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erikaalamode · 4 years ago
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Today’s theme for #fallforcostume is #recycled so I want to feature one of my absolute favorite places to source fabric: @fabmoinc !! . . Fabmo sells exclusively recycled sewing supplies (and other crafting goods), largely donated by California designers who discontinue certain designs or have overstock of some fabrics. Normally this would end up in landfills, but Fabmo sells them at prices that make luxury fabrics more accessible (without the unethical labor practices that otherwise bring down prices on luxury items)!! . . Swipe to see some of my favorite Fabmo finds, a green silk taffeta that you may recognize from my in progress robe à l’anglaise, pink cotton sateen and a matching jacquard, a floral tapestry, a herringbone wool, and so many more!! . . I love buying from Fabmo because I can find fabulous textiles without creating more demand for newly made textiles. The fashion industry is one of the most polluting in the world, and it’s our responsibility to show the industry that we aren’t interested in fast fashion, pollutants, and industry waste. The industry will only change when it becomes more profitable to use sustainable methods, and Fabmo is a great step in that direction. . . #fallforcostume2020 #recycledfashion #fabric #sewing #cosplay #cosplayer #costume #costumer #sustainablefashion https://www.instagram.com/p/CG5frrrDPud/?igshid=181krwtc7jojs
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lunarlyn · 4 years ago
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✨Day 9 of #fallforcostume ::METALLICS:: You can’t get anymore metallic than a Sera Myu costume. Materials included: mystique spandex, glitter canvas (cracked ice), gold and silver metallic trims, glitter vinyl, iridescent ribbon, silver lined beads, glass beads, crystals, gems, and metallic paints. • • #seramyu #seramyucosplay #seramyumusical #seramyulemouvementfinal #seramyuamoureternal #sailormoon #sailormooncosplay #supersailormoon #supersailormooncosplay #sailormoonmusical #sailorvenus #supersailorvenus #sailorvenuscosplay #handmade #diy #wip #fallforcostume2020 #glitterguardians https://www.instagram.com/p/CGJgnJjj8FJ/?igshid=lubt4qyebr6u
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kimonoholic · 4 years ago
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Day 22 of the #fallforcostume #challenge by @redthreaded is for the #past. For this theme I’m going with one of my Japanese steampunk ensembles. This one I premiered at DragonCon in 2014 and is my take on a rugged steampunk outfit. I used a vintage summer kimono and my favorite hakata obi along with my mechanical arm from @skinznhydez . It’s immortalized by the ever amazing @dimhorizonstudio #steampunk #instagramchallenge #halloweenmonth #kimono #redthreaded #instagramchallenge #japanesesteampunk #kimonolife #wafuku #kimonocollection #きもの #着物 #わふく #和風 #きものコーディネート #着物コーディネート #👘 #fallforcostume2020 #mechanicalarm #skinznhydez https://www.instagram.com/p/CGqj7YmAu3H/?igshid=pzigyufc46lg
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randolfimages · 4 years ago
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~@timelesseras <<swipe>> today’s #fallforcostume is #embellishments - these extra bits are always awesome for Photoshoots. Big hats, bright scarfs, buttons, bangles, flowers, poofy sleeves, a redder lipstick- just a something that adds that oomph factor (yes, I said oomph- that’s a Joani term) it’s always great when you show up to a shoot, suitcase in hand filled to the brim with tricks. If you’re planning a shoot- bring anything and everything. A hat can be worn but also used as a great prop. A massive red victory pin can tie the whole suit in place. A scarf can be worn in multiple ways to change the “look”. A men’s overcoat- pop the collar a little in a graveyard for a little extra dramatic flair. We love embellishments- keep them coming!! #atimelesscollection #photoshoots #historicphotoshoots #historicalportriatphotographer #redthreaded #historicalcostuming #vintageinspired #embellish #fallforcostume2020 https://www.instagram.com/p/CGXxnEQBIX_/?igshid=5o5jrji5pyk2
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aletheariamoon-writes-art · 4 years ago
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HATS today. I must type it this way... because they're all caps. HATS are the one thing I have in abundance. This is only half of them. #hat #fallforcostume #fallforcostume2020 https://www.instagram.com/p/CGF4IxwArcI/?igshid=lfmvk5t5x7dl
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zephyrismagic · 4 years ago
