#fall of the white ship avatar
cantsayidont · 10 months
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April 1985 to January 1987. One half of the pseudonymous "Jack McKinney" who wrote the prose ROBOTECH novels, Brian Daley is probably best known for his trio of delightful Han Solo novels, first published in 1979–1980, and for scripting the NPR radio adaptations of the STAR WARS movies. However, he also wrote a bunch of original sci-fi and fantasy novels, including this entertaining mid-'80s trilogy about the misadventures of Hobart Floyt and Alacrity Fitzhugh (a pseudonym, although his real name isn't revealed until the third book).
Centuries in the future, Hobart Floyt is a low-level functionary in the administrative bureaucracy of the oppressive Earth government. When he's unexpectedly named in the will of Caspahr Weir, the ruler of a minor but very wealthy interstellar empire (whom Floyt has never met), Earthservice decides Floyt must attend the reading of the will, expecting to confiscate whatever bequest he might receive. Since Floyt is a sheltered Terran who's never even contemplated going off-world, Earthservice coerces Alacrity, a young part-alien "breakabout" (starship crewman for hire), into becoming his guide. Thus begins a series of picaresque adventures through the diverse, colorful worlds beyond closed and xenophobic Earth. The first book focuses mostly on our heroes' journey to Weir's throne world, Epiphany, and the many ways they almost get killed prior to the Willreading. The second book deals with Floyt and Alacrity attempting to actually collect Floyt's inheritance — a starship to which Weir has left him title, but not actual possession — and figure out why Weir left it to him in the first place. The final volume shifts focus to Alacrity's quixotic quest to become the captain of the White Ship, a fabulously advanced starship intended to search for the secrets of an ancient alien race called the Precursors, which is also an object of fascination for Floyt and Alacrity's bitterest enemy: Dincrist, the father of the woman Alacrity falls in love with in the first book.
Anyone who enjoys Daley's Han Solo novels will probably also like these books, which are similar in tone and style: droll, action-packed romps starring two likable schmoes who spend a lot of their time running for their lives, with richly detailed settings full of exotic alien creatures and engaging if rather two-dimensional characters. These novels' literary merits are modest, but Daley's object was lighthearted pulp fiction, as evidenced by an amusingly self-reflexive subplot in the second and third books: Our heroes' friend Sintilla, a freelance journalist, starts publishing a series of extremely popular penny dreadful novels starring heavily fictionalized versions of Floyt and Alacrity (without their knowledge or approval) in wild adventures even more outrageous than their real ones. This soon makes the real Alacrity and Floyt inconveniently notorious — leavened slightly by the fact that the handsome male models depicted on Sintilla's book jackets look nothing like them!
(Ironically, this is also true of the covers of more recent editions of these books. Darrell K. Sweet's covers for the original Del Rey paperbacks, shown above, are reasonably close to how the characters are described in the text — although the gawks they're riding on the cover of the third book are all wrong — but the current versions aren't even within walking distance of the right ballpark.)
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final-bae-stination · 7 months
Fight Me For His Health (Avatar: The Way Of Water)
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This is the only picture I could find, for some reason, of both of them hurt. Please, though, imagine them as their real selves, not human like in the picture, okay?
The second photo is the room mentioned with Lo'ak.
Prompt: Let's pretend that on the SeaDragon, which is the tulkun hunting ship, Neteyam does get shot, but let's say he survives (because, as always, in my stories, he lives). Lo'ak, who was being...erm, tortured (A/N: Because your author wants as much angst as possible) freaks out and basically annihilates the soldiers for hurting his brother, his protector.
This gets bloody. And violent, like, really quickly, so please be warned.
I believe I wrote a scene/one shot where Neteyam lost control and like...tore someone's throat out. Now, we're going to see Lo'ak's way of doing it, which is almost the same but...well, just read. GORE WARNING!
Third Person POV
Neteyam knew his siblings and Tsireya were in trouble. He felt it, the same way Neytiri had once known without being there that Kiri had broken her arm when she was ten from falling out of a tree and had run to get her. He knew it the same way he knew Lo'ak would run to warn Payakan about the charges. He knew it the same time that his siblings and Tsireya didn't return home, and he had to go get them.
He knew it, deep in his bones, and he was going to fix it.
Lo'ak's Perspective
The ship, called the SeaDragon, was a tulkun hunting ship commandeered by Miles Quaritch, Spider's real dad and Jake's enemy since the Pandoran War fifteen years ago. Tsireya and Tuk were tied with restraints slapped to the bars. Tuk growled, tugging uselessly at them, but it was no use.
Quaritch stopped his Recom solider as the girl with tattoos over her blue skin went to tie Lo'ak up. "Put him in the Room." He snarled, his gold eyes filled with hate. Lo'ak glared right back as he was marched away to a white room with only a table in it. Lo'ak turned, trying to suddenly attack, and was backhanded so hard he fell to the floor, groaning in pain, glaring. The Recom woman just snickered, shutting the door and disappearing.
Warning: Trigger For Torture!
He sat in there for ten minutes, wondering what was happening, what was going to happen, when the door opened again. Quaritch bent, coming in the doorway, and Lo'ak hissed, backing up. Quaritch didn't flinch.
He carefully walked to the table, as close as he dared to get. "Where's your father and mother?" Quaritch asked. "Kä ne kllte, teylupil! Kalweyeveng!" Lo'ak hissed, which was Na'vi for Go to the ground, teylu-face! Son of a bitch! He glared hotly as Quaritch's face twisted. "I don't think you want to test me, kid." He snarled, but Lo'ak wasn't budging. "Kalweyev--" He didn't get to finish before Quaritch hit him, so hard his ears rang, as his head snapped back, slamming against the glass behind him. Lo'ak cried out, knees crumpling, and heard Quaritch snarl, "Where are they?!" "Fuck off!" Lo'ak shouted, in English, and was rewarded with a sharp kick to the ribs, making him yelp. Quaritch yanked him up by the base of his queue, making Lo'ak scream, clawing at his hands, but Quaritch wasn't letting go. "I have no qualms about killin' a bunch of blue rats," Quaritch spits. "Don't make me." He dropped Lo'ak, and Lo'ak coughed, groaning softly.
Neteyam POV
Neteyam was on an ilu, talking to Aonung and Rotxo. "They must've been caught," Rotxo says, his blue eyes wide with fear. "What will they do?" "It doesn't matter!" Aonung snarled, ears flat. "That is my sister, we are going!" he shouted.
Neteyam shared a look with Rotxo. "I am going, for that's my family." Neteyam whispered. Rotxo's eyes hardened like blue gems, and he climbed on his ilu. "Stick together," he said, which was a phrase often used by the Sully kids. Neteyam blinked, surprised that he'd picked it up, but then all three turned, racing for sea.
Back To Lo'ak...
!! Torture warning, tried not to make it too descriptive !!
He was in the room still, but was by no means able to currently rise. That woman, the one with the tattoos, seemed to love hurting him under Quaritch's orders. "Just don't kill him" was all Quaritch had said before leaving, and she hadn't, just beat him to the point he was tired of moving, even to twitch his fingers. She smirked down at him now. "What's wrong, baby?" She giggled. "Too tired?"
His hiss was like a tiny puff of air, not threatening at all. She snorted, kicking him in the face. His head snapped back, but he didn't even have the energy to scream anymore. He could only lay there, bleeding and broken. His breath rattled in his chest, and he found himself thinking of home, of his mom and Dad, no matter how rocky their relationship was. He found himself thinking of baby Tuk, of Kiri in the jungle, asleep as the wood sprites drifted over her. Of Neteyam, telling him not to go down to the battlefield as they scouted, and he wondered where Tsireya was. Is she hurt? Are they hurting her? But he didn't---couldn't---think of that too long, because any thought of her in pain hurt him, too.
The woman's boot landed painfully on his ribs, and this time, he screamed, writhing, as something snapped. "I'm talking to you!" She shouted over his cries. He turned, trying to be fast, and sank his teeth into her ankle. She yelped, her fist landing on his face, three times before she could make him let go, and her hits were not soft. Fresh blood spilled from his nose and lips until he was forced to let her go. In retaliation, she became reckless and just started kicking the shit out of him, and he heard several sickening snaps before Quaritch was shouting at her to stop. "He's no use to me dead, Z!" He yelled. She was breathing hard, eyes flat and dark gold, her ankle gushing blood. "Out." Quaritch growled, and she stormed out, muttering under her breath. Quaritch merely glanced at Lo'ak's broken and bruised body before leaving. Lo'ak wasn't sure how much more he could take.
Neteyam pushed his ilu as close as it could get to the hull, slipping his queue from the neural queue of his ilu. Aonung and Rotxo did the same. "Follow me, do not make a sound," Neteyam hissed, reaching for the side of the low ship. Aonung and Rotxo climbed after him, all three boys slipping behind huge crates as someone walked by. "Yeah," The voice, a woman, was saying. "Hey, that blue boy?" She laughed, and Neteyam, Aonung, and Rotxo shared a glance. Lo'ak? Rotxo mouthed, and Neteyam nodded.
"What about him?" A male voice asked, slightly deep and raspy. "Well, after I got done with him, he was more red than blue." Cold laughter. Neteyam's brain seemed to short-circuit. He was more red than blue...red is blood...
What has she done to my brother? He snarled in his head.
The two voices faded, two blue smears walking inside, and Neteyam saw them: the girls, Tuk and Tsireya, bawling against the railing, and he was shook. Tuk looked fine, physically, if not a little shaken up, but he was the eldest brother. He noticed a scratch on her face, a bruise on her cheek. If that wasn't enough, Tsireya's cheek was covered in blood from what looked like a knife slash, and she had bruises on her throat, arms, and face.
Aonung saw red.
"Don't!" Rotxo shouted, but it was too late.
With a shriek, Aonung threw himself at the nearest Recom, fingers spasming into claws and grabbing the guy around the throat before he could even squeak. Both toppled to the ground, and surprisingly, no one came running as Aonung slammed the guy's face into the deck, once, twice---crack! Snap!---three times before dropping him. "Nung!" Tsireya cried, tears falling down her cheeks as the three boys rushed over.
"Tuk-Tuk," Neteyam breathed, sawing with his blade at the restraints with his knife. He gulped, "Where's Lo'ak?"
She looked at him, her eyes full of tears, breaking Neteyam's heart. "T-they said the wh-white room..." She bawled. Neteyam glanced at Rotxo. "Can you get her to safety?" He asked sharply. Rotxo nodded. "Come," He told Tuk, who obediently climbed in his arms, and he slung her on his back as Aonung, helping Tsireya, called the ilu. As the creatures appeared, Aonung whispered, "Come back, okay?" He nodded once at Neteyam and helped his sister down, then joined her. Rotxo climbed over the railing carefully, Tuk glancing at Neteyam once more before she was gone.
Neteyam snuck through the ship, ducking behind crates and whatever was available when someone came around. He kept his ears and eyes open, moved as silently as possible, and wasn't caught, luckily. He made it around a bend and saw the white room, through two doorways, which made him curse. He'd have to either risk it and sneak in, or wait until the two Avatars currently in there left. But...he couldn't see Lo'ak. Where is that skxawng? He wondered.
Then, he saw him, and his world stopped, broke, and crashed. Lo'ak was being yanked up by he queue, which made Neteyam wince just watching it, and his face was bloody, bruises coloring his skin like a fucking ink splatter of blood and different shades of black, blue, and purple...and red, of course. His left arm looked broken, and his eyes were slipping shut. "Let's go," A heavily tattooed Na'vi Recom said, and the man dropped Lo'ak. Even out here, Neteyam could hear the thud his body made, and it made him cringe away. The Recoms exited the white room, stalking down the hall, laughing, like they didn't just beat the shit out of a kid with his (pissed, protective) brother watching. The moment they were gone, Neteyam bolted inside...
And nearly fell backwards, shocked, eyes wide. Blood covered the floor in thin streaks, clearly done by Lo'ak, presumably, dragging himself across the floor the way he was now, without even turning, like he was terrified Neteyam was one of the Recoms come to hurt him. "Lo!" He shouted, and Lo'ak went tense, then suddenly limp, and Neteyam heard him crying against the floor.
