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monsooninn · 6 months ago
Berakhot 9a: 26. "The Hifzon."
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Once the Midnight Hour opens its gates, how fast will it be before the Mashiach takes place? This, no one knows. It might be the longest hour humanity ever passed. The Mishnah says if we want to be of assistance to the God of the Mashiach and His Son, and fulfill His Soul, we will move as fast as possible:
26. What did they disagree about - about the hour of haste, Rabbi Eleazar ben Azaria opined: Mai "hifzon" - the haste of Egypt.
The Value in Gematria is 6268, ו‎בו‎‎ח, "escape, enter the House of Israel."
We need to pay God what we owe Him, "peace on earth, goodwill towards men." These words were supposed to open the new age but we have read them and given them not one moment of faith. This is what is meant by the hifzon, the hipzone, the balance in the pocket. We need to pay God the balance that is due, and observe Shabbat.
This is synonymous with our Holy Trinity, "Father, Son, and Holy Ghost" # 1158, "what is proper, fitting, and Yahh", short for Yahweh,
He Who Causes That-Which-Is To Be & He Who Causes That-Which-Can't-Be To FallHouse Of Information Technology, House Of The Alphabet, House Of The Great Human Library...
"The verb היה (haya), or its older version הוה (hawa), means to be busy acting out the behavior that defines that which acts. This verb never describes static existence (the dog is outside) but always the performance of a specific behavior that defines whichever is behaving in such a way (the dog is outside barking, sniffing, chasing squirrels, digging up bones and running off the mailman).
Very curiously, the verb הוה (hawa II), which is identical to the older version of the verb that means "to act definingly," appears to mean to fall. This may be an inconvenient coincidence, but much more likely reflects the deep insight that the development of defining behavior inevitably requires the falling away of certain rejected behaviors. This connection between "being" and "falling" may even be among the few driving forces of evolution.
Noun הוה (hawwa) means either a bad kind of desire or lust, or ruin or destruction. Nouns היה (hayya) and הוה (howa) describe destruction, calamity or ruin."
This means how we act defines God, except we have defined God as being who is Holy. So first we pay the balance then we act according the First Condition, which defines life in the Age of the Mashiach, the Son of Man.
The Son of God, #297, רטז‎ ‎, which is a belief system that "couriers" the mission of the Gospels to mankind is different from our son, the Son of Man which is 307, תחתז, "time to play."
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444names · 6 months ago
Names generated from the list of castles article on awoiaf.org
Ackcroweep Ackpoing Aegal Aegod Aegon Aegrast Amblakee Anchmer Anchmeren Andares Andarfeld Antrooke‎ Apple Arest Arrone‎ Arrun‎ Arverwyn Ashold Ashordsprie Astack Astonrake Astwall Atendsgre Aterhallow...
