#fallon x diego
autisticarachnid · 11 months
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saoirse julieta caplan, age 21.
- middle of fallon and diego’s three children
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sturniolos-blog · 8 months
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Street Racer - Matt Sturniolo x Y/n Story
warnings-swearing, kissing, arguing
“One of my cars? I mean of course, y/n. I love you but what do you need it for?” Madi asked.
I sighed into the phone,
“It’s a long story, can I just come over and get a car and explain the story after?” I asked, biting my lip hopefully.
“Of course, love you.” Madi said.
“Thank you so much. Love you too.” I smiled.
I got to Madi’s house. Stepping out of my car as i took a deep breath, she was in her huge garage, filled with 4 cars.
The garage doors were open so it gave me a perfect view of each one, she steps out into the driveway, motioning towards the cars,
“Pick your poison.” She said.
I think for a moment before my eyes lock on this beautiful, purple, Modified Nissan 240SX with blue head lights.
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“That one. Please.” I point to the car. She smiles and nods, pulling the keys out from her pocket, handing them to me.
I take them in my hands.
“Is what your doing safe?” Madi asks me.
I pause for a second, looking down at the keys that are in my hand.
She noticed my silence, “I love you, n/n. Please be careful..” She begged.
I nodded, “Of course, i won’t let anything happen to the car.” I smiled.
“Not the car, dumbass. You, don’t get hurt.” She hugs me tightly.
“I won’t, i promise.” I said into the crook of her neck as i hugged her back.
“Racers, are you ready!? We are on in 10! Tonight we have with us Matthew Sturniolo, AKA the unbeatable! He’s on a 10 race winning streak!” I hear Jackson announce with his microphone as i pull up, the crowd going crazy for Matt. Matt was leaning on his
“Racing along with him tonight is Jeter Fallon. Definitely gonna be a competition tonight!” Jackson announces Jeter out as i see Jeter was standing next to his car next to Matt, hands in his pocket with a smug look, black slicked hair, jean jacket, white shirt. His car was black, not sure of the model, but it was nice.
“Last but certainly not least, Diego Gonzalez! Here, Diego is new with us tonight but i certainly expect a lot out of this guy.” Jackson puts his hand on Diego’s shoulder, Diego had short brown hair, mustache kept nice, accompanied by stubble. Arms crossed as he had a tooth pick in his mouth.
“Alright, 5 minutes everyone place your bets now!” Jackson laughs before he starts walking away and talking to some other people.
I pull up next to Diego, getting out of my car and running over to Jackson.
I tap Jackson’s shoulder, he turns around and his eyes go wide.
“Y/n? Holy shit, well don’t you clean up nice.” He complimented, looking me up and down.
I smile, “‘preciate it.” I thanked.
“Yeah, well uh..” He cleared his throat, “What are you doin’ here, sweetheart?”
“I’m here too race.” I said.
Jacksons calm fave turned to a surprised one, “Y-you- sorry..” He coughed, “What?”
“You heard me, i’m here to race, please Jackson, let me race.” I begged him.
He bit his tongue, “Y/n, do you even have a racing car i mean-”
I cut him off as i point to my beaut, “That’s mine.” I smile.
His jaw drops, he walks over, his fingers sliding smoothly across the purple paint, “How did you…” He trails off.
I shake my head, “Just let me race.” I sigh.
He stands up, taking his hands off the car, “Matt know you’re doin’ this?” He crossed his arms.
“He’s ‘bout to find out..” I shrug.
Jackson nods, looking around as people talk all around us, i look to see where he’s looking and I see Matt, talking to some guys, still leaned up against his car, but hasn’t noticed me yet.
“2,000 dollars, n/n.” Jackson says.
I raise a brow.
He sighs, “If you lose..” He clarifies. “It’s 2,000 dollars.” He says.
“Doubting me, already?” I joke.
Jackson shakes his head, “Of course not, but i’d hate for you to lose and then have to go home and face Matt.” He clears his throat.
My mouth parts slightly, looking down as i think about how mad Matt is gonna be, holy shit what if he-
“If i can have your attention, please.” My thoughts get interrupted by Jackson on the microphone, he stands next to me and slings an arm around my shoulder.
Everyone looks over to him and i, i see one of Matt’s friends tap his shoulder and point to me. Matt looks over, a confused look on his face.
“We have a newbie here tonight! Ladies and gentlemen let me introduce you to Y/n L/n! She will be racing with these men over here, in her one hell of a car.” Jackson announces. Surprisingly the crowd cheers, and some people whistle. My revealing outfit may be a bit much.
“2 Minutes everybody, Thank you!” Jackson says, i take a breath.
“Thank you.” I breathe out. He shakes his head and points over my shoulder, “Don’t thank me yet.” He says and i turn around to see Matt storming up to me.
I look to see Jackson now talking to other people. Oh great.
“Y/n, what in the actual fuck do you think you’re doing?” Matt grabs my arm.
“Okay first of all don’t touch me.” I pull my arm away from him. “Second, i’m racing, Matt.”
“Like hell you are!” He yells, “Y/n, do you have any clue what you’re doing?! what’s on the line!? You could get hurt- you could crash- you could-”
“Stop!” I interrupt him, “Don’t you see what i’ve been trying to tell you?!” I raise my voice, “I’ve been saying these exact things, what’s different now?”
He sighs and bites his lip, “I-it’s different, y/n. Very fucking different, please do not race tonight.” Matt begs me.
I sigh and nod. “I love you..” I say, Matt lets out a breath of relief. “But i’m still racing.” I say, starting to walk to my car for the night.
“Y/n- listen to m-” Matt calls but gets interrupted by Jackson.
“Alright, my racers get in your cars!” Jackson says, people cheering as i see everyone start to get into there car, i get in mine and see Matt mumble something with an angry look before walking to his car and getting in.
“Start your engines!” Jackson calls out, everyone’s engine revving, i start mine and rev it too, damn it sounds nice.
“Well the moment you’ve all been waiting for.. On your mark!” Jackson calls out, i crack my neck and get ready.
“Get set!” Louder cheers come from the people surrounding our cars.
“Go!” Jackson says and i take off.
Everyone does the same as we start. I see Matt’s white car ahead of everyone, I press down on the gas pedal as much as i can. I see Diego running up behind me and Jeter far in the back. Me and Matt practically neck and neck.
I’m at the end of the race, Matt and I still in the front as Diego and Jeter stay behind, Diego looks like he’s in last.
One last turn.
I beep my horn to distract Matt and it works. He slows down and gives me a chance to get ahead, i hear people cheering.
I made the finish line.
First place.
“And here we have it, not so new newbie, surprised all of us.. Y/n L/n!” Jackson announces as everyone cheers.
Matt pulls up second place, Jeter third and Diego second.
I get out of the car and smile.
“Thank you so much, Jackson.” I say, Jackson just smiles.
I turn and see Matt getting out of his car, pulling two grand from his pocket,
“You won.” He clears his throat, he was so upset.
“I don’t want your money, Matt.” I whisper.
“Fucking take it!” He yells at me, shoving the money into my chest.
I let out a soft gasp, “What the fuck?”
“Return that fucking car back to Madi, and go fucking home.” Matt says harshly.
“Matt i-”
He cuts me off, “You heard me.”
That’s the end of part 3 hope you enjoyed and please request stuff guys i’m desperate and bored all the time
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dakotakazansky · 1 year
Ghost • Five
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Warnings: 18+, Fluff, Angst, lots of Dumb Bitch Juice, Some Smut
Pairings: Jake ‘Hangman’ Seresin x OC & Javy ‘Coyote’ Machado x OC
Word Count: 2,623
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After a long week of flight training and drills it was finally the weekend. During one of the lunch hours we got Jake and Javy to agree to come with Tate and I while we shopped for things to put in my barracks room, but only on the terms that they were allowed to go off on their own and not be dragged around for girl talk and shopping. We all met at my room, and then piled into Jake's truck, our first stop being Target. 
Tate and I's first stop was to the Starbucks inside of Target, we ordered our coffee and then stood off to the side waiting for the drinks to be made, we knew it would take some time seeing as there were at least 6 people in front of us.
"So tell me more about you Tate, like I know you said you're from Ohio, whereabouts?" Tate smiles before speaking, "I'm from a small city outside of Cincinnati. I lived there with my mother Jacqueline, but we called her Jackie, and my older brother Samuel, but we called him Sammy." I nod my head while listening to Tate explain about home, before she continues, "Sammy became a professional baseball player with the Reds, while my mother is a charge nurse at our local hospital."
I smiled at Tate, "Wow, sounds like you've got some awesome family members, what made you want to leave them?" Tate pondered on my question for a minute before beginning again, "Well, as much as I love my family, and my state, I always felt like there was something more for me out there, something that I couldn't achieve from there." She chuckles softly, "That and I really wanted to travel and serve my country so what better way than joining the Navy." 
We both laugh and I say, "I mean you do have a point there, the Navy is a lot of travel." She looks over to me, "What about you Kota, where are you from?" "Well I was born and raised in Miramar. We eventually moved to a few different places, like Fallon, Nevada and Pensacola, Florida, but we ended up back down in San Diego recently. You could imagine all the moving and what not having a family member in the navy would bring."
Tate nods her head, "While I never had to experience that first hand, I do understand where you are coming from." I nod back to her, and she asks, "What was it like moving around so often?" I took a minute to figure out how I wanted to explain my answer to this question, "Well the moving around itself was fun, I got to experience new bases, and explore new towns, but it was hard to keep friends with the constant moving, and even harder to make and keep friends once everyone found out I was the Admiral's daughter. They all wanted to befriend me just to get to him, or were afraid of me because of him." 
I sigh softly, and Tate puts a hand on my shoulder. "I'm sorry to hear that Kota, I'm glad we met, and that I get to be your WSO, you seem really cool." I smile, and turn to Tate giving her a hug, "You're right, I'm glad we met and were paired together, and thank you for being someone that doesn't wanna be friends to just get to my dad." Tate hugs me back, we break away at the perfect time, because we heard the barista call our names, we grabbed our coffees and started to head out into the store to shop. 
We started off in the home goods area, grabbing some throw pillows and a blanket. We found some other items as well like a vase to put on the table. I asked Tate, "So what do you think of our squadron?" I wiggle my eyebrows, "Find any cute guys?" I ask jokingly. Tate starts laughing, "I think our squadron is wonderful, I love working with you and Jake. As for cute guys, I think Coyote is kinda cute" she says while her cheeks turn rosy pink.
She looks at me, "Well what about you Kota, any cute guys for you?" Now it's my turn to turn the brightest shade of red, "I mean..." I sigh, "I've not really tried for relationships honestly, most people only used me to get to my father, and when I caught on that was the case for most, I ended those relationships. Plus no one treats me like Jake does, but I could never tell him I like him, I don't want to ruin the longest friendship I've ever had if he doesn't feel the same way." 