Neteyam rushed over, hands fluttering, unsure of where the fuck he could touch Lo'ak without hurting him. "They're...coming back," Lo'ak whispered, and glanced up. Neteyam recoiled at the bruises on his baby brother's face. "Just...just go. Quaritch won't let them kill me, not without Dad." "I'm not leaving you!" Neteyam screamed.
A door slammed. "There he is!" He turned, snarling.
Quaritch raised his hands. "Easy, kid. I won't kill you or your brother, alright?" He grinned, but Neteyam wasn't fazed. He stood, muscles tense, and as Quaritch took a step forward, hissed, to the point where Quaritch blinked, stepping back again. "Alright, alright," He said, raising his hands. "I get it, don't come close." He nodded. "I can do that. However, I need him." He smirked. "Your father's here. I made a deal, and he accepted: his sons for his life." No. Neteyam didn't want to believe it. But that was his dad, he'd do anything for his sons. Even die? What about Mom, or Tuk and Kiri and me and Lo'ak? He wondered. "Let us go, then." "Ah, it's...not exactly that easy. But!" He said as Neteyam's ears started flattening. "I can tell you, the moment he steps onboard, you're free." Neteyam paused. He wanted to rip this guy's fucking throat out, and it grew stronger when he glanced at Lo'ak, crumpled, bruised, bloody, and broken, in the corner, eyes foggy. "Don't, Teyam..." He whispered, the energy to speak leaving him. Neteyam glanced back at Quaritch. "Then let us go." Quaritch waved a hand. "I will. Don't fight," He said as four Recoms came in, two grabbing Lo'ak and two restraining Neteyam. He stayed still, knowing it would be worse, at least right now, to fight.
Neteyam saw them first: The Olo'eyktan, Tonowari, with his mate, Ronal. Then, his mother, her eyes hard and dark gold. His heart jumped into his throat, seeing Kiri beside her, her hand on her knife. Thankfully, Rotxo, Tuk, Aonung, and Tsireya were not there. "Mama," He heard Lo'ak wheeze, and it broke Neteyam's heart.
"Jake," Quaritch called. "Come on down," He laughed. Neteyam saw his father kiss his mother, saw him kiss Kiri's head, then come in on a skimwing. "NO!" He screamed suddenly, thrashing. "No, Dad, don't---Ah!" He yelped as something slammed into his face, knocking him to the ground. He was yanked up immediately by his queue, making him scream in pain until that was all he could hear. "Stop, stop it!" Jake was suddenly on the deck. Looking at Lo'ak, Neteyam realized, and he was horrified. "What have you done to my son?" Jake breathed, his eyes darkening. "What I had to." Quaritch snarled.
"Dad..." Lo'ak mumbled, his lips swelling from the bruises. The tattooed lady holding him snarled, "Shut up," her (actually pretty) blue face twisted in rage. Lo'ak ignored her. "Dad, I'm sorry--" He yelped, high and piercing, as the woman slammed her pistol into his already busted nose. That was the last straw for Neteyam.
He shrieked, a weird sort of scream that belonged to a demon, and twisted as the man holding him tried to regain a grip. He swung without really looking, hearing a sickening crunch as chaos exploded around the ship. Jake lunged, the other Na'vi came running (or gliding on ilu and whatnot), and the battle begun. He fought his way towards Lo'ak, who was crumpled on the ground, eyes shut. No, no, please, Eywa, don't take him, Neteyam thought, blindly punching someone else. He heard a sudden shriek and turned, seeing his dad with a knife in his shoulder.
Neteyam was tackled before he could open his mouth.
It was the tattooed lady, snarling as her hands wrapped around his throat. Jake was still in a struggle with three others, the other Na'vi distracted and Lo'ak out for the count, so he was on his own. He choked, tail slapping thickly against the metal deck, and scrabbled for his knife sheath, finally unclipping it and yanking out his blade, but she saw that, smacking his hand. Neteyam's knife slid over the deck, rattling against the metal, and was flung over the side of the ship, lost in the sea. His heart ached almost as much as his lungs. His grandmother, Mo'at, had given him the knife, saying she was proud of him. It was like she was gone, now, too.
The woman laughed, her canines flashing in the sun. "After I kill you, baby blue," She mocked. "I'm killing the other." Her gold eyes flicked to Lo'ak, still unmoving, and that. Was. It. He screamed, his hands flying to her face, and dug his nails into her flesh, her cheeks, the only thing he could think of to get her far enough away. She howled in pain, letting go to clasp her cheeks, and Neteyam, moving on survival instinct, lunged, his mouth open, and sank his canines into her throat.
Her blood spurted from her neck, where Neteyam's canines were lodged up to the gums, and he wasn't letting go. She screamed, gurgling, as he pushed her back, teeth still firm, and jerked back, tearing her throat open, blood gushing from her neck all over Neteyam's mouth and chin, down his chest, and dripping to the metal deck like water. She gasped, gurgling wetly, eyes wide, blood staining both her and Neteyam, before she seized and went still. He was breathing hard, blood covering most of his front and his hands, and turned, eyes wild. Kiri, Jake, Neytiri, and Ronal were staring at him, and he wasn't totally sure if they were horrified or not. "Holy, shit," Kiri said. A groan interrupted them, and Lo'ak blinked, coming to. "Lo--" Neteyam froze, about to run over, but...but he was covered in blood. He couldn't see his brother. He backed up, eyes on Lo'ak, who was shaking his head. Kiri, always so understanding, put a hand on his arm, moving past him to Lo'ak. Lo'ak was staring at Neteyam, and Neteyam...he felt, for the first time in his life, like a monster. Like the demon everyone thought his father was. "I'm so sorry," He whispered, his voice loud like a gunshot in the silence. Lo'ak stood with Kiri's help and stumbled over. He kneeled, grasping a dead recom's shirt and ripping it in half before his fingers, five instead of four, touched Neteyam's cheek, soft as a feather, and wiped the blood away, all without a word. Finally, he spoke. "You're my brother, my tsmukan. Don't act like I'm scared of you," Lo'ak snapped, throwing the cloth, now stained red, to the side. "Oel ngati kameie, tsmukan."
"Oel ngati kameie," Neteyam whispered, tears filling his eyes. *******************************************************************
Glossary: Tsmukan = Brother. Oel ngati kameie = I See You.
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liveliveloak · 2 years
Her (Part 1)
Pairing: adult!Neteyam x female human!reader x adult!Lo’ak
A/N: reader does not need a mask to breathe in Pandora because of experiments done to her by the RDA
Lo'ak is 18, Neteyam is 19
Summary: After setting the rest free, Lo'ak and Neteyam head back into the ship to get Spyder. As Neteyam and soldiers exchange gunfire, Spyder jumps off the ship with Lo'ak following shortly behind. Quaritch's daughter was being held captive by her father. As chaos erupts, she attempts her escape as the soldiers are hunting down the Sully family. In the midst of her discreet escape, she spots a soldier aiming his AVR-30 directly at the eldest Sully son. From the metal beam directly above Neteyam and yells at the Navi to move. Seeing Neteyam continuing to shoot, the girl jumps down onto the platform and pushes him off the boat. 
Warnings/notes: NSFW, swearing, slow burn, enemies to lovers, angst, fluff, smut, love triangle (future)
"Give me that," Neteyam shouts, taking the gun from Lo'ak and shooting down the soldiers that were following the trio. After directing Lo'ak to jump off the boat, Neteyam peaks over the wall and aims at the two soldiers across the deck. Suddenly, he hears a faint voice above him and ignores it, finally pulling the trigger and spraying bullets to take down the remaining avatars. Before he could press the trigger once more, he's tackled off the ship and spots a small frame holding onto him as the two fall into the water. In high alert, he holds his breath and traps the small frame. He observes the human girl with long brown hair and hazel eyes in his embrace. All he could think after his near death experience was one word- beautiful. Her cheeks were adorably puffed as she held her breath, her cheeks rosy from the cold waters surrounding them. Her odd human clothes were drenched and sticking to her skin, and he could see the outline of her breasts through her white shirt that left little to the imagination. However, before he could say anything, he notices a shade of scarlet surrounding them. He scans her from head to toe, and notices a gash above her right shoulder. The bullet had grazed her. 
"That was insane cuz!" Lo'ak exclaims, him and Spyder exchanging wide smiles and sensing Neteyam's presence behind them. He boards his ilu and turns around to face the boat. "Come on bro-" he starts but stops mid-sentence. "Who's that?" he asks, spotting the human girl next to his brother. He glances at her from up-to-down, and when he noticed that she didn't have uniform on or a gun, he was even more confused. He glances at Spyder who just shrugs and says, "I don't know bro." 
Neteyam, acting quickly, picks the girl up and helps her up onto his ilu. "She's shot," the eldest brother asserts. He makes the bond and races to the rock where he sees his father. "Dad we have to help her," Neteyam asserts as he looks at the graze and balances the both of them on his ilu. Jake warily looks at his son before noticing the firm look in his eyes. Without questions, Jake picks up the girl by her waist and lays her down. "Watch her head," Spyder states as he observes her being pulled up onto a flatter surface.
Jake observes the wound, seeing that it was only a graze and she would be fine. He glances at his eldest son who placed a hand under her head and whispered words of comfort. "She's gonna be okay. It's just a graze, but she's losing blood. I'm gonna rip a part of your shirt to cover the wound," he informs her.
She nods, before wincing in pain at the movement. Jake quickly rips off the bottom of her shirt, quickly wrapping it around the wound tightly and apologizing when he notices her flinch.
"Sorry. I have wrap it tight so that you don't lose blood," he apologizes and starts to create a knot that wrapped over the center of the wound. Neteyam, sitting down next to his father, looks at her worriedly. He rests a hand on her cheek in comfort when she groans at the pain.
"It's gonna be okay," he whispers, his mind clouded with guilt and sorrow. He knew that if she didn't push him off the ship, the bullet would have done more than just graze him. He noticed the soldier who had pointed it to him, but in a slight second of panic and unsureness, he continued to shoot instead of withdrawing. Even though he had no idea who she was, he was indebted to her and believed that Ewya had made it so that their paths would cross. 
As Jake finishes wrapping the wound, he informs the girl that it's done and she'll be fine. Relieved yet tired at his words, she closes her eyes and takes a deep breath. 
Tuk, Tsireya, and Kiri hopped onto the rock off of their ilus, Kiri helping Tuk off and observing the stranger that her brother was staring at. 
"Quaritch left. He called his ikran after we took out his soldiers and disappeared," Kiri revealed. 
"We is a stretch," Tsireya laughed. "Kiri singlehandedly took them all out."
"She has super powers now," Tuk joins in, looking at her older sister in awe. Jake looks at his eldest daughter in confusion and opens her mouth to, but is interrupted when Neytiri flies down on her ikran and joins her family.
Looking around, she embraces her children one by one and scans them for injuries. “Thank Ewya for keeping my children safe,” she says in relief. Suddenly, Neytiri spots the unconscious girl and her eldest son who is holding her cheek in deep thought. Neteyam glances at his mother and notices her eyes glazing over in rage and instantly intervenes. “Mom she’s-” he starts.
"Why is that demon here," she cuts him off. She hisses and Jake stands up and embraces his wife.
“I don’t know who she is, but I think she helped our children. Let’s head back and we’ll talk about this when we’re all safe and back home” Jake reasons.
Neytiri looks at him with doubt before sighing and dropping her tense shoulders. She looks at the way Neteyam softly grazed her cheek with his fingers, and the soft look in his eyes. She felt a sense of déjà vu and looked back at her mate, nodding her head. 
Jake nods at Neteyam to help the girl onto his ilu. The group head back to the Metkayina clan in the reefs, and Neteyam repeatedly glances at the unconscious girl who he had strapped in front of him onto his ilu. 
“Bro. Who is she?” Lo’ak asks as him, Spyder, and Neteyam walk on the shore. It had been a day since the battle, and everyone had been too overwhelmed and tired to acknowledge the obvious elephant in the room after facing multiple life or death scenarios.
