wanted to see if I can spend some time with you.” She said softly as she leaned back against the couch. “Of course you can, Rosie. You can always spend time with me.” Tony told her with a nod as he rested his arm across the back of the couch. Rose began to feel herself getting a little more comfortable, maybe this could be her chance to finally tell her dad everything
Rose sat in silence with Tony, the two of them watching a show about ghost hunters. After a few minutes, she had managed to finally work up the courage to finally talk to her dad. “Hey Dad? Can I talk to you about something?” She asked quietly as she looked over at her father. “Of course, Rose. What is it?” Tony said as he looked over at her. She was just about to open her mouth and tell Tony everything when suddenly Morgan came walking into the room, wearing a flashy princess dress. “Daddy, can you play princesses with me?” She asked as she stood in front of Tony and Rose. “I can’t at the moment honey, your sister wants to talk to me for a bit.” He told her softly, trying to get her to understand. But Morgan didn’t like that
“But I want to play princesses with you now!” She exclaimed with a deep frown. The shrill loudness of the toddler’s voice made Rose flinch, her headache starting to rear its ugly head again. Tony tried to talk some sense into Morgan but she wouldn’t listen. Eventually he gave in and agreed to play princesses with her. “Sorry, Rose. Can we talk another time?” He asked as he looked over at his eldest daughter. In that moment, Rose just scoffed and rolled her eyes, standing up from the couch. “Whatever, it wasn’t important anyway. Go play stupid princesses with Morgan. It’s not like you care enough to see when something’s wrong with me.” Rose snapped as she headed for the stairs to go back to her room. She wasn’t talking like she normally would, her emotions were taking control and making her nasty
“Hey, don’t go anywhere. What’s with the sudden attitude?” Tony called with a frown as he stood up from the couch himself. Rose stopped herself and looked back, glaring at her father. “What’s with my attitude? Oh now you suddenly care. It’s not like I’ve been on the edge of completely breaking down everyday for the past week. It’s not like I’ve barely eaten or gotten any sleep because of Morgan’s constant whining and screaming. You and mom always give her attention and you’ve barely noticed when your other daughter is clearly not ok!” She spat at him, causing Morgan to start to cry at her sudden yelling. Tony noticed her crying and frowned, glaring back at Rose
“Rose, apologize to your sister for upsetting her, now.” He told her firmly, Rose just scoffed, looking away from them. “Of course you immediately pick up when Morgan’s upset. Do I just don’t matter to you? Do you not know what fucking day it is?!” She exclaimed, feeling her clenched hands beginning to shake as her knuckles turned white. Tony looked at her in confusion, confirming her question. “Of course you wouldn’t. Wanda died today, you know how I am around this time of year. Every year you always remembered but now, it’s like you don’t care.” Rose whispered, tears beginning to fill in her eyes
The moment Tony heard Rose tell him what the day was, a wave of guilt rushed over him. He knew that there was something familiar about the day but he just couldn’t put his finger on it. And now he fully remembered. “Oh Rosie..I-I’m sorry, I completely forgot.” He said softly as he tried to reach out to her, but Rose only backed away. “Don’t say that. It’s not important anyways. Just go play with Morgan and I’ll handle this day myself.” Rose told him as she quickly turned and rushed out the front door, running off into the woods. “Rose! Wait!” Tony called out to her as he rushed to the door. But by the time he got to the door, Rose was long gone, she had taken off deep into the woods
Tony decided to let her have some time to herself. If he had gone after her, she wouldn’t be happy to see him. So he let her be on her own for a while. When Pepper came downstairs after hearing all the yelling, Tony explained everything that happened with Rose and almost immediately she felt her own guilt creep up on her. She always was there for Rose on the anniversary of Wanda’s death but she had completely forgotten the day too. She decided that she would make it up to Rose by making her her favorite dinner when she got back. Tony stood close to the window throughout the evening, watching and waiting for Rose to come back. But as the minutes turned into hours, that was when Tony had truly begun to worry