I try to distract Tate by showing her a cute rug that I saw. "What do you mean you'd ruin the friendship Kota?" Tate questions, still pushing the subject. "I mean like, if he doesn't like me that way, how do you go back to the way things were now that you know the feelings you have aren't shared? I feel like it would be very awkward, plus with my track record of friends being only you, him, and Javy, I really don't want to lose a friend from the small group I already have."
She nods, taking in my words, trying to understand where I'm coming from. She tries to reason with me, "But how will you know how you guys feel about each other if you don't take the risk? I mean you're a Fighter Pilot for crying out loud, our lives are all about taking risks." I look at her, "I mean you are right Tate, our lives are all about risks, but... I'm just not sure if I'm ready for that risk yet."
We make our way through the aisles of home goods finding some art work to put on the walls, but then I stop to ponder something. "Hey what do you say, we put this art back, and go grab some canvases and paint and we all make our own?" I questioned her. "Kota, that's a great idea! You should ask the guys if they want to join in!" I immediately grab my phone out of my pocket and stand off to the side to not block the aisle, and shoot off a text to Jake. 
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"Javy and Jake are in, they want to join us in making our own art for my walls. We can grab extra canvases too in case you guys want to take some home with you." I say excitedly. I shoot off one more text to Jake to let him know we are heading to the check out area in a few minutes after we grab some snacks for ourselves for our painting night. Once we've all checked out we all hop back into Jake's truck and head off to the local art store so we can all pick out our canvases and other art supplies.
Javy and I watch the girls walk over to Starbucks while we walk off to do our own thing. As we are heading back to the grocery section of the store we get to talking, "How's it going in your squadron man?" Javy asks first. "It's going great. Kota, Tate and I all finally got call signs. Kota and Tate's are super cool and silly, while mine is just because I missed a high five." I say.
"So what is everyone's callsigns then?" Javy questions wanting to know. "Kota is Ghost because I said she flies undetected and ice cold, Tate got Villain because after Kota flew inverted over my jet, Kota asked her how she was doing, and Tate said she was chillin’ like a villain while we all heard the nerves in her voice. I missed Kota's high five and just stuck with Hangman."
We both started laughing before Javy said, "Well at least the names are fitting for you 3. I guess that makes Kota and Tate your wingmen?" I facepalm, "Shit yeah, forgot to tell you that part." I nervously scratch the back of my neck knowing what's coming next from Javy.
"Is that going to affect your flying and if you get sent on missions. I know you still have feelings for her man, I saw it all over your face when we had lunch together all week." I sigh replying, "I hope it's not going to affect me, I'm hoping I can keep it at bay, but I don't know what I would do if something happened to her or Tate." 
I feel my phone vibrate, and pull it out of my pocket, I look down and smile seeing the message from "🌙❤️" pop up. Javy and I both say at the same time, "Speak of the devil." Although his sounds more like a question, than a statement like mine is.
"So what's up?" He says, nodding towards my phone, as I continue to type a reply back to Kota. "Oh uh, Kota is asking if we'd like to snag some canvases and make some art for her walls." I see Javy light up excitedly, "Of course I'm in!" I let him know the girls are grabbing extra snacks and drinks for Kota's place for art night, and we meet them back at the checkout once we've grabbed all our groceries and necessities. 
We all head to the craft store, we grab 4 medium canvases for us to do a pass around painting, that each of us will get to take home, and then somewhere I lost track of how many smaller ones we had gotten. I know there is plenty enough to put on my walls, and then some left over for others to take home as well.
I question everyone, "So I know I bought us some snacks and beer for tonight but what do we want to do for dinner? Should we order out and take it home, or just start painting, and eventually order pizza for delivery?" I let out a little chuckle knowing once we were home and started painting and drinking there was no way anyone was going home, except maybe Tate since she only lived in the room a few doors down from mine.
Everyone starts throwing out ideas, "Why not do some takeaway Chinese", "Oo we could order pizza from that place that has the really good breadsticks" or "We can grab some big greasy burgers." We all started talking about it, and we all agreed on ordering takeaway Chinese because we could set it up family style on my dining room table's lazy Susan and pick and choose a little of everything. We ended up with a little bit of everything from lo mein, to potstickers, fried wontons, wonton and egg drop soup, and general tso's chicken. 
We spent the rest of the afternoon into the evening, eating our dinner and drinking first, then we moved onto the pass around paintings. After we had finished those we each painted some different art pieces for each other to take home. We eventually worked on some of the canvases that were going to go up on my walls, each person putting their personality 110% into each piece, before signing and dating the back of the canvas before we set them up to dry overnight.
At one point Jake and I split off to work on an art piece together, while Tate and Javy had split off to work on their own piece together. We all continued to laugh and joke and had a great time together making memories. Jake ended up spending the night, while Tate, who wasn't as drunk as the rest of us, took Coyote back to her place, saying that, "They both wanted to hang out and get to know each other better." Whether they knock boots together or not will be a story for another day when we aren't drunk, I'm definitely going to question it tomorrow though. 
Jake and I stayed up a little longer, once Tate and Javy had left, neither of us mentioning what we had talked about with the two that had left. He helped me up, so I could do my nightly routine of washing my face. "Alright Kota, let's get you changed into your pjs for the night." Jake says sweetly.
"Help me please?" I mumble drunkenly, unable to fully stand up right without assistance from Jake. "Alright Moon, just because you're totally shitfaced right now." He helps me out of my shirt and pants, and then helps me pull on my shirt and pj shorts. "Thank you Sun." I say slurring my speech. I lean up and kiss his cheek softly, before he walks me over and helps me into bed. 
"Hang tight here Moon, I'll be right back." Jake says leaving the room. When he returns he has a bottle of Gatorade and some ibuprofen, "Now take these, and drink some of this Gatorade before you go to sleep." I do as he says, and then he takes the half empty bottle of Gatorade and puts it on the nightstand next to me, and then walks around to the other side of the bed getting in himself.
The last thing I remember is sleepily asking, "Can we cuddle?" He holds his arms open, and I snuggle up next to him, falling asleep on his chest, while he wraps one arm around me, and uses the other to play with my hair. 
Kota drunkenly asks me for help to get ready for bed. This isn't my first rodeo helping Kota when she's this shitfaced, so I know she's alright with me helping her, and I know for certain this won't be the last time either. "Alright sweetheart, let's get rid of these jeans" I say, pulling her jeans down, and helping her step out of them.
"Okay time for your pj shorts." She's extra wobbly so I hold onto her, one hand holding on to the small of her back while I use the other hand to guide her legs into the leg hole of the shorts, before swapping hands and doing the same to the other leg. We, even though it was mostly me, get her shorts on her, "Alright darlin' arms up."
She complies and puts her arms up so I could take her shirt off, and put her tank top on. Oh how I could never get tired of helping this sweet small angel, I'd do anything to be able to do this for the rest of my life. She kissed my check softly before I helped her into her bed.
I tell her to hang tight, while leaving to grab her ibuprofen that she keeps in the medicine cabinet, and a Gatorade to wash it down with while also replacing electrolytes. I make her take the tablets, and drink some before climbing into bed with her. She sleepily asks me if we can cuddle and I immediately open my arms for her, never turning down a chance to hold her tightly to me.
She lays her head against my chest, and this is one of the only times I visibly blush, but thankfully no one can see it. She wraps her small arms around my frame, and I use one hand to play with her hair. Once I know she's fast asleep, I softly kiss the top of her head, and whisper, "Goodnight love" knowing she won't remember it in the morning. My mind is racing over the conversation that Javy and I had earlier, but even then I still manage to fall asleep just fine, with my favorite person cuddled up by my side.
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steviebbboi · 2 months
A Kindred Love Affair
Pairing: Norman Reedus x OFC *RPF
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Summary: Miranda Polaris is an actress on TWD. She is doing an interview with Jimmy Fallon when he confronts her about her relationship with co-star, Norman Reedus. (Norman/OC). Rated M for the end.
Disclaimer: I do not own TWD nor do I own Norman Reedus (again, wish I did lol). I also would never claim this to be his character in real life and have written this with the best of intentions to bask in the joy of loving Norman! I also wrote this on Ao3 in 2017 and figured I would post it on here :) This is an 18+ fic; Minors DNI - you're responsible for the content that you consume, be mindful! Unbeta'd.
Warnings: *some mature themes but no explicit smut, v intimate moments between Norman x Reader, allusions to smut
Word count: 1.7k~
Additional Note: I don't tend to write RPF anymore pls be kind! 🥹 I don't give permission to post this anywhere else. This is only posted on here, FFNet, and Ao3-- please do not steal work, my friends!
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"And here we have our surprise guest, Miranda Polaris, who plays Samantha Lewis on the Walking Dead!"
The crowd rushed with applause as a tall woman with dark brown hair and green eyes walked onto the stage. Wolf whistles were heard as she approached the couch that many famous people have sat on.
She waved and laughed shyly at the crowd as she stood in front of Jimmy Fallon, hugging and kissing his cheek in greeting. The uproar was still happening even as she sat down and kept going until Jimmy's insistent hands 'shushed' the crowd into small laughter and eventually silence.
Miranda laughed quietly and smiled again at the huge crowd that spanned at least 100 people.
"Wow, what a crowd you have, Jimmy." She began but was then cut off by whistles of excitement.
"Oh, stop it now! Restrain yourselves!" Jimmy teasingly shouted at the crowd. "Well, you're a big deal and everyone honestly loves you—can I say that you look gorgeous," she chuckled while glancing down at her simple black dress and said a small thank you before he continued, "So how're you coping with the uproar of this show? I mean you saw what just happened when you walked out here."
The crowd laughed and so did Miranda. "I mean—it's absolutely crazy. Uh, when I got the role, I didn't expect this much from the fans and to be honest, it's really thrilling. I love it and I am super grateful."
The audience applauded once more as she gently smiled. "That's awesome. You've been on this show now for, what—5 years—and people still believe in the characters, the show, the plot and just everything to do with it and that is super amazing because not many post-apocalyptic shows can really get through like this, y'know." Jimmy said, impressed.
"Yeah, I absolutely agree. I also never expected this much love and effort that comes from fans too like—I've just been to San Diego for comic con and—" the crowd cheered again while she nodded, "it was so cool. There were walkers and apparently a walker-a-thon."
"A walker - a – thon?" Jimmy inquired.
"Yeah! It was just where people dressed up as walkers and roamed the outskirts of the pathway into Comic Con." Miranda trailed off with a laugh as the crowd laughed with her.
Jimmy attained a strange look on his face with a smile, "Ah-ok. You guys are weird," laughter erupted and she threw her head back in humor, "speaking of love, by the way...."
The crowd 'oooo'd' and Miranda had a impression of being annoyed. "Oh man. Here it comes."
"I had to ask though! I apologize, pal!" Jimmy protested with a smile. She laughed knowing it was the truth.
"So, you and Norman Reedus, who plays Daryl on the show, just came out as a couple a few weeks ago," cheers of "Woo!" and "Yeah!" came as a picture of Norman and Miranda holding hands at a grocery store and another of his arm around her shoulders came onto the big screen behind them.
She blushed beautifully as she laughed. "Uh—oh wow, yep that's us, haha!"