Jake and Neytiri had witnessed their children being held at gunpoint by Quaritch more times than they can count, and they were just relieved that their family had made it out safely. Neteyam had explained to his father what had happened, stating that she saved his life.  
The human girl that their son had insisted they helped was not in the clear, but she did not seem to be a direct threat. Jake assessed her form, concluding that she could not have been older than his children and her lack of uniform, avatar, and weapons made her visibly harmless.
She had been resting ever since they had returned to the reef and could not bring herself to question where she was and where she would go.
She was usually curious and loud, fascinated by Pandora and had only ever seen the forest Navis. Her curiosity and outspokenness meant that she would ask those questions eventually, but now she just wanted to rest.
Neteyam checked up on her frequently, hoping that she would be feeling better and speak to him. However, every time he entered her tent, she would turn over and pretend to be asleep. 
Now, he was walking with his little brother and Spyder on the beach and reflecting on the events of the previous day. “I don’t know, but she saved my life,” Neteyam replies, sitting down on the sand and glancing at his little brother who sits and looks at him in confusion.
“One of Quaritch’s soldiers had a direct shot at me. I should’ve withdrew instead of firing but I hesitated and suddenly, I’m tackled and falling into the sea.”
Lo’ak nods and stares off into the ocean in thought, glancing back at his brother and grateful that he was here and alive. The reality that he could’ve lost his Neteyam struck him and he realized that although he wanted to get Spyder back, it was not worth risking his family. 
Trying to lighten the mood, Lo’ak suddenly laughs causing Neteyam and Spyder to turn their heads to him. 
“She’s hot” Lo’ak smirks. Neteyam thumps the back of his head muttering a quick “idiot” before standing back up. Internally, he agreed but would never admit it to his baby brother. 
“Hey,” a small voice says from behind them, and Neteyam quickly whips around and spots the girl who had been hibernating for the past twenty-four hours. He notices the gauze on her shoulder that Norm and Max had placed when they flew in, and her new clothes which he guessed they had also given her. 
“Hey,” Neteyam replies, stepping forward and glancing down at her tiny frame. “Are you feeling okay? Do you need anything” he rushes, glancing over her wound once more and checking for injuries. He finally holds her sides and gazes down at her. Lo’ak gave a knowing look to Spyder who quietly laughed. 
“I’m okay,” she says, shyly looking away from his intense gaze and looking at the other Navi and human. Lo’ak winks at her, causing her to look at him in shock and turn her head back to Neteyam. 
Neteyam notices her discomfort, taking her hand and leading her to his family’s tent which was completely empty. 
The two sit in silence before Neteyam speaks up. “Thank you… for what you did. I wouldn’t be here right now if it wasn’t for you. I’m Neteyam by the way,” he introduces himself. The girl looks back at him and softly smiles in response, her head still spinning with thoughts of what would happen now. “Neteyam,” she repeats. “I’m Y/N.”
His heart skipped a beat at her saying his name and he touches her hand, staring into her hazel orbs that were filled with confusion. He found himself wishing that he could take that wariness and fear away. He couldn’t deny how beautiful she was. He hated her human clothes for covering her form and wished that he could simply take his knife and cut off the restricting material. The night before, he found himself filled with desire thinking about how her breasts had looked through her wet shirt. He ended up having to sneak out of the tent late at night, his manhood hard and showing no sign of going back down. His dream prior to awakening that night was even more explicit, and he found himself wondering how it would sound if she moaned his name. As he sat behind a tree far from the village, he pushed his loincloth to the side and pulled out his erect cock. He moved his hand up and down, flicking his wrist and letting his head fall back onto the tree in pleasure. He remembered his dream, and the way her breasts were above him as she sat on his lap. He remembered the subtle “Neteyam” she whispered in his dream. He groaned and released into his hand, before exhaustedly leaning back onto the tree and asking himself what was wrong with him.
Staring at each other in a comfortable silence, Neteyam found himself leaning in and observing her reaction. She froze, her eyes glancing down at his lips and back up causing him to smirk. “You want me?” he murmured into her ear, leaving soft kisses on her cheek down to her neck.
She gives a single nod, and Neteyam smiles and gently holds her waist. He moves down, kissing all the way to the way top of her breasts and groans at the material blocking her skin. He grabs the knife he keeps in his holster, and suddenly cuts her shirt off in a single swipe causing her to gasp.
He smirks, staring at her globes that he had dreamt about. He couldn’t believe that she was as into this as he was. He assumed that his attraction towards her had been one sided. The way she stared back at him now, Neteyam knew that she wanted him just as badly, and that thought turned him on even more.
As he kisses down her breasts and latches onto a nipple, sucking harshly and glancing up to see her reaction. She moaned at the sudden action and threw her head back in pleasure, picking up one hand from the ground as she had been leaning back on both hands and holding the back of Neteyam’s head.
He grazed the nipple with his teeth, causing her to moan. “Fuck,” she moaned at the small bite. She firmly held his head to keep him there, wanting him to do that again and again. He moved to the other breast and sucked, moaning when he saw her lean her head back and bite her lip. He let go of her nipple with his mouth before pinching them causing her to arch her back against his front.
He blindly grabs his mat and unrolls it, laying her down on it and moving his down to her pants. Not wanting him to cut it again, she quickly pushes them down and follows with her underwear. Neteyam looked between her legs, observing how her cunt was so empty, wet and clenching desperately. 
He puts his nose against her cunt, the wetness getting on his bridge. He groaned at how delightful she smelled, and couldn’t wait another second. He puts his mouth right on her clit, causing her to scream. “Neteyam,” she yells as he lapses at her clit, harshly sucking like it was his last meal. Her legs tightened around his head, and he grazed his teeth against her clit causing her to scream his name once more.
“That’s right baby. Scream my name. Let everyone know who’s making you feel this good,” he says as inserts a finger while continuously sucking on her clit. He pushes his long finger in and groans at how tight she is. 
“You're so small,” Neteyam moaned, sticking another digit in. He continued fingering her and again sucked her nipple. “How is this tight little pussy gonna fit my cock? I’m gonna ruin you,” he says and feels her clenching around his fingers. 
With one hand still fingering her, he uses his other hand to grip his cock over his loincloth for relief. He removes his finger before her release, sucking on the wetness while looking directly into her eyes. She whines and gestures to his loincloth, pleading with her eyes for him to remove it.
“You’re not ready yet. I need to open you up,” he explains. He knew how much bigger he was compared to her.
Ignoring his response, she gets up and pushes it to the side. His cock was erect, standing tall and dripping precum off the top. He was so big too—she had no idea how it would fit.
Still, she grips his cock causing him to hiss and let his head fall back. “Shit,” he shouts. She strokes it a few times, her grip tight and firm.
While stroking, she suddenly licks the tip causing him to moan and hold her head in place. She takes more of him in, bobbing her head back and forth. “Shit baby just like that,” he groans, looking down at her trying to take more of him in.
Her eyes watered and she stared up at him, wanting to make him feel good. The sight turned him on and he suddenly grips her head in place and starts to thrust into her mouth. “You’re so pretty,” he moans, staring down at her as he fucks her throat and tears leak out of her eyes. Her eyes watered and her mouth was stuffed, and he groans again at the sight. He speedens his thrusts and watches you gag on his cock. “So pretty. Your doing so well baby,” he praises and continues to watch the beautiful girl moan into his cock.  
So immersed in his pleasure, Neteyam didn’t hear or see his younger brother that was making his way into the tent. 
“Yo bro have you seen..” Lo’ak walks in seeing the back of Neteyam’s head and not noticing what was going on. Neteyam’s back was facing the entrance of the tent where Lo’ak entered, so he did not see the girl that was laying down in front of his brother. Not hearing the other Sully brother over their deep breaths, Lo’ak continues walking further in the tent.
When he approaches his older brother's side, he widens his eyes and notices the human girl laying down in front of him.
Observing her form, he was slightly turned on. Yet, he noticed the slight red border on the mat the two were on.
“BRO THAT’S MY MAT!" Lo'ak yells causing both Neteyam and the girl to scramble apart and attempt to cover themselves. 
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imagines--galore · 1 year
||The Thread of Fate|| Part Three
Summary: Soulmate AU. They say the Thread of Fate connects you to your one true love. It may tangle. It may stretch. But it will never break. Wrapped around your little finger it tightens when it feels your soulmate is close and loosens when they are far. And becomes visible with the colors of your soulmate’s Nation when you finally fall in love with them.
Pairing: Zuko x OroraOC (ATLA)
Rating || Genres || Warnings: T+ Romance. Adventure. A little mention of blood and fighting.
Previous Chapters - Part One, Part Two,
A/N: So I’m just working on building Orora up before everything. You know her personality, her appearance and stuff. I just think that developing an OC helps to connect them with the overall story. And yes, there will be romance along the way fear not! I hope you guys are enjoying the story so far! Lemme know your thoughts!
I am now taking requests so go ahead and send me stuff. You can find my rules here. Please send me stuff to write!
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She had parted ways with her tribe.
Not for good, Orora figured she would return someday, or at least run into someone who was from the Northern Water Tribe, still it was sad to see the last of her home sail away without her.
While the Aang and his friends had departed a day earlier to meet up with some General Fong, the small ship had made port to a nearby harbor, wanting to restock supplies. It was here, while wandering the village that Orora had decided that perhaps she should explore the world a little. Being on sea for days or even weeks sounded tedious and boring. And she had had enough of that to last a lifetime.
She wanted adventure and excitement and maybe get into a little trouble. Hopefully not too much though. She had no desired to be robbed or captured by the Fire Nation. She had enough trinkets she could pawn to get money along the way, and she was fairly decent when it came to her fighting skills. They were still mostly centered around using ice as a weapon, and despite the training Master Pakku and Katara had given her during their few short weeks on the boat, Orora had decided that she needed to test her skills in the real world.
Master Pakku had not been happy with her detour, saying she had a duty to their sister tribe to help, she had countered that how could she help them when she didn’t know the full potential of her water bending capabilities. He had tried to argue, but he knew it would be of no use. He had learned his lesson that when it came to stubborn teenage girls, they were hard to break.
He had given her his blessing, which had meant a lot more to Orora then she cared to admit. As a parting gift he had given her a smile white tile with a lotus, telling her that should she ever need help she should find someone with the similar emblem. It didn’t even have to be on a tile. Doorway, tattoo, carving, anything would do. So long as she showed them the tile, she would have help.
Orora had never before bowed so low to another elder as she had done the old yet wise Master.
Before she had parted he had told her a little story. Of how there had been a girl and a boy, both from the Northern Water Tribe. Engaged to be married despite not being soulmates, the boy had loved the girl, and he had thought the girl loved him too. And yet, she had wanted to find her soulmate and live her days with him. She did love the boy, but not enough.
The girl had left, leaving the boy heartbroken to pick up the pieces and rebuild his life without her. She had found her soulmate and had lived a happy life, but now? The boy, now an old man, was going to find the woman he had loved, and perhaps they could be together now?
“So, you loved her, despite her not being your soulmate?” Orora questioned as she stood in front of him. The rest of her tribe were loading everything back onto the boat while she spoke to Master Pakku.
The old man gave a sage nod. “Being a soulmate does not mean you will end up together. Just as Avatar Aang said, people do fall in love with someone else.” He placed a comforting hand on her shoulder. “It is up to you who you want to love. The thread is just in place to help you find that someone if you do not have anyone else. We are all beings of free will Orora, and no one can force us to fall in love.” The girl tightened her hand on her strap before giving a small nod.
“Thank you for your words of wisdom Master Pakku.” She bowed in the fashion of her people. “I hope to become a Master waterbender just as you are.” He gave a small chuckle before patting her on the head. “My dear girl, no one can be as good as I.” He stated with a grin of faint arrogance that had her matching his posture. “Then I shall have to become better then you.” His loud laugh of fond amusement had echoed in her ears as she stood at the dock, waving farewell until the small boat disappeared from view.
Orora was absolutely amazed with what lay before her.
Land. Brown land. And trees. So so many trees. All green and bursting with life. The very air was alive. She had never once ventured outside of the Northern Water Tribe, and seeing the unfamiliar landscape around her was a little nerve-wracking sure, but it was also exhilarating.