It was getting darker outside and the rain wasn’t letting up. Rose was somewhere out there, freezing in the rain without a coat to keep her dry. It got to the point where Tony couldn’t wait any longer. He wasn’t gonna stand there while his daughter was somewhere out in the woods freezing. Grabbing a raincoat and a flashlight, he took off into the woods in search of Rose. Thankfully, he could track her phone that she had with her using F.R.I.D.A.Y. Looking down at the map on his watch, he saw a circle about a mile into the woods, that was Rose’s location. So he headed in that direction in hopes of finding her
The walk was long and hard, the heavy rain and harsh winds not making it easy. But once Tony had gotten close to the area that Rose was supposedly in, he began calling out for her. “Rose! Rosie are you here? If you can hear me, say something!” He called out, hoping to hear a response from her. But when he went quiet, he heard something. It sounded like quiet quick breathing. Looking around, Tony shined his flashlight before soon spotting something underneath a nearby tree. It was Rose. She was leaned against the trunk of the tree, and she had her wings out and wrapped around herself to try and warm her shaking body
Tony let out a quiet sigh of relief as he moved closer to Rose, kneeling down in front of her. “Munchkin, there you are. I’ve been looking everywhere for you.” He whispered softly as he looked over at her. Rose looked up at him, her teeth chattering from the cold. “P-Papa?” Rose chattered out, her voice quiet and broken like a child’s. Tony felt his heart break a little at just how broken Rose sounded. “Yes baby, it’s me. Come here.” He told her softly, opening his arms to her. Rose wasted no time moving into his arms, making her wings disappear in the process. Tony held her close and tightly, frowning at just how much she was shivering
“Papa..” Rose muttered, tears spilling from her eyes as she clung to him tightly. “I got you honey, I got you. I’m so sorry about earlier, munchkin. It’ll never happen again, I promise.” Tony told her before pressing a kiss to her cheek. Rose didn’t say anything, she just held onto him tightly, not ever wanting to let him go. “Let’s get you home. We’ll get you changed into some nice warm clothes and get some food in you.” Tony said softly as he slowly stood up, carrying her in his arms. Rose nodded before burying her face into the crook of his neck, taking in the familiar comforting smell of his cologne
It was a bit of a walk but soon enough, they made it back to the house where Pepper was waiting for them on the front porch. “Oh thank god.” She murmured to herself when she saw her husband and daughter walking up to the house. With an umbrella in hand, she rushed out to Tony. “How is she?” Pepper asked as she rested a hand on Rose’s back. “She’s freezing, she needs new warm clothes and a towel quickly.” Tony told her as he headed inside with Rose in his arms. Pepper quickly rushed to get the things that Rose needed before coming back, handing them to her husband
“Ok munchkin, I need you to go into the bathroom and get changed and dry off.” Tony told her softly as he moved to set her down. Rose clung to him for a moment however, not wanting to be away from him. “I’ll be right out here, baby. I’m not going anywhere, ok?” He told her softly, running his hand up and down her back gently. Eventually Rose let go and took the clothes and towel from him, heading to the bathroom to change. After a few minutes, Rose walked out, shuffling slowly into the living room where Tony was sitting on the couch. He looked over when he noticed her walking into the room and patted the empty spot on the couch next to him
Without saying a word, Rose moved over and sat down next to him. The next thing he did was rather unexpected. He wrapped his arm around her shoulder and pulled her close so that she was resting her head on his chest. “I’m so sorry for what happened today munchkin. I shouldn’t have made you feel so left out, especially on today of all days. It’ll never happen again.” Tony told her softly before pressing a kiss to her temple. Rose felt her heart flutter a little bit at the childish nickname, he hadn’t called her that in so long. She let out a shaky sigh and cuddled closer to her dad. “I should be the one apologizing, I didn’t say anything. And I snapped at you, Mom, and poor Morgan.”she muttered with a frown
