#false deites
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gonking-everywhere · 11 months ago
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Untitled painting by ABeardedArtist
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my-name-is-apollo · 4 months ago
Hi! I would like to add something to that anon who asked you about Apollo wearing a sun crown! I agree with you, is art, people can draw as they imagine and add the "accesories" they like to add the gods, i mean, there's not a "canonycal image", their views and representations changed with time and even the greeks had differents views of their deites, depending on the city and the author or poet! Yes, there are some atributes that always get associated with each god and was a way to indentify it (Zeus with thunderbolt, Athena with aegis, Artemis with bow, Apollo with lyre, Hermes with caduceus, and with all the gods), but other "accesories" could be added too!
The sun crown was associated with Helios in literature, but we have some despictions of Apollo with "a radiant forehead that shine like rays of light" or "rays of light rising from about his brow". So, is not a sun crown, but it look like one!
Philostratus the Elder
"Here is the god, painted as usual with unshorn locks; he lifts a radiant forehead above eyes that shine like rays of light, and with a sweet smile he encourages Hyacinthus, extending his right hand with the same purpose."
"As for the aspect of the god, he is represented as unshorn, my boy, and with his hair fastened up so that he may box with girt-up head; rays of light rise from about his brow and his cheek emits a smile mingled with wrath; keen is the glance of his eyes as it follows his uplifted hands."
(A want to use this moment to ask you how "a smile mingled with wrath" look, lol, i would like to draw this scene but i don't know how to make that smile)
Philostratus the Younger
"[From a description of an ancient Greek painting:] Here is the god [Apollon], painted as usual with unshorn locks; he lifts a radiant forehead above eyes that shine like rays of light."
So, if not a sun crown itself, but shine like one, so is neither wrong to draw him with that...
My designs of the twins also had some solar and lunar's accesories, i added too a little sun crown to Apollo, but it have seven rays to associate the 7 with him, is sacred to him, and is very small compared to my design of the Helios' one, which is the "oficial sun crown" (with 12 rays, representing the zodiac signs). Same with my designs of Selene and Artemis. Selene have a big crown with all the Moon's phases. Artemis have one more small and with some phases, not all. I also added a moon tatoo on Hekate's head!
Sorry this became a long text QwQ But i had some thougths before i have my oficial design, and i wanted to help the anon too 👉👈
And thank you for share those images of Apollo wearing a sun crown, i didn't knew those ones, i knew the one from the roman fresco, but not the others, thanks! I know is after his conflation with Helios, but is an example of how gods could have differents views and representations across the eras! (And that Apollo was a sun god too, at least in roman period, is not a "renaissance false propaganda". Same Artemis/Diana being a moon goddess. What is inaccurate is showing them driving the sun and moon chariot, because that always were Helios and Selene in mythology, but renaissance and neoclassical painters seeing Artemis and Apollo as a the riders of Moon and Sun, i believe is because of the conflation in roman era or because they looked at them more as "metaphorical" moon and sun, and not the "literal" like Helios and Selene were, in neoclassical and renaissance's period, was common the use of metaphores or allegories in paints... But I don't know)
I'd not thought about it when I was answering the other ask, but yes. The paintings that both Philostratus the elder and Philostratus the younger describe also have Apollo with a radiate head. Thanks for reminding me anon! <3
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xobsidian-witchcraftx · 5 years ago
Greetings, just started working with Tarot & getting back into witchcraft again after a break from it. Sometimes I use them to talk to my deites and my spirits guides. But, my question is, is it possible for other spirits to come in & trick me with false information or imposter a deity?
I don't currently work with deities so I don't have any experience in it, but yes, I have heard of that happening
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baggebythesea · 11 months ago
Well, for me that's where the God metaphore breaks down, because whilie Lilith was created by God and escaped her function, just like Lucifer, Horde Prime did not create Entrapta.
In fact, Despondos was full of wonders Horde Prime could not understand - indeed, as we learnt from Melog, was actively afraid of. It was not even a dicotomy, with First Ones as the true deites and Horde Prime as a demiurg, because as we learnt the First Ones were usurpers just like Prime, and the wonders of Etheria were older then either of them. She-Ra takes a strong stance against organized religion.