Jimmy interrupted her, "I don't mean to overwhelm you, ha, it's just people really love you two together and apparently you guys have a kindred love affair spooking up on the show too, right?"
"Haha, it's okay! I mean, I get it. And yeah, Sam and Daryl have little somethin' somethin' going on." The crowd agreed laughing and Jimmy continued.
"So, I mean, how did you and Norman come to be a thing and was it coincidently, that your characters also drew together?"
"Yeah, I knew Norman for 6 years now, so I already knew he was a good guy. He's the best guy in the world, y'know, and we just couldn't really deny that we liked to be together and shockingly, the writers of the show decided that maybe Daryl needed a love interest. It just so happened that they picked Sam to be the one to initiate some sort of attachment."
Whoops and hollers filled the air as they showed pictures of Miranda and Norman as their characters, fighting side by side as they took on the dead.
"Oh- hey there's us again, haha!" Miranda said happily as the crowd responded with some laughter at her cutesy nature.
"Yup, there you guys are again. When you guys fight and coordinate these scenes together, they're very much structured right?" Jimmy asked.
"Oh yeah! They're super coordinated like the actors who play the dead have to know they're foot placements and the movements they are going to do just so they could coordinate with the fight sequences we practiced and rehearsed." Miranda said dutifully.
Jimmy shook his head, "Wow, that just sounds so tough-- I didn't realize the zombies also have to be articulate."
"Ha, I know-- neither did I! One time, I accidentally hit one of the zombies too hard and we had to cut because the zombie let out a yelp," The audience laughed and 'ooh-ed,'.
"No, I felt so bad! Norman was next to me as we cut and he told the actor, 'Don't mind her man. She had to deal with my shit during lunch.'" She finished with a laugh and Jimmy agreed laughing, along with the audience.
"That's a good impression of him! You got his low tones down." Jimmy said to her with a smile.
"Haha, thanks. Sometimes if he says something to me like, 'Randy, you have to do this, blah blah,' I just repeat what he said in his voice." She said merrily.
Jimmy said, "HAHA, yeah. He seems like the type of guy to be really quiet but he's such a nice guy!"
Miranda nodded, "He is quiet but he is super funny and kind. He's just the best." The crowd reacted with 'aw's'.
"Man, I just can't get over how badass this show is and how badass you guys are and how happy I am that the show is doing well. Congrats again!" Jimmy closed as the audience erupted in cheers as per their cue. You could hear Miranda thanking him over the cheers and he said her name to cut to commercial, "Miranda Polaris, everybody!!!"
The crowd erupted again and hoots were heard. She waved and smiled genuinely as the cheers didn't seem to stop. She turned to Jimmy and hugged him as she stepped off the stage. Behind the curtain, she passed by the next guest and greeted them quietly along with a wish of luck.
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As great as press is and being interviewed by one of the best hosts in TV, Miranda felt absolutely exhausted. She went into her Soho apartment and haphazardly threw her coat somewhere next to her on top of a cabinet.
"Hey babe!" She heard from the living room. She smiled as she heard the dulcet tones of her best friend. She walked in and saw Norman on the couch with her cat, Crookshanks, watching TV.
"Hey baby," she responded and bent over to kiss him sweetly. "How was it?" Norman asked while keeping one hand on her waist and the other on the back of her head.
"It was good, a bit overwhelming, haha. He brought up us." She told him as she went to sit next to him, kicking off her shoes. She curled her whole body to his and put her feet in his lap. Norman laughed and said 'what?!' as he took her feet into his lap and placed both of his hands on her exposed outer left thigh.
"Yeah, I don't think I was really prepared, to be honest." She told him biting her lip. Norman's eyes automatically went to her lips at that action but went back to her eyes as he responded. "I'm sure you handled it fine, baby. If anything, we could talk to your PR team and sort it all out."
Miranda sighed and propped her right elbow on the top of the couch cushion while stroking his forearm. "No, it's okay. You know how I could get a little anxious sometimes."
Norman smiled, "Randy, I'm always here. Anything that comes up, we face together. You know that." She smiled and leaned in for a kiss. Norman accepted her lips with practiced ease. Whenever they would kiss, Miranda felt like she was floating and was so relaxed. She could be and feel whatever and however she wanted when she is with him.
Quickly, one kiss turned into two, turned into three. At first, they were soft lingering kisses. Eventually, she felt Norman flick her swollen top lip with his tongue and then they were making out like teenagers. Tongues swishing at each other and loud kiss smacking came out as a result.
It was hot and heavy as their bodies got closer together. Miranda gradually put her knees over his hips and straddled him. Norman's hands went from her outer thighs to gradually stroke her back. His hands went up her back slowly and went down before hiking her short dress and placing his rough hands on her ass, caressing and stroking it.
With their tongues still attached, Norman took one hand and pulled gently at her silky hair. She let out a soft moan and grinded her hips down on his erection. They both inhaled sharply before slowing their makeout session with two more soft, wet kisses.
Norman hummed and leaned in for one more wet kiss before saying, "You wanna take this upstairs, baby?" He tongue came to hers again before she could respond. She whimpered as his lips devoured hers impatiently.
His hands went to her ass again but this time, he grabbed it roughly, just as he knew she liked it. She gasped, breaking the kiss and placed her hand on his chest, saying his name passionately. He hummed and continued to grab her ass while placing wet kisses on her neck. She continued to moan softly and rifle through his hair while sticking her ass out for more attention.
At one point, her mewling in his ear turned him on so much that he carressed and grabbed her right ass cheek again before smacking it. Miranda yelped and then moaned loudly. He hummed again and whispered in her neck, " Always such a good girl."
Her eyes closed shut in response and without waiting for a verbal response, Norman picked her up with his hands caressing her ass and kisses on her neck.
Yes, Jimmy. I think it is safe to say that there is a kindred love affair going on between Norman and Miranda on, and off, the show.
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Hope you enjoyed reading (omg I just read this over since I wrote this 8 years ago and kinda wanna die but its ok its fine).
I'm still obsessed with Daryl Dixon though 👀 maybe a future fic to come :)
Reblogs/comments/likes are v much appreciated, thank you!~
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stargazing15 · 2 years
Always been you
Pairing: Rooster x you (aviator) 
Summary: Meeting Rooster has left you falling for him hard, but he saw you just as a sister. How much more could your heart take? You need to tell him, but how? Fanboy & Phoenix to the rescue with the idea to hold a campfire.
Your callsign: Hummingbird, cause you’re a small bean who loves singing and had exceptional flight stability like the birds.
Warnings: friends to lovers, fluffy, it gets a little heated hehe. 18+
A/N: Top Gun plot as the setting, I know TOP GUN is in Fallon, Nevada, but for the sake of the fic, it’s in San Diego like the movie. I FINALLY FINISHED IT, IT WAS NOT SUPPOSED TO BE THIS LONG!! This was supposed to be my first fic, but got sidetracked by dear Hangman. I'm scared to post it, I really hope you like it.
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Pic is mine
Being called back to San Diego made you a bit gibberish, you were super thrilled to see your former WSO Fanboy and your best friend Phoenix back. And a bit anxious, you know he belongs to the best aviators, so will he be there too?
After packing out in your little rented apartment, you headed to the Hard Deck. If you knew your friends well, they would probably be there already.
“Hummingbird! Over here at the pool table!” Yup, as you thought Phoenix, Fanboy and Payback were here already.
“Well, Hummingbird this is here is Bob, Coyote and Bagman. Guys, my meet partner in crime and probably one of the best aviators, Hummingbird. Don’t let her cute appearance fool you, she’s one hell of an aviator!” Phoenix always liked to exaggerate.
“It’s Hangman by the way, and can you even get in an aircraft without a using a crane or something?” If you just could wipe that smirk off his face. Okay, with your 5’2 you were a lot smaller than the average aviator, but that gave you another reason to become better than all of those who gave you remarks.
“I’m gonna get a beer, I need one” you said to Phoenix. “Yeah, you’re gonna need a couple to survive Bagman” she smiled.
“Penny sweetheart, a beer please.” 
“Y/N I see you’ve met Hangman, give me the sign and I ring the bell when he disrespects you” she winked. 
“I will.”
“Bradshaw!” you heard Phoenix in the background.
“As I live and breathe!” Hangman replied.
Oh God, please let this be a dream. Turning around you felt like you got whacked by a hammer with the sight of Rooster. Yup you were fucked.
Two years ago you were stationed in Virginia for 3 months to temporary replace a fellow aviator. There you met him, just like now, you were completely starstruck by him. The only person who could rock the pornstache and those Hawaiian shirts and oh god those soft brown eyes. 
He was not like most single aviators taking a different girl home every time they went to the local bar, but when he did, you could only wish it was you. You tried to hooking up a couple of times, you had your needs too, but that wasn’t like you as you gave up on keeping boyfriends. The job didn’t really help with keeping partners, the hours away from home, the constant jealousy with your fellow aviators. Everything had changed when Rooster happened, no more dates, no more hook ups, just Rooster on your mind 24/7. 
When you met Rooster in person during an exercise he was nice, no remarks, you even got an “You’re cute!” and then the inevitable “I wish I had a little sister like you” with a big smile, not that you were that much younger than him. Which resulted in a stuttering “Tha-thank you”. You just wished he hadn’t said that last sentence. 
Every time you got the chance to talk to him, you took for granted. Being near him made you happy, and you made him happy, but you were the only one with butterflies. This was the first time you fell for someone this hard. And when he started to sing at the bar, you could only wish to live up to your callsign as you normally would with your own squadron, take over the bar when you started to sing. You thought about it to join him after a couple of beers, or maybe something stronger, but even after some drinks you didn’t grow the guts.
Eventually you tried hooking up with a guy, he was not even your type at all, to figure out Rooster’s reaction, you got the reaction you feared. He became like an overprotective brother, resulting in you storming out. You couldn’t stay mad at him because of the short time close you had left, so with an aching heart you continued being his sister.
Even though it was almost two year ago since you last saw him, he was still on your mind. Yes you tried dating afterwards, but they weren’t Rooster, so it always ended in hook ups. When you got back, Rooster and you called on a regular basis, but as hearing his voice started to hurt and got you craving him, you stopped being the one that called claiming flying got you too busy. Phoenix and Fanboy eventually learned about your crush on Rooster, as they also noticed you to getting gloomier, but lying to them it was the focus of your job and the aftermath of the ‘little’ crush you had.
“Humms! You’re here too, I missed you!” he said while hugging you. All you could do is close your eyes and take in the scent of his cologne. It is still the same, you could just melt in his arms.
“H-Hi Rooster, good to see you too!”
“It’s been a while I heard from you. Hey, everything okay?” he asked as he noticed you getting uneasy.
“Everything’s fine, been very busy just a bit overwhelmed by being here” you lied. Trying to get more comfortable, you walked back to Phoenix, of course you need to hit two barstools, she whispered “Little crush, my ass. You’re still head over heels for him.” you were busted. “Yeah” Seeing how uneasy you were, Phoenix and Fanboy decided not to push it, as they normally would.