Bance Bandsprive Bandstothre Bandst‎ Banes Barbreal Barde Bards Barfelver Barve Black Blakwater Blasters Blester Bleyholf Brestow Bride Briely Bring Brins Brivy Broadfaitt Brood Browsgriden Bureep‎ Burey Caide Caitall Caitt Cashort Cassfiew Casta Caste Casterry Castfirosby Castideent Caston Castonburne Castones Castotter Catchmer Catewke Cerhostach Cidandars Cidow Cidower Colad Coldfor Coldst Collones Colmaiden Cord‎ Cornwood Crack Cragarry‎ Crages‎ Crant Craterspeal Dandantach Darre Darrunst‎ Deenhold Delverstfin Dendfall Dendfort Dentre Dragolt Draidge Drastideld Draters Drendhal Driell‎ Dundforping Dyreeton Dyridend Everivy Everlad Eyhale Eyredges Eyrerly Eyriden Faidow Fallaw Fallhouse Feage Fearey Feark Feldcastone Flighgard‎ Gall‎ Garred Ghgarrood Ghtwood Glarpikeep Glestamble Gleton Glimar Glimmers Golaw Goldmone Golyhome Gongbown Gorth Grack Grackmaiten Gracktydell Grages Graide Graks Grammerhall Gramsgarry‎ Grass Grastletone Gredar Gredge Grenhallone Gren‎ Gridower Griftword Grimsterwyn Grone Grown Halend Hallon Hallown Hallownd Halls Hammer Hareen Harry Haston‎ Hastood Haver Haverhall Havestle Hayce Haych Hayfallorn Heagort Heard Hearrhalls‎ Hedart Hedford Hedforedge Heldforde Hellgarpse Helwood Helyhouse Herhals Hewood Highamble Highamsgrak Highgallone Highgatew Hight Hiling Hillarsfin Hill‎ Hislew Histagod Histles Histon Hiter Hiters Hoaten Holdfort Holdmort Hordeldmon Hordell Hordstons Hormood Horne Horpseager Horrideep‎ Horthrends Housead Houseaden Housearden Housear‎ Imard Imarkden Imsgramme Imsgrater Ingfins‎ Ingriver Intark Ircaster Irch‎ Ireep Ireepwood Ireepworn Irend‎ Irock Irone Irongrinst Ironwood Irood Irosby Irover Iroverrown Irowerm Iverhare Karpse Kehaletoth Kinewoone Kingsharre Lacer Lakent Laredge Lingbow Lonstorth Lontrongbow Loweep Lowerbers Lowinsporry Lowndston Lyhayfast Lyhorn Magong Magort Maidee Marhall‎ Mislen Mispeark Mitherruns‎ Mittswers Moadforth Monell Monter Mootagolong Mord‎ Mornfin Motages Motterhaver Nedfall Nehall Newall Neyre Nighgarp Ninspood Oadfass Oadforne Olden Oldstonbury Ollhosby‎ Oltumble Olyce Ounes Ouseager Ouseages Parry Pikeng Pike‎ Pinelm Pinsperhall Pointard‎ Pornwood Pykee Pykeent Pykeepdow Pykend Pykewkee Pykewkeep Racord Raiter Ranchmeriew Rategarree Reastleton Reaston Redars Redgrone‎ Ridengfing Ridenspeage Rident Ridge Ridow Ridown Rield Riellsking Rielych Riftwall Riftwor Righallace Rimarre Rinst Rintle Rislest Rislestong Roath Ronfarlan Rontrosby Ronwood Ronwoons‎ Roodst Roven‎ Rowetterm Rowsgatchon Runsperfely Sals‎ Sandee Sandfal Sand‎ Sards Sareep Sarth Seage‎ Searly Seastach Seastowee Shalt Sharkde Shasterly Shast‎ Shayst Shforn Sholt Shorn Shorthewood Shouse Silvins Skint Skyriden Snake‎ Snaks Soldcass Sollonew Sonew Souse Spebble Sperheld Spoing Spoint Sprimmerhar Sprivy Squarpse Stablark Stables Stace Stacerhall Stack Stackcrast‎ Stages‎ Stark Sterfel Sterwyl Stletonoake Stokewood Stords Strey Sumbeck Summe Summer Summerfeace Sunest Sunhategold Sunspoing Sunst Sunstonoat Sween Sweton Swood Swookeep Swor‎ Table Tager Tagolt Tokenstone Tones Tonewke Tone‎ Tonraverry‎ Tonspers Tummeren Twall‎ Twing Twood Upleton Upletonwood Vaidarrhor Vaire Vallor Vallorrigh Volowick Vulls Water Wathe Wath‎ Watterspood Wayfarhals‎ Weepwood Weton Whigh Whighgarp Whighport Whightsons Whill Whill‎ Whisle Whisletonst Whisping White Whiter Wickhayfass Wickpoing Widell Widenhal Willgate Wilving Winey Wingbown Wingrame Wingta Wintswer Woolt Woonoad Wormiter Wyndent Wyndstong Yreen Yreywat
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thryth-gaming · 1 year ago
Monster of the Week - The Brick Show