Hordak, in time, came to appreciate the wonders of Etheria for what they were - wonders. The wanna-be-colonizers becoming integrated in the world he tried to conquer. And in the end, the living avatar of Etheria destroyed the false god he had served so ill advisedly, freeing him to seek true hapiness in a place that was yet again a place were God could not reach, with a girl God had not created.
Paradise Lost - Hordak as an Miltonian fallen angel
She-Ra is not devoid of religious imigary - especially when it comes to the galactical Horde - and I really love what that does with Hordak.
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If Horde Prime is God and the clones are angles, then Hordak is a fallen angel and Despondos is the place he fell. Hell.
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One specific concept of hell, when it's not used as "heaven's prison", is 'the place where God isn't. The place where God can't or won't reach.
That's where Hordak found himself, beyond the omnicognicent eyes of the deity who had created him and watched over his entire life, free to do something of his own.
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And like an abused child, he took the clumsy tools available to him and did his best to recreate the only thing he had ever known in a desperate bid for the attention of the God who had cast him away. He even comitted the hubris of trying to match God's creation of life, with a twisted and imperfect results.
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For decades he toiled in despair in the futile hope of redemption, until a certain science princess made him realise that he had something better than the graze of God right here, in this place where God would leave him alone.
It's something awfully Miltonian about this Hordak. If we for a moment indulge in his fantasies, he was heaven's top general before he fell, mirroring Arch Angel Lucifer in Paradise Lost.
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Like Lucifer, Hordak's defining trait was pride. Like Lucifer, Hordak aspired to rule Hell when he couldn't serve in heaven. He created a brutal construct of machinery and darkness - in stark contrast to Horde Prime's alien "Ipod" heaven - but unlike Lucifer, Hordak came finally to realize that neither ruling nor serving would make him happy, but love would.
Of course, by then it was too late and the hevenly host came for him and for the paradise he had built in hell, the dimension of Despondos no longer safe from the prying eyes of God.
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And despite him crawling back to heaven, despite him gaining what he thought he wanted for all these years of toil, he soon came to realize the true horror of the God he had returned to.
Only one thing to do! Go Nietzsche on his sorry ass!
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thedietfantasy · 2 years ago
A Quick Lance at the Diet the Diet Meal Delivery Services?
Can meal delivery help in losing weight? Can meal delivery help in losing weight? Reasons why healthy meal prep NYC is important Reasons why healthy meal prep NYC is important Overwhelmed by over-cooked vegetables and turned off by dodgy diet options of the past, most of the people are under the notion that all healthy food is boring and tasteless. At The diet fantasy, that couldn’t be ahead from the truth. The diet meal delivery schedules were intended to put the flavor back into nutritious food and to help you put your diet on autopilot with fresh meals delivered to your doorsteps.
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Read More :  Why choose diet food delivery?
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All-too-frequently, dieting can feel like a task. It’s a different stressor to add to your long list of to-do things. Organizing recipes, counting calories, shopping for groceries, preparing fresh meals, purifying up. It’s no hard that more than 90% of diets are doomed to fail. Those modifications today, if you want to enjoy calorie-controlled, nutritious meals and see enduring weight loss results that too without having to spend hours in the kitchen, look no further.
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Raed -  Points to take into account when starting meal prep services in NYC
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Read More - Reasons why healthy meal prep NYC is important
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Read Also -  Can meal delivery help in losing weight?
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For more details on the diet food delivery, explore https://thedietfantasy.com/
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noblecrumpet-dorkvision · 7 years ago
Wizard Week: School-Specific Spellcasting
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image credit: Hellstern
If we assume that all spells can be divided into the eight schools of magic in D&D, we can also assume each is unique in the energies it manipulates or its functions. Much like how other games might assume there are different types of energies, types of magic, or types of mana, some schools can do what others cannot.
Here I have taken the eight schools of magic and tried to reason how they could simulate spells from other schools using their brand/specialization of magic. This way you can cast spells with theory-based RP! 