The next couple of days went better and with the training and the team noticed your skills which resulted in a kind of apology of Hangman “Well birdie, it looks like I underestimated you, I might have competition here.” He said while throwing an arm around you.
“Come on Hangman, let her go.” Rooster said looking apologetic at you. “Don’t let him get to your head Hummingbird, he’s just trying to get you to slip up.” he snorts to Hangman.
“Oooh, is our Rooster here getting defensive over his sister?” Hangman saw you glaring at him at the word sister. Your gaze had betrayed you, shit - he knew now too. You had expected him to embarrass you, instead he used this to get to Rooster, since the two of them were each other nemesis.
“So, Birdie” Hangman started while throwing his arm once again over your shoulder “What do you think, Hangman and Birdie as team lead and wingman on this mission, I think we would make the best duo the world has ever seen. We should discuss this over drinks tonight.” As you giggled to Hangman’s suggestion, Rooster growled at this comment and your comfiness towards Hangman.
“What, afraid I might take her home, Rooster. She’s a big girl ya know?”
“Ah man, fuck off.” Rooster grunted to Hangman. “And Hummingbird, I really expected better from you.” Just like that Rooster stormed off to the tarmac for the last training of the day.
“Hangman” you whispered “Thanks, but just don’t take it too far, please.”
Hangman being Hangman, pushed it too far at the last post-training briefing, resulting in an exploding Rooster. After driving Rooster home to his apartment, you were able to calm him down and even got him to open up to you about his past with Maverick. Maybe you were a little harsh to him with Hangman earlier that day.
“Hey, Humms, just don’t go out with Hangman, he’s not good for you. You deserve better than him.”
“Why not? If not him then who?” You asked him softly, not trying to fight. “You?” You tried, hoping he would take the hint. He just shook his head, completely not understanding where you’re coming from.
“I think it’s time for me to go to bed, maybe some sleep would do good to you too”. Not realising how much his last answer hurt you, you went back to your own place, crying yourself to sleep to the idea you were never going to be his.
After Maverick’s great idea to hold the dogfight football to create a team, which helped for both Rooster and Hangman, it was pure torture for you seeing Rooster shirtless for hours. After the last game, dear Fanboy came with the great idea of holding a campfire that evening to “end the team building with a bang”. 
“Hummingbird, bring your guitar” you can hear Phoenix screaming, while packing her stuff.
“And we’ll bring the beers, that will be the best team building yet!” agreed a way to happy Fanboy winking towards Phoenix. Oh yes, they were up to something. Before you even could protest Phoenix turned to Rooster.
“It must’ve been pretty fun with you two in Virginia at the bar?”
“I have honestly no idea what you’re talking about Phoenix.”
“Ow, come on, the way her voice can take over a bar, back at the academy she would even be able to get Bagman to shut up with her voice. She really did not even once sang there?” you looked at her big eyes, hoping she would shut up. “I’m gonna take a shower, see you guys later” you said while you were practically running towards your car.
“Hey Hummingbird, wait up, you're my ride. Hey, waaiiit!.”
“If you want me to bring my guitar, you’re gonna drive Tash, I’ll need some beers this evening.”
“Why didn’t Rooster know you could sing Y/N?” she asked while sitting next to you on your bed.
“I just couldn’t, you know. I don’t know, I - last night after calming him down he made sure he’s not interested in me in that way. So, I just want to get over him.” you said as your friend held you close.
“Hey, it’s ok, let’s show him what he’s missing and just have fun. Come on!” you nodded, what did you have to loose anyway?
Phoenix was right, it was fun. You had placed yourself strategically between Phoenix and Fanboy, where you felt safe and you could be at ease. The squad had been singing to almost every classic campfire song with so much passion, you had to admit that Fanboy sometimes had good ideas. 
“Y/N, can you sing something, so we can let our voices rest a bit?” Fanboy started, with Phoenix nodding, both meaning the same thing.
“Why not, it's now or never.” you whispered to yourself. Hopefully he’ll listen.
After taking a sip of your beer, you started off with a hoarse voice.
Sometimes I feel like it's one-sided
Like some type of unrequited love
I keep it dark, I keep it quiet
But then you come around and light me up
Usually, I ain't the type to stay up all damn night
Thinkin' 'bout someone else
It's hard to be fine when your heart's on the line
And the truth is I'm goin' through hell
'Cause in my head
It's always been you
Heart in my hands
Hopeless 'cause no one can take it from you, you
I tried rewriting this hundreds of times
But if it ain't you, it's a lie
Yeah, in my head
It's always been you, you
At this point you could help yourself and started to look straight in Rooster’s eyes.
I been trippin', I been slidin'
I'm underwater like Poseidon
Takin' up space like a hyphen
You're on my mind and I can't fight it, yeah
Sick of playin' games with myself
Sick of playin' like there's someone else
'Cause in my head
It's always been you
Heart in my hands
Hopeless 'cause no one can take it from you, you
I tried rewriting this hundreds of times
But if it ain't you, it's a lie
Yeah, in my head
It's always been you, you
Usually, I ain't the type to stay up all damn night
Thinkin' 'bout someone else
It's hard to be fine when your heart's on the line
And the truth is I'm goin' through hell
You couldn’t remember when, but tears had started to form in the corner of you eyes, you were not crying though. The lyrics were the words you’ve always wanted to tell Rooster and now that you finally had, you felt a weight get lifted off your shoulders. No matter what the consequences were, finally winning him or losing him forever, they had to be said, your heart couldn’t take it anymore.
“I’m, gonna take get some beers from the car.” you said softly with still a blush on your cheeks and tears in the corner of your eyes while taking Phoenix car keys.
While reaching Phoenix’s car you heard a soft “Hey Y/N, wait up.” At first you didn’t react, you were not used being called by your name by your coworkers, except for Natasha and Mikey.
“Humms” the soft voice tried again, this time you knew who it belonged to, which made your heart skip a couple of beats.
“Rooster, hi” you said while trying to put up a smile.
“The song” he paused and taking a breath before continuing “it was about me, wasn’t it?” you couldn’t answer or even look him in the eyes, too scared for a possible rejection, so you just nodded. Because you didn’t dare to look at him, you couldn’t see the way he was staring at you with a soft look, his eyes wandered quickly enough off to your lips.
“Fuck it” he whispered and started to kiss you. You tried to register what was happening, but your brain had shut off. And Rooster, while melting in the kiss, finally realising everything you ever subtle tried to hint.
“I’ve been so wrong this whole time, I don’t want a sister. I never thought further about my feelings, I wanted to play save, I’m sorry for everything, I - fuck.” he took your face in his hands and kissed you again, this time more passionate, more hungrily. You let your hands wander around in his soft curls to deepen the kiss. You’ve always wondered what kissing him would be like, you had to admit it was way better then in any of your dreams or thoughts. You got lost in kissing him as you felt his hands lower from your face to your lower back and eventually squeezing your ass resulting in a moan escaping your mouth, leaving you both panting after the intense make out session.
“Jesus, I love that sound.” Rooster confessed, you blushed at his comment. “Oh God, we were supposed to get beers.” you realised. 
“Can I hold you just for one more second? I’ve been so stupid not to see you for you.”
“Come here, you big idiot.” you said, as you hugged each other, you felt why he needed a moment longer before going back to the group. 
“Oh” a tent in his shorts, you smiled on the inside as you realised the effect you had on him.
“Yeah, sorry, I - Uhm”
“I understand” you couldn’t admit yet you felt the tension between your legs too. “Here, take the six pack, so you can hide your problem” you smirked at him.
“Thanks, I guess. Hey Y/N can we talk later maybe?”
“I think that’s a good idea, oh and don’t mind Tash and Mikey in a bit.” Rooster looked at you with a puzzled expression. When you got back most of the group didn’t notice the two of you getting back as they were too busy chatting with each other. And as predicted you got looks from Phoenix and Fanboy. Deciding not to get sandwiched by those two and bombarded with questions, you sat next to Rooster and opposite of your two friends, smirking at them. Lucky for you, the campfire ended an hour later, as some of the boys claimed they needed to go ‘hunting’.
“Can I take you home? Maybe we can talk for a bit, it’s our day off tomorrow.”
“Yes, I’ll tell Phoenix she can go to the bar with the rest.”
After you were able to brush both Phoenix and Fanboy off about what happened with Rooster, you got in his Bronco. The car ride to your place was quiet, but nice as Rooster hold you had while driving. 
“Cosy” Rooster commented at your place.
“Thanks, do you want something to drink, or eat?”
“Water is fine.”
“Here you go” you said while both moving to the couch to get comfy.
“So -” You started a bit uneasy.
“How long?” He didn’t need to say more to know what he meant.
“Since we’ve met.” you confessed.
“Oh my, and i’ve been treating you like a sister. Shit, I’m so sorry” you snuggled into his chest, playing with the buttons of his Hawaiian shirt. “I really thought having you always around was enough for me, but I’ve got to admit, after kissing you, I don’t think I can get ever enough of you.” you felt him playing with the straps of your sundress after putting his glass on your coffee table. “When you got cosy with Hangman yesterday, I don’t know what went through me, I think I felt some kind of jealousy, I couldn’t place it. But now I know why I felt that way.” Rooster confessed with rosy cheeks. He looked adorable like this.
“Well, that’s how I felt back in Virginia or when you talked about some of your adventures.”
“Y/N, I’m so sorry, I still need to apologise a lot for my stupidity, how can I ever make it up to you for being an idiot?”
“You’re doing it by being here, and maybe never let me go” you smiled softly, burying your head even further in his chest if that was possible. “Can you stay tonight, just to make sure it wasn’t a dream.”
“Yeah, i’d like that. Do you want me to sleep here on the couch?”
“No” you said as you got up from his comfortable chest, “my bed is big enough and I’ve had to miss this long enough.” you took his hand as you guided him to your bedroom. You got a bit nervous as you remembered you still had to change into your pj’s. “Do you want a shirt, I wear big ones, they’re comfy.” you said as you took your sleeping shirt.
“If it’s okay for you, I normally sleep in only my boxers.” Oh, you felt a blush creep on you cheeks. As Rooster slid out his shirt and took off his wifebeater, you couldn’t help but stare.
“That’s mine now.” Oh fuck, you tried to hide in embarrassment. “That was out loud” you said while burying your head in your sleeping shirt you still hadn't put on.
“Yes, it’s all yours now.” Rooster took your head out your hands and tossed the shirt somewhere on the ground. He started to pepper you with soft kisses on your cheeks leading their way to your lips. “No, need to be embarrassed, it’s just us now. I like you all flustered, all for me.”
“Bradley” you moaned, all hot and bothered by his sweet and soft actions, but still wearing your sundress as Rooster already stood there in his boxers. He noticed it too and started to guide you from your dresser to you bed.
“Keep on saying my name like that and I don’t think I can control myself anymore.” Rooster almost moaned. Now that you could finally call him yours, why would you stop him from losing control?
“Then loose control, I’ve been waiting for you for so long” you whispered seductive in his ear.