And the scents! Every single thing had it’s own scent. The dirt. The leaves. The flowers. Oh she loved the flowers the best! Then there were the streams and ponds she would find. Small natural bodies of water. Everything at the Pole had been created by the Benders, and yet here was a little stream, carving its way across the land and traveling beyond her line of sight.
One thing was for sure. She definitely preferred the Earth Kingdom over the North Pole.
Her first run in with trouble came in the form of slavers.
In her excitement of going out to see the world, Orora had forgotten several significant details. One of which was that she was a girl. A young teenage girl who men would consider easy pickings. When she had been made aware of just how much attention she attracted, the girl had bought herself a nice long hooded cloak. For one it would keep her features hidden, and for another it kept her warm at night. She didn’t dare make a fire for fear of being noticed, and only ate her food cold. If she happened to pass through a village she would manage to grab a hot meal but that was it.
It didn’t seem to be enough since she had to evade her would-be-captors while passing through a small fishing village. It was ridiculous just how persistent they were. If she had been a boy, she mused angrily to herself afterwards, they wouldn’t have bothered her much.
Orora had managed to leave the village quickly, forgoing a hot meal and finding refuge by a small stream. The flowing water calmed her she had found earlier during her initial travel days, and she had stuck to it for as long as she could. Where there was water, it would always have people living nearby.
Reaching down she cupped some water in her palms and washed her face. She’d thrown her hood back, her hair was tied back with the comb she loved. It looked much too fine to belong to a simple traveling girl. Maybe she should take it out. But what would she tie her hair back with? Orora sighed, lifting a lock of hair where it had escaped from her bun. An idea flitted across her mind. 
Why couldn’t she? Cut her hair! It was brilliant! People would dismiss her being a young boy. Her still developing figure was hidden under a cloak, under which she wore loose baggy water tribe clothes.
Pulling out the small dagger she had stolen from her brother’s room before leaving, Orora removed the comb, allowing her waist length hair to tumble down her back. With one last look at her thick gleaming locks, she lifted a huge chunk and began to cut.
A few minutes later she rose, dusting off the hair as she examined her reflection in the water. Well, her hair was sheared as close to her scalp as she could without cutting her skin. It stuck out at odd angles, giving her an even more rough look. Her tanned skin was tanner then ever from walking under the sun the past two weeks or so. The short hair and tanned skin allowed her ice blue eyes to stand out even more, but she didn’t mind. Easy to intimidate people with just a glance.
Orora smiled in satisfaction. She could easily pass as a boy.
Along the way she began to use her healing abilities to heal people. If she happened to come across anyone in need, she would try and help them however she could.
Orora had been aware of the devastation caused by the Fire Nation, yet seeing innocent people suffer first hand just made her hate them more.
“There, that should heal.” She muttered, keeping her voice a little deep so as to keep up her persona of being a smooth skinned young boy. Did boys even possess the ability to heal? The people weren’t complaining though. The merchant gave a small nod in thanks.
“My gratitude boy, blast these bandits. They seem to be everywhere today.” The old man groaned as he rummaged in his purse to take out a few coins and give it to her. “You’d do best to avoid the roads at night, boy. There is a Spirit lurking around, stealing from whoever it comes across.” The man warned her, already standing up and shuffling off after giving his warning.
Orora stared after him, biting her lower lip. She had been sleeping in the darkest and the remotest places she could find. Sometimes in a cave, if she were lucky. Humans she could avoid easily. But Spirits!
She hoped she never run into one.
It seemed luck wasn’t on her side. Or in a twist of fate, maybe it was?
She had been sound asleep underneath and old tree, huddled against the roots and nearly invisible. But the Spirit that approached her could see her perfectly. Another target. Someone it could steal from.
The Spirit crept forward, eyes on the prize, ignoring all other feeling.
Orora, however, was woken by a sudden yank. Her eyes snapped open, instantly falling on the her hand where the string was so tightly taut she was afraid her finger would be cut off.
A twig cracked, and the sound echoed in the clearing where she slept and chaos broke loose.
The Spirit attacked her by leaping into the air. She retaliated by throwing her arm out, water whipping out of her canteen and forming several icicles that flew towards her would-be attacker. Several of her ammunition managed to snag the black clad figure, cutting through fabric and skin in several place. The assaulter had not been expecting her to attack back and fumbled. As the figure fell to the ground, Orora wasted no time in creating a wall of water and threw her arms out. The figure flew through the air, slamming against a tree, a solid wall of ice forming all around, leaving only the head able to move.
Just then the moon came out from behind the crowd and Orora was able to see her attacker. A blue mask stared back at her, blank and looking even more horrifying in the shadows cast by the branches of the tree. She didn’t bother masking her voice as she pulled out her dagger, ready to attack the figure if need be. “Who are you!?” She demanded.
Suddenly the figure stilled, the mask covered face facing Orora, allowing her to to assess it quickly. It didn’t....look like a spirit as the merchant had claimed. She frowned a question forming on her lips when she suddenly felt that yanking feeling in her finger again.
“What?” She glanced down, just in time to see a string appear out of thin air, taut as it stretched across the distance between her and the.......Spirit. Her eyes widened, and her heart leaped in her throat and her gaze became fixed on her prisoner.
Her feet seemed to move on their own as she slowly walked to stand in front of the figure. They were almost eye to eye, given that she had pinned her attacker a little lower against the tree. The string shortened with each step she took, her heart picking up speed as she finally stood before the would be Spirit.
Fingers trembling, eyes still wide, she reached up, grasping the mask from around the edges and lifting it away from the skin. She paused, as if allowing them both a moment to gather prepare themselves before she slowly lowered the blue mask to reveal the face that lay underneath.
Bright gold, a color she had never seen in eyes before, stared back at her. They were intense and seemed to hold a fire within. There was something.....powerful behind the gaze. Though that power was subtle, almost as if it was hiding. It didn’t take long for her to break the intense stare and slowly begin to take in the rest of his face. He was just a boy. Perhaps a year or so older then her, but still. There was nothing much to see since half his face was marred by a scar. Her lips parted in silent horror.
Her Healer mind kicked in, informing her that this was a scar left after a severe burn of some kind. But who would do something so cruel?
Involuntarily, her hand lifted, fingers only barely brushing along the edge of the rough skin of the scar. Her gaze flitted to his eyes once more which had a sudden sheen in them that had her pulling her hand back, and tripping over her feet as she backpedaled. A sudden burst of light didn’t help her startled situation as the boy melted away her ice with a blast of fire and dropped to the ground.
Unfortunately, the fire blast was just powerful enough that she couldn’t manage to catch herself. Her ankle twisted and she fell.
A sharp pain bloomed at the back of her head.
And everything went dark.
He had his eyes on the prize. The figure was alone and would be easy to rob. Zuko had barely been able to see them given how cleverly they hid in the shadows, but the moon had decided to come out from behind a cloud just at that moment, allowing him to see the figure.
What had didn’t understand was, how had the figure been able to sense his presence. He had been careful with his every move and silent. His entire concentration had been focused, perhaps this was why he didn’t feel the insistent tugging at his finger.
But when he was pinned to the tree and was struggling against the ice that suddenly encapsulated him, he was able to see the error of his ways. For one his hand felt like his finger was being pulled off. For another he recognized the figure as she stood in front of him. His eyes widened behind his mask and he stopped struggling.
It was her!
The watertribe girl he had saved during the Seige. Sure she looked very different from their previous meeting, her long hair was completely gone and there was no blood on her. Yet he remembered her eyes. He had never forgotten them. They haunted him in his waking hours, and lurked in his dreams when he would sleep. And seeing her, standing in front of him, his body forgot to fight. Forgot to struggle and forgot to escape.
All he could focus on was her eyes.
She asked him a question, he barely heard her.
Zuko watched as her eyes trained at the thread that connected the two of them. Her entire demeanor changed as she came to the realization. He had no idea when she began to walk, but suddenly she stood in front of her, lifting his mask away from his face.
She stared at him, and he stared back.
He allowed himself to assess her as he hadn’t done so when he encountered her in the past. Her skin was brown, a stark contrast against his pale complexion. Her features were soft and her short hair seemed to make them stand out even more. Her eyes were a blue he had only ever encountered when he dealt with ice. They were blue yet they held a certain coldness in them. It wasn’t like Azula’s, no this was different. Calculated, suspicious yet...... understanding and kind.
But then he felt her fingers against his scar and whatever spell had been cast was broken. He grunted as he escaped her trap, dropping to the ground expertly and shaking out his hands and feet. It only took him a few seconds, but by the time he looked up, the girl was falling to the ground, followed by a dull thud before she fainted.
He strode over to her, wincing as he caught sight of the rock she had hit her head against. She wasn’t bleeding, a quick brush of his hand against the back of her head proved as much, which was a good sign. He should leave. Leave and not look back. He had managed to dodge her during the Seige, perhaps he could do the same now?
Nodding to himself he quickly retrieved the swords he had stashed near a tree and began to walk off. He had only taken a few steps when he paused. He glanced back. She laid there in the clearing, helpless and defenseless. His mind flashed back to just a month or so ago, when he had saved her from that Fire Nation soldier from......finishing her off. The more stubborn part of his mind urged her to leave and just go.
But the part that thought with his heart, that always seemed to speak to him in his Mother’s voice, gently reprimanded him for leaving her like this when it was his fault she was hurt. The thread had disappeared, yet he could still feel the tightness of it around his finger. Zuko didn’t know how long he stood there, raging inwardly.
Finally, he let out a small growl.
Quickly picking up her fallen dagger and pack, he pulled her up, securing her arms around his shoulders and with his arms under her legs, he managed to hoist her behind his back and began the trek back to where his Uncle was.
The small puffs of breath that fell from her lips was the only indication to him that she was alive.
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pleiades-cabin-talk · 3 months
Right ah, hello there!
I've been a little restless as of late and remembered that a good old friend of mine used to use this site? So I figured I'd give this a try.
Okay, I guess introductions are in order?
My name is Rose, I use They/He pronouns. I've gone by all sorts of names by now, but Rose is the one that just kind of...stuck.
Anyway. I'm 24 and I work on and off on the ships of the cruiseline Pleiades. Have for years now. I rotate between them, but my main post tends to be up on the Andromeda, the largest amongst her sisterships.
They all have different routes, though most of them stay out on the sea for multible days at a time between stops and honestly it's the most peace you can find. Out in the open, with nothing but sky and sea in sight. Endless expanses of nothingness with no idea of what lurks below or above at all times. Something about that has always been reassuring to me.
I liked the ocean first, I think. Felt like it was calling to me. When I was younger I'd go on vacation often with my parents, we'd end up near some beach or another most times. I never wanted to leave. Stayed in the arms of the sea as long as I could. The stars and with it space, came later in my teens. Both stuck till now, and here we are. Couldn't have asked for a better place to work than this, to be honest.
Gosh, I am rambling again...ah.
Well, I suppose this blog is meant to serve as a sort of...not diary, but log of some of the happenings on the ships, I suppose?
There's always plenty to do here, plenty happening, incessant as the call, that tug in my chest may be.
Join me out here for a chat?
OCC: Hola! This is an rp blog!! Rose is an Avatar of the Vast and heavily marked by the Lonely. Slight Eye touch, but mainly because of them remembering a Timeline that doesn't exist anymore. They are calm most of the time, though can get rather excitable and even flirty at times.
He is afab, curvy and a bit chubby with dirty blonde, wavy hair down to about the middle of their back and has moss green eyes, if that info is needed? 5'8.
Rose's own Timeline kind of...hit the fan a few years back. the new one seems to be the same, but they've yet to find someone who remembers like him. They feel erased, all friends they'd tried to reach for not knowing him. Not to mention that, this time? It seems the Fears are more than fiction...
I've never done an rp on tumblr, so please bare with me!!
Contentwarnings for: possible mentions of falling, drowning, helplessness, isolation, legal and non drugs and abuse (verbal and in the past, it's parental)
I'm mainly aiming for sfw, but willing to do nsfw if discussed beforehand.
Flirting is perfectly fine, and if there is anything you're unsure of, just ask!
Okay I think this is it for now? May update if need be.