A break down of moves and team assets
Billie Jackson - The Changeling The Spell-Slinger
Brick Chapman - The Celebrity The Pararomantic
Chett Fallhouse - The Spooky
Malachi Morse - The Monstrous The Host
Sasha Chase - The Mundane
Team Playbook: Ghost-Casters The Coven
Style: Entertainment Superheroes with Fangs
Advanced Moves
Kick Some Ass (Malachi, Billie)
Investigate a Mystery (Billie)
Manipulate Someone (Brick)
Past Lives (Malachi)
Protect Someone (Brick)
Read a Bad Situation (Billie)
Trust Your Gut (Billie)
Use Magic (Billie)
Basic Weird Moves
No Limits (Brick)
Past Lives (Malachi)
Sensitive (Chett)
Tradecraft (Sasha)
Trust Your Gut (Billie)
Use Magic (Billie)
Warding (Malachi)
Auntie Sthe - Ancient Gorgon (Team)
Carey An - Inheritor to a haunted manse (Brick)
Claudia Sunnigale - Local Weather-Reporter blocked from higher roles (Team)
E - Magical Bell able to become human, housekeeper (Brick)
Matilda "Maddie" Kane - EMT Spirit Eater (Billie)
Sapphire Amai - Reality TV host, currently unemployed. (Brick)
Samantha and Samuel aka The Sams - Twin gorgon teens from Lybia (Billie)
The Ghoul Fools - Global Internet Hunting Collective (Team)
Armor and Survival
Acting My Boy (Brick)
Could've Been Worse (Billie)
I Do My Own Stunts (Brick)
Immortal (Malachi)
Invincibility (Malachi)
Strange Biology: Possession and Breathing (Malachi)
Mark of Kinship: Burn Everything (Chett)
Combat Magic (Billie)
Defensive Adaptation: Silk Threads (Malachi)
Furnace (Malachi)
Mark of Kinship: Rote: Dispel (Billie)
Natural Attack: Claws (Malachi)
Unholy Strength (Malachi)
Contrary (Brick)
Don't Worry, I'll Check It Out (Sasha)
For the Clicks (Team)
Polterazzi (Team)
What Could Go Wrong? (Sasha)
Escape and Stealth
Glamour (Billie)
I Play One On TV: Burglar (Brick)
Mark of Kinship: Incorporeal (Brick)
Panic Button (Sasha)
Symbiosis: Wall-Climbing, Subtle Physical Changes (Malachi)
They Are My People (Malachi)
Predator and Prey (Malachi)
The Grove: Access via Magic (Changeling advance), Infirmary, Magic Lab (Billie)
Housing (Team Asset)
Studio (Team Asset)
Warehouse: Armory, Hidden (Malachi)
Information Gathering
Cameras and Recording Gear (Team Asset)
Destiny's Plaything (Billie)
Forensic Divination (Billie)
Leyline Maps (Team Asset)
Net Friends (Brick)
News-Clippings (Team Asset)
Rote: Commune (Billie)
The Sight (Chett)
Tune In (Chett)
Two Thoughts (Malachi)
Keeper Toys
Dark Side: Hallucination, Paranoia, Dark Bargain (Chett)
Mark of Kinship: Dark Side: Secrets, Poor Impulse Control (Sasha)
Mark of Kinship: Temptation: Power (Chett)
Mark of Kinship: Temptation: Secrets (Billie)
Mark of Kinship: Unknown Heritage: Strange Thoughts, Erratic Power (Malachi)
Unknown Heritage: Repulsion: Iron, Obsession: Origin, Emotional Use (Billie)
Protecting People
I Am Theirs and They Are Mine (Brick)
Let's Get Out of Here (Sasha)
Life-Alerts (Team Asset)
Mark of Kinship: Hunches (Sasha)
Mark of Kinship: They Are My People (Malachi)
Trust Me (Sasha)
Social Abilities
Arcane Reputation: Gorgons, Bloodsworn, Ghosts of Canton (Billie)
Bonding Time (Brick)
Big in the Underworld (Brick)
Fan-base (Team Asset)
The Price of Fame (Brick)
Supernatural Guide: Yareli Abbott/Xp0SUr3 (Brick)
Unnatural Appeal (Malachi)
Strange Abilities
Hex (Chett)
Inhuman Talent: Transformation (Billie)
Renewal (Billie)
Travel Moves
Between-Mobile (Gear)
Hummer (Gear)
Strange Paths (Billie)
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fallhouses · 2 years ago
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checkeredpasts · 4 years ago