“Nope, we’re not doing that. You have nothing to blame yourself for. You had every right to be upset. You’ve been holding it in for god knows how long so you were bound to burst any second.” Tony told her, running his fingers through her hair to try and soothe her. “From now on, I’ll set a hundred reminders so that I’ll never forget this day and how much you need us. Because you’re our munchkin, and we’ll never stop caring about you.” He added softly, hugging her a little tighter. At that point, Rose had finally given into her emotions and allowed herself to finally break down. Her body began to be wracked by heavy sobs as she finally let go of her bottled up emotions
Tony noticed her sobs and gently pulled her onto his lap, hugging her close and rubbing her back, all the while whispering soft words to try and soothe her. “I-I just miss her s-so much.” Rose choked out through her tears. “I know you do, honey. Just let it out, I’m right here.” Tony told her softly, taking one of her hands and rubbing the back of her palm with his thumb. After a few more minutes, Rose eventually calmed down, her heavy sobs dying down to quiet whimpers. “There we go. You feel better?” Tony asked as he looked down at her. She nodded slowly, cuddling closer to her father. “Can I just stay here with you?” She asked quietly
“Of course you can, munchkin. You can stay here as long as you want.” Tony told her softly with a smile, pressing a kiss to the top of her head before cuddling her close. They sat together for a few minutes, watching some ghost show on tv before Pepper suddenly came walking into the room, Morgan in her arms. Rose looked over at them and when she saw Morgan, she felt tears welling up in her eyes again. “Oh Morgan. I’m so sorry for yelling at you. I didn’t mean to.” She said softly as a few tears slipped down her cheeks. “Well, Morgan has something she wants to give you.” Pepper told her before setting Morgan down on the couch
Rose watched as Morgan crawled over to her and handed her a small piece of paper. She reached out and took the paper from her little sister. On the paper was a drawing of her and Morgan holding hands, and above the drawing were the words, “Rosie is the best sister ever” written in bright colors. Tears spilled down Rose’s cheeks as she looked at Morgan with a smile. “It’s beautiful, Morgan. Thank you so much.” She whispered, opening her arms as Morgan moved over and hugged her. “Love you, sissy.” Morgan said with a smile as she hugged her older sister as hard as she could with her little arms. “I love you too morgs.” Rose whispered back before letting her go
“Alright now that everyone is made up with each other, I’m now calling for a mandatory family group hug. Starting now!” Tony exclaimed before tackling Rose with a tight hug, catching her off guard. Rose let out a laugh as she was practically dog piled by her family. But it was nice to feel so loved and cared for by them. “We all love you munchkin, and we’re gonna make sure that you never feel excluded ever again.” Tony told her before kissing her cheek. “It’s true, sweetie, if there’s anything ever on your mind, you can always come talk to us, no matter what.” Pepper added before kissing Rose’s forehead. “Sissy the best!” Morgan exclaimed before kissing Rose’s nose
Rose was so overwhelmed by the love and support she was getting from her family, they really did care about her. “I love you guys, so much.” She whispered before hugging her family back, tears of happiness spilling down her cheeks. “And we love you too, munchkin. No matter what.” Tony told her softly, his tone full of fatherly love. And his words rang true, from then on, Rose never felt ashamed of her feelings because the love her family had for her was pure and true
Tags: @astralshipper @aricka-and-her-fictional-others @recordplayershipping @magicalbunbun @journalofdeath
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enter-the-phantom · 6 years
Obligatory promo post!
I’ve been here for like two years and never made one of these, and I figure I probably should since no one really interacts with my selfship stuff.
So, my name is Abby/Enter and I love fictional people!
My romantic f/o’s are James Morgan (Pokemon) and an AU Severus Snape!
My familials are Loki (MCU) and Makoto Kino (Sailor Jupiter)!
My platonics are Steve Rogers, Tony Stark, and Peter Quill (MCU)!
My platonic soulmate is Severus Snape (HP)!
Sometimes I draw bad art and I ramble a lot. Come talk to me and let’s be friends! ❤️✌🏻(read my faq first though pls <3)
...I don’t know if I’m doing this right lol
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ao3feed-daredevil · 3 years
A Pretty Young Lady
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/2RaHlFU
by PetitTsuki_13
Escenas de la vida de Penny May Parker, como aprendiz de Tony Stark, Spiderwoman, estudiante de una escuela STEM y una rompecorazones que no lo sabe.