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Hi! I'm Zephyr and I like to make things. I haven't really taken any new pictures so you get one of my faves as my #intro for the #fallforcostume challenge. I've been cosplaying for about 10 years now and it started as a hobby when I was in the Navy and now it is all consuming! I also just should have hit my 1 year anniversary of making costumes for film and tv but you know I've been home since March. I personally think more is more is a reasonable means of interpreting a costume and that I am always happy to have more people join me on the Way of Tiny Details. I love trying to figure out the best way to translate from 2D to 3D and sharing my method. Im forever thankful that all of you also enjoy the behind the seams view of my work. Lup also feels like a perfect representation of my costume making endeavors: Lots of color! Lots of Details! Lots of textures! And a lot of emotional ties. 💖 Lup created by: @griffinmcelroy Costume designed, made, and worn by: Me! 📷 by: @biomechphotos ________________________________ #zephyrmakesthings #cosplay #cosplayprogress #lup #lupcosplay #luptaaco #luptaacocosplay #thezonecast #thezonecastcosplay #theadventurezone #theadventurezonecosplay #taz #tazcosplay #tazlup #tazlupcosplay #phantasmalandresplendant #fallforcostume2020 https://www.instagram.com/p/CF0j4-2DoIQ/?igshid=1mqu51181r4x3
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cosbrarian · 4 years ago
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#fallforcostume: Sheets and tissue paper, but make it Gothic. Happy Halloween! #fallforcostume2020 — view on Instagram https://ift.tt/2HS2rol
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erikaalamode · 4 years ago
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Today’s theme for #fallforcostume is #heroes , and while I adore fictional heroes like Princess Leia, I want to give a shoutout to some real life heroes who I look up to so much: the women from the CoCoVid Inclusion in Costuming panel!!! . . Swipe to see the women I admire so much, @silkenstitches looking gorgeous in her chemise à la reine, @labelladonnahistory as an actual renaissance queen, @sewstine living the rococo elegance we all aspire to, @tinyangrycrafts as a vintage ray of sunshine, @costuming_drama looking fabulous in true Georgian glory, @historicalgarments as an actual Victorian angel, @nekonamicosplay who I’m pretty sure is really a fairytale character, and @thevintageguidebook the actual style icon!!! . . These women are beautiful, talented, wonderfully intelligent and compassionate people, and I was so honored to meet them all and learn from their insightful perspectives. I look up to these women so much, and I’m so grateful to have icons like them in our community. . . #fallforcostume2020 #cosplay #cosplayers #costumer https://www.instagram.com/p/CG3ZmV2Dnti/?igshid=x51t3vzs4yur
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abisue · 4 years ago
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Day 24 #fallforcostume Space
That time I cosplayed 7 of 9, I had this one on my list to make for a very long time, I’m happy that I finally got to it! Thank you to @vandersnark for making the prosthetics! I made the hand piece from a latex bald cap and some liquid latex, it turned it pretty good too! I also made the stretchy under corset to mirror the one made for the show.
📸 @eurobeatkasumi-blog
#fallforcostume2020 @redthreaded #imadethis #7of9 #7of9cosplay #startrek7of9 #startrekcosplay #startrekvoyager https://www.instagram.com/p/CGvOVPIjTIB/?igshid=16ab9dp6o8fmv
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lunarlyn · 4 years ago
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#fallforcostume Day 13 ::DARK:: These are some of my favorite, darker photos. ▪️Hera Syndulla by @deeganmariephoto from @wondercon 2018 ▪️Seladon of Vapra by @courtex.studios 2019 ▪️Sailor V by WJS Cosplay Photography 2015 ▪️Punk Minako by @courtex.studios @anime_los_angeles 2018 ▪️Queen Widow by @deeganmariephoto @phoenixfanfusion 2017 ▪️Witch Venus by @deeganmariephoto 2019 ▪️Raven (design by @noflutter) by @tonyjuliusphotography @wondercon 2017 • • #fallforcostume2020 #dark #cosplay #cosplayphotography #herasyndulla #herasyndullacosplay #seladon #darkcrystalageofresistance #sailorv #sailorvenus #sailorvenuscosplay #queenofhearts #blackwidow #raven #teentitans https://www.instagram.com/p/CGTy_X5joBM/?igshid=la2vdl53ftpq
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kimonoholic · 4 years ago