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NOS - Vintage 1997 Candamar Designs Counted Cross Stitch Kit #50858 - Fall House by John Sloane. Part of the Four Seasons Collection https://www.ebay.com/itm/133747976976 #checkeredpasts #vintagegiftshop #vintageneedlecraft #needlecraftkit #vintagecrossstitchkit #crossstitchkit #johnsloane #candamardesigns #fourseasons #fallhouse (at Checkered Pasts) https://www.instagram.com/p/COZIQjBghbP/?igshid=17ed23ozuk4er
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witvoetfaithbyworks-blog · 5 years ago
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The first Turkey I created and he is still my favorite. If you are looking for a gift to bring to your Thanksgiving feast he will be the perfect gift!
Find me on Etsy www.etsy.com/shop/witvoetfaithbyworks
Daily posts on
*Instagram www.instagram.com/WitvoetFaithbyWorks
*Facebook www.facebook.com/WitvoetFaithbyWorks
#housewarminggifts #housewarming #housewarminggift #housewarmingparty #fallturkey #falltrends #falllove #crochet #crochetturkey #fallhouse #thanksgivingtable #thanksgiving2019 #thanksgivingdecor #centerpieces #tablecenterpieces #tabledecorations #thanksgivinggifts #giftsforyourself #Thanksgiving #uniquefinds #unique #checkitout #instagood #checkthisout #adorable #havetohave #falldecor #fallcrochet #fall2019 https://www.instagram.com/p/B47hnyCloLn/?igshid=1ft0pppt3dtll
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letlivelaures · 7 years ago
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so fall in Lynchburg might be my favorite thing • • • • #adventure #aesthetics #aesthetic #building #bold #canon #canont3i #explore #folklore #justshoot #justgoshoot #photooftheday #photographer #photography #rustic #travel #vintage #vintagestyle #beaphotographer #thetravelguru #vsco #vscocam #vscogood #instagood #fall #fallhouse #lynchburg #lynchburgva #fallinvirginia (at Lynchburg, Virginia)
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brickstory · 5 years ago
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When you can't seem to find the forrest through the trees - maybe, just maybe, it's time to come home. Yes, it's time to come home. . Shared from @autumncozie I’m headed to the mountains today!! What about you?? 📸 @kjp . #BrickStory, #oldhouselove, #thisoldhouse #architecture, #archi_ologie #housesofinstagram #historical #homedesign #oldhousecharm #autumn, #travelamerica, #autumngram, #forrest #comehome, #fallhouse, #historichome #historylover #archigram #architecture_hunter #architecture_best #architecturaldesign #architecturedaily #architecturedetails #instarchitecture #architecture_view #architecturealways #designdetails . Tell us your story... (at Vermont) https://www.instagram.com/p/B3r-V3ugoEq/?igshid=uo0q38kk7emj
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modestmanwiththegun · 7 years ago
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Когда не спал нормально 3 дня и готов снимать концерт группы FallHouse #fallhouse #цоколь #eltechfestival2018 #труоператор (at Saint Petersburg, Russia)
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olivecandi · 7 years ago
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so ready for this new #fall #collection to drop!!! 🖤💙 #fallgirl #fallwedding #fallhouse #falllifestyle 🌌 #chloeandisabel #candi ✨
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architonicag · 8 years ago