Update: when my text is blue, it is for rp purposes, my 'canon typical' posts and the like will be in the normal white! This is to keep things more easily separated.
Purple and cursive is for little snippits of Rose's past present and future, meant to just aid in extra info one may want to use, or just to enjoy getting to know a little bit more.
Asks are more than welcome!! I love them, always open for them! Dms are also open for rp purposes ald discussing ideas or just questions!
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Atla Au outlines
Road Trip Au Atla Verse
Zuko realizes early on in his banishment the truth, doubts his uncle cares because adults can't be trusted and sends a letter to azula to let her know that he is still her big brother and he cares about her but he is not going to go on a fool's quest.
He sees that the fire nation is wrong and decides he will put a stop to it, that when he is strong enough he will come back for her and get rid of their father, that she is welcome to take the throne. He'll be her second hand.
He becomes the blue spirit full time and just… goes to town. 
Freedom fighters scout zuko out but zuko is awkward turtleduck. 
Does not speak or remove his mask for anything. Has more than once stabbed jet with a knife by accident because he gives him azula vibes.
Freedom fighters are convinced he is feral. (he is)
Helps Teo and his group clean up the northern air temple, runs off the fire nation for them and leaves. He is not aware that he drew their attention even more, thus the mechanic ends up under the fire nation. 
Meets hama and nopes the hell out after saving the fire nation people. Hama ends up having to move.
He ends up with the swamp benders for a cool minute. Does not appreciate the swamp visions. 
(Avatar Roku/Aang give him a visit)
Competes in an earth rumble for money, loses to toph.
Zuko sees a small vicious child falls in love a little. Just like his sister.
They hang out whenever he's in town.
Visits the other air temples and buries the dead left behind.
Breaks into several fire nation strongholds.
Even rescues a few prisoners from prisons.
Meets Hakoda's fleet.
Runs from Hakoda's fleet.
Stabs Bato twice.
Has a record of stabbing adults (jet is the only exception)
Accidentally stows away on their ship once.
Bato does not let him forget it.
Meets Long Feng and gets creeped out.
Meets Zhao and goes for the eyes.
Chills in Omashu and meets Bumi.
Bumi takes in feral blue spirit and makes him play messenger for him and the order of the white lotus- Zuko's completely oblivious to the secret society.
He gets along with Flopsie, has been found sleeping with flopsie more than once.
By the time of aang's awakening Zuko has achieved spirit status 
He's practically a legend.
First time he meets aang he falls out of a tree.
And falls in love with appa
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trash-monkey · 4 months
Tasheylu (Remake)
(v) a bond, a neutral connection
Chapter 4
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"thanks" I quickly give the massive native as I squeeze myself through the crack of the rusted door with a huff and fall to the floor of what looks like a old generation termination wash which surprisingly the second door open more easier then the first when opening it to find white walls of a hallway, seeing no signs of power I turn on the the standard small light on theoxygen mask before picking a random direction. Passing through a door that has been left open to see a large circular shape room filled with monitors, computers, and some type of beds with lids which are filled with a gel like substance when I press my fingers into it and see thick dust covering everything meaning none has been here in a very long time.
After taking note of the door at the other end of the room I take the long hall on my left to only find all kinds of stations here and there with computers and papers thrown about as I stroll into the only station that's has power which is slightly larger then the others to see two massive tubes but one is empty and the second has a person similar to the native outside waiting for me the massive body is floating in some type of liquid, my eyes widen more when he twitches showing that he's still alive in there and what scares me the most is that he looks exactly like me.
After the shock has passed I quickly began to look through the papers to get any information I can find but found nothing that important just what the Avatar program is and for so I can guess they keep it on the computers meaning if I really want the inform I need to get this place back up and running on power again, with that I follow the large electrical cords that's powering the tubes up which leads me to a room that holds four large generators and only one is barely going and how a generation 3 generator least this long is beyond me.
With time running out on this generator I have to act fast so I quickly return back outside to inform the native after squeezing through the crack again.
"For me to fix my ship I need to fix this place." I gesture to the vegetation covered building I can out of as I try my best to get the native to understand what I'm trying to say and I see him think it over.
"You do that action, I bring you metal ioang here." He said with a dismissive tone and without a warning he gives out shrilling whistle, not a minute later with a screech a massive fly creature with a gorgeous pattern lands next to the native.
"Oel ngati kameie, (ikran name)." I listen to the native speck to the flying creature as he slides a hand down it's neck which it purrs in return and I watch as the native connect his braid to the the creatures antenna which he hops on it's back before it let's out another screech as it launches into the air, seeing the native fly off I quickly return into the building and look for any tools.
"Come on, come on" I mumbled to myself as I run around the place looking for stupid tools.
"Fuck me" I cussed at myself when opening a door close to the generator room to see it's a small maintenance closet and with a frustrated sigh I grab the two tool boxes that are sitting on the shelf before running back into the generator room, after sitting the tool boxes next to barely working generator I quickly pull off my Hawaiian button up shirt that I keep open over my tank top so it doesn't stick to me when I start getting sweaty while working. With ease I fixed what's obvious after unscrewing the side panel which is mostly wires and parts that has came loose, the generator sounds a lot better now although this is just a temporary fix until I get one completely fix and working which I put the side panel back on before moving over to another generator to begin working on it.
My hands freeze mid way tightening a bolt when hearing the native returning as he's giving out a call before hearing something heavy dropping onto the concrete and when I finally step out of the building to see a few hours as already passed and in an hour night will fall, the native has bring my ship like I have asked as I see it resting a few feet away from the building.
"You stay here me go home will return when light comes again." The native says after his flying creature lands into the concrete but he doesn't get off.
"Thank you!" I barely got out before he flys off back into the sky not knowing if he understood which I sighed as my shoulders fall and with a shake of my head I jog up to my ship which the door lowers as usual which is a good sign.
"Welcome aboard, Sir!" The ships A.I responded when I walked in.
"Hello Alex, how's the oxygen function?" I asked as I take a look around not pulling off the Venturi Respirator, oxygen mask, just yet and find what damage I can see from the inside which I put on the ships maintenance tool belt that's always in store with very few simple parts like bolts or panels, I begin to put back the wiring that had come loose during the crash and place the panels back once I find them.
"Surprising completely undamaged from the crash but both of my boosters are in critical condition and my cooling system is destroyed, unfortunately one of two of my backup generators is also destroyed which is enough to keep the oxygen filter working and a few other simple things." Alex reports back to me causing me to sigh deeply at all the damage she has taken from the massive crash but I'm more surprised that she didn't get completely destroyed and that I even survived the impact, I shut the ship's door before finally taking of the Venturi Respirator which are just two small circular ear pieces that sit by both ears and forms an invisible mask that can only be seen when light hits it in the right way.
"Alex, play some music please." I said once I flopped into the command chair after grabbing a shot glass and some whiskey from my room, I pour some whiskey into the shot glass as music plays though the only speaker that's working.
"How can you see into my eyes like open doors?
Leading you down into my core
Where I've become so numb
Without a soul
My spirit's sleeping somewhere cold
Until you find it there and lead it back home" I lift the shot glass into the air.
"Here's to another day." I said before downing the shot with ease which I quickly down another two shots, one for Laureline and the other to what ever being that's watching over me before putting the whiskey up.
"Wake me up inside (save me)
Call my name and save me from the dark (wake me up)
Bid my blood to run (I can't wake up)
Before I come undone (save me)
Save me from the nothing I've become" I stare up at the ceiling as my eyes droop from the shots affecting me and soon I fall asleep while sitting in the command chair, morning comes quicker then expected as I'm awakened by something knocking on the ship from the outside and groggliy I put on my Venturi Respirator before lowering the door to see the native jumping back at the sudden movement from my ship but he clams down when seeing me coming out although he still gives me the snarl I'm coming to know is usual for him when around me.
"Morning" I give him a wave as I greet him as I stretch out my cramped muscles from sleeping in the command chair which I jumped when the native suddenly throw a massive fruit at me from what looks to be a large basket he's holding on his hip and I caught the fruit just in time.
"Breakfast?" I questioned while gesturing to the massive purple towards my mouth which he nods before strolling off into the tree line, my eyebrows frown together as I walk down into the ship and shut the door.
"Alex, analyze this" I said as I place the fruit onto the analytical table to analyze it while I walk over to a panel in the wall and press a button to make it move to reveal a high tech watch that will allow Alex to be by my side outside the ship so I quickly slip it on which it immediately comes on itself.
"Sir, examination completely, do you want the long or short summary?"
"Short please" I said without looking up from the watch to see if everything on it is working as it's been a long time since the watch been used.
"Of course Sir, as you have already expected this is a fruit native to this planet but unfortunately it's harmful to any human being to digest it and according to my calculations it would have killed you in one day cycle of this planet."
"Thank you for the report, Alex."
"It's my pleasure, Sir."
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livrere-green · 5 months
Hello Everyone!
I'm posting this to leave some important information about my blog, so you have a map of all the madness going on here, or at least, you're warned about it before following or interacting.
About Me:
My name is Liv 🍃, I'm 22, genderfluid, bi, my pronouns are they/them, but I'm fine if you use bro, man, girl or queen interchangeably.
I'm autistic so I tend to have difficulties with communication (online mostly), and my memory is terrible when it doesn't have anything to do with my hyperfixations.
Also I'm a spanish native speaker, so y'all never gonna know how truly smart I am (I'm just mentioning this so you know I may make mistakes using english, and also that you can tell me if i do... Please, tell me).
Writing, Reading, Doing Research, Analysing Music, Baking, Travelling, Watching TV Shows, Making Collages, Drawing.
I have some knowledge about the following media, even if I don't reblog or post stuff about all of it.
Anne with an E
American Horror Story
Avatar: The Last Airbender
Avatar: The Legend of Korra
Avatar Comics
Bridgerton Series
Brooklyn Nine-Nine
Chilling Adventures of Sabrina
Criminal Minds
DC Comics
Dead Boy Detectives
Game of Thrones
Good Omens
Gossip Girl
Hannibal Lecter (Books)
House MD
How To Get Away With Murder
Julie and The Phantoms
Law & Order: SVU
Marvel Cinematic Universe
Modern Family
One Day at the Time
Percy Jackson Universe
Red, White & Royal Blue
Sherlock Holmes (Books)
Star Trek
Star Wars
Stranger Things
The Crown
The Fall of The House of Usher
The Good Doctor
The Haunting of Bly Manor
The Haunting of Hill House
The Sandman
The Umbrella Academy
This is Us
Young Royals
Yuri On Ice
Side Blogs:
@livrere-purple / mcu - x-men
@livrere-blue / criminal minds
@coffe-min / bts - army
@dragon-fruity / tlok, atla & natla
@niko-sasaki-dbd / dead boy detectives + the sandman
[my main blog contains everything and nothing depending on my mood]
Other Interests:
Art / Literature / Astronomy / History / Law / True Crime / Human Rights / Psychology / Architecture / Design / Classical Music / Witchcraft / Dance / Ballet
I love making playlists based on fandoms, characters, ships, fanfics and many other stuff! (I accept requests if you have one)
Spotify Here 🖤
If you're part of a hate group please do not interact.
If you're a minor, I'm trusting in your capacity to evaluate the risks, be wise.
I may post/reblog nsfw content, it will be tagged as #safe for me or #nsfw.
I may post/reblog content related to mental illness including depression, bpd, antisocial behaviour, paranoia, self harm, ed and suicidal ideation. This is not common, but it can happen, it'll be tagged as #liv md.
#liv rambles - for text post about stuff
#liv writes - for posts about fanfiction
#liv draws - for the occasional drawings/fanarts
#liv asks - for polls
#mutuals - for the tag games and interactions with the moots <3
That's all for now, thank you for reading and enjoy the ride! 💫🌙
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minecraftbookshelf · 1 year
The LiveAndLetRain Master-Master Post
Because tumblr search function is notoriously unreliable, to the point im struggling to find my own things when i want them for reference so im making this, mostly for myself but if you want to use it go for it!