Rooster took care of you like no one ever has, whispering sweet nothings while making love to you and screaming each other names out of the top of your lungs every time you both came and collapsing next to each other afterwards never breaking the loving and lustful gaze between the two of you.
“I’m never letting you go now.”
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foodieforthoughts · 3 years
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Summary: Chris has invited you on a date at his home and you challenge him for a game of beer pong.
Pairing: Chris x Reader
Word Count: 1.4k
Warnings: 18+, hint of smut, mostly fluff, alcohol consumption, stripping
A/N: On the event of Bubba's birthday coming up on 13th, I have written 7 fics that would be posted in the upcoming days. Gonna spam the tag. Lol.
Also, it's @christhickevans 's birthday today! I hope you like this one babe. 🤗❤️
Tagging (let me know if you want to be added or removed):
@christhickevans @madbaddic7ed @toomanyfandomsshreya @luclittlepond @agniavateira @eldarwen333 @avengedwritings @twhstuckylover @the-soot-sprite @moonlacebeam @donutloverxo @carpediemm-18 @confusednerd09 @diegos-butt @mariestark @cheyentjj @mary-ann84 @tonystankschild @mansaaay @hlkwrites @zealoushound
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Title: Gladly
"Dammit!" You cursed under your breath as the yellow ping pong ball bounced off the rim of the plastic cup but managed to fall on the inside. You looked at his smug face, mischievous glint present in his eyes as he smiled at you.
"Off goes the jacket." He said in a sing-song voice, taking a sip from his beer bottle.
You let out a puff of air, shaking your head at him and pretending like you were bummed over stripping. You were anything but. Taking the ball out of the cup, you chugged it's contents and shook your head over the bad aftertaste. Beer was your least favorite alcohol and too bad for you, it was one of Chris’s go to beverage.
"The game isn't over yet, Chris. Wipe that smirk off your face." Shrugging off your jacket and placing it on the armchair, you picked up a ball from the floor and stood on the other side of the table.
"You were the one to challenge me. Have you never watched me on Jimmy Fallon?" He flashed a lopsided grin, raising his eyebrow to complete his roguish charm.
You weren't going to admit you had watched his interviews, videos with his talk shows and nearly all of his movies. It had only been a couple of months since you both had started dating and you wanted to keep the fangirl in you a secret from him, at least for the time being. You knew the new job at the production company was going to be a life changer, but not in a million years would you have guessed that you would meet Chris just a few weeks after joining it.
One thing led to another and before you knew it, Chris and you had moved from texting to talking on the phone the entire night. If he was a charmer on screen, in person he was bewitching. After many phone calls and cheesy texts, Chris asked you out on a coffee date, leading to several other dates and eventually an invite to his home.
"Just accept that you want to see me naked." Chris winked at you before you aimed for the cup and surprisingly managed to land the ball in the cup. "And you are surely getting there."
Ready to celebrate, you raised your hands up in the air but stopped to stare at Chris in awe as without hesitation he pulled his shirt up and discarded it to the side. You tried to stop yourself from gawking at his body, but failed at it terribly. Staring at his chest for a second too long, his tattoos taunting you to be touched, your eyes followed the trail of hair down his navel that disappeared below the waistband of his jeans.
You felt the burst of warmth that appeared on your cheeks, spreading to your ears until you looked away. Coughing awkwardly as your mind raced with hundreds of scenarios, all of them featuring a naked Chris, you pretended like you were adjusting your t-shirt. From the chuckle that Chris let out under his breath, you knew you had been caught staring red handed.
Even though beer pong was your idea, and adding the striping part was his, you were losing the game terribly. You were never good at ping pong, beer or otherwise, so it wasn't surprising that in about half an hour, you were down to your underwear and tipsy from gulping down several cups of beer. Chris had managed to be smart, had worn socks which led him to be still in his jeans and undoubtedly pretty good at the game.
You hooted when the ball landed in the cup, finally a point for you. Smirking at Chris and picking up a glass of beer for yourself, you leaned on the edge of the table.
"Come on mister, take off your pants."
Without breaking eye contact, Chris unzipped his jeans and pulled them down his thighs. Stepping out of them and turning so as to face away from you, Chris bent down to pick his pants up from the floor.
If you were drooling, you didn't know since your alcohol laden mind could only repeat "yup, that’s America's ass" while checking out his bum.
Placing his pants on the mountain of clothes on the armchair, Chris walked up to you with his bottle up to his lips. You felt like you had entered a trance, watching as he licked the drop of pale amber on his bottom lip. His nose and his cheeks had a hint of pink, probably from the alcohol starting to finally create a buzz. Coming to stand right in front of you, he leaned down to reach your face and placed a hand on your blazing cheek.
“Is this going to be our first kiss?” You asked, biting your lower lip as he covered the tiny space between your bodies. His bare chest grazed yours, scruffy hair rubbing against your soft skin as he took in a deep breath.
“Only if you want it to be.” The little tease that he was, he shrugged his shoulder and glanced at you from under his long envy-worthy eyelashes.
To say you got a little too excited would have been an understatement. Grabbing him by the waist, you pulled his body flush against yours. Chris let out a yelp of surprise when you pushed against him, taking a step forward until his butt was resting on the table. Enveloping your arms around his neck, you captured his lips in yours. His lips felt soft against yours, the heat from his body caressing your skin soothingly as his musky scent enveloped your senses. You moaned against his mouth as his hands slipped down to your panty clad bum and squeezed them lightly. Pushing up on his body, you urged him to climb on the table.
"You are fiesty." He commented, pulling you by your thighs to straddle his lap. You nodded while not letting go of his lips until your knee slipped on the edge of the table as you were trying to adjust.
And just like that, you tumbled on top of Chris and he fell backwards on the table with one hand on your back. Beer splashed everywhere as the cups got knocked down by his other arm as he was trying to support his weight and break the fall.
"That is one way to get instantly sober." Chris chortled as he held you against his chest with both his arms, the wetness from spilled beer on his skin making you shiver. "Unexpected turn of events but I-"
"This is so embarrassing."
You refused to look at him when you spoke. You nearly had tears in your eyes from making a blunder on your date. You kept your face hidden in the crook of his neck, covering your face with your hands.
"No it's not, sweetheart." He tried to look at you but you stayed put in your place. "Come on, look at me, please."
"Just leave me on the table and put a blanket on me. I'll become a part of the table now."
Chris laughed, the sound booming in the room, as he wrapped his arms tightly around your body. Pulling his knee up, he turned to place you gently on the table. You still kept your face covered, ignoring the fact that spilled beer was beginning to stick to your skin.
"Hey." Chris gently peeled your hands away from your face and swiped your hair behind your ears. "It's alright, sweetheart. This might have been the most fun date I have ever had in my life."
"If you are lying to me to soften the blow of ending things, you are really smooth."
"Why would I want to end this?" He chuckled and shook his head. Pecking you on your lips, Chris sat up and hopped down the table. He pulled you by your hand and lifted you up in his arms.
"Christopher Robert Evans! Whatever are you doing?!" You giggled as he squeezed your waist a little, taking you towards the corridor that led to the rest of the house. He effortlessly carried you to his bedroom and made a beeline for the ensuite. Placing your butt on the cold marble counter, Chris took the chance to kiss you again, tugging at your lower lip as he pulled back with a smirk.
"How about we finish what we had started? And I'll show you how I never want this to end." He winked before reaching behind him and shutting the door with one swift move.
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sunflowersmoon · 2 years
My attempt at a masterlist
Whenever i see an post i like i’ll reblog. I like to collect references, moments, evidence and i like to keep everything organized (even if it is just for me), but if you’re reading this, enjoy!
TAGS [IN PROGRESS]; So this post is definitely under construction
who to tag; how to use tumblr; resources; download; writing tips; writing resources; photoshop; timelines; for beginners
harry masterpost - harry and fashion - harry's rings - harry and rainbows - harry gifs - harry interview - harry's tattoos - harry's pouts - harry onstage - harry photoshoot - harry candids - songwritter harry - unreleased songs - harry's team/crew - harry and fans - harry leaked songs - harry: friends and family
gucci memoire - gucci beloved - guccihahaha [harry x gucci with alessandro michelle]
actor harry;
Dunkirk; promo
Eternals; promo
Don't Worry Darling; promo;
My Policeman; promo;
merch and team
harry merch; pleasing;
the love band;
saturday night live; graham norton; james corden; jimmy fallon; the troubadour; the garage
hs1; hs1 promo; solo debut
hs1 behind the album; hs1 leak; leaked songs; hs1 covers
hs1 unreleased songs;
anna; medicine
hs1 songs;
meet me in the hallway; sign of the times; carolina; two ghost; sweet creature; only angel; kiwi; ever since new york; woman; from the dinning table
Live On Tour - 2017/2018
— hslot17; hslot17 city – hslot18; hslot18 city
san francisco; los angeles; nashville; new york (2017); new york 1 (2018); new york 2 (2018); boston; washington dc; toronto; atlanta; austin; phoenix; paris; cologne; london 1; london 2; glasgow; stockholm; berlin; amsterdam; milan; singapore; sydney; melbourne; aukland; tokyo; basel; antwerp; stockholm; oslo; oberhausen; hamburg; barcelona; madrid; bologna; birmingham; manchester; dublin; brisbane; manila; singapore; hong kong; bangkok; osaka; buenos aires; santiago; rio de janeiro; são paulo; mexico city; dallas; sunrise; minnesota; philadelphia; indianapolis; chicago; denver; vancouver; seattle; sacramento; san jose; los angeles 1; los angeles 2
hs2; fine line promo; do you know who you are?; eroda
fine line one night only;
one night only at the forum; one night only london 2019
fine line songs;
golden - watermelon sugar - adore you - lights up - cherry - falling - to be so lonely - she - sunflower vol.6 - canyon moon - treat people with kindness - fine line song
Love On Tour 2021
— hslot21; hslot21 city
las vegas; denver; san antonio; dallas; st louis; philadelphia; washington dc; detroit; minnesota; chicago 1; chicago 2; nashville 1; nashville 2; new york 1; new york 2; atlanta; sunrise; tampa; raleigh; pittsburgh; new york 3; cleveland; connecticut 1; connecticut 2; boston; atlanta; new york 4; new york 5; milwaukee; tacoma; portland; sacramento; san jose; glendale; san diego; los angeless 1! los angeles 2; los angeles 3; houston; little rock; long island;
hs3 - harry's house;
you are home - hs3 teaser - hs3 promo - hs3 leak
harry's house songs