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"This three-bedroom #home, on Big Sur’s spectacular south coast, is anchored in the natural beauty and power of this California landscape. Our #design strategy embeds the building within the land, creating a structure inseparable from its context. The site offers dramatic views: a 250-foot drop to the Pacific Ocean both along the bluff and the western exposure. Yet it demands a form more complex than a giant picture window." @fougeronarch ⠀ ⠀ Photo by @joefletcherphoto ⠀ See more in http://bit.ly/2qatWP7⠀ ⠀ #architonic #architecture #instadesign #architectural #facade #exterior #exteriordesign #housedesign #house #fallhouse #bigsur ⠀
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fallhousess · 2 years ago
Kệ tivi gỗ sồi tự nhiên GHS-3363
Kệ tivi gỗ sồi tự nhiên GHS-3363 bán chạy nhất 2022 tại cửa hàng Fallhouse. Xem ngay: https://fallhouse.com/ke-tivi-go-soi-tu-nhien-ghs-3363/ Website: https://fallhouse.com/ #ketivi #noithat #nhacua
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patsuantv · 3 years ago
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This is the real end of the #neopars shell challenge we've been hosting for almost 3 months (July-September)! 🍉It's the 3rd round of #parsshellchallenge and I'm designing the 4th shell during my livestreams at the moment. Thank you so much to those who participated in Neo Pars! 🤗🍉🍉 Namely: @xurella.yt @romaska.thesims @ozlembroke @mademoiselle.sim @elflamino @duiken @simmer.cat @merwe.sims @bakirplak . In this post, I put the overall screenshots of the completed house. Participants had random conditions of room style, budget, style, coloring, and an object that must be put. . If you want to download this build made by so talented 8 Turkish simmers + me, you can check out my gallery! 😁✨ . Origin ID: yibikun34 . . . #turkish #patsuantv #youtube #weekendchill #thesims #thesims4 #sims #sims4 #ts4 #thesims4 #sims4house #sims4build #sims4home #simstagram #sccregram #showusyourbuilds #architecture #interiordesign #exteriordesign #familyhome #summerhouse #modernfamilyhouse #eagame #ea #eaplay #mansion #fallhouse #landscape #garden https://www.instagram.com/p/CVxuwkSvxle/?utm_medium=tumblr
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silakalebal · 11 years ago
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brickstory · 5 years ago
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Weathered a perfect hue for Autumn from @4estmal1 . Georgetown . #georgetown#dc#igdc#washingtondc#oldhouselove#greenhouse#architecture#archi_ologie#doorsofdc, #BrickStory, #oldhouselove #oldhome #thisoldhouse #architecture, #archi_ologie #housesofinstagram, #fallhouse, #homedesign #oldhousecharm #weathered #deserve2preserve #historichome #historylover #archigram #architecture_hunter #architecture_best #architecturaldesign #architecturedaily #architecturedetails #instarchitecture #architecture_view #architecturealways #designdetails . Tell us your story... (at Georgetown, DC) https://www.instagram.com/p/B3j4UsGAa4H/?igshid=ph6u9rsi9pp8
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brickstory · 6 years ago
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The weekend is upon us, as is an Autumn path home if we are fortunate enough. Via @miss.annie.b - 10.10 🍁 Share your story at BrickStory.com #fall #autumn #halloween #oldhouses #fallaccount #fallblog #fallvibes #fallhome #fallhouse #BrickStory #autumnblog #autumnaesthetic #fallaesthetic #leaves #fallleaves #fallfoliage #historichome #fallcolors #architecture_hunter #architecture #newengland #fallinnewengland #mapletree #seasonalaccount #historichome #historichouse #oldhouselove #spookyaesthetic #marblehead #marbleheadma (at Marblehead, Massachusetts) https://www.instagram.com/p/Bo2Td-xnEB_/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=ft3ebf9h2y64
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