That being said, my tag for my original posts is #rain rambles
I tag all the Technoblade memorial art I reblog with #technoblade never dies (specifically the memorial-vibes art, so this is a bit subjective but just a heads up if this is something you want to avoid)
I am on AO3
This is my pinned post on my main which is an index of all my fandom specific sideblogs
The AU In Which All the Marriages Are Arranged/Marriage of State AU Empires SMP Season 1 AU featuring fantasy agricultural economics and linguistics and arranged marriages that cover the full romantic-platonic spectrum. This is my major project, currently. Everything relating to it an be found under the tag #marriage of state au and the master post has important posts, fics, art, and organizational tags linked on it.
Avatar: The Legend of Jimmy Group discussion and brainstorming post that has spawned at least one au, and some fic and art
Adventures in Grian-Napping (Life Series Urban Fantasy AU based off of Grian’s LimLife AFK Episode) COMPLETE - Tumblr || AO3
Limited Life Oneshots - Tumblr 1 2 3 || AO3
The Elements of an Inter-Dimensional Prison Break (Life Series & Evolution SMP AU taking place overlapping and at the end of Limited Life) WIP - Tumblr Part 1 Part 2 || AO3 || Summarized [Currently in stasis while i rework it and revamp it]
To Walk A Mile In Each Others Shoes (My take on the concept of Double Life soulbond pairs sharing physical traits and abilities over the bond) COMPLETE - Team Ranchers || Team Box || Dessert Duo || The Boat Boys || The Homewreckers || Bad Math || Tilly Death Do Us Part || AO3
Gone Fishing (Life Series Urban Fantasy AU ft. Gaslight, Gatekeep, Girlboss + Martyn. Oneshot) COMPLETE - Tumblr || AO3
Flip-Flopped Hermits (ficlets written for the hermit fanon swap prompt meme) STANDALONE COLLECTION, WIP - AO3 || Tumblr - Hypno & Stress Cub & xB and Pearl & Mumbo (bonus Grian) Gem & Impulse Etho & Bdubs
Marriage of State AU Series WIP - AO3 || Tumblr links in the AU masterpost
After the End (SOS SMP post-finale ficlet ft. fWhip and Joey. Two alternate endings, I recommend reading the second one first) COMPLETE - AO3 || Tumblr Ending 1 Ending 2
Concerning Patterns Out of Context Snippet from Future Fanfiction Shortform 3rd Life Ren & Joel Compare/Contrast Repeating Patterns: Smajor, Ren, & Martyn 3rd & Last Life Ethoslab & LDshadowlady Final Death Scars || The Diagrams Thereof: TAG FOR THE UPDATED VERSIONS The original posts: Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4 Part 5 Martyn's Betrayal Watcher Lore Meets Hermitcraft Recap Rain Judges the Watchers for Feeding Inefficiently Middle Child Jimmy Solidarity Evolution/Life Family Tree & Relationship Web (Updated version at the bottom of the post) Falling Birbs This one messed up my notifications inbox for like two days and it is specifically inthelittlewoods fault Life Series Wing Headcanons 3rd Life Flower Husbands: Fated Tragedy Scott Smajor Has Been Spiting the Watchers Since Third Life The Ship Burns Everything Burns The More Things Change The More They Stay The Same
Life Series Lore/Bit Poll OG Edition (Season Specific Follow-up Coming Soon!) Watercolor Sniffer Skizzleman Skizzleman Does Whatever A Skizzle Can The True Potential of Empires S1: Scott and Gem's kidnapping MCYT Wings: Grian || Jimmy Solidarity || Pearlescentmoon || Philza || Hannahxxrose || Geminitay (not wings but close enough) Mumbo Jumbo was the EvoSMP Escape Plan All Along Empires S2 White Collar AU For the Poor? My Most Correct MCC Opinion The Price of Being Birb
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headythecarry · 7 months
Headcanons and ideas for a ATLA X OP crossover aka bending pirates.
Ok first Luffy won being the avatar by the only virtue of being the protagonist, and the fact I was between two elements and could not decide which idea I liked more.
Others characters I thought for the role even if momentarily were: Ussop, Ace, Law, Shirahoshi, Nami, and Yamato. The explanation varies a lot between “the potential for either surprise and realized potential” to “idgaf these seem cool” Ussop is both.
Like I wanted to say that Ussop would be a great avatar but alas not in this version. But if someone want to brainstorm avatar Ussop please do.
Ok, so everyone assumed Luffy is an earth bender, he grew up in a predominantly earth bender place and Dragon is one (I have not decided if Garp is one or if he is a non-bender)
Luffy sucks at earth bending tho, mostly he just used for fidgeting, levitating a few peddles. does not rely in it for fighting, as always, his fits are all he needs.
Little does everyone know, let alone Luffy, that the first element he mastered was air. He is SOOO good at air bending that he has 0 idea he is using it. Like sure, his falls always got a little slower down and Nami could swear that when he got exited the ship seemed to go a little bit faster.
Like you know that nice sleepy breeze on the afternoon? Yeah Luffy invoke it every time without noticing.
I especially head canon this cause Luffy remind me of both tarot cards of “the fool” and “the word” and his carefree but somehow connected attitude is a cool dialogue with the earthy and spiritual connections and freedom to attachment the air nomads remind me of.
But you know…cause of freedom.
Ok so Zoro is either a non-bender or  an earth ender.
Nami is a water bending but did not know until already being established in the crew.
Ussop was a difficult one to pinpoint, but I decided earth and can metal bend.
Sanji either fire or non-bender, maybe his family can all fire bend except him or all his brothers can each control an element. I can imagine Judge trying to create an artificial avatar and ending with quadruplets.
Maybe an spirit(?) a very very young one. If he had the capacity to bend he would be a water bender but come on.
Robin is a non bender. Guys she would be to powerful. ( or we could think how the government villainize her for being a fire bender that would be cool too)
Franky and brook non benders
Oh, I wonder what Jinbei might be. Yeah, the guy who canonicly controls water by using martial arts? Geez I wonder what parallel between the avatar power system we could use to pin him down?
The point is Everyone was surprise when Luffy used fire bending for the first time. Like the implications when off the charts!
You mean that Luffy has controlled a second element? But that would mean he is the avatar? And sure he is a miracle worker but this? Surely someone would have to notice that was something he could do?
Not even his brothers? Both of them being able to fire bend? Surely Luffy would have pick up something of that up? Well no
Luffy being the avatar is his Gear five revelation btw
I could go to a rant about how water is the element of healing and change, how this change is the result of lost, how community is important in the water tribes. And how is the element that In Atla we seem to have the greatest possibilities. Also ice /cold coded but but but… come on! the dude is named water of course Law is a water bender I would not even bother.
Doffy taught him how to blood bend :) Is Doffy even a water bender?
Returning to Luffy his fire burn to bright that it is white. Also, the little shit. DO.NOT.BURN. no body knows how he does that, but new fireproof avatar technique unlocked.
Robin theory is Luffy is so good at air bending that he even if not concius about it, he controls the manner of how the fire is being feed by the air around it and that also why it seems to burn so bright.
She has not said it out loud, nobody has asked.
If someone asked it would probably be Ussop and she would say something along the lines of their captains always being a cough aways of burning alive.
Ok but imaging Zoro actually noticing Luffy is the Avatar since East blue and not saying anything because it did not seemed relevant.
Luffy is Luffy that is all to said in the matter.
Of course, he knew, Luffy provided a great afternoon breeze for naps.
Anyway he learned water bending from Nami and Jimbei and his only problem was actually sitting down enough to listen to the lesson
You guys have no idea how much luffy is proposing actually learning to earth bend for real.
Instructions unclear he turned a rock into a non-Newtonian fluid.
Closer to inventing alchemy that actually learn Earth bending.
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wilcze-kudly · 1 year
Weilin has a very, very slim chance of becoming canon. [To my great and utter despair, but hey a ship don't have to be canon to be great] But if it were, here's how I, an inexperienced and completely biased amateur writer would go about it:
It's a couple of years after B4. I'd say like 4 or 5. Bolin and Opal have since amicably broken up [I never really cared for Bopal, I love both characters separately, but together they're about as interesting as mayo on white bread. ]
Remenants of the Earth Empire are stil slinking about the Earth Kingdom, causing trouble and a lot of Team Avatar and their other associates are having to step in.
Wei and Bolin get saddled with a mission together in which they have to travel around the Earth Kingdom for a couple weeks. [Because if Tolkien has taught me anything it's that gay road trips ALWAYS work]
Bolin is pretty ok with this arrangement. Sure, it's kinda awkward to travel the wilderness with your ex girlfiend's brother, but Wei is pretty cool, so he doesn't mind it that much.
Meanwhile, Wei has had a crush on Bolin for YEARS, but hasn't acted on it because Opal. This has evolved into a bit of resentment and he's sorta stressed about being in close proximity to Bolin for at least a month.
Bolin envies Wei for having a clearcut place in the world, while Bolin himself has yet to 'find himself'.
In return, Wei, who has been saddled with continuing Toph and Su's legacy since the moment him and Wing developed earthbending, envies Bolin's freedom to be whoever he chooses to be.
They butt heads often. Wei likes to poke and prod at Bolin and frustrate him. Bolin finds himself losing his cool more than ever, but also he finds that having little arguments with Wei helps him releive a lot of stress and tension.
This gay roadtrip would include:
Arguing about directions.
The car breaking down and them having to fix it but they both suck at mechanics.
Sleeping in a tiny tent together or under the stars and long, philosophical talks before falling asleep
Cooking together over a firepit. Bolin cooks, because Wei almost set the campsite on fire the first time he tried to. Wei does the dishes.
Bathing together in a creek and ogling the other. Also splash fights and playing in the water and suddenly, (oh my!) they're naked and really, really close.
Fighting side by side. Nothin gayer. Saving the other from danger.
So much mutual pining and sexual tension. And almost kisses and much more touching the other than necessary.
Pabu having to suffer through witnessing the tedious and odd mating rituals of human himbos. [Pabu, Opal and Wing are the biggest Weilin shippers, you can't change my mind.]
Making plans for the future together and kinda dreading the moment their trip is over and they're supposed to part.
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ivy-plays · 2 years
Welcome to Pandora
Summary: This is your first day on pandora. You will get to see new things and meet new people. And begin to get a grasp on what you will be doing for the next five years.
Warnings: Talk of Death, cussing, smoking
Italics = A memory/ dream or inner thoughts.
Quotations " " = someone is talking.
⚠️I do not own Avatar or any of it's characters. This franchise belongs to James Cam'ron and 20th century Studios Lightstorm Entertainment ⚠️
"Welcome to the avatar program."
"My name is Tommy. Tommy Sully and this is Norm Spellman. What's yours?"
" Be safe and I'll catch you Monday. "
"This is for you"
"He doesn't even have any training. He's just another thick skulled marine."
"Have a nice nap. We'll see you guys in 5 years."
"People, you have been in cryo for five years, nine months and twenty two days. You will be hungry, you will be weak. If you feel nausea, please use the sacks provided for your convenience. The staff thanks you in advance." A man in white scrubs announced, as my fellow passengers and myself floated out of our bunks and got our things from our lockers .
Grabbing my bag and slinging it over my shoulder I close the locker and float off.
The shuttle rocks and jolts as it begins its descent on the planet's surface and a man in military gear stalks down the aisle .
"Exopack on!" The crew chief barks and I do as he says expertly slipping the oxygen mask over my face and tightening the straps.
"Remember people, you lose your mask you're unconscious in 20 seconds and you're dead in four minutes. Let's nobody be dead today, it looks bad on my report." He begins again reminding us all of the dependence we will have these masks.
I watch as he continues walking down the row before stopping to bark out "exopacks on!" To some one I couldn't quite see.
In the next few minutes we're all standing up, gear ready to go , In organized rows waiting for the hatch to open to our new home.
"I wonder if he is anything like Tommy." I hear a voice barely above a whisper say to me from behind .
I playfully rolled my eyes before replying ," of course he is Norm. There twins remember? I'm more curious about how they mean for him to be an avatar piolet if he doesn't even have any training on it. Hell, he's not even a scientist. He's a marine which is the last person we need prancing around in an avatar." I reply .