Advertencias: AU Fem! Peter Parker lo que quiere decir que en este fic Peter es una chica y por lo tanto van a salir mis shipps en su versión hetero.
Notas: Sigue más o menos la línea del MCU pero es posible que me tomé mis licencias al estarlo escribiendo.
Words: 13482, Chapters: 7/13, Language: Español
Fandoms: Marvel Cinematic Universe, The Avengers (Marvel Movies), Spider-Man (Tom Holland Movies), Deadpool (Movieverse), Captain America (Movies), Daredevil (TV), Doctor Strange (2016), Fantastic Four, Venom (Movie 2018)
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: F/M
Characters: Peter Parker, Tony Stark, May Parker (Spider-Man), Pepper Potts, James "Rhodey" Rhodes, Happy Hogan, Morgan Stark (Marvel Cinematic Universe), Natasha Romanov (Marvel), Vision (Marvel), Avengers Team, Fantastic Four (Team), Luke Cage, Jessica Jones, Danny Rand, Matt Murdock, Harry Osborn, Johnny Storm, Susan Storm (Fantastic Four), Reed Richards, Eddie Brock | Venom, Quentin Beck, James "Bucky" Barnes, Stephen Strange, Wanda Maximoff
Relationships: Peter Parker & Tony Stark, Harry Osborn & Peter Parker, Matt Murdock & Peter Parker, Peter Parker & Johnny Storm, Peter Parker & Wade Wilson, Eddie Brock & Peter Parker, Quentin Beck & Peter Parker, James "Bucky" Barnes & Peter Parker, Peter Parker & Stephen Strange, Peter Parker & Pepper Potts & Morgan Stark (Marvel Cinematic Universe) & Tony Stark, May Parker (Spider-Man) & Peter Parker & Tony Stark, Peter Parker & Natasha Romanov, Peter Parker & Avengers Team
Additional Tags: Female Peter Parker, Friendship, Friends to Lovers, Strangers to Lovers, Partners to Lovers, Unrequited Love, Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence, Tony Stark Lives, Canon Divergence - Avengers: Endgame (Movie), Team as Family, Team Red (Marvel) - Freeform, The Defenders (Marvel TV) Spoilers, Avengers Family, X-Men References, Fantastic Four Cameos, Alternate Universe - Everyone Lives/Nobody Dies, Everyone Loves Peter Parker, Cute Peter Parker, How Do I Tag, I'm Bad At Tagging, Tags Are Hard, Boats and Ships
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/2RaHlFU
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A-Z for your favorite oc to make stuff for
A) Their full name. Veronica Maria Stark B) Age. 42 C) Height. 5'2 D) Pronouns. She/her E) Species (if not human). Mutant F) Favourite beverage and/or meal. Beverag e: Brazilian coffee Meal: Pizza G) Hobbies and favourite pastimes. Inventing, cooking, piano playing H) Something they’re exceptionally good at. Being sarcastic I) 2 things they really enjoy. The color purple, miniature goats J) 2 things they’re not really fond of. Tequila, makeup K) 1 of their pet peeves. Ignorance L) Their favourite kind of weather. Warm, sunny M) A few interesting facts about them. Has a tattoo of an Ace of hearts card on her right wrist, accidentally told Steve he was her godfather during a right on the helicarrier,  N) Favourite movie or music genre. learned to drive from Alex Summers O) What’s their dream profession?  She has it P) Is there something or someone they cannot stand? Why?   She hates people who advise their power Q) Did they do something extremely dangerous at some point in their life? Yeah, she became a  pyrokinetic superhero! Also, she's Tony Starks sister 😂 R) Is there something they wish they could do/achieve but can’t? Sometimes she wishes she could have an ordinary life S)  Is there something in their life they regret? She regrets not spending more time with her mother T)  Do they have any siblings? Family? Loved ones?   Siblings: Tony Family: Pepper (sister-in-law), Morgan (niece), Clint (husband), Laura Barton (sister-in-law, I rewrote canon. Deal with it.), Cooper & Nathaniel (nephews), Lila (niece), Peggy Carter (godmother), Steve Rogers (godfather) Loved ones: Avengers, X-Men, Harley Keener U)  Are they a morning or night person? Night V) Do they have a pet? What kind? If not, what kind of pet would they want? Lucky the pizza dog W) How would they describe themselves in 5 or less words? Slightly more stable miniature Tony X) Do they have a goal in life? What is it? She wants to travel to every country in the world Y) Is there anything in their life that’s stopping them from succeeding? Her busy schedule Z) Do they have an item that means a lot to them? An old MIT hoodie she stole from Tony when she was 14