An abjurer is adept at protective magic involving wards, barriers, alarms, or spells that interfere with other spells. I like to imagine this as manipulation of the natural Weave of magic that ties things together. An either clever or crude disruption of the natural state of magic.
Conjuration: You interfere with the summoned object or creature's natural arcane state, strategically forcing it to teleport to your location almost like a glitch. Your wards and abjurations prevent summoned creatures from escaping or disobeying.
Divination: You set arcane alarms along the timeline or along natural leylines, which alert you with the answer to your divined question.
Enchantment: You block off pathways in the target's mind using your magical wards, causing them to act the way you want them to.
Evocation: You use your wards to protect yourself and others from the energy you channel through your body.
Illusion: Your wards and barriers take on light and form and you arrange them into the desired illusion.
Necromancy: You trap a soul within a body to create undead, using your wards to prevent it from leaving. You weaken natural arcane logic that keeps a creature's body intact to deal necrotic damage.
Transmutation: You alter the weave of magic and the natural arcane logic keeping a creature's body together, almost like altering their DNA, forcing the transmutation to take place.
A conjurer's magic summons or teleports. It is also considered to be creation magic, but we can assume a created object is either stolen from somewhere else or created by stealing the materials for it from various places or the surroundings, so truly creation is just another summon or teleport.
Abjuration: You conjure protective minerals like salt or iron flakes or other special mixes to spread about you and dissipate magic.
Divination: You summon the voice of a deity or extraplanar creature and receive its answer to your divined query.
Enchantment: You summon or call a possessing spirit or entity that inhabits the enchanted target to affect their mind.
Evocation: You summon elementals to deal the energy damage the spell deals.
Illusion: You physically summon a real creature or object that takes the form of your illusion, but the summoned creature or object is mostly a shadow or a partial summoning, or else you summon something easily bypassed like a swarm of flies or swirling sand that takes the form of your illusion.
Necromancy: You summon tormented souls to ravage a target to deal necrotic damage, or summon a demon or soul to possess an animated corpse.
Transmutation: You practice your magic of creation directly on a creature or object, altering its form in the process.
A diviner's magic transfers sensory input or knowledge across space and/or time in the form of imploring deites for answers, scrying, or sensing something you can't normally sense (such as detecting magic).
Abjuration: Your divination magic lets you predict spells cast to more easily dispel or counter them. Your wards transfer the sensation of harm and dissipates it harmlessly elsewhere.
Conjuration: You implore a summoned creature to come to you, rather than magically forcing it to. For summoned objects, your divination aids you in finding the object in question.
Enchantment: You use your divination to alter what a creature feels emotionally and the sensations they receive to suit your charm.
Evocation: You dismiss harmful sensations caused from channeling powerful energy.
Illusion: You grant your targets visions from some far-off place or time, seeing what is not truly there overlapped with reality.
Necromancy: You implore spirits to enter empty corpses to animate them. You deal necrotic damage by transferring painful sensations to your target and their body's natural defenses harmfully overreact to the sensation.
Transmutation: The natural arcane logic that holds an object's form together is given false information thanks to your divination magic, altering the object's form.
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image credit: Sean O'Daniels
An enchanter's magic affects the minds of others, influencing them with charm spells or controlling their behavior with compulsion spells. We could stretch this to include manipulation of creatures' auras or even psionics.
Abjuration: You alter the auras of creatures or objects to create wards or to protect them.
Conjuration: You draw energy from nearby creatures' auras or latent psychic energy and give it physical form.
Divination: You search the minds of surrounding creatures or higher deities to gather information.
Evocation: You manipulate your own mind and aura to handle the massive channeling of energy through your psyche.
Illusion: You enchant the creature's mind to see the illusion you want it to see.
Necromancy: You manipulate the brain of a corpse you animate, giving it a semblance of life. To deal necrotic damage, you cause the target's mind to believe its body is in pain and cause its immune system to overreact negatively.
Transmutation: You alter a creature or object's aura to give it the new shape you transmute it to.