Whoever is in charge of everything here is seriously not someone interested in the science behind the program if he is sending someone with no training in, Souley on the bases of his twin brother was scheduled to be here and they didn't want to waste there money by having a useless avatar.
"Yeah you have a point. " He replied as the ship jolted one more time as it landed. " Let's just hope he picks up quick " he finished as the hatch began lowering itself .
"Go directly into the base! Do not stop! Go straight inside!" The crew chief ordered as we all began to depart the shuttle and head straight inside as instructed. As I walk across the lot I take in the amount of mining trucks and military machinery and as one rolls by I note the giant arrows wedged into the sides of the tires .
After the briefing Norm and I weave our way through the crowd of scientists and military personnel alike trying to get to the labs without being trampled alive in the narrow hallways of the base. I hold onto the straps of Norm's bag as we walk using his height as a guide and shield from those around me, before he begins to take off in a jog pushing through the crowd.
" ack! Norm slow down! Why are you rushing!?" I call out surprised as I rush to stay up with him.
Norm doesn't reply to me before I hear him call out to someone in the crowd. "Hey, you're Jake right? Tom's brother? You look just like him." He said ,I could only roll my eyes. I could see the man.Jake's face almost fall before it went back to its natural resting state.
I knew he would look some what like Tommy but he really does look exactly like him .
"Sorry, I'm Norm Spellman, and this is (yfn) (yln), we went through avatar training with him." He continued none the wiser to Jake's change in mood. Only at the mention of my name did Jake notice my presence and look at me for a few seconds seemingly studying me.
"It's nice to meet you Jake. Tommy has told me all about you. " I said kindly a small smile gracing my lips while reaching out my hand for him to shake.
Norm does the same before continuing on,"He was a great guy -- funny. It was a big shock to all of us." Jake only excels before saying an quick," yeah" before continuing to roll himself down the hall way Norm and I are walking with him.
"And duh! -- obviously you look like him. I mean, if you weren't genetically identical, you wouldn't be taking over his avatar." Norm followed up on the conversation from before.
"that's why I'm here." Jake replayed not looking anywhere but Infront of him until I asked him a question as to which he looked to me.
"so-- you wanna check it out?" I say a bit of playfulness lacing my tone.
The three of us made our way to the bio lab, it was chock full of equipment of all sorts , incubation tubes and much more. From the main room there were several adjoining rooms each one holding another price to the puzzle that is the avatar project.
As we walk up on the chambers holding the avatars a man begins talking behind us,"Me and Norm were out here to drive these remotely controlled bodies called avatars. They're grown from human DNA mixed with DNA from the natives here." He said and I turned to look at him, observing him I found his name tag stitched into his lab coat. Dr.Max Cullimore.
We watch as two shipping containers are being uncrated , the one nearest to us contents visible. An acrylic tank that reached the ceiling. From the corner of my eye I watched as Jake continued to wheel himself towards another tank following him I turned the corner to see this tank completely uncovered and inside was a fully grown avatar. Jake's avatar.
"Damn they got big " I could hear the man exlame while studying the creature in front of him.
"Yeah, they grew on the trip out," Norm responded to Jake before Turing back to Max," So the proprioceptive sims worked pretty well."
" Yeah, they've got great muscle tone. Give us a few hours, you guys can take them for a spin." Max says before walking off to check on the progress of other tanks.
The avatar rolls in the tank his face now visible to the three of us. " It looks like him." I could hear Jake mutter mesmerized by the avatar's features. I only smiled and placed a hand on his shoulder," It looks like you. This is your avatar now Jake " I say not noticing how Jake moves his head ever so slightly to look at me before looking back at Tommy's his avatar.
I had already finished my first video log. Max told us we had to log our days here on Pandora to monitor things such as our mental state and anything we discovered along the way. I now sat in a chair to the left of Jake watching him as he made his own video log.
"Is this right? I just say whatever I want?" He suddenly stops and turns to ask Norm.
"Yeah. You just need to get in the habit of documenting everything -- what you see, what you feel -- it's all part of the science. Good science starts with good observation." Norm answers before turning back to Max.
Jake turned back to the camera and continued to talk until Max stopped him," Log off. It's time to meet your boss for the next five years."
The four of us leave the desk and Max leads us down the hall to the link room. As we walked in I could feel the excitement bubbling in my chest as I looked around.
"Grace Augustine is a legend. She's the head of the Avatar Program, and she wrote the book -- I mean literally wrote the book -- on Pandoran botany." Norm exclaimed just as excited as I am to be here and excited to meet Grace Augustine.
Max looked back at us over his shoulder before whispering to us," that's because she likes plants better than people"
Were all silent until a female voice cuts through the lab "who's got my goddamn cigarette?!" She exclaimed before we saw a Tech rush over with a cigarette and lighter in hand. The four of us walk over to where Grace is sat in her chamber smoking her cigarette.
" And here she is, Cinderella back from the ball. Grace this is Norm spellman , (yfn) ( yln) , and Ja--" Max begins but is cut off before he can finish Jake's name by Grace.
" Norm and (yfn). I've heard good things about you two. How's you're Na'vi?" She asks.looking between the two of us expectantly.
"It is nice to meet you Grace " I say in Na'vi while slightly bowing my head.
"May the All Mother smile upon our first meeting." Norm said doing the same jestire as myself.
" not bad. But you sound a little formal." She said looking at Norm.
"There is still much to learn" he countered.
The three of us continued to talk in Na'vi until Max broke our conversation once more trying to introduce Jake .
"uh Grace , this is Jake s---"
Grace only turned to Jake once more cutting off Max. Poor dood can't even finish a sentence.
"Yeah, yeah, I know who you are, and I don't need you. I need your brother." She snipped before turning back to Max. I could see the irritation on Jake's face at the way Grace spoke about him, his brother.
"You know the PH-D that trained three years for this mission." She finished.
" He's dead. I know that's a big inconvenience for everyone." Jake spits out and I look at him with pity in my heart.
The man just lost his brother and got his life uprooted and they have the nerve to say he's not good enough to his face.
"How much lab training have you had? Ever run a gas chromatograph?" Grace asked Jake, taking a drag of here cigarette.
"no "
"any actual lab work at all?"
"Highschool chemistry. But I ditched."
Grace turns back to Max throwing her hands up into the air. "You see? You see? They're pissing on us without even the courtesy of calling it rain." She said before turning away and heading towards the lab exit . "I'm going to Selfridge." She states shoving past Jake his chair slightly rolling out of the way.
Max called after her but his words fell on deaf ears as Grace had already stomped out of the lab. Max turns to Jake " here , tomorrow, oh eight hundred. Try to use big words. " He said before following Grace out the lab.
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hardcore-lonewolf · 1 year
Tumblr media
I love the Naruto World so much that I wish I was in it, I want to be a female Senju princess who's a god child to Minato Namikaze and Kushina Uzumaki.
I'll love to be the last child of Tsunade Senju and Jiraiya Ogata, be the Sixth Hokage after saving the Leaf with Naruto Uzumaki, and is the main romantic interest of Sasuke Uchiha, a former student of Orochimaru Yashagoro.
I want Naruto to have a sibling, so I chose Deidara cause Uchiha Clan heirs tend to be rivals with Uzumaki Clan members and I don't to replace Hanabi for somebody else, so Hinata got a big sister now...how about Yume for the name...yes.
My name should be Misako, have a big sister named Akira who's the main romantic interest of Itachi Uchiha, and is the Chosen One with elemental bending powers as the Light Avatar who must destroy the Dark Persona.
I shipped myself with Sasuke, NaruHina for life, NejiTen, ShikaTema, SaiIno, KibaTama, ShiShi, ChoKaru, LeeAma, KankuAka, SoraKae, GaaMatsu, AsuKure, KakaHana, JiraTsuna, MinaKushi, Orochimaru X OFC, Itachi X OC, MY AU!Deidara X OFC!Hinata's Big Sister, ToneShion, IruAya, SuiKari, Sakura X OMC, GaiKao, KoteAnko, KabuGure, HayaYuga, IzuShizu, YamaYuki, ObiRin, Rin and Obito will be still alive, my dad's not gonna die too, Asuma deserves to live for his daughter, Neji stays living, etc.
There's ten tailed beasts from zero to nine; Satori the Reibi, Shukaku the Ichibi, Matatabi the Nibi, Isobu the Sanbi, Son Goku the Yonbi, Kokuo the Gobi, Saiken the Rokubi, Chomei the Nanabi, Gyuki the Hachibi, and Kurama the Kyuubi.
I want Team 02 [Yoruha - Hikaru, Nayumi, Migaku & Sakura], 03 [Gai - Neji, Tenten, Lee & Kaede], 07 [Kakashi - Naruto, Misako, Sasuke & Hinata], 08 [Kurenai - Kiba, Tamaki, Shino & Shiho], and 10 [Asuma - Choji, Ino, Shikamaru & Akane].
Sakura need to be shipped with somebody else rather than Sasuke, she was falling for him and broke her friendship with Ino for his heart.
If I was her, I'll choose my friend over my crush and keep my bond.
Misako got three childhood friends; Naruto, Hinata, and Sasuke...it's that clear and simple.
Misa doesn't like fan boys at all like Sasuke don't like fan girls, they're from enemy clans and are best friends who's secretly betrothed to each other as a way to form peace to both family trees.
Watching all episodes and movies, I've learned many shocking plots and twists throughout my childhood.
Itachi's an amazing big brother, I wish Naruto has a brother and I gave him one...named Deidara rather than Menma cause I see that alternative future son of our ramen lover if he was married to Sasuke.
I want Naruto to have his first kiss with Hinata, which leads to this scenario...what if Misako was between both him and Sasuke during the episode where they were finding out their teams.
Misako will kiss Sasuke...again, here's the catch, they shared their first kiss at a young age cause they liked each other and can see their futures as a badass power couple.
Itachi had already predicted that his little brother was in love with Misako...like he was with Akira, Akira will prevent Itachi's death and tell Sasuke the real truth herself with her baby sister by her side.
I've read a fanfiction on Wattpad that has an original female character portraying as Nezuko Kamado, her name was Misa, I loved it and saw the major changes they've done...it was glorious...shout-out to the author.
I know one way to make Sasuke feel overprotective to Misako like she's understanding with him, I've made three characters we know as original characters named Hikaru, Nayumi, and Migaku.
Hikaru will portray from Toneri or Seimei, Nayumi will depict from Shion or Sawaii, and Migaku...I got something for him...Yoichi or Ren.
Misako and Akira, two sisters with their father's white hair, their mother's brown eyes, their father's red markings, and their mother's beautiful looks and gorgeous figure...I got their character portrayals...Heinrich Prinz (Akira) & Eugen Prinz (Misako).
Indra & Asura was in love with the Kishimoto Sisters named...Luna & Kira...
Kira will be the light that guides Asura to the Sun and into the Spirit World for a bright star.
Luna will be the shadow that escorts Indra to the Moon and get him away from the Phantom Zone for a dark cloud.
The sacred ancestry continues to Madara Uchiha's lover and Hashirama Senju's wife...Mito Uzumaki & Himiko Hyuga.
Years have passed, I want Misa to become the Light Avatar since the Dark Persona was her complete polar opposite...they're destined lovers.
I honestly want Misa to have two sons and daughters; Daisuke (OMC: Haruto Uchiha), Mikoto (OFC: Amara Senju), Yuta (OMC: Isamu Senju), and Sayuri (OFC: Kiyomi Uchiha).
I'm giving Naruto another son and daughter; Menma (OMC: Soha Uzumaki) & China (OFC: Naruko Uzumaki).
If you're confused with the names of the following OCs I've planted, search for their names on Google to get some clarification...it took me a few tries and I've finished.
Comment down below, reblog, anything you wanna do...go for it.
Do not report me, this is just my ideas...something I wanna do for my fanfics in the future.
Sayonara guys...believe it!
Also...who will win between Roman Reigns and Jey Uso?
If nobody wins and unexpected twists happen, who will return?
What if Damian Priest changes his mind and cash in on Roman, if not...on whoever wins between Seth and Finn?
Who will beat Dominik's ass and strip him from his title?
Will Santos dethrone Theory?
Can Ricochet take down a jackass?