ABC Asks
0 notes
dontrequireyourhelp · 4 years
I R O N   M A N
When Tony was kidnapped, Peggy nearly tore apart every government agency she came in contact with. When she had remained out of her sleeping chamber, she didn’t go back to SHIELD, instead choosing to help Tony with Stark Industries. When no one would give her any answers despite being the former director and co-creator of SHIELD, she decided to go through with everything needed to be reinstated within the organization she helped create. She was officially an agent again when Tony got free.
P O S I T I O N   A T   S H I E L D
After being reinstated into SHIELD, she remained the highest cleared agent. Fury placed her on the Avengers Initiative where she focused on training and recruiting. When SHIELD fell, she took her title of director back and rebuilt the organization with Fury, Hill, and Coulson.
P O S I T I O N   A T   S H I E L D (verse: invisible once more)
Peggy never goes into a cryogenic freeze. She remains the director of SHIELD and when she can no longer hide that she is not aging, Peggy fakes her death and continues to operate in the shadows. She comes out of the shadows during the events of The Winter Soldier.
 A V E N G E R S
Peggy was told first about the tesseract being stolen by Loki. Fury figured that the news would be better if it came from her instead of coming from him when Steve found out. After all, Howard was able to convince her about keeping it for research so Peggy could do the same for Steve. Then again Peggy was very much unaware of what that research turned into (Phase Two and creating weapons of mass destruction with it). As for the Battle of New York, it was just like she and Steve were on the front again during the war but instead of fighting Nazis they were fighting aliens from outer space.
T H E   W I N T E R    S O L D I E R
Peggy Carter was utterly and completely outraged that HYDRA had infiltrated SHIELD. When she found out that it was because of Zola that anger turned dangerously inward. She should have known. She never had a good feeling about bringing Zola into the SSR then later SHIELD. She called Tony and preluded her rant towards Howard with an apology. “Tony, dear, this is nothing against you. This is all towards your idiot of a father and since I currently cannot visit his grave to properly yell at him so I apologize if you feel like I’m attacking you.”  “Howard” wasn’t the only one who got chewed out, Steve was subject to it too. As soon as he woke up in the hospital Peggy let out a sigh of relief before smacking his chest and letting him have it. “Don’t you dare scare me like that again. I know Barnes is your friend but you didn’t have to get beaten to a bloody pulp to prove that he was still in there. You certainly didn’t lose your love for the dramatics while you were asleep, Captain Rogers, but can you at least tone it down a bit?” (There’s no way she was going to lose him again and finding him on that bank nearly broke her)
T H E   W I N T E R   S O L D I E R  (verse: do as peggy says)
After the event of The Winter Soldier, Peggy is found in her cryo freeze capsule thanks to Tony going through Howard’s old things to see what he could save and what would need to be out in the open. He found a letter that Howard had written to Peggy explaining that a couple of higher ups from the World Council asked that he call off his search for Rogers. He of course didn’t but put Peggy in a safe place, a Stark Industry building in Brooklyn, until she could be brought out again. Tony informed Steve and the rest is history.