music for a sushi restaurant - late night talking - grapejuice - as it was - daylight - little freak - matilda - cinema - daydreaming - keep driving - satellite - boyfriends - love of my life
coachella; week 1; week 2;
hs3 ono; one night new york; one night only london 2022
Love On Tour 2022
— hslot22; hslot22 city
glasgow; manchester 1; manchester 2; london 1; london 2; dublin; hamburg; stockholm; oslo; paris; antwerp; amsterdam; munich; budapest; prague; vienna; kraków; berlin; cologne; bologna; turin; madrid; lisbon; toronto 1; toronto 2; new york 1; new york 2; new york 3; new york 4; new york 5; new york 6; new york 7; new york 8; new york 9; new york 10; new york 11; new york 12 ; new york 13; new york 14; new york 15; austin 1; austin 2; austin 3; austin 4; austin 5; austin 6; chicago 1; chicago 2; chicago 3; chicago 4; chicago 5; chicago 6; los angeles 1; los angeles 2; los angeles 3; los angeles 4; los angeles 5; los angeles 6; los angeles 7; los angeles 8; los angeles 9; los angeles 10; los angeles 11; los angeles 12; los angeles 13; los angeles 14; los angeles 15; guadalajara; monterrey; mexico city; bogota; lima; santiago; buenos aires; sao paulo 1; rio de janeiro; são paulo 2! são paulo 3
Love On Tour 2023
— hslot23; hslot23 city
perth; melbourne 1; melbourne 2; gold coast; sydney 1; sydney 2; auckland; bangkok; bulakan; singapore; seoul; tokyo 1; tokyo 2; horsens 1; horsens 2; munich 1; munich 2; coventry 1; coventry 2; edinburgh 1; edinburgh 2; paris 1; paris 2; amsterdam 1; amsterdam 2; slane; london 1; london 2; london 3; london 4; cardiff 1; cardiff 2; werchter; düsseldorf 1; düsseldorf 2; warsaw; frankfurt 1; frankfurt 2; vienna; barcelona; madrid; lisbon; reggio emilia
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louis masterpost - louis and fashion - louis and rainbows - louis gifs - louis interview - louis' tattoos - louis onstage - louis photoshoot - louis candids - louis promo - songwritter louis - judge louis - singer louis - unreleased songs - registered but not publised - louis team/crew - louis and fans - louis leaked songs - louis: friends and family
louis' logo;
louis band;
louis merch; 28 programm
just hold on; promo
back to you; promo
just like you; promo
miss you; promo
lt1; Walls
walls promo; walls mural; walls listening party; walls 1st anniversary
lt2 ; Faith In The Future
fitf promo; fitf analysis; fitf album signing; fitf audio
Louis Tomlinson World Tour
ltwt19; ltwt19 city; ltwt22; ltwt22 city;
2019 – spain; barcelona; madrid;
dallas; austin; houston; st louis; atlanta; nashville; washington dc; new york 1; new york 2; pittsburgh; philadelphia; boston; cincinnati; detroit; indianapolis; chicago; minneapolis; kansas city; denver; utah; seattle; portland; oakland; los angeles 1; los angeles 2; reykjavik; stockholm; oslo; copenhagen; berlin; prague; amsterdam; cologne; paris; zurich; milan; venice; poland; antwerp; glasgow; manchester 1; manchester 2; london; doncaster; santiago 1; santiago 2; santiago 3; paraguay; buenos aires 1; buenos aires 2; uruguay; rio de janeiro; são paulo 1; são paulo 2; lima; bogotá ; costa rica; san juan; monterrey; guadalajara; mexico city; istanbul; dubai; jakarta; manila; brisbane 1; brisbane 2; sydney 1; sydney 2; melbourne 1; melbourne 2; perth; rome; taormina; milan
Festivals and more
Ultra Music Festival
the away from home festival; afhf london; afhf spain; afh21; afh22
the away from home documentary;
live from london;
the music industry
sony - syco - bmg - louis and babygate - babygate - stunts - closeting -
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larry; hl
baby boyfriends - body language - mirroring - the monitor thing - twin flames - sharing clothes - next to you - aimh - larry on tour - bandana project - always touching - larry rumors - larry receipts - everyone knows - friends and family - rainbow bears - coincidences - paralles - larry timeline - management - closeting - dressing rooms; now that's a baby; now that's a daddy; and i'm okay with it
tattoo timeline; tattoo masterpost; larry tattoos; harry’s tattoos; louis’ tattoos; papillon; stag tattoo; far away tattoo; dagger tattoo; paper airplane tattoo; handshake tattoo; louis’ bird tattoo; penguin tattoo; laurel tattoos; triangle tattoo; rose tattoo; rope tattoo; mermaid tattoo; lighthouse tattoo
sign language
Friends and Family
anne twist; gemma styles; robin twist; des styles; jay deakin; lottie tomlinson; fizzy tomlinson; mark tomlinson; lou teasdale; jeff azoff; irving azoff; nick grimshaw; xander ritz; pauli lovejoy; nyoh; sarah jones; mitch rowland; harry lambert; alessandro michele; molly hawkins; tommy bruce; tom skoglund; kid harpoon; tyler johnson; brad gould; james corden; ben winston; oli wright; rob stringer; harry with family; Harry nick; harry’s friends; harry and mitch; harry and Gemma; harry and alessandro; Louis' friends; louis' family; louis' friends
Concerts' stuff
fan signs; fan projects; helping fans come out; fan reports; gay vodka; tina she’s gay; flamboyant harry; backup dancers; harry and rainbows; we’re all a little bit gay; louis and rainbows
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txf tour; Up All Night; Take Me Home; Where We Are: On The Road Again
Up All Night promo; Take Me Home promo; Midnight Memories promo; Four promo; Made in the AM promo
This Is Us Premier; This Is Us Film; Where We Are Film; Where We Are Book; Fragances
The X-Factor - twitcam - 1d day - 1d photos - 1d gifs - 1d photoshoot - 1d candids - 1d video - 1d spotify - 1d promo - narry - zouis
niall horan;
zayn malik;
liam payne;
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photos; videos; instagram; twitter; photoshoots; candids
team and crew
5sos singles;
5sos albums;
luke hemmings;
lh1; when facing we turn away from; promo
calum hood
michael clifford
ashton irwin
ai1; superbloom; promo; merch;
Maybe in the future i'll make a tag page for my blog!
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catalinaroleplay · 3 years
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MILENA BIANCHI ALVES (Ísis Valverde) is looking for her EX-BOYFRIEND/FAMILY’S FORMER BODYGUARD connection. Please message EVEE for more information regarding this connection. The status of this connection is currently: OPEN. 
Ex-boyfriend/Family’s former bodyguard
Up to player
Some faceclaims I’d love to see for this connection would be: Pedro Pascal, Wagner Moura, Riz Ahmed, Joel Kinnaman, Manish Dayal, Diego Luna, JD Pardo, Ricky Whittle and Charles Michael Davis.
His background is definitely up to the player. I had a few ideas due to the series mentioned below, but this paragraph is not set in stone and you can definitely ignore it (so see the following explanation as an optional detail to his background): I liked the idea of this person wanting to work protecting others because someone failed to protect someone from his family, or the idea that losing someone important to him at such a young age caused him to try to detach from people, focusing solely on his job until Lena was the one to melt him down. Or even that he wasn’t the best person in the past, but, eventually he wanted to become better and this is why he accepted this job opportunity when her father hired him.
What can’t be changed is that he worked as a bodyguard for Milena’s mother (and sometimes he’d be asked to accompany Milena when needed) and with time he grew close to the family. He was Ottavio’s favorite bodyguard to the point that Lena’s father considered the young man a friend and I’d say that he worked for them ever since Milena was eighteen (so 14 years ago) but the first time they truly noticed each other would have been when she was twenty-one.
I enjoyed the idea that he became her confidant through the last year of college, someone she could talk to and, at one point, they went out because she needed to clear her head and when they least expected something happened and blossomed from their proximity. It could’ve been a secret affair, at first, because he didn’t want her father to know. But then, with time, it was pretty clear that something was happening.
She was already afraid of committing to people and with trust issues because others usually would only get close to her because of her mother; so it gives us room to develop how their relationship used to be and how much they grew together. But, in a way, they were opposites, she was the sun and he was the moon… and yet, they had been perfect for each other because they’d balance each other out.
When she was 23, it was the year that they broke up. Her mother wasn’t well which led to her parents moving to Catalina (if you want to know more about this you can read in her bio or her stats here). So at this moment of the timeline, he could’ve joined her parents and moved to Catalina as well, telling Lena to follow her dreams (which led to her moving to New York), so it’d have been a bittersweet break-up. Though I don’t think he’d be working as their bodyguard anymore.
Or, since Ottavio liked this bodyguard so much, at that time, knowing how important he had been for the family, Milena’s father wanted to support the man’s dreams to do something for himself. With that Ottavio offered money that could help him have his own business, travel the world, provide a better life to himself, whichever idea would work for the person you envision. And since Milena herself wanted to pursue her dreams, it’d be unfair to ask him to move to New York with her, while that person himself deserved to have the same change.
We can also head to something more angst that caused their break-up, or anything really. I’m open to a different idea because, honestly, I’d prefer to build the beginning and end of their relationship with the person who’d like to play this character. Because I like to give room for others to be able to create a vision of their own.
My inspirations comes from Son Yaz with Yağmur x Akgün, The Royals with Eleanor x Jasper, and Dynasty - Season 01, which would be Culhane and Fallon’s relationship back in the day. It’s definitely okay if you haven’t watched any of those series and dizi, because I’ll throw a few gifsets that could be helpful and that I think would be important to take into consideration, about their relationship back in the day.
son yaz: here, here, here, here, here, here and here. the royals: here (nsfw-ish), here and here. dynasty: here and here.
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Alright, relate yours OCs or ship to my fav album songs Taylor Swift: Tim McGraw, Cold As You, Picture To Burn, Should’ve Said No Fearless: White Horse, Tell Me Why, Forever & Always Speak Now: Speak Now, Sparks Fly, Back To December, The Story Of Us, Better Than Revenge Red: Red, Treacherous, WANEGBT, The Last Time, All Too Well, I Almost Do 1989: Style, Wildest Dreams, New Romantics Rep: End Game, IDSB, Getaway Car, DWOHT, KOMH Lover: Cruel Summer, The Man, MA&THP, Cornelia Street, London Boy
Tim McGraw: ooof okay this is totally Fallon Parris Jones and Reggie Mantle?  Actually their second first time (first time after they said ‘I love you’ and were dating not fwb lmao) was entirely based around this song!!
But when you think "Tim McGraw"/I hope you think my favourite song/The one we danced to all night long/The moon like a spotlight on the lake/When you think happiness/I hope you think "that little black dress"/Think of my head on your chest/And my old faded blue jeans
Cold As You: Aaliya Andrews x Graham Frank
You have a way of coming easily to me/And when you take, you take the very best of me/So I start a fight 'cause I need to feel somethin'/And you do what you want 'cause I'm not what you wanted
You put up the walls and paint them all a shade of gray/And I stood there loving you, and wished them all away/And you come away with a great little story/Of a mess of a dreamer with the nerve to adore you
Picture To Burn: ngl also Fallon Parris Jones but Fallon and Sweet Pea!  Which I hate because I hate being mean to my beloved son but that’s just how their relationship went?