Will Gunther stay undisputed?
Who will be Rhea's opponent?
Who will walk out as Women's Undisputed Champion?
Will Iyo win or lose her chance?
Will Shotzi get revenge on Bayley?
Can LA Knight conquer the Battle Royal?
Will Shayna kick this transphobic bitch's ass out of wrestling for good?
Will Solo join his brother?
Will Cody end Lesnar?
All these questions and more will be confirmed tomorrow night at Detroit...watch Peacock now, get your tickets, and get ready cause it's ride or die this year on 2023.
Let this tribal combat...commence.
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elfi-nimwelana · 2 months
Some years ago around the time of my falling-out with the Aristasian community, I had a dream where I was wandering around aimlessly at night, encountering people dressed as faeries and other spirits. At one point I looked up, and I saw a bird of beauty beyond description, glowing, ethereal, of all colors yet of the purest white -- an opaline creature. It was also massive, big enough to block out a quarter of the sky though it soared at an incredible height. It had wisps trailing from its wings and tail feathers, and was semi-transparent. Though it was a dream and my ability to analyze was limited, I felt that it was an avatar of Dea, and that it was picking up "passengers" to go on to some other wonderful world.
I chased after it, begging it to take me with it wherever it was going, but it didn't seem to hear me. Eventualy it disappeared over the horizon and I woke up in tears. I know the passing of that "ship" it had its purpose -- Dea will do what She will -- but I still can't shake the feeling of having been left behind, or otherwise witnessing the passing of some better life I might have had that I simply didn't take advantage of when the opportunity still existed. Every so often I still have dreams of beautiful spirit-birds, but none whose beauty and splendor equalled that one.
Forgive my grief and selfishness, Mother, for I am weak against regret.
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Here's a list of ships/fandoms I'm into, in case anyone's interested.
RWBY Ruby/Penny (Nuts and Dolts) Ruby/Weiss (White Rose) Ruby/Blake (Ladybug) Ruby/Yang (Enabler) Weiss/Blake (Monochrome) Weiss/Yang (Freezerburn) Blake/Yang (Bumbleby) Weiss/Blake/Yang (Bee's Schnee's) Ruby/Weiss/Blake/Yang (Pollination) Ruby/Cinder (Fallen Petals) Ruby/Neo (Strawberry Shortcake) Ruby/Emerald (Blood Mint) Ruby/Ilia (Chasing Rainbows) Yang/Neo (Baked Alaska) Cinder/Neo (Spicecream) Weiss/Ilia (Prismatic Ponytails) Weiss/Winter (Schneecest) Blake/Ilia (Catmeleon) Ren/Nora (Renora) Jaune/Pyrrha (Arkos) Jaune/Ren/Nora (Renorarc) Winter/Robyn (Snowbyrd) Robyn/Fiona (Springthyme)
Danganronpa Mukuro/Junko (Despaircest) Komaru/Toko (Tokomaru) Komaru/Syo (Syomaru) Makoto/Kyoko (Naegiri) Chiaki/Sonia (Soniaki) Chiaki/Chisa (Yukinami) Chiaki/Hajime/Nagito (Komahinanami) Hajime/Nagito (Komahina) Fuyuhiko/Peko (Kuzupeko) Kiyotaka/Mondo (Ishimondo) Imposter/Ryota (Mitworai) Ibuki/Mikan (Band Aid) Monaca/Kotoko (Class Clowns) Aoi/Sakura (Sakuraoi) Komaru/Kotoko (Komasugi) Junko/Monaca (Towashima) Komaru/Kotoko/Toko Mukuro/Kotoko
Kingdom Hearts Aqua/Cinderella (Aquarella) Kairi/Naminé (Namikai) Roxas/Xion (Rokushi) Sora/Riku (Soriku) Lea/Isa (Leaisa) Aqua/Kairi
Kill la Kill Ryuko/Satsuki (Satsuryu) Mako/Ira (Iramako) Nonon/Uzu (Uzunon) Rei/Nui Ryuko/Satsuki/Nui
Avatar Azula/Katara (Azutara) Aang/Katara (Kataang) Sokka/Suki (Sukka) Zuko/Azula (Zucest) Mai/Ty Lee (Mai Lee) Korra/Asami (Korrasami) Korra/Kuvira (Korvira) Korra/Jinora
She-Ra Adora/Catra (Catradora) Entrapta/Hordak (Entrapdak) Glimmer/Bow (Glimbow) Glimmer/Frosta (Glimmta) Adora/Angella
Supergirl Kara/Lena (Supercorp) Kara/Alex (Kalex) Alex/Sam (AgentReign) Alex/Maggie (Sanvers)
Resident Evil Jill/Claire (Red Valentine) Jill/Wesker (Weskertine) Chris/Wesker (Chrisker) Leon/Ada (Aeon) Leon/Ashley (Leshley) Claire/Sherry (Clairry) Helena/Deborah
Sonic the Hedgehog Metal Sonic/Amy (Metamy) Shadow/Maria (Shadaria) Shadow/Molly (Shadolly) Rouge/Topaz (Roupaz) Sonic/Sally (Sonally)
Pokémon Dawn/Cynthia (GirlPowerShipping) Hilda/Rosa (WhiteSquareShipping) Selene/Lillie (MoonLilyShipping)
Mass Effect f!Shepard/Liara (Shiara) Jack/Miranda (Jackanda) Tali/Legion (Talgion) Tali/Garrus (Talibrations) Samantha/Gabriella
Dragon Age f!Tabris/Leliana f!Mahariel/Morrigan f!Cousland/Alistair Alistair/Morrigan f!Hawke/Merrill f!Hawke/Bethany f!Adaar/Sera
Hazbin Hotel Charlie/Vaggie (Chaggie) Charlie/Emily (RoyalHalo) Charlie/Emily/Vaggie (Charlie's Angels) Angel Dust/Husk (HuskerDust)
Miscellaneous Arya/Daenerys (Danarya) - ASoIaF/GoT Arya/Sansa (Sansrya) - ASoIaF/GoT Andrew/Ashley (Coffincest) - The Coffin of Andy and Leyley Carla/Penny - Kindergarten Max/Kate (Marshfield) - Life is Strange Alex/Steph (Chenrich) - Life is Strange: True Colors f!Dragonborn/Serana - Skyrim Gaz/Tak (TaGr) - Invader Zim Emma/Regina (Swan Queen) - Once Upon a Time Elsa/Anna (Elsanna) - Frozen Rapunzel/Cassandra (Cassunzel) - Tangled: The Series Heather/Alessa - Silent Hill Dipper/Mabel (Pinecest) - Gravity Falls Ben/Gwen (Bwen) - Ben 10 Luz/Amity (Lumity) - The Owl House Hunter/Willow (Huntlow) - The Owl House Lightning/Serah (Farroncest) - FF13 Kara/North (Northara) - Detroit: Become Human Kara/Alice - Detroit: Become Human Cal/Merrin (Merrical) - Star Wars: Jedi Series Mai/Maki (Zenincest) - Jujutsu Kaisen Raven/Jinx (Raejinx) - Teen Titans Vi/Jinx (Vijinx) - Arcane Anna/Marnie - When Marnie Was There Isabela/Mirabel (Isamira) - Encanto Wynonna/Waverly (Earpcest) - Wynonna Earp Chell/GLaDOS (Chelldos) - Portal Monika/Sayori (Sayonika) - Doki Doki Literature Club Yuri/Natsuki (Natsuri) - Doki Doki Literature Club Zelda/Link (Zelink) - Legend of Zelda Link/Midna (Midlink) - Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess Lana/Linkle (Lalinkle) - Legend of Zelda: Hyrule Warriors Enid/Wednesday (Wenclair) - Netflix’s Wednesday Kim/Shego (Kigo) - Kim Possible Katniss/Johanna (Joniss) - The Hunger Games Frisk/Chara (Charisk) - Undertale Alphys/Undyne (Alphyne) - Undertale Ripley/Call - Alien: Resurrection f!Revan/Bastila (Revastila) - KotOR f!Exile/Atris - KotOR 2 f!Exile/Brianna - KotOR 2 Mercy/D.Va (Hanamercy) - Overwatch Sayo/Hina (Sayohina) - BanG Dream Jessie/Zofia (Terror Twincest) - Wolfenstein: Youngblood Yuzu/Mei (Yuzumei) - Citrus Needy/Jennifer (Needifer) - Jennifer's Body Ginger/Brigitte (Fitzcest) - Ginger Snaps Kanade/Yukino - Candy Boy Vanessa/Gregory - Five Nights at Freddy's Gaige/Angel (Gaigel) - Borderlands 2 Ahsoka/Barriss (Barrissoka) - Star Wars Ahsoka/Bo-Katan (Bosoka) - Star Wars Alice/Rain (Ralice) - Resident Evil films Lara/Sam (S.S. Endurance) - Tomb Raider Tara/Sam (Carpentercest) - Scream Sydney/Tatum (Tatney) - Scream Danny/Jazz (Sibling Secrets) - Danny Phantom Danny/Dani (Sue Killer) - Danny Phantom Coraline/Beldam - Coraline f!Deputy/Faith - Far Cry 5 f!Captain/Carmina - Far Cry New Dawn Bella/Alice (Bellice) - Twilight Bella/Rosalie (Rosella) - Twilight Bella/Leah (Belleah) - Twilight Nicole/Jecka (Jeckole) - Class of 09
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scar1ett-eyes · 3 months
About me!
(More after the cut!)
My name is Jules, I go by any pronouns, and I am Pansexual.
I love to write, just sometimes lack the creativity to come up with a decent plot. I would like to start accepting requests if I get at all big on here!
I've written about yuri satosugu demon/angel au for school. A dorlene siren au for the Mauraders fandom, co-written with my irl friend Veda! (@hugs4prongs) And tons of WIPS that I may or may not post on my Ao3! (Juleszybear)
I am a multishipper, honestly the only things I don't ship is incest and minor/adult ships!
I'm trying to get into art! I might post some of my art on here, I'm super open to constructive criticism. I really want to get better, and will take any tips you give me.<3
Main Fandoms/Intrests; Hunter x Hunter, Jujutsu Kaisen, Chainsaw Man, School Bus Graveyard, Demon Slayer, Project Sekai, Blue Eye Samurai, Attack on Titan (I will edit this list as I watch/complete shows)
Smaller Fandoms/Intrests; Umbrella Academy, Arcane The Hunger Games, Yandere Simulator, Life is Strange, Migi&Dali, Danganronpa, Love Death Robots, Avatar: The Last Airbender, Spy X Family.
Random facts!
Feel free to stop reading(/。\)
♡My favorite colors are dark red, dark blue, and dark purple. Mainly red though.
♡ I'm bigggg on music, just like every teen loll.
My favorite bands/artists are Artic Monkeys, Tyler the Creator, Tv girl, System of a Down, Eminem, Crystal Castles, Pastel Ghost, Lil Peep, Mac DeMarco, My Chemical Romance, Deftones, Nirvana, Pierce the Veil, Evanescence, Falling in Reverse, Bôa, Insane Clown Posse, Queen and just the genre of Vocaloid?
I swear I actually listen to their music
Some of my favorite songs atm are Love Ka? by HiiragiKirai, Imma Kill U by Insane Clown Posse, Twilight by Bôa, The Adults are Talking by The Strokes, Moonlight on the River by Mac DeMarco, Brand New Dance by Eminem, Crying Lighting by Arctic Monkeys, and Messages from the Stars by The Rah Band.
♡ I lovelovelove! nature and just about everything it has to offer!^^ Except for insects. I plan to visit anywhere and everywhere when I'm old enough.
♡ I play fortnite, minecraft, project sekai, and crk a ton, and am trying to get into other games like val, ow, cod, ect.
I'm more of a realistic game type of person, whereas some people like more indie games.
Some of my favorites are Life is Strange and Detroit Become Human.
I do like indie games aswell.
♡ My favorite drinks are applejuice, watermelon arizona, rootbeer, and white milk (゜゜;)
♡ I probably wont make the first move, but I would love to make friends/muturals on here!
That's all, Goodbye!(⌒∇⌒)ノ"
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