A G E   O F   U L T R O N
This is where Peggy’s job in SHIELD really solidified into working with and training the new recruits. Also Wanda’s dream on Peggy and Steve essentially was the same, growing old without the other, losing the other etc. Oh! And in mom!Peggy fashion she totally hits Tony over the head asking him what he was thinking when creating Ultron and that he better help figure out how to stop him.
C I V I L   W A R
Peggy does not sign the accords but she doesn’t exactly chose a side. She does what she thinks is right after all she understands where the UN is coming from with the accords but think they are stupid and too heavily regulated. She hopes that with a little coercion the UN can agree to SHIELD continuing to operate as its own entity but there would be more transparency towards why they would need to go into different countries. She’s hoping to model the new operations off of how the CIA or MI6 operates. Being as open and honest with civilians as they can while still keeping some secrecy. She wrote amendments to the accords and after it went to a vote, the UN decided to not go with them. In true Peggy fashion, she told them they were all idiots and then left, joining Steve in hiding because she was not going to sign the accords without her amendments.
I N F I N I T Y   W A R
She stayed by Steve’s side the entire time they were in hiding. When Thanos came to Earth, she stayed with Shuri, Wanda, and Vision while Shuri worked to provide extra protection. Peggy Carter did not survive the snap.
When Stephen Strange and the others bring everyone back for the final battle, Peggy walks up to Steve and with a small smirk on her lips says: “You didn’t think I’d miss all the fun did you?” Once the battle is won, she and Steve return the infinity stones. They decide to retire when they come back to the present day (Gonna try getting that life everyone tells them that they need to get). Steve passing on the shield to Sam and Peggy passing on her duties to Sharon. At the funeral Morgan comes over to her and asks if she’s her Aunt Peggy. Peggy nearly breaks down all over again as she confirms that she is indeed her Aunt Peggy while picking her up. She makes sure to check in on Tony’s family including Happy and Peter Parker often.
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goswagcollectorfire · 5 years
CARL’S BLOG: CLEBURNE COUNTY ITS PEOPLE, VOL. 2, The People of Edgemont, Arkansas
Author’s Note:  This concludes the early history of Edgemont, Cleburne County, Arkansas.  In my history of CLEBURNE COUNTY AND ITS PEOPLE, I tried to seek out the early settlers of each community in the new county, and last county formed in Arkansas.  There are several other well known families, but there was not room to recognize everyone who contributed to the growth and development of Edgemont.  I hope you who have been reading these stories enjoyed reading of relatives and friends of the pass.  You will notice there is lots of genealogy in these stories.  If you had relatives included in these stories fill free to use any of the data I’ve written about.  It took me four years to research and publish CLEBURNE COUNTY AND ITS PEOPLE, VOL. 1, AND 2.  There will be more to come on other settlements in days to come.  Enjoy!  Carl J. Barger, Author
3-22-20:  CLEBURNE COUNTY AND ITS PEOPLE, VOL.2: The People of Edgemont, Arkansas.
W. Morgan (1870-1952)  W. Morgan was born on November 2, 1870, in South Carolina. He moved to Arkansas with his parents as a child and lived in Edgemont for seventy-two years. He was educated in an one-room school house in Edgemont. After growing to adulthood, he married Miss. Nesy B. Gadberry on December 21, 1893. They celebrated their fifty-eight wedding anniversary on December 21, 1951 at their home in Edgemont. W. W. Morgan was a member of the Christian church, a member of the Eastern Star, a Mason, a master and secretary of the Sam Williams Lodge for several years. In 1951, Mr. Morgan received a fifty year-member citation for being one of the oldest members of the lodge. Mr. Morgan was perhaps one of the most widely known citizens in Cleburne County. He was very active in the community. He served as postmaster at Edgemont for several years and served on the Edgemont Board of Education for twenty years. He was one of the county’s most respected citizens and a Christian gentleman whose character was impeachable. He was well read and was interested in current events. He was particularly interested in the welfare of his community and his fellowman. He never hesitated to take a stand on issues which he believed to be clean and wholesome. On Monday June 28, 1952, W. W. Morgan died unexpectedly at his Edgemont home. He was eighty-one years old. At the time of his death, he was survived by his wife Mrs. Neasy B. Gadberry Morgan of the home; two sons, Dewey W. Morgan of England, Arkansas, and John C. Morgan of Searcy, Arkansas; three daughters. Mrs. Lee Luker of Searcy, Mrs. Pearl Myatt of Heber Springs, and Mrs. Alice Stafford of Edgemont; a sister, Mrs. Celia Rollins of Edgemont; eight grandchildren and a great-grandchild. Funeral services were conducted by Rev. Roy Henderson of Augusta, Arkansas, at the North Crossroads Church. Special music was by a quartet, Bynum Stark T. L. Turney, Oran Beasley and Jackie Pettit. Interment was North Cross Roads under the direction of the Masonic Lodge of Edgemont and Olmstead Funeral Home of Heber Springs. Pallbearers were members of the Masonic Order of the Edgemont Lodge.