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Back to your regularly scheduling #fallforcostume #challenge by @redthreaded! Day 18 is all about the #accessories so let’s talk about my kimono Sailor Saturn! I originally put this cosplay together just because BUT then I got my hands on a ticket to the Silver Millennium Masquerade Ball! And given that iromuji is a formal kimono I thought it was a perfect event to wear it. I made a few changes for the ball (added a lace veil, wore heels instead of traditional kimono shoes called zori, switched the lace gloves for fingerless lace gloves, and discarded the scarf and lace shawl since the outdoor photos were taken in December and the ball was indoors). But as Sailor Saturn is my favorite I went extra on the details. I got replica earrings and the crystal brooch from a props maker. I used the brooch as an obidome. I acquired an official Sailor Moon gashapon replica of the Taioran Crystal and the Silence Glaive pointer pen as obi accessories. For the ball I replaced the gashapon Taioran Crystal with the limited release Q-Pot Taioran Crystal pate de fruit amulet. Outdoor photos by @babs.wtp #halloweenmonth #kimono #redthreaded #instagramchallenge #kimonolife #wafuku #kimonocollection #きもの #着物 #わふく #きものコーディネート #着物コーディネート #👘 #kitsuplay #kimonocosplay #sailorsaturn #fallforcostume2020 #qpot #qpotsailormoon #taioroncrystal #qpotセーラームーン #silvermillenniummasqueradeball #silvermillenniumball2017 #babswhotakespictures #merchascosplayaccessories #cosplay #sailorsaturncosplay https://www.instagram.com/p/CGgZsSQg-iO/?igshid=1sv6v2ku61150
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abisue · 4 years ago
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Day 22 #fallforcostume Past I chose my Sif costume from Thor: Dark World, I put a lot into this costume, made the chainmail, the leather is real leather from a coat I tore up, and worbla armor and props took so much time. I won a prize for it, one of the last times I competed in a cosplay contest. Sword by @coregeek 📸 @lunaannephotos #fallforcostume2020 @redthreaded #worbla #cosplay #sif #thordarkworld #thor #marvel #marvelcomics #imadethis https://www.instagram.com/p/CGpt7L1jHCh/?igshid=1l5mjty13vfe1
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erikaalamode · 4 years ago
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Today’s #fallforcostume prompt is #changes!! . . These are changes I’m planning to make with my Belle court dress. Due to my health issues, this project ended up falling far short of what I wanted it to be when I wore it to Rose City. It was wearable and I had so much fun with my beautiful rococo friends, but I’ve got so many plans for this costume. . . Swipe to see the watercolor concept art I did for this costume and the design sketch!! I’m going to pick apart the entire bodice to bone the whole thing, make actual engageantes for the sleeves, make a bunch of silk roses and miles of puff trim, restyle the wig, and it’ll just be delightful!! . . #disney #disneycosplay #cosplay #cosplayer #beautyandthebeast #princess #disneyprincess #princessbelle #rococo #18thcentury #belle #historicalfashion #rococostyle #18thcenturyfashion #fallforcostume2020 #princessdress #costume #costumer https://www.instagram.com/p/CGn0GFAjWRZ/?igshid=1jz0b4qzrdg3c
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abisue · 4 years ago
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Day 9 #fallforcostume Metallics The metallic spandex applique in my World of Warcraft Warlock, it was crazy intricate and I ended up cutting and sewing it all by hand. Getting stretch velvet with spandex on top of it to move through the machine would have been a nightmare. 📸 @eurobeat_kasumi_ebk Edit by me #fallforcostume2020 @redthreaded #worldofwarcraftcosplay #wowwarlock #wowbloodelf #bloodelfcosplay #bloodelfwarlock #worldofwarcraft #imadethis https://www.instagram.com/p/CGIB-mHjtZs/?igshid=mc8cdx5o84gr
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abisue · 4 years ago
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Day 28 #fallforcostume Recycled Though I didn't make this particular costume, I did edit it. My Grandma, before she died years ago, sent me get Halloween witch costume, I had kind of forgotten I had it until this year. I took it out and tried it on, I had to turn the underdress into an underskirt, widen it a bit, and add a zipper. I also removed the spider from the front of the dress. I love that I could get pictures of her Halloween costume, she was always so fun, she did square dance and dressed up in costumes, and was very eclectic and interesting, I'm sure I got a lot of creativity from her 🧡🖤🧡🎃 #fallforcostume2020 @redthreaded #witchcostume #halloween #halloweencostume https://www.instagram.com/p/CG4z5OTjckI/?igshid=mgppn124rb66
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erikaalamode · 4 years ago
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One more Leg-ally Jawa pic!! . . I have nothing #orange for today’s #fallforcostume theme, it’s just not a color I wear??? But that tree behind me is an orange tree, and it seems to be my favorite backdrop in my backyard!! So I guess that’s close enough!! . . #jawa #starwars #starwarscosplay #causalcosplay #cosplay #cosplayer #fabric #fabricsourcing #fallforcostume2020 #fabricswatches #fabrichoarder #sewing #halloweencostume #halloween #costume #costumer #sewingproject #tatooine #anewhope https://www.instagram.com/p/CGx3basjU9U/?igshid=1x3luw2mi77ak
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