So watch me strike a match/On all my wasted time/As far as I'm concerned you're/Just another picture to burn/There's no time for tears/I'm just sitting here/Planning my revenge/There's nothing stopping me/From going out with all of your best friends
or worst enemies as the case may be
Should’ve Said No: Roxie Flores x Noah Puckerman
You should've said no, you should've gone home/You should've thought twice before you let it all go/You should've know that word, bout what you did with her/Would get back to me
I can't resist, before you go, tell me this/Was it worth it/Was she worth this
White Horse: Lucy and Alexander Pierce
Cause I'm not your princess, this ain't a fairytale/I'm gonna find someone someday who might actually treat me well/This is a big world, that was a small town/There in my rear view mirror disappearing now
And also Aaliya Andrews x Graham Frank & Delaney Carlyle x Reggie Mantle/Chuck Clayton
I'm not a princess, this ain't a fairy tale/I'm not the one you'll sweep off her feet/Lead her up the stairwell/This ain't Hollywood, this is a small town/I was a dreamer before you went and let me down/Now it's too late for you/And your white horse, to come around
Tell Me Why: Carmen Rivera x Jackson Whittemore
And I need you like a heartbeat/But you know you got a mean streak/Makes me run for cover when you're around/And here's to you and your temper/Yes, I remember what you said last night/And I know that you see what you're doing to me/Tell me why
Forever & Always: Charlie Dugan x Flash Thompson
And I stare at the phone, he still hasn't called/And then you feel so low you cant feel nothing at all/And you flashback to when he said forever and always
Speak Now: Ooof Jennifer Andrews x FP Jones
This is surely not what you thought it would be/I lose myself in a daydream/Where I stand and say/"Don't say yes, run away now/I'll meet you when you're out/Of the church at the back door/Don't wait or say a single vow/You need to hear me out"/And they said, "speak now"
Sparks Fly: Alexis Argent x Lydia Martin x Scott McCall!!
Drop everything now/Meet me in the pouring rain/Kiss me on the sidewalk/Take away the pain/Cause I see, sparks fly, whenever you smile
ALSO Kit Conrad x Hope Mikaelson
The way you move is like a full on rainstorm/And I'm a house of cards/You're the kind of reckless that should send me running/But I kinda know that I won't get far
Back To December: Angela DeSantos x Veronica Lodge
I miss your tan skin, your sweet smile, so good to me, so right/And how you held me in your arms that September night/The first time you ever saw me cry/Maybe this is wishful thinking/Probably mindless dreaming/But if we loved again I swear I'd love you right
The Story Of Us: Juliet Capes x Fangs Fogarty
I used to think one day we'd tell the story of us/How we met and the sparks flew instantly/People would say, "they're the lucky ones"/I used to know my place was a spot next to you/Now I'm searching the room for an empty seat/Cause lately I don't even know what page you're on
Better Than Revenge: Amethyst Andrews, wrt Betty and Cheryl
Betty - 
I'm just another thing for you to roll your eyes at honey/You might have him, but haven't you heard/I'm just another thing for you to roll your eyes at honey/You might have him, but I'll always get the last word
Cheryl -
She looks at life like it's a party and she's on the list/She looks at me like I'm a trend and she's so over it/I think her ever present frown is a little troubling/And, she thinks I'm psycho/Cause I like to rhyme her name with things, but/Sophistication isn't what you wear, or who you know/Or pushing people down to get you where you wanna go/Oh they didn't teach you that in prep school/So it's up to me/But no amount of vintage dresses gives you dignity
Red: Ophelia Dane x Ben Hargreeves
Losing him was blue like I'd never known/Missing him was dark grey, all alone/Forgetting him was like trying to know somebody you never met/But loving him was red
Treacherous: Ashley Wilson x Percy Jackson
And I just think you should, think you should know/That nothing safe is worth the drive
WANEGBT: Percy Flowers x Brett Talbot
I remember when we broke up, the first time/Saying, "This is it, I've had enough"/Cause like we hadn't seen each other in a month/When you, said you, needed space (what?)
The Last Time: Carmen Rivera x Lydia Martin
This is the last time I'm asking you this/Put my name at the top of your list/This is the last time I'm asking you why/You break my heart in the blink of an eye
All Too Well: Also Fallon x Sweet Pea ouch
And I know it's long gone and/That magic's not here no more/And I might be okay/But I'm not fine at all
I Almost Do: Luna Hale x Isaac Lahey
I bet/You think I either moved on or hate you/Cause each time you reach out there's no reply/I bet/It never ever occurred to you/That I can't say "Hello" to you/And risk another goodbye
Style: ooh Anastasia Andrews x Jughead Jones
You've got that long hair slick back, white t-shirt/And I got that good girl faith and a tight little skirt
and also Amethyst Andrews x Sweet Pea
You got that James Dean daydream look in your eye/And I got that red lip, classic thing that you like/And when we go crashing down, we come back every time
Wildest Dreams: Ariel Blossom x Malachai
He's so tall, and handsome as hell/He's so bad but he does it so well/I can see the end as it begins, my one condition is/Say you'll remember me/Standing in a nice dress, staring at the sunset babe
and Cathy x Bill x Stan
Say you'll see me again even if it's just in your wildest dreams
New Romantics: Amara Caro & Percy Flowers!!!  
Baby, we're the new romantics/Come on, come along with me/Heart break is the national anthem/We sing it proudly/We are too busy dancing/To get knocked off our feet/Baby, we're the new romantics/The best people in life are free
And Arianne Martin!!
Cause, baby, I could build a castle/Out of all the bricks they threw at me/And every day is like a battle/But every night with us is like a dream
End Game: Amethyst Andrews x Sweet Pea 100%
Reputation precedes me, they told you I'm crazy/I swear I don't love the drama, it loves me/And I can't let you go, your hand print's on my soul/It's like your eyes are liquor, it's like your body is gold/You've been calling my bluff on all my usual tricks/So here's the truth from my red lipsI wanna be your endgame
also Stevie Cooper x Joaquin DeSantos
I got issues and chips on both of my shoulders/Reputation precedes me, in rumors I'm knee deep/The truth is it's easier to ignore it, believe me
IDSB: Arianne Martin 
I can feel the flames on my skin/Crimson red paint on my lips/If a man talks shit, then I owe him nothing/I don't regret it one bit, 'cause he had it coming
and also Katarina Aliano
They're burning all the witches, even if you aren't one/So light me up
and Amethyst Andrew
I never trust a narcissist/But they love me/So I play 'em like a violin/And I make it look oh so easy
This is how the world works/You gotta leave before you get left
Getaway Car: April King x Diego Hargreeves
It was the best of times, the worst of crimes/I struck a match/And blew your mind, but I didn't mean it/And you didn't see it/The ties were black, the lies were white/And shades of grey in candlelight
Percy Flowers x Scott McCall (x Brett Talbot)
I wanted to leave him/I needed a reason
DWOHT: Amethyst Andrews x Sweet Pea
I’m a mess, but I’m the mess that you wanted
My love had been frozen/Deep blue, but you painted me golden/Oh, and you held me close/Oh, how was I to know
Abigayle Whittemore x Allison Argent x Scott McCall
I could’ve spent forever with your hands in my pockets/Picture of your face in an invisible locket/You said there was nothing in the world that could stop it
Adrienne Argent x Liam Dunbar
I'd kiss you as the lights went out/Swaying as the room burned down/I'd hold you as the water rushes in/If I could dance with you again
KOMH: Amethyst Andrews x Sweet Pea
Is this the end of all the endings?/My broken bones are mending/With all these nights we’re spending/Up on the roof with a school girl crush/Drinking beer out of plastic cups/Say you fancy me, not fancy stuff
I made up my mind, I’m better off being alone
Avalon Le Fay x Jay
And all at once, you are the one I have been waiting for/King of my heart, body and soul
Camila Nelson x Steve Harrington
Your love is a secret/I’m hoping, dreaming, dying to keep/Change my priorities/The taste of your lips is my idea of luxury
Cruel Summer: Aaliya Andrews x Jason Blossom
And I snuck in through the garden gate/Every night that summer just to seal my fate
and Amethyst Andrews x Sweet Pea
And I scream, “For whatever it’s worth/I love you, ain’t that the worst thing you ever heard?”