Neasy B. Gadberry Morgan (1893-1959)
Neasy B. Gadberrry Morgan was born in Eglantine, Van Buren County, Arkansas, on December 21, 1893. She and her family moved to Edgemont where she lived out her life. She was the widow of W. W. Morgan who was postmaster of Edgemont for many years and joint owner of a large mercantile store in Edgemont with his brother-in-law, William Barnum. The mercantile business flourished for many years when Edgemont was booming with activities of the lumber and stave industry. She and W. W. Morgan were parents to three daughters and two sons. Mrs. Morgan was a member of the Church of Christ. She was a charter member of the Edgemont Chapter, Order of Eastern Star and was chaplain of the chapter for many years. Her gentle and engaging personality endeared her to friends, and her ability to retain her youthful interests and graces as the years advanced were remarkably stimulating to friends. On Saturday February 7, 1959, Mrs. Neasy B. Gadberry Morgan, widow of W. W. Morgan and one of the oldest citizens of Edgemont community died at her daughter’s home in Edgemont. She was eighty-seven years old. Mrs. Morgan was preceded in death by her husband, W. W. Morgan, on June 28, 1952, and three sons. At the time of her death, she was survived by three daughters, Mrs. J. S. Luker of Searcy, Arkansas, Mrs. Alice Stafford and Mrs. Pearl Myatt of Edgemont, two sons, Dewey W. Morgan and John C. Morgan of Edgemont; two sisters, Mrs. I. L. Johnson of Farmersville, Texas, and Mrs. John McEntire of Higden; eight grandchildren and five great-grandchildren. Funeral services for Mrs. Morgan were held at the Olmstead Funeral Home chapel under the directions of Rev. J. R. Newman. Pallbearers were E. L. Stanfield, Olan Barger, Dr. J. S. Luker, O. B. Morgan, Floyd Stafford and Everett Bradford. Interment was in the Shiloh Cemetery by Olmstead funeral home of Heber Springs, Arkansas. William F. Rollins (1905-1942) William Fletcher Rollins was born on April 5, 1905, to Robert H. Rollins and Celia Rollins of Edgemont, Cleburne County, Arkansas. William was a lifelong resident of Edgemont, Arkansas. He was one of five children born to Robert and Celia Rollins. His siblings were Anis Pauline Rollins, Floyd Rollins, Maris Rollins, and Ruth Rollins. William was educated in a two-room schoolhouse in Edgemont. After reaching adulthood, he was employed with the Missouri and Arkansas North Railroad as a bridge carpenter. On November 26, 1930, he married Miss Pearl Thompson of Cleburne County. To this marriage union were born five children. On Saturday morning, November 15, 1942, William Fletcher Rollins, age thirty-seven was fatally injured near Miller when a motor car derailed. The accident occurred at 8:55 A.M. and he died at the Estelle Hospital at 11:15 A.M. William, accompanied by other members of the bridge crew, was in route to work when the motor car ran into a split rail, wrecking the car and pinning William underneath a push car which was attached to the motor car. At the time of his death, he was survived by his mother, Celia Rollins of Edgemont; his wife, Pearl Thompson Rollins of the home; and his five children. He is also survived by one sister, Mrs. Leonard Gribble of Heber Springs; and one brother, Floyd Rollins of Edgemont. Funeral services were held at the family home at Edgemont Sunday afternoon by Rev. G. W. Norman of Heber Springs, assisted by Rev. Weed, pastor of the Edgemont Baptist Church. Interment was in the Davies Special Cemetery, Fairfield Bay, Arkansas by Olmstead Funeral Home of Heber Springs, Arkansas. Homer Dee Smith (1901-1980)