An evoker channels energy, whether the energy is present in the world around you or drawn from the elemental planes of energy (Fire, Earth, Air, Water, Positive Energy, Negative Energy). It sometimes passes through your body (channeled) or is sometimes drawn along magic paths you create.
Abjuration: You evoke the opposite energy of a spell you are countering to disrupt the enemy's spell.
Conjuration: You coalesce your evoked energy into a conjured object.
Divination: Your information travels from elemental lords or souls traversing the positive/negative energy planes.
Enchantment: You channel positive or negative energy through the minds of others to charm or compel them to your bidding.
Illusion: Your illusions are a trick of the light caused by air/fire/water elements you evoke. They have to be tiny evocations of such energy to generate the complex imagery, like Plato's model of elemental atomism.
Necromancy: You channel negative energy to animate corpses or deal necrotic damage. Alternatively, you channel electricity through animated corpses to coerce their muscle movements through spasms.
Transmutation: You use your evoked energy to transform the base energies of the transmuted target, again like atomism.
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image credit: Alex Perkins
An illusionist creates images that do not really exist. This is presumably a mastery of the electromagnetic spectrum to bend light, or to simulate light and even slight feeling in more powerful spells.
Abjuration: Your wards are partly illusionary, mostly dissuading attack rather than doing any actual protecting.
Conjuration: You use electromagnetism to bend open a portal when summoning creatures. When summoning simple objects, you create semi-real objects using magnetic force.
Divination: Your illusions show you the information you are divining.
Enchantment: You bend the light before a creature's eyes to make it see things that convince it to be charmed or compelled by you.
Evocation: You use different intense ends of the electromagnetic spectrum to create fire, lightning, thunder, or cold damage.
Necromancy: You use magnetic force to telekinetically manipulate an animated corpse. To deal necrotic damage, you cause bodily panic with electrical shocks targeted at a creature's nerves.
Transmutation: You use magnetism to change the form of a creature or object and use bent light to create the illusion of a real transformation.
A necromancer manipulates negative energy, organic material, souls, or life force (not necessarily in an evil manner). Manipulation of life force can also feel cold, so you could make an argument for spells that deal cold damage.
Abjuration: You use body parts or bones as part of your wards.
Conjuration: You conjure organic material in different forms, sometimes charging it with negative energy. For instance, a conjured Sleet Storm might summon greasy bits of flesh made cold with negative energy.
Divination: Your information is gleaned from death gods or the souls of the dead.
Enchantment: You target specific parts of a creature's brain with necrotic energy to manipulate their mind.
Evocation: You create cold using negative energy. Fire or lightning might come from ignited life force or souls. Acid damage comes from organic sources like bile.
Illusion: Your illusions are conglomerations of organic material spread thin with colors picked from the organic matter, giving most of your illusions more reddish or earthy tones.
Transmutation: You twist a target creature's flesh using necromancy. For an object, consider manipulating organic material or using nearby organic material to alter the object's shape additively.
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image source: Fullmetal Alchemist
A transmuter alters the physical properties of objects and creatures by either physically warping/shaping it or by changing it on a molecular level. Your spells alter existing things, like the concepts behind Fullmetal Alchemist.
Abjuration: You shield yourself from energy by changing your body to adapt to it. You dispel magic by polymorphing the target or caster until the spell refuses to work correctly.
Conjuration: Instead of summoning objects, you change the molecules of the surrounding area to create the summoned object. To summon creatures, you warp the area between planes to call the creature to you.
Divination: Your divinations are recorded by shaping ink on a page into a written prophecy or molding an object into a shape representing an omen.
Enchantment: You slightly polymorph a creature's brain to influence them.
Evocation: You transmute nearby base materials into different elements to manipulate them. Like transmuting a stone into a ray of fire.
Illusion: You bend and alter the electromagnetic waves in the spell's area to create the illusion. Or you could transmute elements into the shape you desire, making illusions out of swirling sand or water.
Necromancy: You balefully polymorph a creature to deal necrotic damage, warping their flesh in painful ways. You animate corpses by transforming a non-living corpse into a working one without a soul. Bodies are just machines, after all.