I’d be a fearless leader/I’d be an alpha type
I’m so sick of running as fast as I can/Wondering if I’d get there quicker if I was a man 
They’d paint me out to be bad/So, it’s okay that I’m mad
MA&THP: Amethyst Andrews x Sweet Pea
It’s you and me, that’s my whole world/They whisper in the hallway, “She’s a bad, bad girl”
No cameras catch my muffled cries/I counted days, I counted miles/To see you there, to see you there/And now the storm is coming
You know I adore you, I’m crazier for you/Than I was at 16, lost in a film scene
Beverly Mantle & Reggie Mantle
We’re so sad, we paint the town blue/Voted most likely to run away with you
My team is losing, battered and bruising/I see the high fives between the bad guys/Leave with my head hung, you are the only one/Who seems to care
American stories burning before me/I’m feeling helpless, the damsels are depressed
Beverly Mantle x Fangs x Sweet Pea (in Inescapable Secrets)
Waving homecoming queens, marching band playing/I’m lost in the lights/American glory faded before me
Now I’m feeling hopeless, ripped up my prom dress/Running through rose thorns, I saw the scoreboard/And ran for my life
No cameras catch my pageant smile/I counted days, I counted miles/To see you there
It’s you and me, that’s my whole world/They whisper in the hallway, “She’s a bad, bad girl”/The whole school is rolling fake dice/You play stupid games, you win stupid prizes
Cornelia Street: Selena McCall x Derek Hale
And I hope I never lose you, hope it never ends/I’d never walk Cornelia Street again/That’s the kind of heartbreak time could never mend/I’d never walk Cornelia Street again
Adrienne Argent x Liam Dunbar
Windows swung right open, autumn air/Jacket 'round my shoulders is yours
London Boy: Alissara Baratheon x Oberyn Martell
But something happened, I heard him laughing/I saw the dimples first and then I heard the accent/They say home is where the heart is/But that’s not where mine lives
Send me a song and I’ll tell you which OC(s) it fits best
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tabloidtoc · 4 years
In Touch, November 30
You can buy a copy of this issue for your very own at my eBay store: https://www.ebay.com/str/bradentonbooks
Cover: The Kardashians are going broke and are hated more than ever and  the family war explodes 
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Page 1: Contents 
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Page 2: Beauty News -- fringe benefits -- Hollywood has spoken and bangs are way in right now -- Priyanka Chopra, Kacey Musgraves, Olivia Culpo
Page 3: Bella Hadid, Kaley Cuoco, Camila Cabello 
Page 4: Bride Wars -- Gwen Stefani vs. Jennifer Lopez tale of the tape 
Page 5: Warning of the Week -- Reba McEntire issuing instructions to her new boyfriend Rex Linn to stay away from Carrie Underwood, Flashback of the Week -- Michael J. Fox reprising his Back to the Future role in Lil Nas X’s wild West time travel video, Number of the Week -- 50 percent of CBS reality show contestants who will be people of color going forward the network pledges, Silver Lining of the Week -- Johnny Depp gets $10 million after being fired -- after a judge ruled against him in his defamation case against a British paper that labeled him a wife beater then he was asked to resign from his role in the Fantastic Beasts franchise but he will continue to fight to clear his name and he will still be paid his $10 million salary for the movie he’ll never shoot 
Page 6: Crib of the Week -- Gene Simmons’ rock star mansion in Beverly Hills for sale and he and his wife are moving to a 24-acre estate in Washington state
Page 7: Man Candy of the Week -- Diego Calvo, Makeover of the Week -- Portia De Rossi is a long-haired girl again, Winner of the Week -- Miley Cyrus’ 2009 hit Party in the U.S.A. re-enters the charts, Losers of the Week -- Prince Harry and Meghan Markle’s request to have a wreath laid in London on their behalf on Remembrance Day is denied by the palace 
Page 8: Up Close -- John Stamos imitating a statue of himself 
Page 9: Kelly Osbourne, Drew Barrymore takes a lesson in rage baking with Ross Mathews 
Page 10: The Tonight Show’s Jimmy Fallon surprises a toy soldier with a copy of his new children’s book 
Page 11: Reba McEntire debuts her boyfriend Rex Linn on the red carpet at the CMA Awards, Emily Ratajkowski shows off her baby bump during a shoot for her swim brand 
Page 12: They’re All Grown Up -- Jessica Simpson and her son Ace, Alex Rodriguez with his daughter Natasha driving, Will Smith and his son Trey 
Page 14: Joseph Baena follows in dad Arnold Schwarzenegger’s bodybuilding footsteps, Ellen DeGeneres lends a hand to her talk show guest Jimmy Kimmel, Reese Witherspoon on the set of The Morning Show 
Page 15: Carrie Ann Inaba with fellow Dancing With the Stars judge Bruno Tonioli 
Page 16: Kim Kardashian strikes a pose with husband Kanye West 
Page 17: Paris Jackson, The Bachelorette Tayshia Adams makes her debut in a new teaser for the show which is being taped at the La Quinta Resort in Palm Springs
Page 18: Pregnant Emma Roberts, pregnant Hilary Duff gets a touch-up on the set of Younger in NYC, Mario Lopez in a face mask at a charity event in LA 
Page 20: HBO’s hotly anticipated Friends reunion special which was scheduled to air in February but was derailed by the pandemic finally has a ballpark airdate of the beginning of March confirms Matthew Perry
Page 21: After more than two decades of marriage Cindy Crawford and Rande Gerber have hit a serious rough patch which may explain why the couple decided to put two of their homes for sale -- for most of their marriage Cindy’s main focus was their two kids Kaia Gerber and Presley Gerber but now that they’re older and doing their own thing it’s starting to sink in how little she and Rande have in common and they drifted apart over the years and Rande spends more time with friends like George Clooney than his wife, Star Sightings -- Jamie Chung and her dog Ewok, Josh Duhamel playing golf at his home in L.A., Candice King and her dog Rebel 
Page 22: Cover Story -- Family Feud -- the Kardashians are at each other’s throats as their reality show nears its end and disgusted fans abandon them -- they’re losing a fat paycheck and lashing out 
Page 26: Jason Sudeikis and Olivia Wilde -- what went wrong -- after nearly a decade together Jason and Olivia call it quits -- they had some good years together but there’s a reason why they never tied the knot and made it official 
Page 28: Teresa Giudice’s in love again -- two months after her divorce was finalized RHONJ’s Teresa has a new man 
Page 30: Ex-Wives from Hell -- these husbands rue the day they said I Do -- Jennifer Lopez was mean, Phil Collins ex-wife Orianne Cevey, Kim Kardashian, Heather Mills got millions from Paul McCartney
Page 31: Kate Gosselin, Angelina Jolie torments Brad Pitt, Gwyneth Paltrow won’t let go
Page 34: The Big Interview -- Brooke Burke -- I can’t believe I’m almost 50 -- the age-defying TV personality reveals the secrets to her youthful appearance 
Page 36: Gift Guide -- Gwen Stefani 
Page 40: Entertainment 
Page 42: Animal Overload
Page 45: Double Take -- Shia LaBeouf shops for groceries in L.A. 
Page 46: Horoscope -- Sagittarius Sarah Hyland turned 30 on November 24 
Page 48: Last Laughs 
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autisticarachnid · 1 year
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two dorks spotted on hogwarts grounds
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bluebuzzmusic · 6 years
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Greta Van Fleet tear through “When the Curtain Falls” on Fallon: Watch https://ift.tt/2LTiZsP
Earlier this month, Greta Van Fleet previewed their highly-anticipated debut album with the release of a new single called “When the Curtain Falls”. Ahead of their set at Panorama this weekend, the fast-rising rockers got a chance to showcase the track live on Thursday night’s edition of The Tonight Show. Replay the rousing performance below.
Find Greta Van Fleet’s upcoming itinerary below, and grab tickets here.
Greta Van Fleet 2018 Tour Dates: 07/29 – New York, NY @ Panorama Music and Arts Festival 07/31 – Cleveland, OH @ Agora Theatre 08/01 – St. Louis, MO @ The Pageant 08/03 – Chicago, IL @ Lollapalooza 08/04 – Chicago, IL @ The Vic 08/18 – Osaka, JP @ Summer Sonic Festival 08/19 – Tokyo, JP @ Summer Sonic Festival 08/23 – Kahului, HI @ Maui Arts & Cultural Center 08/24 – Honolulu, HI @ The Republik 09/07 – Seattle, WA @ The Paramount 09/08 – Seattle, WA @ The Paramount 09/09 – Vancouver, BC @ SKOOKUM Festival 09/11 – Edmonton, AB @ Shaw Conference Centre 09/12 – Calgary, AB @ BMO Centre 09/14 – Portland, OR @ Arlene Schnitzer Concert Hall 09/17 – Oakland, CA @ Fox Theater 09/18 – San Jose, CA @ City National Civic 09/19 – San Francisco, CA @ The Masonic 09/22 – Las Vegas, NV @ iHeart Radio Festival 09/23 – San Diego, CA @ The Observatory North Park 09/25 – Tempe, AZ @ The Marquee 09/26 – Tempe, AZ @ The Marquee 09/28 – Salt Lake City, UT @ The Union Event Center 09/29 – Denver, CO @ The Fillmore 10/01 – Denver, CO @ The Fillmore 10/05-07 – Austin, TX @ Austin City Limits 10/06 – San Bernardino, CA @ CAL JAM 10/11 – Madison, WI @ The Sylvee 10/26 – Paris, FR @ Elysee Montmarte 10/27 – Brussels, BE @ Ancienne Belgique 10/29 – Tilburg, NL @ 013 10/30 – Hamburg, DE @ Mehr! Theatre 11/01 – Cologne, DE @ Palladium 11/04 – Stockholm, SE @ Berns Salonger 11/05 – Copenhagen, DK @ Vega 11/07 – Berlin, DE @ Columbiahalle 11/09 – London, UK @ O2 Kentish Town Forum 11/11 – London, UK @ O2 Kentish Town Forum 11/14 – Birmingham, UK @ O2 Academy 11/15 – Manchester, UK @ Manchester Academy
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Foo Fighters’ Top Songs
Tour Update: Gorillaz Announce 'The Now Now' Album + Fall Tour
Tour Update: Florence + The Machine Announces North American Tour & New Album, 'High As Hope'
Tour Update: Nine Inch Nails Presents: Cold and Black and Infinite Tour
Nirvana’s “Heart-Shaped Box” Annotated Video
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July 26, 2018 at 11:16PM
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pink-history · 7 years
Pink ended 2016 in the best possible way, by announcing the birth of her second child, Jameson Moon Hart. Its been a busy year for Pink in 2017, lets take a look back at what she got up to…
Click on the images to see in full size
Pink threw Willow a ‘Big Sister’ party
The Harts attended the Los Angeles Women’s March on 21st January
In May, Pink, Carey and friends took part in Chef’s Cycle to raise money for No Kid Hungry by cycling 100 miles.
Tour rehearsals began!
Pink went back on the road performing at summer festivals.
Summerfest, Milwaukee 02.07.17
Festival D’ete De Quebec 08.07.17
Bluefest,  Ottawa 09.07.17
Atlantic City Beachfest 12.07.17
Pink’s big comeback came in August when she released her first lead single from an album in five years. Released on 10th August, What About Us topped the charts worldwide.
Pink continued with her promo tour travelling throughout Europe where she played at locations such as Berlin, Budapest, and V Festival in the UK.
While in the UK, Pink also visited Radio One Studios to perform at the Live Lounge, which was released the following month on her birthday.
To end the month, Pink attended the MTV Video Music Awards with Carey and Willow, where she accepted the Michael Jackson Video Vanguard Award, presented to her by Ellen DeGeneres.
Pink performed a medley of her greatest hits and dedicated her acceptance speech to her daughter.
Pink attended more promo appearances throughout September.
The Ellen Show 06.09.17
Beautiful Trauma Live Apple concert in LA 06.09.17
Hollywood Casino Amphitheatre in Chicago 09.09.17
World Famous Roof Top in Los Angeles 14.09.17
Kaaboo Del Mar in San Diego 16.09.17
iHeart Music Festival 22.09.17
On 13th October 2017, Pink’s seventh studio album, Beautiful Trauma, was released. The album topped the charts at number 1 in many countries worldwide.
  Pink did numerous promo appearances throughout October to support the new album.
Good Ride Rally in las vegas 04.10.17
60 minutes Australia 08.10.17
CBS Sunday Morning 08.10.17
Elvis Durans Morning radio show in New York 10.10.17
The Tonight Show with Jimmy Fallon 12.10.17
MTV TRL 13.10.17
Saturday Night Live 14.10.17
The Morning Mash up on SiriusXM in New York 15.10.17
Good Morning America 16.10.17
What What happens Live 19.10.17
We Can Survive concert in Los Angeles 21.10.17
Pink continued her promo in November, and headed back to Europe towards the end of the month. She also attended the Country Music Awards with Willow and performed Barbies. At the American Music Awards she wowed the audience with a live performance of Beautiful Trauma while performing on the side of a hotel building and a performance with Kelly Clarkson.
Jimmy Kimmel 01.11.17
Country Music Awards 08.11.17
Carpool Karaoke 14.11.17
American music awards 19.11.17
Beautiful Trauma music video released 21.11.17
Abu Dhabi Grand Prix After-race concert in UAE 26.11.17
The Graham Norton Show 30.11.17
Pink concluded the promo tour in Europe. She performed on the X Factor final in the UK and did appearances in France and Germany.
Pink History… 2017 Review Pink ended 2016 in the best possible way, by announcing the birth of her second child, Jameson Moon Hart.
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autisticarachnid · 2 years
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missed these two a bit
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autisticarachnid · 3 years
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just two lovebirds 👩‍❤️‍💋‍👨
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autisticarachnid · 3 years
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introducing the children of fallon byrne and diego caplan! from left to right we have: saoirse, a gryffindor born in august ‘02; laura, a slytherin born in july ‘98; and emilio, a gryffindor born in november ‘04.
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