Homer Dee Smith was born on April 26, 1901, at Shiloh, Cleburne County, Arkansas. He was the son of William P. Smith and Kelly Maude Stark of Shiloh. Homer was educated in the Edgemont community schools and spent his entire life in Cleburne County. Homer was a retired farmer and a member of the Church of Christ in Higden, Arkansas. He was active in community events and was known widely throughout Cleburne County. On Friday, July 11, 1980, Homer Smith went to be with his Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. He died at his home in Edgemont at the age of seventy-nine. Those surviving Homer were his wife, Ella Mae Smith of the home; four sons, Alfred Smith of Higden, Dewey Smith of Edgemont, Victor Smith of Little Rock, and Bobby Smith of Vilonia; one brother, Ervin Smith of Heber Springs; two sisters, Mrs. Norma Fox of Heber Springs, and Mrs. Purdy Murphy of Kokomo, Indiana; twelve grandchildren; and ten great-grandchildren. Funeral services for Mr. Smith were held at the Church of Christ in Higden, Arkansas. Ed Inman officiated at Mr. Smith’s last rites. Interment was in the Shiloh Crossroads Cemetery by Olmstead Funeral Home of Heber Springs. Mr. Smith’s grandsons were pallbearers for the funeral. Eliza Thomas Stanfield (1872-1964) Eliza Thomas Stansfield was born in the state of Indiana on July 4, 1872. His parents were Bedford Stanfield and Helen Shields Stanfi eld. He spent most of his life in Cleburne County. He married Miss Sally J. Ash, also of Indiana, in 1893. They lived in Cincinnati, Ohio, for several years before moving to Cleburne county. Mrs. Stanfield died July 17, 1958, sixty-five years after their marriage. Mr. Stanfield settle at Edgemont in 1908 when that town was the center of a flourishing timber industry. He was active in the lumber, sawmill, and banking business there for many years before moving to Cleburne county. Mr. Stanfield was a man of remarkable stamina, who served as county engineer until he was eighty-nine. His young assistant surveyors often commented that his agility in climbing the mountains and rough terrain day after day offered them a challenge in endurance. Mr. Stansfield was active in all phases of Masonic work. He was made a Master Mason in Cincinnati in 1906, and in 1956 he was honored by the Grand Lodge of Arkansas with a fifty year emblem. He was a thirty-two-degree Mason and a Member of the Arkansas Consistory at Little Rock. Mr. Stanfield had been a member of the Sam Williams Lodge No. 89 at Edgemont for more than fifty-six years and had filled every post in the Lodge from worshipful master down. He was equally as active as a member of the Order of Eastern Star and had filled every office in the chapter. He had been a member of the Edgemont Christian Church for many years. On Friday, June 18, 1964, Eliza Thomas Stanfield passed away in the Heber Springs Hospital. He was ninety-two years old. He is survived by two sons, E.T. (Lovell) Stanfield, a retired U. S. Air Force Colonel of Heber Springs and the Rev. O. E. (Omer) Stanfi eld, a Presbyterian minister at Dardanelle; six grandchildren, ten great-grandchildren, three great-great-grandchildren, and a legion of friends who shared in the generosity of his long and upright life of good citizenship and service to his fellowmen. Funeral services were held at the Olmstead Funeral Home Chapel in Heber Springs. He was one of Cleburne County’s oldest a most prominent citizen. The Rev. Fleet Cook and Mr. Charles Dowdy offi ciated at the final tribute. Interment was in the City Cemetery with graveside honors by the Masonic Lodge.
Published by cjbarger
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