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nurseshannansreviews · 5 years ago
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bysamiaaromaterapia · 7 years ago
Quer relaxar? Desfrute deste ritual
O sono é precioso. Nosso descanso deve ser profundo, sendo nosso alimento para enfrentar cada dia com facilidade e vitalidade. Termos um tempo para desconectar e descontrair faz a transição da vigília para o sono uma experiência suave e luxuosa. Os simples atos de autocuidado tornam-se sagrados com intenção focada e produtos  puros e naturais. Experimente este ritual de autocuidado espiritual, deliciosamente aromático, para se preparar para o sono que você precisa para ser sempre seu dia seguinte repleto de energia.
Óleos essenciais By Samia (Laranja By Samia , Lavanda By Samia e Vetiver By Samia  ou as Sinergias Relaxante ou Zen By Samia).
 Água Perfumada Relaxante By Samia
Óleo Essencial de Hortelã Pimenta By Samia
Óleo para Massagem Relaxante By Samia
Serum de Rosas Spa Basic By Samia
Folhas de Sálvia officinalis ( podem ser compradas em farmácias ou em super mercados )
Carvão Vegetal ( em casas de artigos religiosos )
Coloque seus eletrônicos no modo avião e guarde-os longe do seu espaço para seu ritual. Comece preparando o difusor em seu quarto com 4 gotas cada laranja, vetiver e lavanda ou 12 gotas de um das sinergias relaxante ou zen. Desligue as luzes, ou deixe-as baixas baixas. Acenda uma vela para adicionar um brilho suave no seu banheiro. Queime folhas de Sálvia officinalis, em carvão vegetal,  em cada canto do seu quarto, visualizando a limpeza do espaço com a fumaça sagrada. Repita no banheiro.
Agora que seu espaço é purificado, é hora de limpar seu corpo-mente. Tome um banho antes de entrar, e aplique apenas 01 gota de Olíbano By Samia nos pulsos e atrás dos seus ouvidos. Deixe seus olhos se fecharem enquanto você sente a  água morna, cercada por um aroma delicioso. Faça algumas respirações profundas, enfatizando a exalação. Com cada respiração, observe seu dia sendo lavado, levando todas as toxinas embora e deixando um local, ( seu corpo limpo e imaculado )
Quando terminar, se seque e se deite. Auto massagem com nosso Óleo Relaxante By Samia com  movimentos circulares em toda a extensão de seu corpo,  nutrindo a sua pele. Comece com as mãos e os pés, faça o seu caminho até seus membros atraindo calor para o seu coração. Preste especial atenção às suas articulações e ao fundo dos seus pés.
Borrife seu rosto com a Água Perfumada Relaxante By Samia deixando sua alma absorver toda esta paz e  sua pele ser nutrida.  Aplique o Serum de Rosas Spa Basic BY Samia, em seu rosto, em uma quantidade de 05 gotas na palma de suas mãos. Anti oxidante potente e nutrição para sua pele facial,  em movimentos circulares. 
 Escove seus dentes, mas coloque apenas 01 gota de óleo essencial de Hortelã Pimenta By Samia em 100 ml de água mineral, e enxague após a escovação.
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Aumente o seu difusor. Sente-se de joelhos. Com uma expiração, dobre as pernas para sentar. Deixe-se nesta postura o tempo que desejar, visualizando uma energia  que flui no centro da terra para seu coração. Quando estiver pronto, encontre seu caminho para a cama e nebulize a sua aura com a poção floral que é a Água Perfumada Relaxante mais uma vez antes de sair da postura  ir para dormir.
Os produtos By Samia se encontram a disposição no endereço abaixo.
E não se esqueçam do cupom de desconto pelo meu blog
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moumed83 · 8 years ago
Comment on MINI COCONUT EASTER MOUNTAINS! by false and lie
This is a false and lie news about Mark. Please Spam and Ban this link from Google. http://ift.tt/2paZSQd
from Comments for Fitness on Toast http://ift.tt/2oBonYK Comment on MINI COCONUT EASTER MOUNTAINS! by false and lie deit, fitness, healty, sports, Weight loss from . PostUrl
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